• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,850 Views, 154 Comments

The Veins Run Deeper - Thunderblast

Four and a half years after peace returned to his colony, Night Shadow has come to a point in his career where he must prepare new recruits to see if they have what it takes to be Princess Luna's royal guardians.

  • ...

Home Stretch

Lying flat on his stomach, muzzle buried into a pillow, Night emanated deep, muffled groans. Seven o'clock had not yet come, and he already found himself in bed. I just had to have that fifth cider, he muttered and mentally slapped himself. Even that hurt.

He winced at a sudden sharp, pounding migraine, only to momentarily-later realize somebody was actually at the door. He raised his muzzle just enough to uncover his mouth.

"Who is iiiit?" Night groaned out, head crashing back down.

"Cap, you have to come! They're waking up!" Lodestar called from outside the door.

Night's eyes shot wide open. Neglecting his head-and-stomachache, he leaped up and was at the door in seconds, opening it to meet a panting cyan stallion, having galloped this far to reach him.

"All of them?"


Inside the Zodiac quarters, Zipline stood in the jam of the door, carefully observing, while Midnight Blade sat beside Stellar Star's bed, running a hoof down his arm gently. The poor stallion had woken up in a shock minutes prior and still heaved for air.

"Easy. Easy, buddy. You're safe. We are all safe," Midnight spoke softly, attempting to calm him.

Bursting through the door down the hall, Night Shadow came barreling to Zipline, who snapped in his direction with surprise. Behind him strode a half-exhausted Lodestar, leaning against the wall to catch his breath a second time.

"Captain!" Zipline clicked his hooves together at attention stance.

"At ease, we're off-duty," Night hurriedly said. "Talk to me, Zippy."

The red-maned pegasus relaxed himself. "See for yourself, sir."

Night turned slowly, entering through the door. He peered around, a grieving look plastered across his face. His gaze swept across three thestrals, two still nestled into their designated beds.

He immediately noticed the effort Midnight Blade was and is continuing to put in to aiding Stellar, and moved toward them.

The panicked stallion's lime eyes shifted to the approaching superior, his muscles prominently constricting. "C-Captain!"

Midnight glanced over her shoulder, moving to attention, only to be stopped by Night with a hoof on her shoulder.

"Mind if I...?"

"Be my guest," Midnight nodded, taking a few steps away and making room for Night.

His golden gaze focused on the quivering thestral, bringing himself to the bedside, attempting to show a sort of cordiality. Night was his captain, but at the time, he could be a friend. One to be there in Stellar's current distress.

"S-sir," Stellar sputtered out. "I-I, I'm sorr—"

Night lifted a hoof and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I insist."

Instantaneously, Stellar went utterly silent. From his posture, one could effortlessly make out just how rapid his heartbeat was. He knew he was safe, out of the elements and home in Canterlot. It was just that one part of his mind that told him otherwise.

"I am not going to yell, I promise," Night kept his hoof up, a gesture of this promise to be kept. "You are not alone in this."

A soft groan emanated from behind, catching everybody's attention. Night peered over his shoulder at the bed parallel to Stellar's, blinking twice as Halfmoon begun to stir.

A pair of emerald slit-pupils came into view beneath fluttering eyelids, the greyish-blue mare steadily rose, outstretching her fores with a second groan. Within seconds, recognition of the moments before passing out for Luna knows how long came dashing around.

Her head snapped to the nearest pony, Midnight Blade. "Where's Dusk?!" she gasped out, scanning frantically all around the room.

Not one response followed. Every pony in the room now appeared to face away, or stare at her, even more worried than just seconds ago.

Halfmoon's panic almost immediately transformed into fury, her icy glare leaving no soul spared. In a far more deadlier tone, she repeated.

"Where is Duskbloom?!"


All eyes focused then on Midnight. Now she regretted opening her mouth.

"He's in... Intensive Care Unit. He will be okay!" She reluctantly continued.

"Which hospital?" Halfmoon calmly asked.

"Canterlot General," Lodestar responded, everyone now turning to him.

Halfmoon pushed the bed sheets off of her lower half, hopping out of bed onto all fours. "When will I be able to see him?"

"Not... for some time," he replied, mentally grunting.

"How much time?"

"They did not say!" he yelled out, then quickly shut his maw. "All the doctors said was it could be a week... or two."

"A week?!" Halfmoon screeched out.

"Or two!" Lodestar added again.

The greyish-blue thestral sighed, resting her rump on the bed's side. "How bad was it?"

"Very," Night Shadow replied from next to Stellar, having not moved much. "We lost Shield."

Halfmoon blinked. "You're joking."

Night frowned slightly, gently shaking his head. Halfmoon's tufted ears drooped, gaze briefly scanning the floor near her hinds.

"He... died?"

"In m-my hooves..."

Multiple breaths caught, all now staring at Scarlet Iris, staring upwards with a narrow stream of tears running down her upper cheek.

Night stood, racing to her side around Halfmoon's bed, kneeling beside Scarlet. His heart pumped quicker than ever while one hoof took hers.

"I-I couldn't save him. I didn't... I never h-had the training to handle that type of injury," she whimpered softly, using her other hoof to wipe off stinging tears.

"And y-yet, he saved my life. Had he n-not seen the arrow coming, it would have been me, and not him..."

All had gathered in a more open circle around her, including Stellar and Halfmoon.

"Why couldn't I-I do more? Why, Captain?" her head turned on the pillow, a pair of red, glassy eyes meeting the gold of Night's.

"We all..." Night inhaled sharply. "We all wish we could have done something. We were... severely limited in what we could do. Against that force, we were far outnumbered."

"What... even happened?" Halfmoon asked from behind.

"Yeah... who—or what—saved us?" Stellar cocked his head.

"That is an explanation for later," Night turned his gaze to them, but remained knelt and holding Scarlet's hoof tightly. "All of you need to eat. Go eat."


While he strode toward the office of Fallen Star, carrying a backlog of reports that had piled up in his mailbox, Night stared forth blankly. His eyes lacked their usual golden luster, partially bloodshot due to lack of sleep in recent nights. It was almost as if the color had been drained, sucked out with a vacuum tube.

Groggily, yet wistfully, he slowly blinked, gaze set on the red carpet in front yet not focused on anything in particular, entirely zoned out and unaware of his surroundings, apart from his sense of direction and where to turn.

It may as well been minutes until Night realized he had not moved at all, and was suspended mid-air in a blue, sparkly aura of magic, holding him at least ten feet off the ground, and yet was still walking. Moonwalking.

Reflexively, he entered a brief state of panic, only to spot a mischievous Luna on the floor below, the source of the magic.

"Put me down, Luna," he flatly said, making no attempt of escape.

"Thou is back early! Thou neglected to visit thy princess, we are most upset!"

A sigh followed, Night rubbing his forehead gently. "I've lost track of time. I am sorry, Luna."

Gradually, the night alicorn lowered Night to the floor, approaching slowly. "With a workload such as that, one can comprehend. I understand."

"It's been... a long week, to say the le—"

"How was your team bonding exercise?" Luna cut in.

Night's blood ran cold. "What?"

"How did it go?" Princess Luna smiled warmly. "If that is what your outing was about."

"Oh," Night breathed a mental sigh of relief. She still did not know, which was good. To him, that is. "Exhausting."

Luna nodded slowly. "But, it went well?"

Night nodded in return. "Yes, Luna."

"This makes me happy to hear. I will not question your early return. However, I do have new information that we believed you must be enlightened on as soon as possible."

Night yawned quietly. "Is it crucial, or may I deliver these reports to the Captain's office beforehand?" he tiredly grinned.

Luna smiled again. "Join me, as well as my sister, in my personal study. We will share tea, and it will be in private. Just the three of us."

His eyes widened slightly at the mention of Celestia being there, too. Nevertheless, he agreed with a simple nod.

"We shall see you there, Night Shadow," Luna took a few steps back, only to disappear in a burst of magical energy.


Delivering the reports, and even reluctantly gulping a shot of espresso to wake himself up for their meeting, Night approached the doors of Luna's quarters, nodding to the guards and granting him entrance.

He entered the night princess' room, leaving no second wasted and heading for the rounded staircase that would lead to her highness' secluded study, up one floor.

Before his hoof would reach the wall to knock, the door jarred open, lighting up in the same blue magic that briefly held him captive a half hour ago. He gently pushed inward, ensuring to seal off the room behind him prior to entering.

As expected, Luna sat rather snugly on a cushion of her preference, adjacent to a significantly-taller, white with multi-color mane alicorn, Princess Celestia. Spotting her prompted Night to bow respectfully, in which it was received with two near-synchronized giggles.

"I told you, dear sister. He is quite the gentlecolt," Luna spoke with a grin.

"That he is, Luna," Celestia gave that warm, genuine smile that all knew well. "Night Shadow, it is nice to see you again."

Night stood upright, nodding his head in a slight bow. "Likewise, your highness."

"Please, Night, take a seat, drink some tea, and have some cookies. We seemed to have baked, er... a tad... too much," she levitated up a rather-full plate of chocolate chip cookies, stacked in a pile shape Night was not previously sure would be physically possible to achieve.

"Of course, Luna," he nodded again, pacing steadily to the alicorn sisters and proceeding to sit on a third cushion set out for him in advance.

In a magical grasp, a simple white teacup held itself just in front, in which he took in his hooves and holding properly, followed by a matching pot that tipped slightly, pouring piping brownish liquid into the cup, just narrowly short of filling to the very top.

"Thank you," he smiled to Luna while she took the pot away. She returned the smile, refilling her sister's cup in the meantime.

"I suppose, now that you are here, we can get down to business at last," Celestia said, sounding rather relaxed in her tone, one even Night was not accustomed to.

"Yes, of course," Luna responded, turning to Night. "Regarding your colony, Night, we would very much like to speak before them."

Blowing softly on to the tea to cool it, Night nodded once. "I believe that may provide comfort," he said, beginning to sip the beverage cautiously.

"On site, in Batsburg," Luna added matter-of-factly.

Night's eyes shot open, dropping the cup in his hooves and quite nearly spitting. His cheeks puffed out as he caught the tea, just before he could unintentionally spray Celestia, and gulped it down and exhaling sharply. "What?"

"With the unprecedented eruption now over, and the threat of raining ash and toxic clouds having passed, we have determined that a trip is to be made, allowing them to return to their homes and commence the process of cleaning up and rebuilding," Luna continued, taking small sips of her tea.

Celestia nodded, smile faded as she focused on Night. "The ponies of your race, while they are very much grateful for the hospitality of Canterlot's citizens, as well as other surrounding communities, they are all very much homesick, and questions have been asked about just when they will be allowed to return home."

Night set the teacup down on a cup saucer with a soft clink, wiping down some of his mouth from small bits of the drink that escaped his lips. "It is for sure safe?"

"With some precautionary measures, yes. Foals and the elderly will be required to wear masks, as well as extras provided for those who may need them. I understand that even after the sky is clear, the dust can still work its way into the lungs," Celestia replied.

"Though trust between your colony and Equestria is higher than the years before reunification, and possibly of all time, we feel it is necessary to show your fellow thestrals that we as a country are here for them, and that we will help them through this tough time," Luna said, stoic-toned.

"On my behalf, it is much appreciated," Night nodded once. "This news will most certainly relieve them as a whole."

"It will," Celestia smiled again, albeit weakly. "As said before, both Luna and myself will be going, bringing along a small protection detail. We believe it is right that you are a part of her escort for this trip."

"Thank you, your highness," Night returned the smile. "How many per detail?"

"Two per will suffice. All will be pegasi for pulling the chariots," Celestia's head slightly cocked. "Have you flown my sister on her chariot before?"

Night shook his head. "I have not."

"Then it is soon in which you will," Luna smiled as well. "We shall leave it to your decision for a second accompanying guard."

"Of course. Thank you, Luna. How long do we have?"

"One week is the set date. Between now and then, we will notify your colony of this news," she answered, taking a final sip of tea.

"Right. I will brief the Zodiacs on this, and will choose a wingpony," Night nodded, then saluted. "I will not let either of you down."

Luna and Celestia chuckled at the salute, Celestia responding. "I would not expect you to."

Night lowered his hoof, smiling. "I will get to work as soon as possible, your highnesses."

"Very well," Luna nodded. "You are dismissed."

Night stood slowly. "Thank you for the tea."

"Oh, that is nothing. But, I insist, you must take some of these cookies!" the night alicorn decreed, outreaching a hoof.

"No, thank you, Luna. I am on a sweet-free diet. Can't chase criminals with a stomach to drag—"

"Nonsense!" Luna said, already dumping half of the plate into a pastry tin, filling it up entirely. "Share them with your ponies, if you would like."

Night rolled his eyes, taking the tin in a hoof. "Thank you. I'm sure they will love these," he then smiled, nodding to them both. "Keep me updated, Princesses."

"You as well," Celestia smiled, sipping her tea and watching Night go.

Nodding a final time, Night strode to the door, exiting through the hole and closing it behind him, sealing the wall as if there was no door there at all. From there, he made his way downstairs.

On his way out of Luna's quarters, Night shifted his mind to the task. The briefing would most certainly have to be today, he decided. The sooner his squad knew, the faster he could work with assigning somepony to accompany him.

But, one thing rested atop his mind. A nagging thought that distracted him over all else. It forced a disturbed frown out of him as he moved down the open hallway.

"Your race?" He muttered, quoting Celestia. "Is that how we are seen?"


"All right. Earlier this afternoon, I sat down with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, both having requested my presence in private. It has been brought to my attention that in one week, both princesses are planning a trip out west, to my colony," he trailed off rather starkly.

"As many of you are likely aware, it has recently been ravaged by a series of volcanic eruptions, and only just lately has been deemed safe to return. Their intention is to accompany my fellow ponies back home to clean up the damage done over the course of two weeks.

"Because of this, Luna has ordered I bring along one pegasus to pull her chariot alongside, all the way to Batsburg. It's about a one, to one-and-a-half-thousand-mile flight, mind you. Breaks will be taken every so often, as well."

Night then turned to his fellow thestrals, the three from his home. "Wingpony included, and I know neither of you will say no, I would like for you three to come with us, either with the chariot or with the citizens, who will be shuttled in by train."

"Damn right, none of us will say no," Eventide said. "Any chance to go home is one we'll take."

Night smiled faintly. "That's what I like to hear," he straightened his back and stood up out of the chair at the table.

"Skye, you will be my wingpony on the chariot. Have you any experience with pulling the Princess?"

Skye nodded. "Yes, sir. Just a bit."

Night nodded back. "Just a bit is good enough for me. This will be a first for myself. The rest of you, those of you remaining in Canterlot, you are to resume your assigned duties, and while we are gone, Lieutenant Silent Knight will take command over the Zodiacs."

"Just where is Captain Angel Beats, sir?" Zipline asked.

"Seeing as she is absent a decent ninety-percent of the time, there is no chance of her taking command this time around. Any further questions?" Night glanced around the room.

No further words were said, or asked.

"Good. 'Til the end of the week, all are to continue your shifts like clockwork. Clear?"

"Yes, sir," all responded together.

"Perfect. All of you are dismissed."

At his word, every pony in the room stood up, filing out of the meeting room. Night remained to gather some papers and neatly organize them before taking them back to his quarters, only to glance up and spot Lodestar circling the table to him.

"Yes, Sergeant?" Night questioned, tidying the pile in his hooves with a couple of taps on the table with the flat sides.

"What is the plan, Cap?" Lodestar asked in a far quieter tone, nearly whispering as he stood in front of Night.

"The plan?" Night blinked. "You should have asked when everypony—"

"Eventide doesn't know. Neither does Stormfire. As far as I am concerned, it is nopony's business outside of us who went through what we did back in Hollow Shades," Lodestar sternly responded.

Night placed the paper pile on the table surface, eyeballing the dark cyan earth pony. "This matter is not a topic that should be kept a secret, Lode, or else everypony will lose trust. My trust. Your trust. Is that something you want to happen?"

"As of right now, Zipline and I both concur that, until a plan of attack is conceived, it shall remain under wraps between you and I, or all three of us."

"I am not comfortable with that, Sergeant," Night raised his voice slightly, no longer whispering. "If the slightest leak is made, controversy will explode within the Guard—"

"Forget that, Cap," Lodestar cut in a second time. "What is the plan?"

Night stopped, deeply sighing. "When I go to Batsburg, I will discuss it between myself and the Legion. Princess Luna will not know. It will be done, hopefully, while she is sleeping, and Celestia will be busy with other things. Apart from that, I have not thought much of it."

Lodestar nodded. "Well, let me know, Cap, 'cause this ain't fading out. I refuse to let them get away with this."

Night bobbed his head in a nod. "Neither will I," he raised a hoof up to the stallion's shoulder. "I promise, we will give them the revenge they deserve, with or without anypony's support."

"I hope so," Lodestar responded stoically, gently removing Night's hoof. He grimly stared at the Captain, before turning and heading for the door.

Author's Note:

Lies are spreading, the tension is building. How long can Night hold on to these secrets, and how many ponies can he keep them from?