• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,850 Views, 154 Comments

The Veins Run Deeper - Thunderblast

Four and a half years after peace returned to his colony, Night Shadow has come to a point in his career where he must prepare new recruits to see if they have what it takes to be Princess Luna's royal guardians.

  • ...

Like Son, Like Father

"Mom!—Dad!" Dawn called out as she entered through the front door of their home. Well, her home. It was Night's former place of residence.

After the rather energetic young bat pony mare flew inside came Night, wincing slightly at just how loud she yelled, one ear swiveling backwards slightly. "There is no need to shout, Dawn. The house isn't that big."

Landing down on all fours, Dawn gave a look of suspicion towards Night. "Well, you aren't used to having to yell back to your parents when they call your name anymore, mister I'm Princess Luna's royal guard, ho ho, look at me!" Dawn mocked Night's voice, motioning her hooves and making strange expressions as she did so.

Night's head recoiled slightly as he gave a look of disgust. "Oh, please. I don't sound like that at all. But, nice try."

"Hush up, you sound exactly like that to me. Why else would I not understand what you say half of the time?" Dawn replied, giving a fangy smirk.

"Don't tell me you had plugs in your ears when I talked back when I still lived here?" Night tossed a glare Dawn's way as he shut the front door behind them.

"Nah, those never work. I'd still hear your mouth run, big brother."

Night snorted and tossed his nose up, walking past his younger sister with his chest out slightly. Dawn proceeded to burst into a fit of laughter and float up beside Night, nudging his shoulder.

"You have to admit, I crack you up, big brother! Hahaha!"

"Only when I feel like laughing, little sis," Night turned and gave a witty grin right back at the younger mare.

Instantly, Dawn hushed up and stared at Night. "What the heck is that supposed to mean?!"

"Ah, nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about at all." Night chuckled, walking forward while not looking. Turning to face forward, his muzzle bumped straight into the wall and he stumbled back, only giving his sister something else to laugh about.

He tossed a glare back towards her, but then looked back up, seeing a professionally-taken photograph of a stocky bat pony stallion that wore heavy dark-blue armor. The stallion gave a weak smile in the picture, showing off his fangs simultaneously though just hardly. Upon closer inspection, Night's pupils expanded.

"Dad made Major?" Night turned to look at Dawn as she stepped up to his side.

"Something of that sort, yes. The old major was sent out on a recon assignment to scope out where another colony was supposed to be, but never returned. Dad said they're all blaming it on the harsh northern weather, but he and a couple of others think it is something else," she shrugged. "What ever gave him the awful idea to go out this time of year into that region alone is beyond me."

"Dawn, it's the middle of summer. If he went missing recently, it couldn't have been because of the weather." Night said back as a matter of fact.

Shrugging again, Dawn's tufted ear twitched. "What ever the case, father's far more intelligent and wise to not do something like that. Not without others to accompany him rather."

"It isn't nice to speak ill of the dead, little sister."

"Hey, nopony said he was dead!" Dawn squeaked.

Night sighed, rubbing his temple with a hoof. "Let's just drop the subject... All I know is, dad making Major gives me something else to celebrate alongside his birthday since I'm sure all of you have already. Now that I mention his birthday... What are you and mom getting him?"

"All he ever asks for anymore is more armor polish." Dawn waved her hoof. "He's all about keeping his gear in tip-top shape."

Night grinned at that. "Sounds like dad. Sounds like him exactly."

"No kidding," Dawn grinned back.

Behind them, the front door swung open with a light creak and in walked a pebble-grey mare with a bag of groceries in one hoof. A large smile crossed her muzzle the second she caught sight of Night and Dawn in the living room. "Nighty!"

Turning to look at the door, Night smiled big right back. "Mom!"

Night's mother, Midnight Dusk, shut the front door all of the way before making her way into the kitchen and setting the groceries down on the counter. "Dawn told me you might be coming, my, you got here quick, didn't you?" She smiled, both her and Night embracing tightly.

"I refused to miss dad's birthday another year to work," Night hugged back, nuzzling Midnight's cheek. "Plus, I've been needing a trip to come home for a little bit, and this is better of an excuse to take time off according to some of the commanding officers."

"Hum, I suppose they don't let you boys off work often, do they?" Midnight released Night from the hug and the two parted a bit.

Night shook his head. "Not really. Despite being a captain, my work is never done. Paperwork that is." He chuckled.

"Silly you, paperwork is paperwork. I'm afraid your father has the same going on and makes him stay late often. Then again, this all comes with fixed relations and what not. The Governor is loading just about everything on the poor stallion. Better pay, however, which is always good." Midnight smiled warmly and began to put away some of the groceries.

Night chuckled once more. "Of course it is. Need any help, mom?"

"Oh, no sweetie," Midnight kissed his cheek gently. "Thank you, though. Such a gentlecolt."

"Hey, I had good parents growing up to teach me manners," Night gave a soft grin.

Midnight blushed just a little at that. "Even though it was primarily your father doing the raising."

"Oh, stop it, mom. You and dad both raised me equally. You taught discipline like a parent, he teaches like a soldier. Not that it is a bad thing, but, you get what I mean."

"Of course, Nighty. Your father is one heck of a soldier, that's for sure," Midnight giggled softly, putting away the last of the foodstuffs. "He's only a softy around you and me, and sometimes Dawn."

"Hey!" Dawn shouted from the living room, glaring towards the both of them.

Night laughed a bit. "So maybe I should move back, that way there will be law and order in this house."

"HEY!" Dawn squealed.

Both Midnight and Night Shadow burst into a fit of laughter. "Only joking, sis!"

"Humph," Dawn sat back down on the couch, pouting with her hooves crossed.

Midnight slowly finished laughing and sighed happily. "That would be lovely, Night. But, you have your job in Canterlot. We would never force you to abandon that to come back home, although I am sure that if you decided to come back, your father would most certainly hook you up in the Legion."

"That would be awesome. Althoooough..." Night smiled. "Princess Luna may end up assigning me to her guard to work here permanently some day. No guarantees, but she mentioned once it being a possibility."

"But don't you enjoy Canterlot, Night?" Midnight's head tilted quizzically.

"I do, yes, but home is home, there is no changing that. Even then, with her personal guard growing and branching off into new sections, she may not have a use for me in Canterlot much longer and, like I said, may position me out here somewhere, not because she wants to, though."

Midnight nodded in understanding, then smiled again. "Either way it goes, you make us proud for what you do, and what you have done for our colony. You and... er..."


"Yeah, him. How is he doing, by the way? Still a bat pony?"

"He changed back before we both left, mom. But he is doing great." Night chuckled.

"Oh, yes, my apologies. My memory isn't nearly as good as it used to be," Midnight blushed in embarrassment and giggled a bit. "That is good to hear. He is another honorable stallion of the Royal Guard. I wouldn't be at all shocked if he makes your rank some day."

"Me neither. There's been some word between the captains of that happening, but so far no verdict," Night shrugged. "Whichever the case, I'm glad to be home. Is dad at work?"

"For a couple of more hours, yes. When he gets home, we're immediately going to head out for his birthday dinner. He'll be more than happy to see you."

"I know he will be. If he's coming home at that time, then I'd better go back out and find him a present he'll like," he grinned.

"Oh, don't worry about that, we've already bought him a couple of things," Midnight rolled her eyes. "Armor polish."

"No, no. Something he'll really like. Something he'll need for his job."

"Ooooh," Midnight's slit-pupil eyes expanded slightly. "What do you have in mind?"

"I'll explain later. For now, what's the best crafting shop in town?"


The front door creaked open, and into the darkened room sauntered an armored stallion, suspicious of his surroundings as he entered. "Midnight? Dawn? I'm home." He called out.

The stallion stopped about halfway into the living room after closing the door behind him gently. Scanning around, he caught sight of no one, despite his vision being enhanced in the total darkness. With more growing suspicion, he made his way over to the curtains, which had been drawn shut.

Taking hold of the curtains in both hooves, he spread them to allow the late-afternoon sunlight into the room.


The pony's pupils shrunk to pinpricks and he jumped, whipping around to face those who shouted. It only took a second to recognize the voices and let off his defensive stance. "Huh?"

Both Midnight and Dawn walked toward Skywatcher with gentle smiles, a couple of wrapped boxes on their backs. "Happy birthday!"

"I... wait, today is my birthday?" His eyes widened once more. "Oh, it is!" He chuckled and smiled back, stepping forth and pulling the two mares into a tight embrace. "I completely forgot... Thank you!"

Dawn giggled softly and hugged her father back. "Forty-seven, and you're still looking young as ever, dad!"

Sky laughed some more. "Thank you, Dawn. Although, I am getting old."

"Are not!" Dawn protested.

"Are you ready to open your gifts, honey?" Midnight smiled warmly up at the taller stallion.

"Of course, love. Is it more of that armor polish?" He guessed with a grin.

"Darn it, how did you know?!" Dawn gasped with sarcasm riddling her tone.

Midnight giggled again. "It's all he ever asks for, Dawn. Here you are, honey," she said, handing over the small package wrapped in a purple ribbon and bow.

Hugging the two once again, Sky chuckled. "Thank you. I know I may seem like that's all I ever want, but keeping the uniform well-maintained is part of regulation. No matter what, you two are worth far more to me than it," he then kissed them both on the forehead.

Squealing at the kiss, Dawn flailed a bit and the hug broke. "But we're not done!" She grabbed the small wrapped present on her back in her maw and held it out to Skywatcher.

"Oh? What might this be?" Sky sat down where he was and stuck one fang through the wrapping paper and cutting in a straight line carefully.

Taking the cut slit in his hoof, he pulled back on the paper and ripped it off of the small object, uncovering the gift and holding it up with a smile.

"A perfect family photo. Thank you, Dawn," He wrapped his hooves around her for a third time. "This will most certainly go on my desk. It's just a shame Night couldn't be here for the last shoot."

Dawn and Midnight gave each other brief smug looks. "We have one more present for you, actually."

Sky's tufted ears perked. "Oh?"

"It's from Night."

"He sent his old pop something too?" Sky smiled more. "How sweet of him. Have you heard from Night, Dawn?"

"Not yet," Dawn shook her head. "The mail service from here to there usually takes a while."

Midnight smiled and giggled. "I'll go get it for you, dear," then trotted up the curved staircase to the second floor."

Dawn smiled and looped a hoof around Skywatcher, standing beside him with a smug grin still. "I really think you will enjoy what he got more!"

Watching as she rounded the steps, Midnight stepped to the side, and around the corner trotted Night, a blue ribbon and bow around his neck, with another one stuck in his mane. His muzzle was scrunched up, until he caught sight of his father. "Happy birthday, dad."

"Night!" Skywatcher gasped and ran up to the staircase as his son came down. "You came!"

"Of course I did," Night smiled warmly. "I wouldn't miss another one of your birthdays for the world," he said as the two embraced tightly.

Off to the side, Dawn snickered with a hoof over her muzzle at Night's decorations, Midnight nudging her shoulder continuously to make her stop, only to make her burst into a fit of more laughter. In front, Night and Sky kept the tight hug for a minute before releasing.

"What an amazing surprise. Thank you, all of you," Skywatcher smiled warmly.

"That's not all. Here, have this, dad." Night reached back, holding a long, skinny object in his teeth wrapped up completely, though poorly done.

Sky's eyes widened a bit, taking the object in his hoof and ripping the paper off with the help of his fang by cutting it. One unwrapped, it was a brown leather sheathe for a sword. Toward the top was a night-blue handle, which made Skywatcher gasp again. He took hold of the handle and slowly removed the weapon from the sheathe.

The sword extended out just a bit longer than two feet and had a slightly lighter shade of blue extending up either side of the blade, the handle with perfectly-cut diamonds engraved into it that shone brightly. Looking over the freshly polished stainless-steel weapon, a tear grew in Sky's ducts.

"Night..." He looked up slowly. "You didn't have to do this."

Night waved a hoof and shook his head with a smile. "You needed a personal weapon, dad. Something that fits you perfectly."

Skywatcher slid the sword back into the leather scabbard, setting it down gently on the top of the couch and bringing Night into yet another hug, just below lung-crushing.

"Thank you, Night... It is truly amazing."

"Heh, I knew you would like it," Night returned the hug and smiled, then winked to Midnight and Dawn behind Skywatcher. Midnight winked back.

The hug broke and Sky rested a hoof on Night's shoulder. "I promise that I shall make great use of it, son."

"About that." Night gave a soft grin.

"What do you have in mind?" Sky's head tilted slightly.

"Why don't we spar tomorrow? Just you, me, and the cold steel of our blades. We could teach each other a couple of new things. How about that?" Night smirked.

"Spar? Tomorrow? I don't know, Night. Besides, I don't want to damage the sword right after you got it for me."

"Oh, come on, dad!" Night nudged Sky's shoulder gently with his hoof. "It'll give you an opportunity to find your comfortable handling on it so you know how to use it. Every sword you lay your hoof on is different, you know."

"I suppose you're right, son," Skywatcher shrugged. "Alright, first thing tomorrow, we find a field to spar on." He gave a smirk right back.

"Sounds like a plan." Night looped his hoof around his father. "Now, I'd say it's dinner time, and mom and Dawn have a new spot picked out that we think you will like."


Following a long night of birthday celebrations for Skywatcher, Night crashed on his bed and instantaneously was out cold. Long days made for great nights of sleep that came after. He didn't bother to tuck himself into the sheets and his right-hind hoof hung off the edge of the bed, just inches off of the wooden floor.

On some nights, the very alicorn mare he swore to protect granted him calming vibes and warm dreams. Other nights, he didn't dream at all, and instead faced total darkness for what to him was just a few minutes or less. Tonight was different. He was dreaming, but he was not.

I'm almost ready, Night... We're almost done preparing. I do hope you are ready for when we meet again.

The voice was eerie. It did not once jolt him awake despite the menacing tone echoing in his mind and instead made his ear flick once or twice. All the while, the voice was peculiarly alike one he'd remembered in the past. Where he heard it in his life remained beyond him. Instead, however, he remained fast asleep.

Seconds after, a light began to fill the empty space Night saw before him. It started out simply as a spec with rays of sunlight—no, it was definitely moonlight, then expanded to the point where it was all that could be seen, until finally all faded into a sangria sky dotted all around with twinkling stars in space. Looking down and forward, Night could make out the figure of a large tree that glowed a gentle white all around, beneath it standing a shaded unicorn—no, alicorn mare.

His one ear slightly fell back, but instincts told him to approach. As he did, the figure was too obvious for it not to be who he believed. "Princess Luna."

The further he came toward the night-blue alicorn, the better she could be seen to him as his vision adjusted, despite the tree glowing, it did not give off any physical light. "My captain."

Night knelt before the princess respectfully, then stood straight to make eye contact. "Is there something wrong, your highness? You are not usually formal in dreams."

"Do we believe something is wrong? No, but thou is showing signs of strange activity—abnormal mind activity to be exact. We should ask thou the question thou has asked about us." Princess Luna replied with a gentle tone, but a slight amount of concern as well.

"I don't... think so. I feel fine. I have just been busy for much of the day and I'm sleeping like a rock. Although..."


"I heard talking... weird talking at that. Somepony said they were... ready. Is somepony other than you speaking to me?" Night looked at the princess with some worry.

"That could explain the abnormality, hmm..." Princess Luna tapped her chin with a hoof. "Thou could also be recounting words heard at one point recently. Some ponies when dozing off hear talking for a split second and reawaken. It is something even I cannot explain."

"Possibly. I just wish I could remember what it is from." Night pondered, then wrapped a hoof around the princess' neck in a gentle hug. "Nonetheless, it is great to hear from you again, although it has not been that long."

The night alicorn let out a soft, calming chuckle. "Likewise, my captain. We do hope thou is enjoying thou's time off with family, and do tell your parents that we give our greetings," she said as she returned the small embrace.

"That I will most certainly do, your highness." Night smiled warmly and the two separated a few inches.

Princess Luna gave a smile back, before the world around them began to glow brighter, and she began to float up with her wings spread. "We must go now to tend to other ponies' dreams. We wish thou a good night, and to sleep tight. We shall meet again soon."

"Of course," Night nodded his head once in a quick bow. "Thank you, your highness. Good night."

Soon after, the whole of Night's mindscape went bright completely as everything around him, including the princess, disappeared. It was a warm light that also cooled him. It was soothing, and allowed for him to sleep even more soundly than prior.


"Niiiiight..." Came a soft voice from his side.

Night's ear flicked gently and he yawned, eyelids cracking just slightly. His vision remained blurred for a few short moments, then adjusted as he sat upright. "Mm... Hmm?"

"Are you ready to head out?"

The room around Night was pitch black. Nonetheless, it deceived him into believing it was still night time.

Night stretched his hooves out, then lowered them as he looked around him, then to the source of the voice. With his eyesight used to the darkness and is enhanced, he could easily make out the silhouette of his father with a gentle smile on his muzzle.

"Dad? What time is it?"

"Just a little past eight, I think."

"Then why is it so dark?" Night's head tilted slightly.

"Your curtains are shut, that's why. Here, let me help—"

"No, no! I'm good, I'm good. No need to open the curtains." Night startled his father, then hopped out of bed. "Give me a little bit, and I'll meet you downstairs. Sound good?"

"Sure thing," Skywatcher smiled again, then made his way out into the hallway and down the stairs.

With that, Night stretched out his wings and sauntered to the shower.

Once freshened up, mane and teeth brushed, as well as feathers straightened, Night stopped back into his room to grab a sword he had kept there for some time, then walked carefully down the corner-rounded staircase to meet his father, waiting eagerly near the door with a scabbard in one hoof, the handle of his recently gifted sword snug into the fine leather.

Giving off another small yawn, Night smiled with a chuckle. "I take it you didn't get much sleep last night?"

Skywatcher snorted. "I sleep like a rock according to your mother. Well, with the exception of last night. I was contemplating moves to go easy on you."

"Oh, Dad," Night strode up and nudged his father's shoulder lightly. "You and your tactical thinking. We're only really doing this to break you in to your new sword, and nothing more."

"I know, but I would prefer not to end up with you badly hurt either. There have been times where I have gotten myself too far into the zone of fighting, and..."

Night's eyes slightly widened. "What?"

Skywatcher came to a quick realization and smiled innocently to Night. "Nothing, nothing. Are you ready to go?"

Night furrowed an eyebrow, then nodded in response moments later.

Sky turned, walking out through the front door and into the early morning sunlight that just slightly hurt Night's semi-tired eyes. He winced and squinted, following his father outside and shutting the door behind them. He watched as his father jumped up into the air, wings spread and then doing their job to keep him airborne. He hovered there for a couple of moments, glancing back down to Night.

"Come on, son, the rest of the way is flying. I know the perfect spot."

Night gave another nod, wings unfolding and flapping once to propel him up to Sky's side, and from there, the two flew over the cloud-built city, then down toward the surface of the earth far below.

They approached the ground at a rapid rate, leveling out about one hundred feet over the ground and gliding over the surface constructs of the city. Skywatcher's eyes were set on a wall of pine which he landed just before, Night following suit with his hooves clopping gently on a faint dirt path leading into the woods.

Stepping carefully through the towering trees, and pine cones occasionally crunching well-audibly beneath their hooves, Night looked at their surroundings, not bothering to question where they were going.

"So, Dad..." Night began. "I noticed your armor in a picture at home. What happened to the old uniform?"

"Ah, Night," Sky chuckled, looping a hoof around his son's neck as they walked along. "After relations shifted with Equestria, we were finally able to hire an armor blacksmith straight from Canterlot. No more leftover armor from the Moon Age. What we had before was simply Princess Luna's guard's modified armor. Now we have something unique, something to tell our enemies who we are."

"I see." Night smiled. "It's impressive, I must say. But I take it the picture had you decked out completely?"

Skywatcher bobbed his head in a nod. "Legion Battle Armor. LBA Mark Three for short. The armor before that was Mark One. The second Mark was a prototype that later turned into what we have now. The best part is, for newcomers to Fang Legion, we no longer have to be concerned about searching for the steel necessary to forge new armor. With the help of magic, just like you royal guards, it is enchanted to conform to the pony, though not exactly change out outward appearance."

"Very interesting. One of these times, you will have to take me to see the different sets, and perhaps to the blacksmith to get a set of my own to use," Night winked and gave a half-fangy grin.

"I will see what I can do, Night," Sky returned the grin. "As for purchasing some of your own, you will have to set a custom order so it is within your uniform."

"Well, yeah, I would. Although, I do make the decision on what armor I can wear, as long as it has Luna's emblem on it and matches her colors. Eventually in the future as well, Princess Luna will leave it up to me to decide the next set of Lunar Guard uniforms, both dress and battle."

"Then I will have to venture to Canterlot once more to get my hooves on some armor!" Sky decreed.

Night let out a chuckle, looking forward once more as they exited the tree line, into a rather wide clearing of taller, untouched grass. Some spots had been trampled down by pony-sized figures, indicating Night's father had likely been here recently, sparring with another Legion soldier, or, it was a popular location to do just that, not just between Skywatcher and somepony else.

"Now, I am certain you know the rules of sparring, correct?" The larger stallion asked as stood a few feet ahead of Night, unbuckling the scabbard strap around his waist.

Night gave a nod. "Never forgotten. However, I can't imagine they're the same as here."

"Then let us go over them real quick, shall we?" Skywatcher smirked.


Swords out from their sheathes, either stallion grasped their handles tightly in their hooves with their gaze set upon each other. Both Skywatcher and Night Shadow had some dirt in their coats, primarily on their lower bodies and hooves, as well as some on their backs, all due to a good couple of hours of clashing steel.

"Let this be our final round, then we head home and grab lunch. Deal?" Sky said aloud to Night.

"Deal," Night responded with determination.

"Then it is you who shall begin."

At his word, Night galloped forward, sword-in-hoof and swinging around toward his father. Sky, out of defense, held his sword before him to where it would deflect safely. The sound that came was ear-piercing and made the both of them cringe in the slightest. His father jerked forward to push Night back, whom stumbled for a moment, then into a defensive position as Skywatcher lunged at him.

Their swords scraped against each other again and gave off sparks, but the two held strong as the struggled to push each other back. The moment somepony was down, was the moment the opponent won. Of course, it would take plenty to knock either one of them down for an extended period of time.

With his strength, Skywatcher continued to push forward, very gradually overwhelming Night. The pegasus grunted softly and fought back with all of his might to hold back his father, then noticed as Sky lifted himself airborne with his wings. While it gave his father the opportunity to overpower Night, he had an idea. Once Sky was just enough off of the ground, Night dropped and rolled beneath him, surprising Sky as he jerked forward from the force of fighting back against Night to make him land on the ground. He stopped himself with his hooves, whipping around to Night with some surprise.

"An interesting escape tactic, Night. That helps against stronger fliers like myself. I am impressed. But you haven't won yet!" Skywatcher said, galloping back at Night and leaping up into the air, his wings spreading to allow him to go further as Night rolled back up to his hooves.

Spreading his hooves slightly, Night held his basic steel sword just above his head as a defense mechanism, being pushed down toward the ground with his legs being pressed. It would, however, come back to work against Skywatcher, as Night sprung back upwards, sending his father up and over him completely, out of control and into the ground a few feet behind, sword lying in the grass inches from his hoof. Night walked up to his father, sword pointing down toward him harmlessly.

"You were saying?" Night smirked at that.

Skywatcher grinned, Night reaching a hoof down to pull his father up, Sky taking his hoof and standing on all fours. Panting with his chest heaving in and out, Skywatcher gave a weak smirk to Night, wiping the beading sweat from his forehead. "I have to hand it to you, son, you surely have learned a lot about combat mechanics in the few years you have been in Canterlot."

"Quite a lot of it came from Thunderblast, actually. The rest is all from basic training and other things that have happened," Night answered honestly.

"There is still a lot to learn, Night. I am proud of you for your progress. I hope some day we can spend more time together and allow me to teach you a thing or two that you may not know yet," Sky wiped down his arms free of dirt.

Night chuckled warmly. "Of course, dad. Let it be soon. I only came because I couldn't miss your birthday, not another year. This, however, was fun."

"It sure was. And I couldn't be happier that you came, as with your mother and Dawn. We miss you so much when you are so far away in Canterlot, but we too know you have an important job that you must take seriously and focus on completely," Sky smiled, beginning to walk down the path with Night. "My job leaves me busy and half of the time I do not come home until long after midnight, though it is not nearly as stressful as the second-in-command of Luna's guard."

"Personal guard, to be more specific. The captain of the whole guard wouldn't allow a second in command behind him."

"And that is to be expected. Many captains in the past tend to keep said position closed so nopony else is doing their work. It gives them more power, but then again, not many have done that without having a heart attack from stress a few years later," Sky said the last bit in a grim tone.

Night shuddered a bit. "I suppose it is a good thing I am a captain in my own way and not leading a whole army."

"No matter your rank, Night, I will always be proud of you. We may have gone through many troubling times in the past, but, as the wise usually say, the past is in the past. All is good." Sky watcher glanced down slightly to meet Night, smiling a bit more.

Night gave a gentle smile back. "Thank you, Dad. I couldn't be more proud to be your son."

"And I couldn't be more honored for you to be my son."

Author's Note:

So, here we have a nice, lengthy chapter dedicated to Night spending some time with family, then some father-son bonding!

And no, I didn't get the chapter name off. :ajsmug: