• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,850 Views, 154 Comments

The Veins Run Deeper - Thunderblast

Four and a half years after peace returned to his colony, Night Shadow has come to a point in his career where he must prepare new recruits to see if they have what it takes to be Princess Luna's royal guardians.

  • ...

Stage Two

Night awoke with a sore groan, hooves laying spread out across his large bed while his mane sits in tangles and strands. His head throbbed with pain as the warm, golden sunlight illuminated his room like a unicorn's horn casting magic. This particular morning was very well not willing to be his friend.

"Too many drinks..." he muttered to himself with a somewhat strained voice, reaching toward the crystal rounded table serving as his nightstand, taking a glass of water from the night prior in a shaky hoof, gulping down the remainder of its contents.

When the headache seemed to ease itself, Night worked himself carefully out of bed, his whole body in a mess: mane messy, coat not yet groomed, and wing feathers ruffled.

The gentle clop of his hooves on the cobble floor, mixed with the jolt of his body adjusting to standing upright pained his head more than before, pulling a low grunt out of him. He didn't want to get out of bed yet. He didn't really have to, either. It was still the weekend, after all.

Minus one small issue. Thunderblast was still looking forward to sparring with him today. Night felt the complete opposite at this point. The last thing he wanted to do was disappoint Thunder, albeit every cell in his body telling him otherwise. How is my brain even working like this? He pondered.

Groaning again, Night strode exhaustively into the bathroom. Perhaps a warm shower would help ease this migraine he had.


With the trick now done, and Night becoming free of the obnoxious, throbbing pain in his head, he was now free to move around and ready himself for the day ahead. Or, the week for that matter, knowing it would be yet another long one.

Opening his wardrobe, Night swiveled the side hanging his armor up to the other side, a showcase of different weapons: an axe, a couple of different-length swords, a dagger, and a shortspear. He reached up, pulling down the shorter sword, it having minor scratches along the blade from past sparring matches.

For a proper match, or a tournament, more weapons were granted, but this was one-on-one. Typically, both would tire after one or two matches, assuming how long they turned out to be.

A checklist was put together in Night's mind. A rather short one, as well. This included his weapon, sparring armor, and a medical kit, just in case one of them went a little bit too far.

There was a knock on the door, a rather quick one as well. Night's ear swiveled and he kept focusing on his mental list with his gear laid out in front of him. "It's open!" He called out.

The wrought iron latch opened, in walking a grey pegasus in golden armor and a brown leather sword sheathe under his wing. "Ready to have your flank handed to you, Night?"

"Keep on dreaming, Thunder," Night grinned, glancing up at his friend.

"Get any hangovers from last night?" Asked Thunderblast, trotting over to Night.

Is that what that was? "If I did, I'd still be in bed, wouldn't I?"

"Not necessarily," he shrugged. "Sorry I couldn't join you at the party last night."

"Don't worry about it," Night smiled reassuringly. "Sharp missed you, though."

"Aw, he had the night off?" Thunder grunted.

"Many did, surprisingly. Guess the Guard had more available than anticipated for extra security measures."

"I guess so. Probably should have checked with Shining before the Gala."

"He was off duty, for the most part," Night replied. "He wouldn't have been able to do much, especially since his paperwork and what not is in the Crystal Empire now."

"Eh, it would have been worth a try," Thunder shrugged again. "Next year's always a possibility anyways."

"Of course. But until then, let's head out to the field," Night grinned, sheathing a sword into the unpainted steel armor he now wore.

Thunder nodded once, returning the grin and turning tail, moving out into the hallway through the half-shut door, Night following close behind while locking up his quarters.

The two walked side-by-side, passing a guard or two along the way as they headed for the training grounds outside of the palace, both hoping they were vacant with enough space for their match to safely take place.

Exiting through one of the doorways leading to the training grounds of the Royal Guard, Night and Thunder settled on a vacant marked field where recruits trained physically, or guards came to test their steel—exactly what they were planning to do.

Unbuckling the strap holding the scabbard to his armor, Thunder drew his steel sword out from the brown leather holder and holding it close to his chest in one hoof. Night followed suit, minus the sheathe. Both stood a perfect distance from each other.

"Now... what sounds good to you for score?" Thunder asked.

Night momentarily pondered. "Best of three?"

Thunder grinned softly. "Perfect. Let's begin, shall we?"


Mondays. Everypony hated them. Night didn't. Well, he didn't like them, but it wasn't as if he had much else to do in his free time.

The day also began the new heavy workload of arranging the archery competition. His day began by collecting all records of current guards with training in the field with a bow and arrow. As expected, the list was rather short, although, he liked what he saw.

With the records now in his hooves, it was up to him to determine who would truly qualify for the competition, even though everypony would get their chance at taking a shot for the prize. This was already off to a decent start.

One pony's record caught his eye. He took a moment longer to examine the paperwork, as well as the pony's name. "Stormfire..."

The name was familiar. He hadn't met this pony prior, so why did it ring a bell? Perhaps it would be best to ask when the time comes.

Moving on, Night filed the records alphabetically. Next came the process of writing each individual letter to be sent to the guards, who's record paperwork now sat in a neat pile on his desk.

It was always the first letter that took the longest, as it was the one Night chose his wording and just how the event would be explained in a short paragraph on the piece of paper. The rest went by like a breeze.

Finishing up the final letter, he folded each paper neatly and slipped them into individual envelopes, addressing each one to their respective recipients after double-checking each one had the correct letter inside, before licking the tabs with his tongue to close up the envelopes.

Stacking and bringing them into the hallway outside his quarters, Night slipped them into a box for outgoing mail only for collection. It would be at least a day or two more before the ponies addressed would receive the notification of their participation.

Returning to the interior of his quarters, Night closed the door, turning around and finding quite the surprise on his bed. He gasped and jumped, immediately taking himself out of a defensive stance. "L-Luna!"

Laying on his bed upright sat Princess Luna, grinning softly at Night. "Boo."

"How... how did you get in here so quickly?" Night approached. He raised an eyebrow. "How did you even get past me?"

Luna pointed to the twin balcony doors, one resting half-open. "Thy's balcony was unlocked."

Night stopped, his gaze shifting between the door and the night-blue alicorn on his bed, one ear swiveling backwards. "Are you sure?"

"Positive!" Luna patted her hoof on the bed, a motion for Night to sit with her. "Come."

As told, Night climbed up onto his bed beside Luna and laid in a similar position, looking at her with some curiosity.


"So what?"

"Whatcha up to?" Princess Luna turned to his nightstand, levitating up a mane brush and brought it over to the stallion's mane.

Night scooted a bit closer to allow the night alicorn to go over his mane. No matter the outcome of his poor mane, he enjoyed how happy it made her. "Preparing for the archery competition."

"Archery competition? Do tell."

"Nopony told you?"

"Not much. Explain," Princess Luna demanded calmly, brushing the top of the stallion's mane.

"Well, archery is returning to the Lunar Guard, primarily the Zodiacs. You already know that, though. The competition is to determine who out of the few guards who are experienced will become the archery instructor," Night answered.

"Intriguing. When shall the competition commence?"

"Not for a little while at the least," Night eased himself slightly as Luna continued her way with his mane, unbeknownst to what it looked like now. "I just put the letters in the outbox."

"What can we do to help?"

"Come again?" Night blinked twice.

"What can I do to help?" Luna offered.

"I'm not sure yet. I believe everything is—"

"I could send the letters out!"

"You can?" Night turned to Luna.

"I know a spell in which I can pinpoint a pony's location if they are in range. It is limited, but I can possibly speed up the process," Princess Luna lowered the brush and stood off of the bed.

"Are you sure it will work?" Night questioned, standing as well. "I would hate to have to write them all over again."

"You will not have to. If things go awry, they will return to us. Thou shalt not worry!"

In a flash of blue sparkly light, the arrangement of closed envelopes appeared in levitation between Luna and Night, the princess sorting through them while casting her secondary spell. Over the course of a few minutes, each letter disappeared one by one until none were left behind.

The aura surrounding her horn dimmed, and with a grunt, Luna lost her balance, her hinds giving out behind her. Night ran to her aid with a look of shock. "Princess!"

"I am fine," Luna huffed in and out softly. "The spell takes quite a bit of energy."

"I can tell," Night looked at her with worry. "Are you sure you will be okay?"

Luna nodded. "This is not the most draining spell I have ever performed, Night."

"What was, then?"

Luna sighed, turning her head away. "That is something you must learn another time, I am afraid."

"Is it that important?" Luna nodded gently, blinking slowly. "Alright."

"I hope you understand, Night."

"Of course I do, Princess."

"What did we talk about?"


Scribbling down on a clipboard, Night stood to the side of an extensive trimmed grassy field with numerous circular bulls eye targets standing a few yards opposite of a group of unarmored guard ponies, bows and a wooden bucket full of arrows at their hooves.

On the side Night stood sat short in height yet field-long bleachers, only just barely filled with other guards, off duty to observe the competition, the prize being quite a large promotion in return.

In the bleachers sat the newer Zodiacs, Thunderblast, and even Princess Luna, accompanied by two House guards.

Trotting up on his left, a slightly bundled-up Lodestar nodded once to Night, whom returned the nod and finished up on the clipboard. "Everything's set."

Lodestar glanced to the guards on the field, examining each one. "Were there not there seven?"

"There were, but one is home sick with a cold, and the other's wife said he is in Seaddle," Night answered, setting the clipboard down on a makeshift table out of a laundry basket. "It's a shame, I would hate to elect somepony when the others may have more talent."

"I wouldn't sweat it. These here have quite a bit themselves. It will be a tough call," Lodestar shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't sweat it for sure, it's cold out here!"

Night peered to Lodestar, an eyebrow raised. "No it's not?" It wasn't yet evident to Lodestar that Night did, in fact, have a thicker coat than his.

"You're crazy..." Said the dark cyan stallion, shifting his attention back to the guards on the field while the breeze made his limbs quake.

Night's focus shifted up to the Princess, the two exchanging a single nod. He stood up taller, stepping forth onto the field in front of the guards, clearing his throat.

"Archers!" He began. "On my word, you will shoot as quickly as possible and aim your best. You will not stop until you have run out of arrows. Arm-guards!"

At his order, the five guards on the field picked up a flexible leather braces, wrapping them around the arm they would be using and strapping it in place.

"Equip your bows and fall in to aim position, then prepare your arrows!" he said, returning to Lodestar.

The five stepped a couple of paces forward, positioning themselves close to their arrow buckets and taking their bows in their hooves. Resting the rear of an arrow ahead of the string, they sat in wait.

"Ready... aim..."

The strings pulled back, creating stress just waiting to release and propel the arrows forward and at the individual targets many yards ahead of them. One pony turned his head to both sides, cracking his neck to ease himself.

"Shoot!" Night waved his hoof downward.

Releasing the strings, the arrows were thrust forward, piercing through the air and striking the targets at the far end of the field. Each one hit different points of the bulls eye, neither of the ponies stopping to check before reloading with a new arrow each time.

Their reflexes in shooting and re-targeting were quick as lightning. Those observing the archers go to work watched with awe at the speed and complexity, Night standing below, impressed at the performance before him.

In brief glances, one or two ponies looked at another, attempting to further quicken their time while also get as close as possible to the center of the target, painted in a bright red.

Further down the line, Night noticed one pegasus who was much slower than the others. However, taking a look at his respective target down the field, he could see just how many arrows were close to center. Moving his gaze around the targets, none of which came close to the pegasus'.

"It's looking good, Cap. Hard choice, if you ask me," Lodestar suggested quietly, albeit above the minor cheering occurring from behind.

Night shook his head. "I believe I see our choice, Sergeant."

Lodestar blinked, glancing toward the target Night eyed previously. He nodded slowly in response, though more in agreement.

As arrows flew through the air, the silver unicorn nearest the bleachers quickly glanced on both sides of him, losing hold of his concentration and accidentally shooting toward the bleachers, the arrow striking an empty seat beside a couple of spectating guards, jumping to get out of the way of it.

Blushing with embarrassment, the unicorn glanced at Night, who shook his head and motioned for him to resume.

Minutes passed, and the buckets went empty, the archers lowering their bows and staring downfield to their targets.

"Archers, on me!" Night ordered, leading Lodestar to the targets, the competitors following as well to the targets for examination.

Stepping up to each individual standing circular target, Night and Lodestar looked between each arrow, Lodestar calculating the scores per landing. Many came close, and some did pierce into the center ring.

One that stood out from the other four was the furthest, where the majority of the archer's arrows had reached the center, even close enough to bend others out of the way to fit in. This made Lodestar's jaw drop, and Night turn to the group. "Step forth if this is your target," he said, pointing up to it.

The group exchanged looks, followed by the night blue pegasus, whom Night Shadow expected, stepping up to him and saluting.

"What's your name?" Night asked stoically.

"Stormfire, sir."

Night nodded once, turning his body to stand diagonal to him and the bulls eye. "You've scored the most, but adding the time penalty, you just barely make number one. Why so slow, Stormfire?"

Stormfire chuckled softly. "Speed doesn't mean accuracy, Captain, and please, call me Storm."

"I am extremely impressed, Storm. Your accuracy far surpasses everypony else's, albeit as I previously said, slower. You are the pony we need for the Zodiac archery training program," Night smiled softly, breaking his previous posture.

The dark blue pegasus' eyes opened up bigger at that moment. "What?"

"You have the training, the accuracy, everything except for being a proper instructor, though?"

Stormfire shrugged. "I have trained others before, or at least aided in it."

"Then with a short class, you should make one heck of an instructor for my squadron, and quite possibly the whole of the Lunar Guard if the program further advances beyond the Zodiacs," Lodestar added in.

Night reached his hoof out to Storm. "Congratulations. You will be placed within the Zodiac ranks within the following week, and once everything is set for you, you are to begin instructing the latest class."

Stormfire's eyes sparkled with awe and excitement, which he just barely managed to hold in and keep his cool. He extended his hoof to Night's, shaking it firmly. "Thank you, Captain. I will certainly do my best."

"I don't expect any less of you," Night smiled slightly.

Now came the final stage of the new class' training.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. I've had a rough last few weeks.