• Published 23rd May 2012
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The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Wind Under Wing (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Conditions - Make Them Remember


Well, at first I thought Ocean Breeze was going to be a one-time meet, but I guess I was wrong. Apple Bloom has fallen head over hooves for him, and I think he has done the same for her. I feel like I should say what I know about him, now. I am going to talk with Ocean Breeze's parents today, just because I'm curious.

Ocean Breeze is a cream colored unicorn with a two-tone Wonderbolts-blue mane (the darker of the two shades is EXACTLY the Wonderbolts color. I'm so jealous!) His family owns a fairly successful furniture business that has tables and chairs all across Equestria! They're really nice, too. The stuff from my old house was all stuff their company made, Maple Woods (Ocean Breeze's dad) designed the table downstairs himself!

Maple Woods is the lead designer of the Equinapolis Furniture Company. He is like the Rarity of furniture. He knows how to design the most beautiful furniture of all sorts. I actually think the bookshelves at dad's house are made by his company.

Ocean Breeze's mother, Sandy Shores (no relation to Sapphire Shores. Yes, I asked. Yes, she's heard it before), met Maple Woods at Mt. Bridle. He was looking for workers to start up a company, and she was hired as the chairpony of the new company. After working together for 5 years, they fell in love, and now they're co-owners of one of the most successful furniture companies in the last few decades.

Maple Woods says his greatest honor to date is that he designed a set of tables and chairs for Canterlot Castle's ballroom, a year ago, and that Princess Luna said it was "absolutely elegant." He said he will never forget receiving such a compliment from a princess. I can imagine it would be pretty cool!

Sandy Shores says she finds Ponyville to be a "cute little town, like something out of a storybook," and says she has always wanted to live here. Maple Woods says that they can't live in Ponyville, though, because they need to live close to the factory that recently opened in Port Mane, because they need to keep an eye on things as they are shipped out of the port.

Sandy Shores and Maple Woods agreed to buy a house here, and visit when they could. They said that now that Ocean Breeze is getting old enough, he may choose to live here, or in Equinapolis, where their other house is. (They own three houses? Wow.) If he doesn't live at home, he'll be living with his foalsitter, Cherry Tart. I haven't met her, yet. She currently lives in Port Mane, but said she would be happy to move if Ocean Breeze wanted to try making it for a couple years away from his parents. I don't know why anypony would ever want to do that. Why would somepony want to live anywhere but near their parents?

Sandy Shores and Maple Woods said they would rather he live here in Ponyville if he were to live away from them (still seems odd, but I don't own three houses, either.) They said they would rather him be close enough that they could visit on the weekends, and Equinapolis is three days away.

They are a very nice family, but they could buy all of Ponyville if they wanted to. It's sort of intimidating.


I went to meet Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle today. Apple Bloom was with Ocean Breeze. We were going to show him around town. I couldn't help it though, I had to ask why anypony would live anywhere other than with their parents. I think I embarrassed Apple Bloom, but I had to know. It just doesn't make sense to me.

He said his parents wanted him to learn to live on his own. They thought he should learn what it is like to live without all the fancy things money can buy. He said he wanted to try it, too. He said he's always been used to getting anything he wanted, anytime, and said he wants to know how his parents had to deal with things before he was born. I guess that makes sense. He still respects his parents, and wants to learn how they made it. I still wouldn't want to leave my parents' side if I had them.

We showed Ocean Breeze all the sights. We introduced him to our friends, our families, and Miss Cheerilee. We told her he was thinking about moving to town, and she said she would be more than happy to have him in class. He said she seemed much nicer than his teacher back in Port Mane. I don't really remember Miss Silvermane. That was awhile ago, now.

Ocean Breeze said his parents invited the Mayor to their house today, and that he met her this morning. I don't think we've ever had the Mayor visit our house. I've met her a couple of times, and she's nice, but we've never had her come visit us. I wonder if she's still upset with us over the Gabby Gums column or not...

Pinkie Pie is planning a party for the family this afternoon. I don't really know if Pinkie's brand of party is right for these fancy rich ponies, so I am kind of unsure how it will go.

The family had a great time at the party! They said it was a wonderful change from all the snobby rich parties they've been to over the past few years on business. I would not have imagined they would react that way. I'm happy, though!

After the party got into the swing of things, I couldn't find Ocean Breeze anymore. I hope he wasn't uncomfortable. Sweetie Belle and I went looking. She said she couldn't find Apple Bloom, either. Maybe they went off somewhere together.


I was right. Apple Bloom and Ocean Breeze spent the evening at the gazebo. She and Ocean Breeze stayed long enough to talk with some ponies before they left. He said the party was really fun, but that he wanted to spend some time with Apple Bloom. She seemed embarrassed by that. I don't know why. If they want to spend time together, what's wrong with that?

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Featherweight, Pipsqueak, Ocean Breeze, and I all spent the afternoon hanging out at the clubhouse. Applejack kept coming to check up on us. I don't think she's ready for Apple Bloom to have a coltfriend. She kept looking at Ocean Breeze with her "I'm watching you" face. Apple Bloom was so embarrassed. After her third or fourth time checking on us, Apple Bloom finally shouted "WE'RE FINE APPLEJACK!" It was funny, but her sister is just checking on her. She wants her to be safe. Ocean Breeze is from out of town. Applejack doesn't know him too well, yet. I totally understand why she would worry. She was kind of naggy, though.

Ocean Breeze agrees. He said he has no problem with Apple Bloom's family checking on him. He said he would be somewhat worried if they didn't. After all, they don't know who he is, really. Apple Bloom seemed relieved when she found out he wasn't bothered.

I've never seen somepony from out of town so patient in dealing with Granny Smith. Ocean Breeze said that Cherry Tart can act the way Granny Smith does from time to time, so he's used to it. The whole time Granny Smith was talking toat Ocean Breeze, Apple Bloom was stiff as a board, with the goofiest looking smile and a face as red as her barn. I don't know why she was so embarrassed after Ocean Breeze said that he was used to it. Granny Smith is a perfectly fine old pony. She's just a bit goofy in the head. It's just the same as Pinkie Pie.


Tucked into the pages is a picture of Scootaloo, upside down in the air.

Mom and I had flight practice today. Featherweight and Dad were there to cheer me on. I'm still not very good. Mom says I'm doing well, but I don't feel like I am. I can't do any tricks. Every time I try to do a loop, I about fall out of the sky when I get upside down. She says I gotta flip faster. It's really tough to flip, even as fast as I'm trying, now!

Mom asked Featherweight if he wanted to try a few tricks. He said he didn't feel comfortable with that. I am guessing that means he's better at them than I am, because it was just us watching, who was going to make fun of him? Of course he'd get to flying better than me, faster. It wasn't long ago that he was fast, but could only fly low.

I was definitely right. Mom finally persuaded Featherweight to join us. He could do rolls, flips, and he was able to keep up with Mom longer than I was. He kept looking really embarrassed whenever he would do a trick. I don't know why. He was so amazing! I just wish I could do all that.

Mom said I was doing great, I just needed to practice more. She finally persuaded me to get up into the air one more time, and I actually did a flip! I was so excited. Featherweight was so happy for me! Mom and Dad were excited, too! Featherweight even got a couple pictures. He said he would get me a copy to take to Mama and Papa and Auntie Raincloud next time we were in Port Mane for their grave. He's so sweet. He also apologized for doing all the tricks. He said he wouldn't have done them if Mom hadn't kept asking him to. I told him there was nothing to apologize for. He said he didn't want me to feel like I wasn't very good. He said I was flying great for a pegasus my age, especially for one who didn't have a pegasus to train with for two years.

I don't know who he trained with, though. His dad is an Earth pony. Where did he learn to do all that?

I asked him where he learned. He said he wasn't sure I would want to know. I told him of course I did. He said he just kind of watched Mom fly when we were hanging out with her and taught himself. He taught himself to do all that? I can't believe it! He said he got hurt quite a few times. I'd noticed him wrapped up at school several times, I thought he just got hurt on the playground or something. It turns out he was teaching himself to fly. I should've been trying harder lately.


[The page is tear stained, and the following entry is in a familiar hoofwriting, but not that of Scootaloo’s again.]

"Dear Scootaloo,

Sorry for taking your diary again without asking. I saw you were upset, and after you took a nap, I read what you wrote. You're really a great flyer, especially for your age and everything that's happened to you. You need to stop being so hard on yourself. You've been through more than anypony I know, and you're as old as I am! Please, when you're upset, it makes me upset, too. I really hate to see you so hard on yourself. You're a wonderful pony, and need to see yourself as such. I love you. Your family (adopted, as well as your late parents and aunt) loves you. Your friends love you. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle care about you more than I've ever seen friends care about each other. Why don't you seem to see yourself at least half as great as we do? Please stop being so hard on yourself.

Love, Featherweight.

P.S. If you want, I can teach you to fly when we're together. Your mom told me she is busy with work sometimes, and can't always teach you like she wants. Maybe I could help both of you out."


Page is covered in wrinkled spots from tears.

I called a meeting with all of my friends after school today. We all went to the clubhouse for the day. I asked them what they thought about me, and how I have acted lately.

At first nopony wanted to say anything, then Twist finally spoke up. She said she thought I was "super cool" but that I always seemed to be angry with myself about something. Apple Bloom said she felt the same way. She said that she still, to this day remembers how I stood up for her in front of Diamond Tiara at her cute-ceañera. She says that she wishes I would respect me the same way I respect others, even ponies I haven't ever talked to.

Sweetie Belle told me that I needed to stop blaming myself every time something went wrong. She said if I was going to tell her that, I needed to think the same for me. Pipsqueak said that I was very protective of my friends. He said he really enjoyed that. He said, though, that he worried, sometimes, that I was so concerned with my friends, that I didn't worry about myself. He said even when I get in arguments with my friends, I always seem to be more upset with myself afterward than happy with whatever decision we came to. Dinky told me that she always found me to be fun and full of energy until I would get upset, and then I would become upset enough she would worry about me.

Featherweight said he didn't feel like he had to tell me anything else. He said that he already wrote me a message, and that he felt like he had summed up his thoughts pretty well. He seemed somewhat upset.

Ocean Breeze said he didn't know me very well, but that he agreed with my friends. He said that so far, most of the time he's been around me, I've seemed upset, but not with him. He said he never knew what it was, but that he always wondered if maybe he had upset me and I just was really good at acting like I was upset with somepony else.

I told them I would try and be less rough on myself, and that I was really sorry I had worried everypony so much. I also told them that I was really serious, that I would try and be a happier pony. I have to try, if not for me, at least for them.


Page is lightly covered in tear marks.

I met with Featherweight after school again today. He seemed upset again. I asked him what was wrong. He said me. I was really worried when he told me that. He said he was very bothered by how I had been treating myself ever since we started talking. He told me he has worried about me every night, and that that is the reason he's always asleep so late on the weekends.

He told me he didn't want me to act like I wasn't special. He told me that I would get my cutie mark in time if I would just stop worrying so much. He said that he wanted to tell me so much more in the second note he wrote to me, but that he didn't want to come across as angry.

Then he told me I needed to stop crying, and that he wasn't mad. He said he was just very worried about me, and upset that I acted like I did with myself. He told me everypony feels like I do, sometimes, like they are always messing things up, or that everything is their fault. He said that most ponies, aren't like that all the time, though.

He told me that if I needed help, to talk to him, or at least somepony, because he didn't want me to keep acting like I had. He said sometimes he feels like I hate myself, and that he is very worried about me when I get very upset with little mistakes I make. He said that the way I was acting after Diamond Tiara stole my diary was so upsetting to him, that he almost got sick again. He felt like he had caused me to treat myself like that, and he didn't want that.

He also said he wished I would at least talk to somepony instead of writing every negative feeling I have about myself in my diary. He said if I write it in here, then when I'm alone and upset, I'll just remind myself of every mistake I did, or didn't make.

He said he doesn't mind if I'm upset with myself, sometimes, and he didn't expect me to change, magically. He said he just wishes I would at least try not to be so hard on myself. He said he wished I acted as cool and spunky when I was with him as I did when everyone at school was around. He said he's seen me when I'm trying to get my cutie marks, and he says he loves to see me happy and having fun, and he wants to see me like that more often.

I understand. I know I am tough on myself. I am at least going to try and be a better pony happier with who I am.


Tucked into the pages are a few pictures of Scootaloo doing tricks, one with Featherweight clapping beside her. On the back of each of them, in Featherweight's hoofwriting, it says "See? I told you you could do it!"

I showed Featherweight what I wrote yesterday. He said that if I was serious, and tried hard, that it was a good first step. He told me that he didn't expect me to fix in a day. He said he wouldn't want to put so much pressure on anypony. He said he was just worried about me.

I asked him if he would help me learn to fly after class today, and he said he would be excited to help. I am looking forward to it so much I haven't even been able to focus on class today. Hopefully it will take a bit of pressure off of Mom. I know she loves to help, but she has some weeks where she just has to do so much with the weather that she can't be here. If Featherweight was right about what Mom said, I hope this means that she doesn't have to feel so guilty. Some days when she's had a rough day and is exhausted. She seems very upset if she can't go out with me and fly for a bit. I'm never upset with her about it, but she seems upset that she can't take a while and practice with me.

I'm kind of nervous. Featherweight brought everypony to watch. He said that my friends would be a good encouragement. Even Dad came to watch. Dad is taking pictures for Featherweight and me. Featherweight said he wants to see how happy I am when I learn to do things, and that he wanted me to remember the first time I managed to do things.

I actually did pretty well today! I managed to do a roll a couple of times, and I was able to do another flip! Featherweight told me as long as I kept practicing and exercising my wings, I would be a Wonderbolt in no time. I am sure he was joking, but it was a sweet thing to say.


Tucked into the page is an article with the previously indicated photographs.

Flying With Friends
by Featherweight (FFP Editor-in-Chief)

Pegasi get to experience something that most other ponies (save for the friends of a powerful unicorn) won't: the freedom of flight, the wind-in-the-mane, hoof-dangling excitement of being airborne by one's own accord. This previous week, I spent time with my friends, and flew around with fellow classmate, Scootaloo.

She wowed her friends and me with her flying skills and wonderful tricks. She was rather excited to get to show her friends her stuff. 'I never thought I would be able to do some of these things! I've practiced and practiced, and it feels great when I finally do a trick.' Flight is a special gift that those of us with wings often take for granted, but it's truly a unique experience.

Much like we will never get to experience being able to cast spells, some of our friends will not get to feel the wonder of flight. What is always wonderful is when friends show support and excitement for these experiences. Friends who share in the experiences of each other can feel a special reward in that togetherness.

Featherweight went up to tell Miss Cheerilee something before class, and winked at me. I wonder what he's up to.

IS HE CRAZY?! He told Miss Cheerilee that he wanted to show the class the tricks we had worked on! What was he thinking? I can't do those tricks in front of the whole class! I could barely do them yesterday at all!

That went far better than I ever expected! It was actually really fun. It was really funny seeing Diamond Tiara pout when I pulled off a flip and a double roll. Featherweight gave me a big hug and told me to bow to my 'fans.' He's such a goof.

Miss Cheerilee told me after class that I did great today. She said that she hadn't seen flying like that from a filly in her class in years. I'm just glad I was able to do it. I was so nervous. I kicked Featherweight in the flank on the way home from school and told him never to surprise me like that again. He gave a grin that has me kind of nervous.

Mom said she always knew I could do it. She was pretty happy when she heard I was flying and doing tricks on the playground. We went out for a bit of practice after dinner. I showed her my stuff and she said I would be almost as good as her in no time.


Featherweight showed Mom the pictures of me doing tricks, and told her more about class yesterday. She said that she knew I was awesome, and that she told me I would be an awesome flyer in no time!

I still can't fly for too long, and it takes a lot of effort for me to do tricks, but I can do them! I seemed to do better, yesterday. I don't know if it was just from practice, or if I did better because I was nervous. Whatever the reason, I am really happy he got me to do it, even if it did freak me out.

Featherweight kept telling me I was his little Wonderbolt today. I think he's going a bit overboard. I'm really excited I was able to do those tricks, but I am still not as good as him, and especially not as good as Mom or the Wonderbolts. I'm sure he's just trying to be encouraging, but it's a bit much to me.

I told him to stop, and he told me he was trying to be encouraging. Even so, it’s a bit over the top to me.

I don't know whether he's right or not, but I felt really good today. We hung out with our friends at Sugarcube Corner after class, today. Ocean Breeze bought everypony whatever we wanted. I got a piece of strawberry pie. It was really good! Featherweight just got a cup of water. I told him he needed to get some meat on his bones and he blushed. I ordered him a big slice of chocolate cake. He ate the whole thing.

He told me he didn't order anything because he didn't want to spend Ocean Breeze's money. He said he didn't want to feel like he was using Ocean Breeze as a friend. I guess I can understand that, but he still liked the cake.

Ocean Breeze's parents are headed back to Port Mane this weekend. Ocean Breeze says the thinks he wants to stay in town. He and Apple Bloom sat at their own table and talked while the rest of us joked around. They make a nice couple. And since Ocean Breeze is pretty rich, she doesn't have to worry about him using the Apple Family for their money. And since her family is pretty well to do, as well, he doesn't have to worry, either (though his family definitely has a lot more money, I think.)

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