• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,329 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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A New Home, For a Time (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Owl City - Silhouette


Something terrible has happened. Sweetie Belle and I went to the Summer Sun Celebration together and a giant, scary pony named Nightmare Moon threatened to make it night forever! Sweetie Belle and I huddled together with a pony we didn’t really know. It was some yellow pony wearing a bow in her mane. We were so scared we didn’t really talk to each other, so nopony said anything, and we don't know who she was.

After this "Twilight Sparkle" pony (the stuck up one from the other day) jumped forward and explained what was happening, she, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all took off toward the Everfree Forest. I don't know why they would be crazy enough to go in there. I hope they fix things though.

It's still dark out. Maybe that creepy Nightmare Moon pony was serious. I hope the sun comes back, I like the sun. It reminds me of all the fun times I had with my parents at the park, or in the yard, or... well... I just miss my parents so much.

Auntie Raincloud took Sweetie Belle and me home. We're just waiting for any sort of news. Auntie Raincloud seems really worried. I don't know what to think. This whole thing seems insane. It can't really be night time forever, can it?

Still no sign of Rarity. Sweetie Belle is getting worried. I'm starting to wonder what is going to happen as far as this all goes. What will we do if it is never daytime again? What will happen if Rarity doesn't come home? I don't know what Sweetie Belle would do if she didn't have her sister. Would she be okay? I don't want her to feel like I have...

I've been comforting Sweetie Belle for a while now. She's very worried about her sister. I had to stop her from crying. She was going to make herself sick. I understand why she's worried. I mean, I know what it's like to lose a family member, and if something goes wrong... well... I hope it doesn't. Auntie Raincloud has been singing old folk songs, trying to distract Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle sang along with a couple she knew. Even with her voice full of tears, she can sing really well.

Sweetie Belle fell asleep. It has to have been a day or two now and still no sunlight. I hope Rarity is okay.


Finally! I woke up after falling asleep on the floor. Auntie Raincloud dragged Sweetie Belle and me into the bedroom, where I woke up. The sun is up in the sky again, though! Rarity is home and took Sweetie Belle for something to eat. She offered for me to come along, but I feel like they need some time together. Sweetie Belle was so worried, I think it's for the best.

I ran into Miss Cheerilee today. She wondered how I'd been. I told her I've been fine. She must have the same skill Mama had, because she knew I was upset. She asked what was wrong. I just told her I was freaked out, still. I don't want to tell everypony about Mama and Papa. She told me to be happy it was over. I smiled and she went back to shopping.

Miss Cheerilee is such a nice pony. She's seems like a great teacher. She is always so kind. She doesn't know how much I appreciate that somepony else cares, somepony older, somepony not part of my family. Just knowing how much she seems to care for foals, even ones she hasn't really had as students, shows how amazing she must be as a teacher. I'll be starting at Ponyville Elementary soon, so I'll see how it is for real, this time.

Sweetie Belle and Rarity are back home, and Sweetie Belle said I can stay with her tonight! I'm so excited to get to spend more time with her, especially now that she's not all upset. She said we can plan different ways to get our cutie marks. Maybe that's what I should be working on. I can make Mama and Papa proud by having a super special cutie mark.


This unicorn who calls herself "The Great and Powerful Trixie" came to town and was bragging all about her magical powers. Lots of ponies thought she was a snobby high horse.

While she was in town, these two colts, Snips and his friend Snails fell in love with her, and followed her everywhere.

I don't see what the big deal is, she's just some fancy pants unicorn. They say she defeated an ursa major. I don't think so. Those things are giant! I remember when I was little, Mom and Dad took me to see one they were shipping on a boat to be released somewhere else. It smashed a bunch of houses on the edge of town. It was about as big as some of the boats on the dock.

Those two stupid colts lured an ursa minor into town! What were they thinking? Luckily, Twilight Sparkle protected everypony. We could have had a big problem. Twilight really is talented with magic. That was amazing work. I also really thought the mustaches were funny.


Class started. I've been sitting next to Sweetie Belle. I feel like we're the only two ponies without cutie marks. Everypony is bragging about their special talents and skills. I feel like we're the last two, and it really isn't fun.

Diamond Tiara invited everyone in the class to her cute-ceañera party. Rarity tells Sweetie Belle and me that it's because she is a nice pony who wants everypony to enjoy her special moment. We know the truth. She just wants to boast in front of everypony how "special" she is. She drives me crazy. I can't wait until I get my cutie mark and it's way cooler than hers.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were picking on a filly named Apple Bloom today. At least it wasn't us, but Sweetie Belle and I are not the only two without a cutie mark. I feel bad for poor Apple Bloom. I am guessing that she's Granny Smith's grandfilly.

Drawing of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara in a circle that has been crossed out.

We'll have to do something if they keep picking on her, because we know what it's like.


Still no luck on the cutie mark. I had to tell Sweetie Belle that she is not "no good at anything" like she seems to think. It is upsetting to know that we're some of the last ponies with blank flanks, but we're just still full of potential, I keep telling her.

We're going to keep trying. Whichever of us gets our mark, first, promises not to pick on the other for being the last one in the class. I never would, but I'm glad to know that she would treat me the same way. I'll definitely be happy for her if she gets her mark, but I really do want mine soon. I hope it would make my parents proud.

I also ran into Rainbow Dash today. I still haven't built up the nerve to ask her to teach me to fly. The only two other pegasi I've really met are Fluttershy, who I still can't tell if she doesn't like me, and our goofy mailmare. The mailmare is so clumsy. I don't know if it would even do me any good to ask her. She has funny eyes, but she seems very nice. Apparently she has a daughter in our class named Dinky. I haven't met her, but I'll keep an eye out for her this week.

I saved up a bunch of money and bought a new scooter. Mama and Papa's scooter has a messed up wheel, and I don't know how to fix it. Maybe one day I'll get it to work. I can push myself around on this new one with my wings, though. I may not be able to fly yet, but at least these wings are good for something. Sweetie Belle thinks it's so neat that I can get around on a scooter without using my hooves. I guess so, but it's not really that different in the end.

The other day I woke up and town was empty. I found Sweetie Belle in Rarity's shop alone. It was really weird. Rarity told us when she finally got home that there's somepony called a zebra by the name of Zakura Zecora that lives in the Everfree Forest. Everypony used to be scared of her until somepony found out she was nice. I don't know why anyone would just be scared of somepony. What makes her so scary?

I told Auntie Raincloud about Zecora, and Auntie Raincloud says zebras are just like us, they just come from some other place. She says she's met a few, and they've been nice, and have a real talent for potions and special magic that isn't so common here.


Dinky Hooves is a nice little unicorn. She seems a bit less clumsy than her mother. I don't know if I will hang out with her or not, but I definitely don't dislike her. She seems to have a blank flank, too. Maybe there are a few of us, after all.

Haha! Sweetie Belle and I totally screwed up Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera party. It felt good. We finally had a chance to show her and Silver Spoon a taste of their own medicine! Apple Bloom has joined Sweetie Belle and me, we're going by the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We're going to get our marks together! It's going to be so awesome!

Apple Bloom is a really nice pony. I feel like I've seen her before. Anyway, she's part of the Apple family, like I thought. She invited Sweetie Belle and me over to hang out. I'm sort of nervous. I don't want Granny Smith to find out I ran away from home and tell my aunt.


I talked with Apple Bloom after school the other day. I asked her about her family. She said she lived with her sister and brother and grandma. I asked here why she didn't live with her parents, she said her parents died when she was very young. I almost started crying. I didn't know that her parents were gone, too. I was so embarrassed.

I knew she had a sister, but I didn't know she had a brother. Maybe that's the pony who almost found. I guess that makes sense. I thought it was her dad or something, though. I'm sorry she didn't get to know her parents. It's really sad, but I guess I'm not the only one to lose my parents when I was really young. I feel so bad for her. At least I got to know my parents.

Sweetie Belle and I went with Apple Bloom to help Granny Smith cook. I got to try some apple tarts and apple fritters. They were so good. I may help them cook more often. I'll be able to have something to eat that way. Sweetie Belle ended up covered in flower. It didn't really change her coat's color, but her mane was all white. It was pretty funny. She got upset, though. Apple Bloom and I had to persuade her that she can do things alright, it was just a mistake.

Sweetie Belle is so nice and always means well, she just happens to be a bit clumsy. I really wish she'd stop being so hard on herself. She's my first and closest friend in town. She's my only friend in town other than Apple Bloom (well, and Twist, I guess, though she's still so nerdy, I feel like I'm more likely to be picked on by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon when she talks to me).


We're staying with Sweetie Belle at Rarity's tonight! This week is going to be the week for sure! We're definitely going to get our cutie marks. It's going to be awesome! I wonder what it'll be!

Change of plans, apparently we're going with Fluttershy! Fluttershy really is a very nice pony, she just is very... well, shy. Sweetie Belle made us these cool capes. She got in big trouble, though. We almost didn't get to sleep over, because she used Rarity's nice silk and Rarity had to make more.

Rarity had the nerve to call all three of us "a problem!" She is so mean to all of us. She is nice every once in awhile, but she usually just tells Sweetie Belle how much she's in the way. It's really annoying, and poor Sweetie Belle gets so upset.


We got into big trouble last night in the Everfree Forest. We went to rescue one of Fluttershy's chickens and almost got attacked by a cockatrice. Luckily, Fluttershy saved us all! It was so cool! She stared down the cockatrice! She survived being turned to stone! It was amazing!

I ran into Applejack and Apple Bloom today in town. She asked me how I was and called me sugar cube a bunch of times. I told her I was fine and we talked for a while.

Applejack seems really nice. She seems to be very close to her sister. Apple Bloom said they spend a lot of time together, kind of like my parents did with me. It hurts, even now. I hate that I can't just let go. I always seem to think of them. I just wish I could have said goodbye, somehow.

They invited me to the house this evening. I can't wait. I love going to the Apples' house, there's always a lot of good stuff to eat. Drawing of a pie.

When I got there, Sweetie Belle, Applejack and Apple Bloom were waiting for me. She brought us on a long walk, eventually showing us to... what was left of her clubhouse. She let us have it, which was nice and all, but it was falling to pieces. It's going to take a lot of work to make it into anything we can actually use.

Big Macintosh seems nice and all, but he sure doesn't say much, mostly "Yep" and "Nope." Whatever. He seems to be nice, and that's what matters, I guess.


I worry sometimes when I get home. Auntie Raincloud seems to be sleeping a lot more than usual, lately. I have to wake her up when I get home from school, usually. She's also moving a lot slower, and seems to be hurting a lot. I hope it's nothing. Older ponies ache all the time, right? I just hope she is okay.

The clubhouse looks fantastic. Apple Bloom did a great job. I've started offering to stay late and clean up every evening, and then sleeping up there. Apple Bloom seems to know why I'm staying late, because she brought up blankets and pillows the other day.

Small drawing of the treehouse fills the rest of the page. Underneath it is the label "new home".


Got covered in taffy today. Learned we are not cut out for hair styling. We're not psychic. Tried on mountain climbing. No go. Got chased by a squid. We're also not librarians.

However, we did learn that there's a talent show going on at the school. We got six wooden planks, a 4x8 of plywood, a box of nails, four cans of paint, four brushes, some cloth materials, a fan, and a book titled Ghosts, Goblins and Ghoulish Figures. We're going to do an awesome song.

Doodle of a microphone in the margins. I'm doing the singing. It's going to be totally awesome. Writing lyrics is really tough, though (I keep writing about food). I’ll get it, though! This is going to be awesome! I don't know if Apple Bloom is cut out for the choreography, she's not the best on her feet. Sweetie Belle keeps losing all the fabric. It keeps rolling all over the place, and she made an outfit with five legs, which was really weird. Sweetie Belle also painted the scenery. All the backgrounds are brown. I think we'll be fine, though! We left Applejack speechless! Speechless! How cool is that?

Drawing of the jester hat medal. We won best comedy act! We were really worried that we weren't going to win anything. We may have looked absolutely silly on stage, but at least we made everypony laugh! We did a great job at being funny! Maybe that’s our talent? No cutie marks, though! What’s it take to get a stupid cutie mark?

Rainbow Dash came to see us and stayed after to congratulate me! It was so exciting! I still didn't build up the nerve to ask her if she could teach me to fly... I met Auntie Raincloud after the show and showed her my cool medal. She met me in the crowd, her legs hurt too much to climb the stage steps. Getting old stinks. I hope I don't ache that much when I get older.


I couldn't go home last night. I told Auntie Raincloud I was going to celebrate tonight with Apple Bloom, and went to hide at the clubhouse. I got really upset thinking Auntie Raincloud was looking sore. I can't watch her hurt like that. It hurts me to watch. I know getting old happens, but it still is horrible to watch.

Applejack found me writing in here in the clubhouse late last night. She told me that she would walk me to my house, that it was too late to be going home alone. We got to Auntie Raincloud's house, and it took a long time for her to get the door. I really worry about her. I get to wondering if my old house would've been better. This one has more steps, and they're steeper. It's a pretty little house, yeah, but it's tough for her.

A small drawing of Scootaloo's house as best as she remembers it fills most of the rest of the page, under it is a label of "Mama's and Papa's and my old home."

Some ponies came to town to talk to Auntie Raincloud about the old house, they plan to buy it. I was with Sweetie Belle when this happened, but Auntie Raincloud said she was able to pay off the new house today, which is great. It means we're definitely staying in town. I am sad to know that my old house isn't my house at all, anymore, but I couldn't live there if I wanted to. It just hurts to think about that house too much.

I just hope whoever buys it takes really good care of it.


The other day Rarity got kidnapped by some stupid dogs looking for gemstones. She managed to protect herself and get out alright, though. Sweetie Belle and I found out from Twilight Sparkle. Spike kept muttering something about it being his turn to be the hero. He has some weird obsession with Rarity. Twilight is a lot nicer, now that I've met her a few times, I shouldn't have called her stuck up when I first saw her. I take it back.

Today, Applejack is headed by train to deliver a fully grown tree she has named "Bloomberg". It is the strangest thing I have seen in a long time. Anyway, Auntie Raincloud also invited Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to stay the night tonight. We're going to work on getting our cutie marks again. Thinking up ideas is tough, but we'll figure something out!

Miss Cheerilee came to meet Auntie Raincloud. She learned everything that was going on and gave me a big hug. I almost started crying. She also told Auntie Raincloud very nice things about me and said I was "a good friend to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom," which I was very happy to hear. She also said I had a habit of not paying attention and falling asleep in class. I really do like Miss Cheerilee, but school is so boring. Drawing of Scootaloo giving a raspberry, with the words "school is boring" repeated below.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are here. In two different styles of hoofwriting are the words "Cutie Mark Crusaders forever!" and "Scootaloo is cool!" We're going to be spending the evening figuring out what to do to get our cutie marks. We just know this week is going to be the week!


We're doing a zip line (whatever that is) this afternoon. Spike says they're really fun. I hope it goes well, it seems simple to build.

That didn't work well. We decided on a different idea (and then got all the tree sap off of us from when we discovered zip lining wasn't for us). We're going to go find Rainbow Dash and see how she got her cutie mark. Maybe that will be a good place to start (and maybe I'll be able to ask her to teach me to fly, finally! Auntie Raincloud is way too old to teach me how to fly).

That was exhausting. We spent ALL day finding out EVERYPONY'S cutie mark story except Rainbow Dash's. We finally found her after everypony else. I had never been happier to sit and listen to somepony tell me a story (well, except when my parents used to tell me stories back when I was a very little filly).

Rainbow Dash is the only pony in history ever able to do a Sonic Rainboom! She's done it TWICE! That is so cool! One day I want to be just like her! Small drawing of Rainbow Dash labeled "So awesome!" I've been exercising my wings. I still can't lift myself off the ground, but I can go really fast on my scooter.

Aww! I forgot to ask Rainbow Dash to teach me how to fly! Little doodle of Scootaloo sighing.


Winter Wrap-Up was really fun. I got to help Sweetie Belle and the mailmare's filly, Dinky Hooves, wake up animals for spring. We almost didn't get done in time, but Twilight Sparkle managed to organize everypony and get things done on time for what the mayor says is the first time in a while. Auntie Raincloud says she wishes she could help. Winter Wrap-Up is a big deal for pegasi, since they work with weather a lot, anyway. However, she's just too old. She says town looks so nice, though.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are staying with me again, tonight. This week is going to be the week, we just know it! We're going to get our cutie marks for sure! We're making a big list of everything we can think of and we're going to do them all, one by one! If that doesn't work, nothing will!

Applejack is planning a surprise party for Pinkie Pie! She said it's just for her and her friends. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I want cake, too! We're going to sneak into the barn after everypony's gotten to partying and get some cake. The Cakes made it, so we know it's going to be absolutely delicious!

The party was fun and all, but I kept getting chomped on by an alligator with no teeth. It was very strange. The cake was really good, though. Applejack wasn't even mad at us. I think she just didn't want us to ruin the surprise. Why does nopony think we can do anything right? Is that why we don't have our cutie marks? Do we just mess everything up? Sometimes I feel like I do, but the others don't seem to be doing anything wrong to me...

In about a week is the Grand Galloping Gala. Rarity and Applejack are both going, and since Sweetie Belle won't have anypony to watch her, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will be having another sleep over again! I can't wait!

Miss Cheerilee suggested I try to get my cutie mark by doing something with my scooter. I don't know about that, though. What, would I just have a scooter on my flank? I don't think that seems like that would work... Besides, I've been using my scooter for years! Wouldn't I already have it by now?


This week is the week for sure! We're definitely going to get our cutie marks! We have the list all made and we're going to start going through the ideas. It's going to be great! Little drawing of a heart with the letters "CMC" inside, with the words "Best friends forever!" underneath.

We had to cancel the sleep over... Auntie Raincloud is sick. Apple Bloom is going to get Big Mac and we're going to try and get Auntie Raincloud to the hospital. She seemed just fine! Well, she had been coughing, but she's old, that's not unusual... I hope she's okay.

I'm sitting in the hospital. I hate hospitals. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are here with me. Auntie Raincloud is not looking good at all. I can't lose Auntie Raincloud! She has to get better!

Big Mac took Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and said I needed to spend time with Auntie Raincloud, just her and me. He looked very worried when he left. I hope things are okay. I hope Auntie Raincloud is okay...


The page looks heavily tear stained and smudged. Some of the writing is scribbled out. Auntie Raincloud... dipassed away this early morning early. I did get to say goodbye, but I didn't want to. I finally did, because if this was going to be my onlylast chance, I didn't want to do the same thing that happened with Mama and Papa.

I didn't ever really write any stories about Auntie Raincloud in here yet... Auntie Raincloud was a sweet mare. She was always there to take care of me when Mama and Papa would go out to spend the evening together. I spent probably almost as much time with her as I did with Mama and Papa. She was my foalsitter when I was really young.

There was one time where she took me to Canterlot for a few days. We got to go through the castle! She said she had attended two of the Grand Galloping Galas as a younger pony. She knew several ponies in Canterlot. We got to stay in a really nice room. She went with just me. It was a special trip she planned just for us. It was a great few days. We got to see some very fancy stores and she bought me a snowglobe with Canterlot Castle in it.

I had to go to this will reading thing. Auntie Raincloud gave me the snowglobe I had left back at the old house. I put it on the dresser with my locket. I don't know what I'm going to do, though. Where am I going to stay? I can't live alone in this house!

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash came to visit me at the house and both gave me a big hug. Fluttershy offered for me to stay with her until everything got sorted out. I packed up my stuff and I am living with her right now. Her new friend, Shooting Star, has been visiting us quite a bit lately, both to spend time with Fluttershy, and to see how I was doing. Shooting Star met Fluttershy a couple of weeks ago, and he's very nice, I don't know much else about him. He's been trying to cheer me up all day. The two of them spent a long time talking to me and telling me things were going to be okay.

How can they, though? How can anything be okay? I lost Mama and Papa, and now Auntie Raincloud! Maybe I'm just supposed to be alone. Shooting Star told me that things will work out, that I'll be okay, and that Auntie Raincloud loved me, and that she just got sick. I know she didn't leave me on purpose. She wouldn't do that, would she? She loved me! I loved her, too.

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