• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,329 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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It's Worse When She's Right (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Keith Urban - Tonight I Wanna Cry

Thematic, yes, but a bit off-key for the fic. The best I could come up with, though. :c


I wonder how Featherweight's trip went. I hope it went well. Maybe things went well and he'll stay a couple extra days! I hope he lets me know if that happens. Meeting his parents was probably a big deal.

School isn't any more interesting today. I almost feel like Featherweight not being in class makes the day less fun. It may sound silly, but I like him just being there.

At recess, I just sat up in the tree and rested. I've felt sleepy, today. Maybe I'm not sleeping well. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom got me down after a while, and we tried to think up new ideas for how to get our cutie marks. We have to get them soon! We don't want to be the oldest ponies in history with blank flanks! We have to have some sort of special talent! I'm starting to think I just don't. Diamond Tiara doesn't help matters, I want to pop her in the mouth again. She's been picking on me about Featherweight the whole time he's been gone. She tells me he wanted to get away from his "worthless blank flank filly toy." She also says that the only reason he's with me is because he doesn't want to be seen as a "colt kisser," whatever that is. Who does she think she is?

Still nothing from Featherweight. I hope he's okay. He's probably just busy. They should be on their way home, if plans haven't changed. If things are still on schedule, it should be a couple of days from now that they get back. I can't wait! I'm going to give him the biggest hug!

Mom and I practiced flying for a while. Nothing new. I'm still nowhere near as fast as mom, but she says I'm pretty quick for a filly my age. That's good!


Only one day left until Featherweight gets home, if nothing has changed! I hope he is having a good time! I do miss him, but I hope that he is enjoying himself. If he feels like staying a while longer, I just hope he lets me know.

Featherweight made it to school at recess. Poor kid. He said his parents told him they never had a foal. When he showed them the picture of them, apparently they flew away. He is very upset. He said that Diamond Tiara was right all along, that they didn't want him. He said he flew back to his dad (his real dad, like his good dad,) and they headed home as fast as they could. He said he may have actually made his dad sick as fast as he was flying. He was pretty quiet the rest of recess. I just stayed with him, hugging him tightly. Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak kept Diamond Tiara busy, I don't know if they knew something was wrong, or just felt like giving her a rough time, but Diamond Tiara was too busy yelling at them to bother us. Pipsqueak was laughing at her, which only made her angrier.

I went up to Miss Cheerilee and told her what happened, and she told Featherweight to go home and get some rest. Featherweight said he didn't want to be alone right now, so she told me to sit by him at the back of the class, that way if he got upset, hopefully nopony else would give him a hard time, or try to get into his business.

After school, I asked Featherweight if he wanted me to tell anypony about what happened when he went to Mare's Tail. He said it would be easier if I told our friends. He said he just wants to forget ever going.

This evening, Featherweight came home and we snuggled up on the couch. Once he cried himself to sleep, which was hard to watch, I couldn't help but feel a bunch of emotions, myself. How horrible are his parents? How awful can somepony be? This is your foal, and you push him away twice? I was just so angry. At the same time, I wondered how hard it had to be for him. He had been so curious it seemed like it hurt, at times. That curiosity, that not knowing, now is nothing but pain, maybe even loneliness. I hope he knows how much I care about him. I think I'll write a note and sneak it into his saddlebags. I also hope his dad, his only dad, knows how special he is. I really think Shutter Speed is an amazing pony. He didn't have to do anything, but he brought up the greatest colt, ever.

What would Featherweight have been like if he were stuck with those creeps? In a sad way, it's good that he's not with them. If they're going to treat their own foal like that, how can they treat everypony else? Featherweight is a much better pony than they could ever try to be.

Featherweight went home, but he still seemed very upset. I hope he gets to feeling better. I hate seeing him like this! Those stupid pegasi! They're probably the types of ponies who moved to a cloud town just so they wouldn't have to be around those other ponies. They probably think pegasi are the only ponies worth talking to. They're probably big headed featherbrains. I am just so mad at those stupid ponies!


Today, Featherweight was still very upset. I really wish I could help him! I hate seeing his ears drooped down like that, and that big, heartbreaking frown. I wish I could just go back and stop all of this from happening.

Featherweight came up to me at recess and gave me a big hug, and said that the note I wrote him was the sweetest thing he had ever read. I think that's a bit crazy, but it was nice of him to say. He also said he really needed it. He said it helped him feel like he was wanted. It almost hurt more hearing that, than make me feel good. I hate knowing he felt that upset, that alone.

I got sent inside at recess, Featherweight followed me. Diamond Tiara had to open her big mouth. I got in a fight. Mom has to come pick me up. Miss Cheerilee said that she would keep an eye on Featherweight, and told him if he needs to leave early, he can. Featherweight looked at me with such an upset look. I am an idiot. Diamond Tiara should have kept her stupid mouth shut, but now I left Featherweight alone at school, when he's feeling like this!

Mom is not happy that I got in trouble, but she also called Diamond Tiara a "snobby little twerp with a big mouth" and said "if it weren't for her daddy's money, she'd be a lonely pony acting like that." Mom didn't punish me in any way. She said that I should already know not to do what I did. She told me that she would do something if it happened again, though.

I went to wait by the school once the day was done. I brought Featherweight to Fluttershy and Shooting Star's house. Fluttershy wasn't home, she was helping Rarity with Opalescence. I explained to Shooting Star what had happened. He told Featherweight he was very "sorry about the news," and asked how he could help. I told him I just brought him here to relax with the animals. He offered to make us tea. Featherweight actually spoke up and said it "would be wonderful, if it wasn't too much work." Even when he's upset, he's still so sweet.

He keeps staring off. I ask him how he is, and he says he'll "be okay." I feel so useless! I can't cheer him up. Poor colt.

I told Featherweight how much I cared for him. I told him not to think about Airborne and Fallstreak. I said that he has all the family he'd ever need here. He has a great dad, and good friends, and me, too! I told him that I was nervous when I didn't get a letter. He said he didn't feel like writing anything, he was so embarrassed about what happened.

Embarrassed? They should be embarrassed to be the kinds of ponies they are! Embarrassed! I told him not to be silly. Shooting Star agreed. He said that there was no reason to be embarrassed. He said that Featherweight is "a hundred, a thousand times the pony" they are. I said that wasn't enough. I said that "there isn't a number big enough" and Shooting Star laughed. I wish I could get Featherweight to smile, or at least not have that frown! It almost hurts just seeing it!

I walked Featherweight home tonight, and told him to cheer up. I said I knew it wouldn't be easy, but that his real family cared more about him than he could ever imagine.


I left early to walk to school with Featherweight. I felt like he needed the company. I don't want him to feel alone one second more than I have to. I may even sneak a letter into his saddlebag every night until he cheers up.

It must be tough. He was stuck between not knowing his parents, ever, or finding out just what kinds of ponies they were. One day, when he's a successful pegasus, and far more successful than his fake parents ever were, they'll want to be around him, and it will be too late for them. Serves them right.

School was boring, again today, but I scooted my chair over as close as I could and put my hoof on Featherweight's. I want to keep reminding him how much we all care.

At recess, all our friends helped me try to cheer Featherweight up. He didn't lose that frown. Poor colt. I couldn't focus through the second half of class. I am starting to get upset. I just cannot help him! The worst part is, I know if I get upset, it'll just make him even more upset! I can't do anything right!

After class, Featherweight and I went to the gazebo at Sweet Apple Acres. I figured going somewhere different would be worth a try. I didn't let go of him the whole time. I snuck my note into his saddlebags when he was staring off, again.

I really didn't want to leave Featherweight. I kept trying to think of excuses why he couldn't go inside. I finally got him to stop frowning, he didn't quite smile, but he said I was being silly, and almost smiled. I think he wanted to, but he just can't right now. Maybe time is the only thing that can fix this. I hate that!


Page is smudged with tear stains.

Featherweight came to visit really early. He almost tackled me when I opened the door. He was almost crying. He told me that the note I left him was wonderful. He said that he knows that his family, here, is better than anything his fake parents could have been. He said he loves his friends more than they could ever know, and then told me "and I love you even more than that!" He even smiled, after that. It was a short smile, but he smiled!

We rested on the couch, and he got upset a couple of times, and cried once. He said he had been fighting crying all week, because he didn't want to give Diamond Tiara more to pick on him about. I told him to let it out and cheer up. It still hurt to see him cry, but if it was going to help him feel better, then it is worth it.

"Dear Scootaloo,

You fell asleep while we were at your house. Don't worry! I'm actually kind of happy I get a chance to sneak this in here after the notes you wrote me.

You don't know how much I appreciate what you've done for me. Without you, I would have felt completely alone. Dad is a wonderful pony, but even he couldn't cheer me up. You have done so much. I wish I could show you how much I appreciate it.

I will get through this, especially if you help me. It's just a rough time.

I love you so much. I really hope you understand how important you are to me. I wouldn't be half the pony I am without you.

Love, always and forever, Featherweight"

I fell asleep! I am so pathetic. Featherweight, though, he's so great. I don't even know how I'm going to be able to sneak a note to him, today. He didn't bring his saddlebags.

I didn't try to sneak him the note. I just gave it to him when we got to his house. He read it right there and almost cried. I don't know why! I just wrote that I loved him and that all his friends know how wonderful he is. I didn't say anything fancy. He said it was "unbelievably sweet" and when I asked him why he was almost crying, he said that he's still upset enough that he gets "emotional very easily." He said it was so sweet, though, not because of what it said, but because I was trying so hard to keep him happy.

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