• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,329 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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And The Sour (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Fort Minor - Red To Black

Special thanks to necro rouge for the suggestion of the topic of the later entries. Necro rouge may have just rescued this story from falling 100% stale. I'm trying to keep things fresh, but the show only really created one major set of antagonists for the CMC, and it's a bit of trouble being close enough to the show with oft on-screen characters without making it flat when it's this long. I am going to try my best, and hopefully as the blog develops, I will get more inspiration from questions to overcome these times when I need to write to keep people from forgetting about the story (see: 3 month hiatus with no real defense) but I don't have enough "mundane" ideas to keep it from just being big events, which really kills the impact of bigger events.

Special thanks to JohnJoseco for making art that inspired another subject of the story. http://fav.me/d5rxleu

The blog: http://photo-flyer.tumblr.com/ -- There is no artist yet (though one may be there, soon. I'm talking with someone), but DO feel free to ask questions, there just won't be drawings.


I woke up this morning and felt really bad, I'm all achy. I have a sore throat and my nose is all stuffed up. Featherweight and I were going to hang out, but I don't want to make him sick, too. I guess I'm staying in, today. The pages of this entry have several drawings across the pages.

Being sick is sooo boring. I don't get sick very much, but every time I do it's always crummy.

Dad made me some of the tea Pipsqueak got me, and some soup. Mom read me a couple of the Daring Do books. I may not be flying, but even spending time with Mom like this makes me happy. I see why she likes the books, too, they're really exciting!

Dad got me some medicine. It's gross, gross gross gross, and it makes me sleepy, but he said it is some of the best. I hope so, I wanted to have fun today, and I have to stay cooped up in my room. I'm too sore to get out of bed and walk around very much, let alone fly, which is really annoying.

Mom had to go bring in some of the winter clouds, so she isn't home right now, it's just Dad and me. He has been making sure I am okay, and trying to talk to me to cheer me up, but it's just sooo boring in here! I want to be outside with my friends! It's the weekend!

Ugh, I'm losing my mind. It's nice outside, and I'm stuck in here! I guess I'll just go to bed, because I hate this.


Well, I'm missing school because of this stupid sickness. Mom and Dad both have to work, too. It's too quiet around here. At least I can get up, today. I still ache, but not as badly.

I've read through several books on Dad's bookshelves, not even because I was interested, but just to pass time, and it's not even lunch time yet.

Dad came home for lunch and made me some soup, again. He said he understands how I feel. He told me to get some rest if I am bored, because I'll feel better if I rest.

I slept through dinner, I guess I actually fell asleep after Dad gave me the medicine. Yesterday I was able to fight it off, I guess not, today.

I'm probably not going to have my cutie mark in patience, because I am tired of sitting around. This is boring, boring, boring!


Dad took me to the doctor's today. I hate that place, but they said that I should be okay to go to school, today, that people can't catch what I have at this point, so that's good. I'm waiting for him so I can head to school.

Diamond Tiara was ready to make fun of me when I was too tired to fight back, but her fun was cut short when her dad came to pick her up. She was crying when she left. I don't know what happened, but at least she's out of my mane for the afternoon.

Silver Spoon ran off after class real quick. She seemed worried all afternoon. I wonder what's up. I don't even know why I care.

Featherweight and I spent the afternoon walking around town until I got tired. I just wanted to be out of the house. The weather has been nice for a couple days, and I know it's going to be cold really soon. We walked around for a while, but I just got too sore. We sat outside at a café and rested. He asked if I needed to go home. Of course not! If he had seen how boring it was the last couple of days, he probably wouldn't have asked. I know he was just worried about me, though.


Diamond Tiara seems really quiet today. It's kind of weird. Not complaining, though.

I finally decided to ask Silver Spoon what was up, and found out that Diamond Tiara's cousin, and close friend, Ruby Red got very sick and passed away. She said they don't even know what caused it, yet, and Diamond Tiara is very upset. I hate to say this, but I actually feel sorry for her. I may have said before that I wish she knew what it was like, but I didn't mean it... Nopony should have to deal with stuff like this.

Part of me wants to make fun of her for all the times she has made fun of me, but I just cannot be that pony. I can't stoop that low. I know she has been horrible to me, but I guess I just can't be that way back. Maybe if I try and be helpful, she'll even be nicer to me? Not likely, but whatever.

Well, that went well. Diamond Tiara told me I had no idea what she was experiencing. It took a lot of talking to her for her to listen to my suggestions. I told her to try and remember the good things, and not worry about that she was gone. Remember what it was that Ruby Red did that made her happy. I told her I didn't know Ruby Red, but I bet she wouldn't have wanted Diamond Tiara to be sad. What am I doing?! Why am I helping her?

I went with Miss Cheerilee to drop off some sympathy things that some of the class made her after school. When we got there, she was home alone. Her parents had to leave on business, and she was all alone. She just lost a friend and she was left to deal with it on her own? I know that that happened to me, but that was my fault. She was pushed into this.

We stuck around for a little while and tried to keep her mind off things. What am I doing?

Diamond Tiara actually thanked me. Thanked me. Not just Miss Cheerilee, but me! This is the weirdest day of my life.

We went to Silver Spoon's house, to see if she could go spend time with Diamond Tiara and cheer her up. Her mom answered the door and said she was not allowed to leave. Her mom seems like a really mean pony. She didn't even explain why Silver Spoon couldn't leave, and Silver Spoon argued with her for a couple of minutes. Miss Cheerilee tried to talk her mom into it, too. It was no good, though. It was tough to watch. Silver Spoon was sent upstairs without dinner, for what seemed like no reason at all.

Well, that didn't work. I really do feel sorry for Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara of all ponies! I told Miss Cheerilee goodbye, and she thanked me for helping her out. I think I have a plan.

I found Silver Spoon's room. She told me her mom wasn't going to come check on her, that her mom was probably off drinking cider at The Mare's Head while her dad was in Poneapolis trying to close a deal for a new warehouse. I snuck her out of her window to get over to Diamond Tiara's house. I told her to meet me by the library at nine and I would get her back in her window.

This has to be the weirdest day ever. I helped out Silver Spoon AND Diamond Tiara. What's really dumb is I don't even think either of them are going to be any nicer to me.


Well, so far, it's been a pretty easy day. Diamond Tiara hasn't been all that mean to anypony. She still seems upset. Sweetie Belle, Featherweight and I all tried to talk to her at recess, but she told us to leave her alone and went and sat under a tree alone.

Silver Spoon wasn't in class today. I really hope her mom didn't find out she snuck out of the house. I have a feeling that's what happened, though. I hope I didn't make things worse trying to help.

Featherweight and I spent the afternoon at his house, he told me he respected that I was willing to help somepony who had been so mean to me. He said he wanted to help, but he wasn't sure whether being there would have helped or hurt. I told him that me being there didn't really feel like it made any difference at all. I thought that since I had experience with this, being there would have given us something to talk about, and maybe she wouldn't be the same old Diamond Tiara, but she was really quiet the whole time we were there.

I'm kind of worried about Silver Spoon. Her mom seems like a real piece of work.

Silver Spoon was up in her room. Featherweight and I went to see how she was. She said she was okay, her mom just kept her home all day for sneaking out. I asked if she was really fine or not, I was kind of afraid her mom would have hit her or something, she was scary when I met her. Silver Spoon told me she is a really mean mare, but she never hits. I guess that's good, but it's still pretty upsetting that she would punish her filly for trying to help out a friend.

We had the window slammed on us by Silver Spoon's mom. I hope we didn't make things worse, again.


Well, Silver Spoon was around town, today. I asked her what happened after we left last night. She said her mom yelled at her, but that was all. We were just trying to help...

Silver Spoon was with Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara still seems very upset. At least Silver Spoon was there to cheer her up. I decided to stay out of their way. Why am I so worried about this? It's stupid! They hate me! They're so mean! And I still am this worried about how they feel?

This afternoon, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and I decided to go try out a new idea for our cutie marks. We're going to try slingshots. We have an idea for setting up targets and everything. It's going to be fun!

Well, I have a couple bruises that will probably last a while. I didn't know it was so difficult to get a slingshot to fire. Sweetie Belle managed to hit a tree and the rock bounced back and popped her in the head. She looks like she has a second horn growing out of her forehead, now. It's a little funny. I still haven't been able to focus, though.

I don't want Diamond Tiara back to her mean self, but I really hope she isn't having as much trouble as I did. I haven't forgotten how difficult it was, how upset I was. I wouldn't wish that on anypony, not even Diamond Tiara, apparently. I'll just do my best not to make things worse, since she doesn't seem to want to talk to me, much. I still can't believe how worried about her, of all ponies I am. It just seems so ridiculous! Oh well, I guess that's just the kind of pony I am.

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