• Published 12th Jan 2016
  • 2,120 Views, 123 Comments

rebuilding a crusade - LavendarRegards

After a terrible mistake involving a spellbook, the CMC are saved from death by the thinest of margins. However, having to relive their lives over again, they may never be the same again.

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Chapter 2 & 3 - When something odd is happening

The sun slowly peeked through the window of Rainbow Dash’s cloudominiom. A beam of light slowly, deliberately, and maybe even maliciously crept along the walls and then the floors, as it made its course straight towards the mare sleeping in her nice, soft bed. However, Rainbow Dash was unaware of the danger to her sleep. Rather, she slept soundly.

As expected, the sun’s slow creep turned to a sprint as it noticed its target turn over to face it. And without further notice, Rainbow Dash found herself suddenly being awoken by the errant beam of light blinding her in the face. An annoyed snort followed by a grumble came from the cyan mare, as she tried to pull her blue blanket over her face.

However it proved surprisingly difficult to get the blanket over her face in time. With quick thinking, Rainbow Dash began to kick her hind legs forward in an attempt to push the blanket to her face faster, only to regret it as one of her hind legs tapped one of her teats.

Rainbow Dash groaned, her teats had always been sensitive and easily irritated, But, recently they’d been a bit swollen and even more sore to the touch than usual. “Ok, I’m up!” Rainbow Dash grumbled, as she succumbed to the whims of the sun, and began to roll into position to get up.

Rainbow Dash slowly rose from her bed as it was time for her to get up, anyway. Still, she cast the rising sun one final bitter glare before she finished rolling out of bed. Rainbow Dash took several deliberate steps as she marched over to her bathroom. While it was not unheard of for the seemingly lazy pegasus to rise after ten, it didn’t mean she always showed up late. No, if her friends or coworkers needed her early, she would be there by dawn.

Rainbow Dash fumbled for her brush, her tired mind not quite able to remember where she had put it. Finally, her hoof brushed along the tooth brush. With a practiced hoof, and even without opening her eyes, Rainbow Dash fed the toothbrush with toothpaste, and began to brush her teeth. Don’t forget about the stunt, Rainbow Dash’s mind reminded her, bringing back the events of the past month and a half.

With her morning routine out of her mind, Rainbow Dash could focus on her current life’s mission. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and took a long hard look at the picture that now hung from her bathroom mirror. The small filly in the picture was seven years old, her orange muzzle was picked up into a massive smile. Her smaller than normal wings stood out straight.

I’m gonna fulfill both our dreams, and become twice the daredevil that either one of us could have been, Rainbow Dash silently assured Scootaloo’s picture. The last picture that had been taken of the filly, it had been taken only a couple of days before her death… The day Rainbow Dash had promised her that they would begin flight training the very next week.

We both know that wasn’t going to happen, Rainbow Dash chastised herself bitterly. For somepony who had promised to take her flying, they hadn’t flown very much… well ever. She was always so busy training for the Wonderbolts, or practicing her stunts, or saving Equestria. It just didn’t seem like Scootaloo was ever going to get her flight training.

I’ll make it up to you, Scootaloo. I got the biggest stunt ever, and it’s only taken six weeks to plan, Rainbow Dash assured herself, more than Scootaloo. Many ponies would be surprised to know that not all of Rainbow Dash’s impressive stunts were impromptu. No, there were several that were planned ahead, especially the ones she didn’t want to mess up.

A rumble emanating from Rainbow Dash’s stomach reminded her of one simple fact: it was breakfast time. OKAY, a quick breakfast. Then I’m going to practice the most awesome stunt ever, Rainbow Dash confirmed. Eagerly she trotted down the stairs to her front door, followed by her taking several quick steps onto the cloud lawn. Clouds feel weird today, Rainbow Dash admitted, as she felt the normally springy clouds seem to melt around her hooves.

It’s probably nothing, she decided, as she spread out her wings, nice and large. With several hard flaps, she was skyborne. Although the air seemed thinner today, and thus harder to fly in, Rainbow Dash still found flying to be as enjoyable as ever.

Buildings and trees breezed past below her, as Rainbow Dash flew over to Sugarcube Corner. Usually Rainbow Dash would have grabbed a couple eggs and some hay and started the day off with a small breakfast. But today she had another reason to drop by Sugarcube Corner…


The small bell over Sugarcube Corner rang as the door sprung open followed closely by the clattering of hooves, as Rainbow Dash briskly trotted into the establishment that morning. Without a warning, she trotted up to the counter, and began to feverishly ring the small bell on the counter. “Hello, is anypony there? Can I talk to Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash shouted, as she craned her head to try to look around the wall behind the counter.

“Hey Dashie!” Pinkie Pie called out, as she trotted out from the kitchen. “Didn’t expect to see you here so soon! What are you up to?” Pinkie Pie’s grin grew manic, and her eyes squinted as she giggled out her next sentence. “Oh I know, you got a prank you want help with. Well, when it comes to pranks… I’m your Pie.”

“No, not today” Rainbow Dash admitted as she nonchalantly leaned herself against the counter. “I’m going to do the ultimate stunt to end all stunts, and I wanted a second pair of eyes to help me hammer out any issues with it… Not that there will be, I am the best flier in Equestria, after all” Rainbow Dash blustered, as she made a couple of poses to prove her point.

“Stunts! I’m in,” Pinkie Pie yelled, her lips curling up into a massive smile. “I’ll get the binoculars, and the loud speaker!” Pinkie Pie eagerly yipped, as she practically disappeared in a puff of smoke, her body blurring with how fast she was running.

“Oh, and a Scone!” Rainbow Dash shouted over the counter, in a last ditch attempt to get her friends attention. I’m going to make it all up, Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash thought with a whistle.

“Sorry, Rainbow Dash. We’re all out of scones,” Pinkie Pie apologized from somewhere, as she came zipping back. She was carrying a plate covered in some kind of pastry, held tightly in her mouth. Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure she recognized the pastry, it somewhat resembled a cake, but it was shorter, and had a much thinner crust then she was used to. Finally, its filling looked soft but springy, like some kind of custard.

Before Rainbow Dash could ask what it was, her nose was quickly assaulted by the strong scent of roses. Usually she found the aroma lovely, and roses were something she enjoyed snacking on from time to time. But right now, the scent turned her stomach. She felt like she’d just flown through a hurricane. Her head was spinning along with her stomach. Her vision had begun to collapse into a tight tunnel, as she dove for the nearest trash can she could find.

“Are you ok, Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie said with concern, as Rainbow Dash emptied her stomach into the trash can that her entire muzzle now rested in.

“Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash croaked irritably as she slowly let her stomach settle. “You put too much rose in that pastry” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“No way, Dashie,” Pinkie Pie disputed with a shake of her head, her objection coming out firmly but not harshly. “These are the Yorkshire curd tart we made in honor of Sir Vale of York. And he said they tasted scrumdiddlyumptious,” Pinkie Pie commented as she walked over and began to pat Rainbow Dash’s back, in an attempt to help her stomach settle faster.

“Whatever” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she forced her head up, despite the turning of her stomach and the sudden sense of vertigo. “I got to practice a stunt… Just forget the food,” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she stumbled to the door.

Once she had reached the outside world, Rainbow Dash hastily spread her wings. The air seemed even thinner, as she spent the next several seconds flapping effortlessly. Come on, Rainbow Dash shrieked in her own mind, as she pushed her wings all the more harder. Still, the sky slowly succumbed, albeit stubbornly, to Rainbow Dash’s efforts, as she got airborne. Hastily she climbed several stories.

I’m not going to let weird pastries or a little nausea stop me from flying, Rainbow Dash decided, before she was hit by another sense of nausea… This one was even worse than the last, causing her to quickly vomit all over a nearby cloud.

Or maybe not… Rainbow Dash moaned in her mind, her face covered in embarrassment as she slowly and instinctively hovered back to the ground below.

“Umm… Maybe you should see the doctor,” Pinkie Pie said with a hint of concern, from the door to Sugarcube Corner.


Big McIntosh silently and methodically climbed out of bed. There was a lot to do, it was May after all, and he needed to get an early start on all of his chores. Calmly, with years of practice, he walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Today was the day he was going to cook breakfast. Not because it was his task, but because he wanted to.

Cooking was Applejack’s job, but he couldn’t let her, not today. She needed sleep. Sleep that she had been denying herself. When their parents had died, Applejack had simply shut down and left for Manehattan in an attempt to avoid the pain.

But this time, she was a workaholic. She was pushing herself far too hard. Big Mac doubted she was getting much sleep at all. And her body was starting to show it. His sister hadn’t shown any signs of Estrus in over a month, a concerning development. Twilight had admitted this was concerning symptom, but she was still sceptical that there was any need to worry, yet…. And that wasn’t to mention that there were other symptoms as well.

Then there was the onset of her fatigue. She just seemed to tire out frequently now. Not that her lack of sleep wasn’t a factor, but this was more than that. It just seemed like her body grew exhausted faster than it normally did.

We need to find a way to get her to face her grief, Big Mac decided, as he snuck into the kitchen, one of his hooves gently prying the icebox open. If she doesn't sleep, she’s gonna kill herself, Big Mac added as he gently pulled the eggs out.

Maybe this’ll be a healthy reminder to her, that ah can do chores too, he considered with a smirk, as he carefully trotted over to one of the cupboards to pull the sack of flour down.

And maybe ah can find a way to let her sleep a bit later this morning, Big Mac pondered with a sneaky smile, as he considered ways to help his little sister rest. Granny wasn’t generally too keen on sleeping in, or chicanery, but Applejack had done enough work to have earned at least a couple hours of sleep… And, she needed it, if she wanted to rest or not.

The faint sound of running water followed by the clop of hooves into the kitchen quickly put a stop to that thought. “Big Mac? What are you doin’ cookin’? That’s my job!” Applejack growled irritably, as she shuffled over slowly to scowl at Big Mac.

“You need your sleep,” Big Mac responded with a shake of his head. He could vaguely hear his little sister’s objections, and complaints… He could also feel her trying to push him away from the food. But, he wasn’t going to budge this time. He was bigger than her, figuratively and literally, and he didn’t have to be moved unless he wanted to.

“Mac, stop babyin’ me!” Applejack shouted, as she quickly found that her big brother refused to budge away from the stove. “Ah’ve got chores to do.”

“Nope,” Big Mac disputed with a shake of his head. Carefully he ignored the scowl on Applejack’s face. She could be intimidating when she allowed herself to be, but his concern for her health far outweighed his fear of her temper at the moment.

“You’ve done enough chores for one day,” his baritone voice whispered, his voice serious, but not stern. “Let yourself get some sleep. You ain’t well,” he added, as he began to stir the pancake batter. His eyes intentionally ignoring the increasingly sour looks Applejack was mustering.

“Ah’m fine!” Applejack snapped, as she struggled to reach the spice cabinet around Big McIntosh’s body… Or more specifically the bottle of paprika that was in it. In truth, she’d had the weirdest cravings recently, like the pickling spices she’d tried to put in her applesauce the day before.

“You can’t even stay out of the bathroom,” Big Mac added what was probably the last statement for the argument. If she didn’t listen to that, she probably wouldn’t listen to anything else he had to say.

“It’s just nerves,” Applejack refuted, as she dove for the stove, a small opening becoming available as Big Mac made a beeline for the milk in the icebox. “Ah figure it’ll pass in a day or two,” Applejack insisted as she planted her legs into a defensive stance, the stove was hers again, and she wasn’t going to be moved.

Big Mac didn’t bother to say anything this time, instead he shook his head gently, and simply pushed her with one of his forelegs. “No fair!” Applejack screamed as she felt the treasonous floor gently slide under her hooves.

A stern look from Big Mac was enough to tell her everything, however Applejack wasn’t going to give up that easily. “Ah’m fine Mac, it’s probably just a little cold. Nothing a little hard work won’t burn off” Applejack objected, weakly, even though her mind found this statement unlikely.

Big Mac sighed. He didn’t want to bring this up, he really didn’t. “You ain’t been goin’ into heat like you’re supposed tah, You tire out too easily, and you’ve been eatin’ weird stuff recently. You either need to get a lot more sleep…” Big Mac added with a shudder, only to get quieter as a more disturbing thought crossed his mind. “Or, you need to see a doctor.”

“If ah take the day off an’ go see the doctor, do you promise to let it go,” Applejack bartered, her mind struggling to regain some semblance of calm.

“Only if you do what he tells you to do,” Big Mac conceded, much to Applejack’s frustration.

“Fine, but if he don’t see a problem, ah expect you to get out’a my way,” Applejack hissed as she stormed off, only stopping to eat a pancake that she promptly smothered in Pickling salt and paprika.

Big Mac gave a solemn nod of agreement. The doctor was sure to take his side, to tell Applejack that she needed to sleep, and to grieve… Not to work until she dropped.


Rarity tossed and turned in her bed. She wanted to get up, she really did. But it had been so hard to find the drive to get up these past few mornings. Perhaps it was still guilt over Sweetie Belle’s death? She couldn’t be sure. With one final yawn, Rarity managed to embolden herself to get up. Sweetie Belle would want you to give of yourself for Ponyville she wouldn’t want you wallowing, Rarity reminded herself as she picked herself up.

To be fair, each of Rarity’s friends had taken the loss of the crusaders in different ways, and with different levels of sorrow. Twilight had been blaming herself, but she’d buried herself in some kind of project to keep herself active. Rainbow Dash had been even more wild than usual, pushing herself to do more stunts then she ever had. Applejack had become a workaholic. Pinkie Pie seemed to be taking it in stride, and Rarity couldn’t be sure if her sudden emphasis on baked goods might be a sign of a deeper issue.

And Fluttershy… well… nopony had really been able to see her since the whole thing had happened. She was still alive, they knew that. But, she’d rolled herself up into a small ball, and was unwilling to see anyone recently. It was extremely concerning.

I’ll try to get her to come to the spa again this week, Rarity decided, as she set her mind to checking on her flighty pegasus friend yet again. I mean, it would be nice to get back to the spa, Rarity decided, as she walked down the stairs to the ground floor and, more importantly, the kitchen. It had been simply too long since she had gone to the spa. However, her heart just hadn’t been in it. There were several reasons, but one of them was a general feeling that Sweetie Belle’s passing was all her fault. If only she’d been tougher… If only she’d held out for even five more seconds.

It’s not fair! Rarity whined, as a sudden wave of despair hit her. How could i have failed Sweetie Belle so badly? Isn’t my inner strength just not as big as my friends? Rarity contemplated through the bitter tears which flooded her eyes and poured down her cheeks. And of course the tears only made her task harder as she carefully lifted the carton of eggs from the ice chest.

What am I thinking?! Rarity thought, with a mental slap, which quickly abated the shivers of despair that had been creeping up on her. Where did all of this drama come from? She pondered with a shake of her head.

Moving forwards, Rarity decided, as her magic floated the egg carton towards the kitchen table. It was weird, recently Rarity had had the strangest obsession with eggs. Eggs for breakfast, eggs for lunch, and eggs for dinner.

Sadly, her magic suddenly began to sputter out. “No!” Rarity gasped, as she watched the eggs fall in slow motion. With remarkably quick thinking, Rarity reached out her magic to grab the fallings eggs. However, her magic refused to work, as only sparks flew from her horn. “No No No!” Rarity screamed as the carton turned upside down, causing the eggs to slam into the floor, with yolk and egg white splattering against the nice clean floor and kitchen fixtures.

This is fixable, Rarity reminded herself, as she reached out for a cloth to use to clean this mess up… Only for her horn to continue to fail to work. “Stupid horn!” Rarity screamed in fury, as she began to beat on her malfunctioning horn. “Why aren’t you working!” She continued to scream, her face turning red with fury. Without a hint of consideration or concern for her image. Her fury refused to abate, evan as she began to stamp, and otherwise trample the egg carton. And of course, all her tantrum did was aggravate the problem, spreading more eggs across her floor.

“Rarity, are you in here?” Called out a gentle voice, interrupting Rarity’s sudden and unexpected tantrum, as well as familiar voice. “I just heard great news, and I had to come to talk to you,” Fluttershy’s voice sung eagerly, her excitement completely wild and unchained, as she called out for Rarity a second time.

Rarity gave a cough, as she struggled to suppress her embarrassed blush. “I’m in the kitchen Fluttershy, dear. And might I add, it is such a pleasure to hear from you again. Please feel free to come in so we can talk,” Rarity added, as she tried to listen for Fluttershy’s dainty, ninja like steps. However, Rarity couldn’t hear Fluttershy’s hooves, instead she suspected that the yellow pegasus was probably on her way.

Rarity could hear the small gasp of the yellow pegasus, signaling that her initial theory had been correct. “Please pardon the mess, darling. I seem to be having a bit of trouble activating my magic,” Rarity admitted with a soothing sigh, as she carefully swallowed the humiliation burning in her face.

“It’s ok, you are pregnant, after all,” Fluttershy cooed, as she gently flew over linen drawer to grab a washcloth.

“I Beg your pardon?” Rarity said with a look of confusion, and a raise of her eyebrow. “Fluttershy, darling, what ever are you talking about?” Rarity asked, cautiously.

“Discord told me all about it,” Fluttershy pointed out with a smile, as she gently began to dampen the washcloth with water from the faucet. “You see, I was so sad about the crusaders… especially considering how it might have been different, if only I’d been there.” Fluttershy said with a slight regret in her voice. “And then Discord told me the good news… And well, I had to run down and see you.”

“Fluttershy, you can’t listen to every word that comes from that trickster’s mouth,” Rarity groaned, as she carefully picked up the fallen egg carton between her two hooves, her face twisted into a look of revulsion. “I know you two are starting to be quite the couple, but don’t let a crush cloud your judgment,” Rarity added, with a long, soothing breath.

“We’re just good friends,” Fluttershy insisted behind a very large blush. Rarity rolled her eyes, but decided to let it go, for now. After all, Fluttershy was still rather sensitive around stallions, and she wasn’t likely to do anything… foolish.

“And don’t forget, I would never mate with a stallion before I married him. And we all know that’s the only way to get pregnant,” Rarity pointed out as she carefully batted a lock of mane away from her eyes. “Unless Discord has been up to something he hasn’t been telling me about,” Rarity hissed as she squinted eyes. “He didn’t do anything… did he?” Rarity pleaded, as she walked over to stand closer to the yellow pegasus.

“Oh no,” Fluttershy whispered with a shake of her head. ”This is not something bad. It’s something wonderful,” Fluttershy whispered, as she shook the horrible thoughts from her mind. “It makes everything better,” Fluttershy pointed out, as she began to wipe the the egg off of the floor. “Your foal, it’s Sweetie Belle,” Fluttershy cooed, as her face beamed with a bright smile.


Applejack sat numbly in the waiting room, her eyes staring blankly into space. How is this possible? Every filly knows there’s only one way to get pregnant, and ah ain’t been with a stallion. It’s just not possible, it just ain’t, Applejack moaned, her mind struggling to solve this enigma. She might not have been a scholar in magic, like Twilight Sparkle, but she knew enough to know that magical pregnancies were a magical myth.

“Miss. Applejack,” spoke a calm voice, drawing Applejack’s mind back to Equestria. She numbly looked up to see the nurse that the voice belonged to. “We have the results from the second test you requested. But, I’m afraid the doctor won’t be able to see you for a few more minutes. Is that ok?” the nurse asked gently. Applejack could only nod her head.

Applejack’s musing was cut short as somepony arrived, stomping and shaking the floor. The stomping was quickly followed by shouting. “I’m waiting out here until you get me another doctor, because I’m not pregnant!” shouted the undeniable voice of Rainbow Dash.

It wasn’t more than a moment before the shaking in the floor stopped, as Rainbow Dash slumped into the chair next to Applejack. The cyan pegasus was pissed, Applejack could see that. She sat in the chair with her forelegs crossed, and her cheeks a very deep red.

“Rainbow Dash?” Applejack asked, grabbing the attention of her pegasus friend.

“Applejack? What are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked, her eyes wide open with surprise.

“Same thing as you, ah recon,” Applejack mumbled quietly, as she looked down at her hooves. She almost sounded like she was ashamed to admit it. “You’re pregnant, and you can’t explain it, either?” Applejack whispered, as she continued to stare down at her hooves.

Rainbow Dash went silent, her eyes darting around for quite some time. However, after a painfully long pause, she finally spoke again. “Maybe...” she whispered, non-committally. Applejack gave a somber nod, she was afraid of that.

“Well, ah think Twilight will know what’s goin’ on,” Applejack decided, her eyes turning rigid, as the doubt turned to purpose. “We need to talk to her after we get done here,” Applejack decided, before she went quiet. She didn’t have much more to say about the matter. All there was left to say was to quibble over what other ponies would think or say, if they knew. And, at the moment neither she, nor Rainbow Dash needed to prove their chastity or honor to other ponies, let alone each other.


Twilight Sparkle carefully shuffled through the tome in front of her. She’d spent the past several days trying to figure out how to help her friends through the grieving. Now she had a new project, to figure out why Fluttershy was claiming Rarity was pregnant with Sweetie Belle.

“So, Fluttershy, what makes you think that Rarity’s foal is Sweetie Belle?” Twilight asked gently, as she shifted through the spell book in front of her.

The yellow pegasus raised her head, her eyes filled with more determination and less timidity than usual. “Because Discord said so,” she admitted stubbornly, as she looked back at Twilight. “And, I think he’s telling the truth. After all, why would he lie about something as wonderful as this?” Fluttershy added, her resolve quickly fading after this admission.

“But, if that were true, then this would be nothing short of a miracle,” Twilight pointed out, as she opened one book, and floated it next to Fluttershy. “And even if it were true, what caused it to happen? Discord’s magic is odd and not well understood. But even this is beyond his abilities. There is a reason, after all, that magical pregnancies are a magical myth.” Twilight lectured, as she carefully pulled out the final book in her stack, the tome by Celeris The Massive Winged.

“But… But it would fix everything,” Fluttershy sobbed, with a shudder of her body. Twilight could feel her heartbreak. Fluttershy had been hit the hardest of all of her friends, filled with the most guilt and grief.

“Well, Rarity would seem to be pregnant,” Twilight admitted, as considered the evidence she had been given so far. While magical pregnancy scans were not as accurate as the clinical tests, they were very reliable. And if you added the other symptoms, it did seem to make a very sound case.

“Twilight, are you here?” shouted the unmistakable voice of Applejack from the staircase.

“Yeah, egghead! We need you to put that brain of yours to work explaining the next biggest mystery since the last Daring Do novel!” Rainbow Dash’s voice added. It sounded like the voice came from a bit closer point, like the top of the ballister. It seemed both ponies were traversing the castle rather quickly. If Twilight were to guess, they were galloping. But, she couldn’t be sure.

It can’t be, Twilight thought, her eyes growing wide as she felt her heart dump into her stomach. Twilight swallowed hard, and took a deep breath. “I’m in the throne room!” Twilight yelled out so both ponies would know where she was.

“Darling, you wouldn’t think it’s possible, would you?” Rarity slowly and hesitantly asked. Twilight gave a reluctant shrug, but she already suspected the answer was “yes”.

“It’s like I told you, all the crusaders are alive!” Fluttershy whispered, as she peeked out from under her mane. “And what’s even more wonderful is that Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack get a chance to be mothers,” Fluttershy cooed, as she gave Rarity a wide, eager smile.

“What did you say?” Rainbow Dash shouted, as she and Applejack busted into the room. “Twilight, what’s this all about?”

“Applejack, Rainbow Dash are you pregnant?” Twilight stated dryly, as she shot each mare a scrutinizing glance.

After a few tense moments, Applejack broke the silence. “Neither Dash or ah can explain it, Twi,” Applejack softly whispered, her eyes glancing back nervously. “So, we wanted to know how we got pregnant.”

“I’m not sure yet,” Twilight objected, as she flipped through the tome in front of her, her magic stopping at the page for the last spell she had cast from it. “The spell we cast was supposed to save them. There is nothing in here about pregnancy,” Twilight insisted, as she floated the page in front of each pony.

“How do you know? Did you even have time to read it?” Rainbow Dash insisted, as her patience waned.

“Of course I read it,” Twilight huffed. “I’m never sloppy with my spell casting.” Twilight insisted, as she began to point to various places on the page. “Here’s where the incantations are described. Here’s where the various warnings and notes are,” Twilight explained, her hoof finally hovering over and then pointed towards an elaborate set of mathematical formulas, “and here it describes the failsafe.”

“A failsafe?” Rarity asked, curiosity ruling her voice, and a look of uncertainty gleaming in her eyes.

“Yes, most spells have them,” Twilight lectured dryly. “In fact nearly ninety five percent of failsafe spells are designed to protect the caster and target from magical backlash,” Twilight explained, only to notice the room being full of blank stares. Twilight intently began to explain herself. “You see, failsafes are factors in spells that are designed to cause something to happen if various spells fail” Twilight explained, as she gladly entered lecture mode. While the lecture might have seemed pointless, it provided Twilight a chance to think. “They were first theorised of by Celeris the Massive Winged, Star Swirl the Bearded’s brother. However, they weren’t implemented until Star Swirl the Bearded figured out how to turn the theory into a reality.”

“Well, what does this failsafe do? The spell did fail, after all,” Rarity pointed sensibly, as she considered what was being said.

“It might not hurt to cross reference the spell form with other similar spell forms,” Twilight conceded, as she pulled the book closer to herself using her magic.

“But, it could be true?” Rainbow Dash asked, as she bit her lip. Her face was the picture of barely contained enthusiasm. Her wings quivered, and her body shook a tiny bit, with excitement.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up,” Twilight cautioned the cyan pegasus. “Girls, wait just there while I get some books out.” Twilight explained while she walked out of the room, and down the hall.

“Could it be true?” Applejack mumbled, as even she was having trouble containing her excitement. All the ponies in the room looked at Fluttershy, who was looking like a filly looking at her birthday presents, tentatively.

However, the sound of several books hitting the floor hard, rattling the crystal walls spoke even louder. It seemed Twilight had just had the surprise of her life.


Rainbow Dash bit her lip, she couldn’t contain her excitement, and everypony looking could tell. “Regal Sunbird is going to be so stoked, when we tell her Scootaloo is alive!” Rainbow Dash ranted, as she looked at Twilight. “Although, I’m going to have to leave the egghead explanation to you,” Rainbow Dash added eagerly.

“Well, it’s complicated, but the explanation is fairly straight forward,” Twilight explained, as she looked into the distance. The sunbird house was just over the next hill, this explanation would have to be kept short. “After the girls cast their prophesy spell, their bodies were transformed into pure magic,” Twilight stated casually, her mind working overtime to help her keep this as brief as possible. “The spell we cast was supposed to take that magic, and use it to reconstitute them. Now, the failsafe is where it gets interesting,” Twilight’s face seemed to beam, as she struggled to contain her building enthusiasm, this was one of the most amazing magical feats she had seen, outside of the Elements of Harmony, or Celestia and Luna moving the sun and moon.

“You see, Celeris conceived the possibility of his spell failing, so he made the spell store the target’s essence somewhere. That’s where the pregnancy comes into the story. You see, when the spell failed, the girls were already being stored in your wombs. And this is why the spell explicitly called for mares,” Twilight lectured, as the two ponies arrived at Regal Sunbird’s house. The first thing they noticed was that ponies were moving in and out of the house, emptying it into a moving carriage.

“Hello Princess!” Regal Sunbird called out, with a big smile, as she waved at Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash. “What brings you by my humble abode this morning,” she asked with a grin.

Rainbow Dash zipped up, so that she could stand next to Regal Sunbird. “Have I got great news!” Rainbow Dash shouted into the pleased mare’s face. The cyan pegasus’ grin was large, nearly as big as Pinkie’s most manic grin.

“Yes, of course...” Regal Sunbird responded with a forced smile. “However, please make it brief, I need to finish packing. I need to move into my husband’s house in Canterlot,” Regal Sunbird added, as she lit up her horn, to move a small box on her back into the truck.

“Scootaloo is alive!” Rainbow Dash shouted, giddily. Her expression turning more confused, as she saw the twinge of fear flash across Regal Sunbird’s face. “Is something wrong?” she inquired.

“T-that isn’t possible. You’re delusional,” Regal Sunbird stuttered, her face turning slightly pale, as she imagined her plans of restoring her prestige in Canterlot going up in flames. “I mean.. the princess said they vaporized themselves!” Regal Sunbird insisted. “And everypony knows resurrection spells are just as much of a myth as magical impregnation,” Regal Sunbird bartered, a slight layer of sweat dripping down her brow.

“Well, the spell we cast to try to save the girls isn’t a resurrection spell, technically,” Twilight Sparkle explained, as she walked over to catch up with Rainbow Dash. “It’s more that we tried to reconstitute them, but when that failed, their essences were restored into Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack,” Twilight lectured, her mind not noticing Regal Sunbird looking more and more desperate by the second.

“But that isn’t possible,” Regal Sunbird stuttered, her veneer of sophistication melting away. “Do you have any evidence?”

“Well it’s more of a hypothesis,” Twilight Sparkle admitted, with a slight blush. “But we have a fair amount of evidence, and the explanation seems plausible. Considering there isn’t an explanation to reveal how three of my friends ended up pregnant at once. That isn’t to say that it isn’t outside of the realm of plausibility. But Rarity and Applejack are very zealous about ‘marriage before mating’. And while Rainbow Dash has been known to flirt with the stallions, she can’t afford to mate outside of wedlock, either,” Twilight Sparkle lectured, as she began to spell out her thoughts on the matter.

This is not looking good, Regal Sunbird thought, despite the distracting pounding of her heart. “W-what are you suggesting,” Regal Sunbird stuttered, her body still trembling a little, but her composure returning, as her mind ran over ways she could salvage the situation.

“That Rainbow Dash is pregnant, and her foal is --” Twilight started, only to be interrupted.

“Rainbow Dash’s foal!” Regal Bird blurted out, interrupting the lavender princess. However, after that outburst she seemed to regain her complete composure. Her face turned less scared, and more tear ridden. As well as her body being wracked with sobs. “I mean, the poor dear may not remember her past life, and she’ll imprint on Rainbow Dash in the first five minutes… So, I would hate to take a foal away from its mother, especially for selfish reasons,” Regal Sunbird wept, as she switched into a full acting mode.

“What!” Rainbow Dash shouted, her body growing rigid, her wings spreading in a defensive stance. “You can’t be serious! Scootaloo loved you, and you’re just going to dump her like she’s trash?!” Rainbow Dash shouted at the white unicorn.

“I’m not dumping her, I’m doing what’s best for her,” Regal Sunbird growled, in an extremely soft whisper. “Miss. Dash, you do not want to make a scene of this,” Regal Sunbird said warningly. “Consider what this pregnancy would do to your chances with the Wonderbolts,” Regal Sunbird continued to whisper, only into the pegasus’ ear.

“Are you threatening me?” Rainbow Dash snarled back, as she trotted over to stick her forehead against that of the unicorn. Both mares stared each other, hostility in their eyes.

“Not at all,” Regal Sunbird cooed. “It’s just that, as the role models to most of Equestria, the Wonderbolts have a strict code of honor. And mating out of wedlock is an offense that leads to being removed from the team. And I would hate for you to be removed from the team over Scootaloo,” Regal Sunbird cooed, her voice turning smooth and compassionate, despite the subtle warning tones in it.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight snapped, causing both mares to startle. Both mares then looked at Twilight in surprise. “We should be going,” Twilight stated sternly, causing Rainbow Dash to reluctantly walk over to stand next to the alicorn.

“And besides, picking a fight with a grieving mare will just make things harder on everypony,” Twilight said softly, as she started to walk off, causing Rainbow Dash to run to catch up.

“She’s faking it!” Rainbow Dash snarled. “She’s tossing Scootaloo away!” she added, her face red with fury.

“Even if she was, it won’t help Scootaloo to force Regal Sunbird to take her back. Especially considering that Scootaloo may not remember anything.” Twilight admitted, earning a look of surprise from Rainbow Dash.

“Why wouldn’t she remember?” Rainbow Dash insisted, a hurt look crossing her face.

“It depends upon where memories are stored, and how they are accessed,” Twilight explained, casually, as she went over what she knew. “If knowledge is stored in the soul but accessed by the brain, for instance, then the memories will be there, but the girls won’t be able to remember. It’ll be like amnesia,” Twilight explained.

“But, they will remember, right?” Rainbow Dash insisted, her heart not able to handle the possibility that she’d still lose Scootaloo.

“We’ll need time to tell.” Twilight admitted, as she shook her head sadly.


I’m glad mom and dad are coming back early, Rarity thought with a smile. She was usually glad when they came back, but this time especially. She needed to explain to them what was happening, and this would be the perfect time. All the events of the current day had been hectic and tiring. Rarity was sure she would sleep well tonight.

Rarity impatiently adjusted everything on the kitchen table. Her parents were going to be there any minute, and she was going to have a lot of explaining to do. They were supposed to be there by 5, the perfect time for dinner. But, they were running late... again... Rarity gave a sigh, and sat down at the counter.

As she waited, she began to read through the pamphlets for expectant mares that the doctor had given her. After which, she would have to read that book Twilight had given her, and then get some advice from Fluttershy. It was all just a huge hassle, and she still wasn't quite sure just how she was going to make this work. After all, she couldn't rely on her parents to actually be there to raise Sweetie Belle, seeing as she had a business to run, and that left her with very little time for foals.

“But worry not, dear! I'll do it all for you Sweetie Belle.” She said while patting her lower barrel. She loved her sister, and would find a way to make it work. After all, she wouldn't represent generosity if she denied her sister a good life. Finally, after a few more seconds, she could hear knocking on her front door. “Were they just waiting for me to say that?” she asked herself with a chuckle, at the timing of her parents arrival.

Rarity gracefully walked over to the door, and slowly opened the it to find the two ponies she had been expecting. “Mother, father I am so glad you could make it for dinner,” she said, formally. “I do hope you are hungry, because we have much to discuss,” she said, smiling at both the pink mare and the white stallion, as she began to daintily trot towards the kitchen table. She pulled the chair out with her magic, and prepared herself to sit down… only, to get stopped by something she hadn't expected to hear.

“Oh I can't wait to see Sweetie Belle, too,” Cookie Crumbles replied. “But, I don't see her here, or in the kitchen. Rarity, is she upstairs cleaning her hooves?” she asked, her voice more filled with confusion, then concern.

Rarity froze, and looked back with a grave face. “You didn't hear?” she asked her parents, Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks, who both shook their heads. Rarity took a deep breath to calm down -- this would just make things easier. “Well, that's part of what I want to talk about.” she said with a calm demeanor.

“She's at her friend's house, how nice,” Cookie Crumbles smiled.

“Mother… father… please have a seat, I really want to get started on dinner before dinner gets cold,” Rarity pleaded. or I get cold feet, Rarity she silently added.

With that Rarity's parents shrugged, and had a seat. Hondo began to dig into his food right away, but his wife took a bit more time to cut her food and chew on it. During a lull in conversation, Rarity decided to spit things out. “Now then, it seems the rumors of Sweetie Belle's demise were greatly exaggerated. She is, in fact, quite alive,” Rarity said, her tone still formal.

“Well of course dear, she's been staying with you for a month and a half. And, we knew the princess was playing a prank on us... We know nothing bad could happen to her when she's with you,” Cookie Crumbles said with a massive smile.

Rarity bit her lower lip, the truth hurt. “Well, you see, she was vaporized by a spell that she and her friends cast.”

Cookie Crumbles looked back in confusion. “If she was vaporized then how is she still alive?”

Rarity spent a second to think how to address the issue, before she decided to put it bluntly. “We attempted to cast a spell to try to save her life, and it failed -- but not completely. And now I'm pregnant with Sweetie Belle.”

Cookie Crumbles looked back with a smile. “Oh you’re pregnant? Who's the sire?” She asked, enthusiastically. “When did you get married? When do we get to meet him? Is it that Trender Hoof stallion that you kept going on and on about?”

Rarity shook her head, her mother clearly wasn't paying attention. “Mother didn't you understand what I just said? The foal is Sweetie Belle, there isn't any sire!”

Cookie Crumbles let out a blush. “I don't think I follow, dear. You said Sweetie Belle was vaporized by magic, but she's alive, and that made you pregnant?” her voice sounding a bit empty as she tried to figure out the cryptic message Rarity was giving her.

Rarity took a moment to look away, her teeth grinding. Sometimes her mother was oblivious. But this seemed just seemed a little too clueless. It seemed the dear was either completely lost or in utter denial. She hated to do it, but her mother couldn't live in denial forever. She took a second before she managed to regain her composure, and put on a fake smile.

“Mother, perhaps a visual aid would help?” Rarity asked with a voice that was as smooth as silk, just like she'd practiced.

The pink mare nodded, her face bearing a smile. “Oh yes, that would be a big help,” Rarity’s mother replied, with a nod.

Rarity took a stroll down to another part of the boutique and grabbed a scrap book out of a book shelf. Walking back to the kitchen table, she took a seat, and opened the scrap book. “Here is a picture of what my foal will look like,” she said with a fake smile, pointing a hoof at a familiar picture of Sweetie Belle.

Cookie Crumbles sat there perplexed. “Ah yes, I see the resemblance. She has your lovely coat.” Cookie Crumbles said with a big smile, before her smile seemed to hesitate for just a moment or two, “But she looks an awful lot like Sweetie Belle, too.”

Rarity nodded, her body language remaining neutral. “Oh, and I have pictures of the father.”

She flipped through the pages to a familiar picture of her father. She pointed at the picture in question.

Hondo Flanks having noticed the odd conversation had looked up and gave a soft chuckle. “He's a handsome devil,” he said, proudly. “He looks just like me...” he then took a drink of orange juice. He sat there for maybe a second before he spit out the orange juice he had just started drinking. “Hey, that is me.”

“Oh yes, and here is a picture of the mother,” Rarity pointed to a pink mare standing next to the white stallion in the picture.

“Oh that's not a good picture of you, dear…” her mother said, shaking her head. “it looks just like me...” the pink mare said, her face turning dark. “It isn't me, right...” her eyes looking back, almost pleading.

“Mother, I know you've been avoiding this, but in about nine and a half months, I'm going to give birth to Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, giving a tortured sigh. At least she was finally making progress.

Cookie Crumbles began to shiver, quiet sobs leaving her mouth. She simply leaned over and gave Hondo Flanks a big hug. The stallion reached back and returned his wife's hug, as he looked over at Rarity remaining seemingly unfazed, although his usual never-ending smile seemed to be missing. “Rarity... Is Sweetie Belle going to be okay?”

Rarity frowned, this was not going to be easy to say. “As long as the pregnancy goes properly,” she replied. “She should come out no worse for wear... Just about seven birthdays younger, that’s all. As for mentally, we don't know. She may very well be starting her life all over again.”

Cookie continued to cry into her husband's chest. The stallion nodded solemnly. “At least she will be ok, and you know that your mother and I will help you through this. We promise you that you’ll never have to raise Sweetie Belle alone! But, could you at least tell us how it happened? I'm afraid we didn't pay Princess Luna's guards enough attention.”

Rarity sighed, this was going to be a long story to tell. She wasn't really surprised though, she had been expecting this. The hard part would come later, when she tried to figure out how to take care of a newborn foal. And, it wasn't going to be much easier for Applejack or Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to ItIsASillyLittleGame for editing this chapter.

As well as mintgreenconspiracy for providing some suggestions.

For those who wish to see the original chapters, they can still be found at http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/894833 and http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/894848 (password : Rose Petals)