• Published 12th Jan 2016
  • 2,121 Views, 123 Comments

rebuilding a crusade - LavendarRegards

After a terrible mistake involving a spellbook, the CMC are saved from death by the thinest of margins. However, having to relive their lives over again, they may never be the same again.

  • ...

Chapter 8 - That motherly feeling

Sweetie Belle giggled and incoherently babbled to herself as she played in the small playpen positioned in the middle of Rarity's bedroom. Merrily she used both of her forelegs to shake Pochica. The small white filly held no fear on her face because she could hear the familiar humming of her mother in the nearby bathroom. However, the small unicorn couldn't help but sneeze as the sweet smell of perfume tickled her muzzle.

"Gesundheit," Rarity cheerfully stated as she peeked her head out from the adjoining bathroom. Carefully the white mare trotted over, and made sure to give Sweetie Belle a hug as she daintily positioned her hoof against Sweetie Belle's forehead. "No fever. Good," Rarity added with a smile, and a relieved sigh. "I'd hate to miss my first actual date with Spike," Rarity pointed out as she carefully flipped her mane back into place.

Rarity wouldn't admit it, but it was a strange thought for her to give the small drake a serious date. Perhaps it was just because he wasn't even tall enough to reach the top of her chest, but Rarity couldn't help but feel like he was just another foal. Still, Spike had been very diligent about coming by every day to help Rarity care for Sweetie Belle. And, if he were that dedicated to being that responsible, then Rarity would at least give him a chance to show her how much of an adult he actually was.

"Although..." Rarity mumbled with a concerned look as her eyes quickly peered out the window at the setting sun. "If your grandparents don't make it back on time from their trip to Griffonstone, I won't be able to go out at all," Rarity fretted. Three times now, her parents' business trip to Griffonstone had been extended. That meant that they'd already missed the first two months of Sweetie Belle's life. And, Rarity didn't blame them. Hondo Flank's work tended to be "feast or famine." He was either galavanting off with Cookie Crumble's on site -- often to an emergency... or "vacation" as they liked to call them -- or he was sitting on the dock fishing. That meant that when he had work, it tended to be all consuming.

Rarity could hear the faint chimes as somepony opened her front door. Please Celestia, let that be them, Rarity mentally pleaded. "I will be right back, Sweetie," Rarity assured the small filly as she gave Sweetie Belle a quick kiss, and trotted down the stairs. Rarity couldn't help but hold her breath as she took a turn around the corner towards the showroom.

"How may I help you?" Rarity asked calmly, despite her silent pleading that this wasn't a customer, or Spike arriving early.

"You could give your parents a big hug," chuckled the warm voice of a very familiar stallion. "After that, could you show us to Sweetie Belle? Your mother's been dying to see her," Hondo Flanks added as he quickly trotted over, and put Rarity in a tight hug. Carefully Rarity reached her foreleg around the stallion, to pat him on the withers.

Rarity turned to her mother and held out her forelegs in a warm invitation. The pink mare eagerly took the hug and returned the embrace in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry for being this late," Cookie Crumbles somberly apologized. "Your father's trip went poorly, and everything was delayed for an extra month and a half. I would have come back without him to help you, but your father needs my bakery to keep his team fed... So, I couldn't make it. After all, ponies need food to work," Cookie Crumbles added with a hollow laugh, and a look of fatigue crossing her face. A look that Rarity couldn't see over the tight hug. After a few seconds, Rarity's mother pulled away from the hug. "You've lost a lost of weight. You'll be back in shape in no time," she assured Rarity with a smile before she patted herself on the barrel. "It's a shame we don't all get to keep our fillyish figure," she added with a warm laugh.

"Well... I'm still young, so it's a bit easier. And well... I've still got a lot of weight to lose. And, you don't look that bad," Rarity assured her mother as she tried to give her a convincing look. While Rarity's mother still looked round, Rarity couldn't help but notice the deep bags under her eyes and ruflfled mane. She looked haggard. "Speaking of which, you seem to have lost some weight too," Rarity added as she tried to remain positive, despite her concern for her mother’s health. Cookie Crumbles usually had a hard time losing weight.

"Thank you, dear," Cookie Crumbles stated with a warm smile, and a look of exhaustion crossing her face. This one did not go unnoticed... "Now, where's Sweetie Belle? I haven't seen her in well over a year, and I simply can't wait another moment to see her," Cookie Crumbles requested with a foal-like eagerness.

"She's upstairs playing in her playpen. It's in my bedroom," Rarity started to explain, only to watch her mother eagerly trot down the hall, mid-sentence. Rarity gave a soft sigh and shook her head whimsically. Well, at least she loves her dearly, Rarity thought happily, before turning her attention to her father. "Father, is Mother ok?" Rarity asked cautiously as she looked into her father's eyes with her concerned eyes. "She looks like she hasn't eaten or slept well in days... or possibly even weeks?"

"Don’t worry about us,” Hondo replied dismissively. “How are you and Sweetie Belle doing? Has she been feeding alright? Sweetie Belle didn't take to her mother's milk as the doctors would have liked," Hondo Flanks chuckled with his usual casual tone, and knowing smile.

Rarity glared, annoyed at her father’s obvious attempt to dodge her question. The matter with her parents must be graver than she’d first thought and instead of alleviating his daughter’s concerns, his careless remark only fueled her suspicions. Though this was often within his nature, she couldn’t forgive him this time. She was going to get to the truth.

Rarity smiled dangerously at her unbeknownst father, and decided to use this opportunities to vent some of her ‘motherly’ frustrations. After all, he did ask. "Sweetie Belle has been eating quite greedily for a foal who was two weeks early," Rarity complained, rubbing her sore teats. "I can't seem to satisfy her appetite and I have a hard time walking as it is."

Rarity stole a quick glance at her father. He stood idly as his jaw dropped, somewhat taken aback by her frank response. "That's great," he replied hesitantly with a strained smile.

Rarity rolled her eyes but secretly smiled at her father’s reaction. Hondo Flanks was what you called a ‘stallion's stallion’ and wasn't too keen on talking about a ‘mare's issues’ as he liked to call them. She watched him squirm for a few seconds more, before ending this feministic torture. Placing a hoof to her cheek, she sighed. "Aside for that, I suppose I am doing well, considering the circumstances.," Rarity added as she made careful note of the look of relief on the stallion's face. "Now.... about mother?" Rarity pressed, earning another look of fear crossing her father's face.


"And no, I will not be dropping it," Rarity insisted as she watched her father's eyes dart about shiftily.

Hondo rubbed the back of his head sheepishly in a last ditch effort to put on a brave front. But, he couldn't escape his daughter's piercing gaze as she stubbornly stared at the reluctant stallion. He looked at her once more before letting out a defeated sigh. "Things ... aren't going well with the bakery," he admitted bitterly.

Rarity bit her tongue as she listened intently. Without any interruption, her father continued.
"Sales are way down, and taxes have gone up in Manehatten, again. And, that's not to mention that a few of the employees quit, and we don't have the money to replace them... Instead, your mom's been taking some pay cuts, and working more hours to try to cover the difference," Hondo Flanks whispered softer as if he was afraid that Cookie Crumbles could hear him from upstairs.

"Are things going that badly?" Rarity asked as she gave the stallion a concerned look. "Are you still able to contract her bakery when you go on site? Surely her catering for your trips can help pay the difference," Rarity proposed as her mind ran over the situation.

"It's not been enough," Hondo Flanks replied shamefully. "And, your mom invested some of her personal funds into the bakery. So, if we go bankrupt, it won't just shatter her dreams by taking the bakery away, but it might also mean we lose our home," Hondo Flanks admitted in hushed tones.

"Oh dear," Rarity gasped as she placed a hoof over her mouth. Rarity took a deep breath and swallowed. "How can I help?”

Hondo looked at his daughter with a proud but sad smile. “Rarity.”

“Maybe I could provide some of my personal funds?" Rarity mused as she looked at her father with concern. “Or I can talk to some of my friends surely-”

Hondo held his hoof to Rarity’s lips, stopping her in her tracks. He gazed into her eyes warmly as she begged to speak.

"Honey, please. Don't forget about yourself. Your mother and I would feel even worse if we jeopardized your dreams," Hondo Flanks retorted. Before she could say another word, he gave Rarity a long hug, signifying his desire to end the discussion there. "Now, let's go upstairs, and see Sweetie Belle. I've missed her too," Hondo added, interrupting Rarity's objection, as he slowly broke the hug.

Rarity looked at her father briefly. He had been more open to her than he ever had before and although she desperately wanted to help them, she begrudgingly accepted her father’s wishes.

"Shall we go upstairs then?" Rarity asked with a weak smile.

Hondo Flanks nodded eagerly. Carefully Rarity led the stallion up the stairs, and to her bedroom.

"I still want to help you. You know," Rarity whispered as she and her father finished their march to her bedroom. "But for now, I suppose we can discuss that after you've had some time with Sweetie Belle," Rarity added as she placed her hoof on the closed nursery door.

Rarity pushed the door open slowly but stopped suddenly as she was greeted by the soft sound of singing against Sweetie Belle’s cries.

Rarity watched the pair tentatively, but her attention was diverted elsewhere as she switched her gaze to her father standing beside her. Her father's smile couldn't hide a hint of sadness as his wife held their child who was struggling in her forelegs.

No. Not their daughter. Their grandchild.

"Hush now! Quiet now! It's time to lay your sleepy head," somberly whispered Rarity's mother as she gently cradled Sweetie Belle in her forehooves. The tears streaming down her cheeks struck Rarity as she felt her heart sink.

Quickly Rarity wrapped her forelegs around Sweetie Belle and her mom lovingly, catching her off guard. "It's ok Sweetie Belle. I'm here. There's nothing to be afraid of," Rarity whispered into the small filly's ear. As Sweetie Belle slowly calmed down, Rarity turned her attention to her crying mom.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Rarity whispered as she attempted to console her mother, by patting the withers of the sullen mare. For the longest time, Cookie Crumbles continued to tremble silently. Slowly she turned her head and looked Rarity in her eyes.

"She doesn't recognize me," the pink mare whimpered as she tries to stifle her tears. "My baby, Sweetie Belle … to her ... I'm just some stranger..."

Rarity stroked her mother’s mane loving as the tears fell. Rarity’s own heart was breaking but she remained strong for her mother.

"She's afraid of me. I don't understand, why?" she whimpered Cookie Crumbles. “Why?”

"I'm so sorry mother," Rarity lamented as she struggled to suppress the guilt building in her heart. “Sweetie Belle is still a foal. She just needs to spend some with time with you. I’m sure she’ll remember you.”

Despite Rarity’s reassurances however Cookie Crumble shook her head.

"Of course she wouldn't remember me... I've been a terrible mom," Cookie Crumbles sobbed as her voice grew less quiet, and she began to shudder with each sob. "I'm never home. I'm always away working on my bakery," Cookie Crumbles continued to wail as Hondo Flanks pulled her into a tight conciliatory hug. Gently he began whispering into her ears sweet words of encouragement, but the pink mare wasn't hearing it. "She's seen so little of me, that I'm just a complete stranger," she lamented from her deep grief.

"Don't say that mother. You've been a loving mother, who has always cared deeply for her daughters," Rarity assured Cookie Crumbles as she added herself into the group hug. "You worked hard because you cared about us, not because you were obsessed with your bakery."

"I wanted to have the bakery there for when you girls were ready to take it over... I wanted to share it with you. But, all I've done is hooked myself up to a heavy yoke. I cannot care for you or your sister. I can't even care for myself," Cookie Crumbles wailed hard. Her words were coming out completely incoherent.

Rarity bit her lip hard. She dearly wanted to tell her mother that they'd work it out. But, she wasn't even sure how they would make it work. It seemed like her parents would either: spend hours away from Sweetie Belle to make the bakery work, or they'd end up raising her in destitution without it. Rarity looked up to see if her parents had anything more to say, but right now they simply were crying their eyes dry. Once again her desire to help burned a hole in her heart. She had to help. She couldn't live with herself if she didn't give something. "I could care for her," she offered, earning a shocked look from her parents. "She doesn't remember you now. And, she may or may not remember you later, but that doesn't mean you cannot be a part of her life now," Rarity suggested in a soft whisper.

Cookie Crumbles raised her head in an apparent attempt to shake it. However, she just didn't seem to have the strength to do it. She then opened her mouth in an effort to object, but she couldn't find the words... Instead, she sagged her head in defeat. "It... It... It might be for the best," She choked out between sobs. "But, can we at least stay with her tonight?" Cookie Crumbles pleaded quietly.

"Of course you can, mother. I do believe you promised to watch her while I was on my date with Spike," Rarity confirmed with a slightly forced laugh from her clearly forced smile. "And, I do believe that grandparents tend to babysit their grandchildren," Rarity added as she struggled to find the right words to console her mother.

"Well, I did always want to be a grandmother..." Cookie Crumbles acknowledged through an empty laugh, and a thin smile.

"Grandparents at our age that's got to be some kind of record," Hondo Flanks joked as he gave his wife the warmest and most convincing smile he could do.

"Oh hush you," Cookie Crumbles said with a scowl. However, her scowl slowly melted away to a weak smile. Furthermore, warmth was slowly creeping its way into her empty laugh as she pulled far enough away from the hug so that she could give her husband a playful and sarcastic tap to the foreleg. "You're not helping," she sternly added, despite her obviously relieved laughter.

"You see, it doesn't have to be that bad," Rarity assured her parents. However, the warm scene didn't last as a loud rapping on the door indicated somepony else was looking to come into the boutique.

"Oh dear. I'm late for my date," Rarity panicked as she charged straight into the bathroom, and struggled to use her magic to finish up her makeup while she continued trying to calm Sweetie Belle from her earlier scare.

"Well, we might as well meet our potential son in law," Hondo Flanks chuckled as he urged his wife to follow him down the stairs. "I know she told us a bit about him in her letters. But, I have to meet him," Hondo Flanks added. Cookie Crumbles couldn't help but nod, and giggle as she put the previous tension behind her, and set her mind on this small distraction from the bigger issue.

Eagerly the two ponies trotted down the stairs, and to the front door. With a flick of his forehoof, Hondo Flanks opened the door. Both ponies could only gape in shock as they saw the small drake standing in the doorway before them. The diminutive purple dragon sat in a handsome tux and tie, carrying a beautiful bouquet of roses, and wore a handsome top hat. "Rarity's parents?" he stuttered to the two ponies in confusion.

"Rarity's upstairs finishing her makeup," Cookie Crumbles whispered into the small drakes ears. "You know how that goes," she added with a giggle. "Now, you gotta tell us about yourself," she eagerly stated as she pointed towards Rarity's kitchen in the back of the boutique.

"Besides the fact that you work for the princess," Hondo Flanks added jovially.


The Apple family table was alight with chatter as Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Mac carried on a lively conversation... Well, Granny Smith, and Applejack anyway. Big Mac did contribute his normal non-verbal communication, though. "So Granny, Apple Bloom's four months old today, and ah reckon it's almost time to let Apple Bloom try something other than my milk," Applejack suggested as she felt the odd sensation of Apple Bloom suckling at one of her teats.

"Well, aren't you starting to sound like a mother," Granny Smith responded with a deep chuckle. "Ah guess you're already starting to feel like one too, eh?" Granny Smith added with a smirk.

"Well, ah wouldn't say that," Applejack admitted with a sigh and a shake of her head. "Ah'm actually pretty torn. Ah know she needs a mother, an' all. And, ah got these new instincts telling me that she's my foal. But, in my heart she'll always be my little sister," Applejack added with a long sigh. She hated to admit it, but she found herself losing sleep over the whole issue. She simply didn't feel right calling Apple Bloom her foal, but she also felt wrong not doing so. It was a frustrating conundrum because either way it felt dishonest somehow.

"Ah think it's just simpler this way," Granny Smith retorted as her quivery hoof lifted a spoonful of oatmeal to her mouth. "And, there ain't no reason not to call her your foal. It's not like she remembers the way things were, anyway," Granny Smith pointed out sensibly. Her words being backed up by a nod of agreement from Big Mac.

"Ah know," Applejack admitted forlornly. She'd spent days going through Apple Bloom's old possessions trying to find something that Apple Bloom remembered. However, nothing seemed to trigger that look of recognition that Applejack was hoping for. She'd shown her sister turned daughter everything from her old bows to her old outfits, to her Filly Scout uniform, and even her Flower Filly dress. Nothing worked. And with each item, Applejack's heart and hopes had dropped a little more.

With that solemn admission, the room went silent. Nopony said a word, even as Apple Bloom finished feeding, and was carefully placed in her highchair by Applejack. The silence persisted until the distinct sound of babbling came from Apple Bloom.

"Mmm... ummm... mmm," the small filly mumbled, earning a smile by Applejack.

"That's right Apple Bloom, keep it up. Ah reckon your first words are just around the corner," she eagerly cheered. Her words inadvertently managing to lighten up the mood in the room a notch. "Now if you'll excuse me, Apple Bloom. Ah got to get the pan down from the cupboards," Applejack added with a smile. However, her smile quickly faltered as she noticed the concerned look painted on Big Mac's face. "Mac, ah've already been over this...", Applejack complained with a long sigh. "Ah'm gettin' stronger every day. Ah can already lift a full soup pot -- well the small soup pot, but still..." Applejack mumbled into the silent room of concerned looking ponies. Quickly she shook her head and decided to push the conversation forward. "And, it won't be long till ah'm liftin' the big ones! After that, ah'm gonna get back to trainin' for the rodeo. Eeyup, ah'm going to get back in shape before you know it. Ah'm already loads stronger than mah was when ah was Apple Bloom's age."

Big Mac's hesitant nod didn't go unnoticed by the orange mare, but she decided to push it far from her mind so that she could focus on the few chores she could get done before her stamina gave out.

Instead, Applejack returned to her original plan. She would march down to the kitchen, and start cooking the soup. After that, she needed to care for Apple Bloom and work on her chore list. It was a lot of work to do. But, Applejack still hated the fact that it was a lot less then she was used to doing. It still made her feel kind of useless, though -- like dead weight. A lot of that had to do with her lower magic levels. But, the bulk sum of it was Big Mac's over protectiveness. He just didn't seem to feel comfortable allowing her to have any work outside of simple chores.

A sudden knock on the door drew Applejack away from her current task. "Who could that be?" Applejack asked as she turned around and started walking back towards the doors to the outside.

"That's probably your cousin Babs," Granny Smith stated as she lifted her head up from her breakfast.

"She's visiting? Why did nopony tell me she was visitin'?" Applejack grumbled as she looked back to Granny Smith.

"'Cause somepony begged me to keep it a surprise," Granny Smith stated as she shot Big Mac a sideways look. "She's supposed to be here to help out around the farm for a few months, while you get better," Granny Smith explained with a clear disapproval in her voice as her eyes shot Big Mac an angry expression. "Ah'm surprised miss. Cheerilee didn't tell you, though. She's already gotten Babs enrolled in one of her classes for a couple-a months," Granny Smith admitted with a shrug.

Applejack sighed long and deep in an effort to push her frustration out of her body. "Big Mac... Didn't ah tell you ah didn't need any help? Ah take a little while to get back in shape, and you go and panic on me," Applejack grumbled as she finished her march towards the barn doors.

"Well hello, cousin Babs," Applejack warmly greeted as she opened the doors, and gave the pony behind the door a warm smile.

"Hey cousin Applejack," Babs Seed chipperly stated as she darted around Applejack, and began to look around the kitchen eagerly. "So, where's cousin Apple Bloom? I've been dyin' to see her again!" Babs Seed added as she continued to search every nook and corner of the room.

"She's over there in the high chair," Applejack explained as she pointed a hoof towards the kitchen table. "Now cousin Babs, ah know you've got your Cutie Mark, and you're feeling older now. But, you shouldn't have come here alone... even if Big Mac invited you," Applejack chastised the light brown filly.

"I didn't come alone," Babs Seed corrected her from the other side of the room before she turned her attention to Apple Bloom. "Is this Apple Bloom? Wow, she really is a baby," Babs pondered in amazement as she looked at her smaller cousin.

"Don't get too close! Apple Bloom's lost her memory, and she probably won't recognize you," Applejack cautioned. "So be sure to give her a second to get to know you," Applejack continued as a new thought crossed her mind. "Cousin Babs, you said you didn't come here alone. Who brought you here?" Applejack cautiously asked as she tried to consider who could have escorted the younger filly all the way to Sweet Apple Acres. "Was it Pinkie Pie?" Applejack considered. Her pink friend could be a bit of a busybody at times...

"Oh. It was cousins Winter Jack, and Jack Apple," Babs Seed stated casually as she playfully waved a hoof in front of Apple Bloom's face.

“Oh no! Applejack muttered as she felt her heart plummet into her chest. Mechanically she looked back at the door she had turned away from, to see her least two favorite relatives standing at the door. Their sadistic grins as wide as a cat’s.

"I can't believe she took this long to notice us," Jack Apple cackled as he nudged his brother with his knee.

"Well, she is a mother now," Winter Jack responded with an equally immature laugh. "It's distractin'... What with her havin' to keep an eye on her foal at all times," Winter Jack announced with a long hard laugh.

"Now you two behave," Applejack dryly commanded as she suppressed her desire to chase the two pranksters off -- preferably with a pitchfork -- without giving them the chance to do something humiliating. The two brothers were crass and tended to say inappropriate or even demeaning things, but they really didn't mean it. It was simply their annoying sense of humor.

"Now... Now... Cousin," Winter Jack said with a faux strictness. "You should be more neighborly, what with us havin' brought you a baby shower gift," Winter Jack explained as he proudly strolled into the kitchen as if he belonged there. Then once he had reached the other side of the door, he dropped off a bag of seed, which was almost as big as Applejack herself, just to the right of the doorframe.

"Thanks," Applejack mumbled as she tried to show some emotion, other than her desire for the brothers to go away quicker.

"You're welcome," Jack Apple eagerly stated as he strolled in, and pushed his brother aside. He then dropped another bag of seed next to the one his brother had left behind. "Also, congratulations on your new foal," Jack Apple generously added as he reached out and grabbed one of Applejack's forelegs, and began to shake it vigorously.

"Yeah, congrats," Winter Jack added. His face then turned into a twisted smirk. "Now, you gotta let us meet the colt that knocked you up -- and at your age no less!", Winter Jack added as he struggled to suppress his prankster's smile. "And, he gave you a foal on Hearts and Hooves day, no less. Now that's a real sign of love," Winter Jack snickered. "You see, Jack Apple and I have just been dyin' to congratulate him with a small personal showin' of our comedy act... just for him and his friends," Winter Jack continued as he shot his brother a conspiratorial look. His brother quickly returned the expression with an additional snicker.

"Ain't y'alls' comedy show involve live pranks?" Applejack stated dryly. It wasn't so much a question, as it was a warning. Applejack tried hard to suppress her eye roll as she watched both stallions wave their hooves, and give her the most innocent expressions their faces could fabricate. "Besides... If Y'all recall from my letter, there ain't a coltfriend," Applejack sternly stated as she made sure to keep an eye on the two brothers, in case they decided to prank her.

"Oh, you don't remember... Well that just ain't right! Cousin Applejack, how many times do we gotta tell you not to drink so much... Applejack?" Winter Jack barely managed to say between snickers as he ribbed his brother with his knee.

"Ha... Ha..." Applejack grumbled sarcastically , as she walked over to pick up one of the sacks of seed. "Enough of that teasing you two. Ah ain't no filly," Applejack insisted as she tried to lift the bag of seed. However, no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't raise the bag of seed. After several seconds of extreme exertion simply failing to budge the first sack, Applejack found herself panting and gulping in air, with the biggest blush on her face yet. "Dang strength ain't all there yet," Applejack grumbled silently.

Winter Jack and Jack Apple shared a quick look that screamed concern, embarrassment, and panic. Winter Jack then gave his brother a knowing look as he quickly decided on a way to try to relieve Applejack's humiliation. Winter Jack then cackled immaturely followed by his brother. He then opened his big mouth. "Well cousin Applejack, why are you tryin' to lift that? Don't you know? Liftin' heavy stuff is stallion's work," he stated with a clear sarcasm in his voice.

"Let Mac lift that," Jack Apple eagerly added as he finished his brother's thought. "You gotta take care of your daughter," he concluded, even as Applejack shot him a scowl that would have counted as their second warning.

"Ah can take care of myself," Applejack growled before she tried to collect herself. "And, Apple Bloom's my sister," Applejack corrected them sternly as she made a point to scowl at both brothers before she walked over and ruffled Apple Bloom's mane gently. "Ain't that right, Apple Bloom?" she asked Apple Bloom with a big smile. Applejack's statement earning an incoherent babble from Apple Bloom, and a distracted nod from Babs Seed -- who continued to play with Apple Bloom.

"Yep," Jack Apple agreed with a sagely nod. "Lot'sa sisters carry their sister in their womb for 310 days," Jack Apple concluded with another snicker and a big wink to his brother.

Applejack craned her neck back, grit her teeth, and gave both brothers a big scowl causing both brothers to flinch back a little. Applejack opened her mouth to chastise the two stallions, only to be interrupted by an unexpected sound. "Mmm... mmmm... Mmmaaahhhh.... Mama," Apple Bloom cooed. Applejack turned to face the baby foal smiling and giggling away. “Mama,” she repeated. Applejack’s heart melted away with pride as a beaming smile crossed her face and a hoof placed over her chest. Her first words.

“Ain’t that the sweetest,” came a snort.

“The sweetest,” repeated the other.

An otherwise precious moment was ruined as she suddenly remembered the company she was with. Her eyes darted around nervously at each brother who were struggling to contain themselves. Her face was beet red with a huge blush.

"Ahhh...Is that her first word?" Babs inquired innocently.

Bab’s words were not quite able to snap Applejack out of her stupor but instead caused each brother to roar with laughter.

Big Mac ignored the spectacle, trotted over and gave Babs Seed an eager nod of confirmation. Big Mac then gave Apple Bloom a large, adoring smile.

"Sister, yup," Jack Apple managed to say between laughs, his cheeks beginning to turn white as he laughed away his air supply.

"Dada!" Apple Bloom cooed as she said her second word. As she finished saying her word she raised her forelegs a couple of times with a triumphant smile. This statement earned an even harder laugh from both brothers, who found themselves on the floor completely unable to stand from how hard they were laughing.

Big Mac sputtered for a few seconds as he struggled to regain his composure. "Eenope," is all Big Mac managed to get out as he shook his head vigorously.

"Hey Big Mac, wouldn't Applejack being Apple Bloom's new mom, make you Apple Bloom's uncle?" Babs asked. Her words earning an enthusiastic nod from Big Mac, who nodded so frantically, that it looked like his head was about to fall off.

Babs Seed nodded, and then walked in front of Apple Bloom to look her in the eyes. "Uncle," Babs Seed enunciated slowly, and deliberately. Babs then pointed at Big Mac, while keeping her eyes looking into Apple Bloom's eyes. "Uncle," Babs slowly repeated as she pointed a hoof at Big Mac.

Winter Jack opened his mouth to both get air into his lungs, and to crack another joke, only to be interrupted by Granny Smith. "That's enough of your bad jokes," Granny Smith told both stallions sternly. The icy inflection in her voice quickly quieting the two pranksters, who both nodded their acceptance with a definite look of fear on their faces.

"When are you two leaving, anyway?" Applejack managed to ask the two brothers, in a barely contained grumble.

"We probably should be going now," Winter Jack admitted, shooting a sly wink to Jack Apple. "We gotta catch the 6 o'clock train to Canterlot for the show," he explained as he bowed to Applejack. "It's been fun cousin', but we ain't got any more time to crack jokes with Y'all. Gotta get to Canterlot to crack jokes at the audience, and hit a few ponies with pies," he explained as Jack Apple performed a similar bow. Both stallions then left out the front door.

"Good riddance," Applejack grumbled as she shook off her frustration.


Applejack tossed and turned in her bed. The storm outside was loud and would occasionally shake the barn. Another lightning strike streaked the sky in an attempt to remind everypony that the storm was still going on. It always sucked when the Pegasus ponies decided to schedule storms like this. But, it wasn't the main issue this time. No, she found herself, once again, losing sleep over the conundrum that was her relationship with Apple Bloom.

The brothers might have been joking with her, in their inconsiderate, and crass manner. But, they did make some good points. Apple Bloom's relationship with Applejack had changed. But, she couldn't bring herself to accept it... Not if it meant that she was replacing her own mother.

Another clash of lightning, and a roll of thunder, paired with the dark room, reminded Applejack of a faint memory from when she was very, very small. So small, in fact, that she could remember almost nothing else from that point in time. She remembered lying in her bed. It was a stormy night, just like the current evening. She remembered being scared by a roll of thunder, and the flash of lightning.

Momma, Momma! Where are you? Came a faint memory. Even now, she could feel the extreme loneliness. The bitter taste of fear, shaking her entire tiny body. Applejack could then remember the soothing sounds of --

Another clap of thunder rolled across the skies. This one was powerful enough to shake the barn itself. Applejack's ears perked up as she heard loud wailing coming from Apple Bloom's nursery. Applejack felt a familiar pang of sympathy cross her heart. Her little Apple Bloom was afraid. Applejack made sure to trot faster so that she could reach her sister's room faster.

Applejack quickly pushed the door open. Apple Bloom was still crying as Applejack trotted up to the crib. She could see her sister balling in her crib. Her face streaked with tears of fear. Applejack carefully reached down and picked up Apple Bloom.

Applejack began to hold Apple Bloom closed to her chest carefully. The sound of her heart would help to calm, and reassure Apple Bloom. Even as Applejack held Apple Bloom, her mind dutifully reminded her of that faint memory.

In the hazy memories, Applejack's position had reversed. She lay in her bed wailing and terrified. Her heart only finding some relief as she heard the faint, and clumsy footsteps of her mother staggering into the room. "It's ok, Applejack," Clementine had assured the orange filly. The yellow mare looked tired and worn out. Her body was taking a long time to recover from Applejack's birth, but she needed to be there for her daughter... even if it was too much for her. Applejack could help but feel the relief, even now. She had needed her mother, and then she'd shown up. And in the same way, Apple Bloom needed her mother.

"It's ok, Apple Bloom," Applejack whispered softly into her baby daughter's ear. "Your momma's here," Applejack cooed as she gently rocked the filly back to sleep.

"Applejack, is Apple Bloom ok?" whispered the groggy voice of Babs Seed as she wobbly walked into the room.

"Yeah she's ok. She just got scared, and needed her momma," Applejack answered with a soft smile as she looked back at the brownish filly. "Sorry, if she woke you up. But, baby foals need more attention when they're this little," Applejack explained as she gave a soft chuckle.

"OK," Babs conceded as she turned back around to leave the room, only to turn back to look back at Applejack. "Also Applejack, I'm glad to see Apple Bloom has a mom now," Babs admitted with a slight blush. "She used to write about what she imagined her mom was like," Babs revealed before her wobbly steps took her back to the guest bedroom.

Applejack gave a quiet smile. It was true... It was nice to have a mom, especially when you are young.


Rainbow Blaze diligently tore the lettuce leaves off of the head of lettuce. Carefully his mind ran over each and every ingredient and step in making the lettuce rolls. It wasn't a dish he'd prepared before, but that green mare with the lyre Cutie Mark had spoken very highly of it. His thoughts only being interrupted as he heard the door to the Cloudominium slam open. He carefully turned his head to see his precious daughter come staggering in, carrying her daughter.

Rainbow Dash looked exhausted. Her hooves scraped the floor as she practically dragged herself into the living room. "How did the doctors' appointments go?" Rainbow Blaze optimistically asked as he watched his precious filly's face contort into an exhausted frown.

"Terrible," Rainbow Dash grumbled as she barely managed to get Scootaloo into her highchair before she slumped into a kitchen chair. "Five 'specialists,' and they all said they same bad news," Rainbow Dash groaned as she slowly raised her head to look at her father.

"That bad, huh," Rainbow Blaze asked sympathetically.

"Yes," Rainbow Dash admitted before she gave Scootaloo a sympathetic look of her own. Her eyes then quickly turned to resolve as she forced herself to get up. With a firm resolve, she marched over to the cupboard, so that she could pull a bottle of foal food out. Rainbow Dash didn't say much else as she pulled down the small jar of green foal food, which read "broccoli, and brussel sprout foal food," on it.

Rainbow Blaze gave Rainbow Dash a big smile. He could see she was trying hard to be a good mother. Even when she was tired, she still worked hard. "At least you've gone the extra mile for her," Rainbow Blaze encouraged as he watched Rainbow Dash look back with a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Of course, dad. If I'd never leave my friends hanging, how much more would I do for my daughter?" Rainbow Dash bragged before her wings, ears, and face sagged as she pulled a bowl out of the cupboard and carefully poured the baby food into it. "But, I think Applejack and Rarity are doing more," Rainbow Dash grumbled as she placed the bowl in front of Scootaloo.

Rainbow Blaze couldn't help but feel his heart sink at this uncharacteristically vulnerable statement from his generally driven daughter. "I mean, all I've done is see a few specialists," Rainbow Dash grumbled as she took a spoonful of the foal food, and tried to get Scootaloo to eat it. However, the orange filly showed her displeasure by clamping her mouth shut and looking to the side.

"Come on squirt," Rainbow Dash cooed her plea as she tried to reposition the spoon for a second entry into her eight-month-old daughter's mouth. "You gotta eat your veggies... Even if they are icky," Rainbow Dash admitted with a disgusted look on her face, and her tongue hanging out to add to the emphasis.

"You shouldn't doubt yourself," Rainbow Blaze encouraged her. "After all, you're the best mother ever!" he eagerly shouted, despite the fact that Rainbow Dash failed to even acknowledge his enthusiasm. It almost looked like the words had bounced right off of Rainbow Dash's barrier of depression. "Come on now honey, don't be like that," Rainbow Blaze softly pleaded as he put the food he was working on down. "What's gotten you so down? Surely it can't be something that 'the Rainbow Dash' can't handle," he tried again.

"It's Scootaloo," Rainbow Dash admitted in a hushed whisper. "All five doctors agreed. She's got that growth disorder... February, whatever, Syndrome," Rainbow Dash admitted as she looked back at Scootaloo with the somber look of sympathy and disappointment. "The doctors say her chances of flying are about 10%... Talk about a lousy lot," Rainbow Dash grumbled as she shook her head, and tried to focus on getting Scootaloo to eat the spoonful of veggie goodness.

"What are you going to do?" Rainbow Blaze asked as his faux enthusiasm gave way to concern.

"I'll probably moore the cloudominium. There's little point in having it in the air if Scootaloo can't fly in or out of it," Rainbow Dash casually explained as she waved her spoon around a few times like it was a flying pegasus.

"That's a shame. It's a sad fate for such a nice cloud house, to tether it to the ground," Rainbow Blaze admitted somberly.

Rainbow Dash simply shrugged. "I've had to do it before. And, I'm still not ready to say it's forever. After all... I still think she'll be flying in no time, if we give her the right amount of encouragement and love," Rainbow Dash optimistically stated as she started making odd sounds as she whisked her spoon around in the air. "Spitfire does her best moves, and makes a beeline for the flaming hoop," Rainbow Dash whispered as she whisked the spoon towards Scootaloo's now open mouth.

"If anypony can do it, you can," Rainbow Blaze insisted in one of his most optimistic cheers. However, his face darkened a bit as he noticed that hint of doubt in his daughter's face. "And, if by some fluke that doesn't work, you got three princesses, and a -- whatever Discord is -- to use their freaky magic to fix it," Rainbow blaze pressed earning a smirk from Rainbow Dash.

"Still, it would suck to be a pegasus who cannot fly," Rainbow Dash admitted as she loaded Scootaloo's spoon with another mouthful of food. "Not that it matters, mind you. I'll love her a bunch no matter what... It's just; I'll feel bad if she cannot at least see the sky. It is her birthright as a pegasus," Rainbow Dash added as she gave Scootaloo another smile and another mouthful of food.

Rainbow Blaze stood quietly for a second, his mind searching for a quick way to ease the tension that was lingering at the fringes of the room. Rainbow Blaze's musing quickly turned to a slowly growing smile as a thought struck him. "Then take her to the sky," he pointed out eagerly as he looked back at Rainbow Dash to watch her response.

Rainbow Dash sat there for a while, as she considered the statement. However, her thinking didn't last long as her face quickly lit up. "Yeah, we could fly her to Cloudsdale, or Rainbow Falls... or wherever," Rainbow Dash practically shouted with excitement, her wings flaring out, and her hind legs stamping eagerly at the idea. "But, where should we go?" Rainbow Dash pondered as she held the spoon full of Scootaloo's baby food in the air for a moment or two.

"Well, let's see the Wonderbolt's academy," Rainbow Blaze said eagerly. "I've always wanted to visit," Rainbow Blaze added as he watched Rainbow Dash nod enthusiastically.

"Yeah, let's do it. Nothing will raise Scootaloo's resolve more than seeing the Wonderbolts," Rainbow Dash agreed eagerly.


Rainbow Dash could feel a familiar sense of wonder and pride as a familiar mountain plateau came into sight behind a wondering cloudbank. "Do you see this Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash eagerly asked as she looked back at her foal carrier bags -- or more specifically, the orange filly sitting in them. "This is Wonderbolts Academy. This fantastic academy was founded by General Firefly so that any pegasus could be trained to be the best," Rainbow Dash pointed with a growing grin. "But none of that is important," Rainbow Dash added with a shrug, and her tongue sticking out of her mouth in a satirical expression. "What's important is that this is where the Wonderbolts train, and practice their routines," Rainbow Dash added loudly with a big grin and a positively electric disposition.

An eager coo, and babbled ooh came jovially from Scootaloo's lips. "You think that's amazing? I broke several of the records when I was attending classes here," Rainbow Dash blustered with a huge smile. A smile which she made a point to direct in Scootaloo’s direction as she gently pulled into a landing along the Wonderbolt Academy's runway. "This was the second proudest day of my life," Rainbow Dash added as she made a point to trot around some of the obstacles littering the mountain plateau. "The first, of course, was when I got my place as a member of the Wonderbolts' reserve," Rainbow Dash pointed out proudly. Hopefully they'll still let me back on the team, once we've got this whole thing figured out with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash thought with the cold serpent of concern wrapping itself tightly around her heart. However, Rainbow Dash didn't allow herself to show her concerns. Instead, she took a moment to swallow the bitter pill.

Rainbow Dash's fears were quickly interrupted as she heard the familiar sound of her father's enthusiastic voice. "Oh, is this the Wonderbolt's barracks?" he shouted while pausing for only a second before he just went ahead and trotted into the large building as if he belonged there.

"Dad wait!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she took off at high speeds in order to clear the distance between herself, and her father. She had a definite rainbow contrail following close behind her as she flew into the barracks, and right past her dad so that she could stop on a bit right in front of him. "Dad," she growled. "You can't just waltz right in here uninvited. This is where the Wonderbolts' sleep. And, I doubt they want random ponies wandering around their stuff," Rainbow Dash sternly pointed out as she looked around anxiously for any Wonderbolts that may have noticed the intruders in their private space.

"Oh come on, I'm sure they don't mind," Rainbow Blaze retorted with a shrug. "And besides, your mom was almost a Wonderbolt," Rainbow Blaze added eagerly. I wonder if Firefly would have been a Wonderbolt if I'd married Windy Whistles instead? Rainbow Blaze couldn't help but ponder as he considered his wife's unfortunate fate.

Rainbow Blaze shook his head, and then trotted past Rainbow Dash as if she was standing still. "And besides, I just wanted to see the trophies," Rainbow Blaze explained as he trotted over to look at a couple of the trophies.

"Well, they are pretty awesome," Rainbow Dash admitted with a longing look before she shook her head. "But, I'm already having a hard enough time convincing Wind Rider that I'm not some kind of whorse that doesn't have a clue how to care for a foal, without making my chances worse by making them think I'm some sort of klepto," Rainbow Dash growled as she tensely chewed out her father.

"I'm actually surprised he's that uptight," Rainbow Blaze considered with a shrug. "All the ponies I asked about before I came up to see you..." Rainbow Blaze started, only to interrupt himself with a blush, and a frantic wave of his forelegs. "Urr... my research said he was the least uptight of the senior commanders," Rainbow Blaze amended as he took a moment to look back at Rainbow Dash.

"Nopony knows," stated a new voice, causing both ponies to turn around to look behind them at the speaker. Rainbow Dash was the first to gulp as she noticed the yellow pegasus, with the flame-colored mane, and tail standing behind them. Rainbow Dash's mouth fell wide open, and her eyes narrowed to pinpricks as panic consumed her mind. "I'd thought he'd be the most eager, considering you're the only recruit in the last ten years that stands even a chance of surpassing his record for the Mustang Run," Spitfire admitted with a shrug.

Either Spitfire didn't notice Rainbow Dash's incoherent attempts to explain herself, or she simply didn't care as she trotted over to Rainbow Dash's flank to look at Scootaloo in her foal carrier bags. "Cute filly," Spitfire admitted with a smile as she playfully dangled a hoof in front of Scootaloo's eyes. "Is she yours Rainbow Dash?" Spitfire inquired as she looked back and forth between Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo in an attempt to gauge just how similar the two looked.

By this point, Rainbow Dash had had a chance to rally her wits and put up a strong facade. "Sure is, she's a chip off of the old block," Rainbow Dash bragged as she struck a pose.

"I have to admit: I'm curious what your story is. The princess doesn't frequently get involved in the Wonderbolts' matters, let alone suggesting we actually make a special exception to our code," Spitfire admitted as she gave Scootaloo a warm smile. If Rainbow Dash had been in a less stressed mood, she might have actually been surprised to see the normally commanding Wonderbolt acting so casually. "But, I'm not going to ask if it's too painful," Spitfire admitted as she turned to face Rainbow Dash, and gave the cyan mare a consoling look.

"Not so painful, as it is long," Rainbow Dash grumbled. "It's a fairly long story, and it's apparently confusing too," Rainbow Dash admitted. It'd taken her hours -- or maybe it was minutes... it was hard to say -- to explain the situation to Rainbow Blaze. While the stallion's attention span wasn't the most spectacular, it seemed to be the suspension of disbelief that had been the biggest hurdle to his comprehension.

"Maybe another time then," Spitfire decided with a shrug. "Because, I bet you're itching for a chance to run the course for old time sakes, rather than tell me some long-winded tale," Spitfire admitted with a smirk as she gave the pegasus a subtle wink.

Rainbow Dash could feel her optimism returning. This was her chance to remind the Wonderbolts' own captain, Spitfire, that she was still in shape and ready to fly with the Wonderbolts. "Hay yeah!" Rainbow Dash shouted her agreement, with a pump of her foreleg. "Anytime, anywhere," Rainbow Dash eagerly added as she made sure to shoot another pose.

"Great," Spitfire said with a subtle smirk on her face. "But first, you should get into uniform," Spitfire added, earning a wide-eyed look of surprise from Rainbow Dash. "Don't look so surprised rookie. I do believe I had Soarin' say you were still in the 'bolts. So, I expect you to be able to both fly like and look like one," Spitfire added as her expression morphed from the casual smile to a more commanding tone. Her body standing rigid, with her wings clamped securely to her sides in a way that commanded respect.

"I'm ready captain!" Rainbow Dash eagerly added as she stiffened into a rigid stance.

"Good," Spitfire calmly responded as she trotted over to the exit of the barracks. "I expect you to be in uniform, and out at the course in fifteen," Spitfire dryly stated as she trotted out the door.

Rainbow Dash noticeably relaxed as she slowly released the breath she was holding. "Hey dad, can you watch Scootaloo while I get ready?" Rainbow Dash calmly requested before she turned to give Scootaloo a big smile. "Better watch me closely, half-pint. I'm about to do some awesome new moves," Rainbow Dash bragged as she carefully sat down on the ground so that she could get her foal carrier bags off, and then help transfer them to her father's back.


Moments later Rainbow Dash marched out onto the grass field of the mountain plateau. However, every few steps, anypony looking could see her shake a leg as if she was trying to get the flight suit to unbunch from around the given joint. Awkwardly she marched towards Rainbow Blaze, Scootaloo, and Spitfire. However, when she was only halfway there, Spitfire trotted up to meet her. When Spitfire had reach earshot, Rainbow Dash reached her head over and whispered a small complaint to Spitfire, "I think you provided the wrong size of flight suit, this is too tight to be a size 4."

"Don't let that stop you," Spitfire retorted as she suppressed the desire to snicker. "You got an audience," she added as she pointed to Scootaloo and Rainbow Blaze. Followed by her pointing at a few members of the Wonderbolts, who stood on the field a few feet away.

"Right," Rainbow Dash said as she licked her lip, and gathered her focus. Gotta do my best, she added as she slid her flight goggles over her eyes, and gave her dad and Scootaloo one final look to ensure they were watching her. Rainbow Blaze, noticing Rainbow Dash looking his way, held up a Rainbow Dash flag, and waved in her direction. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but subtly return the wave, and then give a warm smile to the two... especially Scootaloo.

With that, Rainbow Dash put her full focus on her wings and gave a quick lift off with a couple of beats of her mighty wings. As the cyan mare rose into the air, Spitfire marched towards the other Wonderbolts, stopping for a moment to encourage Rainbow Blaze to follow her. Once the three ponies had joined the small gathering of Wonderbolts, Spitfire looked up at Rainbow Dash.

"This is going to be good," Rainbow Blaze bragged before he made a point to look at each of the Wonderbolts standing in the small grouping. The most notable being the three Wonderbolts' commanders: Spitfire, Soarin', and Fleetfoot. Rainbow Blaze eagerly watched as Rainbow Dash pulled up to prepare the start of her routine. However, there was one question on his mind that he couldn't help but ask. "What are you all doing out here? I thought this was just some spur of the moment thing."

Spitfire shrugged before she spoke up. "It was, but we've been aching for a chance to see if Rainbow Dash is getting back into shape or not. And, this was just an excellent opportunity to talk her into showing us her moves," Spitfire admitted as she watched Rainbow Dash feverishly fly between several clouds. "That's not to say we still don't want her to prove she's got foal support. But since you're here, I'm guessing that it won't be that hard," Spitfire added with a faint smile as she watched Rainbow Dash pull several tight loops in the air.

"So, she's going to be a Wonderbolt after all?" Rainbow Blaze asked with a blatant undertone of hope which was poorly hidden by him biting his lower lip and looking back expectantly.

"Once Fire Streak retires... Oh, and we get the paperwork done," Spitfire admitted with another shrug.

Rainbow Blaze let off a loud cheer. "Rainbow Dash is going to be so stoked," he pointed out as he continued to hop around eagerly. "She's going to be so happy," he managed to say between cheers. Cheers, mind you, that were loud enough to be heard by Rainbow Dash in the middle of the air. She couldn't help but blush at another example of her father's lavish enthusiasm

"Well, everypony wants to be a Wonderbolt," Soarin' admitted with a chuckle.

"Well, it's not just because it's her dream," Rainbow Blaze revealed as he paused in the middle of a jump. "She's been hoping to inspire Scootaloo and well...” Spitfire followed Rainbow Blaze’s hoof to his granddaughter. Earlier she had been chattering away an incoherent babble to Soarin, but now her eye watched her mother intensely as she soared through the clouds. Rainbow Blaze smiled. “this is a good chance for her to do just that"

The other Wonderbolts give a sagely nod as each shifted their gaze between mother and foal in turn.

"Well, inspiring ponies is what the Wonderbolts are all about," Spitfire pointed out as she went back to mentally critiquing Rainbow Dash's routine. "It's why we have functions outside of the EUP. Training and inspiring ponies to greatness is the whole point of the Wonderbolts."

Rainbow Blaze gave one final chuckle before a proud tear rolled down his cheek. He looked down at the foul now bouncing excitedly on the spot. “Hehe, I don’t think Rainbow Dash is going to have a hard time convincing Scootaloo to eat her vegetables anymore.”

“Probably not,” Spitfire added as she gave an approving nod in response to Rainbow Dash finishing her routine with a Sonic Rainboom.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Jet Storm for providing me with suggestions, feedback, pre-reading, and even some editting on this chapter. I feel like this chapter is a lot better because of the help.