• Published 12th Jan 2016
  • 2,120 Views, 123 Comments

rebuilding a crusade - LavendarRegards

After a terrible mistake involving a spellbook, the CMC are saved from death by the thinest of margins. However, having to relive their lives over again, they may never be the same again.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Sleepless at home

Author's Note:

Well, it took a long time. But, I decided to push my chapter updates (such as they are), and hurry up and write this chapter.

Quills, parchment, needles, thread, and cloth zipped around Rarity's work room. Each item was held aloft by the blue aura of Rarity's magic. And, as each item of Rarity's work made its migration to their various stations, she carefully stood behind the baby fence and fed Sweetie Belle. Rarity grit her teeth as she struggled to ignore the odd feeling of Sweetie Belle suckling on her teats, and the nauseating sound. Instead, she labored to put her mind on the work floating behind the protective fences.

Rarity let off a tired yawn as she waited for Sweetie Belle to finish feeding from her teats. Teat feeding was not something that she had wanted to do a lot of. It just seemed too unsophisticated. However, Twilight Sparkle had made a rather compelling argument for it. She'd argued that, even after the colostrum had run dry, there were still added health benefits to teat milk. And more importantly, Twilight Sparkle had suggested there were cost savings to teat milk over formula. And, money was something Rarity dearly wanted to save at the moment.

Then again... After having Sweetie Belle home for four days, there was something else Rarity wanted: sleep. Sweetie Belle was eight days old -- Or, at least Rarity thought she was. It was hard to tell, considering the days had bleed together into one giant marathon of sleeplessness.

What time is it, anyway? Rarity asked herself as she snuck a look out the window. However, this only caused her to regret looking quickly. The sun was only, just now, peaking over the horizon. Rarity let out a long groan of frustration. It's dawn. And, I couldn't have gotten more than four hours of sleep last night. Rarity silently whined as she felt Sweetie Belle's suckling slow to a stop.

Rarity carefully lifted Sweetie Belle to her withers, so that she could help burp her baby sister. Now that Sweetie Belle was no longer distracting her, Rarity could focus her attention on her work. Or rather, the incomplete status of her work. Rarity could feel her heart pounding, and her panic growing as she looked over all of the unfinished orders. It's ok... It's ok, Rarity assured herself as she swallowed hard in a vain attempt to swallow her growing panic. I will grab a quick nap when Sweetie Belle goes to sleep. And then, I'll continue the current order when Sweetie Belle feeds next... That'll be enough time -- right? Rarity assured herself, despite her growing doubt.

A small burp reminded Rarity of one small fact. Sweetie Belle was probably ready for sleep. Good... good. It's almost time for a nice nap, Rarity reminded herself with a thankful smile. Then I can sleep. After which, it can then be followed by a frantic rush to get my orders done... all while caring for Sweetie Belle, Rarity added as she could feel her panic build, and her optimism plummet.

A sudden, and loud crying coming from Sweetie Belle burst Rarity's panic attack. "Sweetie Belle, what's wrong?" Rarity asked as she patted, and cradled Sweetie Belle. "Are you ok? Is something scaring you, Sweetie?" Rarity inquired as she continued to try to ease this sudden disruption of the quiet of her boutique.

Rarity softly shushed Sweetie Belle. "It's ok, Sweetie Belle. Mommy is here," Rarity cooed. "Urr, your big sister is here," Rarity corrected herself as she could feel her cheeks light up in embarrassment. Mommy, what was I thinking? Rarity thought with a slight pang of guilt. She'd almost taken her mother's title away from her...

Despite Rarity's efforts, Sweetie Belle's frown only seemed to grow, and her wailing only seemed to get louder. "No... Sweetie Belle, please don't cry," Rarity whispered in a panic as she found herself growing more flustered. "Mommy is here... Mommy is here... Don't cry," Rarity begged as she struggled to find some words that would alleviate Sweetie Belle's sudden crying spell.

Rarity's mind hastily came to a solution. "Sweetie Belle, there's no need to cry. I got Pochica," Rarity assured her sister turned daughter as she reached out with her magic to grab something from Sweetie Belle's old play chest.

Within moments, a yellow mouse teddy bear was flying through the boutique. The white stomached toy being carried along, forcefully by Rarity's blue magic. Within moments the small toy was sitting right above Rarity's withers. The petit teddy bear floated close enough for Sweetie Belle to make out its every detail, from the big ears to the fluffy pink hair, and pink tail fluff.

"See Sweetie. It's your favorite toy. You remember, don't you?" Rarity half pleaded as she floated the small mouse close enough for Sweetie Belle to grab onto it. However, when the white unicorn filly failed to calm down, Rarity could feel her heart drop. "What's wrong? Don't you remember Pochica?" Rarity asked as she felt a ripple of doubt cross her heart. "But, Pochica always made you calm down when you were a foal. Please, tell me you still love her," Rarity pleaded as she pressed Sweetie Belle a bit closer to her heart. The small gesture serving to both calm Sweetie Belle faster, and to assure Rarity that her sister really was cradled between her forelegs.

Minutes passed before Sweetie Belle's anxiety slowly faded, and her crying faded into the soft sighs of sleep. Rarity let off a long sniffle and swallowed hard. Bitter tears of concern poured from her eyes as she watched Sweetie Belle sleep. It's ok. She's asleep. She's still here. Don't forget: she may just need more time to remember. She'll be her old self before you know it, Rarity assured herself as she gently wiped the tears from her eyes with a small handkerchief.

Rarity found herself sneaking into her bedroom. While it was proper to let Sweetie Belle sleep in her crib, which sat in her old bedroom -- Rarity just needed to hold her little sister close. Maybe more correctly, she wanted to be close. Sleeping in the same bed would give her a chance to handle any needs Sweetie Belle could want, without having to walk over to the nursery. It also gave her a chance to hold her sister and let her fear bleed away with the familiar comfort.


Rarity's short nap was interrupted by two things: a knock on her front door, and a shrill cry from Sweetie Belle. "It's ok, Sweetie Belle. I'll feed you in just a moment," Rarity assured her with a gentle shush.

"Who is it?" Rarity shouted out her window as she sat Sweetie Belle on the floor. Within moments, Sweetie Belle had walked up to Rarity's hind leg, raised her head to Rarity's teats, and begun suckling.

"Rarity, it's me," shouted back the recognizable voice of Spike. "I know you said you didn't want me coming by every day to help you. But, I want to help you. Are you sure there isn't something I can help you with?" yelled Spike with a resolute voice.

I hate to have him do so much free work for me... But, I need the help desperately, Rarity decided with only a small tinge of guilt. "Spike, yes please. Please let yourself in, and we can talk about it," Rarity called back as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Rarity silently listened for the wyrmling to toddle up the stairs to her bedroom. Much to her surprise, it didn't take long for Spike to clear the distance between the front door and Rarity's bedroom.

"So, how can I help you?" Spike asked eagerly, even before he had entered the room.

"Well, could you care for Sweetie Belle? Even just a couple of hours would give me some time to get started on an oh so important dress orders," Rarity stated calmly as she watched the wyrmling waltz over to look her in the eyes.

"Do you want me to buy some formula, too?" Spike asked as his mind considered the request.

"Yes please," Rarity acknowledged. "And might I add, I am so grateful to you for coming by every day to help. And, I'm sorry I was so short with you yesterday. But, I still feel a bit guilty for taking your generosity for granted. You see, all I see is you do is give," Rarity explained with a somber frown.

"I want to help you," Spike stated resolutely as he gave Rarity a confident smile. "Especially since your parents aren't here. Speaking of which..." Spike started as he gave her his usual eager gaze, "When are they getting home? I thought you said they were going to help too," Spike asked as his smile turned into a concerned frown.

"They are supposed to come back tomorrow," Rarity explained with a long sigh. "I appreciate that they planned to be with me a week before Sweetie Belle was born... But, I'm a bit frustrated with them for not considering the possibility of Sweetie Belle being premature," Rarity grumbled in a low whisper. In truth, she wasn't that mad. But, her lack of sleep had frayed her nerves pretty badly. And, she dearly wished she had the extra support at the moment.

"It's ok, you have me," Spike assured her with a warm smile.

"That's true," Rarity stated with a beaming smile, "You are here practically as much as a husband would be," Rarity considered with a giggle.

I wish, Spike thought as his smile faltered yet again. "Well, maybe more like a boyfriend?" Spike hinted with a gulp. He didn't want her to catch the hint... And yet, he wished she would catch the hint.

"What?!" Rarity half shouted before she quickly swallowed her rising tone. "I mean, are you asking to go on a date-date? Like a romantic date-date, not a casual test-date?" Rarity asked through her wide open mouth and bulging eyes.

"Uhh... If you'd let me..." Spike admitted as he nervously twiddled his thumbs. Carefully he stared down at the floor and pretended that she wasn't about to shoot him down. But, he couldn't help but worry that Twilight was right. Maybe he didn't stand a chance with Rarity, after all.

"But... But, you're so young... I mean... maybe... I suppose," Rarity stuttered as her mind struggled to separate her mental picture of Spike the baby dragon, from Spike's more adult personality. "If you are sure you want to," Rarity conceded with a gulp.

"I'd like to try at least," Spike admitted with a long gulp.

"Then, we shall have a date," Rarity assured him. "In a few weeks, once things calm down enough for me to get a decent foalsitter," Rarity added as she watched Spike's face light up.


"And there, Apple Bloom, is our farm. You recognize it, don't you?" Applejack asked cheerfully, not bothering to look back at the yellow filly sitting in her her foal carrier bags. Applejack couldn't help but feel a large grin grow on her face. She'd been away from the farm for over three weeks, and she couldn't help but miss it.

"Sweet Apple Acres is quite a beauty ain't it?" Applejack rambled as she strolled up to the main gate. This time Applejack looked back to look at Apple Bloom, and give the three-week-old filly a big smile. When Apple Bloom returned the smile, Applejack continued her rant. "Now don't you fret. Nothin's changed since you cast your spell. Of course, our main crop is still apples. And, we still grow corn, spinach, eggs, truffles, and other vitals on the side," Applejack rambled as she tried to ignore the ache in her muscles. For once in the last six months, the ache wasn't just from using her muscles either. A fair amount of aches and pains were from the doctors using magic to help rebuild some of her muscle tone.

Applejack gleefully strolled to the side entrance of the barn, and let herself inside. She took two quick conspiratorial glances around the kitchen. And, when she noticed nopony was there, she shot Apple Bloom a conspiratorial smile. "Now Apple Bloom, try to keep quiet. They don't know we're comin' home early. And, ah want to surprise them," Applejack jovially ordered -- even though she wasn't sure that her sister understood what she was saying.

Sneakily Applejack snuck up to the top of the stairs. After a few quick glances around the banister, she snuck past the bow and hat closet. Her tiptoeing ending only once she'd reached Apple Bloom's room. "Let's get you your favorite bow," Applejack whispered to Apple Bloom. As silently as a mouse, Applejack pushed the door to Apple Bloom's room open. She then tiptoed into the old bedroom.

Applejack's sneaking came to a screeching halt as she noticed the room was completely empty -- save for Apple Bloom's old closet. "What the hay?" Applejack asked herself in befuddlement. Maybe Big Mac moved Apple Bloom's crib to my room? Applejack considered as she took several calming breaths. "You're favorite bow better still be in your closet, or Mac's gonna get an earful," Applejack muttered to Apple Bloom as she walked over to Apple Bloom's closet.

Carefully Applejack pulled open Apple Bloom's old closet. When she was greeted with a closet full of Apple Bloom's old outfits and a few bows, she gave a relieved sigh. "Ah guess ah won't be yelling at Big Mac after all," Applejack admitted with a relieved chuckle. "Now, let's get you into your favorite bow," Applejack cheerfully told Apple Bloom with a glowing smile.

Applejack reached up into the closet and daintily pulled down a charred pink bow from one of the hangers. Applejack carefully reached back and took Apple Bloom out of the foal carrier. She then placed Apple Bloom down on the floor with the same caution she would use for fine china.

"See Apple Bloom, here's your favorite bow," Applejack gleefully chattered as she showed Apple Bloom the pink bow. Apple Bloom looked at the pink bow with a look of curiosity, but with no recognition what so ever. "What's wrong Apple Bloom? Don't you like your old bow? Ah know it's a mite charred 'round the edges -- what with you vaporizing in it, and all. But, it's still mostly intact," Applejack gulped. She could feel a sinking feeling in her chest. Rarity had entertained the thought of Sweetie Belle having no memories, but Applejack had never entertained the thought. But now, Applejack was starting to worry.

Applejack waited several seconds with baited breath. However, the small foal offered no 'ah ha' of recognition. "Maybe you just need a nap," Applejack considered as her disappointment left her aware of the burning in her legs and the heaviness of her eyelids. "Come on. Let's get to bed. And after that, ah figure you'll be ready to eat," Applejack conceded with a defeated sigh as she picked up Apple Bloom in one foreleg, doubled back, and headed for her bedroom.

Applejack barely looked or thought as she marched to her bedroom. Contemplativeness had replaced her playful mood from earlier. She didn't pay anything a single mind until she absentmindedly pushed her bedroom door open. While she wasn't surprised by Apple Bloom's crib being in the room, or her bed being there. She did find something surprising: the whole room had been foalproofed. Practically everything was covered in pillows or bubble wrap. While Applejack would reluctantly agree to pad around Apple Bloom's crib, but there was no reason to also pad around her own bed.

"What the hay?!" Applejack growled in a slightly raised tone. "Has Big Mac gone nuts? Ah don't need all of this foalproofing," Applejack groaned as she rubbed the bridge of her muzzle. Applejack's rising temper was quickly doused as she noticed the growing look of fear on Apple Bloom's face. "It's ok Apple Bloom. Ah ain't mad anymore," Applejack gently cooed as she soothingly rocked Apple Bloom with her foreleg. "Ah'm just gonna need to give Big Mac an earful after our nap," Applejack assured Apple Bloom as she continued to rock her sister, turned daughter, to sleep.


Applejack's nap and Apple Bloom's latest feeding were practically over by the time Applejack heard somepony tromping up the stairs. "Big Mac is that you?" Applejack asked loudly from her bedroom.

"What are you doing here, baby sis?" Big Mac's uncharacteristically worried voice asked from the hall as his hooves trotted quickly to Applejack's bedroom. "The doctors wanted to keep you for at least another week to make sure your stitches were healing well. Ah don't want you endin' up like mah," Big Mac added with a hint of panic as he galloped into the small bedroom.

"Ah was sick of their magic workin' my muscles. Ah can work out just as good without them using their magic! Ah'm sick of feeling 'the burn' in muscles ah didn't even know ah had," Applejack grumbled as she tried not to get angry at Big Mac for his mother-henning. "And, the doctors let me walk home if ah promised not ta over do it. That and, ah have to look out fur a few symptoms," Applejack explained as she took a few deep breaths in an attempt to keep calm, and not transfer her agitation to Apple Bloom. "So, since ah'm feelin' fine, they let me go."

"Are you sure you ain't bleedin'? Or, feelin' faint? What about exhaustion? You just walked a long way to get home?" Big Mac continued to chatter in his odd state of panic.

Applejack took one long, and final deep breath. She actually knew why he was so worried. Not only had their mother died after childbirth, but Applejack had had a couple of close calls herself. A couple of those coming after Apple Bloom was born.

"Mac, ah promise ta tell you if there's a problem," Applejack retorted calmly. "Now, ah need to get a breath of fresh air 'fore ah lose my cool," Applejack explained as she pushed past her older brother, and made a beeline for the exit to the family barn.

"Are you sure you ain't tired? Ah could take care of Apple Bloom for you for a bit?" Big Mac suggested one final time. Applejack simply shook her head and continued her march down the stairs, and outside. Her march was only temporarily interrupted as Applejack grabbed the clean picnic blanket from the closet.

Carefully Applejack laid the blanket out on the grass and set Apple Bloom down on the blanket. After that was over, she sat down as well. "Mac means well, but ah've had more than enough sleep at the hospital," Applejack softly explained to Apple Bloom. "Ah just want to get some work done. It's been far too long since ah could help out. And, ah feel mighty bad for that," Applejack added as she watched two ponies march up the road to Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack squinted a little as she tried to see who was coming up the path. A few moments later, she gave Apple Bloom a big smile. "Heh... looks like Filthy Rich and his daughter are coming up to Sweet Apple Acres," Applejack chuckled as she watched the two ponies near the gates.

"I don't know if you remember your classmate or not, but ah bet it'll come back to you after you've met them," Applejack told Apple Bloom with a big smile. Applejack's smile continued to hold as she waved at Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara.

"Howdy Mr. Rich. It's so good to see y'all," Applejack stated cheerfully.

"Hello miss. Applejack. It's good to see that you and Apple Bloom are looking well," Filthy Rich admitted as he gave Applejack a polite nod. "Now, I hope you will excuse me. I can't stay and talk. I have a lot of important business to discuss with Granny Smith," Filthy Rich diligently explained. Applejack casually gave a knowing nod.

"Is that Apple Bloom?" Diamond Tiara asked with a slight snicker as she broke off from following her father, and walked over to Applejack, and Apple Bloom. "She looks so small, and weak," Diamond Tiara added as she shot Apple Bloom a subtle teasing smirk.

Before Applejack could answer, Apple Bloom suddenly broke into a loud crying fit. "What's her problem?" Diamond Tiara whined as she put a hoof to each ear in an attempt to block out the loud noise.

"Ah guess you scared her?" Applejack admitted with a confused scratch of her head. Carefully she reached down and picked Apple Bloom up.

"But I didn't do anything!" Diamond Tiara insisted through her grit teeth as she continued to hold both ears in pain.

"Well, how else do you explain it? After all, she hasn't shown any indication that she remembers you," Applejack pointed out sensibly as she started to gently rock Apple Bloom back, and forth. Carefully she made sure that the small yellow filly was held as close to her chest as possible. "It's ok Apple Bloom. Ah'm here. Your big sis... Uh, mother? Is here," Applejack tried to assure Apple Bloom as her mind pondered the proper title she should use when relating herself to Apple Bloom.


Outwardly, Rainbow Dash's Cloudominium floated silently above its usual resting place. However, the inside of the cloud house was anything but calm. There was the definite clatter of dishes hitting a hard wood floor as one pony chased another one through the kitchen. "Quick! Tank stop her!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she chased after the quickly running orange filly.

Unfortunately for the cyan mare, the slow moving tortoise failed to do anything more than slowly stick his neck out, in a weak attempt to block the hyperactive-month-old filly. Instead of being stopped, the orange filly instead performed a small hop over the tortoise's neck. Once she had cleared the obstacle, she continued to gallop along the floor with her small wings buzzing frantically, and a playful giggle coming from her lips.

"Scootaloo, it's not playtime right now!" Rainbow Dash sternly shouted as she attempted to catch the filly without either flying past the filly or falling behind her. Almost got her, Rainbow Dash assured herself as she reached her forelegs out to grab the filly.

She could practically see her forelegs wrapping around the small orange foal until the filly darted to the left with a playful giggle. Rainbow Dash growled as Scootaloo's fast change of direction managed to evade her grip.

Ugg... Rainbow Dash groaned as she noticed her month old daughter had evaded her grasp. Dad's going to pay for leaving me in a lurch, Rainbow Dash reminded herself with a growl as she shifted her wings to fly after Scootaloo. Hastily Rainbow Dash considered what she could make her dad clean as a punishment. Rainbow Dash picked up her pace as she veered onto a new arch.

Scootaloo giggled merrily as she looked over her shoulder at the pursuing blue blur. Her laughter was quickly coming to a stop as she found herself being picked up by the fast flying cyan mare.

"OK, that's enough of that. I need to take you to the doctor. At least, Twilight insisted I had to," Rainbow Dash grumbled as she struggled to contain her frustration. "When your granddad gets home, I'm going to remind him that he promised to help me raise you... Followed by a nice long nap," Rainbow Dash explained as she watched Scootaloo give her a playful blink, and smile. "Scootaloo -- just between the two of us: I miss napping almost as much as I miss sleeping," Rainbow Dash whispered conspiratorially into Scootaloo's ear as she struggled to cover up a long yawn.

Hastily Rainbow Dash took the quickest way out of her house: she flew out of one of the windows. Let's see... After the appointment, it'll probably be time for her to eat. Then, I promised to do some weather jobs. I wonder how I'm going to pull that off? Maybe I can keep one eye on her while I do them in a jiffy? And, I need to train. I haven't gotten a lot of time to fly in way too long, Rainbow Dash considered furiously. Her face scrunched up, and her head began to hurt from her furious pondering. Finally, she let off a long sigh. There was a lot to do. And, unless she burdened one of her friends, she needed to figure out how to juggle Scootaloo and her work.

Oh, forget it... I'll figure this out after I get done with the appointment, Rainbow Dash decided with a huff as she sped up her pace. She wanted to get to Doc Top before she missed Scootaloo's checkup.


Rainbow Dash squirmed in the small chair as she struggled to keep patient. A nurse had shown her, and Scootaloo into the examination room a while ago. Then she'd told them to wait there for doctor Top. Come on, show up already! Rainbow Dash silently grumbled as she absentmindedly fidgeted her wings and all four of her legs. I need to do something. I'm tired of sitting around, Rainbow Dash mentally added as her eyes shot back from Scootaloo to the examination room's door.

A faint whimper like grunt brought Rainbow Dash's eyes immediately back to Scootaloo. She could see the growing look of fear on the small orange filly. "No, no... Don't be scared," Rainbow Dash whispered hastily as she struggled to think of what to say. What would Rarity say in this circumstance? Heck! What would Applejack say in this situation? Maybe she'd rock Apple Bloom, or something? Rainbow Dash asked herself as started to rock Scootaloo back and forth gently.

Much to the cyan mare's frustration, the small orange foal's face continued to sour into a bigger and bigger look of fear. "No, no squirt... Everything's fine. See..." Rainbow Dash said as she made a point to show Scootaloo her best fake smile. Thankfully the small pegasus didn't notice the obviously forced smile -- with it's clenched teeth, and unnaturally wide grin. Instead, she cooed and returned Rainbow Dash's smile.

Phew... Crisis averted, Rainbow Dash thought with a release of the breath she didn't know she was holding. We just need doctor slow poke to show up, and then maybe we can get out of here, Rainbow Dash reminded herself as she heard a faint click from the door, indicating somepony was turning the door knob. Finally! Rainbow Dash cheered.

Casually doctor Top waltzed into the office. As he stepped in, he made sure to shoot both Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash his best smile. "Good morning Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo," he chirped despite the angry expression Rainbow Dash was shooting him. "Oh, it looks like someone's cranky," he cooed as he noticed Rainbow Dash's face was silently promising him a painful punishment for making her wait so long.

"Has somepony not been sleeping well?" Doc Top cooed at Rainbow Dash in a way that made her feel like he was treating her like a foal.

"What do you think?" Rainbow Dash grumbled as she continued to shoot doctor Top various sour looks. "She's eating like every three hours. And, when she isn't waking me up to eat, she needs a new diaper, or some attention," Rainbow Dash groaned. In truth, she wasn't really telling him, more than complaining about the stupid question. "I haven't even had enough free time to work, let alone fly. And, I need to fly!" Rainbow Dash added with a specific emphasis on her desire to return to flying.

"Oh yes, it's hard at first," doctor Top admitted as his tone shifted from less condescending to more sagely. "But, you both will get into the swing of things soon. And, you'll figure out some arrangements. Everypony does eventually," he admitted as he took off his glasses and began to polish them casually. "Although, I bet her magic bursts might be making things harder at the moment," he pondered as he gave a small chuckle. "At least she's not an Earth Pony. Otherwise, you'd need to buy new furniture," he added with a small chuckle.

"Uhh... Well..." Rainbow Dash mumbled as she held Scootaloo a bit tighter, and looked downwards. "She hasn't started flying yet. I think maybe her wings are too small for her size. At least, that's what I thought her problem was, back when she was seven," Rainbow Dash admitted with a nervous twitch of her wings.

"She hasn't expressed flight yet?" Doc Top hesitantly asked as he dropped his glasses. "Not even a little?" he asked again as he struggled to bury the stunned look on his face.

"No," Rainbow Dash admitted in a hushed whisper, and a look of concern crossing her face. "She'll hop a little, but that's about all the lift she gets," Rainbow Dash conceded as she continued to rock Scootaloo back and forth absent-mindedly. "But I mean, her magic works. She can stand on clouds and things. So, she just needs to grow her wings in... Right?" Rainbow Dash pressed as her tone turned from concern to a forced hope.

"Possibly," Doc Top conceded with a slight uncertainty to his tone. "But, I think I should refer you to a professional. Because, it could be a sign that she could have 'Feburary Cherry Blossom syndrome," doctor Top somberly stated as he carefully wrote a few things on Scootaloo's chart.

"She could have what now?" Rainbow Dash asked with a confused blink. Her eyes were glazing over as she tried to recognize what Doc Top was referring to.

"It's a fairly rare disease," Doc Top admitted reluctantly with a shake of his head. "But, eleven years ago it was hardly unheard of. And, while it could theoretically occur naturally, it usually occurs to foals who went through magical prenatal growth rate adjustments -- an extremely expensive procedure that nopony does anymore," he explained with a shake of his head. "Not that I'm not saying you would do that to your foal. But, that's where it usually occurs," doctor Top added as he lifted his forelegs up in a defensive stance.

When Rainbow Dash continued to stare off blankly with a look of confusion -- instead of lashing out at the doctor -- he continued his impromptu lecture.

"It was a procedure that was mostly popular among the highest, and richest of nobles. The procedure is supposed to adjust the foal's body to grow a certain way. Its purpose is to encourage certain traits or aspects to grow at certain predefined rates... Usually to enhance certain 'desirable' traits," Doc Top explained as he walked over to the cabinets, and pulled some forms out of them.

"Unfortunately a lot of the foals that underwent this procedure usually ended up with odd or even unexplainable abnormalities in their growth. The most common symptoms are undersized wings and horns, or precocious puberty. However, quite a few also experienced an underdevelopment or even an absence of development in their mana systems," doctor Top finished with a sigh as he handed Rainbow Dash the pamphlets held in his pastern. "And of course, if the mana system of the foal isn't working properly, then they cannot use their magic properly, or even at all," Doc Top concluded with a slight frown. He'd been lucky not to see any examples of this disease in Ponyville, but he'd heard enough about it to keep an eye out for it.

"So it's not her wings," Rainbow Dash asked with a gulp. She dearly hoped that she was hearing him wrong. Or, she misunderstood him, because she didn't like where this was going.

"Well... We cannot be sure without sending you to a specialist," Doc Top conceded while he placed the pamphlets on a table at the side of the room. "Before we talk about a specialist, let's make sure her overall health is ok," Doc Top added with a smile. His sudden change of mood serving only to snap Rainbow Dash out of her growing funk.

"Yeah, let's get this done... I have work to do," Rainbow Dash snipped as she put her mind towards putting the whole matter aside for now.


Pinkie Pie's bedroom/party room was abuzz with chatter as the final two of her nine guests arrived. "I'm sorry I'm late," Rarity apologized as she waltzed into the room. Daintily she pushed a stroller in front of her. Carefully she walked over to the playpen on the other side of the room. "Sweetie Belle was a bit grumpy today," Rarity apologized with a blush as she carefully placed Sweetie Belle down in the playpen so that she faced Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

"No need to worry Rarity!" Pinkie Pie chirped as she danced over, and handed Rarity a plate with a piece of pie on it. "After all, it's your baby shower, too. You should be happy!" Pinkie Pie added with a giggle as she dashed around handing Rarity a party hat, and a cup of punch.

"Well, it would be nice to unwind for a bit," Rarity conceded as she took a dainty sip from her cup of punch. "So, what were you girls talking about that I missed?" Rarity asked as she carefully readied her fork to take a small piece off of her cake.

"Ah was askin' Twilight why Apple Bloom doesn't seem to be showin' any signs that she remembers anythin'," Applejack explained as she walked over to pick up a refill on her drink. "And, Ah'm worried that Apple Bloom ain't goin' ta be rememberin' anythin," Applejack added as she shot Apple Bloom a worried look.

"That's been worrying me too..." Rarity admitted with a slight frown.

"Well, I was just telling Applejack that it could be a couple of things," Twilight Sparkle explained as she absentmindedly studied her slice of cake. "It could be possible that the memories are inaccessible, or even lost. Or, the girls simply cannot remember because their brains aren't developed enough. Naturally, if that were the case, I would expect you to start to seeing recognition very soon," Twilight stated as she looked down at her plate with a contemplative look written on her face.

"Well, I don't think it's that big of a deal if they don't remember," Rainbow Dash hissed quietly, with a shrug, as she looked back at Scootaloo. "I mean, maybe it's better this way? Scootaloo's parents were complete jerks. And well, maybe she's better off not remembering that?" Rainbow Dash suggested nonchalantly.

"But, don't you want things back the way they were?" Rarity sternly shot back. "She loved you like a sister. Why wouldn't you want her to have that back?" Rarity pressed.

"And, I got a daughter -- even if I wasn't ready for one. Maybe it's an upgrade?" Rainbow Dash hesitantly rebutted. Her eyes were giving away a slight uncertainty on her part.

"Please don't fight," mumbled Fluttershy with a definite fear forming in her voice, and showing in her eyes. In the playpen nearby, the babies began to look anxious, mirroring the butter pegasus' anxiety.

"Yeah, don't fight girls. This is a baby shower. And look, we got all kinds of gifts," Pinkie Pie shouted eagerly with a foreleg pointing to a large pile of gifts on one side of the room.

"Gifts?" Rainbow Dash asked eagerly with wide open, and sparkling eyes, her bad mood suddenly disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Oh yeah. And, we even got gifts from the Sunbirds," Pinkie Pie added as she pointed to a few gifts at the bottom of the pile.

"They actually sent us something?" Rainbow Dash asked skeptically as she flew over and grabbed a few gifts from the pile.

Rainbow Dash curiously ripped the first of the packages open. "What do you know... Here's a scooter," Rainbow Dash pondered with a slight smile growing on her face. "And here's a teddy bear, and a heart poster. Oh, and some Wonderbolts flags and posters... These are pretty choice stuff," Rainbow Dash admitted as she pointed at the rare Wonderbolts memorabilia. Her smile slowly grew. And, her skepticism of Scootaloo's parents slowly shrank.

"And, they even have a signed..." Rainbow Dash said, as her voice suddenly grew less optimistic. "Rainbow Dash poster!" Rainbow Dash groaned as her face turned decidedly less happy, and absolutely angrier. "This is Scootaloo's old stuff!" Rainbow Dash growled as her expression suddenly became belligerent. "I'm going to beat them like a pinata!" Rainbow Dash screamed as her two front hooves shook with fury.

"A pinata?!" Pinkie Pie shouted eagerly as she bounced over to one side of the room, and came back with something in her hooves. "Don't forget the mask! You cannot bash a pinata without one! And, you got just the one to use, Dashie! It's from the pony who doesn't feel any fear!" Pinkie Pie rambled as she pulled out a black mask.

"Pinkie Pie! I was talking about whooping the Sunbirds. And, how am I supposed to do that in a mask without eyeholes in it?" Rainbow Dash grumbled as her eyes shot Pinkie Pie a frustrated look.

"Oooohhhh..." Pinkie Pie hummed with a growing understanding. "Well, you would use your other senses Dashie. Here let me show you," Pinkie Pie eagerly pointed out as she slid the hood over her mane, and eyes so that it touched her muzzle. She then feverishly began to flail her arms out in a weak attempt to find Rainbow Dash by feeling the air for her.

"Nevermind... This isn't going to work," Rainbow Dash grumbled as she looked away, Her face bearing a definite look of shame on it.

The whole scene serving no purpose other than to earn several giggles by Spike, and the rest of their friends.