• Published 12th Jan 2016
  • 2,111 Views, 123 Comments

rebuilding a crusade - LavendarRegards

After a terrible mistake involving a spellbook, the CMC are saved from death by the thinest of margins. However, having to relive their lives over again, they may never be the same again.

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Chapter 4 & 5 - Time isn't always kind.

Rainbow Dash frowned as she took out some of her pent up aggression on the next cloud. She'd already started the day off on the wrong hoof. Everything had been frustrating and confusing. Between the official letter from the desk of admiral Hardliner - Spitfire's commanding officer - saying she was off the team, to Soarin' flying down to tell her she was still on the team.

The whole matter was both confusing, and frustrating. Rainbow Dash begrudgingly understood admiral Hardliner's reasons. The Wonderbolts were the role models for most of Equestria, after all. And, that was not mentioning the safety considerations for Scootaloo.

It's Soarin's sudden contradiction of Hardliner's decision that had confused the cyan pegasus -- not that she was complaining, mind you. When asked, Soarin' had been noncommittal about his answer. He'd first mentioned how everypony had been surprised to hear she was pregnant. Then, he'd added that it seemed out of character for any recruit, especially one as diligent as Rainbow Dash, to throw away her Wonderbolt's position so carelessly. Next, he'd suggested that Spitfire may have discussed the issue with Princess Celestia off of the record. Finally, he'd added that Celestia had vaguely stated that Rainbow Dash's case was unique, and required special considerations.

Rainbow Dash kicked yet another cloud, growling to herself. However, her kick was a bit too hard, and it sent it careening out of control. It headed straight past the next ten clouds and almost hit Thunderlane. He ducked out of the way just moments before it would have hit his head.

"Hey, watch where you're kicking that thing!" Thunderlane shouted, with a shake of his hoof. He slowly raised his head back to its original position. "Those mood swings are going to get somepony hurt if you're not careful," Thunderlane grumbled as he continued to glare. He kept shaking his clenched hoof at the rainbow maned pegasus.

"I'm six months along! I do not have mood swings anymore!" Rainbow Dash shouted back, her cheeks puffing and her face scowling in a clear sign of discontent. In truth, the humiliating symptoms and instability of her magic had abated. Those had been recently replaced by a rather noticeable and all too embarrassing baby bump. It made her look like she'd put on twenty or so pounds - much to her chagrin. Unfortunately, a lot of her previous symptoms would probably return when she hit her tenth and final month because Scootaloo would do most of her development in that month.

"A selfish and arrogant mare like you is going to make a terrible dam. I feel sorry for that foal," Thunderlane grumbled in hushed tones. However, his whispered words weren't quite quiet enough to go unheard.

"Says you! I'm going to be the best darn dam ever!" Rainbow Dash shouted back, her fur bristling. She suddenly dropped the argument when everypony began to look at her with looks of concern and pity. I don't like those looks, Rainbow Dash thought with a shudder, noticing that she'd become the center of attention and not for her abilities.

The rest of the day went by in a blur as Rainbow Dash's fury slowly abated with each cloud she cleared away and every rain cloud she set off. It seemed work could indeed be therapeutic, after all. At least it was better to take her aggressions out on clouds, rather than the ponies irritating her. Then again, she'd much rather be pulling stunts at the moment. But, she had to begrudgingly admit that Soarin' was right - if she crashed, then it could kill Scootaloo, and that was a risk she never wanted to take again.

Even as her anger receded, Rainbow Dash became acutely aware of another emotion. She'd spent the last four and a half months trying to ignore it - namely, doubt. She hated to admit it, but she did wonder if she had it in her to be a good mother. Her mother had died giving birth to her, and that left Rainbow Dash with no experience in mothering.

Come on Dash. You never fail your friends. Why should you think you'll be a bad mother? She attempted to convince herself, despite the crawling tentacles of doubt pulling on her heart. I mean, name one time that you proved yourself arrogant or selfish? She continued to insist, even as fear blackened the back of her mind.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel her ears flick, as she heard the giggling of fillies below the cloud she was resting on. Carefully she peaked through the cloud to find two fillies and one colt playing around on the ground. All three wore familiar purple bodysuits, dark purple capes and cowls, dark purple leg wraps, glass lenses, purple tando hats and a stylized "M" insignia on their chests. Maybe I should talk to Applejack? After all, I can count on her to give me an honest answer, right? Rainbow Dash thought with a gulp, as she made a beeline for Sweet Apple Acres.


Rainbow Dash carefully scanned the fields of Sweet Apple Acres from the sky. Her eyes were scanning for just one pony in particular. While she could have probably gone up to the front door of the Apple Barn and asked where Applejack was, she wanted to find her, ask a question and leave quickly -- preferably unseen.

There she is! Rainbow Dash thought with a smile, as she spotted a tired and bedraggled Applejack emptying a cart of apples into her apple cellar. Rainbow Dash hastily pulled her wings in and dove towards the ground. Once she was a mere foot from the ground, Rainbow Dash pulled her wings out and pulled up, gently landing in the tree nearest to Applejack.

Despite her haste, Rainbow Dash sprawled out and pretended to sleep in the tree's branches as if she wasn't there for any particular reason at all. Rainbow Dash waited patiently for Applejack to walk over to the tree she was laying in. The orange apple pony quickly wiped her brow and then looked up at the tree's fruit as she tried to gauge how ready it was to pluck. A lot of ponies were astounded by the raw magic that Applejack's family held, and the way it allowed the family to harvest fruit clear up until the start of winter itself. But, Rainbow Dash had stopped being amazed by that after the first time she'd seen the orange farmer harvesting.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doin' sleepin' in my trees?" Applejack shouted up at the cyan pegasus as she took a moment to prop herself up against the tree Rainbow Dash was 'sleeping' in. "How many times do ah gotta tell ya not ta go sleepin' in my trees!" Applejack continued between subtle pants.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you a question. I figured it would be the fastest way to find you," Rainbow Dash admitted as quietly as she thought she could without Applejack being unable to hear what she was saying.

"Well shoot, you know you can ask me anything. Why are you being so shy about it?" Applejack shouted back up at the tree.

"It's a bit embarrassing," Rainbow Dash whispered as she took off from the tree, and landed next to Applejack. "And, I didn't want anypony else to know about it," Rainbow Dash added reluctantly.

"Well, Ah ain't good at keepin' secrets, " Applejack admitted, "But, Ah don't mind answerin' your question -- whatever it is. So, why don't ya spit it out already?" Applejack offered as she looked at Rainbow Dash intently.

"Applejack, do you think I'm going to make a good mom for Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash whispered her question with a long gulp, and a slight tremble in her eyes as she struggled to swallow her doubt. "I mean, is it true that I'm some kind of selfish, and egotistical jerk?" Rainbow Dash whispered with a crack in her voice.

"Well... you got a selfish streak. And, your arrogance can be a problem. But, Ah ain't worried about your personality," Applejack admitted reluctantly as she absentmindedly looked up into the sky. "Your heart is always in the right place. And, all that loyalty 's gotta be good for somethin'," Applejack continued. Her statement earning her a hint of a confident smile from Rainbow Dash. "No. Ah'm worried you ain't as prepared as you think you are," Applejack explained sternly. With that stern statement, Rainbow Dash's confident smile dissolved right into a look of bemusement. "You see... You ain't bought supplies. You ain't setup any baby furniture. And, you ain't made plans for how you're gonna care fer Scootaloo when you can't be home," Applejack stated with a slight frown growing on her face with each item.

"You sound like Soarin'," Rainbow Dash grumbled as she looked down at her front hooves. "It's like I told him, 'I'm the fastest flier in Equestria. I'm too awesome to hurt myself in a show. And, I'm quick enough to care for her while on tour. I'll just fly back and forth... you know, I'll give her a bottle, do a stunt for the crowds, fly back and burp her, and so forth.'" Rainbow Dash blustered despite the look of fear growing on Applejack's face.

"You ain't bein' honest with yourself. That won't work, and you know it," Applejack objected sternly. "And, what are you gonna do if, Celestia forbid, you get sent into battle? Are you really going to take Scootaloo into combat? And, where would you keep her? Would you tuck her under your wings while you fought dragons, monsters, or Celestia knows what?" Applejack warned as she poked Rainbow Dash lightly.

"But..." Rainbow mumbled as she struggled to come up with a quick rebuttal.

"Rainbow Dash! Now you're bein' selfish again. You need to think about these things, even if it means you won't be able to fly with the Wonderbolts," Applejack insisted hotly. Her words only managing to stir even more uncertainty into her cyan friend's heart.


Rainbow Dash frantically ran between the changing station, the pan on the stove, the vacuum cleaner, and the performance playbook as she tried to change Scootaloo's diaper, cook her dinner, vacuum the cloudominium, read up on the next show's routine, tap dance, lift a dumbbell with her tail, spin two plates by two straws on her head, and spin a hula hoop with her tail. Rainbow Dash hated to admit it, but she was already winded from all of the running around.

A sudden rapping on the door was the final straw. "Oh come on!" Rainbow Dash growled as she stormed over to the front door. If the cloud floors had been made of wood, it would creak under each of her steps. Upon arriving at the door, Rainbow Dash furiously threw it open. Her gaze promising death to whichever pony happened to be on the other side. Her fury suddenly faltered as she found, much to her surprise, Spitfire on the other side of the door.

"Rainbow Dash," Spitfire stated coldly and clinically. "Equestria is at war with the gök börü of the far east. And, we're mobilizing the Wonderbolts to make the first strike," Spitfire explained as she stood stoically at the door.

"Yes Ma'am," Rainbow Dash acknowledged with a quick salute. "Just let me get a sitter for Scootaloo and..." Rainbow Dash hastily added, before Spitfire sharply cut her off.

"You aren't ready?!" Spitfire rebuked with a definition agitation. "Equestria needs you to be ready at a moment's notice. And, you aren't ready?!" Spitfire growled as her voice grew cold. "Maybe it was a mistake overriding admiral Hardliner's orders after all!" Spitfire shouted as she turned around, and started walking out the door. "Forget it Dash. You can't help Equestria because we can't even rely on you to be ready." Spitfire fired back one last time before she slammed the door behind her.

"But I can be help..." Dash screamed, even as the world collapsed around her into a single point.

"...helpful!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she awoke with a start. Carefully she wiped the sweat from her brow. She shakily stumbled over to the bathroom. Once there, she looked herself in the mirror. She was still pregnant. Thankfully, it had all been a bad dream.

What a dream, Rainbow Dash moaned as she splashed her face with water in an attempt to wash the sweat off. This is the tenth or eleventh night in a row, Rainbow Dash grunted as she trotted over to look out her window at the location of the sun. Rainbow Dash would never have thought that the things Thunderlane and Applejack had said could get this far under her skin, but apparently, it had.

Looks like it's eight in the morning, Rainbow Dash pondered as she trotted down to the kitchen. Gotta make some breakfast, and get my head in the game, Rainbow Dash decided as she reached into the icebox to pull out some strips of hay bacon, and a couple of eggs.

The sound of knocking on the front door to Rainbow Dash's cloudominium drew her attention away from the food in her hooves. With a sigh, she quickly put the items on the counter and fixed her attention on the source of the sound. Who could that be at this hour? Rainbow Dash asked herself as she stumbled over to the front door.

"Hello?" Rainbow Dash curiously asked as she slowly opened her door. Rainbow Dash's eyes shot wide open when she saw who was on the other side of the door. "Spitfire?!" Rainbow Dash gasped as she saw the yellow pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash, Firestreak retired unexpectedly. And, we need you to fill his position in the routine," Spitfire stated in a commanding tone.

"Hay yeah! I'm in!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she pumped a foreleg in the air. However, her excitement quickly stalled as something came to mind. "What happened to being sidelined till after the pregnancy? I thought you said it was for the safety of Scootaloo, and the reputation of the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash slowly asked as she pondered the sudden change of direction.

"We changed our mind. Now, we need you in your uniform, stat!" Spitfire insisted hastily with a gaze that screamed impatience.

"Heck yeah! Let me get my uniform. And, we'll --" Rainbow Dash started, only to find herself suddenly standing on stage with the other Wonderbolts. Fans were flocking to each and every Wonderbolt. Each fan was cheering, pleading for autographs, shaking their hooves, saying all kinds of compliments, and avoiding Rainbow Dash entirely.

"Spitfire, what's going on?" Rainbow Dash whispered in confusion to the yellow pegasus. Her words transforming into a gasp as Spitfire, the other Wonderbolts, and the entire audience disappeared one at a time into thin air.

"Why do you always do these reckless things? You put your school works second to your dangerous and reckless stunts. Don't you care about your future or your health?" growled the chastising voice of a dark blue stallion with a rainbow mane. "You almost killed yourself, just last week. And now, here you are coming home late. We both know what you've been doing," the stallion snarled accusingly.

"Dad, I wasn't up to anything. I was just practicing," Rainbow Dash insisted. Her mind no longer was able to notice that she was a teenager, or that she was now in her father's house.

"Lies! We both know what you've really been up to," the stallion grumbled as he circled her. His accusing eyes carefully scrutinized every inch of her. "You've been mating, haven't you? You just couldn't wait, could you?" he continued to accuse her as he circled her like an angry wasp.

"Dad, I'm telling the truth!" Rainbow Dash pleaded as tears slowly formed at the corners of her eyes. "Blitz is just a friend," she insisted as she walked forward towards her father. Her pleas were pointless, as the eyes of the stallion had taken on a deadly glare.

"Well, there isn't anyplace anywhere for a whorse like you! Why don't you get out of here, go hide under your little rock in the middle of nowhere, and --" the stallion started, only to vanish with the rest of the room.

Rainbow Dash stood in a daze. The only thing able to filter through her sorrow addled mind was that the whole world had turned into a vast starry field of nothing.

"That'll be enough of these nightmares," Luna commanded as she walked over to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, thou art heavy burdened. Why doth thou not entreat thy friends for assistance? Will they not make thy yoke lighter?" Luna pressed as her visage softened, and she gave Rainbow Dash a motherly look.

"Because I want to help them, not transfer my difficulties to them. What sort of friend would I be if I asked them to care for a foal that they have no better way to care for then me? And what about Scootaloo? Wouldn't I be just as bad as Regal Sunbird if I passed her off on my friends?" Rainbow Dash asked as her voice cracked, and her confidence melted away.

"And thy family? Surely thy father hath much help to offer?" Luna offered as her horn lit up. In the blink of an eye, a more friendly apparition of Rainbow Blaze, Rainbow Dash's father, appeared on the dreamscape. "Art thou still troubled by the events of thy last meeting?"

Rainbow Dash anxiously stared down at her forehooves. "But, what if he's still mad at me? Or, he doesn't understand? What if he doesn't believe me?" Rainbow Dash blurted out as her groggy mind found it difficult to say every fear, and thought that plagued her mind.

"Mayhaps he will bring thee aid?" Luna suggested. The statement caused Rainbow Dash to pause where she was standing. "Let thy friends help thee write an entreaty to thy father for aid. Mayhaps he will come swiftly?" Luna calmly suggested. Rainbow Dash breathed a long, deep, and soothing sigh. Perhaps Luna was right? It certainly couldn't hurt to send a letter. At the very least, it would get the uncertainty off of her chest.

"I could try..." Rainbow Dash admittedly weakly as she rubbed her two hind legs together. Her face was a mirror of the torrent of uncertainty in her heart.


A nippy breeze blew between the apple trees of Sweet Apple Acres. The wind bearing a reminder that it was late October, also known as apple bucking season. However, the serenity of the rows and rows of trees was suddenly interrupted by the loud sturdy thwack of hooves against wood. The thwack quickly followed by the relentless thumps of a rain of apples falling into carefully placed wooden buckets.

The air was then disturbed by three weaker thwacks. Each new thwack was followed by only a few apples hitting their designated buckets. "consarnit!" shouted an agitated feminine voice. The shout being followed up by another anemic thunk of hooves against wood.

What's wrong with me today? Applejack grumbled to herself, between hard pants. Her normally sturdy body was drenched in an abnormally large layer of sweat. Applejack hadn't felt so helpless since Tirek had stolen her magic and used her, and her friends as bargaining chips. And, that was followed closely behind by when she'd looked down at Sweet Apple Acres after a week of pouring her blood, sweat, and tears into harvesting the entire orchard solo, only to find that she'd only managed to harvest a quarter of Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack took a long labored breath to regain her strength and relieve her frustration. In truth, the sudden and unexpected fatigue was easier to ignore than her frustration at her sudden, and unexpected weakness.

"You ok?" Big Mac fretted as he craned his neck over to look at his sister. His mouth then falling wide open moments later.

"Ah'm fine!" Applejack snapped back along with a stomp of the ground as her frustration boiled over. She knew her brother could dote on her, just like she had sometimes doted on Apple Bloom. But, this was just getting to be too much. "Ah ain't overworking! Yes, ah know workin' too hard, or gettin' too stressed could kill Apple Bloom. And, ah ain't workin' that hard so get offa my back!" Applejack snarled between pants from her heavy overworked lungs. "Instead, you should focus on helpin' me to get this here farm harvested. 'Cause we gotta focus on Apple Bloom's new nursery next. We've already burned six months, an' we've only gotten it three-quarters of the way done," Applejack added as she ignored the horror written behind her brother's mask of zen-like calm.

"Your Cutie Mark," Big Mac warned in a voice that contained as much calm as possible.

"Ehh?" Applejack asked as she craned her neck, and shifted her faded green eyes backward to notice that the only thing sitting on her flank was orange fur. "W-what happened to it?!" Applejack stuttered as she could feel the throes of panic washing away her anger, and frustration. Quickly fear took root where Applejack's anger had previously been.

"Maybe... Possibly... It could be... " Applejack stammered as she tried to rack her brain around a logical explanation. However, nothing came to Applejack, except an increasing feeling of weakness in her body. A weakness that was not from stress, although the dizzying fear and pounding of her heart were not helping her.

"Mac, get Twilight," Applejack commanded as she struggled to keep herself standing. Desperately she fought the weakness in her legs. "Ah'll just have a seat here..." Applejack explained through grit teeth, and a deep resolve to stay calm. Perhaps by good luck, she didn't even notice that her fur had begun to pale in the same way her eyes had discolored.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said with resolve as he swallowed his panic, and pretended to be that strong, and calm big brother that his sister needed desperately at the moment. "Have a seat, and Twilight'll fix you right up," Big Mac assured his sister.

Big Mac turned around to make a sprint towards Ponyville's new crystal castle, only to look back in horror as he watched his little sister drop to the ground, her side thankfully hitting the softish grass, and not the harder tree next to her.


Fluttershy merrily hummed a tune as she daintily placed one last hoofful of acorns into the last feeding bowl. With that lengthy task completed, she trotted over to her couch for a nice little rest. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile as she sat down, and watched her small animal friends eating their lunch.

I probably should get up in a moment. After all, the soup should be just about ready, Fluttershy reminded herself as she took a subtle sniff of the pleasantly simmering vegetable soup. That very same soup, in fact, that she had started right before she began the long task of feeding all of her animal friends.

First, a cup of tea, Fluttershy decided with a nod as she daintily rose up from her brief rest. Daintily she walked towards the kitchen. Naturally, she wasn't just going to get some soup. She had her mind on her a pot of tea she started for just this moment.

Fluttershy was halfway to the kitchen when a solid rapping on her front door interrupted her. I wonder who that is? Fluttershy pondered as she casually walked back to the front door. Her mind buzzed as it ran over possible names, and reasons for the unexpected visit.

Fluttershy whimsical shrugged as she reached out, and slowly pulled the door open. "Hello?" Fluttershy gently added in her best efforts not to startle the pony behind the door.

"Hey Fluttershy," squeaked the familiar voice of Applejack. Fluttershy rubbed her ears in a subtle attempt to understand what Applejack had just mumbled. Even before Fluttershy could see Applejack, she could already hear the distinctive whisper of embarrassment. "May ah come in and talk with you for a moment?" Applejack added with a clear blush, and embarrassment practically written on her face.

"Oh, you can talk to me about anything," Fluttershy assured Applejack gently as she gave her orange friend a reassuring smile. "Applejack, feel free to come in and have some tea. Well... that is, if you want to," Fluttershy humbly offered. "I mean, it's so seldom you get a chance to visit my home. And might I add, I hope everything's ok."

Applejack reluctantly nodded as she held her hat in hoof, and opened her mouth. "Fluttershy, please forgive me fer bein' a bit nervous," Applejack apologized as she nervously shuffled into Fluttershy's cottage. "Ah mean... You know ah don't like to talk about myself, or my problems. It just that, ah can't hold this in anymore," Applejack added as she stared at her forelegs, and nervously scraped her hind legs together.

"It's really ok," Fluttershy assured her as she walked over to her couch. Applejack reluctantly trailed a short distance behind the butter colored pegasus. "I really don't mind hearing about whatever is on your mind," Fluttershy continued with a look backward, and a confident gaze into Applejack's eyes. "I just hope I can be helpful. I mean, I think Big Mac, Rarity, or Twilight Sparkle would be better qualified for solving your problem. And if you just want to feel better, you would be better off seeing Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy admitted.

"Well, ah didn't want to trouble my family with it," Applejack admitted as she carefully sat herself down on Fluttershy's couch. "And, ah can't tell Pinkie, Twilight, or Rarity 'cause, ya know they'll jus' wanna try ta solve my problems. And frankly, it ain't a problem they can solve," Applejack continued as she, and Fluttershy meandered into the kitchen. Fluttershy offered an understanding nod as daintily poured both ponies a full cup of tea. "Instead, ah just need somepony to listen," Applejack admitted as she looked away in shame.

"Well, I don't mind listening," Fluttershy explained as she gave her orange friend a warm, and inviting smile. "And might I add, you look much better than when I saw you last," Fluttershy added with an approving eye.

"Not that much better," Applejack grumbled as she looked deeply into her cup of tea. "My Cutie Mark is still half invisible. My eyes are only halfway to their proper color. And, my strength and stamina are still lousy," Applejack groaned as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Still, a little progress is better than no progress," Fluttershy cooed as she offered Applejack a cup of cream, and a small bowl of sugar for Applejack to use in her tea.

"Ah suppose," Applejack admitted as she took a couple of quick breaths. "Fluttershy, do you know what happened to Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and my mah?" Applejack asked cautiously as she carefully stirred a single spoonful of sugar into her tea. Applejack didn't need to look at Fluttershy to know that the pegasus had just shaken her head.

It wasn't a big surprise. What happened to Applejacks parents wasn't usually discussed outside of the Apple household. That wasn't to say that there was a prohibition against it. It simply wasn't something anypony wanted to talk about. "Well, every time mah had a foal, she'd get weak... Really, really weak. So weak, in fact, that she couldn't lift anything, And, she could barely move." Applejack somberly explained as she heard the gasp come from Fluttershy. "And it wasn't just her strength, neither. Mah didn't heal well. And, she seemed to get injured easier."

Applejack struggled to suppress the bad memories with another shaky sip of tea. The memories of her mother's struggle to carry Apple Bloom were just too painful. "Pah used to call it the 'Orange Curse.' He said that childbirth managed to claim the life of every mare from the Orange family, as far back as we got records," Applejack shook her head as she paused for a moment, or two to gather her thoughts. "And, that's what claimed mah's life. She managed to survive birthin' Mac and me. But, Apple Bloom didn't work out as well," Applejack explained with a deep frown. "Ah don't really know why she died. Ah wasn't old enough to really follow what was going on. But one day mah got sick, and died," Applejack added with a frown as small tears rolled down her cheeks.

Applejack quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. "Now it turns out they got some kind of fancy scientifical-type name for what mah had. Twilight called it Sine Magicae -- somethin', or another. Ah didn't really follow all that medical mumbo jumbo. But anyway, it turns out ah got it too," Applejack admitted with a shudder and a deep self-loathing frown.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said with a gasp as she covered her mouth with her hooves. "Are you going to be ok?" Fluttershy fretted with a worried expression.

"Ah don't really know," Applejack admitted openly as she shakily took a sip of tea. "Now Twilight explained it to me as best she could. But, ah might have some infermation wrong. Ah had a little trouble followin' all of it... Well, you know how hard her lectures can be to follow," Applejack added, earning a knowing snicker from Fluttershy. She'd been a part of more than one of Twilight's lectures herself. "But, she said that foals take magic from their mother, it's just a part of development. But for some reason, ponies like me and mah give more magic to our foal then our bodies can produce. Now that's bad enough, but at least you can function without magic. But, it's even worse for mares like me. You see, our bodies push themselves harder, and harder to try to make up the difference. Eventually, they wear themselves out."

"I bet that's worse for an Earth Pony. I mean, isn't your physical strength tied to your magic," Fluttershy worried as she flew over to give Applejack a comforting hug.

"Yeah, it messes up our ability to work and to heal," Applejack admitted as she reached over and weakly lifted her teacup. "Usually they tell mares like me to just 'pinch out' the foal. But, ah can't bring myself to do that... not to Apple Bloom," Applejack openly wept as her best efforts to stay strong began to break down. "Twilight thinks Zecora's potions might help. But, Twilight insists that ah get a doctor to work with Zecora. And worse still, Twilight doesn't think it's safe to use any potions while ah'm carryin' Apple Bloom. So, she says ah'll have to live with this condition till Bloom's ready to come out," Applejack grumbled bitterly.

"Oh Applejack, I'm sorry to hear that," Fluttershy whispered as she gave Applejack a stronger hug. "What are you going to do about the farm? Surely Big Mac can't handle all of Sweet Apple Acres on his own."

"Ah don't know, ah've sent a few letters to our kin to see who can help. But, ah ain't holdin' my breath. They all got land of their own to tend. The only pony who's responded was cousin Babs. She sent me a letter sayin' she wanted to come up and help wherever she could. And while ah'm thankful for the offer, ah don't think she can help me after the birth. You see after Apple Bloom is born ah'll need time to get my strength back. And, ah don't feel right askin' Babs, or anypony else to stick around to help me for that long. And, it might be a little while... Twilight was sayin' that ah might need magical strength trainin' to get me back in shape faster. 'Cause, that'll help me restore my magic levels faster," Applejack grumbled, as she remembered the humiliating point that Twilight made.

"Magical Strength Training? Oh, that's no fun," Fluttershy mumbled with a frown as she carefully grabbed her tea cup from the other side of the table. "When I was a little filly, my wings were extra weak. So weak, in fact, that I couldn't even fly. And, no matter how hard we trained them, they didn't seem to be getting stronger. Everypony knows a pegasus can't fly without our magic. But, fewer ponies know that our wings generate our magic. So, the worse the shape of our wings, the less magic they make. It's a bit like Earth Pony magic in that way. After all, an Earth Pony's magic makes them stronger. But, Earth Pony magic tends to generate in proportion to a pony's strength."

"Oh I'm sorry, I got off topic..." Fluttershy admitted with an embarrassed blush. "We were talking about magical strength training... So, since I couldn't get my wings into shape, my parents decided it was best to have a doctor put me through a few rounds of magical strength training. And well, it's... not pleasant," Fluttershy explained with a grimace, her hoof absentmindedly reaching out and rubbing her wing as if it was sore.

"So, they won't just move my legs for me or somethin'?" Applejack pondered. She'd figured it would be humiliating, but Fluttershy's reaction suggested the experience wouldn't be pleasant for another reason.

"No," Fluttershy explained as she shook her head gently. "I can't explain what it feels like... sorry," Fluttershy admitted with a soft apologetic look. "All I can tell you is: afterwards it feels like you just flew through a hurricane going against the wind... It's like you put your body through the most extreme workout of your life," Fluttershy added with a shudder.

"Well shoot, that really don't sound like fun," Applejack mused as she took a second to consider what the whole thing must really feel like.

"It's not," Fluttershy admitted with a frown. She then carefully poured some more tea into Applejack's cup. "I see why you might be frustrated though. You've always been proud of how hard you work, and how much you get done. And, to be told that you can't rely on yourself to do them... Well, it must hurt" Fluttershy whispered as she started to pour her own cup.

"I think that's about the sum of it," Applejack admitted as she took a long sip of tea. With that admission, the conversation slowed to a trickle. Neither pony had much else to say.


The crowd of ponies were hushed as they intently listened to every word Rarity said. Their minds eagerly absorbing every word she said. Twilight had been right, accepting the lecture on dressmaking at the Canterlot University of Arts had been a magnificent idea.

Surprisingly, Rarity had enjoyed the whole lecture up until the current point. She'd looked lovely in her modified gala dress. Naturally, she was grateful that it covered her well because she was six months pregnant. That, of course, meant that Sweetie Belle was now eighteen pounds. And, that had left her with a noticeable, and embarrassing pudge... Furthermore, that pudge would steadily grow as the pregnancy continued.

As for the lecture itself, it had been a chance for Rarity to describe the process of dress design and construction. And more importantly, it was a chance to show off some of her newest designs. Rarity had been pleased with the murmurs of how beautiful her dresses looked. Naturally, Rarity had soaked all of that praise up. She loved to show off her designs, just as much as she loved to see other ponies look their best in them.

However, the lecture was running a little longer than she expected. It was all due to one tactless filly, who had questioned the whole point of clothing in the first place. "Now then, some ponies believe that the eloquence of the dress is simply in its ability to proclaim a pony's social status, or profession non-vocally," Rarity stated with a frown as she made a point to look at each member of the audience. "Just because mares have evolved specialized skin and muscles that both conceal and protect our 'private place' doesn't mean that clothing doesn't have a use outside of mundane functionality," Rarity explained with as much tact and eloquence as possible. "Rather, there are several ways for clothing to draw attention to, and build upon a mare's natural beauty," Rarity added with a flip of her mane, and a turn of her head.

"For example," Rarity added as she carefully walked back to her clothesline. Once there, she pulled two particular dresses out of it using her magic. "Two very close friends of mine are six months pregnant. And, some inconsiderate ponies might think that they can't look lovely in their current situation. But, I beg to differ," Rarity stated with an exaggerated cry and a melodramatic wave of her hoof. "This is why I made these two maternity dresses. They distract from any embarrassing traits, and embellish on several positive traits."

Rarity suppressed a smirk as she watched the filly who had asked the rude question sink into her chair. The poor filly's face was contorted into an awkward combination of humiliation, and red hot fury. "Now then, are there any other questions?" Rarity asked the rest of the audience as she smiled, and scanned the room. Surprisingly, it was an older filly sitting next to the previous filly that raised a foreleg. "Yes?" Rarity kindly asked as she gave the new filly her full attention.

"Miss. Rarity, I heard you were going to be canceling the opening of the Canterlot Carousel. Is this correct?" the filly asked in a strangely extra sweet voice as she stood up.

"Well," Rarity admitted with a blush as she nervously rubbed one hind leg against the other one. "I wouldn't say canceled... Merely delayed. You see there have been some complications that are taking precedence over Canterlot Carousel," Rarity admitted with a heavy heart. It was frustrating how she had to be Sweetie Belle's sole parent. But, it was unlikely that her own parents were going to be able to raise Sweetie Belle. They were just too busy trying to make ends meet. "But, I can assure you that the plans for Canterlot Carousel will be resumed once these issues have been resolved," Rarity assured her with a definite certainty in her voice.

"What complications are those?" the filly asked with a subtle sneer as she shot the filly next to her a cryptic glance. If Rarity were to guess, it was a conspiratorial glance.

"Well, I'm afraid that I cannot talk about..." Rarity calmly started. However, her explanation was cut short as a flash of magic lit up the room. "What was that?" Rarity asked with a wide-eyed look of terror. However, the looks of dismay on the faces of the crowd, and their stares quickly gave Rarity an idea about who had been the target of a magic spell. "Who cast a spell? And more importantly, what did they cast?" Rarity shouted with her words coming out fast, and loud as a definite panic filled her mind, and words.

Rarity desperately wished for a mirror at the moment as she hurriedly looked herself over to see whatever changes the spell had made. My fur is still white, Rarity noted with a relieve sigh. Carefully her scrutinizing gaze moved to her mane. My mane is still the right shade of purple, Rarity acknowledged with relief as she looked down her barrel towards her dress.

Rarity stifled a scream. White fur was all she could see where her dress was supposed to be. "I've got to go, sorry," Rarity mumbled through a forced smile, and grit teeth as she hastily reared up, covered her chest with one hoof, covered her teats with the other foreleg, and hastily slid off stage.

"Would being pregnant be one of those 'complications'?" the older filly shouted with a cruel chuckle. Although most of the audience sat there dumbfounded, there were enough laughter to echo through the large room noticeably.

"That'll teach you for embarrassing my sister," the older filly mumbled under her breath with a huff as she watched Rarity duck behind the curtains.


Rarity dejectedly stared at the small menu cradled in her hooves. She'd never felt so exposed in her entire life. She felt like a Kobold who had forgotten to wear their clothes. It was a silly way to feel. After all, nopony could see a mare's private place... unless, of course, she was about to mate.

Then again, being laughed off the stage had not helped. Rarity had spent so much time keeping the whole pregnancy to herself because she didn't want a bunch of gossipers and rubberneckers talking about it. And, because she was afraid what other ponies... especially the noble ponies of Canterlot... would do.

Come on Rarity, take a deep breath, Rarity reminded herself between long drawn out and forced breaths. It'll be ok. You're overreacting... she added with more soothing breaths. Surely, this will be quickly forgotten... After all, it didn't make that big a stir, Rarity decided as she put the menu down so that she could tell the waiter she was ready to order.

"Miss. Rarity, it's so good to see you," greeted a familiarly suave voice. Rarity's ears to perk up in surprise as her mind processed the familiar voice.

"Fancy Pants?" Rarity asked rhetorically. In truth, she knew who it was. Instead, she was quite surprised to see him. He was the most important pony in Canterlot and a very busy pony. And, that was not mentioning how Rarity had found herself working more with the stallion through orders she had fulfilled for Fleur Dis Lee.

"Indeed. And, it's such a great pleasure to bump into you today," Fancy Pants acknowledged with a suave smile as he looked down at her with a warm smile. "I hope you've been well," he added graciously.

"Oh yes, everything is going quite well," Rarity lied through her best stage fright concealing smile. "And, I hope that things are going well for you as well," Rarity added as she subtly attempted to shift the conversation away from herself.

"Oh yes, things have been going quite well. Thank you," Fancy Pants acknowledged cordially. His eyes then shifting from a friendly, and confident one to an unfamiliar look of concern. "I hope that little scene at the academy hasn't been too big of a problem," he added, earning a slight flinch from Rarity.

"You heard about that, did you?" Rarity asked with a grimace and a weakly hidden frown.

"Fleur Dis Lee's sister was there. And, she had a lot to say about it," Fancy Pants admitted as he gave the white mare a sympathetic look. "Miss. Rarity, please don't let it get you down. I can assure you, not too many ponies were laughing," Fancy Pants confidently assured her.

Rarity let a long sigh of frustration escape her muzzle. "It's not just that. This was really the proverbial last straw," Rarity admitted as her eyes stared down at the table, and away from Fancy Pant's concerned gaze.

"I'm pregnant. And, I'm worried about what that'll do to my reputation and business," Rarity whispered with a deep frown. Fancy Pant opened his mouth, only to be quickly cut off by Rarity. "And, don't say it doesn't matter. I've met mares in similar circumstances who have found ponies here in Canterlot to be quite cruel, and even confrontational to them,"

"Then there's how frustratingly bad my 'little black book' has been. I never thought a book full of highly compatible stallions could be filled with more lemons than a lemon farm," Rarity grumbled as she looked away. She could remember well over a hundred terrible dates right off the top of her mind. "And, then there's the matter that I need a husband to protect my reputation. So, I'm working on a frustratingly short timeline," Rarity finally whispered with five months of frustration and failure written on her brow.

"I see," Fancy Pants admitted calmly, his voice hinting at a lingering concern. "While I can see your hurry. You really shouldn't hurry. A good partner is like a great friendship they take time to build," Fancy Pants explained as his voice, and face lit up with a new look of resolve.

"I suppose," Rarity conceded in a hushed voice. "But, what about my reputation? I'll never be able to buy Carousel Canterlot if nopony wants anything to do with me," Rarity cried as her mind failed to contain her fears any longer.

Fancy Pants breathed a long sigh before he quickly regained his composure. "Miss. Rarity," Fancy Pants said chipperly, "would you like me to set you up on a date with a real gentlestallion?"

"Well, it might be nice to date a pony who is not a louse in person," Rarity admitted as she rubbed her chin, and considered the statement.

"And, he's the brother of a princess and a pony that I've recently come to acquaintance with. And might I add, he seems like just the sort of pony you would be looking for," Fancy Pants eagerly added as he watched Rarity's eyes start to twinkle.

"Which of Cadance's brothers is it?" Rarity asked through a barely restrained excitement. However, her enthusiasm quickly evaporated as a crushing realization came to mind. "Please tell me we aren't talking about Prince Blueblood," Rarity dryly stated with a stern frown. "The last time I talked to him I had to toss him out. You see, he came to my boutique spouting a bunch of flattering words to me. You see, he was trying to butter me up so that he could convince me to let him talk to my sister, Sweetie Belle. As it turns out: he wanted to talk to her about her friend Scootaloo. To say I was insulted would be a bit of an understatement. And then, when I told him to ask somepony else, he had the audacity to go around commanding me to do it," Rarity said dryly, as she remembered all the yelling she had done... followed by the stallion running from her boutique for dear life.

"Heavens no," Fancy Pants said with a polite chuckle. "I said he was a gentlestallion, didn't I? And, Prince Blueblood is hardly a gentlestallion."

"Well, who is it then?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow and a barely contained curiosity.

"Let me make it a big surprise. But, let's say that I think you'll like him when you meet him," Fancy Pants assured her as he gave her a warm smile. "Now, I need some time to get in touch with him, and make plans. But, I'm sure he'll love to meet a sophisticated mare such as yourself," Fancy Pants assured her.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm not curious to meet him, at least," Rarity admitted as she considered the opportunity.

"Great, then I'll set you two up on a blind date," Fancy Pants said with one final suave grin.


The Tape-à-l'œil was a relatively new Prench restaurant in Canterlot. The whole restaurant was a meager two decades old. However, what it lacked in age it made up for in ambiance, pizazz, and -- more importantly -- the sort of price tags that screamed "I'm wealthy! I'm important! And, I spent fifty bits on the appetizer at Tape-à-l'œil!"

The restaurant was ornate. Its every wall was carefully sculpted from brick, and arrayed with intricately placed paintings, mirrors, and candles. Furthermore, each table was made of beautiful oak, covered in carefully positioned plates, wine glasses, and candles. At certain points in the restaurant there were strategically placed end tables -- no doubt for the staff to stage platters on. Even the ponies at the establishment looked to be Canterlot's finest nobles. Each pony was arrayed in the priciest of dresses, and suits.

To say Rarity felt a little daunted was an understatement. Sure, she'd brought her unmodified Gala dress. But, even a dress that was designed for the Grand Galloping Gala, one of Equestria's most prestigious parties, still felt cheap by comparison. Rarity gulped quickly as she rallied her enthusiasm. After all, she relished attention and crowds. She loved impressing other ponies with her clothing designs. And, getting intimidated by these fancy ponies was just silly. She wanted to be like them, after all.

He must really be a prince to afford this, Rarity decided as she eloquently walked up to the finely dressed maître d' at his podium. "Hello, sir. I'm Rarity the Unicorn. And, Mr. Fancy Pants told me that you would show me to my date," Rarity stated gracefully with a well-rehearsed flick of her mane.

"Quite," the stuffy looking brown stallion said flatly with a huff and a doubtful roll of his eyes. Studiously the stuffy stallion looked down and began to flip through the large book on the table in front of him. After a few pages, the stallion pointed to a page on the book. "Ah yes, here you are," the stallion blandly stated blandly without even looking at Rarity. "You are at table 47. Please come this way," the brown stallion offered as he rose up from his seated position, and outstretched a foreleg in a sign for Rarity to follow him.

Rarity followed the maître d' as gracefully as she could. All the while she couldn't help but wonder what her mystery date was like. Was he really a true gentlestallion? Was he handsome? Did he like fashion? Either way, Rarity found herself not paying much attention to the various ponies she and the maître d' passed by. Instead, her mind was fantasizing about what she wished the stallion would be like, and how she hoped the meeting would go.

The two ponies passed through two rather large rooms before stopping in a medium sized private room with a couple of tables in the back. The waiter then led Rarity over to one of the tables and stood next to it as he waited for her to catch up.

"Please have a seat madam," the maître d' stated politely. His words snapping Rarity out of her fantasies.

"Thank you, good sir," Rarity said with a hint of a blush as the stallion diligently positioned the cushion on the floor so that Rarity could sit comfortably at the table. Carefully Rarity sat on the cushion and picked up the menu placed in front of her.

"Your date should arrive shortly. I will be leading him here to meet you when he arrives," the pony stated matter of factly as he casually walked away. This left Rarity with some time to look around the room. The room was just as lavishly laid out as the rest of the building. Also, it had the same style as the other rooms except that it was smaller. If Rarity were to guess, the smaller size made it a private party room.

A waitress had come by Rarity's table to get drink orders, and then returned to bring Rarity's glass of mineral water by the time Rarity heard a male voice squeak, "Rarity?"

Rarity recognized that voice. It belonged to a male she'd seen around Ponyville a few times. "Spike?" Rarity asked in surprise, and with a wide-eyed stare. She couldn't help but gawk as she saw the small dragon standing there, and arrayed in a handsome tux, and holding a single flower.

"Spike, dear, what are you doing here?" Rarity asked with a definite surprise in her voice.

"Fancy Pants -- you know, that important pony I made friends with while I was doing odd tasks for Celestia -- said I was supposed to meet my blind date here," Spike explained as his surprised face slowly turned into an enigmatic expression. If Rarity was to guess, there was a certain look of eagerness hiding behind his poker face.

What about a date would make him so eager? Rarity pondered as her mind went about noodling out this enigma. "Spike, please, tell me the truth. Is this date a prank you two decided to set up?" Rarity stated calmly as she raised an eyebrow, and put Spike under her scrutinizing gaze.

"No," Spike anxiously said with a wave of both of his claws, and a frantic shake of his head. "If it is, it's all on him. He just said that I needed to try to go out on a date or two. He added that he was going to help me get a date... Well, he said 'practice date,' but what's the difference? You see, I've never been on a date before," Spike explained as his voice slowly grew less frantic, more somber, and quieter. "And with you looking so fervently for a husband... My odds just didn't seem very good," Spike solemnly mumbled incoherently.

"What did you say, dear?" Rarity asked as she rubbed her ear. When Spike continued to stare down at his napkin with no words coming out of his mouth, Rarity decided to ease the mood a bit. "Well, I suppose he does have a point.... Though I shall have a conversation with him later..." Rarity assured him gracefully as she decided to push the awkwardness away. "How about we make time to do some practice dates from now on, perhaps once a month? It seems like it would do you some favors to leave the library and Twilight's service, and meet ponies once in awhile," Rarity explained as she gave Spike a friendly look.

The young drake slowly looked up. The tension from his face noticeably leaking away. "Now, let's enjoy this 'date,' and let me just show you a thing or two about 'going out on the town,'" Rarity assured him as she patiently waited for the waitress to return to take their order.

"Thank you Rarity! You won't regret this," Spike added as his face exploded into a strangely hopeful smile. "And besides, Fancy Pants said he was going to pay, so it would be rude not to eat something," Spike added with a devilish grin, earning an eye roll by Rarity.

And who said Cadance was the only pony good with children, Rarity thought with a silent giggle as she noticed the sudden spike in the wyrmling's mood. It's always cute when children try to emulate adults, Rarity mentally noted. It was something she'd seen Sweetie Belle do once. The poor little filly had seen Rarity go on a date and had tried to emulate her big sister... except that she had failed in ridiculous fashion at it. At least she'd taken a classmate out, and not some random pony as Scootaloo had suggested.

"Item number one Spike. Don't overspend," Rarity retorted through a soft giggle and a relieved sigh. Perhaps the point of this had been to remind her that there was a time and place for letting go? Rarity couldn't be sure. But, it seemed like the most likely explanation, especially since she'd never pegged Fancy Pants as the prankster sort.

Author's Note:

This is the rewritten, but unedited version of chapters 4 & 5.

Special thanks to ItIsASillyLittleGame for partially editing this chapter.

As well as mintgreenconspiracy for providing some suggestions.

For those who wish to see the original chapters, they can still be found at https://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/904023 and https://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/929802 (password : Rose Petals)