• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 319 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: The Element of Space - Thunderwing250

A familar enemy returns, bent on reconquering Equestria. Only this time, he's going full-force leaving nothing standing in his way. Luckily, an unsuspecting ally may hold the key to this enemy's defeat.

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Chapter 9: Mystery of the Element of Space

Nightfall approached, as Twilight, StoneColt, The Archivist, and the other ponies made it to the south eastern part of Equestria. Strangely, they encountered stormy weather that slowed their advance, forcing them to take shelter within a cave. StoneColt looked out at the stormy weather and could only stare. Rainbow Dash flew up to him.

“Probably some pegasi ponies added pushed the clouds here to have a stormy condition. I could probably move it away from us.”

“This isn’t the work of Pegasi. This is a natural storm originating from the Triangle. Hurricane weather, to be specific.” StoneColt said.

“How is that possible? We all thought the Everfree Forest is the only area on Equestria that has everything move on its own.” Fluttershy said.

“Not everything. Weather that originates from the oceans are natural. In this case, we are in an area where it’s referred to as the Triangle because it is an area of secrets. Most disappearances occur there and to this day, it remains unsolved.” StoneColt commented.

Twilight turned to the Archivist.

“Could it be possible that this…Volcano Island of Krokatani may reside in there?” she asked.

“Krokatani is only a legend, so I doubt very much he would go to a place where it’s commonly known to be just a fictitious island, spoken by its surrounding tribes.” The Archivist responded.

“Do not underestimate Khaoios’ intelligence, Madame Archivist. I think what Twilight said can be a major possibility. Not to mention, since it’s an area of disappearances, it wouldn’t surprise me that the reason for the disappearances is to keep intruders away. Yet the question is…from what. Why would Khaoios keep intruders away?” StoneColt said.

The ponies were all but silent for the moment. Brainstorming on what StoneColt said made them all curious. What was Khaoios hiding and why is it so important. The only way to find out, Twilight thought…was to physically go there. A perilous journey soon awaited them, but rest was highly needed as the storm continued throughout the early evening. Twilight remained awake, still thinking about the mysterious Triangle and its connection with Khaoios. She looked over to see StoneColt still observing and thinking. She walked over to him.

“I see you can’t sleep either, General.” Twilight said.

“Yes. It appears so.” StoneColt replied.

“I heard what you did to Xenxus, using Timaeus’ Element of Time. Shame that it turned you to stone, to be honest.” He continued.

“Yeah. That was pretty bad, from what I heard. Yet, I was curious. Since the Element of Time was discovered and used by me, and proved to be a weakness to Xenxus with the combination of our Rainbow Powers; what is Khaoios’ weakness. Last time we fought him, our Rainbow Powers failed, twice. Is the Element of Time the only thing that can stop him?” Twilight said.

“No. The Element of Time is useless against Khaoios. However, I wanted to ask you.” StoneColt paused.

Twilight looked at him.

“How much do you know about the Element of Space?” StoneColt asked.

Twilight nodded her head.

“I see. You have a lot of learning to do, young Princess as both Paguseus and Khaoios would say.” StoneColt scoffed.

“What is the Element of Space? What is different from this one from the Element of Time?” Twilight asked.

“Well, the Element of Space was created by my master, Paguseus. Its power grants the user the knowledge of understanding what’s outside this world astronomically. For that matter, things that we don’t know in terms of astronomy, the Element does. Yet, I am sure that this element also has its own side effect as did the Element of Time’s fossilization-stone spell.” StoneColt spoke.

“There’s another side effect to this one?” Twilight twitched.

“Oh yeah. And that was first experienced with Paguseus youngest daughter. That’s why he said before to Amethyst that when his daughter used it, she disappeared. The problem was that when she disappeared, the Element remained nearby by she wasn’t. It was as if she was taken to a different planet or an alternative world, which could also be the reason why Alteros was fuming over Paguseus. Oh boy do I remember laughing that entire time.” StoneColt laughed.

“Wasn’t funny during that time, General. Remember that she may have used both elements which combined its power to make herself disappear.” The Archivist said walking towards them.

“See you can’t sleep either?” Twilight said.

“Appears to be. However, the Element of Space, in basic terms is that one who wields it and is seen unworthy, the Element will banish you off planet. Yes, off planet to a point of no return. Most common place it will banish you to is the Astronomical Prison. Why? Simple? It’s like stealing something and then going to jail for it. Same as the Element. You steal the Element, it sends you directly to jail…only this jail is filled with ruthless enemies. Enemies far worse that Tirek, himself.” The Archivist added.

Twilight gulped, in a sign that she was deeply nervous. She knew that she would not want to go through a similar incident as she did with the Element of Time, nor a place where she would get banished into a dark and oblivious area.
“Where is this Element now?” Twilight asked.
Both StoneColt and the Archivist looked at one another, and nodded their heads. For once, they had no idea where the Element is. Slowly becoming drowsy, she decided to go to sleep beside her friends. As she slept, the Archivist felt worried as she looked out into the stormy night.

“I was right this whole time.” She said.

StoneColt tilted his head.

“Come again?” he asked.

“I was right about this matter getting worse. Seems this entire plan was orchestrated to a point in time where no pony knows about it, and for that matter disturb the peace. They’ve been like this for centuries and now, it seems they are truly feeling the “kick” of what we felt years ago.” The Archivist commented.

“Well as the master would say, don’t let dark thoughts cloud your judgement. Keep them clear so you can continue on with your life. Learn when to let go.” StoneColt finished.

He walked over to a flat slate and soon fell asleep followed by the Archivist, both waiting for the storm to pass.