• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 319 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: The Element of Space - Thunderwing250

A familar enemy returns, bent on reconquering Equestria. Only this time, he's going full-force leaving nothing standing in his way. Luckily, an unsuspecting ally may hold the key to this enemy's defeat.

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Chapter 11: The Island of Mt Krokatani

Finally setting sail, they sailed to the island that stood silent, but spooky. Twilight could only sense trouble nearby. After several minutes, they reached the island, ten miles away from the mainland. Slowly the group made it through an unusual looking gate, until it opened by itself revealing something that was beyond their understanding. Within the volcano that looked short, at the top, revealed to have a massive abandoned temple in the structure of a castle. Observing the castle, they noticed objects that they could not identify. Something beyond their technology. StoneColt continued to look around and slowly walked down to the structure. Twilight noticing how massive it was, became astonished.

“This place…it is…” Twilight paused.

Crossing over a bridge, the doorway opened to a massive hallway filled with orbs. Each one looked like bubbles that had Pinkie Pie quite excited. Hopping around and popping them, the Archivist tried to determine what they were. Rainbow Dash bumped into on orb that popped, creating a shockwave knocking her onto the ground.

“Rainbow Dash! Are you okay?” Fluttershy called out.

“Yeah…I feel…ugh” Rainbow Dash fainted.

“Madame Archivist. Come in here quickly!” StoneColt yelled out.

The Archivist, Twilight, and the other ponies ran into the room to be in complete shock. The entire room, was a massive library, with technology beyond their own. Each one went down an aisle looking at the books. Twilight happen to come across another room, with a giant telescope. As she walked closer, a red beam began to blink as she passed through it. Distracted, she turned and noticed something of deep importance within the room. Passed the telescope was a pyramid like structure with an object standing above it. While the other ponies continued their search through the library, Twilight walked slowly to the pyramid climbing up one step at a time, thinking each step contained a trap. In the library the Archivist blew away any dust from the books and read through them. Some of the books had unknown manuscripts she had never seen before. Even scientific formulas that she could not interpret. It was as if the library was hidden with secrets that neither her, her associates, nor her master knew about. StoneColt, continuing his reconnaissance throughout the castle, came across another room, only this time, he heard cries for help. Quickly barging down the down, he noticed there was a pony resting in the back of the room. Not even thinking he ran to the pony and called out to the others.

“Don’t worry. You’re going to be okay.” StoneColt said.

The pony muttered words that he could not understand. Soon, the Archivist ran in and by surprise, she recognized the pony. StoneColt turned and cleared away the pony’s face, revealing to be Janus. The Archivist crashed to the ground and quickly called to the other ponies to bring water. Rarity immediately found water from the fountain and ran over with it. Giving it to the Archivist, Janus drank the entire bowl and insisted on having more. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, hurried over, while Fluttershy stood by the doorway with Rainbow Dash, still dizzy from before. As the Archivist tried to speak with Janus, Twilight continued her way up to the pyramid, only to see, it was the Element of Space. However, it surprised her that it was there and no pony knew about it, not even the Archivist nor the General. In the room, Janus picked up his head.

“Khaoios…” he muttered.

“Khaoios? What did Khaoios do?” The Archivist pleaded.

“He…its” he paused, trying to catch his breath.
“He what? It’s a what?” StoneColt said.

“It’s…a…trap…” Janus muttered again.

Immediately, the Archivist turned.

“Where’s Twilight!” she asked.

The ponies looked around and lost sight of her. Quickly, she told them to assist the general, while she goes back for Twilight.

“Twilight!” the Archivist called out.

Twilight was in complete hypnosis as she took the Element. The Archivist then barged through the doorway.

“NO! DON’T TOUCH THE ELEMENT!” she screamed out.

Suddenly, as Twilight removed the Element of Space from its spot, an explosion rocked the entire castle, knocking everypony off their hooves. As the explosions then continued, the Archivist yelled to Twilight for her to jump. Luckily, she jumped just in time, before the platform she stood on exploded in a ball of fire. Catching her, the ceiling began to crack and fall down onto them only to dodge them safely. StoneColt carried Janus on his back and hurried with the ponies as fast as they can out of the castle. Regrouping, the Archivist looked at StoneColt.

“We gotta get out now!” The Archivist said.

“How did I not see this coming?” StoneColt commented.

Twilight, still with the Element in hoof, surprised the both of them. They didn’t even have the words to describe on how she found it and got it. However, something else troubled them, only to realize one thing. Khaoios orchestrated the entire operation, he wanted them to go into the castle and go down with it. Finally, making it outside, explosions continued to rock, until lava shot out from the bottom. The volcanic island was about to erupt. Across the way, Mariner and the other ponies watched as the island shot up lava and exploded. Rocks tumbled from the top, slamming into the structure and destroying information that has not been decrypted. All that worthy information would soon be lost forever. Twilight looked back at the crumbling castle as the explosions then destroyed the gate, behind them and destroy the bridge. As the bridge fell, they all followed but were saved biting each other’s tail, climbing up. Climbing as fast as they could, they safely made it up and through the cave reaching the dock.

“Hurry! Set sail and let’s get the hay outta here. STAT!” StoneColt yelled out.

The ponies hurried and set sail, leaving the island as the mountain continued to explode. From a distance, one Wonderbolt member called out that they had spotted the General. Awaiting them at the shoreline, lava began to break through the mountain, causing waves to rise up, pushing them away from the island. Pinkie Pie stood on the side of the boat, sea sick from the waves.

“Uh…Pinkie? You okay?” Applejack asked.

“No…” Pinkie covered her mouth.

Further and further from the island, the ponies turned as the volcano finally erupted, exploding so big, it destroyed the island, by slowly sinking into the dark and watery abyss. Reaching the island, the ponies threw themselves on to the sand, trying to catch their breath. The Archivist and StoneColt walked over. The General, carrying Janus walked slowly to the top of the hill. Passing by, Mariner walked to the Archivist.

“What happened?” he asked.

“The castle was concealed with information I could not even describe to you that went up in flames.” The Archivist spoke distraught.

“Translation please?” Orbiter said.

“Khaoios rigged the place. He knew we were coming, but we didn’t realize it, until Twilight found your father’s relic.” StoneColt replied.

“…and I see Janus as well.” Deep Impact added.

“Oh yeah.” StoneColt replied.