• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 318 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: The Element of Space - Thunderwing250

A familar enemy returns, bent on reconquering Equestria. Only this time, he's going full-force leaving nothing standing in his way. Luckily, an unsuspecting ally may hold the key to this enemy's defeat.

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Chapter 7: Strategize

“Father…” Moonraker called out.

“How many times have I told you to stop being a show off, my son.” He spoke.

“Well…uhh…” Moonraker paused.

“You can do better than that.” Paguseus said.

He walked forward towards Khaoios.

“You!” Khaoios’ eyes glowed.

“You! Yes! What are you doing here! I thought I locked you up?” Paguseus spoke back.

“I broke free from that Astronomical Prison of yours, and now I shall return the favor, sending you into your own prison.” Khaoios yelled in rage.

“Pfft…I’d love to see you try, Khaoios. However, I do not appreciate you picking on my children to get to me. And you know that well.” Paguseus spoke.

Khaoios, enraged by his words charged at him, but within a blink of an eye, he disappeared only to appear behind Khaoios. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, StoneColt, and the other Pegasus ponies were in awe, seeing how fast Paguseus was. His reflexes were so quick, the Wonderbolts were speechless.

“Welcome back, Marshall.” StoneColt smirked.

Suddenly, a fight ensued between Paguseus and Khaoios attacking a dodging each other’s attacks, only to crash into a building. While the battle continued, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Amethyst Crystal arrived. By immediate surprise, Amethyst ran towards the two alicorns. The Archivist quickly ran to her.

“No, Amethyst!” the Archivist called out.

Paguseus turned, thinking some pony was near was kicked in the face and slammed to the ground, with Khaoios stepping on his face.

“Behold…I have finally put you down, my foe.” Khaoios boasted.

The Archivist managed to catch up to Amethyst and tried to hold her back. Insisting her to not get involved, she tried to fight back.

“NO! FATHER!” she cried out.

Khaoios turned.

“…Amethyst?” he whispered.

Now distracted, Paguseus threw himself back on his hooves, sending Khaoios into another building. At that moment, he sensed something unusual of his foe. He turned and saw the Archivist holding back Khaoios’ daughter, which surprised him deeply. Knowing that she is the only pony that could reason with him, tried to stop Khaoios. Unfortunately, he was then kicked back by Khaoios, taking flight and fleeing the Wonderbolts Academy. Amethyst and the other ponies watched as Khaoios flew away. Upset that her father left her, Amethyst began to cry, feeling abandoned. The Archivist put her hoof around her, trying to comfort the young pony.

“So that’s his weakness, but an unusual one. It’s more like a key to stopping him completely”. Paguseus thought to himself.

StoneColt flew beside his master.

“Nice to see you back, Marshall.”

“Indeed. Status Report?” Paguseus asked.

“Some buildings need some rework. As for the ponies, quite a few injuries, but they’ll live.” StoneColt replied.

“Understood. Have those who are at full strength to tend to the injured. I have to speak with the Archivist.” Paguseus responded.

“Yes, my master.” StoneColt said heading back to the main building.

Paguseus walked up to the Archivist, with the Mane Six and Amethyst stood. Rainbow Dash was in awe by his strength and tried to speak, but was blocked by Fluttershy. Twilight stepped forward.

“Greetings, Master Ironwing Interstellar Paguseus. I am…” she bowed her head then was soon interrupted.

“Yes…I know who you are. Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and of course your friends. Guardians of Harmony I should say.” Paguseus spoke.

“Guardians…of…Harmony?” Rarity tilted her head.

Rainbow Dash flew up to him.

“Whoa, Master…uh…Ironwing. Your so fast and that speed…whoosh…you end up right behind Khaoios was…ah!” she said excitedly.

Paguseus scoffed.

“Oh…I gotta race you, please…” Rainbow Dash pleaded.

Hearing her words, the Archivist and StoneColt face-hoofed themselves.

“Oh no…she didn’t.” StoneColt said, closing his eyes.

Paguseus chuckled.

“As much as I would enjoy a race, I must respectfully decline. My speed would hurt you because since I travel at extreme speeds, I give off a screeching sound that can disable your flight pattern. That’s why I limit my speed when I am on planet. Up in space, I travel at my fastest speed. However, I admire your spirit when it comes to your loyalty. Not to mention, performing a Sonic Rainboom is quite rare. Well done.” he replied.

Rainbow Dash felt disappointed for a moment, but at the same time she felt proud by Paguseus’ words. The Archivist stepped in, with Amethyst at her side. Very unusual to see the offspring of Khaoios, surprise Paguseus deeply.

“May I ask you something, Madame Archivist? Why is Khaoios daughter here?” he asked.

The Archivist turned.

“She came to see me, because after Khaoios reappearance three months ago, she tried to find the general to get to you. Then when she heard her father was defeated and Xenxus reappearing, she went out to find you again. That is…when she found me just this recent.” she replied.

Paguseus turned to Amethyst.

“My dear, why were you trying to visit me?” he asked.

Amethyst lowered her head, afraid to answer him. She could only think the worst and that her father would be imprisoned again. Paguseus, sensing her feelings, sat down. He exhaled.

“Let me tell you something, and not as a foe but from the words of a father. What Khaoios is doing; he is doing for you. However, when we first encountered him, the Queen saw him as a worthy alicorn because of his intelligence. One major thing I respect about your father. The one thing we are disappointed with, is his actions. It proved to be harmful and thus why I was ordered to lock him in the Astronomical Prison. Now, with his recent actions, he cannot be allowed to perform this type of catastrophe again. Especially the nerve to harm my children.” Paguseus explained.

“But my father is good. He has always been caring and I…I don’t know what to do. I called out to him and stared at me, thinking I was just a mere foal. And…he flew away…leaving me…” Amethyst teared up.

Twilight and Applejack shed a tear, feeling her pain. They walked over and tried to comfort her the best they could, but still she felt extremely hurt. Suddenly, Twilight realized, Amethyst wasn’t blaming herself, she was blaming Khaoios. Paguseus explanation made her understand the truth behind her father. A truth that was never meant to be told.

“I know how much you love your father. Believe me, and my children know who I am referring to. I had another daughter that disappeared from me years ago. Yet, I remember her…but she doesn’t remember me, and the one thing I remember that I can only blame myself on is not being there for her. In this case, you are upset because your father is driven to make the world a better place for you, but is not physically there for you.” Paguseus concluded.

Suddenly, behind them, Paguseus six children arrived with General StoneColt.

“Father. Everypony is fully healed. What are your orders?” Mariner asked.

Paguseus turned and observed the ponies around him, then stood up. He looked East, to the rising Sun. Thinking for a moment he looked down.

“General, I need you along with The Archivist, Amethyst, the Princess, and her friends to investigate this recent issue. Mariner, I want you, Orbiter, and Deep Impact to take a Wonderbolts squadron and scour Equestria alerting cities, town, warning about the alicorn. Do not mention Khaoios’ name, or else there will be a major panic. Moonraker and New Horizon I need you to continue to tend to the injured here. Voyager, you’ll be going with the General to assist. Do you all understand?” Paguseus ordered.

“Yes, Sir.” They all replied.

“But, Master Paguseus...What about Khaoios?” Fluttershy asked.

“I will being paying a visit to someone of importance first. Then I will follow him. At this point, I doubt he’ll be attacking any cities.” Paguseus said, taking flight and leaving the Academy.

“You heard the Marshall. Let’s get to it.” General StoneColt yelled out.