• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 317 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: The Element of Space - Thunderwing250

A familar enemy returns, bent on reconquering Equestria. Only this time, he's going full-force leaving nothing standing in his way. Luckily, an unsuspecting ally may hold the key to this enemy's defeat.

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Chapter 10: "Most Islands Hold Deadly Secrets"

As the storm continued, Paguseus arrived at the bottom of Mt. Tse’Reve, glazing up at the cold and snowy Voltday Pass. Due to its poor weather condition, Paguseus' visibility will be critical, thus making it harder to locate the abandoned temple up buried high above the mountain. Climbing his way to the top, he noticed distorted orbs, floating around like bubbles at the top of the mountain, indicating he was near the entrance. Finally arriving at the broken gate, he safely made his way inside, hearing water drops echoed throughout the dark temple, laying only ruins from a long battle dating back before Equestria. He stopped for a moment, observing another distortion orb in the air. He knew he was getting closer to that specific “someone”. Finally making it through the doorway, Paguseus squinted for he saw a pony within the temple.

“Janus…I need to speak with you, now.” Paguseus called out.

From the shadow, Janus appeared into the light. He had gray fur and had a mane resembling a warrior. He had been residing in the Temple to prevent ponies from passing through the temple. Knowing the temple was a “gateway” to different worlds, Paguseus sensed something was wrong.

“Yes. Master Paguseus. What can I do for you?” Janus asked.

“I wanted to ask you something. Mt. Krokatani and the Triangle. What is it?” Paguseus questioned.

“Mt. Krokatani and the Triangle, you say? What makes you so curious about that?” Janus asked.

“On my way here, my apprentice informed me that the south east area of Equestria was covered with catastrophic storm conditions. When he had told me that disappearances had occurred in the area, I began to question that. That’s why I came to you. I thought you would know something.”

Janus rubbed his back neck and exhaled.

“Krokatani is a powerful volcanic island that supposedly exploded, however when I viewed it from the mirrors…it not only exploded, but disappeared." he commented.

“Disappeared? How does an entire island just disappear?” Paguseus asked.

“That’s the thing. This world is filled with such mysteries that I cannot even solve. Yet, when the island disappeared, I sensed it on this planet, but didn’t know where.” replied Janus.

“So it teleported onto this planet and neither of us could sense it. Only reports of disappearances.” Paguseus added.

“Yes. Its importance, I have to admit is unknown to me. What connection between Khaoios and Krokatani have, I don’t know. All I could sense is whatever is in there, Khaoios wants badly.” Janus continued.

Paguseus paused for a moment.

"Remember, Master. Most islands hold deadly secrets." Janus added.

“I see. Is that all?” Paguseus asked.

“Yes. Yet, I’m surprised you came to ask me? Why, if I may ask?” Janus asked.

“Well, we have not seen Alteros for a thousand years and without him, we have difficulty solving certain problems. In this case, Khaoios reappear and the concealed area in the eastern seaboard. If he were around, he would’ve answered them, but I decided to see the gatekeeper; which was you, of course.” Paguseus stated.

“I see what you mean.” Janus replied.

“By the way, what was the name of the island when you first saw it?” Paguseus asked, before leaving.

Janus looked up at Paguseus.

“The species in that world called it…Krakatoa.” He replied.

“Krakatoa, eh. Very well. Thank you for the information. I shall relay the message to my apprentice.” Paguseus replied, flying out of the temple.

Janus sighed.

“What did Paguseus want?” a shadowy figure stood nearby.

Janus suddenly shape-shifted into his original form and by surprise, it was one of the Bronco-Titans apprentice, Palomede the traitorous pony.

“Nothing, sir. He only got what I have provided him with. What shall I inform Master Khaoios with?” Palomede asked.

“Do not worry. My brother knows exactly what he did. Let’s see how well they can escape the island.” The shadowy figure smiled.

"But, master...the island. It possesses a lot of secrets that we need. Destroying it will destroy our own plans?" Palomede said.

"Khaoios already stripped the secrets from Krokatani. Yet, one thing we cannot remove is the island's power source." the shadowy figure continued.

"Power source?" Palomede asked.

"Yes. The Power Source controlled by the relic that was created by its Master of Space." the shadowy figure concluded.

Palomede tried to think about what his master meant until he realized what it was. He looked up to him and grinned sinisterly.

“Understood…my master.” he replied.

Morning came on Equestria as Twilight and company continued their routes to Mt Krokatani only to spot a boat, ready to set sail. It confused them for a moment as if something knew they were coming, but who. Curious, StoneColt headed down to the dock to investigate, and called for Voyager to assist. Amethyst stood nearby until suddenly, her body glowed. Shooting a beam from her body served as a beacon. How and why, they continued to feel puzzled. Suddenly, she began to speak in an unknown language, then immediately the Archivist looked up in shock.

“She’s speaking Brogsentarian. Khaoios’ language.” She said.

“Brogs…what now?” Applejack and Rainbow Dash asked.

“It’s an ancient language spoken by the ancient ponies of the North.” Twilight said.

After a minute or so, Amethyst dropped to the ground, not remembering a single thing that occurred to her. Suddenly, StoneColt called out for the storm strangely subsided and cleared away revealing something extraordinary. Though the stormy clouds stood above calmly, the island revealed itself. The ponies all glazed at the island.

“Mt. Krokatani. Now to uncover what’s inside.” The Archivist mentioned.

“Looks scary and dangerous.” Fluttershy responded nervously.

“Oh come. Lalalalala” Pinkie Pie hopped over to the boat.

“Come on, girls.” Twilight said, following behind Pinkie Pie.

On the way down, Mariner, his brothers and the Wonderbolts arrived.

“General! You’re here?” Mariner called out.

StoneColt and the other ponies turned.

“Mariner? What are you doing here?” he called out in reply.

Mariner flew down to them. Exchanging conversations about their travels, he informed them to meet at the beach side near the volcanic island. Surprisingly, StoneColt never ordered them to arrive there, but decided to let it go. He immediately thought if something were to happen, at least they would remain on the beach keeping an eye out for the Bronco-Titan. Remaining behind, Amethyst stood by Mariner’s side.

“Are you feeling alright, Amethyst?” Mariner asked shyly.

Amethyst began to blush unexpectedly.

“Yes. I am fine, Mariner”, she softly replied.