• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 1,613 Views, 116 Comments

Nightmare Breach: The War of Shadows - Brony Parasite

Equestria is in a time of peace. Discord has been reformed, and everypony is happy. But when a war from another universe threatens their land, can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save the day? Or will Time Spinner have his way with their world?

  • ...

Testing Isn't Fun... But Clones Are!(Empire)

Day One of the War

Many miles away from there, under thousands of feet of water, lay a city. Not Atlantis, no. This one was made from science and a dark intent, where only the wicked come out on top. This, is the city of Rapture…

Or Folteren’s version of it.

“What do you think, girls?” Folteren asked his two companions, Brutalight Sparcake and Chaos Jenny, the latter looking at a fish outside the glass, while the former stared at the city in awe.

“I can see why it took so long…” Brutalight said breathlessly, “It’s amazing…”

“Better than a city in the sky like Columbia,” Chaos said as the creature she’d been looking at swam away, leaving a fuming robot. “I don’t envy the Alliance.”

Folteren turned to the duo with a playful smirk, “Look, this was the only thing I could get from Time Spinner that had a counterpart Lee would be into. It was this, or my Death Star which would be useless as a base.” Folteren scratched his head, “Wonder if there are Big Daddy’s here…”

“There aren’t,” Brutalight added.

A large pocket watch appeared, and out popped Time Spinner. “Ello gents,” He bowed, arms stretched. “Brutalight, our guests will be waiting at the Lighthouse. Please escort them here once all have arrived.”

The Alicorn sighed, “Why do I always get the cheap stuff…” And trotted her way towards a random direction.

Folteren headed the other way, while Chaos just flew away.

Time Spinner chuckled and disappeared.

The Lighthouse, a beacon of hope… For most. But this Lighthouse was the entrance to the Dark Lord Folteren and his allies. Brutalight stood at the base of it, waiting for the first of Folteren’s ‘friends’ arrived.

A Fool arcana card manifest, spawning behind it a deck of Arcana cards. Each on shuffling out equidistant from each other. A bright light and a new card manifested into something that could only be described as an universe. It shatters and Minato walked through, in full gear, ready for battle, “Where’s my Derpigun?”

Brutalight groaned, “Of course it’s you. She’s mine, and not here!”

Minato reaches down and scratches her ears, “Hello again, Princess.”

Brutalight blushed while glaring.

Minato sighs and sits down, “Rapture? From Bioshock? Are there any Big Daddy’s?”

Brushing herself off, Brutalight shook her head, “Got the city, no one lives here but the generals, Pinkis, Folteren, a thousand Battle Droids, and myself… Folteren asked that same question.”

“It’s a valid question. Plus I really wanna scare them, have you seen my summons before?” He begins to scratch Burtalight’s ears more, making sure she is calm and dossal.

“N-no…” She purred, “I- I haven’t, b-b-but I get it-t.”

“Well, I’ll show everyone once they get here.” He leads her to his lap and keeps petting her.

A portal burst into existence. Two lines of fully armored ponies stepped out, before standing at attention, facing each other. Then, a massive warrior walked out. Clad in blue armor, with long horns jutting out of his helmet and staff, Ahriman The Exiled walked forward. Following closely behind him was a blood red warrior, his armor in fact still slick with blood, and a massive chainaxe strapped to his back. Khârn The Betrayer followed Ahriman to the end of the line, and stood sentinel. Next was Zhufor, his massive Terminator armor clearly visible, and the human skeleton was still strapped to his back with a spear.

The next one to follow was Rainbow Dash, or 'Rainborg Cydash', as she called herself. Her augments were slightly different from last time, with a darker hue to them. Her robotic eye scanned the surrounding area, before locking in on Brutalight. She said nothing, and followed Ahriman's example by standing to the side.

An unfamiliar being stepped out of the portal next. Clad in dark purple armor, with dark, leathery wings, and a coat of glowing words circling around her, it took Brutalight a moment to realize that it was Twilight, or 'Midnight', as she called herself. She now looked a lot more like a human, though her face remained the same.

Then came the Terminator Applejack, clad in a bright orange Terminator armor, with two Assault Cannons strapped to her back. Then the portal closed.

"We have a Spaceship in orbit five miles away from this location, bearing a large army of soldiers." Ahriman stated simply. Rainborg flew up to Brutalight.

"Hey, Brutalight. How's it been? Don't mind Ahriman, we were in the middle of a battle when you called us. He's still in 'battle mode'."

“You seem to be over compensating a tad bit.” Minato keeps scratching the pony's ears, he looks like a short, unassuming blue haired teen straight out of an anime. He only seems to be wearing a japanese school uniform.

Rainborg scratched her head. "Ahriman said we might need it. He has the ability to see small parts of the future, so I trust him. The rest of our army will land a few miles out, in the Wastelands."

Minato looks to the Terminator, “Say ‘I’ll be back’.”

Zhufor raises an eyebrow, but does as he asked. "I'll be back."

Minato sighs and smiles in happiness. He looks to the pony in his lap, “My request are done, you may keep talking.”

“G-get your h-hand off m-my ears~!” Brutalight moaned.

Minato smiles, “No.” He continues with playing with the pony’s ears. Causing more moans.

“D-damn you…” She shivered, “W-welcome t-to Rapture c-city under-er w-water… And b-base of th-the Empire-ire. N-nice t-to see you-you ag-gain...”

"And we are glad to be here!" Khârn said, his helmet hiding the savage grin on his face. "I can't wait to get to the action. But while we wait, why not catch up on things?" He sat down on the floor, before turning to the honor guard. "At ease, soldiers." The ponies all slumped.

Then Zhufor spoke up. "It is an honor to meet you, mr...?" He looked at Minato.

“Petting a pony. It’s relaxing and the sea of my soul is killed with voices. This helps quiet them. I also like to mess with people.” He continues to scratch her ears.

"Really, Brutalight? Your being brought low by being scratched in the ears?" Midnight asked.

“To be fair, I have gods in my head telling me where to scratch and when. I'm making it as pleasurable for her as physically possible. Plus to add on to that, fingers.

In a flash Loki appeared with a list and 3D glasses. In his paw was a list. “Alright, alright.”

Minato waves, “Hey Loki.”

Loki waved back reading this lists. “Ok so is everyone on Folteren side here?” He looked up. “Oh for those who don’t know I am Loki, God of Balance and former student of Time Spinner.” He looked over the list.

“Not e-even cl-close. But the-these were the o-only ones a-a-a-a-a-a!” Brutalight couldn’t finish, “S-s-s-stop…” She whimpered.

“No. I like watching you try to speak.” Minato shrugs.

“Ok I feel like I’m forgetting something.” A flash as Astral Twilight appeared.

“Teleportation?” She Asked emotionless.

“Oh right, I must ask you to hand over all teleporters you have, magic, technology, ect.” Loki said as he removed the 3D glasses.

“They said short range is fine, right?” Minato tilts his head.

“50 feet, is max. Now then about the ship…. Is that legal.” Loki looked at the rules.

“Good, I’m safe then.” He refocuses on the ponies ears.

“It i-i-i-i-i-is! Ah! J-just can’t-t-t-t… Urgh! Can’t-t use th-them on- m-m-m-miss-ssion-s-s…” Brutalight said, her eyes rolling up into her head.

“Kill for me already.” Minato chuckles, renewing his pleasure of torturing the pony with ear rubs.

"Good. As for our teleporters, every tactical dreadnought armor set is set up with a standard 20 foot range Teleporter. As for the ship, it will mostly be used to house our Thunderhawk transporters. We also can launch drop pods from orbit, which can house a full squadron of Space Marines." Ahriman replied.

“I don’t think that matters,” Said a male walking out of the entrance with a red pony by his side, “The troops are an exception to the rules. They fight in the background while you do missions.”

“Alright then…” Loki looked at the list. “Oh boy, hey it’s the guy I pissed off he’s on this list.” Astral Discord appeared to read it.

“I vote we stay and wait for him to show up!” A Discord exclaimed.

“Fine…. need to keep roll anyway.” Loki answered his chaos side.

"So, we also have a Warlord class titan tucked in the warp. Is that allowed? We only got it because Ahriman saw a giant robot in his vision." Rainborg asked.

“Time will work that out…” Sighed the man. “I’m Sylar by the way, and this is Pinkis.” Said pony waved.

Minato waves, his free hand scratching the pony who was in his lap, “Hello, Minato Arisato.”

"Sup Pinkis! Oh yeah, we also got you something from a battle we were just in. Here ya go!" Khârn tossed a slab of deformed meat over to the pink pony.

As the meat flew toward Pinkis another portal opened up behind her. A dragon whose scales showed different colors depending on the angle you looked at emerged. He was about the size of Celestia.

“Am I in the right place? I’ve only been summoned once before this,” he asked the group before him.

Minato nods, “You're good, come on in, the insanity has only started. Also do ANY of you worship any religion?”

"Well, we Warriors of Chaos serve the Dark Gods Tzeentch, Khorne, Nurgle, and (Unfortunately) Slaanesh," Ahriman stated.

“Kinky, but I was referring to Christianity, you know that stuff. My summons are mostly mythos based and my strongest attacks I have to summon Satan and the Messiah to use. So, eh.” He shrugs and works on pony ears.

“I’m an actual Deity.” Loki answered. “Well, Eldritch Abomination.”

"Our gods are very real, and gift us rewards in payment for our services. In fact, Midnight was just recently gifted the powers of a Daemon Princess." Ahriman stated, pointing to Midnight.

Loki gave a glare. “You know servitude is not a gift, right?”

"We do deeds in their name, like slaughtering most of a planet in Khorne's name, and we get powers from the Warp." Khârn stated.

Minato smiles about, “Ah, so no one take offense and I do have a Loki persona but he's the god of pranks Loki. So I’m happy and once everyone arrives we should have a little show of powers. Standard power attacks work.”

"Heh. The followers of Khorne are mostly, as others call us, 'a bunch of barbarians.' We don't use Sorcery of any kind. Tzeentch, however, is the God of Sorcery. Then there's Nurgle, God of decay and plague," Khârn added.

“I know my Warhammer 40k.” He shrugs, interrupting them, “But before we spiral out of control, any others we waiting on?”

Brutalight slipped out of Minato’s grip and teleported away, “Seems like everyone is here! Can we go meet Folteren now?”

"Actually, there's one more from us. He should be here in..." Rainborg checked her watch. "About five seconds. You might want to find some cover.” All the Chaos Marines leapt out of the way as a massive drop pod landed in the middle of the room, scattering shards of stone everywhere. The panels on the side opened up, and a towering dreadnought stepped out.

"Everyone, meet Khadeth the Dreadnought!" Rainborg exclaimed.

Brutalight sighed, while Pinkis open the door leading to a pod that Sylar stood in. “Okay, he’ll have to be teleported into one of the bigger rooms… The cathedral seems like an okay enough place, and Miku can keep him company.”

“Autotune is here? Cool.” Minato got up from his sitting position and walked to the back of the pod.

“Heh, chaos indeed. Not a single dull moment so far. Anything we should know about before we continue?” asked the dragon.

“Well, all I can think of is that there are a few Displaced down there that aren’t on our team, as well as an infestation of Clone Troopers for some reason…” Pinkis shrugged.

“Good, that means they’ll always miss.” Minato smiles, knowing the shots that were fired. Expect his hit targets.

“You’ve never watched Star Wars the Clone Wars, have you?” Pinkis asked, “These guys are better trained and can hit an apple from a mile away.”

“Ohh, it's the badass clones. Damn, we might have to actually keep our guard up.”

"If it is no trouble, we can lead a squad of Terminators into them. They should be able to easily tear through the ranks." Khârn stated.

“If they are gathered in one spot then I’ll go take care of them. They aren’t immune to lightning, right?” the dragon asked as electricity arced from him.

"I know for a fact that they aren't Boltgun proof. Nothing is." Khârn added.

“I can use a large spell but it would most likely take out part of the city.” Minato shrugs.

Loki was writing more down. Discord whispered in his ears. “You want me to do what?” He asked, the Chaos side whispered again. “Fine…. also where is Pegasus anyway?” Loki asked knocking on an imaginary wall. “You there?”

In a puff of pink mist a small blue dragon appeared, sitting on top of Pegasus’ shoulders, a large grey golem by his side. “I’m right here,” He answered. “Sorry for taking so long, the toons were keeping me busy.” He gave a glare to the two chuckling toons.

"Welcome. I am Ahriman The Exiled, Leader of the New Black Legion, and Sorcerer of Chaos. These are my compatriots, Khârn and Zhufor." Ahriman said, holding his hand out.

“Hi, my name’s Draigo. I look forward to working with all of you. Oh, I’m a Primordial Dragon, by the way.” Draigo says to introduce himself to the group.

“Minato Arisato, summoner of very, very confusing things that contradict themselves constantly along with overall troll.” He bows slightly, “Oh yea, I’m a prince on my world also.” He kidnapped Brutalight and scratches her ears, “And this is my princess.”

A tap to Pegasus Shoulder from a talon. “Hi Pegasus.” Loki said with a smile. “Learn your lesson yet?”

“Hello there Loki..” Pegasus growled, “And sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not sure what you mean, all you ever did was scatter my items.”

Minato smiles and tilts his head, “Your porn items?”

Brutalight used her magic to zap Minato and teleported away, “Stop it! I’m not one of your playthings!”

Minato doesn't look like he ever noticed the shock of the zap and simply walks over to her, slowly, then picks her up and scratches her ears, “Shhh, it’s ok, just relax.”

Pinkis was rolling on the floor laughing her flank off.

“Would you like the same treatment Pinkis or are you different from Brute? Oh, it’s nice to finally meet you as well,” Draigo addressed the laughing mare.

“Y-you too! And nah! I’m fine..” Pinkis replied.

“Technically Free Will does…” Loki shut up Astral Twilight

“Alright, then I’ll be off… on warning I scattered shitaround the planet…. it probably broken but if it’s not it’s mostly medical… cya.” Loki was gone to meet the neutrals.

"Well then, if we are all here, shall we go to meet Folteren?" Ahriman asked.

“What about those people on Lee’s side that somehow invaded our base already?” Draigo asked.

“Oh, they’re just here to test the stability or the city. You can fight them if you want, but they’re not really a threat.” Sylar said.

“I’ll take them on. It’s been awhile since I’ve actually had a decent fight,” Draigo volunteered, “How big is the area though? I like having the option to grow to my full size,if possible.”

“It’s Rapture, very narrow most areas.” Sylar said, “All aboard!”

“Alright, that just leaves them less room to avoid my attacks,” Draigo said as he walked over to Sylar.

Once everyone was in the city, Sylar started leading the group. Brutal futilely tried to worm her way out of her captor's grasp, and Pinkis was looking around in curiosity. “So! Any questions?” Asked Sylar.

"Where should we store our weapons and/or soldiers?" Ahriman asked, examining the city.

“Wherever. There are storage pockets that transport your stuff to the nearest storage spot for you. Put it in a drawer, and you can get those same things in a chest.” Sylar replied.

“Is there food around? I'm getting a bit hungry.” Minato scratches Brutalight’s ears more, humming quietly.

“I’ll show you all the mess hall after our meeting with Lord Folteren.” Sylar replied again.

"Also, why not knock out the Clone troopers, and then brainwash them into your own army?" Khârn asked..

“Rules,” Pinkis said, “Can’t do it to these guys, they’re a mini game for you guys. Like training.”

Minato smiles a bit, “Khany boy, how much do you like skulls.”

“Are you really asking that question? He’s a champion of Khorne,” Draigo deadpans.

“Well, Clones have skulls, kill them, collect the skulls, and use them on your armour to make them fear you. Thanatos is just telling me to get to an area killed with them and let him go wild. Silly God of Death, we’re underwater. Alice, we are not making the clones kill themselves, there's no fun in that.”

Khârn deadpanned. "I have a kill counter installed into my helmet. Right now it's at twenty three million, four hundred and seventy six. And clones are all the same person. Khorne dislikes their souls."

“They’re not the same person, they’re just test tube babies that are all ‘twins’. They’re unique in their own way,” Sylar sighed, “It isn’t that far to Folteren. He and his generals are extremely busy, so-” He was cut off as the sound of loud music and screaming reached them.

Khârn sighed. "Let me guess.... is that Fluttershout?" He asked.

“Actually, no. We’d be deaf if it was her… Maybe Folteren’s playing with a Clone…” Pinkis shrugged.

Minato smiles, holding the wiggling Brutalight in one arm, while scratching her ears, “I hear very, very fun things.”

"Space Marines have an organ implanted in their ear that allows them to lower the volume of noise entering it. And also, our suits can lower the volume of the outside as well. So, everyone else would be dead. We wouldn't," Khârn grunted.

“Whatever…” Growled Sylar.

Minato sets down Brutalight, in his left hand a pistol and his right a simple looking straight sword.

There was a loud cracking sound, and a white Clone Trooper fell out, charred. Chaos Jenny flew out and landed in front of the group with a stern glare. “What the hell are you pointing at, dumbass?”

Minato puts the gun to his temple and smiles, “Myself, duh.”

“Who are you and what’s going on?” Draigo asked as he spread his wings.

“I’m Chaos Jenny, General of the Empire, bitch.” She snarled, “And what’s happening is none of your business.”

"Oh, I like this one! Feisty!" Khârn chuckled.

Minato clears his throat, “I'm sorry I rarely speak on my world besides to annoy, Bitch, on your knees where you belong.” Minato fires his gun and a large, painting figure twice as tall as Minato stands behind him, a cape of coffins, each could fit a man inside, covers in front of him.

Zhufor aimed his Vulkan Heavy Bolter at Minato. "At the moment, she is your superior officer. Show respect." He snarled.

A giant white hand picks up Zhufor, turns him around and pats his head, “I’m easily one the most OP bastards here. Plus, prince and I thought she was an enemy. Sorry!~.” Thanatos, the figure which the air itself seems to die a bit around pats her head too, “Thanatos, stop petting people.”

Midnight suddenly exploded into action, black chains wrapping around the white hands, dissipating them. "I am Midnight Sparkle, Daemon Princess of Tzeentch, God of Sorcery, Knowledge, and Change. And in all honesty, I am as close to a god as you are."

The white hands simply are connected to Thanatos’s body, Minato mostly ignoring her for the most part as the chains don’t seem to quite interact with Thanatos, “Thanatos, we have been over this. People don’t like being petted...I know you like how hair feels but people are disturbed by you at times...I know you like life’s gift but wait, they’ll return to you at one point. Go play with Alice...Sorry, he REALLY likes people’s hair. What did you say? I didn’t catch it.”

“She said she’s as close to a god as you are. So, that makes three of us, I guess,” Draigo said as he folded his wings against his body once more.

Thanatos shatters into nothingness, “I’m human, I still haven’t figured out the Universe aranca though, most likely get it later…” His voice trails off as he picks back up Brutalight and proceeds to scratch her ears.

“You might want to take your own advice on petting people. I mean, she likes it but also wants to get away from it,” Draigo said as he watched in amusement.

Minato smiles to the dragon and simply say, “Ponies like pets. Thanatos once accidently crushed someone’s skull petting them, that is where the petting ban came from.” He proceeds to scratch Burtalights ears.

"Can we please get back on topic?" Ahriman asked, turning back towards Chaos Jenny.

She gave an irritated sigh, “Folteren’s waiting inside, along with Jubilee and Cole.”

Sylar nodded, “Jubilee’s one of the members of the Alliance.”

"I have the urge to kill them." Khârn spoke up.

Minato smiles, “You’re from Warhammer 40k, your whole deal is killing.”

“Why is an Alliance member here? Actually, let’s just go meet Folteren. He’ll probably explain it,” Draigo said as he walked toward Jenny.

Jenny brought the group inside, where Folteren sat smirking in a large leather chair, petting a Mudkip in his lap like an evil mastermind.

“Hey, stereotypical pokemon bond villain.” Minato says with a small smirk forming.

“I see you’re finding this amusing…” Folteren said in a cold, hollow tone.

“Personally? Yes, also I tilted every painting I came across.”

“There were paintings here?” Asked the Sith.

“Three, kinda hard to spot ones, but there might be more.” Minato shrugs, smiling wildly.

Folteren’s eyes narrowed, “I will not tolerate your references. I dislike it when I’m being made fun of.”

Minato sighs, “I was hoping you’d play along.”

"Luckily for you, not everyone here is like him. I am Ahriman, leader of the New Black Legion, and these are my allies, Khârn, Zhufor, Rainborg, Applejack, and Midnight." Ahriman stepped forward.

“Ah, Warhammer 40k, Terminator, and Rarity, the reboot.” Minato smiles, “My world is so boring, I love when people understand my references.”

Folteren sighed, “It is nice to meet you, New Black Legion. Your support is welcomed. And the rest?”

“Should properly introduce myself, Minato Arisato, The Fool, or Wild Card if you wish.” He's still petting Brutalight.

“I’m Draigo, a Primordial Dragon. My power is close to godly and at your disposal for the duration of this ‘war’,” Draigo said to the dark lord of the sith.

“So is mine, don’t abuse it though!~” He giggles.

"The full power of Chaos Undivided, or The Warp, is at your disposal." Ahriman stated.

“Let go of Sparcake, she hates looking weak,” Folteren sighed. He looked over the group and smirked, seeing Pegasus. “Hello, Pegasus.”

Pegasus gave a small bow, “Hello again Folteren, how’s your kingdom doing?”

“It’s… Fine. Resistance is expected, but the zombies were a surprise.” Folteren explained.

"Ah, the bearers of Nurgle. Perhaps I can do something about that." Midnight smirked.

Minato smiles, “Zombies? Oh, shoot them in the head.”

Folteren groaned, “Problem with that is they’re World of Warcraft zombies.”

Minato grins, “You mean the really annoying ones that take a bit to actually die? Dig a hole, a big one, and lead them into it. Then oil the bodies real nice and stay away till the fire dies down. Got rid of zombies AND made nutrients for the soil around.”

“You’ve never played WoW, have you?” Asked Pinkis.

"Our memories vanished when we arrived in our Equestria." Ahriman shrugged.

Minato shakes his head, “Most games like that have weakness, I was just thinking fire.”

“World of Warcraft’s zombies are smart, so that wouldn’t work. Especially since another Displaced is in charge of them,” Said Sylar.

Minato shrugs, “If it’s another Displaced I cannot offer advice besides try to cripple limbs.”

Midnight laughed. "Nurgle controls all forms of disease, plague, and viruses. If we have a person who serves Nurgle, we could control them. Granted, the person would become a walking biohazard, but they enjoy it."

“Are we here to talk about zombies or this thing called a ‘war’?” asked Draigo as he laid on the floor.

“Actually the way to control the Zombies is in the other team….” Loki said as he appeared. “I can’t be the only one who knows this… WoW zombies come from the Cult of the damned, the cult died and was absorbed by the Twilight Hammer Cult who worship Eldritch monsters chained to the earth, now who lords over the planet in the titans stead?”

"Enough. We have bigger problems at the moment, like destroying Lee. If you want, I can go down the list of what I have brought with me." Ahriman stated.

Minato shrugs, “Educate us Loki.”

“The Earth-Wanderer, Deathwing, when he was displaced he got all of Deathwing with him, ancient evil gods included.” Loki finished.

Minato coughs lightly and smiles, “I guess we should have the war explained to us? Seems more a compilation than an actual fight.”

“Hell, he could turn on Lee if one can say the name of one of them.” Loki whispered to himself.

“What was that last part? We can turn one of them against Lee? Oh, now that is nice. Anyway, war?” Draigo said as he imagined the chaos that would ensue should Lee’s ally turn against him.

“Simple. Instead of a pointless brawl, you go on missions my generals and I give you. Things like killing the captain of the guard, to protecting ally units from oncoming forces, and retrieving data. These will earn our group ‘points’ which, if we get enough, shall grant us the win and a devastating blow to Lee. Same thing goes with them. It’ll last a while, so you can come and go as you please. If you are ‘killed’ you return home for a time, until Time Spinner deems it okay for your return. If you were wanting to fight other Displaced, we have a one on one versus arena.” Sylar listed off.

"Interesting. Though, I should mention. Now that I am here, in this universe, the Warp has been reactivated here. Expect ponies to turn to our side at random, with occasional riots in a city." Ahriman added.

“Well, it seems kinda civilly planned for a war.” Minato shrug.

“Wait, that’s you?” Loki asked with a glare, he held back from letting his anger out.

"We don't have control over it. Whenever we go to a new universe, a piece of the Warp latches onto our souls. When it arrives, it stirs the rest of the universe up with the Warp. Only the Necron can deactivate it." Ahriman explained.

“But the damage it causes will piss off Time Spinner,” Folteren smirked.

“And it’s not native to the universe's.” Loki remarked.

"Truth be told, I'm certain that it can be reversed with time. He can also go back in time, go to the warp, and take them before they can spread." Ahriman finished.

“Fine…. wait a minute…. why is a Alliance member here?” Loki asked.

“We needed to test the stability, even Time couldn’t tell since this place reeks of anti detect. Something to do with the Breach.” Folteren explained, “He’s on a tight schedule.”

“Is that why he making me keep count on the members?” Loki asked, holding up the list. “Also, I’m supposed to ask you all weren't in the middle of something right?”

"We were in the middle of a battle, but I had the Discord of my universe freeze time for until we return." Ahriman replied.

“Good carry on.” In a flash he was gone.

“I guess he either doesn't care about the rest of our answers or somehow already knows them,” Draigo commented after the draconequus left.

Minato shrugs, “I have a question for all of you.”

“Oh, what would that be?” Draigo asked.

"Ask, and you might receive an answer. As long as it isn't a joke." Ahriman replied.

“I'm going to ask, when is the first mission and who’s up first?” Minato grins slightly, “I always have to act so proper around the ponies. But here I can be trolly.”

"I would guess it's to remove the clones. Since they are a test of our abilities." Ahriman guessed.

“Isn’t the mission and who’s assigned to it up to Folteren and his generals? If so, it might not matter what we want so much as what they want,” Draigo answered as he laid his head on his claws.

“Actually, the Ahriman is correct for a test. Folteren is curious as to what you all can do,” said a pale man. “General Cole MacGrath.”

“Point me at a group and watch.” Minato smiles, “Also Hi.”

“How long have you been there and why didn’t you speak up earlier?” Draigo asked as he looked at MacGrath.

“I’ve been here the whole time, I just blend into the background of this office. And I didn’t speak because I wasn’t spoken to.” Cole smirked, “But I realized you couldn’t see me.”

"We will partake in this test. Also, this data slate contains all the information on what I have brought with me as support." Ahriman placed a tablet onto Folteren’s table.

Minato smiles and shot himself in the head, again, but this time a little girl in a blue dress with long, gold blond hair smiles and giggles, “Say hello to the people Alice.”

She bows and smiles, “My name is Alice, will you play with me?” Her voice taking on the creepy little girl tone.

“Alice, no. You will get others to die for you later.”

“Well, shall we get the show on the road then?” Draigo asked as he stood up and stretched out languidly.

Alice, Minato’s Persona, giggles happily and claps wanting to play.

"I say we should begin the test. Folteren, if you could tell us where the clones are, we can get to work." Ahriman said, turning to Folteren.

“Just start wandering one at a time,” Folteren replied.

Minato and Alice bolt out first, both laughing, Alice giggling, madly. Brutalight sighed happily as she sat down and started reading..

"Well, I suppose we should start with Rainborg as our first Warrior of Chaos. You good with that, Rainborg?" Khârn asked. Rainborg nodded, before one of her arms turned into a massive gun, and the other a power axe. She flew out the door.

“See you in a bit,” Draigo said as he slowly walked off in a direction now one else took.

Ahriman looked to Khârn. "I take it you're going next?" He asked. Khârn nodded, before unslinging his massive chainaxe and bolted out the door. Zhufor soon followed, as did Midnight. Ahriman was the last to head off, taking a separate route.

After they went down a side tunnel Minato’s burst of speed slowed down down to a slow walk while Alice skipped beside him singing to a wordless song. They agreed upon the creepiest and loudest song they could think of.

“What the…?” They heard, “Oh crap!” Seven Clone Trooper rounded the corner, the first to see them leapt back and started firing lasers.

Minato immediately just started walking, so did Alice as a large, dark circle captures all the soldiers inside of it. They stop firing and their arms involuntary bring their lasers to their forehead as Alice screamed out, “DIE FOR ME!” They fire their guns into their forehead, those that survived fired again till they are dead, “Yay! I have new friends!” Alice smiled and hummed, holding the souls of those that died close to her chest.

Minato ruffles her hair and smiles at her, “Yes you do, now return and play with them.”

“Yes, Minato!” She shatters and return to his soul, ready to be summoned when needed again.

He checks himself for damage, the part of his jacket that rest over his heart is burnt, but *the armour underneath shows almost no damage, “Damnit, I liked this jacket.” He walks over and kicks the one who burnt his jacket in the face and began to walk past.

Rainborg stopped flying, and went through her list. She blink clicked 'Power Armor', and felt gears inside of her turn as parts of her body opened up, and bright blue ceramite plating flipped out. After a few seconds, her entire body, except for her front hooves, was covered in armor. Her wings now carried viscous chain blades, which revved hungrily for blood. She began walking forward, two legged, before rounding a corner and coming face to face with a squadron of Clones.

"Kill it!" One said, before they all opened fire, the lasers scorching her armor, but doing nothing else. She grinned.

"Guess this is a bit one sided, isn't it?" She chuckled, before charging at them, her gun launching spiked pellets, which tore through helmets, and other parts of armor before digging into the skin. They cried out in pain, before the chain blades tore through their chests, tearing them in two. As the last one got up and fired, Rainborg was suddenly in his face, her gun leveled at his head.

"Sorry. Better luck next time!" She screeched, before opening fire. The Trooper slumped to the ground, dead. Rainborg swapped out her gun for a Necron Energy weapon.

“Oh, come on!” Rainborg heard from behind her. Looking towards the source, she saw Rainbine glaring at her, “You have got to be shitting me… These were my guys!”

Rainborg looked to the dead soldiers, then back to Rainbine. She shrugged. "You weren't here, so I took em out. When you say 'your guys', you mean kills, right?" She asked.

“I’m on the Alliance, Borg. They were my Troops, my friends.” Rainbine’s face turns red in anger. “They were fixing a pipe burst in this sector, and I decided to get a drink, then I come back to corpses…”

"Folteren told us to get rid of all clones in the facility. He didn't even say anything about you. I'm sorry. I was just following orders." Rainborg replied, tensing up a bit in case of a fight.

“Well ‘I’m sorry’ isn’t gonna cut it! I fix you up with cybernetics, and you do this. You should have seen the signs leading to this point saying ‘do not enter’, and that they weren’t trained!” Rainbine’s eyes glowed red, “I’ll tear you apart, Rainborg. I hate you!” She turned and flew away as fast as she could.

Rainborg felt a bit of sadness begin to spread, but quickly nullified it. "Something doesn't check out. Why would an enemy be fixing up our pipes? And plus, they shot first, so it's not like I wasn't defending myself. But even so, this is war. People die. Friendship has no place here." She mumbled to herself, before turning to find more targets. Her AI, Firefly, popped up.

"Shouldn't you try to explain to her?" She asked. Rainborg looked at her.

"If she is anything like me, she will shoot first, ask questions never. And she wouldn't listen anyway. I have to keep going. Wait, what is this?" She noticed a stray channel. After listening to it for a few seconds, her eyes widened inside her helmet.

"I've got to alert Folteren about this." She began running back to the office.

As Khârn tore through the troopers in front of him, he checked his kill count. Still not high enough. He growled, then looked behind him. The walls were almost entirely red, with bits of flesh and organs scattered about. He turned back forward, and went to finish the rest of them. He pulled out his Plasma Pistol and fired down the hallway, catching the one survivor in the back.

He felt something hit his back, and turned to see Rainbine looking angry, but that anger disappeared when she saw him and turned into surprise and slight fear.

"Oh, hello Rainbine. I heard you were with the enemy. Lucky for you, I've got better things to do. So, I'm going to at least hear you out first. So, what's on your mind?" He asked, sitting down on a chair.

“N-nothing! Just that Rainborg killed Clone Troopers I was tasked with protecting… It’s none of your concern.” Rainbine grumbled, “I gotta go, Time wanted me to escort some Alliance members anyway…”

Khârn chuckled. "That's war kid. Everyone around you could die. Take this from an insane guy who basically breathes war and death. And plus, she's doing what every good soldier does. She follows her orders. Now scram. You can have your revenge on the Battlefield." Khârn replied, looking back to the hallway he just came out of. "And just be glad it wasn't me who found them first." He added.

Minato appeared down a side tunnel listening in and keeps walking, “I’ve been in a true war, one for survival, for rights. This is a dispute, the ideas this dispute has been born out of is trivial at best. One death becomes the catalyst for millions? Illogical, fight not with your full power, hold back and if you need to kill, make it swift and painless. I really shouldn't speak but my mind is so fucked up with angels and Demons I’m not sure what urges are truly mine anymore. I don't think you have that problem, so chose for yourself.” He smiles, still holding Brutalight and scratching her ears, she looks ever so slightly traumatized.

Pegasus huffed. "War is usually always illogical, I would never have to be in a war if it wasn't for the fact that the ponies in my world are corrupt." He growled at the two Toons who were playing with a deck of cards.

Khârn shrugged. "Meh. I kill because I was made to kill. And also I serve the blood God." He walked away.

The clones looked down the hallway. All clear. They were about to make a run for it, when their shadows erupted, spikes flaring out and mutilating them with shadows. Midnight walked past, stopping only to get a taste of their blood, and promptly to spat it out.

"Bleh. Khârn was right. Their blood is terrible." She muttered, before another squad popped up in the hallway. She smirked.

“Oh goodie, more sacrifices to me!" Midnight squaled, before lashing out, spikes flying from her fingertips. The spikes slammed into the troopers, digging in deep, before exploding outward, causing shrapnel like blades to wedge further into the troopers bodies.

“Ugh! Well, I guessed a lady would’ve acted more civil. Even if you are a Folteren sympathizer.” Rarifruit gloated, smirking evilly, “Though, you are a Twilight, so why am I surprised?”

Midnight smirked. "So, you must be Rarifruit. Can't say it's an honor to meet you, but really it's not. You're just like Rarity. And, in all honesty, I'm nothing like the other Twilights. After all, none of them, as far as I know of, have transcended into a Daemon Princess. Not demon, mind you. So, how do we do this?"

“Nothing like other Twilight’s? You seem messy, so I’d say you’re not that different.” Rarifruit summoned a bracer, “I, on the other hoof, am not like Rarity.” Several swords appeared, all a bright pink. A shadow formed next to her, creating a tall, black Unicorn stallion with purple eyes. Rarifruit disappeared and the dark Unicorn chuckled.

“Damn it, Rarifruit!” Fluttershout cried out in anger from the sideline.

Midnight burst into laughter. "Oh please, I control more power than you have ever seen!" She then raised her talons, and dark portals appeared, releasing ten Bloodletters into the world. "You've got some swords, I've got loyal daemons. Now, beasts, attack!" The bloodletters charged, screeching in rage. With their flaming swords raised high, they ran right at the dark stallion.

The dark stallion shrugged and levitated a Big Daddy drill and threw it at one, somehow disintegrating it. He then teleported thirty feet away as Rarifruit’s swords slashed through Midnight’s daemons.

Midnight just shrugged. "Pitiful things, Bloodletters. Not much use without a host. Oh well." She charged her horn, and a beam of Dark Energy shot out, blazing through the swords and surviving bloodletters.

Rarifruit’s disembodied voice cackled, “Oh, you thought I was that weak? I guess they should change your talent to underestimating. Not really good in a war,”

The temperature suddenly fell by fifty degrees. The reality around Midnight began to bend, shifting in and out of existence. Then, like a piece of paper, the area behind Midnight was torn apart, revealing a howling aurora of colors. Screams of agony could be heard, and faces appeared in the maelstrom. "Let's see how long you can survive my home territory? I doubt it will be long."

Rarifruit reappeared, looking apologetically, “I’m sorry, darling, that’s not allowed… Reality powers are banned...”

Midnight stared at her for a few seconds, before cursing. The hole in the universe rebuilt itself, and the temperature returned to normal.

"Rggh. Fine. I'll play by your rules." She muttered, before lashing out, her talons firing bolts of lightning.

Rarifruit created a force field that easily blocked Midnight’s attack. “Forgive my earlier statement, it was uncalled for. I’m an Element of Insanity, like Pinkis and Brutalight. They told me about you,” Rarifruit disappeared and in her place was the black stallion who slammed a toaster into Midnight’s head before hopping to the side.

Midnight cursed, before taking a look around her. Smiling, she began to chant, erecting a force field around her. The temperature fell again, but this time there were no holes to different dimensions.

There was a beeping sound, and Rainbine appeared, “Rarifruit! Blossom called! She wants the Exposition Express! Like, now!”

Rarifruit sighed, “Alright, dear. I apologize for this interruption, lady Midnight, but I must aid my friend. I do wish we could finish, but I believe I shall give you the win. Salutation!” The dark stallion disappeared, and Rarifruit trotted to Rainbine’s side.

"Very well, I will finish this later." Midnight spoke into Rarifruit's mind, still chanting. Eventually, she stopped, and the bodies of the dead Clone troopers all jerked, before horrendous mutations began afflicting them. Mouths full of razor sharp teeth appeared on the helmets, and red skin started to burst through the armor. When it was done, two squads of mutated Daemon Clone Troopers stood, snarling.

Rarifruit seemed disgusted, while Rainbine just glared at Midnight, before teleporting.

"Go, my daemons, hunt the remaining clones down, and bring their bodies to me." Midnight ordered, and the creatures roared, before scattering.

Ahriman stalked forward, Warp Energy glowing off his armor. Behind him, Clones were all over the floor, some ripped in half, some just messy stains on the wall.

"Pathetic. Not nearly good enough for ground forces. They'd do better as meat shields, if anything." He muttered, blasting another one with his bolter pistol. The clone's head exploded, and the lifeless body fell to the ground. He rounded a corner, before getting shot up by a large group of clones, who had been waiting. He slumped to the ground, pretending to be dead.

"Yeah! Got em!" A Clone shouted, before floating up in the air, and imploding on himself. The troopers looked back to see Ahriman standing there, his staff glowing with power.

"Blast! Keep firing!" The captain shouted, and the clones opened fire, lasers glancing off Ahriman's armor.

"That's enough from you, pathetic weaklings." Ahriman growled, before unleashing lightning from his fingertips. The clones spazzed out, before collapsing. Ahriman continued forward, stepping over the new corpses.

As Draigo walked around he encountered a big group of Clones. There seemed to be at least three officers with them due to the difference in helmets.

“I'll give you one chance to surrender then your heads will roll,” Draigo said as he flared his frightful aura out so it'd reach all of the clones.

“Open fire!” yelled one of the officers. Lasers filled the corridor a moment later.

Draigo began a slow walk towards the clones, increasing the amount of fear each clone was feeling with each step he took.

The clones adjusted their fire and some decided to throw thermal detonators at their slow moving target.

Upon seeing the detonators leave their hands Draigo rushed forward in a blur, letting his frightful presence evaporate as he sped forward. He swerved in between the clones, seemingly to get their fellow clones to shoot them. The clones being trained better than that and shot between the gaps whenever possible.

Soon Draigo was at the other side of all the clones. He turned around and watched as each clone collapsed to the ground as their heads rolled off their shoulders. Draigo hadn't left a single one alive since none seemed to surrender when given the chance.

“A swift end for those with the courage to keep fighting through their fear. If they were less trained they would have broken like a an egg between my claws,” Draigo commented as a sort of memorial to the fallen warriors, “Now, I wonder if there’s anything else Folteren wants me to do.”

As Draigo was about to go he decided to leave no evidence behind for the enemy to use against him. Facing the fallen he drew a breath and let out a torrent of flame that engulfed the entire corridor. After a few seconds of continued fire breath Draigo let up. When the area was clear of his fire there were no bodies nor armor were left behind. Draigo then leisurely walked off to find Folteren to see if there was more to do.

Folteren sat bored in his chair. He wasn’t really testing them, he was buying his time until their transports were ready. The screen on his Pip-Boy 3000 flashed twice, and the image of his Rainbow Dash wearing pony Mandalorian armor greeted him.

“Lord Folteren!” She said. “What are you doing? The Rebels are taking every chance they get while you’re away! This pointless war is getting us nowhere to bring peace!”

The dark lord sighed, “Miss Dash, do you have faith in my ability to multitask?”

The Pegasus narrowed her eyes, “From this end, I see you’re distracted. Your revenge is understood, but-” She was cut off. She began to struggle, almost like something was choking her.

“Show some respect. My patience wears thin. Send a strike force to deal with the remaining hideouts we know of, and find those damn Breezies before I do.” Dash gasped for breath, nodding vigorously. The communication died, and Folteren turned to Cole. “Is the transport to the Badlands ready yet?”

The Conduit nodded, “Sure thing. I’ll take them there once everyone's back.”

After Cole finished, a Nyan Cat appeared and exploded, destroying two Battle Droids guarding the entrance. Loki appeared next to Folt. “Sorry about that… don’t ask what was going on… also here.” In a snap a Anthro Twilight appeared next to him. “I’m giving your team a bit of help, this is Evilight my voice of order….” Loki whispered into his ear.

“Don’t let her fool you, she has no emotions at all, though I made sure she only has as much magic as I did before I went to face her…. also.” Loki teleported away.

Evilight glared at where Loki was. “He knows I won’t enjoy this.”

Folteren sighed. He pulled his mask off and set it next to him, “Wonder why…”

“Maybe it has something to do with no emotions…” Cole shrugged, “Anyway, I’d say it’s nice to have you here, but I’d be lying.”

“Same.” Evilight said.

“Well, it’s a displeasure, but I need to take a walk.” Folteren stood up and started walking away, followed by Chaos Jenny.

Cole cracked his head, “I’ll see if the transport ship is ready. Come on Evilight, I’ve been in the need for a sidekick.” He began to laugh as he jogged his own way, leaving Evilight and Sylar.

Evilight debated whether to stay here, follow him, or just do her own thing. ‘If I stay here I’ll eventually have to deal with “Them” if I go with him, I might run into Discord, if I leave I might avoid them both.’ Evilight walked the other direction out of the room.

Rainborg burst into the room. "Folteren! I just found out...... wait, where is everyone?" She looked around the room.

“Lord Folteren went out for a walk after Loki dropped an emotionless Twilight into our ranks. CJ went with him, and Cole went to a transport that’s meant to bring you to the Badlands.” Sylar said, “Folteren will return shortly. Do you need anything, Miss Rainborg?”

"Well, after encountering a few troopers, as well as Rainbine, I picked up a vox channel used by the clones. Or radio, whichever you call it. Anyways, they had reports of killing some of their superior officers. Something about 66, I don't know. I came in to report to Folteren about this." Rainborg explained quickly.

“It’s order 66, kill all Jedi… Darth Sidious' plan to get rid of the Jedi, episode 3 revenge of the sith.” The emotionless voice of Evilight answered. She had hit a dead end and retraced only to come back here. “Before you ask, I got it from Loki’s memories.”

Sylar nodded, “Clone Troopers, in their media, killed off their Jedi’s, or in this case, commanding officers. Perhaps these units misheard an order and misunderstood and tried to kill off the commander. I’ll discuss it with Time Spinner, he’s the one who made the clones to fight for Lee.”

"So wait... if the clones are killing their leaders, and we are also trying to kill their leaders, doesn't that make them our allies? 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend', and all that?" Rainborg asked.

“We aren’t trying to kill the other team. We’re trying to get Folteren to a point where he can hurt Lee and finish this rivalry. Clones are supposed to help Lee, and the Droids are supposed to help us. If both are trying to kill the Alliance, Time Spinner won’t hesitate to shut this down, meaning no reward, vs, or Tokens from either side.” Sylar explained, “In short, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, unless it means I have to fight that friend… Did that make sense to you? Because I didn’t get it...”

"Yeah, it did. If they cause this to be shut down, then no war, no spoils, and no tokens for anyone. Time Spinner could probably rewrite history here and remake the clones." Rainborg replied, nodding her head.

“Or better yet, he could just wipe this universe clean of everything…. or Loki would go on impulse and give Lee something else like he always does without me.” Evilight said.

“He won’t go back in time. He can’t, it’s his own timeline. He’s done it in the past, but I can tell you this, he’ll cancel the war for good if one side has an unfair advantage. He will destroy this world, along with Folteren’s and Lee’s, so it’s best to tread lightly.” Sylar warned, “He’ll destroy more worlds, including the Elements of Insanity.”

"Well, shit... guess there's only one thing to do... hold on, just one second." Rainborg hooked up to her vox caster. "Attention, all soldiers of the New Black Legion! This is Rainborg. Lord Ahriman declares Exterminatus upon all soldiers in white armor. Let none survive!" She said, before shutting it off. "Some of our guys captured a few before."

“This isn’t a permanent solution. I think it’s best to be mindful of your allies… Trust only Displaced, there might be a problem. And when it’s something like this, no one is safe. Go to the transport and tell your comrades about this. Transport’s down that hall, and stay away from General Master Overlord Cole MacGrath…” Sylar pointed down a tunnel.

"Alright, I will. However, I wouldn't trust our men for the universe. Funny thing is though, they know not to mess with Ahriman. He deals with traitors in many...creative ways." Rainborg went green. "It's best not to talk about it." Rainborg began walking towards the transport hall.

“Whatever you say. Evilight, you may chose to help by going in the transport, or staying.” Sylar finished. A black portal appeared behind him and he passed through.

She wordlessly headed for the transport. She actually droned out the whole conversation and simply was doing what she thought would get her away from Rainborg.

As Rainborg walked down the hall, she contacted the honor guard. "Call in a Thunderhawk and return to the army." She ordered, before shutting off her vox caster. She looked up to Evilight. "So, how's it going?"

Evilight glared at her. However there was no emotion within it. “You tell me. I come close to killing Loki, only to die with him then awake to find out I'm one third of a deity of Balance with a voice of Chaos and Loki directly in control on a pointless crusade of balance and helping others despite the fact he will make no difference… oh and now he decided with total encouragement from Discord to make us fight in here…. so you tell me.”

"Oh. Well hey, if Discord's on the other team, why not take your anger out on him in a duel?" Rainborg replied.

“You forget I have no emotions right? What you are seeing is me faking emotion.” She answered. “If anything I will fight him on the grounds of Chaos and Order.”

"Oh, right. All I have is a emotion filter. Not exactly emotionless. Though hey, it might be a chance to test your abilities, right?" Rainborg asked.

“I already have… on thousands of worlds, and Loki not once but twice. I was once my own being.” Evilight answered.

"Ok then. Oh look, here we are!" Rainborg said, changing the subject. It was a huge black box with no entrance or exit. Next to it was Sylar, Pinkis, Brutalight, and Fluttershout.

“The hell is this?” asked Fluttershout, to which the other two mares just rolled their eyes.

“This is a seventy-one black box with automated cannons, unlimited cookies, a negative zone generator, and a mental sync device that’s ability to process at a rate over nine thousand and can travel at the speed of mach five!” Cole stated.

“How do you know so much about this? Time Spinner made it.” Fluttershout asked.


"So, how do we get in it?" Rainborg asked, walking up to the group.

“I could turn you all into bunnies.” Evilight remarked.

"That's...oddly specific." Rainborg replied.

“Just touch it! Like this!” He placed his hand on the flat surface and there was a ripple, “Just jump in!” And he slid inside.

Rainborg shrugged, before walking towards it. "Oh yeah, Brutalight, what happened to your Terminator Armor? Haven't seen it in a while." She asked, stopping at the wall of the Black Box.

“Back home. I didn’t want it damaged here pointlessly. Same with all of our equipment you gave us… Also, Rarifruit doesn’t like us wearing it because she says it’s a crime against fashion.” Brutalight blushed, “I only use it in worse case scenarios.”

"Not only do we have a million replacement parts, me and Rainbine have Tech marine items. We could both easily fix it up if it got damaged. And as for Rarifruit, not everything is made for fashion. These are made for protection and combat." Rainborg deadpanned.

Brutalight shrugged, “I know, she just freaks out about it. And as for the repairs… Our Equestria isn’t that advanced, and any parts we do get come at a cost.”

"Rainbine's techmarine armor has schematics for advanced drilling technology, and can easily make the parts necessary to forge you a entire brand new Terminator Armor set. The drills will uncover whatever stuff is needed for the parts. Hell, she could even make the other equipment Terminator units use." Rainborg replied, shrugging.

“Bit more complicated, and I won’t get into details.” Brutal said as her horn glowed, and the mares went flying inside. Evilight was the last to get in. Though she did have a mini barrier around her.

Folteren sat down in one of the glass tunnels, a Clone head rolling through it. Chaos shot it, sending it flying. The dark lord chuckled at this.

Suddenly he heard a song of some kind in the direction of a tunnel… Something about partying hard.

“Who’s that?” Chaos asked, walking towards the noise.

Out of the dark of the tunnel stepped a man clad in a long red trench coat and a big hat carrying two guns, “Aw, did I miss all the fun.” The mysterious man said making what looked to be an amused pouting face.

“No…” Grumbled Folteren, “You’re just in time. Nice to see you Eddie.”

“Another one…” Chaos sighed.

“Ah, but of course,” Edward said suddenly being very in the face of Chaos, “Edward Kenway at your service.”

“I know who you are,” Chaos said, “And you’re not at my service today.”

“Forgive her, she’s lost all good emotions for the past week.” Folteren said. Waffles popping his head out of the Sith’s cloak. “How’s it been?”

“Been good, I’ve had some adventures, I also had some walks, I also got to be captain of a carrier and got really drunk.” Edward said with a smile, “If ya’ want some just give me a call.”

“And hows that Scootaloo thing? I’m curious.” Folteren smirked.

“Its coming along, had some fun with her… Don’t be dirty minded about something like that, scared some bullies and told her some stories.”

Folteren stood up and removed his hood, “I don’t have a dirty mind, and she’s my daughter in my world. But your Scoots is yours, you do what you want.”

“Yeah but I know what Alucard would have said,” Edward said chuckling.

“Shut up Kenway, I can’t remember references or anything from earth. I think you and Minato would get along though.” Folteren said as he began walking.

Edward put away his guns inside his coat then dispelling it and donning his own clothes, “Sure.”

The three continued until they reached a huge black box.

“This is the SIDRAT. Time Spinner built it to transport the Empire, and built the Exposition Train for the Alliance.” Chaos explained.

“Ok.” Edward said fascinated by the black box.

“Just walk into it and you’ll be inside.” Folteren said, “It’ll take you to your mission along with the other Displaced. Inside there’s…”

“Brutalight, Pinkis, Fluttershout, Sylar, Rainborg, Evilight, and General MacGrath.” Chaos finished Folteren’s sentence before walking inside.

“Right. You’ll be going on a diplomatic mission to get this Chrysalis to join our cause. King Sombra’s already declined our offer for now, and on your way you’ll be fighting Royal Guards and Clone Troopers.”

“Has the wedding happened yet?”

“We’re past the Tirek incident. So once you’re done, I’ll send another group to ask Equal Town, the Dragons and Minotaurs.” Folteren said.

“Ok I think I have a plan or two already… But do I have any others with me there?”

“Everyone inside the SIDRAT, a few other Displaced, CJ, Cole, and a squad of Droids.” Folteren stated, “You and CJ are in charge.”

“Ok,” Edward said dispelling his coat and putting on the red trench coat again. “Let’s get going then no time to wait.” He said walking in but not before muttering “SIDRAT sounds awfully like… Oh well. It’s probably nothing.”

And with that, Edward boarded the SIDRAT and Folteren walked away shaking his head.

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank every author who participated in this... Oh gosh, the OP is killing me...