• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 1,613 Views, 116 Comments

Nightmare Breach: The War of Shadows - Brony Parasite

Equestria is in a time of peace. Discord has been reformed, and everypony is happy. But when a war from another universe threatens their land, can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save the day? Or will Time Spinner have his way with their world?

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Shadow Republic #1

“So this is the War of Shadows?” Asked a creature that looked like a sphere made of shadows.

“Answer: Why yes, master. This is where the Displacer of time has arranged his war.” Answered a rust colored killing machine.

“Have TC-01 setup a SL factory away from the factions we know of and have HK-106 set up two droid outposts near the factions foreword bases.” The creature ordered the machine.

“Statement: As you wish, master.” The machine left through a nearby TF2 teleporter.

A small disc on the ground started beeping, a black aura enveloped the disc and a blue hologram of a Stormtrooper General appeared.

“Emperor.” The General saluted. “The Galactic Empire’s invasion force is ready and awaiting your command.”

“Good, keep the force away from the planet for now, General Plasma. We still need the others if we are to kill Time Spinner and free the Neutrals.”

“You mean the Traitor and his slaves?” General Plasma asked.

“He is no traitor, Plasma. Who told you he was a traitor?”

“HK-61, he has been telling the other Captains we are after Time because he betrayed the Displacers.”

A tint of red could be seen in the creatures dark form. “Have three squads of Stormtroopers bring him to the Warden.”

“At once, Emperor.” The hologram disappeared, leaving the creature all alone.

“Time… You use these Displaced as nothing more than tools to find what you want. You refuse to see them in the light that I see them in. Each of these Displaced have done something worthy of much more of the Displacers attention whether they know it or not.” A floating ball of light appeared next to the ball of shadows.

“I have found Broodmother Marsara amongst the Empire of Nightmares, Psi Splitter.”

“Good work, Grand-Commander Morph. Unlike the other Grand-Commanders you never fail me.”

“Thank you Psi, I still haven't found Time Spinner though.” Morph seemed to give off an aura of defeat.

Psi gave off an aura of comfort towards Morph. “Do not worry about finding Time, I have reason to suspect only a Displaced he summons can find him.” Once Psi felt the aura leave he let his own aura disappear. “I have a new task for you.”

“Yes, Psi?”

“Last I communicated with the Space Marines they were almost ready to join the invasion force but I can not lead more than the Empire, the Spectre Legion, and the Decepticons myself. I promote you to being the High-Commander of the Space Marines, do you accept?”

Morph was shocked that Psi would even think about giving her such a rank rather than one of the other Grand-Commanders like Spyglass or Megatron. “Of course I accept!”

“Good. I would suggest that you check on your forces then.” Psi told her while opening a Shadow Gate(a portal) for her. She flew through the Gate with it closing behind her.

A text appeared in the bottom right corner of Psi’s vision.

‘HK-61’ killed by ‘Warden’. A new HK Minor-Commander must be chosen.

“HK-50-20518.” Psi said aloud.

HK-50-20518 promoted to HK Minor-Commader. Name changed to HK-62.

“Guess I should check on the Decepticons progress then.” Another Shadow Gate appeared and Psi went through. What greeted him was a metal planet called Cybertron inhabited by large “metal men” called Decepticons from the videogame Fall of Cybertron. Psi went to a large base known as Kaon in search of a Decepticon Commander, Shockwave, the first Cybertronian Psi successfully created. After a little searching Psi managed to find Shockwave overseeing diagnosis on the largest Decepticon, bigger than a Imperial Acclamator, Trypticon. Psi flew up to Shockwave.

“Is Trypticon ready for transformation?”

Shockwave turned towards Psi. “Almost, we are running the last diagnostics now, after that he will be ready to transform into his Warship form.”

“What about the Decepticon invasion force?” A bird-like Decepticon named Laserbeak landed on Shockwave’s shoulder.

“Awaiting your orders.” A new voice answered. Psi turned around to find Commander Soundwave walking up to them.

“Good. When Trypticon has transformed load up and join the Galactic Empire's invasion force.”

“As you command.” Soundwave said.

Psi left through another Shadow Gate and appeared at the Empire’s invasion force.

Psi saw a Space Marine Battle Barge appear out of a Shadow Gate within the Imperial fleet along with three Strike Cruisers and seven Gladius Class Frigates.

Psi went into the Galactic Empire's Capital ship’s bridge and was greeted by the main Commanders of each faction waiting for him. All of them that could saluted.

“Emperor.” A Ultramarine stepped foreword. “I am Commander Ult, I was sent as the Space Marines representative.”

A masked Sith lord stepped foreword. “I am Commander Kylo Ren of the Galactic Empire.”

A Spectre stepped foreword. “Commander STC-16 of the Spectre Legion.”

A tall slender Decepticon stepped forward, it's face just being a blank screen. The screen projected a soundwave. “As you have requested, Emperor, construction on TPS, or Transformers Prime Soundwave, was completed and sent to you as the Decepticon Commander representative.” It said in Shockwave’s voice.

A Decepticon Warship appeared outside the window to the left while three Spectre Legion Drop Cruisers appeared to the right.

“It seems the entire invasion force is ready. I want each of you to take a few forces and prepare to free a target settlement from this war, once there you will meet with a member or team of a group called the Displaced Hunters that will help you free the settlement. Commander Kylo Ren.”

“What is my target, sir?”

“Tell Commander Malak to take fifty Sith, two hundred Sith Troopers, and seventy HK droids to Manehattan then await my command. Once you’ve done that return here for your own target.”

“At once Emperor.” He left through a door at the back of the bridge.

“Commander Ult, you will take nine Blood Raven Marine squads, three Ultramarine squads and five Dreadnoughts to the Crystal Empire and await my command.”

“As you command.” He left through the same door Kylo Ren left through.

“Commander Soundwave Prime, you will take fifty ground troops and thirty air troops to the Changeling Hive and await my command.”

Soundwave nodded his head in understanding before opening a Ground Bridge(Transformer portal) and walking through.

“Commander STC-16, you will take four Spectre squads and two Titans to Ponyville and await my command.”

He nodded and left. Kylo returned a moment later.

“Commander Kylo Ren, you will take three hundred Stormtroopers, one hundred Phase II Dark Troopers, fifty Phase III Dark Troopers, thirty AT-ST Walkers, and ten AT-AT Walkers to Canterlot.”

“Yes sir.” And with that Psi Splitter was left alone.

Emperor, Probe droid 1773 has returned and says he found a group of Displaced that have freed themselves from Time Spinner and are trying to stop him.

“This is an interesting development… Give him a squad of four Probe droids than send them to find this group.”

At once Emperor.

“Oh and G7..”

Yes Emperor?

“Show me a list of the Displaced Hunters.”

Of course.

Displaced Hunters:

The Necron Empire:
Necron Lord Necrosis, assigned to Space Marines.
Necron Deathmark Salcronna, assigned to Space Marines.
Necron Builder Scarab Phallimcen

Team Titan:
Titan Karsill, assigned to Spectre Legion.
Titan Quent
Titan Pilot Jackson Racter, assigned to Spectre Legion.
Titan Pilot Spectra Semmeture, not allowed anywhere near the war.
Titan Engineer Parsila Optem

The HK Legion:
HK-83, assigned to Sith Empire.

Onslaught, assigned to Decepticons.
Swindle, assigned to Decepticons.
Brawl, assigned to Decepticons.
Vortex, assigned to Decepticons.
Blast Off, assigned to Decepticons.

The Elite Hunters:
Phase IV Dark Trooper Silca, assigned to Galactic Empire.
The Arbiter
Warden, assigned to Psi Splitter.


Psi Splitter

Do you require anything else sir?

“Not right now G7.” Psi told her in a frustrated tone.

Psi… I’ve known you since you and Draconis founded the Displaced Hunters so tell me what’s troubling you.

“It's just… Time Spinner has done many things the other Displacers don’t agree with, like doing the Merchants job for him, yet I’ve always trusted and helped him and then he just goes and… Throws that trust away like a piece of GARBAGE!” Psi’s form went blood red. “HE BRINGS ONE OF MY DISPLACED, THE MOST UNSTABLE AT THAT, INTO THIS PATHETIC WAR OF HIS AFTER ME STRICTLY TELLING HIM TO LEAVE MY DISPLACED’S LIVES ALONE!!!”

It may be because he has forgotten you telling him that, I mean he is a Displacer of time so what has been one thousand and fifty two years for you could have been ten thousand or more for him.

Psi’s form went back to it’s natural black shadowy color. “You’re right G7. But away from depressing topics I’m sure the Commanders are ready to begin the invasion, and… Thank you.”

You're welcome Psi, and might I suggest you give a speech to inspire the troops.

“Good idea, G7.” Psi connected himself with the entire invasion force.

“I know what most of you are thinking; How can we beat both a Displacer and so many Displaced? Well I’ll tell you how; We fight for the glory of the Displaced, the Displacers, and most importantly we fight for the glory of the SHADOWS!!! SPACE MARINES! DECEPTICONS! SITH EMPIRE! SPECTRE LEGION! AND THE GALACTIC EMPIRE! HEAR ME NOW!!! WE SHALL WIN AGAINST ALL ODDS! WE SHALL TRIUMPH! FOR WE ARE THE REPUBLIC OF SHADOWS!!!” Psi could hear the cheers of thousands of soldiers.

“Let the invasion commence.”

Invasion commencing.

Author's Note:

This was made by Chaos Marine Marsara.