• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 116 Comments

Nightmare Breach: The War of Shadows - Brony Parasite

Equestria is in a time of peace. Discord has been reformed, and everypony is happy. But when a war from another universe threatens their land, can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save the day? Or will Time Spinner have his way with their world?

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The Convoy: Part 1

Author's Note:

There may be some mistakes, be wary. It's been a long time. I'll fix any issues I find.

An Acclamator-Class Assault Ship was soaring through the airs of Equestria, with Equestrian airships and V-19 Torrent Starfighters protecting it’s haul.

Alliance Supreme Commander, Superior Spiderman, was on the main deck of the ship, with Noir Spiderman, Mayday Parker’s Spider Woman, and Coulson.

“What’s our ETA?” Superior asked.

“You mean eat?” Wasp asked from her station. This made Superior sigh.

“Estimated time of arrival?” Noir asked.

“Oh, that’d be an hour.” Wasp responded.

Spider Woman activated the holo-communicator, and the image of a metal woman appeared. “Glados, what’s the state of the prisoners?”

“They’re exactly how they were for the past nine hours…” Glados replied sarcastically. “Crona’s crying for his mom, Maka’s screaming-”

“Sir’s maybe we should put those two in the same cell, one of them did say they knew the other.” Said a clone.

“Quiet, you just interrupted Glados!” Another whispered.

“Anyways… Enix is shut down, Exile is complaining, and Pinkis is whining for food.”

“Then give her some, she’s pregnant.” Mayday said, slightly worried.

“We’re under orders, no feeding until we arrive.” Glados replied.

Everyone stared at Mayday.


“Let’s summon some assistance, I’m getting nervous.” Noir said, before activating a crystal, which opened a few portals.

“Hi!” Dark Magician Girl said as she was the first one to jump out of the portal follow by Dark Magician.

“Hello, It’s great to be back” Craig said as he stepped out of the portal.

“You wanted us?” Sebaste asked as he and Sebastian followed the others out.

“Hello, I’m Commander Noir. We’re transporting Imperial Prisoners to a newly built prison so they’re not on Columbia or in a heavily populated area.” Noir said, “We have about five Commanders, including the ones Craig, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl captured.”

“We think we’ve been followed by the Empire, so we called in some backup in case things go south.” Mayday said. “I’m Commander Mayday, Noir and Superior’s sister.”

“The name’s Sebaste, my friend here is Sebastian” the Spartan introduced himself and his friend.

“Well then I’ll be glad to help, if there is any chance one of the commanders could be a threat to everyone else, I like to make sure their stopped.” replies Craig.

“Not as long as they're in their cells they aren’t, but I will keep an eye on them.” Dark Magician said.

“Hold it!” Dark Magician Girl said as she was looking at a corner. “There a spy in that corner!” She said pointing her staff at the corner.

Superior tilted his head. “What?”

“Yeah it a ghost spy.” Dark Magician Girl said still aiming at the corner.

“Alright, get out where we can see you!” Sebastian said while aiming his bolter at the corner.

A ghostly pony appeared with what looked like pistols on it hips wearing a coat and had a fiery blue mane, the Ghost pony hissed before passing through the floor.

“Uh…” Noir said unintelligently.

“Guys!” Wasp shouted. “There’s an Imperial Starship behind us!”

“Then let’s shoot it down.” Dark Magician suggested.

“It’s three times bigger than our ship, and has five times as firepower and shielding as us!” Wasp replied. Suddenly, there was the sounds of blasting, and red beams were everywhere outside the ship.

“SHIT! This isn’t good!” Sebaste yelped before Sebastian Gibbs-slapped him.

“Don’t be such a baby! We can handle this.” Dark Magician Girl said as she slapped Sebaste around the head.

“Yeah, don’t worry guys you’ve dealt with worse already.” replies Craig.

“By the way, we ran into some old friends of yours.” Sebaste said to Craig.

“Ahriman and company” Craig guessed.

“This isn’t the time to chat! Wasp, get Rarifruit and Rainbine and head to the prison cells!” Superior ordered, and Wasp did as commanded.

Craig then nodded his head, “Okay, I’m on my way.”

“No, you and the other Displaced will go to the top of the ship with Noir. As long as we have the prisoners, we won’t risk getting shot out of the sky. They’ll send boarding parties, you’ll take those out.”

“Copy that.” Sebaste said before summoning a energy sword and needler, while Sebastian went into his Terminator form

“Okay then, I’ll see you on the flipside.” Craig nodded as a screen appears in front of him and then two swords, a pistol, multiple grenades and rifle appear.

“Ok, me and Dark Magician Girl might summon some monsters to help with the fight.” Dark Magician said while grabbing a deck from his robe.

“Enemy boarding parties are ready!” A clone pilot shouted. “Only Revan and Domino are on top!”

“Noir!” Superior yelled, and Noir opened a portal and jumped in. He was then outside.

Craig then quickly ran towards Noir’s portal and followed him through.

“Wait for us!” Sebaste called out before he and Sebastian ran through the portal as well.

“And us too!” Dark Magician Girl called as well as her and Dark Magician enter the portal.

Outside, it was hard to stay on the ground due to the wind and the shaking of the ship.

“They’re about to drop the first wave!” Noir shouted above the wind.

“Then let's send them a welcoming gift.” Craig said as he brought his hands to the right side of his body.

"FOR THE LION AND THE EMPEROR! Sebastian roared before firing his plasma cannon.

There was no damage on the ship. Just then, fifty battle droids, twenty super battle droids, ten commando droids, five black clad ponies, and two humans jumped off the Imperial ship.

Now these I can take out! “ The Astartes said before turning his weapon on the droids, “SLAG ‘EM!

The droids opened fire, and Revan turned her blades on to deflect the attacks that were headed for Noir, while Domino just walked around the red beams and kept getting headshots on the weaker droids.

Craig then grabbed his assault rifle from his back, before he charged forward, firing bolts of electricity toward the droids in his way as the bolts kept ricocheting off one droid after short circuiting it and hitting multiple ones before fading.

“TWIN DARK MAGIC ATTACK!” Both Magicians shouted as they blasted a lot of droids with their dark magic.

Sebaste used his thrusters to perform hit and run attacks on the droids, slashing with his energy sword and causing others to explode from the Needler’s special ability while Sebastian smashed aside those droids that were in front of him before slagging a group with his plasma cannon.

The commandos pulled out swords and ran towards the Alliance’s Displaced.

“Not so fast bucketheads! I summon Performapal Silver Claw to cut you in half.” Dark Magician shouted as he threw a card to the ground that revealed a grey wolf with chains, a red and yellow spotted tie and big silver claws. The creature then began attacking the commandos.

“Howl you like that you pile of scrap?” Dark Magician Girl asked while giggling.

“Hey, who let the dogs out?” Sebaste called out. Somewhere, someone had the urge to facepalm for some reason.

In no time, the robots were destroyed, leaving the darkly clad ponies and the two humans. Paine and Medusa pointed their index fingers at the Alliance’s members. The ponies pulled out a staff, which a red blade appeared on.

“No…” Noir whimpered a bit, “Darth Pinkie’s…”

“I’m guessing they’re bad news?” Sebaste asked.

“They have Pinkie Pie’s ability to appear randomly and do things that make no sense… Add the most deadly melee weapon and Force abilities…” Noir left himself hanging.

“Well bugger me with a bolter…” Sebaste muttered, “Any way to defeat them?”

“Well, they aren’t invincible…” Noir said. “Domino, take the one to the far left, Raven, take the farthest one to the right. I’ll take the next one, and the rest of you deal with the other two.”

“Yes sir!” Both augmented humans said before readying their weapons for the coming fight.

“This is going to be fun.” Dark Magician Girl as she and Dark Magician and his wolf are ready to fight.

The Commanders charged, and three of the ‘Darth Pinkie Pie’s’ broke off to fight them. The remaining two ran towards the five Displaced with their saber staff’s ready.

I’m gonna need to be more mobile for this…” Sebastian said before swapping out his power fist and plasma cannon for a pair of lightning claws.

Sebaste switched out his current loadout for a Gravity hammer and braced himself.

“It’s time for me to summon a monster as well. So I will summon Canon the Melodious Diva to help us out.” Dark Magician Girl said as she threw a card to the ground and it revealed a blue skinned and dark blue hair woman with musical notes for wings as appeared and start firing sound waves at one of the two humans.

Just as the ponies were close enough, one disappeared while the other tried to cut the new monsters head off.

A portal opened on the ground as Discord appeared with the remains of two battle droids. “You know the ship is crawling with these things, I was in the reactor room when they popped in.”

“Gee, ya think?” Sebaste yelled as he ducked from a thrust by one of the ‘Darth Pinkie Pie’s saber staff.

Discord summoned up a lightsaber colored yellow. “You know I always wanted to fight lightsabers.” He said as he pulled a strike from the staff.

“Well, now’s your chance!” The Spartan said, before landing a blow with his Gravity hammer and sending the Sith flying.

But the Pinkie clone appeared right behind him and stabbed his stomach with the staff with the momentum she gathered from the hammer.

“GAHHH!” Sebaste cried out in pain, before falling to his knees.

SEBASTE! NOOOO! “ Sebastian yelled before running to his friend.

Discord glared at the Pinkie. He met the strike and with his tail feather grabbed and tripped the leg. “Word of advice.” He slammed her into the wall with his tail. “Watch for the tail.”

Craig then shouted “You bitch, I’m gonna make you regret that!” He then ran over as a white lightsaber appears in his grasp and he knocked the clone away.

The clone skidded across the ship, her saber staff going flying. Paine looked like she was going to help the clone, but Medusa blocked her.

You have made the biggest mistake of your LIFE! NO ONE HURTS MY FRIEND AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! “ Sebastian roared, charging up to the Pinkie clone and grabbing her by the throat.

“Calm down you moron. Attacking while angry is a sure fire way to lose a fight!” Dark Magician shouted as he sicked his Silver Claw on one of the Pinkies.

Sebastian nodded, before sinking one of his claws into the clone and then throwing it into one of its buddies.

Craig then ran over to Sebaste and said “Just relax, you’ll be better soon.” as he opened his hand then whispered, “Grand Healing” as Sebaste’s body was surrounded by a silver glow for a few seconds, healing his injuries.

The Pinkie clone Sebastian was choking used the Force to push the closest Displaced away from her, then pulled her saber staff back to her before turning it on and getting into a defensive stance.

“Give me my son and the other Commanders and we’ll let your convoy go!” Medusa said with a voice amplification.

“That maybe your deal but I’m here for a different reason.” Walking up drawing a sword just materialized was Discord’s counterpart Evilight. “To end that voice of Chaos.” She glared at Discord.

Lady, I don’t know what your beef is with Discord, but he’s reformed, he’s helping us defend this ship! “ Sebastian said, “So unless you’re with the Empire, buzz off!

“She is with the Empire you idiot!” Paine shouted.

Me and my fraggin mouth…” Sebastian muttered.

“Give me MY SON! The ships around will leave if you give us what we want, or we’ll take them by force and send your pathetic craft to the ground in a blaze!” Medusa yelled.

“Uh Won’t that kill your kid as well?” Dark Magician asked.

“You didn’t hear me, I said we’ll take them by force AND THEN send your ship down in blazes!” Medusa said in annoyance. “We’ll spare your ships, and your crew if you give us our Commanders. I give you my word!”

“We just needed to hear that from the living bullhorn!” Sebaste said from where he was lying.

Sebastian facepalmed, “Now’s not the time, dude! ” He said to his friend.

A meteorite then appeared in the sky heading in the direction of the argument.

“The hell is THAT!?” Sebaste yelped, pointing at it.

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s a meteor.” Paine said monotonously.

The meteorite then started to glow green as it approached Sebaste and Sebastian.

“I don’t think so.” Dark Magician Girl said as she opened a portal for the meteor to fall into but it just swerved around it as if the meteorite was alive.

“Frag! We need to move, NOW!” Sebaste said, seeing the meteor continuing on it’s path.

“TWIN DARK MAGIC ATTACK!!” Both Magicians shouted as they blasted the Meteor head on with their dark magic. Suddenly, the meteorite split in two, before charging through the dark magic blasts, annihilating them before crashing into the ship at Sebaste and Sebastian’s feet.

Discord went to help only to get blocked by Evilight. “Seriously? We are being attacked by meteors!” He screamed at her.

“I don’t care.” She said.

“Okay, what the hell is going on here?!” Sebaste asked as the ship shook from the hit.

“Shields are down!” Noir shouted. Before the ship went sideways.

“Surprise, break them out now, they’re not giving us the Commanders!” Medusa yelled into her comm.

Damn it, we need to get to the cell, NOW! ” Sebastian yelled to the others, “Craig, is Sebaste healed up enough to fight?

“He’s healed as much as I can manage… it will have to do.”Craig nodded, “He’ll be able to fight, but he can’t push himself for now.”

It will have to do…” Sebastian said.

My name is Leo. Should you need aid or a friend call me and I shall come, but should you be one of the shadows fear my name, for I am light incarnate!” Came a voice as a pair of D3-Digivices appeared from the impact points in front of Sebaste and Sebastian.

Both Sebaste and Sebastian grabbed the Digivices and stored them away.

The Imperial ship shot out hooks, which dug themselves into the side of the ship and kept the damaged ship flying.

“The engines can’t take this much longer!” Noir shouted, holding onto the ship which was turning on it’s side due to the meteorites turned digivices.

A clash of lightsaber and sword echoed as Discord and Evilight struck again. “Ok I get your emotionless, and incapable of feeling fear and empathy but look at this Logically.” Discord said. He removed his head from the next swing. “If this ship goes I’ll be portaled away and so will you so.. can’t you just wait?”

Evilight paused and hold her sword down. “Fine, but you and me will continue this when it’s done.”

“DMG, can you portal us to the cell?” Sebaste called over to the Yu-Gi-Oh Displaced, “We need to get there STAT!”

“Me and her will take care of the space rocks, and yes, we can breath in space, before you ask.” Discord said as he and Evilight ported out into space.

Noir pulled out that crystal and created a portal, “Go!”

“We’ll see you guys at the cell!” Sebaste said, then both he and Sebastian ran through the portal and into the cell bay. Spotting the Pinkie clone, Sebastian shifted into his power armored form and summoned his Lightning claws, then fired a short burst from the built in storm bolter at her.

She screamed in pain, and went down fairly easily. She started breathing rapidly, almost fearfully and used a red crystal to open a portal.

“Oh no you don’t!” Sebaste snarled, firing a burst from a battle rifle at the crystal and shattering it, “You’re not getting away that easily!”

But the portal didn’t close. A purple Alicorn came out of the portal, along with a wiry woman, a vacant eyed girl, and a female Keyblade wielder.

“I think it’s time to call in some backup.” Sebaste said.

Sebastian nodded then pulled out his Digivice, “In the name of the Emperor, Leo, we require your assistance in defeating these foes!” He called out.

Digiport Open.” Said a synthetic voice as a portal that looked like a completely red computer screen expanded from the digivice before a woman in a brown cloak walked out.

“You’re Leo?” Sebastian asked.

“Yes. And where am I?” Leo asked as she pulled down her hood to reveal her head. She had pale white skin and blue eyes, along with long red hair and a pair of horns.

“Not to ‘horn’ in but we’ve got Empire here!” Sebaste said.

Brutalight stepped forward, glaring. “That sentence would have been better if you said Imperials.”

“And you are?” He asked the Alicorn.

“Brutalight Sparcake, Element of Wrath to you, whelp!” Brutalight snapped. “You have my pregnant friend.”

“Not my fault she’s in there! And to answer your question Leo, you’re on a spaceship that’s under the command of the Alliance of Heroes.” Sebaste said.

“Technically, it is, since you have yet to release her, loyalist.” A voice stated, and Ahriman stepped forward from the portal, his armor that of the Warmaster’s. “And I'm certain a few of my subordinates are quite happy to see you.” three more stepped out, along with a massive Contemptor Dreadnought. “Khadeth, secure the area.”

“Hello Ahriman, long time no see! Still stewing about us defeating three of your head honchos?” Sebaste said to the sorcerer.

“You only beat Rainborg. Midnight would have killed Sebastian had Magnus not intervened, and Khârn didn't even try.” Ahriman deadpanned. “And, of course, I had yet to fight.”

“Then there’s villains? Ok.” Leo said, before drawing two metal rods from her cloak and activating them. The two rods became a blue and a green lightsaber.

“Villains is a relative term.” Said Brutalight. “For example, the Empire has a worried mother’s son, and my pregnant friend as their goal.”

“Aw can it, ya walking dictionary!” Sebaste snapped.

“I feel bad for them, though that doesn’t change the fact that my token chose their side instead of yours.” Leo said as she took a combat stance.

“I don’t see why it would, they’re not that heroic… More trigger happy from what I heard.” Brutalight said.

“My token is sentient, and I trust its Judgement.” Leo deadpanned.

“Sorry ma’am, we may be a bit trigger happy, but we also know that we don’t assist those who rule by fear!” Sebastian snarled, “And you’re not gonna be leaving with those commanders!”

“Assignment complete.” The wiry woman said as the cells opened. “Commanders freed.”

“I'm going to guess that I should stop them.” Leo said to herself and used the force to close the cells by bending the doors back in place.

“Well, that’s one way to shut them up!” Sebaste snarked.

“Enough playing around! Shodan, Dawn, kill Glados!” Brutalight yelled before disintegrating the doors to the cells.

“There's a Glados Displaced here?” Leo asked.

“Apparently, but now’s not the time!” Sebaste yelled.

“Then I'm going to want to talk to her after this!” Leo said before she was surrounded in a bright light. when the light dispersed, in her place was a lion with dragon wings and tail that was wearing armor.

Both augmented humans looked at her in shock. Sebaste shook his head then said, “Let’s figure this out later, we’ve got those guys to stop!” With that, all three charged into the room.

Outside the ships. Floating Evilight drew her sword. “Time to honor your deal.” She said. Not minding the vacuum of space, Discord summoned up a sword himself.

“Fine.” The two flew out to fight in the void of space.

“So! Can we try to arrange a trade?” Medusa asked as she walked towards Noir, DM, DMG, and Craig.

“No, we don’t trade to scum like you bitch!” Noir said, pulling out a revolver and shot the blond woman, but only got her shoulder. Medusa hissed in pain, holding her scream.

“That bullet was lined with poison. Call back your attack.” Noir stated coldly. “And I might give you the cure.”

“Yeah, even if she called off the attack, I would continue.” A dark blood red armored warrior stepped forward, gripping a giant chainaxe in his hand. “There's a certain Spartan I want to kill.”

“So would I.” Evilight spoke telepathically.

“Yeah, I think the Empire has a command problem.” Discord spoke telepathically.

“Nah, I'm just a Khornate.” Khârn replied. “It's in my job description to disobey orders, or choose to follow some.”

Medusa backed up a bit, “I need some assistance!”

“Um, I am your assistance for the moment.” Khârn replied, stepping between her and Craig.

Craig then groaned, “Oh great, I can’t be bothered to deal with you right now.”

++ This is Sebaste, we need some help here! We have Chaos forces here! ++ Came the Spartan’s voice over the comms.

“We could too!” Domino replied. “The Warriors of Chaos are up here helping the Empire!”

“We know.” Dark Magician said.

“I was talking to Sebaste! He doesn’t know, you idiot!” Domino shouted.

++Hey! Are you saying I’m not helping!?++ Came Leo’s voice over Sebaste’s communicator.

++ No, I’m just calling for backup! And I do know about them, there’s some down here in the cells! ++

“Yes we did and I really don’t want to fight these guys again.” Craig commented over the communicator.

++ WHOA! That was too close! Guys, if you can hear me, we need immediate assistance! ++

++What are the Warriors of Chaos?++ Leo asked.

“Ahriman and his guys.” Domino answered.

“I’m poisoned here!” Medusa hissed.

“Yeah, so you should maybe get to a medbay or something.” Khârn replied.

Discord phased through into the ship. “I finally lost her…” He pulled out his communicator. ++Look, I’ll be there to help out.++

“Ahriman, prepare for Draconequus intervention on your side.” Khârn said into his vox. “Also, Midnight, do you think you could try messing up their communications? Use your Daemon Troopers to keep the enemy from intercepting if you have to.”

“Wait. If Midnight’s here, then that means...” Dark Magician Girl said with a grin as she put on a TF2 Spy outfit and pick up a zapper before running off to find a cyborg.

++ Gah, I’ve got Rainborg here! We need support STAT!++

++Come here you little shit! I've got a bone to pick with you and your buddy!++ a mechanical female voice growled, and the sounds of explosions could be heard. +I hope you like my new weapons!+++

++ Oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting the flying robotic airshow to be here!++ Sebaste taunted.

++Hey! You almost hit my face! I'm going to make you pay for that you stupid Skittles cyborg!++ Leo yelled before explosions began to be heard.

++Oh really, you little Grunt? That insult is really mediocre.++ Came the reply.

++Ooooh Rainborg! I got something for you.++++ Dark Magician Girl said giggling as the sound of something being zapped.

++ F-fuck!++ Rainborg growled.++Z-Zalgo! I n-need some assistance!++

“Get over here!” Domino shouted, “We’ll take care of whoever you bring up!”

Discord landed into the hallway with the warriors. “Ok Chaos vs Chaos, haven’t felt like this in a long time.” Discord said with a laugh.

“You know, Discord, I have the perfect opponent for you!” Khârn growled. “Though I wonder if he will show up….”

“Really who?”

“Just a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch, known mostly as a Lord of Change.” A voice stated, similar to Discord’s. “I am Discord, though you would already know that, considering you are a alternate version of me!” A Warp rift opened up, and another Draconequus stepped out, with a staff topped with the symbol of Tzeentch, which moved by itself. A closer look would reveal that it was almost a mix between organic and metal.

“I have the sudden feeling of Deja Vu,” (Loki) Discord said. “Oh well, you're right, you're a alt of me, but don’t think you know me.” He said as he was now dressed like Ryu from Street fighter.

“You're right, I don't know you. But, I am also different.” Lord Discord stated, his head shifting into a weird bird-like form. “For example, whereas you are a Spirit of Chaos, I am a Lord of Change, who are Boss Tzeentch's greatest Daemons!”

“Ok one, I was not a spirit, two I am The voice of Chaos of Loki, The God of Balance, and three… why is she here?” Loki Discord said to the female cloaked draconequus.

Eris had a smile. “Oh I wanted to watch, don’t tell Loki.”

“Oooh, hey Eris! Been awhile since I've seen you. Tzeentch applauds your work, by the way.” Lord Discord said, waving to the female draconequus.

“You do know that’s Loki’s alt self right?” Loki Discord asked, “You know what, screw it. Loki will deal with her later.”

“Can we focus on getting everyone out?” Paine asked, dragging her blade as she walked towards the Alliance’s Commanders.

“Yes. Discord, keep yourself occupied. I'll locate the prisoners.” Khârn stated, before jumping down a hole he made.

A black pool appeared next to Rainborg, and Zalgo Pie came out, looking pissed off.

“Who dares hurt my marefriend…” Zalgo growled.

“I’m guessing she’s someone to worry about?” Sebaste asked.

“Considering you guys also shot Pinkis, y-yeah.” Rainborg growled, allowing Midnight to remove the Zapper.

“You’re the FUCKERS WHO HURT MY BABY SISTER?!?!” Zalgo’s spat black tar.

“I missed, how many time do I have to say that, I blooming missed?!” Sebaste said in exasperation.

“Whats with the funny looking Pinkie?” Leo asked.

I am Lord Zalgo Pie. What about you, whore?” Zalgo Pie asked, black liquid tendrils picking Rainborg up.

“What did you call me?” Leo asked, her eye twitching, “I am Leo, Digimon sovereign, Daughter of Crux.”

“Anyone who used ‘I’m the daughter of’ cliche is a daddy’s pet.” Zalgo chuckled.

“I use it as a title because he’s some kind of interdimensional being that can send people to other dimensions.” Leo deadpanned.

“Ohh shots have been fired.” Dark Magician Girl said as she picked up another zapper.

“Should I return fire?” Sebaste joked to her.

Well, I hope you don’t tell anyone that in bed~” Zalgo joked.

“You know what? Firefly, activate Shrink Ray.” a small little laser thing poked out of Rainborg’s hoof.

Sebaste quickly activated his bubble shield, covering his comrades in it

I dare you to say one more thing about my family. ONE. MORE. THING.” Leo warned.

Just then Dark Magician’s Silver Claw tried tackle Rainborg while Dark Magician blasted Midnight off a foot away. “Surprise Bitches!” He said. Midnight raised a shield to block the magic, barely moving an inch as the shield held.

Zalgo ripped the Silver Claw in half.

“You picked the wrong Sorcerer to fight.” Midnight stated, her form changing as green fire formed around her body, along with nine black orbs that hovered around her.

“Thanks Zalgo.” Rainborg said, before blasting Leo with the Shrink Ray, making her tiny.

Zalgo turned back to Leo, “Your mother was a tickle monster, and your daddy was a shrub.”

I never met my mother, and my dad could turn into a shrub if he wanted.” Leo snarled, her voice squeaky in her tiny size.

“Oh, then your family must’ve been bitches.” Zalgo stated. “Do you want a good insult? You want me to talk dirty? Why should I lower myself to insulting your family?

“Well, sorry that your insults are weak.” Leo snarled as she returned to normal size with a flash of light.

Okay, Firefly, swap out Shrink Ray with U-Blaster.” Rainborg stated, as her hoof swapped out to the weapon.

“Hhmmm… Wonder if your daughter’s as slutty as you… Maybe I should meet her after this is done…” Zalgo smirked.

“Hehehe.” Dark Magician Girl was giggling as she was behind Rainborg with another zapper ready.

A golden flash of light disintegrated the zapper, and turning to the source, she saw it was Midnight, one of the Orbs in front of her hand. A large hole replaced the area behind the zapper’s previous location. “I don't think so.” Midnight stated, switching to another orb.

What did you call Lea!?” Leo shrieked as a dark mist began to gather around her.

“Oh! You’re so self absorbed that you named your daughter so close to yourself! I called her a slut.” Zalgo repeated.

“Damn it.” Dark Magician Girl said sadly before she blasted Rainborg instead, which was blocked by another tendril.

“Stop trying to hurt my Rainborg.”

No one, and I mean NO ONE insults my daughter! And I named her after a Star Wars character!” Leo roared as the dark mist consumed her.

“Aww Come on! Ever since Dark Magician had told me about Rainborg joining this war I wanted to zap her TF2 style.” Dark Magician Girl said while crossing her arms under her bust.

Dark Digivolution…” Said the synthetic voice from the portal.

“Uuuuuhhhh… Is that supposed to scare me?” Zalgo questioned.

“Firefly, activate the Rainbine Detonator. Zalgo, you may want to wear something with lead in it.” Rainborg warned.

“Why? Oh fine…” Zalgo used her tendrils to wrap herself.

“Alright. Firing!” Rainborg declared, launching multiple glowing grenades at Leo, before detonating and releasing deadly amounts of radiation.

“Hehehe. Missed me!” Dark Magician Girl said from under one of three big hats that had a question mark on them.

As the dust from the explosion began to fade away there was a loud shriek, “Arukadhimon” It said as the dust was blown away to reveal a new creature in Leo’s place.


The creature then absorbed the radiation from the air before looking at Rainborg.

“Ooh, I'm terrified!” Rainborg cried out, sarcasm dripping from her words. “Zalgo, prepare to defend me for a few minutes. Firefly, activate Weapon 13.” Her arm was replaced by a simple cannon.

“As you wish, my dear.” Zalgo replied.

“Oh no you don’t!” Dark Magician Girl said as she throw a cupcake into Rainborg’s cannon. Zalgo was about to pull it out, but froze.

Arukadhimon looked around at the Displaced as it snickered before running up to Rainborgs face in a split second before a pair of tentacles extended from its back.

Zalgo created a black force field around Rainborg.

“Thanks for closing the distance. Now I won't miss.” The gun was pulled up, aiming at the face of the digimon.

“I don’t think so.” Dark Magician Girl said still smiling about the cupcake that was still in the cannon.

Arukadhimon sneered as it struck the forefield with its tentacles, moments later the tentacles glowed as the forcefield disintegrated. Zalgo in turn grabbed Rainborg and teleported into one of the destroyed cells. With its prey having disappeared Arukadhimon turned around and faced the other Displaced, before running towards the nearest one, Dark Magician Girl, with its tentacles pointed at her.

“Hey! Let go you pervert!” Dark Magician Girl shouted as she started to feel her energy being drained. She then cut herself free from the tentacles.

“Ahriman, I think it's time for the Izanami.” Midnight stated.

“No, there is another way.” Ahriman stated, observing the creature. “Midnight, create the Virus.” Midnight nodded, before preparing the special attack.

Arukadhimon noticed the large energy being used to form this ‘virus’ and charged at her.

“Sorry, but I can't allow you to do that.” Ahriman stated, stepping in front of it. “Shinra Tensei!” An invisible force pushed the digimon to the other side of the hall.

Arukadhimon sneered at being thwarted of its prey and fired a beam at Ahriman, temporarily deciding to change its target.

“What on earth is that thing!?” Zalgo hyperventilated.

“It’s a Digimon.” Dark Magician deadpanned.

“I know that much dingus.” Zalgo retorted, “I meant why does it feel like a rabid dog on steroids!?”

“I can’t just sit and watch anymore!” Craig shouted.

“Pathetic parasite.” Ahriman growled, he then teleported out of the way of the beam. “I am not some scum you found on the bottom of your feet, I am Ahriman The Exiled, Warmaster of the New Black Legion.”

The beam then hits the wall that was behind Ahriman and disintegrates it, causing Arukadhimon to glow for a bit.

“And the Slayer of Celestia you forgot to add that.” Dark Magician said in a bored tone.

“Please, that title is worthless when dealing with Displaced. Many of us have killed her before. Also, would you mind preparing the Mirror Force trap?” Ahriman asked the Dark Magician.

“Activate Purify mode!” Sebaste shouted.

“No and I don’t work for you.” Dark Magician said still bored, before he heard a popping sound.

“Very well, I'll do it myself.” Ahriman sighed, his left arm forming into a strange disk. He then also levitated the zapper away from Rainborg, before crushing it with gravity.

“Damn it not again!” Dark Magician Girl shouted from afar.

Once Sebaste activated the purify mode on his digivice a beam of light fired from it and struck Arukadhimon, reverting into an unconscious Leo.

Once Leo was purified the wall between both groups explodes filling the hall with smoke. “That is enough!” Roared a deep voice as something tall walked into the hall followed by something large with metal tentacles.

“The hell…” Sebastian murmured “Who are you?”

I am Asphyxious Hellbringer and this battle is over. You send her back and more your ship. You! try and use that virus again and I’ll take your soul myself!” Asphyxious growled as his Kraken rumbled swinging it tentacles around slowly as the drill like saws spin on the ends of it claws.

“You could try, but I doubt you would succeed.” Ahriman replied.

“Asphyxious? From Warmachine?” Sebastian asked.

“What about me?” Evilight said walking in with a dummy Discord. “Do I just leave Discord alone?”

Are you a part of this war?” He asked glaring down at her. “If not leave… Now.

“I am.” She said stoically.

Then retreat with the others, The Imperials can take their commanders as long as they stop their attack. Failure to do this will result in a price that must be payed.” Asphyxious said looking at everyone.

“Stop trying to be ominous then.” Ahriman stated. “What exactly is this ‘price’?”

One of you will forfeit their place in the war. Understand now?” He said looking around and picking up a dead clone. “Interesting.

“And under whose authority are you able to remove us from the war?” Ahriman asked.

“I’m getting the feeling you don’t want to know…” Sebaste said.

“Hey Ax! where did you leave the… What the…” Said a man wearing a brown cloak with a large stone sword and a long black beard, “Did I get pulled into another dimension again?”

Not a good time Baldur.” Asphyxious growled.

“He’s under Time Spinner.” Loki said holding Eris in chains.

“Tch. Very well.” Ahriman growled. “Soldiers of the New Black Legion, pull back.” He glared at Sebaste. “This isn't over, Spartan.” His eyes formed into the Rinnegan. “Even if I have to burn your world to finish it.” He teleported away, along with Midnight and the Dreadnought.

“I'll see you later, Zalgo!” Rainborg said, giving her a happy grin.

Before Rainborg could teleport away, Dark Magician Girl placed one more zapper on her.

“YOU BITCH!!!!!” Rainborg yelled at the Dark Magician Girl as she teleported away.

“We’ll be waiting…” Sebaste muttered, “And we’ll see who will win…”

Evilight passed by Loki Discord. “Next we meet I will end you.” Loki rolled his eyes at them.

If that is all I’ll be waiting outside till we reach the ground then I’ll be leaving, good day.” Said Asphyxious as he and the Kraken made there way back outside through the hole in the wall. On the way, the ghostly pony appeared next to him. “Keep me informed on anything that happens.

Yes Lord Asphyxious.” It said and faded away.

“GHOST SPY!” Dark Magician Girl shouted at the ghostly pony.

There was a sound of something exploding, and the Alliance ship started to go down, and pulled the Imperial’s ship with it.

“The hell!” Sebaste yelled “What just happened?!”

Khârn burst through a wall, chainaxe ripping through it. “The fuck did I miss?! And where are the commanders!”

“Oi! Put your blade down laddie!” the man in the cloak said as he pointed his stone sword at Khârn. Khârn just stared at the sword, then glanced at his chainaxe. “That sword looks about as pathetic as you,” He deadpanned. “So no, I'm going to keep this out.”

“Yeah we called off the fight, well Asphyx did.” Loki said dragging Eris into a portal.

“Then who blew up the ship?” Khârn asked.

“I’m as stumped as everyone else, Khârn old boy!” Sebaste said

“Oh it was the night…” Eris was silenced by Loki.

“Spoilers.” Loki told her waving a talon.

It’s about time they showed up, come along Baldur I have a use for you.” Said Asphyxious as he walked down the halls being followed by the Krakan.

“Um, ok?” the man in the brown cloak said as he lowered his sword and followed Asphyxious.

“You.” Khârn growled. “I've got a bone to stab through your head.”

“What, you still upset that I kicked your metallic ass?” Sebaste taunted

Craig then walk in between them then shouted “Both of you shut your fucking mouths, I’ve had enough of both your shit today!”

Nah, that was that weakling who is normally in control. I'm the memories of Khârn. I have a bone to pick with you because you lived.” Khârn growled, back handing Craig and sending him into the wall he came out of. “Also, be quiet, whelp! Or else that will be the least of what I do to you!” He growled at Craig.

“Anyone want Pizza?” Loki asked.

Sebastian growled at the Champion, “Watch it buddy, we may be on a truce but I’ll have no problem bringing you down!”

In a blink of an eye, Khârn's chainaxe was inches away from Sebastian’s head. “I've killed worse than you.” He growled. “After all, you're just a human with the form of an Astartes, but without the proper training to go with it. I, on the other hand, am the complete memory of Khârn, with all the experience that goes with it.”

Khârn! I need you for something get your blood soaked butt over here!” Yelled Asphyxious from the end of the hall.

“Today is your lucky day…” Khârn withdrew his axe from the air in front of Sebastian and walked down the hall. “But next time, I will kill you.”

“Good luck with that, Traitor “ Sebastian spat.

“Your telling that to the guy who killed most of his Legion because they wouldn't fight. Plus, my title is ‘The Betrayer’. Pick a better insult, loyalist scum.” Khârn replied, not looking back.

“So I take it as a no on the pizza?” Loki asked.

“I want Pizza!” Dark Magician Girl said, smiling while Dark Magician just sighed.

“Both ships are crashing!” Paine yelled, dragging Medusa.

“Well, just say the word and I’ll move the ships out of the way.” Loki said handing DMG a freshly cooked pizza.

“Yay!” Dark Magician Girl yelled happily as she ate.

“Asphy, any idea of what the hell happened that’s causing both ships to go down?!” Sebaste yelled to the warcaster.

Sorry that’s Neutral business now, not my rules I just follow them when I need to. I just need you and the others to land this ship without killing us all.” Asphyxious said calmly as he moved off for the hangar bay by following the map’s on the walls of the ship .

“Crap... Who knows how to fly this tub?” the Spartan asked

Discord looked around. “Well?”

“Discord fly this ship. Now!” Dark Magician growled.

“Alright.” He said, putting on a flight suit and heading for the cockpit.

“I’m probably gonna regret this, but can you order your ship to land also?” Sebaste asked the two Imperials.

Suddenly Rainborg popped into existence. “D-damn Magician and her s-stupid zapper damaging my teleporter!”

Zalgo appeared next to her. “You okay dear?”

“Yeah, but my teleporter is damaged. Gonna need to contact Ahriman to send me a ship.” She sighed, pulling off the zapper and smashing it. “Though it does give me some time to hang out with you.”

“Cool!” Zalgo replied.

“Personally, I’m ‘shocked’ at you for boarding without permission!” Sebaste snarked at Rainborg.

Rainborg replied by using the Shrink Ray on him, making him the size of her hoof.

Sebastian snarled at her,”You’d better reverse that, or so help me..”

“You'll what?” She growled, aiming the Disintegrator at his head. “I'm not in the mood for your bullshit at the moment. I just want to hang out with my marefriend.”

“You’re lucky you escaped with your life intact. Next time, I’ll take more than just your wings…” he said before moving away.

“And next time, I'll take more than your arm.” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, the Shrink Ray will wear off after about an hour.”

“Hehehe.” Dark Magician Girl giggle while eating her pizza.

“Hello this is your captain speaking, now… hold on as we are going to crash… unfortunately.” Discord’s voice rang out.

“The hell did I miss?” Rainborg asked.

“We’re all going to die!” Yelled out a clone as he ran down the hall.

“I will try to keep us in one piece, now hold on to something, or nice knowing you.” Discord said as he tried to maneuver the ship.

“Zalgo, grab on. I'm activating my grav boots.” Rainborg told her marefriend, who did as told.

“Wha? what happened?” Leo asked as she began to wake up.

“WEEEEEE!” yelled a small R-droid as it slid down the hall backwards.

The ship started to rock. “We are entering the planet's atmosphere brace for impact.”

“Aww, frag…” Sebaste muttered, “Everyone, BRACE FOR IMPACT!”

“NO SHIT SHERLOCK!” Rainborg replied, returning her hooves to normal before slamming them on the floor, allowing them to lock on. “PRETTY SURE THE GUY ON THE INTERCOM JUST SAID THAT!”

“Can it!” He said, “You should’ve been on your own ship!”

“Yeah, I would be, if someone hadn't fucked up my teleporter!” She replied, glaring at the DMG. “If it weren't for that, I'd be safe and sound on the Scion!”

“Shields up.” Dark Magician said as he put a shield around himself and Dark Magician Girl and locked them on the ground.

“Right.” Sebaste activated his magnetic boot clamps then activated his armor lock.

“Impact? what impact!?” Leo asked as she franticly got to her paws.

“Activating maglocks!” Sebastian said before magnetizing to the floor.

“Did you not hear on the comms that the ship’s going down?” Sebaste asked Leo.

“What!? I thought this was a building!” Leo said panicking.

Sebaste deadpanned, “You’re kidding right? I told you earlier that this was a flipping spaceship!!”

“This is going to hurt…” Leo said, facepawing.

“Impact in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one..” With that everything jerked forward as anything not held down was slammed forward as the ship dug into the ground.

“I regret being summoned!” Leo yelled as she was sent flying down the hall, an unconscious Craig falling along with her.

“Wonder if I can contact the Scion and get them to send a Thunderhawk….” Rainborg muttered.

“Hehe. Oh Rainborg.” Dark Magician Girl said while pointing to a zapper that was now on the cyborg again.

“Fuck you.” Rainborg growled, Chainwings extending and ripping it to shreds.

Sebastian facepalmed, “Ok, I think she’s had enough.”

“Shocking, isn’t it?” Dark Magician asked.

Sebaste snickered, “That’s what I was gonna say!”

Zalgo slapped Dark Magician Girl, “Not funny…”

“Worth it. Hehe.” Dark Magician Girl giggled.

Discord came down from the cockpit taking off his outfit. “Well that could have gone worse.”

“Considering that would have deactivated my grav hooves, and thus making me and Zalgo get severely hurt, it is not funny.” Rainborg stated plainly.

Then the hanger bay exploded, as bits of tanks and ships flew out of it. From out of the smoke and fire Asphyxious walked out dragging someone behind him as his Kraken follows him outside. Leaving the fallen ship behind them.

“Now what...” Sebaste muttered as he deactivated his boot clamps and armor lock.

“Rainborg to the Scion, requesting a Thunderhawk.” Rainborg called into her vox. “My teleporter is damaged.”

“Well, it’s been fun, but I believe that Sebaste and I should head back to our universe.” Sebastian said, “But we will be waiting for the next call to action.”

“Good riddance.“ Rainborg snorted, checking to make sure Zalgo was alright.

Sebastian glared at the pegasus, then nonchalantly kicked her across the hall, sending her into a wall.

“Alright bitch! That does it!” She growled, slamming back into Sebastian with a Power Sword, sinking the blade into his arm as he flew backwards while she tailed after him, her other hoof turning into a Power Fist in the form of a hoof.

“Hey hey, you remember the warning right?” Discord asked.

“Sorry, just a little ‘horse’ play “ The Astartes said. Rainborg then cut his arm off in anger, before backing off. “That was for my wings, and the bad pun.” She growled.

Zalgo grabbed the arm and started eating it.

In a flash of light, Sebastian’s arm was healed. “By the way…” He said before surrounding her in a dark green aura, “...I think you’re now outclassed on a magical scale” before sending her flying out the window.

Rainborg raised a mechanical eyebrow. “Maybe, but you're outclassed on many other scales. For example, Jutsu.” The Rainborg he hit turned into a log as another Rainborg stepped out of the hall. “So yeah, might be a good idea to fuck off already. By the way, check your chestplate.” She pointed to the explosive tag she planted. “Ahriman decided to teach me a bit.” She added as it exploded.

A gunshot rang out between them as they saw the ghost pony pointing it’s gun at them. “Don’t make Lord Asphyxious come back.” It said, before fading into the wall.

“Oh cry me a river.” Rainborg rolled her eyes.

“I knew there was still a ghost spy creeping around here!” Dark Magician Girl shouted as she pulled out a jar full of yellow colored water.

++ Noir, mind opening up a portal to my universe? ++ Sebaste radioed, ++Things are starting to heat up a bit.++

“Roger, portal will open in a minute.” Noir replied.

++ Copy that, Sebaste out.++ The link cut off.

As the portal opened, Sebastian saluted the Alliance leaders then said, “It was an honor serving with you, and we await on your next call to arms.” He then entered the portal while Sebaste waved a farewell to the other Alliance Displaced.

Before the portal closed, Rainborg tossed a small object through. “This one is for Zalgo’s sister! Eat plasma you shit!” She called after them as it closed.

“Aww, frag…!” Sebaste’s voice was heard before the grenade went off.

“That'll teach em not to mess with me or my marefriend!” Rainborg declared proudly as a Thunderhawk landed nearby.

“Hehehe.” Dark Magician Girl giggled for no reason.

Rainborg glared. “You better not fuck with it, or else.” She growled, examining the Thunderhawk first.

“What?” Dark Magician Girl asked confused while Dark Magician just sighed.

“Well, everything looks fine, I suppose…..” Rainborg sighed, before turning to Zalgo. “So, want to hang out later?” She asked her marefriend while she boarded the Thunderhawk.

“3….2…..1.” Dark Magician Girl counted before she hears a zapping sound.

“FUCKING LITTLE SHIT MAGICIAN! I WILL END YOU!” Rainborg roared from inside the ship, the sound of blades tearing apart metal following.

“I just brought the Thunder to your hawk.” Dark Magician Girl laughed while Dark Magician facepalmed.

A psych out grenade landed at her feet feet in reply, before exploding and sending a psychic wall of white noise into her head with the force of a rhino. “FUCK OFF!” The Thunderhawk took off, before disappearing through a portal.

“Ow, Worth it.” Dark Magician Girl giggled before fainting.

“You can’t help yourself with messing with her can you?” Dark Magician said, his hand still attached to his face.

“S-Sir B-447G reporting in. We got wounded on all decks sir. O-orders?” Asked the clone in the doorway with a broken visor.

Discord had on a doctor's outfit. “I’ll heal them you should salvage anything on the ship, also get me the core I have a idea.” Discord said.

“Medic!” a random buff looking clone shouted as he pointed a finger at Discord before running away.

“Ja?” Dark Magician Girl said now awake and wearing a TF2 Medic outfit with a Medigun.

Dark Magician just facepalm end again.

Discord floated to heal the wounded. Hands glowing he started to erase the harm done.

“Sooo What now?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“Well, the prisoners escaped…” Noir said, walking over to the group. “You failed your mission.”

“There’s alway next time.” Dark Magician said.

“You can’t win them all.” Dark Magician Girl said while still holding a jar of yellow colour water.

“What is all this porn doing here!?” Yelled a clone from down the hall.

“Are you looking at my breasts?” Dark Magician Girl asked the clone in a sweet tone of voice that spells death.

“That Clone is dead.” Dark Magician said, a knowing look on his face.

“Why sir? We don’t even know who it belongs to?” Asked a clone next to Dark Magician. “And why would she assume the porn has anything to do with her sir?”

“Because if any male that isn’t me looked at Dark Magician Girl’s breasts then she will kick that male in the nuts.” Dark Magician answered.

“I don’t understand sir, why would we look at her breasts? That’s both rude, and we can be put in the brig for staring sir. We wouldn’t do that to our commanding officer.” Said the clone looking up at Dark Magician.

“Have you seen the size of her breasts? They are big.” Dark Magician raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t see your point sir.” Said the clone, titling his head to one side.

“Just trust me on this. It's better you don’t know.” Dark Magician said with a sigh.

“You haven’t really explained anything sir.” Said another clone standing on the other side of the Dark Magician.

“Just drop it.” Dark Magician said with annoyance.

“Yes sir!” They both said at once as they helped the other clones.

“There you are ghost spy!” Dark Magician Girl yell as she threw the jar of yellow water at where the ghost spy is at. Only to hit a clone. “Oops. Look like that clone is pissed.” She said, giggling.

“Ouch, Sir please help me. My legs are broken. So is my spleen, and I think my bladder gone, I also can’t feel my butt.” Said the Clone laying on the floor unharmed.

“What a baby.” Dark Magician Girl shrugged.

“Griffon! Get your lazy meat shield ass up and help with the counter attack! Make it double time dirtbag! Maybe find out where the enemy is and get horribly killed by them!, hop to it you can’t get killed laying on the floor all day. Unless you stop breathing, need help with that?” Yelled a Clone with a shotgun in it hand.

Discord appeared handing the clone a a bottle of red liquid. “Here a healing potion take it now and take this.” He gave him a smaller one. “Later and you should be at 1000%.”

“Is it posion? Good, it’ll kill him faster! Lazy defect.” Said the clone with the shotgun, going by the stripe on its armour it was a captain.

“Casualties are severe, more than half the crew were killed either in the fall or by that Pinkie clone.” Noir said. “Three Commanders are dead, including Glados, Misty, and Wasp, while there’s one severely injured one.”

“What!? They had Misty blasted off again.” Dark Magician Girl said sadly.

“A little help here!?” Leo yelled from down the hall where she was buried under Craig and a few clones.

Noir shot web fluid at her and Craig, before pulling them up and out of the pile.

“I was wondering where you two morons had gotten to.” Dark Magician muttered.

“Hey! that was uncalled for!” Leo said as she changed to her humanoid form.

“I call you a moron because you dark digivolved and attacked everyone.” Dark Magician countered.

“Plus, you tried to rape me, you digipervert.” Dark Magician Girl said with a glare.

“What are you talking about?” Leo asked, a look of shock on her face.

“You had me whipped around one your tentacles like in hentai, getting ready to rip my clothes off!” Dark Magician Girl said, still glaring.

“I have no clue what you're talking about, I don't have any tentacles and I’m taken so why would I go after you?” Leo defended, “also, I have no control of the dark digivolution stuff!”

“Keep telling yourself that. Digiperv.” Dark Magician Girl said as she walked away.

“I’ll be going now…” Said Noir sagely.

“Right. So what nexts?” Dark Magician asked.

Craig groaned “who knows?”

“Sirs, we have a damage report, from what the technicians say someone planted some kind of bomb on the engines.” Said a Clone as he walked in.

“What!?” Noir was barely out the door when he heard the news.

“It also looks like the same thing happened to the enemy starship that was attacking us. Sir, someone sabotaged both ships at the same time.” Said the Clone as he looked around.

“I’ll tell the Supreme Commander. Everyone here, I suggest you go down to infirmary. Coulson might need you down there.” Noir said.

“That's probably a good idea… I feel like I might need to head there… but I can’t feel my legs or arms.” moans Craig.

“Ok. But I will keep my eye out for that ghost spy on the way there.” Dark Magician Girl said as she and Dark Magician walk to the infirmary.

Coulson greeted the Displaced and welcomed them into the vast infirmary. There were clones all over the place, some in pain, others trying to help. They saw Rainbine in the nearest bed, her right foreleg and left hind leg missing, as well as her ears, while her muzzle was hidden. Her eye was bandaged as well.

“Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.” Dark Magician Girl said, looking at Rainbine. “Will she be ok?” She asked.

“Do not fear, with the right treatment we can replace most of her limbs.” Said a Droid who was operating on a Clone as blood went everywhere. “Please hold him down.”

“That’s good. Wendy will be happy to hear that she will be okay.” Dark Magician Girl said with a smile.

“Is his head supposed to turn that way?” Leo asked as she pointed at one of the clones whose head was turned at an odd angle.

“No that is why I need you to hold him down.” Said the droid as it pulled out a drill.

Coulson cringed. “It’s good you got here, I was just about to send for someone.”

“Ja. You need ze healing?” Dark Magician Girl asked while wearing the TF2 Medic outfit again.

“No. There were a few creatures on board we were transporting. Not the prisoners. There creatures were going to be studied once we had arrived. They’re the ones that attacked Rainbine. They absorb Displaced souls.” Coulson explained. “As soon as the crash was happening, they got out and did this to Rainbine. I need you guys to track them down and kill them.”

“Ok so how many of them are there?” Dark Magician asked.

“Five. They’re anomalies in this war, something the Neutrals usually take care of but we got our hands on them. They’ve already stolen Rainbine’s soul, and without it, she can’t respawn if she dies.”

“WHAT?!” Shouted a voice from a portal that just opened, and stepping out was a blue haired girl, and she looked pissed.

“If you can destroy the anomalies, she’ll be safe.”

“Ok. Where are they?! So I can rip them to pieces!” Wendy yelled as she got up close to Coulson’s face, enraged.

“Mad Wendy alert.” Dark Magician chuckled

“I feel sorry anything or anyone that gets Wendy pissed off.” Dark Magician Girl said as she eats a cupcake.

“I can understand how she feels... kinda…” Leo said with a blush as she turned away.

“We know.” Dark Magician said simply as he noticed Leo blushing.

“I’m going to go meditate… let me know when you are going to go fight those ‘anomaly’ things.” leo said as she walked away.

“Sir’s we have a data feed from before the hanger bay exploded.” Said a clone as he walked up to the displaced. “It’s ready for you in the next room.”

Once everyone who was not hurt went into the next room, a holo showed them what happened. Some kind of monster was running away as Asphyxious’s Kraken fired it’s Hell Blaster and Flayer at it. Next it showed the monster trying to attack it, until the Kraken grabbed it with it tentacles. The next and most gorey thing they saw was the Kraken ripping the monster in two before stuffing it body into two vents that opened on the sides of the Kraken body.

It then showed Asphyxious dragging someone kicking and screaming. The lich then slammed the guy into one of the ships before dragging him off, leaving as the fire from the Kraken weapons started to spread. Then the feed was lost after the explosion.

“Who was that the pervy Lich is dragging?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“I don’t know…” Coulson said. “Let’s get those anomalies, then focus on this.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go get them.” Dark Magician said.

“Just be careful. Their mouths and tails are where they drain souls. Once you kill the proper Anomaly, the soul of Rainbine will be restored. You guys can name them, by the way.” Coulson said.

“I will give them all the same name. DEAD MEAT!” Wendy yelled still pissed.

“So what are their weakness?” Dark Magician asked.

“We don’t know. We were hoping to find out after studying them. But they seem to have a small tolerance to electrical attacks. They might melt if they’re exposed to water like the original anomalies, but we don’t know.” Coulson replied.

A note then fell on the table out of nowhere.

“Ooooh. What this?” Dark Magician Girl asked picking up the note. “It’s a note from Crux.” She added.

“Are you going to read it, or hand to someone?” Dark Magician asked.

“Hmm I think I will let someone else read this. So, who wants to read the note?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

Discord took it out of her hand and gave a cough as he read it his voice mimicking that guy from the diabetes commercial. “Just smash the anomalies.”

“Well then… Go smash the ‘Deadmeat’s then. One was spotted in outside of the ship, making a break for an unnamed forest.” Coulson said.

“Is it the one that has Rainbine’s soul?” Wendy asked.

“It’s hard to tell, but maybe.” Coulson replied. “But don’t worry, Dasher is still alive, so there is hope. You might want to go though, It’s getting away. And if you kill it, Rainbine’s soul will pop out as a blue sphere while clones are purple. Bring the sphere back, and Rainbine will reconnect with it.”

Discord looked at the downed ship. “Anyone want to smash it in a giant mech?”

A giant creature made of wood and stone then appeared next to the ship through a portal and proceeds to smash the ship as Baldur runs out.

“Are you kidding me?!” Discord screamed. He could still make it, but now it will take a bit longer. “Screw it! I want a giant robot!” He said as the rubble scrap and a few clone troopers were dragged into Discord. Standing up was a blatant rip off of Power Rangers.

“Now who wants to to go kill something?” Discord said from inside the robot.

The giant rock and wood creature shrugged before turning around and walking away.

“Hey, it’s getting away!” Wendy shouted.

Just then, a extremely loud buzzing sound growled into the area, as the familiar red figure of Khârn stepped in front of the wooden creature. “So what's this? Some overgrown tree that needs to be cut down?” He asked, his massive chainaxe seemingly screeching for an enemy to kill. “Also, could someone explain why I woke up half buried under a pile of wreckage? Burning wreckage, I might add?”

“Step away from my world Khârn.” Baldur said as the wood and stone giant stopped and looked down at them, “And don't you remember the fight we had with those three ‘anomaly’ things?”

“Oh yeah, those things.” Khârn shrugged. “Wait, who are you?”

“I’m Baldur, Asphyxious’ friend…” Baldur said as he looked Khârn up and down, “You sure you're ok? you're missing some armor…”

“What, the arm?” He lifted up his mechanical arm. “Never had any armor on it. Which is why it is mechanical now instead of organic.”

“You want a potion to increase your regenerative factor so you can regrow your arm?” Baldur offered.

“I don't use magic of any kind. Khorne hates magic.” Khârn replied.

“Hey, we have a enemy to fight!” The Discord Robot said, “Now, anyone know where the anomalies are?”

“There’s the one that ran off and one hiding inside the giant robot.” Baldur counted off, “I think thats all thats left.”

“SKY DRAGON ROAR!” Wendy shouted as she blew a hurricane at the anomaly that was running.

“Eat your heart out pervy Lich.” Dark Magician Girl said with a giggle.

“So….is anyone going tell me what I missed? Because last I remember we were on a ship.” Khârn asked.

“WAIT! My Megazord has it in here?” Discord asked.

“Has what in it Discord?” Dark Magician asked.

“One of the ‘anomalies’ is inside his robot.” Baldur sighed.

“Peh, those things aren't worth my time.” Khârn spat. “They don't even bleed, so why should I, the guy who fights to draw blood and collect skulls, fight them? Well, good luck fighting those weaklings, not that you'll need it.” He dropped into a portal and vanished.

“Discord tell that anomaly that I'm coming for it!” Wendy shouted as she charged toward the Megazord.

“Alright come on up.” Wendy disappeared into light and appeared in the megazords cockpit. “Welcome aboard, here's a map.” Discord said handing her a iphone.

“Thank you. Now where in this bucket of bolts is it in?” Wendy asked while looking at the map.

“Send it to look for energy anomalies. Maybe that would find it?” Discord added his two cents in.

“Huh?” Wendy asked confused.

“Here, let me see and..” With a beep two energy signatures appeared. “Alright the one in the cockpit is you, and the other has to be your target.”

“Right it’s near the power core.” Wendy said pointing to where the power core is at. “Does this Megazord have a self destruct button?” She asked.

“No, but it has a implosion button.” Discord said.

“Good. Use it.” Wendy said as she jump in a portal.

“Ok.” Discord pressed a button.

“Implosion in five, four, three, two, one…” In a flash Discord appeared outside the megazord as it started to crush itself down to a the size of a golf ball.

“Did we kill it?” Wendy asked.

“I think so, but just in case.” Discord ate the ball.

“Great. I am going after the one in the forest.” Wendy said as she ran towards the forest.

“I might as well help Wendy on this.” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl followed Wendy to the forest. Once inside, they don’t hear anything, which is strange for a forest.

“Where is that soul taking bastard?” Wendy asked while looking everywhere.

Suddenly, the ‘Deadmeat’ came out of nowhere and tried to bite Wendy with it’s two mouths.

“Dark Magic Attack!!” Dark Magician shouted as he blasted a hole in the ‘Deadmeat’ which killed it. “Watch your back.” He said as he and Dark Magician Girl walked to where Wendy is.

“Thanks. But just to make sure. SKY DRAGON'S WING ATTACK!” Wendy shouted as she sent some blades of wind from her hands to cut the ‘Deadmeat’ to pieces, which sent three purple sphere’s flying. “Damn it. None of them are Rainbine’s soul.” Wendy said.

From the shadows of the forest they heard hissing all around them. From out of the shadows, the ‘Deadmeat’s’ walkedout, snarling and hissing at them.

“Hey Dark Magician. Should we call our Fluttershy in to deal with these things?” Dark Magician Girl asked as she blasted one the ‘Deadmeats’ in the balls. If it had any.

“No. Save Fluttershy’s Blue Eyes White Dragon as a last resort. These bastards are mine.” Wendy said as her blue hair and eyes turn pink and her fingernails turn into dragon claws.

“She is using the dragon force. She only used that for when she wanted to save someone she really care for.” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl stepped back as Wendy start to tear the ‘Deadmeats’ apart with all kinds of wind attacks.

It then dissipated into two purple spheres and one blue sphere.

“At last! I found you!” Wendy said as she grabbed the blue sphere and hugged it.

Just then the trees were parted as a huge machine stepped out, looking down at them and hissing. Black smoke poured out of it back as the souls of the dead floated around it.

“You two can handle him. I am giving this sphere back to Rainbine.” Wendy said.

Calm down it’s just Deathjack.” Said Asphyxious as he walked out from behind it. “I was looking for something to feed it until we were attacked by monsters. He seemed to like eating them.

“Oh hey. It’s pervy Lich.” Dark Magician Girl said, waving her hand. The Deathjack then reached out slowly for the orb in Wendy's hands.

“Nope!” Wendy yelled as she moved away from the Deathjack. It hissed angrily, raising its clawed hand up to attack.

Stop, you’re not allowed to eat that one.” Asphyxious said as he stood in the way. The Deathjack hissed at this but did as it was told. “Even after the reboot you’re still hard to deal with.

“Yeah, this one belongs to my love Rainbine.” Wendy said while hugging the orb lovingly.

I see, don’t worry I have… Some control over it.” Asphyxious said, looking at the Deathjack. It just growled back as it lifted up a dead body. “Why are you still dragging that around, we got what we need from him. Hmm, unless you think we can use him?

“Who’s is that?” Dark Magician asked.

A rogue, didn’t get his name but I got what I was after. I’ll inform Time about what I found out.” Asphyxious replied as he waved for his Deathjack to follow him.

“A rogue?” Dark Magician Girl asked, confused.

Ask your enemy, they know of them.” Asphyxious said as he and the killing machine walked off into the forest.

“Enemy? But which one? Oh well, let's head back.” Dark Magician said.

“Sirs! The Empire left someone behind!” A clone trooper yelled out, waving for the Displaced to come.

“Really? Who?” Dark Magician Girl asked as she Dark Magician and Wendy walk up to the clone that was calling out.

He gestured to an unconscious blond woman, they knew as Medusa. “I think she’s that witch from an anime…”

“Hmm well then put her in a cell that is still working.” Dark Magician said, holding the purple orbs.

“Yes sir!” Said the Clone Troopers as they picked the woman up and pulled her away.

“Cool. Let’s get back to the others.” Dark Magician Girl said, smiling as the three headed back to where the others are at.

Once there, Coulson greeted them. “So you got it?”

“Yes we did. Now step aside nerd. There’s a lovely somepony I need give this blue back to.” Wendy said as she walked to Rainbine’s bed and placed the orb on Rainbine’s chest. After that she gave Rainbine a kiss.

Craig then walked over to Dark Magician before speaking, “Seems everything went well on your end.”

“Yes and the Pervy Lich had his Deathjack clean up what Wendy had killed, while dragging a dead body of a Rogue.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Well you all sound like you had more fun than me… after I got better, I spent my time healing up the clones, seems like it’s all I can do now is be a medic.” admitted Craig.

“Did you all get the other Deadmeats?” Coulson asked, watching the sphere slowly melt into Rainbine’s fur.

“Does this answer your question?” Dark Magician asked as he presented all the purple orbs that came from the other Deadmeats.

“You got all five though, right?” Coulson pushed.

“Yes. Wendy killed them all just to find Rainbine’s soul.” Dark Magician Girl said, smiling while thinking about putting another zapper on Rainborg.

“Them? As in more than one?” Asked a clone trooper.

“Yes.” Dark Magician nodded.

“How many did she kill?” Another clone asked.

“Five.” Dark Magician said.

“That can’t be right our reports said we were holding five not ten.” Said a clone trooper looking at the displaced.

“I did say five. Did I not?” Dark Magician asked with a rise eyebrow.

“Sir we got reports that Khârn and Bardul killed one each, then there was the one in the holo vid and the two larger ones outside.” Said the clone trooper. “So where did the other five come from?”

“Hmm. I Think it was that rogue that the Pervy Lich had been dragging around might have something do with it.” Dark Magician Girl while waving at the ghost spy. It just rolls it eyes as it leaves through a wall.

“Gaahhh!!! Buck! Shit!” Rainbine yelled through a muzzle in pain.

Craig then smiled as he walked towards Rainbine and asked, “are you okay?”

“Rainbine! You're okay!” Wendy said as she carefully hugged Rainbine.

“Wh-what h-happened t-to my l-legs!?” Dasher yelped, seeing her missing limbs.

“The anomalies ate them…” Coulson said, looking away.

“Yeah… sorry about that… I’ll see if Loki could return them to you.” Discord offered.

“Plus one of them took your soul. Which Wendy came and kill all the anomalies just to save your soul.” Dark Magician added.

“Wendy? Why are you here?” Rainbine asked, before hissing in pain.

Craig then placed one hand over Rainbine that began to glow as he said “just relax for now… the pain will fade soon.”

“I heard what happen to you from my world and came and killed all those bastards that took your soul.” Wendy said lovingly.

Rainbine extended her only remaining foreleg towards Wendy, while tearing her eye bandage off, showing a cybernetic eye deep inside the socket. “Thank you…”

“Your welcome.” Wendy said, smiling.

“Well… Maybe it’s best we leave these two alone…” Coulson said, before realizing there were hundreds of clones in the infirmary. “Well… Mostly…”

“I’ll keep on healing them… the remaining clones should be better soon.” Craig said.

“Right. So what now?” Dark Magician asked.

“Yeah, apart from there's a new enemy we need to know about. But also the Rogues, so what else is there?” Dark Magician Girl asked while eating a cupcake.

“Has anyone here heard about how the Imperials found a group of rebel Commanders who didn’t want to be in the war?” Coulson asked.

“No we haven’t. Care to explain?” Dark Magician said.

“Commanders from both sides of the war are Displaced people who were Displaced by Time Spinner, I assume you guessed that. Well, since most of the Commanders didn’t want to fight in the war, myself included, Time decided to force us into it by implanting chips in our heads. A group of Commanders chips malfunctioned, and the Rogues were born to free the other Commanders and end the war.” Coulson explained. “Their leader, AssSpike, was captured so most of the Rogues are out running around this world without a purpose.”

“So they are being asses like AssSpike?” Dark Magician Girl joked.

“I like to think of them more as halfasses.” Coulson joked himself. “You met one of the Rogues while fighting Rainborg.”

“I was more focused on putting zappers on Rainborg.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Zalgo Pie is one of the Rogues, but has seemed to have fallen for Rainborg romantically.” Coulson explained. “I suppose Rainborg and Ahriman are just using her to get to the other Rogues.” For some reason, he felt foreboding shiver creep down his spine.

“That would explain why she was so protective of Rainborg.” Dark Magician said. “So what do we do about these cowards?” He asked.

“If they are unwilling, I’d help them… if they aren't fighting they won’t be a threat, just give them a way to escape and maybe they’ll take it?” Craig offered.

“What do you mean by helping them?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“Well if they don’t want to be here… give them somewhere away from the war… send them to another world, maybe our realities.” Craig replied.

“I think that is for Time Spinner to decide.” Dark Magician said.

“Isn’t he the one who is forcing them to be trapped here? He put the chip in their head. He’s forcing people to do what he wants… he wouldn’t give them that chance.” Craig argued.

“Well, besides the Rogues, there are also the Breach, who are trying to disrupt and change the war. The Anomalies are one example of the Breach. Alma Wade, Hatsune Miku, and some Ben 10 character are the Generals…” Coulson explained. “Rogues don’t have that much danger in them.”

“So what do we do with them?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“The Rogues or Breach?” Coulson questioned.

“Both.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Nothing. The Neutrals deal with the Breach, the Rogues and any interloper. There are a few occasions where we need to deal with one or the other, but they’re like a nuisance to us. Time said that if the war gets ended soon enough, the winners can help him take care of the Breach.” Coulson stated.

“So we get to fight Soul Reapers?” Dark Magician Girl asked while Dark Magician just facepalmed.

“Now how do we explain this?” Discord asked.

“We fight Empire, not Breach or Rogues.” Coulson said slowly.

“Ok.” Dark Magician Girl said, spotting the ghost spy again. Only this one looked like a diamond dog, and it left though the floor. “Huh I thought I smelled a dog around here.”

“What?” Coulson questioned.

“There’s a diamond dog ghost spy creeping around here.” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Diamond Dog ghost spy?” Coulson raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah I saw it going though the floor. And I think he had a quick look at my breasts too.” Dark Magician Girl said, now glaring at where the ghost spy used to be.

“Well then, mind going after it?” Coulson asked.

“Nope. I'll wait for it to come back.” Dark Magician Girl said, holding another jar of piss.

“Well then, I think you should help some of the other Commanders. I’ll make sure Rainbine’s secure.” Coulson said, pulling out a large cannon-like weapon with one hand.

“Which one?” Dark Magician asked.

“Check with Superior Spiderman. Or with Domino.” Coulson stated simply. “This area's pretty dangerous too from the scouts, and some Imperial Commanders might still be around.”

“We will go check with Domino then. Where could we find her?” Dark Magician asked.

“Outside the ship, I think she’s trying to figure out what happened to the Empire.” Coulson said.

“Ok.” Dark Magician said as him and Dark Magician Girl head to where Domino is at.

“THERE YOU ARE AGAIN GHOST SPY!” Dark Magician Girl yelled as the sound of a jar being smashed was heard from afar.

An explosion went off.

(End of Convoy Part 1)