• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 116 Comments

Nightmare Breach: The War of Shadows - Brony Parasite

Equestria is in a time of peace. Discord has been reformed, and everypony is happy. But when a war from another universe threatens their land, can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save the day? Or will Time Spinner have his way with their world?

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Fetch Me!!! (Empire)

Day One of the War

Chaos was leaned up against the wall of the SIDRAT, eyes narrowed. She looked around at those present. “Alright, I just got contact from the front lines. Canterlot is uninhabitable.” Chaos took half of the group, including all of the Warriors of Chaos, Draigo, and the two Elements of Insanity with her into one part of the ship while Cole took everyone else into another.

“So, what are we going to do then?” Draigo asked as he followed Jenny.

“Who are we gonna kill?” Khârn asked, both chainaxes, as tall as a human, in his hands. Ahriman pulled him back.

“Easy, Khârn. My question is the same as Draigo’s. What are our orders?” He asked, following while keeping Khârn suppressed.

“We’ll start by you guys taking care of a Commander.” CJ started. “We lost communications with her some time back when we were setting up negotiations with Queen Chrysalis’s Hive. But recently, the ponies found their Hive city of Sveenath and made a massive siege on it.”

“So, we’re breaking the siege and rescue this missing Commander?” Draigo said with a slight tilt to his head.

“Then may the Corpse Goddess have mercy on those ponies’ souls when we arrive.” Ahriman replied.

“Which Commander is it?” Brutalight asked, slightly nervous for some reason.

Chaos didn’t even look at the mare while she said. “I think it was Grand Commander Tri-Edge and a few others.”

Brutalight’s ears folded. “I knew it…”

“Not someone you get along with, Brute?” Draigo asked in concern.

“He ripped… My wing off!” Sparcake snapped, flexing her left feathered appendage.

“Shut it, Sparkles.” Chaos coldly snarled. “He’s the Grand Commander.”

“As much as I share in my counterpart’s anger,” Midnight interrupted. “I will have to say that Chaos is right. He is one of our commanders. If ‘Grand Commander’ is as high of a rank that I think it is, losing him will be a terrible loss to our forces, not to mention the possibility of being captured and interrogated. We cannot allow this to happen.”

“I know that…!” Brutalight tried feebly. She then mumbled, “I just wish I wasn’t a part of this task force…”

“You’re needed because you know more about this war than even I, so you can help this group with information regarding this location, Commanders, and so on.” Chaos said sternly, glaring at the grumbling Displaced.

Brutalight rolled her eyes. “They never ask anything anyway…”

Chaos either didn’t hear her, or didn’t care. “To start off the mission, Tri-Edge’s Droid Units were last spotted in the Imperial Embassy on the east side of the Hive. Since we’re in a Changeling location and it’s bigger than Canterlot, I’ll be sending Pinkis and Brutalight with you if they’re not a hinderance, and I’ll be summoning another Displaced named Broodmother Marsara who may be of some use.”

“What are the chances that Tri-Edge might have been intercepted by the ponies, or attacked by the Changelings?” Ahriman asked.

Brutalight smiled, “Oh! I know this! Tri-Edge’s last communications with us were about how well the diplomacy is. The Droids are liked by the citizens and overall the Queen has no reason to distrust us. But, there’s a high chance he was captured. He’s a vital part of the war, but he… he’s weak against water.”

“Then, if we were to defeat the pony siege, and in addition protect the Changeling Hive City, then the possibility of the Changelings turning on us will diminish even further. As for Tri-Edge, We can send Khârn or Rainborg to rescue him. Unless anyone else would like to try to rescue the Grand Commander?” Ahriman replied, glancing around at the others.

“No… And you may need more. The Alliance has been aiding this siege, in such as they have Displaced Commanders, Clone Captains, and a large amount of Soldiers. We’re not here to save the city, we’re here to ensure our assets survival.” Chaos said.

“Any idea how many Displaced are going to be there? It’d be nice to know so we can take the appropriate amount of us to each area.” Draigo wondered as he stretched his limbs in preparation for battle.

“The idea is that you stick together a bit. Brutalight Sparcake will relay my orders to the letter. Correct?” Chaos said. She looked towards Brutalight, who looked a bit scared.

“Y-yeah… Of course General…” She stuttered.

“If our initial intention here was to recruit the Changelings, then why abandon a valuable asset? The Changelings could be of great use spying for us. And I currently have a army on standby awaiting my orders. We could win, if pulled off correctly.” Ahriman said.

“We need to focus on our assets. We’re an Empire that looks after our own, but if you want to save a crummy little hive city, then do it after we pull our Commanders out.” Chaos said, closing the distance between her and Ahriman and glaring. “And next time, don’t question my orders. Understood?”

Draigo rolled his eyes and enveloped both Ahriman and Jenny in his magic before separating them both, “We’re just trying-”

He was cut off as a fist came into contact with his face. Blood flew out of his mouth, and he saw Chaos fuming. “Don’t touch me with your stupid magic again. I’m your superior, so shut up and try to, with all your puny little brain power, respect me!”

“So far, you’ve given me zero reasons to respect you. I’ll follow your orders, but you’ll have to earn my respect, ma’am,” Draigo responded as he healed his wound.

Chaos turned around and walked away. “Then fear what I’ll do to you.” A door appeared behind them that opened, revealing the underground hive city of Sveenath.

“Well… Let’s get going before she kills someone.” Brutalight said as she teleported outside.

“Indeed. I have already dispatched a force to draw the enemy's fire from us. It's time to end this little siege.” Ahriman muttered, his armor switching into a bulky black armor. He pulled out his power maul, before charging out. Khârn and the rest followed.

“Let’s see what they’ve got,” Draigo said as he ran into the tunnels before him.

Brutalight stared off in wonder. “How is it they misheard two things the General said…”

“Simple!” Khârn shouted. “Our helmets can mute the world around us, or amplify it! It's how I normally do my own thing! Now then you pathetic ‘heroes’, show me what accounts for fury amongst your misbegotten army!” He charged towards the Alliance army, both chainswords screeching for blood.

“He’s an idiot… And I’m not going to enjoy my report…” Brutalight’s ears folded again.

“He’s the Herald of Khorne. It's a given that he's in a constant frenzy for killing things.” Ahriman called back, holding position and observing the battle.

“Which two things and what report?” Draigo asked as he walked back towards Brutalight after realizing he’d charged too far ahead.

“We’re supposed to meet that Displaced here as well as head towards the embassy… And not engage the Alliance yet!” Brutalight used her magic to start pulling on her ears. “And Commanders are supposed to write a report, even a minor one like me! And if I failed to keep things together I’ll get a beating! Or worse, a whipping!!!”

“I understand. One moment please.” Ahriman vanished, before reappearing with a unconscious Khârn on his back. The other Chaos Warriors followed after him. “I have also told my forces to standby until needed.” He said, dropping Khârn to the floor. “Awaiting further orders.”

Brutal sighed in relief. Just then a reddish opening appeared near them and a creature with six legs all connected by a purple webbing of some kind, across the back part of it was green sac like things that would send a pulse down it every few seconds, the main body was kinda like a human girl with brown exo-plating but its head looked more like a snakes with two pincers facing upwards one on each side of the front of its face, it had hair that waved in the non existence breeze and looked like a bunch of brown headless snakes, its two arms ended with talons, and on its back are two limbs that ended in blades.

Khârn was on his feet in an instant. “Tyranid!!!” He screeched, charging at the newcomer. Only Ahriman managed to hold him back.

“Khârn you unbearable ass! That isn't a Tyranid!” Rainborg said, getting in front of him. “I think…” She added, glancing back.

It turned its head to them. “Why does everyone mistake me for a Tyranid?! I am clearly a Broodmother!”

“She’s a Zerg.” Pinkis said smiling. When most didn’t get it, she sighed. “She’s a bug-like mommy.”

“Okay, so we’ve met the other Displaced. How do we get to the embassy? Is there a direct route?” Draigo wondered as he looked around them.

“I could simply teleport us there.” Ahriman shrugged, hitting Khârn in the head.

“Teleportation isn’t allowed, remember?” Draigo replied.

“Forgive me, it's a habit of mine to not waste valuable resources. So, Commander Brutalight, how shall we enter the embassy undetected?” Ahriman apologized, before turning to Brutalight.

Said mare was tapping her chin. “I’ve been here once… The Embassy is on the East side, and we’re close… There’s two ways we could go. There’s an underground tunnel leading there, but Changeling/Pony hybrids were crawling in there. They’re an experiment gone wrong. Most will probably attack us on sight… The other...”

“You seem hesitant about the other. May I suggest bypassing the underground tunnel with another that would give us a direct route to the Embassy without any hinderances?” Draigo said as he manipulated the earth around them to create a tunnel entrance.

There were screams and shrieks from below. Brutalight slowly turned to glare at Draigo. “Acting without thinking isn’t how we do things… You opened a tunnel that intersects with the Hybrids system! And you alerted every Pony/Changeling to our location!”

“And here I was about to congratulate him on not wasting resources by fighting the Changeling/Pony hybrids.” Ahriman sighed, pulling out his maul again. “Though we could redirect them to the Alliance as a distraction…. Your call, Commander Brutalight.”

“Easily fixed, if you don’t want to get a warm-up in before we fight some Displaced, Brutalight. Just say the word and the tunnel is gone,” Draigo said as he prepared for either combat or closing off the tunnel.

Brutalight smirked. “I think Ahriman has a point. Use that near the Alliance camp and it’ll draw them in while we sneak in the opposite way. Their camp should be a bit north of here.”

“One surprise for the Alliance, coming up!” Draigo said as he redirected the tunnel to the Alliance camp.

“Do you drink? What do you eat? Do you sleep? If you do, how long? What gender were you? Am I annoying?” Pinkis Cupcake shot at Marsara, who was taken aback.

“I can’t drink or eat with the mouth I have, and if I could I do not require it, I do sleep for eight hours at a time but can go for five days without sleep, I was female, and yes you are a little annoying but I had to deal with worse in my world.”

“I’m Pinkis Cupcake! I’m a big StarCraft fan! For the Swarm!” Pinkis giggled at that last part.

“I could tell. It is nice to finally meet a Displaced that is a fan of the franchise.”

Ahriman chuckled, before whispering into Brutalight’s ear. “I dread the possibility of her becoming a disciple of Tzeentch. Then she will never stop asking questions.”

Brutalight sighed. “She never does…”

“If she served Tzeentch, it would be worse.” Was all Ahriman said, before starting a conversation with Midnight.

“Marsara, I’m Brutalight, this is Ahriman, Khârn, Zhufor, Midnight, Rainborg, and Draigo.” Brute said. “Now that we all know each other, best we get moving. Pinkis, where’s that entrance?”

“Up, down, left or right, it’s all the same to me.” The pink mare shrugged, grinning evilly.

Brutalight fumed. “Harper…”

Pinkis snorted. “It’s behind you dingbat.”

Brutalight turned around and saw a small hill with a rusted iron door in it. Brutalight blushed in embarrassment while Pinkis burst out laughing.

“Pinkis, you go first.” Brutalight said, smiling sickly sweet. Pinkis froze.

“Afraid that Tri-Edge is behind the door, Pinkis?” Draigo asked as he put a claw on the door.

“If nobody minds me asking, but who is Tri-Edge?” Marsara asked the group.

“One of the Commanders we are tasked with retrieving. Also, he has hurt Brutalight.” Ahriman explained quickly, before switching into his normal armor.

“I’m not scared of him!” Pinkis said as she went over to the door. “I just can’t eat Changelings, they give me food poisoning!”

“Then let Khârn go first. He has a bit of a blood lust currently, and none of us want to be in front of him when he is like that.” Midnight commented, glancing at Khârn.

“Yeah, you’re right… Go on, sick ‘em Khârn.” Brutalight nodded her head.

“If anything gets in my way, I'm gonna rip it's body to shreds!” Khârn growled, before pulling open the door and stepping inside.

Draigo followed close behind and readied his magic just in case Kharn missed an enemy or needed to be stopped.

“Well, time to move. We have wasted too much time.” Ahriman said, before walking in. “Commander Brutalight should be in the middle of the group, as our commanding officer. Midnight, I want you to guard her. Same as you, Rainborg.” He added.

“I’m second officer!” Said Pinkis, before scratching her head. She pulled out a Chainaxe. “Better.”

“Then you will be with Commander Brutalight in the center. Zhufor will take up the rear.” Ahriman replied, walking into the tunnel. Midnight followed after him. Meanwhile none of them noticed that Marsara had stayed behind with a floating crystal that wasn’t there before.

After awhile of moving and hacking at Hybrids, which were exactly half Changeling and half Pony, they arrived at a ladder.

“This should lead to the Embassy. Khârn, you up for killing anyone up there?” Brutalight asked.

“Do you even need to ask?” He chuckled, before climbing up the ladder quickly. He found twenty Clone Troopers who immediately spotted him and opened fire.

“Burn, maim, and KILL THEM ALL!” Khârn roared, grabbing one of their heads and crushing it in his hand. He pulled out Gorechild, the massive chainaxe cleaving into five of them before he even activated it. The other fourteen didn't last long, and ended up as chopped up bits. “Twenty down, more to go!” Khârn chuckled with glee.

“Okay! Everyone up, I’ll take care of Broodmother Marsara!” Said Brutalight.

“She left?” Zhufor asked, glancing behind him. Ahriman sighed.

“Midnight, accompany our commander. Brutalight, it might be time for your Terminator Armor.” He ordered the Daemon Princess, before glancing at Brutalight.

“I’ll be fine, I can outfly about anything the Alliance and Hybrids have. I’ll only use it if I truly need it. Trust me.” Sparcake said as she began down the path. “Pinkis, see what you can find here for when we return!”

“Roger boss!” Pinkis saluted before hopping up the ladder… Somehow.

“Just watch out for birds, Brute. You did get brought down by one,” Draigo commented as he passed by and climbed up the ladder.

“It was training!” The non-Princess Alicorn yelled in anger.

“Rainborg, scout the Embassy for enemy forces. Khârn, follow her, and kill any she finds. Zhufor, assist me in setting up a defence post.” Ahriman ordered the Black Legion leaders, before glancing back at Pinkis.

Pinkis was looking at a strange Droid whose power seemed to have run out. “This is Droid Officer Cloak, one of Folteren’s three Tactical Droids! He’s a lower ranking guy than me or Brute, but he was really good at planning. He acted like a human sometimes too… And he worked for Tri-Edge.”

“Perhaps we can use him. Recharge his energy supply and try to reactivate him.” Ahriman ordered, before blinking. “Uh, sorry, Officer Pinkis. I would suggest doing so.”

“Eh, I get that a lot…” Pinkis shrugged before going to work on it.

“Would you be able to power him with an outside source? Like lightning, solar energy, or something else?” Draigo asked as he watched Pinkis work on the droid.

Ahriman raised an eyebrow. “We are underground. Where would these outside sources come from?” He asked.

“From me,” Draigo said as lightning arced across his spines and his wing membranes began to give off sunlight.

“Well, I'd say it's possible, however there is a possibility of overloading the power core.” Ahriman said.

“True. I don't see an extension cord or anything else to power him with, though" Draigo agreed as he looked around the room.

“Well…. I do have a solution to that…” Ahriman said.

“Is the solution not very easy or something?” Draigo asked after Ahriman didn't continue.

“I could give it sentience by temporarily placing a large dose of Warp Energy inside of it.” Ahriman offered.

“Or maybe I hook him up to an outlet and charge him from there.” Pinkis said as she gestured to a power cord plugging into a wall. “While you two have been thinking of ways to power him up, he’s been powering up.”

“How did I not see that?” Draigo wondered as he looked at the cord Pinkis gestured to.

“Because she probably created it with her powers.” Ahriman sighed. “Why do all Pinkie Types have that ability?”

“I don’t.” Pinkis snarled. “I’m the only one without it, and thanks for reminding me. And Folteren found it funny to make the robots like this.”

“With hidden cords or not being able to go very far from a place with outlets?” Draigo asked curiously as they waited for the droid to power up.

“Both. Oh, he’s starting!”

Cloak’s optic started to glow white. It’s right arm moved a bit.

“What… Where am I?” It asked.

“You're in the Embassy that's in the Changeling hive,” Draigo told the newly restored droid.

“Processing data… Processing complete, how may I assist you?”

“Where’s the snack machine!?” Pinkis yelled desperately.

Cloak pointed left weakly. “Around that corner and past the bathrooms.” And with that, the red mare was off.

“Alright. Officer Cloak, the Alliance is currently assaulting the Changeling Hive City, and have captured Grand Commander Tri-Edge. Our mission is to retrieve him along with any other commanders. It would also be worth noting that securing the Changeling Hive City would benefit greatly in cementing their allegiance with the Empire. Since you are, as Pinkis said, a great tactician, I will let you make a plan for this. I have a army currently on standby, and can engage at a moments notice.” Ahriman explained to the droid, sitting down at a table.

“Is there any information you could give us about the whereabouts of Tri-Edge?” Draigo asked as he laid down and relaxed for a moment.

“An Alliance Commander by the name of Domino took Tri-Edge to her Omega Camp. I don’t know where it is, but I expect the only Commander who wasn’t captured to know. She’s set up at the ‘City Hall’.”

“Alright, how do I get to City Hall from here?” Draigo asked as he stood up and stretched.

“We created a teleporter that should take you to just outside of the Hall.” Cloak said.

“Okay, I’ll go meet with the last Commander and bring back any information she can give us. Can you teleport me from right here or do I need to go to a specific room?” Draigo wondered with a raised eye ridge.

“The teleporter room is in the back behind the second bookcase to the right.”

Draigo walked over to the indicated bookcase and pushed it to the side revealing the hidden room’s door.

“Is there a button I press when I get in there or is it automatic?” Draigo asked as he opened the door before him.

“Go in, set coordinates, and as Frankenstein said: Pull the switch!”

“Got it. Thanks, Cloak,” Draigo called over his shoulder as he entered the room and followed the instructions given to him. A flash of light was seen coming from the room not long after Draigo had entered. Ahriman called in his group before doing the same. He sent a mental message to Midnight for when they returned, and pulled the lever.

Once they were gone, Pinkis trotted back with a bunch of snacks. “Thought everyone would be hun- They left me… Didn’t they?” Pinkis asked, glaring.

“Yes.” Cloak said.

Brutalight and Midnight were trotting down a circular path, Brute’s horn glowing and lighting their way.

“This feels odd…” Sparcake mumbled.

“Agreed.” Midnight replied, eyes darting around the area.

“Why would Marsara leave the group? I don’t know her at all, but she doesn’t seem like the type to run off and do things by herself… Or does she? Damn it, I wish I was a people person like Shout!” Brutalight shook her head. “I’m sorry I’m rambling, it’s how I cope with handling unexpected occurrences.”

“It's fine, Brutalight. I have reasons to believe that she had a mission different from ours. Or perhaps she is a spy of sorts.” Midnight replied.

“No, spies aren’t allowed because Time get’s annoyed. I mean, there are, but Displaced can’t be them. There’s a rule that states whatever team you chose, you’re stuck with.” Brutalight said as she started to mumble theories.

“I see. That is a relief.” Midnight sighed. “By the way, she is trying to stalk us.” She added. “Do not let her know we know she is here.”

Brutalight nodded in understanding.

“DIE YOU ABOMINATIONS!!!” The sound of flesh ripping was heard nearby.

“Or she is fighting something. That's the second possibility.” Midnight sighed before turning around. Brutalight following her example.

A small four legged creature came running towards them. Midnight snorted, picking it up and tossing it.

It got back up and dashed off in the direction it came from, chittering like mad.

Brutalight stared after it, confused. “What the heck was that? It wasn’t a Hybrid.”

“I do not know, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Marsara knows. Let’s get some answers.” Midnight replied, holding out her staff. The ground beneath her rumbled, and five horribly mutated Clone Troopers clawed their way out. “Clone Daemons for extra protection.” Midnight added, glancing at Brutalight. “They were dead before possession.”

“Don’t care, we have more important things to worry about.” Brutalight replied.

“Exactly. It's only that when I created them, Rainbine and Rarifruit looked disgusted and horrified. Didn't need the same reaction from you.” Midnight agreed, before walking towards the source of the sounds. The Clone Daemons snarled before following her.

Turning a corner they found Marsara engaged in combat with some of the Hybrids while two other species seemed to be fighting alongside her and what looked like a pegasus helping her.

“Paranoid, are the Warpgates ready again yet?!” Marsara asked while cutting through one of the Hybrids with a Talon.

The pony had a look of thought before answering. “Not yet, just five more minutes, though!”

“I wish I would have brought some Siegers instead of Zerglings.”

“So, Marsara, this is why you vanished? May I ask what it is?” Midnight interrupted, walking out into the open, her Clone Daemons close behind.

Marsara turned to her. “Half of it, I needed to warp in some of my Swarm incase of combat but found a crack in the wall and these things burst out of it.”

“Okay, now that we have Marsara we can go bac-” Before Brutalight could finish, the cave they came from collapsed. “Oh dang it…”

Killing the last Hybrid Marsara turned to Brutalight. “Now that those things are dead I can warp in a few Drones to setup a base and make a Nydus Network to get us out of here.”

“Let’s just find another way. Maybe some of the less hostile Hybrids can help.” Brutalight suggested.

“As you wish, Commander Brutalight.” Ten beams of light came down from a roof and three creatures a little bigger than Marsara come out of three while seven snakelike creatures came out of the others. “Now that I have some of my Siegers this will be more easy incase of more trouble.”

“Okay, there’s a ‘village’ around here. Shouldn’t be that hard to find.” Brutalight said as she began to make her way down the path she set for them.

Draigo and the Chaos Warriors were outside the Hall, Droid units running around or guarding the entrance. One specific blue painted Battle Droid was heading towards them.


“Take me to your leader. We need to have a chat,” Draigo said as he walked towards the building in front of him.

“Uh, our Commander’s a little busy. Unless you’re here about the missing Commanders, I can’t help you.”

“Well then, point me in her direction because that’s what we need to chat about,” Draigo replied as he continued to walk towards ‘City Hall’.

“Roger, roger!” The Droid said as it lead them into the building.

“Is there anything we need to know about your Commander before we get there?” Draigo asked as he noticed the Chaos Warriors following close behind. That when they all heard a hollow moan as one of the dead hybrids get up and start to walk off slowly.

“Is that normal around here?” Draigo asked as he pointed to the walking corpse.

A few droids screamed and started shooting it with random succession.

“Yeah… Our Commander’s from what you Displaced call ‘Marvel’. Mephisto’s a deal maker, but don’t make any with him.” The blue Droid said.

“I’ll take it that the dead walking away isn’t normal. Freaking Chaos. You can’t just leave the dead alone, can you? Anyway, no deals with your Commander, okay. I don’t remember much from Earth, but thanks for telling us,” Draigo told the droid as he watched the undead walk away.

“Firstly, Chaos is Tzeentch's realm of control, and has no control over the dead bodies. That would be Nurgle. And you are lucky none of my soldiers worship Nurgle. Most creatures die from breathing next to them. And I have Rainborg currently bringing my forces here. Should be but a few minutes.” Ahriman stated, looking between the droid and Draigo while glaring slightly.

They arrived at a war room where a red man wearing a red cape and no shirt. “Damn AT-ET’s…” He turned his attention to the Displaced and smiled. “Ah! Good to see a living being! All these Battle Droids were getting on my nerves!” He held a friendly demeanor, but a menacing appearance.

“Greetings. I am Ahriman, Warmaster of the New Black Legion. I take it you are the commander of this military base?” Ahriman greeted, holding his hand out. “I currently have my own forces moving towards this location, and can aid in the battle.”

“I’ll have my forces welcome them.” Mephisto said, smiling. “Oh, I forgot! I am Commander Mephisto. Thought the Commander was a girl did you? She was captured too, so Cole put me in charge.”

“Well, yes. Cloak told us the Commander here was a ‘she’,” Draigo admitted, “Anyway, I’m Draigo, a Primordial Dragon. What information can you give us concerning the captured/missing Commanders? We are here to get them back.”

Mephisto clapped his hands together. “Perfect! I was just about to give up with a mission to send someone to save Silica!”

“Our mission as of now is to rescue Grand Commander Tri-Edge, as well as any other captured commanders. However, I believe it would be disastrous to allow the Changelings to fall. I hope you share my beliefs that letting such a valuable asset to be crushed by the Alliance would be a waste of resources.” Ahriman agreed, examining the room. “If you would like, I can give you a list of the forces I am bringing in.” He added.

“No no, I’m following Chaos’ orders. Although, I have been evacuating. This is one of three Changeling cities, but Chaos has a reason for not saving the city. Cole thinks she wants the Alliance to take this base, but for what, I don’t know. Something about a spy or something…”

“Well, if you'd like, I can send some Rhino Transports to assist in the evacuation. Perhaps if the enemy does take this city, the other Changeling Cities will fight them as well….” Ahriman offered, before thinking about the idea.

“In any case, where are the captured Commanders being held before they are transported to that cloud place? I’d rather not have to storm the enemy’s headquarters while we are so undermanned,” Draigo said as he shook his head.

Ahriman chuckled. “We might be undermanned, but they are outgunned. These blasters they use are the equivalent to a standard Laz-Rifle, which will do no more than scratch my force’s armor.”

“Well, to start with Ahriman. Columbia, the headquarters of the Alliance has heavier weaponry. And so do these guys. Just a minute ago an AT-ET destroyed the Changeling command post. Someone’s been upgrading their weapons in the last hour, too.” Mephisto looked to Draigo. “And if you’d let me finish, I’d tell you there’s a transport area for shuttles to land. Two Commanders, Silica and, who I can only guess is, Sara are about to be taken to Columbia from there.”

“Hey, he interrupted you not me,” Draigo said as he pointed at Ahriman, “How do we get from here to there? More tunnels, teleporter, or something else?”

“For the record, I interrupted you, Draigo.” Ahriman raised an eyebrow before returning his attention to Mephisto.

“In any case, the Landing Area is on the west side of the city where the Alliance broke into. You’ll get some sunlight over there!” Mephisto joked. “Wait, aren’t you supposed to have two Commanders with you? Brutalight and Pinkis?”

“Commander Brutalight had to deal with a missing Displaced. She will be here soon.” Ahriman replied, glancing at Khârn.

“Pinkis was with us, but I have no idea what happened to her. The last I remember she was getting some snacks back at the Embassy,” Draigo admitted as he looked behind them in hopes that Pinkis had teleported over while they were talking.

“You didn’t happen to teleport here by any chance… Did you?” Mephisto asked.

“Um, yes?” Draigo admitted sheepishly, “Was that something we weren’t suppose to do?”

“Well, that teleporter isn’t working right. It only had one trip in it, so your group is very split.”

“Well, what would you like us to do? I mean, we can wait to see if Pinkis or Brutalight shows up, go find either or both of them, or continue without them. At least those are the only options I can readily think of,” Draigo asked, hoping for some good ideas.

“You seem fine on your own.” Mephisto said. “Of course, I could bring them here… For a price.”

Draigo sighed as he remembered what the Droid had told them about Mephisto, “What is your price? I’m not agreeing to your deal just yet, Mephisto. Your Droid warned us about making deals with you.”

Mephisto glared at the blue droid. “Clank! I thought we agreed you wouldn’t ruin my deals!”

Clank shrugged. “I meant with the Alliance. Sorry, sir.”

“So, what’s your price? I might just agree to your deal, might,” Draigo said as he chuckled at the ridiculousness of the interaction.

“Well, I’m known for making Ghost Riders. I believe you’ve heard of my work? Most likely not, but one can dream. Do you know my project?”

“Sorry, most of my memories from back on earth are faded. So even if I had heard of your project before getting Displaced I can’t know. Existing from the beginning of everything tends to put other memories into the back of your mind,” Draigo explained.

“I knew you wouldn’t… Well, I worked on this for awhile and I need a test subject for my new one. It’s not life threatening, and I don’t want you specifically. It’s like giving superpowers to a pony.” Mephisto explained.

“So, you want to give a pony in my universe super powers? Which one and how will it affect him or her?” Draigo asked curiously and for clarification.

“It really depends, but I don’t think Pinkie, Rarity or Fluttershy. Probably Rainbow. It’ll give them fire based powers during the night as long as there’s someone evil near. Powers include making anything she rides or used become a powerful weapon. My last Rider rode a bike that turned into a flaming motorcycle, and used a crossbow that had unlimited ammo that blew up on contact. The transformation is reversed during day. She’ll have other supernatural powers as well.” Mephisto said, smiling.

“Well, I have been meaning to get my element bearers some training,” Draigo said as he thought over the deal Mephisto had offered, “I guess the devil is in the details. Well, maybe he’s actually standing before me.”

“Probably.” Mephisto said. “Now, one thing… I’ll be coming to check up on my project every now and then to both see how she’s doing and maybe some other stuff.” He clicked his fingers creating a contract. “Just sign at the bottom and have Rainbow sign next to it when you get back home.”

“What happens if she doesn’t sign and I do?” Draigo asked as he examined the contract.

“Then I’ve got something else in mind.” Mephisto said, smiling.

“Fine, I’ll sign. I’ll leave it up to Rainbow whether to accept it or not, though,” Draigo said as he grabbed the contract, “What do I sign with?”

“A blood pact, what else? I’d give you a pen, but I don’t exactly have pockets.” Mephisto said, gesturing to the lack of storage space in his lower half.

“After what I’ve been through today I wanted to make sure,” Draigo said as he used one of his claws to prick another and proceeded to sign the contract with the tip of his bloody claw, “There, it’s signed. I’ll just hold onto this for when I go home.” Draigo put the contract between his scales and returned his attention to Mephisto. Behind him were a confused Brutalight and Pinkis.

“Wh-what the heck!?” Brutalight asked looking dizzy.

Pinkis was munching on a chicken leg. “You guys are jerks!”

“Where is Midnight and the others?” Ahriman asked.

“They were with me- Now I’m here! What the-!?” She saw Mephisto and glared. “Bring them here or I’ll break your nose.”

“Oh come on, you can’t se-” Mephisto was cut off as Brutalight sent her hoof into his nose, making a snapping noise. “Gah! Fine!”

Midnight and Marsara appeared, looking a bit confused(Well, as confused as a Daemon Princess and Zerg Broodmother can be).

“I had been wondering why Brutalight had vanished. I guess this answers that question.” Midnight said, examining the room.

“Where are we? And where did my forces go?” Marsara asked, still a bit dazed.

“Mephisto…” Brutalight said in barely a whisper.

The demon snapped his fingers again. “They’re outside, now go and save Silica and Sara.”

Ahriman shrugged. “Well, it is why we came here. Might as well get to it.” He said, before heading outside.

“I’m with ya on that,” Draigo said as he followed Ahriman outside. Brutalight, though confused, followed as well as Pinkis, and the other Warriors.

“Before I go with them-” Marsara turned around and looked at the demon. “-Who are you? I would like to know before working for you.”

“He’s Mephisto and he’s a devil. That’s all you need to know, I believe,” Draigo called over his shoulder.

“Thank you.” Marsara called back, and went after the rest of the group.

“It’ll take forever to get there. Clank, was it?” Brutalight began, looking at the robot’s number which was KLK-101.

“Roger, roger. I met you once during the preparations for the war. How’s your wing?” Clank asked.

“Better, thanks. Anyways, is there a Portal to that area?” Brutal asked.

“Yeah, let me go activate it!” Clank announced, running off.

Marsara walked up to Bruta. “If you will allow it, I would like to set up an outpost here so I may warp in more of my Swarm if need be.”

“Commander Brutalight, I can bring a few of my warriors here for extra firepower, if you'd like, but it will take a few minutes at most. While we wait, she can do whatever it is she does.” Ahriman asked, checking the surrounding area.

“Uh, sure.” Brute said as she rubbed her head. “I feel lightheaded…”

“Ditto…” Pinkis grumbled as she wiped a bit of sweat away.

“Let me check you both, just in case,” Draigo said as he walked over and checked them over with his Aether manipulation. He saw an odd drainage of magic, “Magic is draining out of both of you, somehow.”

“Ah, that happens… Commanders can’t do much or they start… Losing their life support…” Brutalight explained.

“So, you're at full strength, but can't do much. Talk about a double edged sword,” Draigo commented.

“Well, it looks like we will have to make camp here until you two are feeling better.” Ahriman stated, glancing around the area. “Hardly defendable.” He raised one of his hands, and a slab of earth rose out of the ground, until it stopped, effectively covering them from sight at that one side. He repeated this process until he had created an earthen room, with a doorway on one side. “It's not rockcrete, but it will do for now.” he sat down.

Marsara turned to the Pegasus/Zerg hybrid. “Paranoid, I’m tasking you with finding a good area to set up an outpost, don’t go overboard on the defences this time.”

“Oh, come on~! I came up with an awesome fortification that’ll put my last one to shame!” The Pegasus/Zerg whined a bit.

“Fine just don’t use all of our reserve Minerals and Gas like the last one did.”

“How long until you two are back up and running?” Draigo asked Brute and Pinkis and he watched the others build their defences.

“Most likely… A half hour… Why doesn't Draigo, Rainborg and Kharn go? Shouldn’t be too tough.” Brutal said before yawning.

“Well, you two up for rescuing the commanders while the others protect Brute and Pinkis? We’ll definitely get a better amount of action this way,” Draigo said as he looked at the two Chaos Warriors.

“Sure!” Khârn grinned, already heading out the doorway. Rainborg nodded, her body expanding and flipping around until in her place was a black power armored pegasus. She ran after Khârn, wings brandished with chainswords on the sides.

“See you soon,” Draigo said as he ran after the two eager Warriors.

“Do we have any way to speak with them incase we need them back here or they need assistance?” Marsara asked what was left of the group.

“I am linked to my army generals through the Warp, and can contact them at any time.” Ahriman answered, before walking outside. “I'll start first watch.”

Marsara went over to a corner of the room. “If anyone needs me I will be improving myself and my Swarm.” With that Marsara curled into a ball and was enveloped by a green cocoon with a light gray cloud surrounding it.

Khârn, Rainborg and Draigo arrived at the landing area. Twenty-nine pony Guards were stationed outside wielding enchanted swords and spears. There were also thirty-nine Clone guards wielding high-powered heavy blaster rifles. The building was the same as any other except it had a ‘helipad’ and double steel doors in the front on the top of the stairs.

A single red battle droid ran towards them. “I’m sorry, I’m all we have right now…”

Behind his helmet, Khârn grinned like a maniac. “And I'm all we need to get past these guys.” He replied, pulling out two massive Chainaxes.

“Shouldn't we formulate a plan before hand? You may be powerful but we've been weakened in this world. There's no way you can take them all on. Even if you could before you got here.” Draigo said in an attempt to reason with the insane warrior.

“Here's the plan: KILL THEM ALL!!!!” Khârn shouted, revving his Chainaxes while charging at the group of Alliance soldiers. “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!” The red Battle Droid screamed and ducked its head.

They immediately saw him and the Clones opened fire. These attacks were five times stronger and faster than the first ones he encountered. There were even some that used rocket launchers. Unfortunately for the clones, Khârn didn't even attempt to dodge, lasers burning his armor and occasionally punched through. These didn't even faze him in his bloodlust. Any missiles that came at him were torn apart by his chainaxes. Within moments he was on them, his axe finding purchase in a clone’s weaker armor. The chainaxe roared, cutting into his flesh like butter, gory bits flying out. After five seconds, the Clone was cut in half, from the shoulder down to the opposite hip. His other axe decapitated another, while he head butted a third, cracking the clone’s helmet against the ceramite.

“Well, he’s doing well for now. Still, no use in not joining in on the fun,” Draigo said as he grew to his full size and drew in a deep breath. He held it for a moment before he let a torrential flood of dragonfire loose upon the unlucky Alliance forces before him. In a matter of seconds the brigade of ponies wielding their enchanted gear were reduced to ashes and melted metal. Draigo smiled and looked down at Rainborg, “I do believe that you and Kharn and take the rest of them, Rainborg. I’ll be here if you need support.”

“We probably won't need it.” Rainborg chuckled, flying into the air and opening fire with her Necron Energy weapon, disintegrating five clones on contact with each shot. They simply ceased to exist. Khârn continued to tear through clones, throwing his axe, which cleaved through a clone trooper and lodging itself into the wall. Khârn growled, punching a clone’s helmet, which caved in, crushing the poor guy's head. His remaining axe tore into three clones in a sweep, spilling their guts to the ground like tomato soup. He jumped over them, retrieving his other axe, before putting it on his back and pulling out his Plasma Pistol, taking potshots at the clones while slowly walking towards them, the plasma burning through the armor and into the soft flesh beneath.

“Yeah, I figured as much, but I also figured I’d at least offer,” Draigo called out over the sounds of battle. He watched as the two warriors went from victim to victim in a gruesome show of force and skill, “Now do you see why we’re fine with just you, little Droid?”

“Yes, sir…” The Battle Droid said, watching the slaughter. Within a minute, the clones were either dead or dying in agony. Khârn snorted, returning his Plasma Pistol to his mag locked belt. He returned his axe to its sheath on his back, before staring at the building in eagerness.

“Alright, let’s go see if we can find our two captured Commanders. They are in this building, right?” Draigo asked the Battle Droid as he leisurely walked to the building in front of him.

“Of course, my scanners pick up Silica and Sara.” The Droid replied.

“Good. Khârn, would you ‘knock’ to see if anyone’s home?” Draigo said with a devious smile as he shrunk down to fit inside the building.

“Sure thing.” Khârn chuckled, before walking up to the door and pulling out his axe. He knocked on the door, before smashing his axe through it, tearing the door off its hinges. “Here's Khârn!” He yelled into the hallway, before charging in.

“Let’s follow before he takes all the fun,” Draigo commented as he rushed in after his bloodthirsty comrade. Rainborg shrugged before following. Khârn had already taken out five clones, the hallways to small for much movement. He was currently bringing his fist down on a clone, breaking through his armored chest and out the other end, while his Plasma Pistol shot the next clone in the hall.

“I'll take care of these guys! You three go after the commanders!” Khârn called as he ripped his arm out of the bloodied clone trooper’s chest.

“Well, so much for the warm welcome. Where are the Commanders exactly? Highest floor or down in the basement?” Draigo wondered out loud.

“Guess...” They heard as a woman wearing simple clothes walked out of a separate hallway. Her hair was black, and her skin was pale. “I heard you were looking for a Commander… Here I am.”

“Well, tell me your name and we’ll see if you’re one of the two we’re looking for,” Draigo told her in a sarcastic voice as he readied for an actual fight.

Two blades came out of each of her knuckles, as a single blade came out of each foot. “X-23…”

Rainborg's front hoof transformed into a glowing power axe. “Bring it on!” She challenged.

“That answers that question. Now, let’s see what you’re made of,” Draigo said as he let a bolt of lightning loose aimed directly at the blade wielding woman. She yelped in pain but shook it off like nothing.

“That it? I’ve felt paper cuts that hurt more than that!” X-23 taunted.

Rainborg fell from the ceiling above her, chainsword wings extended in front of her as they dug into the side of her shoulder. “Enough talk, and more fight! Draigo, go on! I'll keep miss Exy here busy!”

“She is a Commander, but if you say so then I’ll be on my way,” Draigo said as he ran passed the two. He let out more lightning as he neared X-23 so she wouldn’t be able to halt his advance. But it failed. She just sent her foot-blade into his stomach and proceeded to cut Rainborg’s weapon into pieces.

Rainborg glanced at her mostly broken chainswords before sighing. “Great. Now I got to repair those later…” She returned her wings to normal, before raising her undamaged power axe. “Let's see you cut through this!” She snarled, swinging it down on X-23’s head. She easily blocked it and smirked.

“Wow, Warhammer stuff? Eh, doesn’t matter…” She stabbed Rainborg’s exposed flesh.

Draigo took the opportunity that was provided by Rainborg getting stabbed and bullrushed into X-23 as he took a swipe at her with both his claws and bit into her arm as they both toppled to the ground from the momentum of his initial movement. She started stabbing him with her feet and retracted her claws. When she was able, she punched Draigo off of her with one swing.

“Thanks for stepping in, I guess. I'll find the commanders!” Rainborg said before jumping over the two and dashing down the hall.

She got up and her injuries healed instantly. She smirked. “Papercut…”

“Heh, you talking about these wounds you gave me?” Draigo asked as he healed his wounds with an application of Aether manipulation, “Now that the hall is cleared this is going to get interesting.” Draigo took in a deep breath and filled the entire hall with his dragonfire and held it for thirty seconds. X-23 jumped through it and punched Draigo onto his butt again.

“Well, aren’t you the agile one,” Draigo commented as he picked himself up off the floor, “Let’s see how you enjoy some upgraded lightning.” Draigo let loose with enough lightning to once again fill the hall and started to walk towards his opponent as he continued to produce lightning. He knew from earlier that she’d heal her injuries very quickly so he’d have to find a way around that before she overpowered him.

She quick pulled out two devices. “I’m done toying with you. Surrender and I won’t have to hurt your gay friend.”

RRRRRAAAAAGGGHHHH!” A familiar voice roared, before the wall exploded and a bloody and crazed Khârn slammed into X-23, knocking the devices from her hands. He smashed his fist against her head, knocking her unconscious.

“Thanks, Kharn. I’ll go to the roof and try to find Silica and Sara from up there while you and Rainborg have fun searching from here up to the roof,” Draigo said as he ran outside and flew to the roof of the building.

Khârn blinked, before glancing around. “What happened? Oh right, kill every Alliance bastard in the building. What are these?” He asked himself, picking up the two devices and examining them, before tossing them to the side and walking away, pulling out his Plasma Gun. “Ah well, more killing to be done.”

A hologram of Rainbine Dasher appeared in front of him. “X-23? What’s goin- Ah shit, it’s the ‘take no prisoner’ idiot. Why am I not surprised?”

“Probably because when shit goes down for your side, I'll likely be in the middle of it?” Khârn offered, looking around for more clones. “I wonder where Draigo and Rainborg ran off to?”

“They’re here too!? Son of a bitch! I’m sick of not getting any kind of break!” Rainbine snarled.

“Hey, you’re lucky it was just us. Ahriman and the rest had to stop halfway to make sure Brutalight and Pinkis will be okay while they rest. I guess me and the other two are the vanguard. Now then, I do believe that your Alliance captured a few commanders of Folteren’s. Mind releasing them? It'll save you a bunch more troops.” Khârn asked.

“You’re a bloodthirsty monster that has no remorse. You’ll just kill whatever I have here anyway… Can’t believe I actually liked you…” Rainbine said. “Fuck you… They’re in the control room with Domino. Don’t kill anyone… I’ve ordered them to stand down...”

“You see? I can be reasoned with! When the Nails aren't messing with my head, at least…. Welp, I'll just go retrieve my commanders now. And I won't kill anyone. By the way, being a bloodthirsty monster comes with the job description for ‘The Herald of Khorne’. No remorse is because I'm a Chaos Space Marine.” Khârn replied.

“Just get up here…” Rainbine said, cutting transmission.

“I was going to.” He said to nobody, before grabbing X-23 and holding her over his shoulder pad before walking towards the Control Room. He opened the door labeled ‘Control Room’, making sure it wasn't a fake, before stepping in. Rainborg appeared next to him, glaring at Rainbine.

There were Clones behind computers wearing grey uniforms. They looked nervous. Rainbine was standing there with a pale woman with a black spot over her eye. Hovering in two separate containers were two brunette teenage girls.

“There they are. Take them and get out of here.” It was then that Kharn saw three children behind the two Alliance Commanders.

“Huh, so this is the control room. Nice of those clones to point me in the right direction when I asked where our Commanders were. Oh, hi Rainbine,” Draigo said as he entered the control room.

“Rainborg, go retrieve the Commanders.” Khârn ordered. Rainborg nodded, trotting up to the containers before opening them, and helping the two brunettes out and moving back next to Khârn. “So, what's up with the kids?” Khârn asked.

“My sister and her friends were going to have a slumber party until you showed up and killed the guards… Wait, were you sent here just to get those two?” Rainbine replied, starting to panic.

“Well, we were also looking for a ‘Grand Commander Tri-Edge’.....” Khârn said, thinking back to what Chaos Jenny had said.

“Then-” She was cut off as a red blaster bolt pierced her shoulder. She cried out in pain and the room lit up.

“Hey, she was about to tell us something. Why’d you do that?” Draigo asked as he glared at the droids.

One of them apologized. “Sorry sir, Commander Mephisto’s orders.” And with that the droids continued to shoot the helpless Clone Troopers.

“For fuck’s sake… hold this for me.” Khârn sighed, tossing X-23 to Draigo. He looked at at the droids. “Now listen here, buckethead, my orders are to locate and retrieve Grand Commander Tri-Edge, as well as any other captured Commanders. She was about to say something about him, right before you shot her. So therefore, you are interfering with my mission. You know what that means?” He asked the droids, walking up to them.

“N-no…?” The Command Droid said as it started to shrink.

“It means you have exactly ten seconds to run before I hunt you down and destroy every last one of you.” He growled, pulling out his Plasma Pistol. “And if I were to overheat this pistol, it will explode like a bomb. And trust me, none of you want to go through that end. So...one, two….” He began to count, pressing a few buttons on the pistol.

They ran like a stampede… Well, except the Super Battle Droids which could only walk.

“And tell Mephisto I would like to have a word with him!” Khârn called out to the fleeing droids, the way he said ‘Word’ sounding like Mephisto wouldn't get out of it unscathed.

“Fuck!” Hissed Rainbine in pain.

“Terribly sorry about that, Rainbine. Droids are all idiots.” Khârn apologized, putting away his Plasma Pistol.

“Here, let me take care of that as compensation for what the droids did,” Draigo said as he healed Rainbine’s wounds with a bit of Aether, “Now, what can you tell us about Grand Commander Tri-Edge?”

Rainbine looked to an orange filly who was scared and hurt. She sighed. “Tri-Edge wasn’t captured by the Alliance…”

“Then who was it?” Khârn asked, raising an eyebrow inside his helmet.

“Got some word that a Neutral Commander broke away. This is weird, by the way, because we have no real choice but to join whatever side Time Spinner wants. To enforce this, he puts something in our brains. We can’t switch sides, we can’t hide, and we can’t leave this god awful war… Somehow his chip didn’t work and he made a small ‘faction’ of his own. They captured your Grand.” Rainbine explained.

“So, now there’s a fourth side to this war? Great, just great,” Draigo commented as he finally remembered something, “Out of concern, do any of the foals need to be healed?”

“I think Karateloo and Francie Bloom.” The female Alliance Commander said. “I’ll take you to the hideout… As long as you leave X-23 here.”

“Why would I need to go to your ‘hideout', miss. I can heal them right here,” Draigo asked in confusion.

“I meant that rogue Commander’s, and he isn’t really a faction. He’s only gotten a few Commanders on his side.” She said, “And names Domino.”

“Ah, okay. What do you think, Khârn?” Draigo asked as he healed the two foals pointed out to him.

“If you knew his location, why didn't you tell Time Spinner? Plus, aren't the Neutrals supposed to deal with problems like this?” Khârn asked, slightly confused.

“Time doesn’t care. And the Neutrals don’t make sense because they’re secretive. They’re supposedly fighting a secret war, but my inside mare can’t tell me what. Same with Brute.” Rainbine said. “Spinner loves watching chaos. He’s worse than Discord only he loves making sense… Sometimes...”

“I see. Well, sounds like a pretty good deal. I just need to contact Ahriman to get these two out of here, and then you got yourself a deal.” Khârn replied, supposing that made sense. “However, I have no idea if you might be leading me into a trap, so we will be taking her with us. Once we retrieve Tri-Edge, We will return her to you. You have my word. Unless, of course, you are lying to us and sending us right into an ambush. Then she becomes our hostage.” The Khornate Berserker added, picking up the unconscious Alliance Commander from Draigo and pulling her over his shoulder. “Also, Ahriman should be here in a few minutes. Just thought I'd let you know.” he walked towards the exit, followed by Rainborg.

“Sorry, Rainbine, but war is war. We gotta protect our own hides. It's called being loyal to our cause.” Rainborg sneered cheekily, before Khârn kicked her.

“This isn't the time nor place for your hatred to get the better of you, Rainborg. Let's go meet Ahriman and get going.” Khârn snarled at the mechanical pegasus. “Draigo, you can accompany us, or return to Commander Brutalight.” Khârn added, walking down the hall. Rainborg cursed, giving another glare directed at Rainbine before following after him.

“I'm coming with you. I've done enough sitting around for now,” Draigo replied as he followed Khârn and Rainborg.

Domino gave a two fingered salute to Rainbine before following the others.

When the group exited the mostly ruined building, they found Ahriman and the rest of the group awaiting them. Khârn walked up to him, before giving him X-23. “Hold onto her for a bit. We got a hideout to raid, and she is our only form of protection if it's a trap.” Khârn told him, and Ahriman nodded, and X-23 vanished.

“So why’s Domino here? What’s going on?” Brutalight asked weakly.

“I'll let Draigo explain that.” Khârn replied, turning to the dragon.

“Thanks. We made a deal with Rainbine. She gives us the location of Grand Commander Tri-Edge and we let her keep X-23. Domino is going to show us where he's hidden and we’ll give back X-23 once we know it's not a trap. If it is then we'll use her as a hostage to insure our safety as we retreat,” Draigo explained to the group as he gestured to Domino and the building behind him.

“Okay… Fine. Lead the way Domino. Silica, Sara, wanna come with?” Brutalight asked.

“Sure!” One of the Brunette’s said. She wore odd clothes. She crossed her arms. “By the way, I’m Sara.”

Silica shook her head. “I’ll head over to Mephisto’s camp.”

“Draigo left out a lot. Like Rainbine’s story about a Rogue Neutral and his little group being the ones to capture Tri-Edge, and how I swore not to kill any more of her clones in return for these two.” He gestured to the brunettes. “And that reminds me, once this is over with I need to have a chat with our dear friend Mephisto.” Khârn added, his voice turning into a deep growl.

“Ah, right. Sorry about that. I didn't know about you not killing her clones, though.” Draigo apologized, “It's nice to meet you, Sara. I'm Draigo.”

“I’d introduce you to the other guy but he’s out of it.” Sara said as she placed her hands on her hips.

“Right, Sara’s a combination of two Displaced. Sara and Luke.” Brutalight said, sighing.

“Interesting. Well, shall we go rescue our Grand Commander?” Draigo asked as he made sure all his wounds were healed properly.

Ahriman nodded. “Lead the way, Domino.” He ordered.

Domino rolled her eyes. “Fine, but just be warned I have a squad outside of it. I’ll order them to stand down.” She said as she began to make her way.

“So, Brutalight, how ya feeling? I'm pretty sure it was past thirty minutes by the time me and Draigo arrived at the airport building.” Khârn asked.

“Tired and weak but still standing. Pinkis went back to Mephisto.” Brutalight said before yawning.

“Well, would you like me to fix that?” Draigo asked with a curious tone as he prepared to use more Aether to heal Brute.

“It’s not gonna help… It’s part of this body’s power. I’ll be fine after we get the Grand Commander.” Brute said.

“Okay, let’s get going then,” Draigo replied as he turned and followed Domino.

“So, Marsara, how's your little portal project doing?” Rainborg asked the Broodmother.

“It should no longer be a problem now that the outpost is finished. And it isn't a portal, it’s a Crystal known as a Pylon that allows me to warp in any forces on my planet to here,” Marsara answered the armored pegasus.

“That's still a portal.” Rainborg deadpanned.

“Does it really matter what it’s called so long as it’s doing what it’s suppose to do?” Draigo asked over his shoulder.

“If you had never heard of it, and saw it bringing forces from another dimension, what would you call it?” Rainborg retorted.

“Okay, you have a point. I would call it a portal,” Draigo admitted, “Marsara, how long until your forces are ready for battle?”

Marsara stopped for a minute. “Paranoid’s saying they should be ready in five to seven hours. But I have enough forces for a small one right now.”

“Eh, you got crazy Xeno soldiers, we got Chaos Space Marines of all races on Equestria. And a Warlord-Class Titan in case of emergency.” Rainborg shrugged.

“Well, more would be here, including some Omegalisks, but my husband, P1-00, is having trouble with something back on our world. So, his Warpgates are unable to go into Mega-Chrono boost mode.” Everyone just stared at the Broodmother like she had two heads.

“Okay, this is going to sound mean, fair warning,” Draigo said as he stared at the Broodmother, “THERE’S NO WAY YOU’RE TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT BEING MARRIED!”

“What? She had a life, you didn’t. That simple!” Domino yelled as she laughed.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s not exactly my fault I had to search for a habitable planet for most of my life and then had to try to get my own created children to try not to view me as a god,” Draigo grumbled.

“We are genetically altered soldiers. Add to the fact that we serve Chaos, and bam, no reason for getting married.” Khârn replied. “And anyway, that shit is Slaanesh territory. And there is not a damn thing you can do to make me go down that path.”

“Please refrain from insulting the members of our group, Domino.” Ahriman warned.

Marsara looked taken aback. “Yes, I do have a husband, we were married before either of us were Displaced.”

“Huh, first time I’ve heard of an actually married couple being Displaced together. I’m sorry if I offended you,” Draigo apologized as he inclined his head towards Marsara.

“It is fine, not many people get Displaced into the same world. But we weren't Displaced at the same time, I was Displaced first and had to wait for twelve or so thousand years before he was Displaced, while I was in a stone prison.”

“Well, if it was only that long then I’d say it was nothing at all,” Draigo replied after hearing the short amount of time she’d had to wait for her husband to show up.

The air got a lot colder around Marsara. “I have been Displaced for thirteen thousand and seven hundred years, with one thousand and five hundred being in stone.” Marsara walked towards Draigo. “And you’re telling me it was nothing at all?!”

“Yes. Do you really think you’re the oldest Displaced here? I’m a Primordial Dragon. Do you know what that means?” Draigo asked as he returned her glare and grew to overshadow her.

“Yes, I understand that I am more than likely the youngest Displaced here, but I found out early on in my Displacement that my lifespan is only fourteen thousand years.” Marsara’s eyes changed to a blood red color. “That means I only have three hundred more years until I die! Meanwhile my husband will live on forever since he is a machine!”

“We were Displaced during Luna’s rebellion against Celestia. A thousand years or so.” Khârn added.

“Ten years here.” Brutalight added. “One more to live.”

“This is getting ridiculous…” Midnight sighed, facepalming.

Marsara’s eyes changed back to green and she backed off from Dragio. “You are right, Midnight. I just get so angry when I’m reminded that I don’t have more time to be with my husband… I apologize for my attitude, Draigo.”

“Don’t apologise, we’re already taking too long.” Brute said, pointing up ahead to where Domino ran up to a few Clone Troopers. “We’re here.”

“It’s alright, Masara. I am also sorry, but a proper apology will have to wait until we can take our time. For now, it’s time for a fight,” Draigo said as he watched Domino converse with her clones.

“I have three squads of eight Griffon Assault Marines in the area around us. Each with a set of bolter pistols and chainsword wings. If she tries anything, she will regret it dearly.” Ahriman said to the group, pulling out his own bolter pistol.

Domino nodded a few times and said some stuff to a red painted Clone Trooper, who shrugged and nodded. She waved the group over and the Clones stiffened.

“Alright, this is Captain Zero. He’s been guarding this area, and he says that a Neutral Commander Brutalight knows is here.” Domino said when they were closer.

“Good to meet you I guess…” Zero said, tilting his head.

“Indeed.” Ahriman said, before turning to Brutalight. “Do you know who they are talking about?”

“I… Think I do…” She said, looking off to the side where a mare with a red and white striped top hat was. “Fluttershout!”

“Oh! Brutalight! I didn’t think you’d be here!” The Pegasus said as she trotted over to the Alicorn. “How’s it on the Empire? Is it as bad as I thought?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty bad…” Brutal said.

“Any information you can give us about the Rogue Commander, Fluttershout?” Draigo asked as he smiled at her.

“Oh, hey Draigo! Yeah, actually. It’s good you guys got here, the Commander got his hooves on a few things. One is that he got a few Commanders under his control. Another is that his soldiers can copy the powers of whoever they fight and we alone wouldn’t have survived against that many with so few. Last would be that Brutalight knows him… On a personal level…”

“Well, Khârn doesn't exactly have any powers. He uses nothing more than brute strength to fight!” Rainborg chipped in.

“How… Personal…” Brutalight asked, shivering. She knew who it was already.

“Related…” Fluttershout said. “It’s your brother!”

Brutalight snarled as she paced herself. “Shit… Shit, shit, shit! Ass-Spike’s in there!? Why’d it have to be him!?”

“Anything we should know about him beforehand?” Ahriman asked.

“He’s very strong, he’s got fire so hot it could burn the flesh off a dragon, he’s strong as the hulk, and he’s fast as the Flash…” Brutalight said, still pacing.

“There’s a dragon to fight!? Oh, this is going to be a wonderful battle,” Draigo said in a very cheerful voice as he grew to his full size in anticipation.

“He’s a dragon pony.” Fluttershout said.

“Who else is with him?” Asked Brutalight.

“Painset Shimmercake and Magic Mare.” Fluttershout said as Brutalight faltered.

Them too!?” Brutalight cried.

“What are their capabilities?” Ahriman asked again, a sort of edge creeping into his voice.

“They’re as strong as Spike, well Painset is… Magic Mare is very magic oriented and fast. She can teleport, control her surroundings, and pretty much do anything magic related. She’s also good at summoning.” Brutalight explained and continued. “Painset is an Alicorn like me who’s also good at magic, but is stronger than me.”

“I do not think I can join you in this battle personally.” Marsara began. “But if you don’t mind a giant worm coming out of the ground than Paranoid and my forces can take my place.”

“We can create a Contained Warp Storm to disrupt magical abilities and summon Daemonic allies to deal with the enemy soldiers.” Midnight said. “However, with my limited power in this universe, Ahriman will need to remain here, feeding me Warp Energy. Khârn, Rainborg, Zhufor and Khadeth can aid in dealing with the soldiers. Another thing to note is that communication with the outside area will be cut off, and our own magic will be rendered useless.”

“Do any of the Commanders have a known weakness that we can exploit?” Draigo asked as he laid on the ground.

“No… Well, Magic Mare is easily angered through insults and then she starts making poor judgements. And A-Spike is a bit clumsy.” Brutalight said. “Leave Painset to me and Fluttershout. Sara can help you with the other two.”

Ahriman pulled out a Storm Bolter. “Zhufor, I know I sent you on a mission to the Northern cities, but I require your assistance, as well as Khadeth.” He said to it, before the Chaos Terminator popped into existence, along with the towering Dreadnought.

“So, I won’t be able to use any of my abilities during this fight because of that ‘Warp Storm’, right?” Draigo asked for clarification.

“The Warp Storm affects Equestrian-related magic. If your ‘Aether’ Magic is different, then it won't be affected.” Midnight replied.

“Ah, okay. It’s a lot more than Aether, for your information,” Draigo said as he sighed in relief.

A giant worm erupted out of the ground nearby and sunk back into the hole until only it’s head was left, which had a mouth that split into six parts that opened up revealing sharp teeth lining them. Out of it came ten Siegers, thirty Zerglings, twenty Rangers, and ten Brood Guards along with Paranoid.

“I’m back!” Paranoid said.

“I think that’s a new record for the speed of a Nydus Worm.” Marsara stated.

“Well, now that our reinforcements are here. What’s the plan of action?” Draigo wondered.

Ahriman chuckled. “Not all of our reinforcements are here, Draigo. The New Black Legion doesn't do ‘subtlety’ these days.” He said as he pointed out to the distance. A massive portal opened, and an absolutely massive machine stomped out, weapons bristling from its armor. “Say hello to our Warlord-Class Titan.” Ahriman said, turning back to the others.

“Okay, I stand corrected, again. That is an impressive machine. Are we expecting any more reinforcements or should we start planning a bit?” Draigo asked as he examined the Titan.

“I want one of those!” Yelled Captain Zero jokingly. “Anyway, we’ll be moving out. Mind giving us back X-23?”

“Very well.” Ahriman closed his eyes, and X-23 reappeared on the ground.

“Sadly, I cannot stay for the fun. If their soldiers steal powers then if I go in there they will gain my power of total control over my Swarms Hivemind and will be able to use my forces against you all and can possibly control me.” Marsara said as she started making her way to the Nydus Worm.

“We appreciate your help even if you can’t fight with us, Marsara. We’ll be back after we annihilate our enemies and rescue the Grand Commander,” Draigo said as he watched the Broodmother make her way to the giant worm.

A Brood Guard moved up to them. “I will be sure to send more of my forces as they arrive.” It said in Marsara’s voice.

“It’s strange hearing your voice coming from another body, Marsara,” Draigo commented as he studied the new snake like Zerg.

“It’s still weird to me that I can do it to begin with.” The Zerg replied.

“If this is the forces we have, then we shall win. Midnight, begin the Storm.” Ahriman said, and Midnight nodded before closing her eyes in concentration. She floated off the ground, armor glowing in a multitude of colors before the light expanded, covering the area and spreading outwards. Then the sky above the group flashed into an explosion of colors, the Warp leaking into the contained area. Portals ripped open, Daemons of all types stampeding out. Large fleshy quadrupeds charged out, blood red Daemons with blazing swords riding them towards the enemy base.

“Yeah! Time to kick some ass!” Khârn yelled, chasing after the Daemon horde. Rainborg flew after him, with Khadeth and Zhufor marching after them. Griffons in power armor flew towards the Titan, which had begun to charge one of it's arm cannons.

Weird Mannequin-like creatures met them and formed into the Displaced around them. Brutalight glared.

“This won’t be fun… Most of my magic’s gone! And I can’t fly!”

Paranoid trotted by her, giving her a raspberry before getting backhanded by a duplicate of Kharn.

The Zerg and Black Legion clashed against the creepy doubles. The Titan turned suddenly, aiming the weapon that was previously being charged at the Duplicates. The Black Legionnaires quickly pulled the Zerg back as the weapon fired, a beam of energy akin to the solar flare of a dying star rushing to meet the duplicates. When the beam weapon stopped, not even ashes were left, burned away by the massive titan, which had redirected its focus to launching a barrage of missiles from a mounted launcher, wiping out many more of the mannequins in the process. Khârn was currently fighting a double of himself, chainaxe clashing against chainaxe. The Khornate pulled out his Plasma Pistol, aiming it at his double’s head before firing, the plasma removing its head.

“These duplicates can't even fight right!” Khârn growled, slicing one in half with Gorechild while smacking another with the butt of Gorefather. “They might have our abilities and appearances, but they sure as hell don't know how to use them properly!” Warp Fire dissipated in front of him as a Ahriman Duplicate managed to get somewhat of a grip on the powers of the Warp, before suddenly shaking before mutating into a snarling mechanical beast, attacking everything around it. Ahriman chuckled at the view while shooting a Rainborg with his Bolter Pistol, the Inferno Rounds punching into it's armor and releasing the Warp Flames contained within.

“Fools.” He said to the Ahriman Dupes. “The Warp is not merely a power, it is sentient. It is alive. Without proper training in its control, The Warp will destroy your soul, corrupting and mutating your body while a Daemon possesses it. It's a shame you will never learn how to do so.” He launched a wall of Warp Flame at them, the eternal fire burning through the armor and cooking the flesh inside. He turned back to Midnight, raising his hand and transferring energy to her. The Bloodletters ripped through the enemy army, While the Titan brought down burning death and destruction from it's Volcano Cannon and Gatling Blaster.

Zhufor’s massive armored body plowed through the army, his axe removing limbs while his Storm Bolter launched screaming projectiles, the Bolts ripping through armor and flesh before exploding. The duplicates fired their own weapons, only for the energy beams and bullets to either bounce off or only slightly singe his Terminator Armor. Rainborg flew overhead, both forelegs turned into Eldar Shuriken Launchers, the projectiles cutting through ceramite and dragon scales with ease.

“These chumps are hardly worth fighting!” She complained, knocking one of the duplicates out of the sky. Behind her a version of herself rammed her out of the sky.

“They’re like Changelings only more annoying!” Brutalight commented as she trotted by the cyborg and sent some kind of jar of unknown liquid onto the duplicate that was on top of Rainborg which then melted.

“They’re called Anomalies…” Fluttershout said.

“Bah! What they are called doesn't matter. All that matters is that they die! Kill! Maim! Burn!” Khârn shouted, deep inside the enemy lines. “Blood for the Blood God, for the universe shall drown in it!”

“Don’t touch my blood.” Brutalight added as she blasted away an Anomaly. “Do these things even have blood!?”

“No, it’s more like an ectoplasm-like substance.” Fluttershout mumbled, barely heard.

“Huh, so they’re part ghost or something?” Draigo asked as he searched for the Commanders. He had stayed away from the ‘Anomalies’ since it wouldn’t do anyone any good for him to be copied if they could use his powers as he could.

“That’s the closest thing I can think of to explain them. Same stuff most Displaced are made of… I think they’re failed tries at making us.” Fluttershout said as she hung back with him.

“Ah, that just might be true. Any idea when these big, bad Commanders are going to make their debut?” Draigo asked as he continued to search for any sign of the three Rogue Commanders, “Also, any idea how this happened? I mean, Rainbine told us that we all have some sort of device in our heads that keep us from joining another side once we’ve decided. So, how did these three get around those?”

“That, in Time Spinner’s eyes, is probably forbidden knowledge. After all, if one displaced could do it, and share his knowledge to others, then it's almost a certainty that they could do it again. I doubt anyone wants a repeat of this, so I suggest leaving such knowledge alone.” Ahriman replied, his voice echoing around Draigo’s mind. “Being one of the greatest Sorcerers of Tzeentch, who is the God of Knowledge, I would know. Also, I'm using telepathy to speak with you.”

“The Nails would override the chip for me.” Khârn growled. “For Khorne cares not from whence the Blood flows, only that it flows. Meaning when I'm in a blood-craze, do not get in my way. Or in my peripheral vision.” He chopped a Rainborg clone in half before trudging onward.

“I’m here!” Sara said looking a bit mad. She summoned a Keyblade Fluttershout knew as Oblivion. “I’m all you got!”

“That’s true. But us Commanders have more advanced chips. Spike’s malfunctioned, and he did something with the other two. Ours are supposed to kill us if we turn. Like, stone dead with no chance of revival.” Fluttershout said. “While yours would just banish you for a day.”

“Folteren, Lee and Time Spinner literally have our lives in their hands. I don’t trust any of them, but Folteren seems to care more about those who join him on the Commander roster.” Brutalight said as she surprised a Fluttershout duplicate by cutting it in half. “I sense Painset! And Magic Mare! Go down the left tunnel, I’ll go down the right!”

“Roger.” Ahriman said, before turning back to Midnight. “How long do you think you can hold the Warp Storm?” He asked her.

“Long enough. I can draw more power from it to extend the time, so you don't need to remain.” Midnight replied, eyes all but blazing with Warp Energy. Ahriman nodded, switching into his Warmaster gear before charging through the enemy army and following Brutalight.

“Khârn! You go after the ‘Magic Mare’! I will assist Brutalight. Zhufor, guard Midnight. For the Glory of The New Black Legion! For the Dark Gods!“ Ahriman ordered his brothers, who returned his battle cry, before switching into his normal gear. He removed his helmet, his eyes switching into the Mangekyo Sharingan, which pulsed with Warp Energy. “Lead the way, Commander Brutalight. Show me a Fortress, and I shall show you a Ruin.”

“Ahriman! Stop quoting other Space Marines, get in there, and finish off the Rogue! And his allies!” Khârn shouted, ripping through the anomaly army and into the left tunnel.

Brutalight headed into the right passage, tearing through anomalies before they could shift into her form. She only stopped when she saw another Alicorn with light blue markings over her body, and eyes that didn’t match.

“Painset Shimmercakes!” Brutalight yelled.

“Skylar! Oh how it’s been so long! How’s your little bitch?” Painset said, smirking.

“By the Dark Gods she is already annoying.” Ahriman sighed, gripping his staff and pulling out his Bolter Pistol.

“Annoying, huh? You’re not so bad either. Guess that’s what I have to expect from one of Sky’s friends.” Painset said before laughing.

“Stop calling me Skylar! It’s not my name anymore!” Brutal snarled.

The three beings froze as a earthquake seemed start out of nowhere. As the earthquake slowly grew stronger and stronger a dust cloud could be seen heading towards them and the rest of the area where the anomalies were.

“I get the feeling that that is the source of this pointless earthquake.” Ahriman said, his boots magnetized to the ground.

“Why an earthquake?” Brutalight asked.

“Theatrics, most likely.” Ahriman guessed.

Painset shrugged. “Not mine.” As soon as Painset finished her comment whatever was creating the giant dust cloud was starting to come into sight range.

“Robotic Rhinos. I swear, Rainborg…” Ahriman growled, facepalming.

“Kikinalo! Take out the anomalies!” A biomechanical man that could now be spotted on a hoverboard above the robotic rhinos shouted.

“Or not. I bet she is getting ideas though.... so, Brutalight, what do you think?” Ahriman asked, unimpressed by the quickly approaching horde.

“I… Um… No comment…”

“This is going to be another pain in the neck, isn't it….” Ahriman sighed, keeping an eye on Painset.

The robotic man seemed to notice them and started approaching them at mach ten.

“How do you want to do this? Aggressive, or Passive?” Ahriman asked Brutalight, aiming his Bolter Pistol at the robotic man.

“Aggressive.” Brutalight said, aiming her horn at the man.

“My thoughts exactly.” Ahriman agreed, taking a shot at the hoverboard.

The robotic man dodged the shot with ease before he deliberately crashed into the area where they were standing moments later. The strange man then proceeded to stand from the crater as his hoverboard disintegrated.

“Alright, who are you, why are you here, and how are you here?” Ahriman demanded, aiming his pistol at him.

“Would you like the answers in that order?” The biomechanical robot snarked.

Ahriman replied by firing a bolt into his shoulder, the Warpflame inside the bolt ripping into his side. “Wrong answer, try again. I'm not in the mood for games.”

“Really? Do you know how hard it is to make bodies?” The Robot growled before dust rose from the ground and swirled around the damaged areas before he looked like he had never been shot in the first place.

“That Warpflame is laced with Amaterasu, an eternal flame. It will try to consume everything it touches, so sealing it inside you only makes it worse.” Ahriman smirked.

“Seal what? If you’re talking about those puny flames, I absorbed their energy to use for the repairs.” The robot said.

“We are getting off topic. Answer the questions given to you. We are quite busy at the moment.” Ahriman pointed his staff at Painset.

“I noticed. my name is Arthur, And all you need to know is I’m part of the anomaly hunting squad.” The robot replied. “Now as for our little rogue here, I’m going to be taking you back to Time Spinner.” He added with an icy tone.

“Well, if you are one of his headhunters, the leader of them, Asspike or something, is in another area. This is just one of his lapdogs.” Ahriman replied.

Painset started playing with the dirt under her hooves, looking bored. “It’s Ass-Spike, asshole.”

“Quiet you.” Ahriman replied, shooting the spot just above her horn without looking. “We will get back to you in a moment.”

“Oh we’ll get along swimmingly. If I’m gonna get put with a side, I want to be on Lee’s.” Shimmercakes said as she sat down.

“Am I interrupting something?” Arthur asked.

“What gave you the first clue?” Ahriman asked, raising an eyebrow. “We are looking for Grand Commander Tri-Edge. These guys captured him. It is our job to take care of them and locate him. Go find your Rogue.”

“Sure… Well if you see any more anomalies just whistle and my Kikanalo will come trample them for you.” Arthur said before he grabbed Painset and threw her into a cage he materialized on his shoulder. “And if you see any more rouges just call.” He added as the Hoverboard reformed under him.

“I’ll kill you for this!” Painset snapped.

“Can't kill me madam, I’m immortal~” Arthur teased.

“Immortal and invincible are two different things…”

“They are?” Arthur asked.

“Yes, one is that you’ll live forever and the other is you’re impervious to everything.” Painset said.

“I believe we were having a discussion with that one.” Ahriman growled, raising his hand. A vortex appeared in front of Arthur, and another appeared next to a wall. Arthur flew in before he could react, crashing into the wall. “Once we are finished, then you can take her. Go find that Ass-Spike Rogue.”

“Yeah!” Painset said, feebly backing up Ahriman.

“Shut up Painset.” Brutalight groaned.

“Make me genderbent!”

“Ouch, burn! Although… I can fix that if you want?” Arthur offered, oblivious to the fact that he was just tossed like a ragdoll.

“Impossible, I’ve tried. I’m also used to it by now.” Brutalight said.

“Eh, if you say so… But let me know any time and I can fix your gender issue.” Arthur replied, making a frog appear in his hand from the dust and making it change to random species.

“Time Spinner would be pissed, so that offer is moot.”

“Well, now that that pointless conversation is over.” Ahriman grunted, ripping apart the cage. “I do believe you have somewhere to be, and we have a alicorn to fight.”

“Ok, sheesh…” Arthur said, temporarily turning Painset into a stallion for a minute just for kicks before starting to walk off. “Actually, I think I’ll follow you, if this Ass spike is anything like spike then I will most likely find him where you're heading.” He said, changing his mind.

“As….entertaining as that would be-” Ahriman replied through gritted teeth. “I must decline.”

“Sorry but our objectives are in the same direction if the indications from their life forces are anything to go by.” Arthur said with a shrug.

“Not really. We are fighting Miss Painset over there, and you are going off to capture Ass-Spike.” Ahriman pointed out.

“A lifeforce identifying itself as tri-edge is being guarded by ass-spike. and I heard from a gukko bird that you were rescuing an individual by that name? how does that not mean we are headed in the same direction?” Arthur quipped.

“He’s staying here to fight Painset for awhile and he doesn’t seem to like you. That’s how,” Draigo said as he walked up to the arguing pair, “Now, where is Ass-Spike located?”

Arthur raised a metal eyebrow as the dragon walked over. “Why hello Draigo, and don't ask how I know your name. As a wise man once said, Timey wimey wibbly wobbly.” Arthur said before walking over to the dragon.

“Ah, time shenanigans, got it. Well, where’s Tri-Edge and Spike located? We can go ahead while Ahriman and Brute stay here to fight Painset,” Draigo said as he looked at the group preparing to fight.

“Meh ok, follow me!” Arthur said while imitating the voice of a certain minecraft dwarf as he walked away with Draigo following behind him.

“Thank Tzeentch for that.” Ahriman sighed, before turning to Painset. “Now then, I believe you owe us a duel. Or I could fight you myself, it really doesn't matter.”

“We don’t have time for this!” Brutalight yelled desperately trying to prevent a fight.

“Sorry Commander Brutalight, but it's an honor thing. If you'd like, you can move on ahead. I will be with you shortly.” Ahriman replied, readying his staff and pistol. “Plus, I'd rather not have a rogue alicorn flying about, messing up my plans.”

“Good luck Follower of Tzeentch, and see you soon.” Arthur said before he rounded a corner.

“You coming with us or staying here, Brute?” Draigo asked over his shoulder as he followed Arthur around the corner.

Painset, having turned back, smirked. “Bet Timey’s gonna hurt ya for this. Tch tch.”

Brutalight was sweating as she flew through the tunnel, followed by Shimmercakes.

“What, am I a statue or something?” Ahriman asked, before trudging after them, loading his pistol. “I will not be ignored by that arrogant alicorn.”

“They are in that giant dome.” Arthur said pointing to a large egg shaped building that the hallway led to, before heading back to where the Magic Mare was.

Draigo, Khârn, Rainborg and Sara came running up to Ahriman with Brutalight and Painset.

“How was that fight with Magic Mare?” Brutalight asked, hovering next to Draigo.

“She wasn’t there,” Rainborg growled. “She is probably with the Rogue Neutral Commander. And I'm going to give her a piece of my mind for not even showing up!”

“That dome is where everyone is. Can I go now? I never wanted to be apart of this.” Painset said.

“Well, I’d say ‘yes’, but I’m pretty sure that you’re our captive until this is all done. Brutalight will know for sure, though,” Draigo replied as he ran up the the building in front of them.

Brutalight sighed. “Sara, keep an eye on her. Fluttershout should be here in a bit to help you.”

“Sure thing. Later guys!” Sara said.

Brutalight flew towards the dome, prepared to fight.

“Here's a cage to keep her in.” Arthur said before metal thorn vines made a bird cage over Painset as he flew off.

“Let's get this over with.” Khârn growled, gripping his axe.

“Stealthy entrance or blow the doors off their hinges?” Draigo asked as stopped in front of the doors.

“Adeptus Astartes are not known for stealth.” Ahriman replied, kicking the door down. Raising his pistol, he walked in.

“Alright, let’s go.” Draigo followed close behind Ahriman and electrified his body just in case of an ambush.

“SURPRISE AMBUSH ATTACK!!!” Yelled an annoying voice of a dark blue Unicorn wearing a purple wizard's hat and cape. She stood in front of the group, cape flapping without wind and cocky smirk driving metaphorical nails into the groups eyes.

“Magic Mare, you’re not supposed to say surprise, or anything, if you’re doing a surprise attack…” Brutalight said, face hoofing.

“I hate Trixie alternates…” Arthur grumbled, pulling out a midak skyblaster.

“Can you do anything to hurt us without using magic? Cause I’m thinking you’re screwed otherwise,” Draigo told the small mare before them.

“What you did only prevents Equestrian magic dumbass. I’m not using Equestrian.” She smirked as she summoned a pair of monstrous hands. “PREPARE TO BE RAPED!!!”

“Ew…” Brutalight cringed.

“I wasn’t talking about what the Chaos Warriors did, miss dependent on magic to hurt us. Allow me to demonstrate,” Draigo said as he walked forward and began to suck the air out from around Magic Mare.

An oxygen mask appeared over her face, and a sword materialized in her hand. She laughed as she sent it into his chest.

“Khârn? Deal with her.” Ahriman ordered, and the blood red warrior grinned in his helmet, stepping forward and swiping at Magic Mare with his massive chainaxe.

“You know, I’m getting really tired of getting stabbed,” Draigo commented as he pulled out the sword and began to heal his wounds. He floated the sword over to the fight between Khârn and Magic. Draigo then propelled the sword toward the annoying mare’s chest to give her a taste of her own attack. The sword was backhanded by Khârn, who glared at Draigo.

“This one is mine. Fuck off.” He growled, before placing his axe away to use his fists.

“Fine, fine. Just wanted to return the favor for once,” Draigo grumbled as he watched Khârn begin to fight Mare with his armored fists.

“Good. Now then.” Khârn said, before driving his fist into the blue unicorn’s face, sending her flying. “Where were we?”

Magic Mare stopped dead in her tracks, hovering in place. She maneuvered herself towards the group, smirking.

“You’re all screwed…” She giggled behind her mask.

Brutalight’s eyebrow rose. “What are you talking about? I know Spike’s tough, but he can’t hope to fight all of us by himself.”

“Maybe we’ve got more Commanders…” Magic Mare said, smirking behind her mask.

“Then they will also be captured.” Ahriman replied, twirling his staff. “We do have weapons and abilities. And since you don't use Equestrian Magic.” He sent a thought to Midnight, and everyone felt stronger. “We don't need the Warp Storm.”

“That power boost just earned you a field advantage also.” Arthur said to Ahriman with a smirk, his armor glowing gold.

“It wasn't a power boost, it was the Equestrian Magic returning.” Ahriman replied.

“I run on EVERY type of energy.” Arthur said before he shot up through the roof, the glow of his armor beginning to glow brighter than celestia’s sun.

“I may need some help then…” Magic Mare said as two ponies appeared next to her. One was a Stallion whose right eye was warped, and was slightly bloody. His coat was pale, and his Unicorn horn was longer than most. The other looked like Rainbow, but with blood around her eyes and black eyes with red pupils.

“Great, reinforcements. Hope they have another way to breathe like you do,” Draigo commented as he continued to suck the air out from around the enemies.

“They don’t use magic, nor do they need to breath.” Magic Mare said. “Meet Book Shining and Rainbow_Dash.exe. Not enough?”

Three more appeared. The first looked like Brutalight but with a red mane and only half of her Cutie Mark, plus no wings. The next looked like Twilight, only with a pale white coat, large, almost cut smile, and white eyes. The last looked like Eyeless Jack but as an Earth Pony mare.

“The hell!?” Brutalight yelped.

“So you got two Twilight clones, a Rainbow clone, and a hooded Earth Pony. I'm trembling in my boots!” Khârn said, pretending to be scared.

“Okay, this is getting annoying. Khârn, can your armor withstand high voltage lightning?” Draigo asked as he charged up his attack while continuing to suck the air out.

“Yeah.” Khârn replied.

Draigo responded by filling the entire corridor with lightning so intense that it melted anything it touched on its way to the six ponies before him. He then held the lightning until he thought they lost consciousness.

“My unarmored arm isn't, however.” Khârn growled, poking his limp arm.

“Sorry, I didn’t want them to have a chance to respond,” Draigo apologized.

“You do realize that I could have killed them by myself? Or that asking about it will give them a chance to react?” Khârn replied, tapping his arm repeatedly.

“Yeah, you probably could’ve. I just really needed to do something to actually help. I haven’t really felt like I’ve contributed to an actual fight yet so...yeah,” Draigo admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Did he do something?” The redhaired Twilight asked, smiling. None were hurt, but Brutalight seemed more burnt than before.

“Yeah, he did. He burnt my arm.” Khârn growled. “Damn it, looks like I need a new arm.” He then tore the useless arm off. Moments later the arm regrew in a golden flash of light that matched the glow of Arthur's armor.

Draigo sighed as he stood up and slowly walked towards the enemies before him. “I know you can fight them by yourself, but allow me to help you out so that I can get rid of this rage before I go mad.”

Khârn chuckled. “Ah, the rage of Khorne. Always affecting people. I understand. And next time, Arthur, don't use sorcery on me. Normally it doesn't work, but I'm guessing that Khorne isn't able to fully give me the Blessing to make me impervious to all types of Sorcery.” Khârn growled at the golden warrior.

“For the last time... ITS. NOT. SORCERY!” Came a booming voice that sounded like Arthur from outside the building. moments later one of the walls was ripped away by a giant robotic hand, revealing Arthur on the other side in his titan form.

“Yes it is. You're using unseen powers to replace my arm, as well as increase your size and power. If that isn't Sorcery, then I'm a servant of Slaanesh.” Khârn replied evenly. “And I despise that bitch. Rainborg, remind me to visit the Factory for a replacement after this. Because I sure as hell am not keeping this arm made from sorcery.”

“Khârn is right. You are using Life Magic, Equestrian Magic, and other unidentified magic types. It is all under the category of Sorcery.” Ahriman said. “And as a Disciple of Tzeentch, God of Sorcery, I know my sorcery.”

“Let's see….Your appointment has been made.” Rainborg said.

“I'm not sure why you even had an unarmored part of your body, but I'll apologize properly for destroying your arm later. For now we've got little ponies to subjugate,” Draigo said without taking his eyes off the six ponies opposing them. He clenched and unclenched his claws while his wings flexed in and out.

Arthur groaned, but didn't comment about how his powers worked. “Whatever, believe what you like, let's just deal with these ants before I get pissed off.” Arthur boomed before he raised his hand and began channeling energy into their surroundings. Soon the area began to shift as the building started to turn to dust and a platou rose up underneath the combatants. “Now just think of a type of field that would make the fight interesting for you and it will morph to your liking.” He then added before stomping off to annihilate what was left of the anomalies to pass the time.

“Giant open air room with enough room for us all to fight in,” Draigo growled.

“I would have preferred a bloody battlefield, full of dead bodies and blood. But then again, I'm a bloodthirsty Khornate, so what do I know?” Khârn muttered, brandishing his chainaxe Gorechild.

“Either way, the battlefield doesn't matter in close combat, so long as you can fight your enemy.” Ahriman snarked. “If it were long ranged, however, places where we can take cover would be needed.”

“Are you ignoring us?” The red headed Twilight asked. “Because I’m getting really bored…”

“Sharple, why are you working for Ass? I thought you were a loner.” Brutalight said.

“I don’t want to be apart of this war anymore than you do. A-Spike has a plan to free us! You can join in if you want…” Sharple replied.

“Ah, attempting to sway our allies. Typical of an enemy who believes themselves at a disadvantage.” Ahriman noted. “I believe this plan of yours is nothing more than a lie to feed to her to sway and keep her on your side. Either that, or it was told to you, and you were dumb enough to believe it. Did you ever think that he was lying to get you to join him?”

“Ignoring you? No, it’s not like you haven’t said or done anything in what seems to be forever,” Draigo said sarcastically. “This whole experience just makes me want to get some actual training so that if I can’t use my powers I’m not just going off of pure instinct. Any suggestions for a trainer since I’m the only biped in my world?... I’m getting off track, if you don’t want to be part of the war then go home and refuse to be summoned or something like that.” Draigo looked toward their opponents and glared at them.

“When your Displacer displaces you here, he wants you to fight. We get a chip in our heads. We’re trying to leave, but Ass wanted to get the other Commanders out of their shackles.” Sharple said, summoning buzzsaws. “Eyeple Jack, Janety The Killer, Proxight Sparrake, EXE, Shyerguy, kill the Displaced and their pets, I’ll try to get Sparcake to see the truth.”

Shyerguy screamed as her mouth widened, Eyeple pulled out a scalpel, Janety, Proxight, and Dash.EXE took the lead.

“Draigo, get A-Spike!” Brutalight yelled as she summoned a pair of machetes to attack Brutwilight.

“If that is what you want me to do then so be it,” Draigo said grumpily as he took to the skies to avoid the battle and do as Brutalight had told him.

“Okay, so that leaves us to deal with these morons?” Khârn asked, taking off his helmet.

“We’re smarter than you brutes...” Proxight said.

“I AM GOD!” EXE said, smiling madly.

“Yes, we know.” Eyeple Jack said.

“Eh, I've fought worse.” Khârn shrugged.

“Trust me, you’re in for a surprise…” Janety said. Shyerguy screamed unintelligently.

“Oh? I'd love to see something new. Ten thousand years worth of memories doesn't exactly leave much left to be seen.” Khârn began tinkering with his plasma pistol absently.

“I AM GOD!!!” EXE laughed.

“That’s not funny…” Eyeple Jack muttered. “I’m hungry, does anyone have a kidney?”

“Don't you have your own? Huh. Thought everyone had a spare kidney with them.” The red Khornate joked, checking the pistol’s sights.

“I ate all of my spares.” Eyeple Jack responded.

“Ah, that explains it.” He said, before firing three shots at her. “Good, that still works. Oh, sorry, what were we talking about again? Something about kidneys?”

EXE appeared right in front of him and sent her hoof into his chest so hard he was sent flying.

“Oof! That one had the attack strength of a Bloodletter Daemon! Not all that strong, but still enough to kill a normal human in one hit.” Khârn applauded, before slamming into the wall.

“I AM GOD!” EXE said is anger.

Shyerguy looked away, trying to hide her face from the others. Proxight hunched over before lunging towards the nearest Marine, pounding as hard as she could onto the armor that banged up the guy inside. Ahriman looked at her.

“You know, because of my biological implants, all of this will heal pretty quickly. Also, acid.” He stated, before spitting in her face. “And I have armor under my skin to connect with the power armor. Just thought you should know.”

Proxight screamed in pain as she fell backwards. Janety threw a blade into the Ahriman’s shoulder.

“Take that you ruffian! That was underhanded, even for a servant of Evil!”

“Eh, not the worst I've done.” He replied, pulling out his enchanted Bolter Pistol. Taking aim, he fired three shots, the massive bullets flying towards Janety, full of Warpflame hungrily clawing at its confines.

Janety teleported away with Proxight. Eyeple Jack just sat in a corner, looking bored. EXE hit Ahriman five times harder than before.

“Huh. That one actually hurt.” The Warmaster shifted into a different set of gear, before his newly acquired Lightning Claw shot up, impaling EXE. “You know, if you’re a god, then why haven't you just, I don't know, erased us from existence?” He asked her, before a panel in his Claws gauntlet opened up, firing the same bullets as before into her.

“I… AM… GOD!!!” EXE screamed as the Lightning Claw shut down and EXE pulled the blades out of her.

“She can’t say anything other than ‘I’, ‘am’ and ‘god’, in that order.” Eyeple Jack said.

“Oh, that makes much more sense.” Ahriman stated, before swinging his mace like a baseball bat, sending EXE into the air.

“Three… Two… One…” Eyeple said and at one EXE slammed back into Ahriman like an airplane.

“Shinra Tensei.” Ahriman growled, eyes reverting to their Rinnegan state. EXE went flying off into the distance. “And now, time to move.”

“Zalgo’s gonna be tougher…” Eyeple Jack said, looking through a paper bag.

“Who?” Rainborg asked, glancing around.

“Me!” A red Pinkie with black eyes appeared. “Are you new to the war!? I assume so, since it’s only been around for a few days.”

“Obviously.” Rainborg replied, examining the newcomer.

“Are you hurting my team?” Zalgo said, smirking as she narrowed her eyes.

“You mean the group who attacked us for trying to find someone? Then yes.” Rainborg replied, pulling out her Eldar Shuriken Launcher just in case.

“Why are you pointing at m- Us- with that?” Zalgo gasped. “Are you the ones that are trying to enslave me!?”

“Trying to what now?” The cyberpony asked, slightly confused.

“Time Spinner puts chips in our heads to make us slaves to either the Alliance, Empire or Neutrals!” Zalgo said, still chipper. “You’re cute.”

“Wait wha?” Rainborg asked, feeling a small part of her head short circuit. She sent her AI to go fix it while she dealt with...whatever is happening.

“Nothing!! I’m not cru- I mean saying anything!” Zalgo said in panic, blushing pink. “Uh… So I guess we’re all gonna fight, right?”

“Uh….I suppose so?” Rainborg replied, a small bit of electricity sparking from her ear.

“Okay! Let’s start this!” Zalgo raised her flank into the air and spun her tail around by shaking her behind. “What’s up with the sparks, sparky?”

“Wait, sparks? I thought I told that AI to fix that… and what in Tartarus are you doing?” Rainborg stuttered, confused at what was going on.

“I’m ready to fight! Come at me sparky!” Zalgo said, switching to a wag instead of… Whatever she was doing.

“Um...okay then….” Rainborg said, shaking her head. “Okay, activating combat subroutine 28.75.” Her robotic eye became a bright blue, and she leapt up over Zalgo, aiming her launcher carefully before firing off a salvo.

Zalgo vanished and reappeared behind Rainborg. “Sorry, you’re cu- I mean a very attractive young female, but I need to kill you.”

“Wait, what was that?” Rainborg asked, leaping to the floor before glancing up. Zalgo poked her muzzle and snorted.

“Me!” Zalgo then hit Rainborg into the ground.

“aggh!” The cybernetic pegasus grunted. “I need to remember to put on my armor every time.. and noted.” She quickly transferred to her armored mode, before jumping out of the crater. “Oh yeah, forgot about the wing damage.” She then proceeded to crash into the ground.

“So what would I need to do to get you to date- I mean join me?” Zalgo asked.

“Ummmm, say what now?” Rainborg asked, her mind facing a critical error and needing to reboot.

“Nothing! I-I was asking why you’re too s-slow?” Zalgo Pie said, dodging the question.

“Ugh, she likes you and wants you to be her’s! Even I’m not that dense!” came Draigo’s voice from nowhere.

“ERROR, ERROR, MAJOR BRAIN MALFUNCTION. PLEASE REBOOT.” An automated sounding voice echoed from Rainborg, who collapsed in a heap.

“Huh, I guess I win.” Zalgo Pie said. She then grinned. “Who’s next!?

“Midnight, I choose you!” Khârn shouted, pointing at the Daemon Princess. “I need to reboot Rainborg!”

“Wait, what? Oh fine.” Midnight sighed, pulling out her staff. “I am Daemon Princess Midnight, and I will defeat you.”

“Daemon Princess? What’s a daemon?” Zalgo Pie asked.

“This.” Midnight smiled, as a portal opened up in the floor. A small head popped out.

“You called?” Applejack asked.

“No. Go back to our universe.” Midnight sighed, shoving Applejack’s head back through the portal. She sighed. “Okay, let's try this again.” This time, a grotesque Pink Horror shot out of the ground, landing on it's feet.

“Awww! He’s… So… Cute!” Zalgo Pie squealed.

“How can you find that adorable?!” Khârn shouted, pressing buttons on a keyboard that had popped out of Rainborg’s side.

“Hmm… If Rainbow_Dash.Exe is god…” Black liquid poured out of her eyes and mouth. “Then I’m the Devil… Nah, I just like weird stuff. Everything can be cute!”

“Ummmm…. Okay then…” Khârn said, returning to the keyboard.

“Don’t ask! I’m clearly Pinkie Pie!” Zalgo scratched her head. “Or at least, part Pinkie… But he is cute, why would you summon him to fight me? I mean, he obviously is weak.”

“Honestly? I don't know.” Midnight scratched her head. “This universe is messing with my powers or something. Oh well.” Her eyes changed, becoming pale. “Might as well use the Tenseigan instead.”

“Hey! If you’re summoning something, I’ll summon my most terrifying beast to combat it!” Zalgo Pie slammed her hoof into the ground, creating a red circle of unknown magic. It opened it’s own portal. “Are you ready, Freddy?”

“Sure.” Midnight said, before bursting into green flames.

It… appeared. “Meet my most hideous monster in my summon pool! Snucams!”

“I….uh….wha?” Midnight stuttered, lost for words. Meanwhile, the Pink Horror died.

“Snucams! Prepare the stare attack!” Zalgo Pie yelled, and the cute pony in the bag scrunched her face. “Surrender, and I may spare you!”

“Warning! Weaponized cuteness detected!” A disembodied voice said.

“How can you weaponize cuteness?! That is impossible!” Midnight said, her green Chakra Aura vanishing.

“Do you surrender? Guess not, kill her!” Zalgo screamed, and Snucams attempted to do Fluttershy’s stare, but only seemed to become more adorable. But it was what she said next that really sold it.

“Yay~!” Snucams yelled, almost like a baby.

“Uh. Uh. Uh.” Khârn stuttered, before collapsing next to Rainborg.

“K.O!” announced the voice from a moment ago.

“I think he passed out from your ferocity.” Zalgo said, smirking. “It’s ineffective on the Princess of Slavery, though!”

“I do not have a soul to appeal to. It was replaced with raw energy from the Warp.” Midnight shrugged. “And I'm Daemon Princess of Chaos, thank you very much.”

“Yeah, titles are stupid…” Zalgo said, waving a hoof as Snucams started sinking into a portal beneath. Tears were at the edges of her eyes, and a quiet whimper was heard. “Hmm… I guess since summoning isn’t working… Let’s see who can be quiet the longest! We’ll start...” Zalgo stopped.

Midnight raised an eyebrow, before waving in front of the empty space where her mouth once was.

Zalgo’s face was missing.

Midnight's head vanished.

Zalgo trotted silently over to the Daemon Princess and shoved her foreleg into Midnight’s neck, causing blood to spew out. She then pulled out quickly and teleported back to her place.

Words silently appeared next to Midnight. ‘Breathing has a form of noise. Better hold your breath.’

“Hahah! You made a noise with your horn sparklebutt!” Laughed Zalgo Pie. “My rules! You need to step aside for fifty minutes! Ahriman’s turn!”

“Huh?” Ahriman glanced at the red pony.

“What kinda game d’you wanna play?” Zalgo Pie asked, smirking devilishly.


“What kind?” Zalgo asked. “Cause I think everyone here would pass out waiting.”

“I suppose we can use actual people as the chess pieces.” Ahriman replied, and a bunch of Chaos soldiers popped into existence, plus a red variant. “I believe it was called Regicide.”

“I don’t have any pieces though… Hmm… How about we have a grunt fight. Whoever controls the winner, wins the game.” Zalgo Pie said, smiling innocently.

“Very well. Terminator Sergeant, get in there.” Ahriman ordered, and a bulky soldier stepped forward, armed with lightning talons and two minigun-like weapons.

“Is this guy alive?” Zalgo asked. “Like, is he not a robot? I’m just asking?”

“Yes, I'm fuckin’ alive in ere!” came the Scottish reply.

“Won’t be for long!” Zalgo Pie slammed her hoof on the ground, and another summoning symbol appeared. But instead of the cute little pony in the bag, a true monster appeared. “This is my grunt, his name was Tom, I killed him and Eyeple Jack was a dick and took his eyes.”

“I hate eyes! That’s why I took mine out!” Eyeple Jack yelled.

“Eh.” The Terminator shrugged. “Ahriman's worse.”

“Ready? Fight!” Zalgo announced as Tom swung his club hand into the Terminator. The Lightning talons shot up, stabbing into the club and sending electricity straight up the arm.

The club exploded, spraying blood all over the Terminator and a bloody red mist hogged up the field.

“Ah course you do. And now look, ya got blood all over me armor!” He growled, firing his miniguns.

Tom’s club began to regrow, and blocked the ammunition. He sent his corrupted leg into the Terminator’s minigun.

“Oh bother. These things are hard enough to fix as it is!” The Terminator muttered, discarding the weapons.

The pieces of Tom’s arm that were taken off by black liquid that started to climb up the marines armor.

“What's this now? Trying ta get in? Or are ye tryin’ ta weigh me down? Because neither work.” The Terminator marine continued walking towards Tom. “I mean, this armor is thicker than a tank! Plus an adamantium exoskeleton!”

Tom smashed his club against the Terminator, knocking him back. Tom’s leg was also used to knock him backwards.

“Oooh, I might ave felt that one!” He chuckled. “Oh wait, I did. I think my ribs might have broken. Ah well. Better than failure!” The Terminator charged, lightning talons cutting the ground under him.

Tom screeched, and three tendrils appeared on his back. Each one spike tipped. “Thou shalt be a humbled one, or thou shall pass into the nether realm…”

“Ain't that funny.” He snorted. “Pretty sure Midnight gets my soul when I die. And I've got broken ribs! The only things keeping me running are the painkillers, the adrenaline, and the Warp overtaking me!”

Tom slammed his club in several successful blows, and the tendrils started jabbing motions towards the helmet, trying to cause the marine to not see. Tom’s club took a hard swing to the terminator’s head.

“Oh, gonna feel that one in my shoulder in the morning.” He stuttered, before passing out.

“May the maker have mercy on our souls, for we hath done the unspeakable…” Tom said, making no sense.

“Guess Tom wins! Should’ve tried getting a headshot!” Zalgo Pie yelled as she unsummoned Tom.

“A headshot. With an assault cannon.” Ahriman deadpanned, chucking the Terminator back through the Warp.

“I win again! You guys have to leave now, we’re not harming anyone… Except that guy...”

“We only came here for one guy. We didn't exactly come here with the sole purpose to fight you. But then again, you were just stalling for time.” Ahriman replied. “And the Terminator will be treated when he returns to our universe.”

“Okay… Why would I be stalling, it’s a one way tunnel, so I’m not buying for an escape. You guys would have detected a power surge if I was buying time for a superweapon. I don’t see a reason to stall...” Zalgo Pie said, before tapping a hoof on her chin. “What’s my prize?”

“Your prize?” Ahriman raised an eyebrow. “As for the stalling thing, you might want to know that I can glimpse parts of the future.”

“I demand my prize be a date with Rainborg- Uh… Whoops…” Zalgo blushed.

“Well, she doesn't exactly have any plans for the foreseeable future in our universe. Plus, she could use a break from her Factory. I don't see why she can't.” Ahriman said, pulling out a calendar of Rainborg's future assignments. For the next ten years.

“S-so… Um… I-I c-can try t-to…” Zalgo gulped. “Try to woo her?”

“I suppose so. Granted, she is mostly denser than Terminator armor, but it could work. I don't really meddle in my subordinates affairs, so she can do whatever.”

“I-I’ll try to a-ask her…” Zalgo Pie said. “Sh-should I wait for her to wake up, or try to wake her?”

“You could always leave a message in her voice recorder. I don't know why she has one.” Ahriman shrugged.

Zalgo was immediately working on a voice recording. “Hey Sparky, I was wondering… Would you like to go with me on a… An outing… I mean date! A date! Here’s my code, so use it in any device with speakers. 151789ZaLdOs2. Uh… S-see you then.” Zalgo ended it and regrouped her team.

“MESSAGE RECEIVED.” A robotic voice erupted loudly from Rainborg’s head.

“Funk!” Zalgo yelped as she teleported her group away.

“Well, that happened.” Khârn said, working on Rainborg some more. “Should we head back to the ship to try and reboot her?”

“Perhaps. Though I think we should wait for Draigo. What do you think, Britalight?” Ahriman turned to the mostly forgotten alicorn.

Brutalight seemed to have been zoned out, but shot a spell at Rainborg which seemed to reboot her. “Fuck waiting… Sharple got away.”

“Wait, who is Sharple?” Khârn asked, while Rainborg slowly got up.

“My head…...huh? Voice Message? Wonder who it's from.. I'll have to wait I guess. We still got a mission. Wait, do we?” She asked, glancing around.

“Draigo’s taking care of it. I thought since he hasn’t done much, he could take care of A-Spike. He’ll be back.” Brutalight’s face darkened. “Brutwilight Sharple is my worlds Twilight Sparkle, but she’s been twisted into a Displaced-like version of her former self. She’s crazy. The others were the Elements of Disturbia, lead by Zalgo Pie. They’re actual Displaced, like me and the EOI, but they… Went mad since instead of freaks which are spirits, they were fused with the actual creepypasta’s they’re powers are based off of.”

“There’s Shyerguy, fused with SCP 096. Eyeple Jack, fused with Eyeless Jack. Janety The Killer, fused with Jane The Killer. Rainbow_Dash.Exe, fused with Sonic.Exe. Proxight Sparrake, fused with The Rake. And like I said before, Zalgo Pie, fused with Zalgo.”

Khârn looked at Midnight, before pointing at Brutalight. “Is that how you used to act? Because from what few Twilight's I've seen, she acts a lot like them.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’m a Displaced, not the actual Twilight you buffoon!” Brutalight raged.

Meanwhile with Draigo.

“Now, if I were a crazy Commander who is trying to defy his Displacer. Where would I be when the enemy stormed my fortress?” Draigo thought outloud. “Hey, Arthur! Can you hear me? Where the heck is A-Spike?” Draigo continued to walk and search as he talked to the air around him.

“Arthur sent me to help you, and you can call me tracker.” Said a Onu-matoran that appeared next to Draigo.

“Okay, lead the way to A-Spike. I’m being entrusted with taking him down and I’d rather not take too long trying to find him,” Draigo told Tracker.

“Right this way!” Tracker said as he pulled a stone that glowed like a flashlight, before running off down one of the halls. Draigo quickly followed Tracker down the halls and made sure to keep him within sight.

They reached what looked like a lab, and saw Tri-Edge in some kind of stasis pod. Two fillies were working on retrieving supplies while a blue Alicorn was studying a computer chip. AssSpike was off to the side, checking a computer.

“Well, well. I finally find the ringleader and it turns out he’s getting help from an Alicorn that looks suspiciously like Luna from behind. Hand over Tri-Edge and I’ll leave peacefully,” Draigo said as he walked into the lab and surveyed the area.

“You and your friends? Face it, saying that means nothing to me. Besides, Tri-Edge is about to be freed.” A-Spike said.

“I’m guessing you got what information you could get and no longer need Tri-Edge. The real question is why you took him in the first place and how you managed to slip under Time’s radar,” Draigo said.

“I took him because Commanders are forced into this… This joke of a war! My sisters were under Time’s mind control, but I freed Drown. I’m glad you brought Brutalight here, I can free her as well.”

“Of course this is a joke war. If either of our commander and chiefs actually had a beef with each other then they could just fight it out. The fact that their Displacer interfered and made a ‘war’ out of their dispute is ridiculous. You think the Displaced are that stupid? Most of us have realised that the ‘war’ is stupid,” Draigo said calmly the walk to the lab had allowed his temper to cool off.

“That’s the thing, the leaders are in a dispute. Time Spinner wanted them to do the war, so forced them into it. The Generals are in it either for the shards or because of family. But we Commanders are forced into this thing. Brute was blackmailed, and the rest of us were abducted.” AssSpike explained, trotting around the room.

“So you slipped your ‘chip’ somehow and are now endeavoring to become a third force in this ‘war’? Cause if you plan to just run then Time is just gonna grab you again,” Draigo said.

“That’s another thing… Time isn’t almighty powerful. It took him a week to figure out I was free, but because the Alliance figured it out, Time did as well. He’s using too much power on this war, he’s tired. My plan is to free as many Commanders as possible by the end of the war, then when he’s gotten rid of the threat, kill him.” A-Spike explained.

“Okay, you’ve got my attention now. What threat is he trying to get rid of? The only factions I know of are the Empire, the Alliance, and the Neutrals. Are you saying that there’s another force that’s the true target of this charade?” Draigo asked.

“From what data Drowned was able to get, there’s a secret faction lead by someone named Warzone. He’s a Void Dweller, and is trying to bring back something called the ‘Nightmare Breach’. It’s some kind of Displacer that’s stronger than Spinner, and that’s why he made this war. I don’t know how two factions fighting each other is helping, but he’s planning on sacrificing all of the Commanders in the end.” Ass said.

“Okay, not cool. How can I help?” Draigo asked.

“Well, you can let us go. We’ll give you back Tri-Edge if you convince the marines we weren’t here. We’ll escape once you’re out of this universe. After that, you can be our inside guy, helping us free more Commanders.” AssSpike said. “Then you can deal the final blow.”

“Sounds like a plan. I never liked Displacers anyway. How long until you’re done with Tri-Edge? Oh, make sure Arthur doesn’t tell anyone, Tracker,” Draigo said.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t want his girlfriend to die, would you?” AssSpike asked, smiling. “She is part of his sacrifice…”

“You have bigger problems to worry about.” Tracker chuckled as he vanished.

“Ok, you have three seconds to make me think you didn’t just threaten Miku.” Came Arthur’s voice before the wall behind A-Spike exploded.

“No one was threatening Miku, besides Time that is. He’s going to use the Commanders as a sacrifice at the end of the war. For what reason, I don’t know. All I know is that I’m not going to stand around and not do anything while people get sacrificed,” Draigo explained.

“Well then, seems your data is ‘incomplete’ as it were.” Arthur snarled at A-Spike. “And no one is leaving until I say so.”

“Once they are done with Tri-Edge then I’m taking him and making the rest of the Empire’s forces withdraw with me whether you say so or not. If I don’t then everything they’ve done will go to waste when Kharn sees that there’s still opponents to fight,” Draigo told the ill-tempered robot. “Now, Spike. Please tell us as much as you can about the situation that you haven’t already so that Arthur calms down a bit.”

“I know the situation idiot!” Arthur shouted. “I don’t like it but we’re doing our best to prevent… Nevermind, I can’t tell you…”

“Prevent what? The death of hundreds of Displaced for who knows what reason? The death of Miku? Please enlighten me because I’d rather know and be able to do something than not know and be powerless to help. There’s too many lives on the line for resources to be squandered. Now, what aren’t you telling me!?” Draigo ranted.

“Like I said, I can't tell you. It would put everyone's efforts to waste.” Arthur replied. “And I don’t like what might happen to Miku, but she knows the risks and told me not to do anything about it yet.”

“Really? Ugh, this is worse than not knowing how strong I am because of the weakening. I really need to find some nameless mooks so I can release a bit of this pent up anger,” Draigo said as he dug his claws into the floor. “Just come get me if you need help. Okay? I don’t like knowing there’s trouble and not being able to do anything about it.”

“Just take your commander and leave… It's about to get messy in here.” Arthur said as he pulled out a midak skyblaster.

“What do you think you’re doing? I’ll take my Commander, but if they can help save more lives by freeing Commanders then I say let them go. They aren’t going to stop the war if that’s what you’re afraid of. So, just lower that thing and walk away. With your powers you can round these guys up anytime you want. So, why not let them do as they plan until you know for sure that they are going to mess up and then capture them again?” Draigo said as he watched Arthur.

“The limitations set on my powers by the war prevents that, and I won’t forgive anyone who works with the people who already killed her once!” Arthur ranted.

“Well, that’s new information. Care to explain, Spike? Cause if I remember correctly, Commanders can die in this war unlike the rest of the Displaced,” Draigo said.

“Commanders die, yes, but we also get revived by Time Spinner as one of his ‘Echo Displaced’. It’s sickening to think so many Displaced becoming shells of their former selves like Miku…” AssSpike said.

“Okay, before you go provoking Arthur even more. How many will die if Time gets his way and how many will die if this other group revives ‘Nightmare Breach?’ I’ll help whichever saves the most lives,” Draigo said as he gingerly stepped between Arthur and his intended target so he could get as much info out of this situation as possible.

“I’ve been calculating, and there are multiple possibilities. Number one is that everything goes Time Spinner’s way, and he kills all the Breach. There’s a save for many lives, including the world we’re on right now, but the death toll is every clone, Commander, and the generals/leaders of both sides. The Commander's you know the most that will die are the EOI. If we do our thing, then there are going to be less deaths in Commanders and clones, plus the death of Time Spinner and possibly any Echo Displaced that are connected to him. The Breach can be taken care of by any god level Displaced, so we’re not that worried.” Drowned Brutalight explained.

“Okay, so do you have a god level Displaced that’s going to help you or are you still searching for one? Also, what happens if the Breach wins?” Draigo wondered.

“I dunno…” Drowned stated. “We don’t know what they want.”

“What about the god level Displaced? Got one of those on your side to take the Breach?” Draigo asked.

“The closest thing we have is Zalgo Pie. That’s it. But one of the contestants might be able to help.”

“Well, I think the closest that the Empire has is either myself or Ahriman’s Twilight. Of course we’re both weakened so we’re probably further from that than before. So, the plan with the least loss of life is your plan,” Draigo thought outloud.

“If Time’s dead, the weakening effect will fade.” Drowned said.

“Check the Alliance and Neutrals for other possible powerhouses. I’ll do what I can to help save as many lives as possible. Now, Arthur. If you are done waving your gun around then let them go so we have that much more chance of preventing who knows what and saving as many lives as possible,” Draigo said as he returned his attention to the weapon wielding robot.

“Just so you know, I am the one who brought Miku back to life. So I know nothing about this shell crap, but Crux is already involved and I don’t think letting these people kill my displacers friend would be wise.” Arthur quipped.

“All I really know is that their plan saves the most lives,” Draigo replied.

Fate wishes for Time’s plan to resume…” Came an unknown voice.

“Fate? Is that a person or actual fate? Look, I’m just trying to do what is right by saving the most lives possible if that means fighting the Breach, fine. If that means killing Time, fine. If that means I turn the entirety of this universe into my enemy, fine. I don’t care what has to be done so long as it saves the most lives from being lost because of this farce of a war!” Draigo ranted to no one in particular.

“Uh… Okay…” AssSpike said.

“Sorry, it was either rant or release enough power to probably kill everyone in this room. I’ve got some anger issues so when I get too angry I have to release some somehow. Usually I can go to a barren area and just unleash as much elemental fury as I want, but that’d be really bad here,” Draigo explained.

“Um… What now?” Drowned asked.

“What are you confused about? The anger issues or how I deal with them?” Draigo asked for clarification.

“I wasn’t listening. Please repeat, then go tell Brutalight you got Tri-Edge. We can’t get the chip out like this.” Drowned replied.

“Well, I have anger issues since becoming Displaced and I take care of some of it by either ranting a bit or releasing a lot of elemental fury upon the world. Make sense?” Draigo said.

“Okay, I get it now. We’ll summon you soon.” Drowned gave Draigo a token of a light blue medallion with a cross on it. “This is my token, it’s two ways.”

“Okay, so you want just Brutalight. No one else,” Draigo said as he examined the token he’d been given.

“We’ll get her later. Right now, she needs the chip, keep her in the dark. Me and A-Spike’ll take care of what to do, you’ve gotta report back to Mephisto. Take Tri.”

“Got it, keep Brute in the dark for now. I’ll see ya later,” Draigo said as he changed into his armored human form, grabbed Tri-Edge, and walked out the door.

“Draigo, did you get them?” Brutalight asked as she galloped up.

“I’ve got Tri-edge. The room was empty when I got here,” Draigo told her.

“Crapegg’s, guess we’ll catch them some other time. Painset Shimmercakes and Magic Mare seem to also have vanished… Somehow… I sent the marines and Marsara home with their reward. Would you like to go home too? I’ll bring Tri-Edge back to base.” Brutalight summoned an odd object. It was a handheld statue of Draigo, the marines, the Broodmother and the two ponies Midnight and Rainborg looking triumphant. “It’s all we could get. Folteren made it while we were in here.”

“Yeah, going home sounds like a good idea. The reward is nice for such a short notice kind of deal. I actually wasn’t expecting a reward for today,” Draigo admitted.

“Folteren wanted to thank you all for coming. He was sure he was going to be alone, so it touched his paranoid heart that you all came.” Brutalight said as she gave Draigo the statue. “You can go home and tell your ponies how the adventure went. Sorry you didn’t get to do much.”

“I won’t be telling them anything. The last time I told them about the war, after your visit. Celestia and Luna decided to try to make me stay by tearing my wing membranes to shreds and making one of my legs useless while the other three were heavily injured. Not doing much for a first day is okay. I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future to show what I can do,” Draigo said as he took the statue in his hand and shivered as he remembered his fight.

“Egh… Uh, okay, sorry.”

“It’s all good. It didn’t take me long to heal. Only a couple of days,” Draigo admitted as he returned to his draconic form. A portal opened up behind Draigo. “Well, I’ll see you the next time I get summoned, Brutalight.” Draigo stepped through the portal and vanished in an iridescent flash of light.

“DRAIGO!!!” Arthur yelled.

“Something wrong Neutral Arthur?” Brutalight asked.

“That lousy… He struck a deal with the rogues!” Arthur ranted as he walked over while dragging an unconscious A-Spike by the tail.

“What!?” Brutalight’s eyes turned red. “I’ll tell Folteren, he won’t be summoned here again. I guess everyone else escaped?”

“Sadly, didn't have time to grab anyone other than this guy…” Arthur sighed as he let go of A-Spike.

“Argh!” Brutalight snarled. But before she could go after Draigo, an idea struck her. “Don’t tell Time Spinner… Or anyone… I’ll act like I never heard about this, and I‘ll use him to find where the others are hiding…”

“That logic is sound… Fine, I won't tell anyone else. But don't tell him I told you, and try to keep him away from me or I won't be able to resist punching him.” Arthur said before hefting A-spike over his shoulder and turning around, “Oh, and when they start telling you stuff about being controlled and stuff… Ignore it. There's more going on behind the scenes of this war than any mortal could imagine.” he then materialized his hoverboard and left.

Brutalight then turned around. “Now I gotta wait a week for a dumbass party…” She grumbled as she thought about what Arthur said.

Unbeknownst to her a few miles away a Probe droid had seen everything. “The Emperor needs to know about this.” It mumbled before flying upwards into outer orbit.