• Published 22nd Sep 2015
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The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask - Ganondorf8

Sunset Shimmer must save Termina, a parallel world to Hyrule on the verge of ruin. By her side is her friend and mentor, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Can Sunset overcome the odds stacked against her?

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Chapter 12: The Final Hurdle of the Swamp

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding the Legend of Zelda, the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. These are the properties of Nintendo and Hasbro respectively.

The first dungeon is coming up, and it only took 14 chapters to get to it. :rainbowderp:

Cast appearing in this chapter.

Sunset Shimmer - Link/????
Twilight Sparkle - Tatl the Fairy/????
Tree Hugger - Deku King
Trenderhoof - Tingle's Father

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask
By Ganondorf8
October 25, 2015
Chapter 12: The Final Hurdle of the Swamp.

" Ooof! Ouch! Ow! Hey! Watch it!" I shouted as the Deku Scrubs continued to swarm me all because of learning a song which only the Deku Royal Family is permitted to learn according to the advisors. Before losing consciousness, I could hear the monkey repeatedly tell me that I was the only one who could save Woodfall from disaster... I didn't need all that pressure given how I already am stressed what with the moon falling above our heads. Upon being knocked out due to suffering a blow to the back of my head which is what prompted me to lose consciousness, the advisors began arguing with Tree Hugger over what was to be done with me.

If I had been conscious at that point, I would have tried to convince them into letting me go because I could bring back the Deku Princess. I doubt they would have listened to a word I say given I'm just an outsider who has been taught a sacred song thus further convincing them that punishing an innocent monkey was both necessary, and required so that the Deku Tribe's honour remain intact.

" You like, didn't need to rough her up," said Tree Hugger.

" It was necessary your majesty, for this Deku child has proven the monkey's guilt over kidnapping the Deku Princess."

" I will admit that the Sonata of Awakening is like a pretty sacred and radical song, but I don't really see anything wrong about the monkey teaching it to that child. It's not like the song is used for anything other than gaining access to the temple," said Tree Hugger.

" That temple is only for the royal family... which would be both yourself and your daughter! Only those of royal blood are permitted to enter, and the monkey has clearly violated our laws in addition to kidnapping her highness, so his punishment will be legendary, and serve as a reminder to the other monkeys of the swamp that we won't tolerate their actions under any circumstances."

Tree Hugger's reaction, or rather lack thereof was one that made the advisor who had been speaking rather annoyed, and he immediately began to speak amongst his fellow advisors in the hopes of coming up with some kind of compromise to this situation. What they didn't realize, was that Tree Hugger was aware of the laws of the Deku Tribe, and that she was going to enforce them which goes completely against her calm persona.

" When it comes to our laws, no one is exempt," said Tree Hugger, her voice having changed to reflect her anger. Normally, she was a peaceful sort who wanted to ruler her people with a passive approach, yet it seems there were some tropes when it comes to the typical monarch that she just couldn't ignore. " Like I said, I don't believe the monkey has kidnapped my daughter, and I like don't approve of punishing him further just because another Deku has been taught a sacred song.

However, violating our laws is a different manner, and for that, I've got to put my chakra and calm composure aside in favour of administering justice. The punishment will continue as planned, but it will only be for the crimes the monkey has committed. Is that, like, understood?"

" That... that was a beautiful speech."

" Well, I haven't had much to do all day other than trying to find inner peace with my surroundings," said Tree Hugger.

" You have given your command, and we shall obey your decision."

" At least for once, we've actually agreed on something which didn't end up with our auras being consumed with rage, and our attitudes crumbling apart. I shall leave you, my royal advisors to prepare the punishment, but like, don't go overboard just because you think he deserves more. His aura has already been shaken, and breaking it into pieces would leave a sour taste in my mouth," said Tree Hugger, giving her advisors a stare which was enough to make them quiver slightly.

Despite the fact that this relationship between her, and her advisors has been one of sheer tension, she wasn't above putting them in their place, for she was the queen, and they were her subjects who didn't have the right to make any kind of decisions without her approval.

" What about the Deku child?"

" Do not throw her into the dungeon, or even try to punish her, for she has done nothing wrong," replied Tree Hugger.

" Can we at least have your guards kick her out of the palace?"

" I suppose that's fair, but like, make sure you do it gently," replied Tree Hugger. She then waved her hand which was a signal to the guards to carry my unconscious body away, and then she assumed a rather unusual pose before closing her eyes which looked a lot like meditating. Twilight, who had been watching everything that happened, made sure to stick close to me, for she had no idea what was going to happen. A few minutes later, the guards brought me outside where they tossed me into the wall before turning around, and heading back inside. While hitting the wall hurt a little bit, it was enough for me to wake up, and wonder just what happened.

" I see you're awake," said Twilight.

" What happened?" I asked.

" Those Deku Guards were ordered to kick you out of the palace, so if you were thinking of going back inside for anything, I doubt they will let you pass considering you've become an enemy of sorts," replied Twilight.

" I thought they would have thrown me into the dungeon instead of out here," I said.

" You have Tree Hugger to thank for that, as she insisted on you not being thrown into the dungeon, or punish you. Apparently, she has decided that the monkey is to be punished due to breaking the laws of the Deku Tribe," said Twilight, checking every last part of my body to make sure that nothing was broken.

While I do appreciate her checking me over in such a fashion, she didn't need to be so thorough about it as people might get the wrong idea. " In any case, we need to find the Woodfall Temple, and save both the princess and this region of Termina before things get even worse."

" The question now is which way do we go to get out of here?" I asked.

" We need to use the shortcut the monkey mentioned just before those guards swarmed all over you," replied Twilight. Even though my mind was a little hazy, I do recall the monkey mentioning something about taking a closer look at the waterfall, for the shortcut we needed to take was over there. Once I felt ready to continue, I turned to my right where it became apparent that to get across, jumping from lily pad to lily pad was the order of the day.

Twilight noticed how slightly nervous my body was, and reassured me that things would be okay. " Remember you hop four times before using a larger jump for your fifth and final hop, so you can easily make it over to the waterfall so long as you be cautious, and not get overconfident."

" I wonder what lies in the other direction?" I asked, turning my head around to see where the other trail of lily pads go to.

" We may get a chance to explore that way, but for now we should focus on where we must go," replied Twilight. Despite my heart wanting me to explore that other path, my mind was fixated on progressing for we need answers regarding the situation of Termina. Making sure that I was lined up properly with the lily pads, I began hopping on each one at a slow pace because I didn't want to drown due to being a Deku Scrub.

I suppose that I could just take my Deku Mask off, and make my way over to the other side as a human, but then this is good practice as there was this feeling in my heart that I'd be needing this alternate form, and to be at the top of my game. After experiencing some almost fatal mistakes such as hopping one time too many prompting me to quickly pull back before taking an unnecessary plunge, I arrived at my destination, and looked upwards because of how small I was compared with the waterfall itself.

" It makes me sad seeing all this poison seeping down the waterfall," I commented.

" To think that the Deku Tribe in addition to all creatures living here in the swamp have had to endure this kind of painful torment," said Twilight.

" I can understand why Starlight Glimmer would cause the people of Clock Town trouble, but why treat those who live in the four regions in the same manner? Does she really desire all of Termina to suffer just because she had been bullied?" I asked.

" I don't know, but it seems as though Starlight either is oblivious to those she has hurt, or she doesn't care," replied Twilight. Just thinking about it made me feel angry, but then I had to remain calm, for my temper has gotten me into plenty of trouble such as how I unintentionally hurt the feelings of the human version of Twilight. That's when something just struck my mind like a thunder clap, and Twilight noticed my reaction, and was curious about it. " What are you thinking about now?"

" About you... the other you," I replied.

" The Twilight who went to this Crystal Prep Academy?" asked Twilight.

" Yes," I replied.

" Even though I'm not jealous of the fact that you and the others have befriended her given how lonely she had been feeling according to what you said to me, I must admit that I am curious as to what happened to her when all of this started. Even though she does look identical to me, I doubt she has retained her memories of the human world, and is somewhere in Termina going about her business blissfully unaware of what's at stake," said Twilight.

Her words reminded me of how the human Twilight acted in a similar manner, not realizing what was happening until it finally showed itself before her. I was disappointed at the notion that she doesn't have her memories, but I suppose it does mean that she isn't suffering from any after effects.

" She really is a lot like you minus the magic," I said.

" That's because magic wasn't introduced into the human world until you brought it in," said Twilight.

" No need to remind me of that," I moaned, looking down at the ground in shame. Because I stole her crown after she became an alicorn, my actions brought magic into the human world which has since resided in the two of us, and our friends, yet I still show signs of guilt over having introduced such a foreign concept without thinking about the possible ramifications that would endure.

While I may have finally gotten an understanding as to how the magic works in the human world, I wish that I could go back in time, and stop myself from leaving Equestria all because of not getting my way. If I had stayed the course under Princess Celestia's guidance, I'd be an alicorn right now alongside Twilight, yet my arrogance coupled with how I closed my heart off to friendship sealed my fate.

If I hadn't made those bad decisions, I wouldn't have the friends that I do now, so in a way my actions ended up benefitting me even though it did start out pretty bad. I wonder... was this Princess Celestia's doing? Did she know that this is where my life would end up, or was it truly a work of fate? One of these days, I need to discover the truth, and surely she would be willing to give me an ideal answer.

On the subject of the other Twilight, even though she became corrupted by Equestrian magic, she has been exposed to it even if it was completely unintentional, yet she seems to be fine. Then again, she could still be capable of using magic, but it will be a while before it reaches the surface, and she goes through the same transformation the rest of us experience.

" I do hope that we run into her," began Twilight.

" Why?" I asked.

" I've still got plenty of questions to ask her, and I'm sure she feels the same way towards me. It's not everyday that you end up encountering an alternate version of yourself, so not wanting to find out more would be a tragic waste," replied Twilight.

" I think I have an idea as to where she is," I said.

" What kind of theory do you have?" asked Twilight.

" The common trend I've been noticing both here and in Hyrule is that those we've met from the human world and Equestria... the characters they portray have some connection with how they are perceived in our respective worlds. For example, you said that Tree Hugger was a member of a committee dedicated to protecting animals... that has something to do with nature, and we've seen her in the form of a queen who rules over a kingdom where nature is the dominant force," I replied.

" So if the other Twilight has a strong fascination with wanting more knowledge, she must be portraying a character who aspires to learn more," said Twilight.

" That doesn't give us many options for I doubt the Deku, Goron, and Zora tribes have someone like that, and we've seen most of the people who reside in Clock Town ruling them out, so the only logical place left would be that region off to the east which no one seems to know about," I said. Why does this eastern most region have so little information about it according to what we've heard from various sources? I suppose we'll eventually find out seeing as we will be exploring it eventually.

Walking along the pathway which lead up to a Deku Flower, there was a sign nearby which I decided to read, and I smacked myself in the forehead because this sign was just providing a reminder as to where this direction would take us. " This way to Woodfall! For Deku Scrubs only! Sigh... they couldn't be more subtle than this?"

" You have to wonder how many of them even come this way," replied Twilight.

" Probably not that many," I suggested. Diving into the Deku Flower, I launched myself up to a platform located pretty high up on the cliff face, and barely climbed up due to it being a lot higher than I thought it would be. In front of me was a cave entrance which must be the start of the shortcut, so I entered it, and ended up back outside in the swamp, but this time I was overlooking the entire area. Just staring at the entirety of Woodfall made me feel small and insignificant, and completely in awe of it all. That's when Twilight flew slightly ahead because she was looking at the pink mountain which we noticed before.

" The secret path looks to be leading us right to it," said Twilight.

" Somehow, I'm not surprised that a temple would be hidden inside of a mountain," I moaned.

" You've seen this before?" asked Twilight.

" Back in Hyrule, there was one place I explored known as the Fire Temple, and it was located at the very bottom of a mountain which also served as an active volcano! The intense heat would have roasted me alive if not for the special tunic I wore which allowed me to survive in such conditions, so knowing that the Woodfall Temple is located inside that pink mountain feels like a repeat of what happened before," I replied, looking up at the mountain to see the ring of black smoke swirling around it.

It really was uncanny how it reminded me of Death Mountain, for even the smoke ring was identical, yet this was a much smaller place compared to the former location which featured numerous pathways that lead up to the peak, and various nooks and crannies were everywhere which hid all sorts of secrets.

If there was one saving grace which happened to get my attention, it was the fact that I wouldn't be going through an active volcano, but then I began to imagine what was waiting on the inside of the mountain. Since the source of the poison is coming from Woodfall Temple, that means the swamp will be at its most deadliest, and I'm heading there now because I've been given a task to perform. That's when I decided to take a much closer look at this shortcut which is apparently used by the Deku to reach Woodfall itself, and there were several giant trees and other bizarre formations which featured Deku Flowers on top of them.

Guess it makes sense that they use this path, for this would be impossible for the other tribes to even consider as their lack of flying would stop them. In fact, they wouldn't even be able to get up here to this part of the swamp unless they were really good at climbing, for the cliffs don't seem all that safe.

" I have a suggestion," began Twilight.

" What is it?" I asked.

" Why don't you take out the map Pinkie gave you earlier, for it could provide us some answers as to what could be waiting for us on the inside of that mountain. I mean, she must have been there herself at one time otherwise her maps would be largely inaccurate," replied Twilight. She actually made a really good point, so I took the map out of my pocket, and was amazed that I didn't come to that conclusion myself. " Okay, she did provide an overhead view of the inside of the mountain, and I'll admit that it's not what I was expecting given how most mountains are."

" Is that what's on the inside?" I asked. According to the map, the inside of the mountain was a massive swampland with various trees scattered about complete with wooden planks which connect some of them together. There was also a very large gap located near the very centre of the area, and that must be where the temple is, so now we need to figure out how to traverse our way through.

" It does look complicated," replied Twilight.

" And probably filled with monsters," I added.

" You think so?" asked Twilight.

" We haven't seen much in the way of monsters so far in this region other than the Snappers back in the Woods of Mystery, so I'm guessing that the majority of monsters thrive in that central area of Woodfall which means fighting them will be difficult especially on those narrow planks," I replied.

" You might want to change your thought process on that," said Twilight.

" Why would I?" I asked.

" Because we have some monsters over there in the distance," replied Twilight, pointing towards the Deku Flowers I need to use to make it over to the mountain. Flying in the air in front of me were what appeared to be dragonflies, yet these were much bigger than what I've normally seen, and even bigger than the kind that exist in Equestria. I may not have been back home for a very long time, but there are certain mystical creatures in Equestria you can never forget no matter how hard you try.

These dragonflies also produced electrical attacks, and I suspected they use this maneuver for self-defence, and also for attacking any prey that they detect. " It's a Dragonfly... quite the uninspiring name considering what they are." Twilight said sarcastically while pulling a face. " You need to be careful of its tail, for if you get too close to one, that tail will come swinging at you, and you'll be sent flying back quite a distance. If you were to get hit by the tail in a place like this, you'll have to make your way back up here thus wasting precious time."

" What's the best strategy?" I asked.

" You could attack them using your sword, but that might be too risky given how random they can be. However, you can use bubbles to defeat them from a distance, but their erratic movement will make it difficult to hit them. The only other option I can think of is attract their attention, and dive into one of the Deku Flowers.

Once one of them is directly above the flower, you can launch yourself, and strike from below," replied Twilight. I didn't like the notion that being knocked back due to being hit by their tail would cause me to fall down to the lower area, and what was even worse is that there were no lily pads in the swamp water, so falling down below would pretty much be me falling to my death.

" Well, they're in the way, so we do need to get past them," I said.

" You don't sound thrilled," said Twilight.

" Look down below, and you'll understand," I said. Twilight then looked down where she saw the swamp with her own eyes, and quickly clued in on what I was thinking about regarding the lack of lily pads. Her expression told me that she knew why I didn't sound very happy about this situation. " I'll have to rely on using bubbles, and hopefully connect without wasting too much magic otherwise I'll have to do things the hard way."

That would involve having to use the Deku Flowers, and attacking them from below as was suggested by Twilight. Luckily, there were only two Dragonflies so it meant not dealing with a large horde of monsters, but I had to be cautious as I don't want to have to make my way back up here again as time is something I really don't have.

" Why not take off the Deku Mask?" suggested Twilight.

" The idea of fighting in human form is doable, but I'd need to get up-close in order to defeat them," I said.

" True, and that could place you in harm's way," sighed Twilight.

" I'll just have to lure them out one at a time, and hope that my bubbles don't miss," I said. Since the two Dragonflies were located on the next giant tree, I needed to get off of the one that I was currently standing on, and make my way over there which would throw me right into their radius. Diving into the nearby Deku Flower and aiming towards the next tree while waiting for them to move around to the over side of the next tree, I launched myself and flew over where I had to quickly cut my flying short due to one Dragonfly suddenly deciding to turn back the other way.

As I landed on my rear, I quickly used the shield which comes with being in this form, and just in time too as something sharp plunged itself into my shield, and my heart started shaking upon seeing the sharp tip covered with electrical currents.

" That was too close," said Twilight, breathing heavily.

" My reactions have definitely gotten better," I smiled.

" Well, don't make it a habit," said Twilight. The Dragonfly then pulled its tail out of my shield before floating backwards in order to prepare itself for another attack, so I lowered my shield, and fired a bubble which sailed along... and missed the target by a mere several inches which really crushed my spirit. " You've really got to get in more practice using those bubbles in combat Sunset..." Twilight's words felt rather discouraging, but before I could say something in response, the Dragonfly attacked again prompting me to use my shield to protect myself from being electrocuted, and being knocked off this tree.

" Deeply noted," I said. The Dragonfly then began to repeat the same attack pattern as before, so I decided to move forward as well in the hopes of getting close enough to knock it out of the sky. Firing another bubble, and at such close range, it was enough to defeat it which burned away to nothing. I was actually surprised that Twilight had not once commented on how barbaric this fighting is, for normally she would have given some kind of epic speech about it. I mean, I'm already used to it given how this was my second rodeo so to speak... but I'll admit that when I started my journey in Hyrule, I questioned the ethics behind my actions. " Twilight? Are you okay?"

" If you're referring to how I feel about you defeating these monsters, and what happens to them upon being defeated... let's just say that it will take me some time to get used to it," replied Twilight. From what she had often written to me about in response to my Friendship Reports, Twilight often had to face powerful monsters who were either desired food, territory, prestige, or even wanting to conquer Equestria. Yet, none of them with the exception of one were destroyed in a manner similar to the Dragonfly which I just defeated, so in my mind, I was worried that she was being exposed to something she might not be ready to accept.

" Well, if you want to talk about it sometime, just let me know," I said.

" Thanks for having my back," smiled Twilight.

" I could say the same thing about you," I smiled. Focusing my attention towards the other Dragonfly which was off in the distance, I needed to either use the Deku Flower on top of this tree, and make my way over to deal with it, or somehow convince it to come this way, and perhaps defeat it here before moving onto the next tree.

I began pondering over to best handle this situation, but this was the least of my worries, for something else was happening in Termina... something which would prove to be a real game changer not just for me, but for Twilight as well... as in not this Twilight, but the other one. Those two demonic creatures that I saw in the Deku Palace had dedicated where she ended up when the human world was transformed, and were trying to gain access to her, but there was something preventing them from achieving their goal.

" Who would have thought that the other version of you would be out here in this desolate wasteland."

" I must admit that I had my doubts, but then her aura is very powerful. She may think that her body no longer possesses any magic, but she doesn't realize that magic doesn't simply fade away into nothing. The magic she acquired still remains, yet for now it's merely dormant... waiting for the right moment to manifest itself. She wanted to understand magic, and now she has gotten her wish even if it is all an oblivious notion to her."

" What I don't understand is why we can't get close to her!"

" There is a powerful dark presence around here which exceeds our own magical boundaries... plus those undead monsters surrounding that building are making sure that no one can get close enough."

" Every time we destroy one of those things, another one immediately appears to take its place! It's as though the very land itself reeks of the undead, and whatever is inside that building is giving off the same scent in addition to the magical aura coming from her! Our Equestrian magic is powerful, but it has limitations in this world... which does explain why Sunset Shimmer hasn't been throwing her own magic around like there was no tomorrow."

" This world prevents us from using our power to its full extent, so we along with your counterpart have been weakened. My guess is that this will remain a permanent situation until everything has been returned to the way it was before this transition occurred."

" Does this mean our goals are unreachable now?"

" Not necessarily, for we can still rely on our other abilities. We've both depended far too much on our magic to solve problems, so now we need to rely on more... intricate methods to get anything done. An example would be waiting for Sunset to eventually find her way here, and figure out how to remove the stench of undead that pervades this place, and surrounds us with its foul mien. In fact, that is pretty much what we must do, for only she can solve the complex conundrum that is stopping us from getting our hands on the other me in there."

" Your choice of words reminds me of your intellect, and yet I must agree with your assessment of the situation."

" That is surprising considering that before in the past, you were much more volatile where you wanted to rely on pure power and rage to get your way."

" You've shown me a different way to look at things, and I won't deny that my own arrogance cost me everything. This wait-and-see approach has proven itself to be rather beneficial as we've come to understand how certain aspects of this world function, and we can apply this to our own repertoire when it comes to dealing with both of them. Still, I am not the patient type, for I won't wait around too long for her to finally get here."

" Are you thinking of attacking her?"

" There is this urge in my blood that wants me to."

" Nothing wrong with wanting such a desire, but you must remember that he is still a factor."

" Oh yes... Ganondorf..."

" His own power vastly exceeds our own, and if we were to get on his bad side, our lives would be snuffed out in an instant. As long as we remain in our current stance where we don't interfere with Sunset directly, he won't see any need for wanting to destroy us."

" I've been there before..."

" So for the time being, we should try to figure out how you can achieve an even greater form to match up with what Sunset acquired when she defeated me. If you want to carry out your intentions which are your very reasons for existing, then you must be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it."

" What must I do?"

" Go through the darkness where it will surely rip you to pieces, but then you'll be doing so in the embrace of having absorbed a large amount of magic. Both our other selves were able to transform after absorbing the collective magic of their closest friends, and while each form was different in terms of personality, the fact is they achieved a form that is beyond anything you can imagine.

I came into existence when she unleashed the magic, and even though I no longer have access to all that power, I managed to retain some small amount which is enough for me to continue my desire of understanding more."

" That means acquiring the magic from them."

" Indeed, but it won't be easy for this world blocks Equestrian magic."

" Then you will help me achieve a form unlike any I've ever experienced before... you owe me for I was able to bring you to life again after Sunset was able to take you away from the power which became part of you, and for that you aren't just my partner and fellow demon... you're also my servant although just for that one specific fact. For everything else, you're your own person."

" I know the expectations, and I won't fail."

" Should there be a need for us to provide some encouragement, then we shall deliver upon it."

" Even if it means angering him?"

" That's a bridge we'll cross when we reach it, but for now we should return to the town located in the center of this world, and merely wait for things to progress. We know where our respective targets are located, so Sunset should be allowed to run around for now, and do her own thing. In the meantime, I want you to tell me everything that happened during that competition, for you still have memories of that experience. I want to know exactly what she, and by her I mean you, did to absorb all of their precious magic. Don't leave out any details as I want to hear every last little detail."

The two demonic creatures then took to the sky before disappearing out of sight, and I had no idea as to what they were plannin. In fact, I should have known their true identities, for I sensed Equestrian magic coming from them... magic which connected with both myself and the other Twilight.

After some struggling on my part to get past the other Dragonfly who proved to be rather persistent what with attacking me in a relentless fashion, I was able to take it down before using the next Deku Flower, and launch myself over to the other side where I landed on a walkway which ran along the side of the mountain. Further ahead was a cave entrance which must be how we gain access to the interior, but a strange looking statue piqued my curiosity. There was actually something else as well, but this piqued Twilight's curiosity for I didn't even take notice of it, but she made sure that I looked when she decided to bop me on the head.

" Look down there," began Twilight.

" What am I supposed to be looking at?" I asked.

" Do you see that giant cobweb covering up what looks like an entrance?" asked Twilight. It took me a few moments to understand what she was talking about, and when I looked down at where she was pointing at, I could see the cobweb in question which looked rather suspicious. There was a torch nearby which gave me the idea that I needed to light a Deku Stick on fire, and burn away the webbing in order to gain access to whatever was inside. " Maybe you should make some kind of note on your map, so that we can come back here later once you have more items at your disposal."

" I could check it out right now," I suggested.

" To do that, you would need to drop down below, and that would mean having to come all the way back here," said Twilight.

" A valid point," I moaned.

" It's really strange why there's a cobweb covering up the entrance as though someone, or something were trying to hide some kind of secret," said Twilight. Strange isn't the word that I would use to describe what we're looking at, but rather mysterious, curiosity, and even odd would perhaps be better words.

I was really tempted to jump down, and investigate this further, but I knew my focus had to be on getting to the Woodfall Temple, for that's where part of this whole mystery behind the falling moon would be resolved. Plus, I have to rescue both a princess and a monkey... yeah, things are already starting to get pretty weird.

" Let me mark this spot down on my map," I said, picking up a small stone located near my feet, and carefully using it to make a tiny mark on the map. I didn't want to press too hard in case I accidentally rip it apart, and that would make Pinkie feel just awful knowing that I ruined something she worked so hard on. Once I finished making the mark, I put away the map, and dropped the stone before walking along this narrow walkway towards the strange statue at the end.

" Take it slowly otherwise you'll fall," said Twilight.

" I'm just surprised that Deku Scrubs are able to come this way at all," I said.

" This route was designed for them in mind," said Twilight.

" At least we managed to make it through despite the trouble with those Dragonflies, but the real test will start once we enter that cave entrance, for we still need to reach the altar where I have to play that song the monkey taught me. However, I want to take a closer look at that statue first," I said. Walking up to the statue in question, I found myself feeling rather dumbfounded as I had no idea what it even does, but Twilight was very excited because the main feature of the statue was a large book with a quill inside of a bottle of ink on the side.

I rolled my eyes in reaction to her excitement, for it was another reminder of how much she loved books, and my interest revolved around getting out into the field to discover things for myself instead of just reading it.

" This statue is similar to the Owl Statue that Flash Sentry told us about, but I don't think you can use that warping song to come to this exact spot," said Twilight.

" So then it doesn't do anything?" I asked.

" There is something it does, but it's probably not going to be very useful to you. Since this is a video game we're in, there must be some way a player is able to save what they were doing in case they needed to go and do something else. That must be the purpose behind this statue... to allow players to save their progress, and come back to it later without having to go through the same thing over again just to get back here," replied Twilight.

What surprised me was that only did she just figure out how this statue works, she also knew something which was practically foreign in Equestria, and that was the video game. Okay, I'm not that familiar with them either as I don't have much experience in playing them, but what I do know is from what I learned from Rainbow Dash. She may have hogged the controller much of the time given how it was her console, but I was able to watch some of the things she did which includes saving progress.

" So, I should just ignore this statue?" I asked.

" It won't do us any good," replied Twilight.

" I'm sure we'll encounter more of these statues as I doubt this is the only one that exists here," I said. Walking into the cave upon deciding to leave the statue behind, everything went dark for a moment before we entered the central part of Woodfall which according to the map, was called Woodfall, and Twilight and I were in complete awe over what we were looking at.

The entire area was just one massive swamp with a number of dead trees scattered about with some which served as platforms where Mad Scrubs had taken refuge, and there were planks that connected to the trees although this wasn't the case with all of them. " Guess the map was very accurate about what would be waiting for us here, so how in the world did Pinkie know exactly what we would encounter?"

" She is someone whose very presence goes beyond our understanding," replied Twilight.

" Meaning there's no point in trying to figure her out right?" I asked.

" Pretty much," replied Twilight. Sighing, I continued to look around in order to see where certain features were located throughout the area. There were a few platforms which had treasure chests on them including one to my left, so this should get me some rupees as I really do need to deposit more to get those rewards at the bank.

Then I noticed another cave entrance all the way at the back which must be where Adagio of this region is located, and while it sounded like this was merely a guess on my part, previous experiences are what I'm using to justify my reasoning. Of course, Twilight should be able to confirm my suspicions as she is a fairy after all, and so she should be able to sense the powerful magic coming from the Great Fairy.

" So far, it looks relatively normal aside from the Mad Scrubs scattered about," I said.

" I've noticed a lack of lily pads, so if you were to fall down into the poison swamp water, you'll have no chance of surviving unless you change back into a human, and proceeded through the area until we reach the altar," said Twilight. If I were to traverse this area as a human and fall, I'm sure to take a lot of damage due to the poison until I climb back out again. Twilight then started bopping me on the head again which was her way of getting my attention, so I quickly looked up at her to see what she wanted to tell me. " I can see the altar over there in the distance!"

" Where?" I asked.

" If you look slightly to your left, and through the reeds, trees, planks, and pretty much everything else, you should be able to see it," replied Twilight. I then looked in the direction she was pointing at, but at first I wasn't able to see anything because she had a slight advantage due to floating slightly above me enabling her to see things better than I can, but then after searching for a couple of minutes, I finally noticed the altar, and it actually looked pretty normal. In my mind, I assumed it would be a giant building complete with a statue dedicated to the Deku Tribe, but it was just a fancy platform with some kind of raised groove on it.

" So playing that song on that groove will reveal the temple?" I asked.

" It must as there's no other option I can think of. Before we go any further Sunset, we should think about how to approach this temple in terms of how much time we have before needing to reset time. If you look up at the sky, the sun has already started to rise to signal the beginning of the second day, so the question is, are we able to figure out the secrets of the temple within the next 48 hours?" asked Twilight.

Dawn of the Second Day - 48 Hours Remain.

" Based on my previous experiences, the dungeons of Hyrule started out pretty simple, but then they quickly got complicated which ended up costing me to waste an awful lot of time, and I expect no less here although I feel this time things will be complex right off the bat. Personally, I don't think 48 hours is enough for us because there will be traps, puzzles, monsters, a big monster, and who knows what else waiting for us in there," I replied. It looks like resetting time and having the complete three days is going to be the order of business, but it would be nice to find another Owl Statue, as I don't really want to backtrack through all that we've been through in this cycle.

" Did you say a big monster?" asked Twilight.

" At the end of the dungeon is something referred to as a boss according to what Rainbow Dash told me one time after my first adventure, and if the same principle applies here as it does with Hyrule, fighting one will take plenty of time," I replied.

" So resetting time is going to be essential?" asked Twilight. I nodded my head in approval, but then something else entered my mind with regards to time. If only there was a way to have more of it, so that I wouldn't feel pressured into getting things done so quickly. I wish Zelda in that memory I experienced told me something else about using the power of time, for it would be essential especially when it comes to these dungeons.

" Twilight, do you think Tatl's memories could tell you something about anyone who may know any secrets related to time?" I asked.

" That's a pretty tall order, but let me see what I can come up with," replied Twilight, closing her eyes and concentrating. She began experiencing various images of Tatl visiting different places during her time with Starlight Glimmer, but judging from her lack of enthusiasm, she wasn't finding anything of importance. Suddenly, she began to dance about as though she had just lost it, and before I had the chance to question what was wrong, Twilight began to speak. " There is something Tatl experienced in Clock Town, but it's really weird that a character like that would know anything."

" Who is it?" I asked.

" When Starlight paid a visit to Dr. Hooves, she encountered a scarecrow at the base of the observatory who mentioned something about dancing, and a secret about how to manipulate the flow of time. Such information was ignored by Starlight, for she had other plans in mind," replied Twilight. Why did it have to be a scarecrow of all things? I remember encountering a scarecrow before in Hyrule, and I had a feeling this was going to be the same one, but with a different message for me.

Wait! Did Twilight say that the scarecrow was seen in the observatory where I obtained the Moon's Tear? I've got to go back through that secret passageway again!?!? " I thought it was weird seeing one of those talking, but then other things have proven to be even weirder, but the scarecrow said something that struck me as odd. He said that he was also located in some kind of shop in West Clock Town, yet I wasn't able to get a precise location as Starlight wanted to leave."

" That sounds both convenient, and somewhat expected," I said.

" This game apparently gives players a bone when it comes to hints, and I think I just gave you one without even realizing it," said Twilight. Guess I should have checked out those other shops in addition to the Curiosity Shop, and the Bomb Shop, so maybe I'll check out the rest before resetting time. If this scarecrow does indeed know something about manipulating the flow of time, it could prove to be the kind of edge I need.

" Why don't we go to that altar first before doing anything else," I suggested.

" You do realize that if you do use that Song of Soaring to warp, your only other destination is the entrance to the Southern Swamp, so you'll still have to make your way back to town on foot which will waste a bit of time," said Twilight. That was her subtle way of telling me to look for an Owl Statue in town, and I think I know exactly where to look if my memory of what I saw is accurate.

With that all taken care of, I went to the left where I hopped once across the swamp water landing on the platform that contained the treasure chest Twilight mentioned before, and it certainly was a big chest, but not one that would contain a Piece of Heart. " Are you sure you're allowed to take what's in there?" Twilight asked with a look of concern on her face.

" No one else has come this way Twilight, and these are the kinds of rewards an adventurer looks forward to," I replied.

" Can you even open it considering your height and all?" asked Twilight.

" I suppose giving the chest a little kick should produce the desired results," I replied, using my right foot to kick the chest open before jumping inside which made me feel really small as I've never done anything like it before. Luckily for me, there was something inside, and when I jumped back out, I showed Twilight a red rupee.

" This is worth 20 rupees, so while it isn't all that much, it will go a long way towards getting those rewards at the bank." Pocketing the rupee, and hopping over to the main pathway again, I walked to the other side of the platform where one lily pad separated the platform from a tree stump, but then I noticed something on the plank. " What's that thing over there?"

" That creature is called a Hiploop, and it can be pretty difficult to defeat if you're not careful. Right now, it's just minding its own business, but the moment you walk into its territory, it will charge at you with every desire to knock you off, and into the poison swamp water below where death is certain. You can use bubbles to attack from a distance, but you need to be quick as it will move very quickly when it charges. If you use your spin attack, and collide with it, it will be stunned for a few seconds which will give you enough time to inflict some damage, and this also works using Deku Nuts," replied Twilight.

" I don't have many of those," I said.

" Then spinning into a Hiploop is the way to go if you're not confidant with your magic," said Twilight. Hopping onto the lily pad before hopping over and landing on the stump, the Hiploop so far wasn't paying any attention, so I walked ever so slowly in order to get as close as possible, for my bubbles only have a limited range, plus the plank was on a slope which would work against me as my bubbles fire in a straight line.

The Hiploop then suddenly turned to the left as though it heard me, and I was really nervous about this, but it then turned back the other way where I breathed a sigh of relief. Once I was close enough, I formed a bubble in my mouth, and fired where it sailed through the air hitting its target from behind which caused it to suddenly get really mad. Before it was able to mount some kind of counterattack, I fired another bubble which connected, and caused it to fall apart where its remains splashed into the swamp water below.

" That was rather gruesome," I said.

" And you have seen worse than this right?" asked Twilight.

" I think Termina takes it up a notch given how morbid this world is," I replied.

" There are additional Hiploops in the area, for I can hear their horrible noises, and I'm also seeing a couple of Dragonflies near the altar, so you need to converse your magic until you can find a magic jar," said Twilight.

" Like that one?" I asked, pointing to where the Hiploop had been defeated. It had dropped a magic jar which was very convenient seeing as I've yet to restore my magic since first getting it, so quickly picking it up before it disappeared, I felt a slight surge which meant that my power had been restored slightly, and good thing too since there was another Hiploop patrolling the next plank with a Mad Scrub waiting right behind it.

" How do you feel?" asked Twilight.

" Getting that magic jar restored some of my magic power, but I need to collect some more in order to fully restore it," I replied.

" Maybe the Great Fairy can help you with that," suggested Twilight, floating to my right as her way of letting me know that the cave entrance to the Fairy's Fountain was to my right. Since there was a Deku Flower situated in front of the entrance, I can easily get back onto the main path, but there was one problem which I can't afford to overlook, and that involved monsters re-spawning.

If I were to enter the fountain, and then come back out here, monsters I've defeated will have come back which would cause me some additional problems. I then fired a bubble at the second Hiploop striking it in the rear where it turned around in frustration, and proceeded to charge towards me where I fired another bubble defeating it where it left behind another magic jar which I happily picked up. " Sunset, we should pay the Great Fairy a visit." Twilight suggested.

" There's one problem with doing that," I began.

" What's that?" asked Twilight.

" Even though I've just defeated two monsters, if we were to enter the fountain in order to see Adagio, and then come back out later on, those same two monsters will have re-spawned where they were prior to destroying them, and it would mean me having to perform the task all over again. This is true inside of the dungeons, and practically anywhere in this world with the exception of specific monsters which only need to be defeated once, and never again after that. Besides, Adagio mentioned that her fellow Great Fairies have been shattered to pieces thanks to Starlight Glimmer, so going into that fountain would produce no results as there will just be numerous Stray Fairies," I replied.

" Right... they're inside the temple," said Twilight.

" We'll pay a visit to the fountain after resetting time," I suggested.

" Hopefully, there's an Owl Statue for you to strike otherwise you'll have to come all the way back here again," said Twilight. Hearing her say that made me gulp pretty loudly, for I didn't know if Flash Sentry had left one of those statues here in this part of Woodfall. Guess we'll know for certain upon reaching the altar, but first we have to actually get there by overcoming these other monsters such as the Mad Scrub before me who decided to fire a Deku Nut which I avoided simply by not being close enough.

" Sunset, your spin attack will work against Mad Scrubs, but you need to have some space to use it otherwise nothing will happen. Just be sure it doesn't hide in its flower otherwise you'll end up falling off the edge, and into the poison."

" I'll wait for it to fire another nut before attacking," I said. The Mad Scrub would do exactly that roughly ten seconds later, and the moment it fired its nut at me, I quickly ran forward, and used my spin attack defeating it where the Deku Flower changed colour which meant I could now use it, but that's when I noticed there was another one located on top of the next tree stump I need to land on. " I don't think my bubbles can reach that far."

" I'm afraid not, so you'll need another tactic," suggested Twilight.

" Aren't I able to drop Deku Nuts while flying? If I can fly over until I'm right above it, I can drop one on top of it which should be enough," I said.

" How many do you have?" asked Twilight.

" I've got about four, so I have only four chances unless I can get more Deku Nuts," I replied. The second Mad Scrub noticed where I was, and proceeded to fire Deku Nuts at me which harmlessly collided with the side of the tree stump which had me thinking that it was either ignorant about its efforts, or it was some kind of bizarre programming which is due to this being a video game, and would serve nothing more other than being an annoyance... I decided to go with the second option here as it sounded better.

Diving into the Deku Flower, and aiming for where the Mad Scrub was located, I launched myself and flew over to where it was all while it continued firing Deku Nuts, and I learned that these guys are pretty good at curving their shots as one nut almost hit me, but missed by mere inches.

" They're a lot better than I thought," said Twilight.

" Guess I underestimated them," I added.

" Just be careful when aiming, and remember that you only have a limited amount of flight," said Twilight. I quickly looked up at my own flowers, and sure enough they were beginning to wane which meant I only had a few seconds which would equate to about one attempt to drop a Deku Nut onto the Mad Scrub.

I flew over where my flowers slowed down even faster, and just before they stopped completely, I dropped a Deku Nut which landed on the Mad Scrub, defeating it where it left behind its own Deku Nut which I grabbed by falling onto it. " There's another Mad Scrub at the end of the next plank, so do what you did before against the first one by using your spin attack once you're within range." It sounded like Twilight was starting to enjoy this a little, but hopefully she doesn't develop a sadistic nature.

" Is that the altar up ahead?" I asked.

" I think so, and I think I can see an Owl Statue over there," replied Twilight.

" That means we can come back here at any time provided I activate the statue," I said.

" All you need to do is defeat that last Mad Scrub," said Twilight. Walking across the plank before using a spin attack, I defeated the third Mad Scrub although it did hit me in the process which almost caused me to fall off the side, but lucky for me that I have good reflexes, for I quickly grabbed onto the plank before pulling myself back up.

" That was a little too for comfort, Sunset, but at least you recovered. Still, you need to be more careful as Termina isn't the same as Hyrule, but what would I know seeing as I don't remember much about the latter world." What Twilight said was true, for even though she portrayed Zelda last time, she has no memories of that experience, and this was the same for the rest of my friends, and everyone else who were involved from both the human world and Equestria.

" Once we enter the dungeon, being careful is going to be my top priority," I said.

" Are such places really that bad?" asked Twilight.

" Considering I've almost been killed in about six of them before, I would definitely say yes," I replied.

" Maybe you should prepare accordingly before going inside the temple," suggested Twilight.

" I actually do have a weird idea which may prove useful, and that involves taking a picture of Woodfall Temple when it appears. I know Trenderhoof has probably never seen the temple before given that only Deku Scrubs are able to make it this far, so I'm willing to believe that he will give me plenty of rupees as a reward," I said. Twilight looked at me with an odd expression on her face which indicated that she didn't quite understand what I was saying, so I explained it again with more detail.

If I can show Trenderhoof both a picture of the Deku Queen, and Woodfall Temple, I'm sure to get the best prize and maybe something else. The first thing I need to though, is make the temple appear so that I can use my Pictograph Box... which apparently is going to be getting more use than I originally thought, but maybe getting to the altar is the more important thing.

Diving into the Deku Flower which had been previously occupied by the Mad Scrub, I launched myself and flew over where I landed on the altar itself, and the first thing I did was walk over to, and activate the Owl Statue so that I could return here again. The statue unfurled its wings which must mean that it's been activated, but I won't know for sure until I use the Song of Soaring.

With that done, I took a closer look at the altar, and it was pretty sparse as though the Deku didn't really care about overall presentation. The raised groove had an image of a Deku Scrub's face on it, so being in this form was necessary as I doubt the temple will react to an ocarina.

" This must be some kind of place of worship," suggested Twilight.

" Perhaps they pray to the temple?" I asked.

" No, that sounds kind of silly Sunset, but maybe they pray to the guardian of this region for protection, yet for the deity to acknowledge their prayers, they must reveal the temple, and go through it in order to truly make a connection," replied Twilight.

" Should I try playing the Sonata of Awakening?" I asked.

" We don't need to go inside, for we agreed on resetting time, but you said that you needed a picture, so you might as well try," replied Twilight. I stood on the groove before taking out the Ocarina of Time from my pouch as it was obvious that I needed to stand in the designated location otherwise nothing would happen, and it immediately transformed because in this form, I use the Deku Pipes as opposed to the ocarina. It took me several moments to remember how the Sonata of Awakening was supposed to go as I haven't played it at all since learning it, so I played the song where nothing happened at first.

" Nothing," I sighed.

" Give it a few moments," suggested Twilight. Suddenly, the entire area began to tremble as though there were an earthquake happening, and I struggled to keep my balance as I didn't want to fall into the poisonous swamp water when I'm this close to entering the temple. Twilight told me to look out at two dead trees which were completely whole compared to the other dead trees, and something was beginning to stir below them which quickly gained strength in the form of a whirlpool.

That's when something large suddenly came forth and rose up for quite a distance until it stopped... my mouth dropped in awe over having witnessed Woodfall Temple rising from the poisonous depths. Excess water was trickling down every last crevice, and since there was another Deku Flower on the altar, I had to fly over to the entrance which consisted of an opening at the top of the structure.

" So that's the temple?" I asked.

" I'm sensing a powerful dark aura coming from there," replied Twilight.

" How did Starlight Glimmer gain access to the temple?" I asked.

" She must have used the power of Majora's Mask in order to gain access," replied Twilight. I could feel the dark aura as well, and it made me feel really nervous as though I didn't want to go inside, but I had no other choice for doing nothing would mean the human world would never change back to the way it was before all of this happened. " The temple has appeared now, Sunset, so aren't you going to take a picture?"

Twilight's question reminded me of what I was going to do, so I lifted up the Pictograph Box that was around my neck, and stepped back a few paces in order to get the entire temple in the shot. One flash later, and the picture was taken, and judging from how well it looked, Trenderhoof should really like it along with the picture of Tree Hugger.

" I know we need to go inside, but first I need to deal with leftover tasks," I said.

" That would include showing Trenderhoof those pictures, depositing rupees at the bank, seeing that scarecrow about learning the secret to manipulating time, and maybe even something you haven't considered before," said Twilight.

" Guess it's time to see what the Song of Soaring can do," I said.

" You should take that mask off now as you won't be needing it for the time being," suggested Twilight.

" I agree, for I've been a Deku Scrub long enough," I said, pulling on my face and removing the Deku Mask thus turning me back to normal, and right away I breathed a sigh of relief as I was myself again although I would have to resume my altered form to enter Woodfall Temple. Since I was holding the ocarina in my hand, it had changed back to normal too, so upon raising it up to my mouth, I played the Song of Soaring where a voice in my head asked me where the wind should take me.

There was only one location I could go, so I responded to the voice by asking the wind to send me over to the entrance of the Southern Swamp. That's when I started spinning around rapidly courtesy of the wind, and it felt as though my stomach was about to heave, but then in an instant it was over, and I was back where the tourist centre was.

" That was fast," commented Twilight.

" I almost threw up," I moaned.

" You'll get used to it," said Twilight.

" Hopefully, otherwise this will be another thing I'm not going to enjoy," I moaned. Thanks to feeling so queasy, I stumbled my way over to the centre, and even tripped along the way as I wasn't feeling well at all, so upon reaching the ladder, I propped myself up against it in order to rest for a few moments. While I was just standing there, I began to think about the human version of Twilight again, and what she must have felt before everything suddenly changed.

I know she isn't the Twilight who has become my mentor in addition to my friend, but I can really relate with her human counterpart for she has been through what I experienced back then... before understanding my actions had caused nothing but pain and misery. She was able to avoid the fate which plagued me, but I know there is still a long path ahead of her where she will need plenty of guidance especially when it comes to accepting magic as existing, and what she unintentionally became.

" Feeling better?" asked Twilight about five minutes later.

" My stomach still feels a little weird, but I can keep going," I replied, regaining my composure before climbing up the ladder, ignoring the Business Scrub who was looking at me again, and entering the Swamp Tourist Centre where Trenderhoof was still shaking his head in shame due to Pinkie Pie's antics. Trixie was also here in the hole in the wall where she was surprised that I had come back, but I wonder if she knew that the boat wasn't below the centre seeing as I didn't ride it all the way back here. Ignoring her as I had no need to talk to her, so I walked over to Trenderhoof who recognized me straight away.

" You came back after all! I was afraid that the Deku Tribe had captured you or somethin' seeing as you wanted to go down to their palace and all. Hopefully, you were able to take some good pictographs seeing as you came to speak to me in order to show me what you've taken," said Trenderhoof.

" I only have two to show," I said.

" It's better than nothin', so what one do you want to show me first?" asked Trenderhoof. I removed the Pictograph Box from around my neck, and handed it over to him where he looked at the photo I took of Woodfall Temple which was what I was hoping he would look at it rather than the one of Tree Hugger. " Say, is this the Woodfall Temple? Many of us around here are aware that it exists given the Deku talk about it constantly, but no one has ever taken a pictograph of it before seeing as only Deku can get ther. You've got quite a rare pictograph here, and even though I can't give you the best prize, I can still give you quite the rupee reward."

" How much?" I asked.

" For a pictograph of the temple, I'll give you 100 rupees," replied Trenderhoof. My face started beaming because that's exactly what I was hoping for, but then I realized that my wallet can only hold up to 99 rupees, so some of this reward is going to be utterly pointless. He then handed the Pictograph Box back to me before handing over a silver rupee which he said was what constituted as being worth 100 rupees, but then I told him that I had another picture for him to look at.

" Sorry, I guess that I forgot about that what with being excited about the pictograph of the Woodfall Temple." I handed the Pictograph Box back to Trenderhoof where his expression suddenly changed to one of complete shock upon seeing what I had taken. " Is this... is this the Deku Queen?"

" Yep," I answered.

" Unbelievable! No one aside from the Deku are allowed to enter the Deku Palace, and yet you've managed to somehow sneak in there, and took an excellent pictograph of their queen! That takes an awful lot of stealth to have pulled this off, so you automatically win the best prize of this contest. Here you go!" shouted Trenderhoof, handing back the Pictograph Box where I place the string around my neck before he handed over a Piece of Heart which was a prize that really made my day, and upon grabbing it, I felt the familiar warmth I experience whenever I get one.

" What will you do with those pictographs?" I asked.

" Place them into this album where they will be preserved for all time," replied Trenderhoof.

" I guess I've got no other reason to hand over pictographs," I said.

" Well, if you ever come back here for whatever reason you may have, and show me some additional pictographs, I'll reward you with some rupees. The rarer the subject, the more rupees I'll give in return," said Trenderhoof. I don't think I'll ever need to come in here again, but then I had a suspicion Trixe over there wasn't quite finished with me, but I don't think she can do anything right now until the poison has been taken care of.

With all of those rupees in my possession, I left the Swamp Tourist Centre, and decided to make my way back to Clock Town because I had rupees to deposit at the bank. It did mean having to run all the way back to town which would be annoying, so I climbed down the ladder before stopping due to someone standing in my way which was strange as I didn't see them there before.

" Who are you?" I asked.

" I'm the one who will be asking the questions around here!"

" Look, I'd love to stay here and chat with you, but I really need to head back to Clock Town to take care of some business. So, if you'll excuse me for my rudeness, I simply must be going right away," I said, trying to move to the side, yet this person had other ideas, and prevented me from leaving due to moving right out in front of me. This was starting to get rather annoying, for what reason did someone have to stop me from leaving Woodfall?

" I'm afraid you're not going anywhere!"

" Why not?" I asked, before suddenly finding a sharp blade a mere inch from my neck.

" You've had it pretty easy so far, but I'm afraid that you must be reminded of the harsh trials which await you... Sunset Shimmer."

" How do you know my name?" I asked.

" If you can survive what's about to happen when I decide to let my finger slip on this sword, I'll tell you, but you'll be dead before that, so there's no point in telling you anything." Whoever this person was, their voice sounded awfully familiar as though I know it from somewhere, yet I wasn't in the position to do anything. If I don't come up with a strategy and fast, I'm going to be cut down before I can enter Woodfall Temple...

To Be Continued.

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