• Published 22nd Sep 2015
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The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask - Ganondorf8

Sunset Shimmer must save Termina, a parallel world to Hyrule on the verge of ruin. By her side is her friend and mentor, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Can Sunset overcome the odds stacked against her?

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Chapter 16: The Shy Princess

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding the Legend of Zelda, the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. These are the properties of Nintendo and Hasbro respectively.

I think it was pretty obvious who the Deku Princess was going to be, but I doubt anyone expected the role Principal Celestia was given.

Cast appearing in this chapter.

Sunset Shimmer - Link
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Tatl the Fairy
Fluttershy - Deku Princess
Principal Celestia - Giant of Woodfall
Adagio Dazzle - Great Fairy of Wisdom.

Special Guest: Ganondorf as himself.

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask
By Ganondorf8
November 14, 2015 (Written), June 20, 2016 (Published)
Chapter 16: The Shy Princess.

" What's that?" I asked.

" It looks like Odolwa's head or at least the mask he was wearing." Twilight answered.

" You did say that he was a 'Masked Jungle Warrior' when you described him at the start of the fight, but I didn't think you were being serious about it. Still, I'm sensing a mask theme here, and this guy was wearing a mask on his face." I said. I then walked closer to where the mask was floating above the Deku Flower, and while I didn't want to pick it up, something in my mind compelled me to do it.

I grabbed the mask before holding it up above my head, yet I sensed a strange aura coming from this mask, as though something used to be contained within it. " Twilight, are you sensing an aura?"

" Yes, I can and it has lead me to come up with an interesting theory."

" Do tell."

" The guardian who protects Woodfall disappeared without a trace, right?"

" That's what Flash Sentry meant although he didn't exactly say what caused her disappearance."

" Well, I think I've got a pretty good idea what happened. The aura coming from this mask feels majestic, ancient, far beyond our own understanding, as though the guardian itself had been sealed within this mask. I know it sounds rather farfetched and I'm just pulling at straws here, but it's the best logical conclusion that I can come up with given what little we do know." Twilight said. Her theory held a lot of weight and made me come to my own conclusion. If this had happened to the guardian of Woodfall, had the same thing happened to the other three? If so, then Starlight had done something really terrible, but why go to such lengths just to play some pranks?

Everything was beginning to make a tiny bit of sense, yet there was much that remained elusive. This mask that Odolwa wore felt weird in my hands, and not because he had been wearing it. It used to be the face of a monster, yet it felt right for me to hold it. He had been defeated and this mask was proof that I had conquered him. I had an incentive burrowing through my mind that compelled me to put the maskon , but I quickly got such thoughts out of my head. The option didn't even become an issue when the mask suddenly wrestled itself from my hands, and began floating upwards of its own volition.

" Um, Twilight?"

" What did you do?"

" I don't know, but it looks as though this mask has its own plans." I answered. Everything then turned white and I blacked out before waking up several minutes later in a strange place. I mean, I'd all kinds of strange locations in the past, but this location definitely was up there as unusual. There was this blue presence all around me caused by the blue sky, and there were strange blue columns that resembled streams of energy, but the weirdest thing had to be me standing on top of a pillar that was small in diameter. That's when I noticed that I was no longer in my Deku Scrub form, and was instead human. Had collecting Odolwa's mask change me back instantly?

" Why did the mask bring us here?"

" Don't ask me, Twilight."

" Something about this place feels magical, like I'm sensing Equestrian magic, but also a different kind of magic that's beyond even my knowledge." Twilight said. That's when she noticed what looked like a giant figure behind one of the streams of energy, and brought it to my attention by bopping me on the head. " Sunset, it appears we're not alone here."

" Where?"

" Behind that stream." Twilight answered. I then looked in the direction she pointed at, and a large figure was standing behind the stream. There was something familiar as I recognized the bodyshape, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it just yet. " That must be the guardian whose spirit was sealed inside of Odolwa's mask, but why does it just stand there without saying anything? I mean, what exactly are we supposed to be doing right now?"

" Good question."

" Why aren't you more interested in this?"

" I know I've seen that particular bodyshape before, but I guess I was fixated on that instead of why this guardian hasn't done anything other than just stand there." I answered. Suddenly, the guardian took a couple of steps forward, and the moment I saw the multi-coloured hair shimmering about, my eyes opened wide with shock. " Twilight! I know who this is! I can't believe that I didn't figure this out sooner."

" Who is it?"

" I thought the answer would be obvious to you, Twilight." I answered, my words making her feel confused. Twilight then took a closer look for herself. When she saw the flowing multi-coloured hair, she immediately came to the very conclusion. " Now do you understand who is standing before us?"

" Princess Celestia!"

" Perhaps or it could be Principal Celestia." I said. This guardian was indeed our mentor, well, my former mentor I suppose due to what happened a long time ago. The point was that we were staring at one of the rulers of Equestria or the principal of Canterlot High, yet there was also some irony at play here. In my last adventure, she portrayed one of the Great Goddesses who created Hyrule, and now she portrayed what appeared to be a giant woman who wore nothing aside from a golden swimsuit.

" What in the world is she wearing? I don't think I've ever seen a dress quite like that before.

" That's a swimsuit, Twilight."

" What!?"

" You've never seen one before, haven't you?

" No!"

" Well, now you have."

" I don't think this is the right time to discuss such matters."

" I'm not surprised at that sudden outburst, but then swimsuits don't exist in Equestria given we usually don't wear clothes. I'll admit that seeing Principal Celestia like this strikes me as odd considering she's usually much more elegant." I said. Seeing Principal Celestia wearing a swimsuit made me feel uncomfortable, but I couldn't blame her for wearing something she had no control over. I doubted she even was bothered and merely has accepted it.

Her swimsuit was gold in colour, and radiated an aura that made it look like it were brimming with power. I had to remember that while this guardian looked like Principal Celestia, she had no recollection of who she really was. Even someone with her immense power wasn't immune to the dark powers of Ganondorf.

" How do we begin a conversation?"

" Maybe I should say something."

" Couldn't hurt."

" Um, hello?" I asked at the top of my lungs, yet Principal Celestia made no response. " I was wondering if you could tell me where me and my friend are? You see, I defeated this powerful monster called Odolwa and left behind a mask that he wore upon being defeated. For some reason, it brought us here to this place and before you." At first, my words fell on deaf ears, but then I heard the sounds of giant footsteps. Principal Celestia had paid attention, and then stepped through the energy stream, showcasing her majestic form.

The golden swimsuit was incredibly lovely--especially where it forms like a turtleneck around her neck--yet I wasn't thrilled with the fact that the outfit was one of those high-cut swimsuits. There was one thing I didn't take notice of due to Principal Celestia's face having been hidden behind the energy stream, and that was the various symbols strewn about her face and arms.

" Those symbols represent ancient writing."

" Gotten that from Tatl's memories?"

" Yes, but don't bother asking me what they mean."

" You were the one who freed my spirit that had been sealed within that mask of darkness?" Principal Celestia asked, her body lurched forward to get a closer look at me. " Yes, you are the one who saved the region that I have sworn to protect, and for that you have my eternal gratitude."

" It was my pleasure."

" There is much that eludes you small human, and it has left you with many questions. While the Great Fairy has taught you some things about this world, there is much that goes beyond even her understanding. While she does possess incredible power, she is merely a fairy, while my fellow giants and I are celestial beings." Principal Celestia said.

" Giants?"

" I am the first of the Four Giants. We are ancient beings who protect this land from anything that dares to threaten it. Whenever the people need our might, we shall appear upon being called. However, something believes us to be a threat, and so we were sealed within dark masks that are worn by powerful creatures who serve as the source of the problems in the four compass points. I take it you desire to save this world from destruction?" Principal Celestia asked.

" Yes."

" What I am about to tell you is essential if you are to save this world. The moon that falls from on high must not be allowed to cause destruction, so you must call on the four of us when the allotted time comes. When you do so, we shall appear just as we have done in ages long past. You must summon us using the song of calling or else this world shall cease to be." Principal Celestia said. She then moved backwards, spread her arms out, and stood in that position as though she were waiting for some kind of signal.

" Sunset, didn't Principal Celestia mention a 'song of calling'?" Twilight asked.

" Yeah, she did say that."

" Maybe we should ask about that?"

" Might as well." I answered, looking up at Principal Celestia. " You said that I need to call on you. How am I to do that?" Principal Celestia didn't respond to my question at first, but then she began to sing a series of notes. Rather than simply sing them twice--like I had experienced many times in the past--she kept on singing.

" It sounds like she's trying to teach you a song."

" Are you sure about that?"

" I think so, but you need to take out the Ocarina of Time right now." Twilight answered. I did as she asked and took it out of my pouch, holding it up to my lips. " Give me a second so I make sense of what Principal Celestia is doing." Twilight floated away towards her and began to memorize the song. She floated back with a confused look on her face, yet she wasn't the kind of person who gave up easily. " I think I know what notes must be played on your ocarina, so try picturing one of those musical bars, and apply that to what I'm about to do."

Twilight began to act like a chime, her way of telling me what notes I needed to play. She repeated the "song" Principal Celestia was singing twice before handing things over to me, but it took me quite some time to memorize the precise notes. After numerous attempts--and a lot of blunders--I finally played the song. It sounded like it was filled with an ancient power, and upon finishing, Principal Celestia stopped with her singing before she lurched forward again.

" Guess that means I did it."

" That took you quite some time."

" Your method wasn't easy for me to follow."

" Sorry, but it was the best that I could do."

" Now all we need to do is figure out where to find the rest of the giants, and free them from their imprisonment. Also, I think we should ask her where I'm supposed to play this song. It's not like it can played out of the blue like most songs." I said.

" Do you think she will answer those questions?"

" I hope so."

" You have learned the song that shall call us." Principal Celestia said.

" So by playing it, you and the other three will appear?"

" Correct, small human."

" Am I right to assume that without the other giants, playing this song will do nothing?"

" The 'Oath to Order' will summon us regardless of whether you have freed us all or not. This song was used long ago by those who once lived here in this world.. It is a power that has been passed down from generation to generation, yet it is a power that has long been forgotten by those who now reside in the four compass points. When you play that song when the time comes, we shall appear and aid you with what needs to be done." Principal Celestia answered. Her words held a ring of truth to them, and made me realize I still had a long way to go before I can save Termina. It then dawned on me that perhaps she was aware that the world shouldn't be the way it was, but first, I needed to ask her about where I was supposed to play this new song.

" You said that I must play this 'when the time comes'. What do you mean by that?"

" The song must be played in the place the people go to worship us."

" In other words?"

" I am certain you already know the answer." Principal Celestia answered. I had a feeling she wasn't going to give me the direct answer, and instead be cryptic. I wasn't sure if I believed what she said about me already knowing, but I had to trust in her judgement. I knew she wouldn't try to steer me wrong even when she doesn't recognize me. With that question out of the way, I decided to ask her the other one and hoped she would be more responsive.

" I have another question for you."

" What is it?"

" I was wondering if you know that things aren't meant to be this way."

" There is truth to your words."

" So you know something is wrong?"

" A strange power did radiate across this land before the current crisis, yet why it happened remains unclear. We giants possess a strong connection to this land, and I can confirm that your concerns are correct. However, we do not possess the power to undo such power as it goes far beyond our own reach, but perhaps this is something you must do on your own, small human. We shall aid you in preventing the looming destruction, but what happens after that will be on your shoulders." Principal Celestia answered. I was expecting her to have said something more positive about what Ganondorf did, yet I suppose it was the best I could get from her.

I also suspected that she was unaware as to who Ganondorf was. My readings of the Hyrule Historia revealed that the Dark Lord had no influence in Termina. As far as the people were concerned, he never existed here. " Now you must return and seek out the next giant who awaits to be freed. Go north beyond the warmth of the land, and into the frigid wastes where life struggles to sustain itself. There, you shall witness first-hand the dark power that holds all in a grip of death." Principal Celestia said.

" Thank you for everything."

" Do not forget the Oath of Order." Principal Celestia said. She then stepped backwards until she disappeared behind the energy stream, and that's when everything turned white. As I was returning, I didn't notice something new happening to Woodfall. A walkway rose up from the depths of the swamp connecting the entrance with a back entrance to the temple.

" Sunset..." Twilight said.

" Yeah?"

" Is this what you had to do in your previous adventure?"

" Pretty much, but I was way more hesitant due to constantly questioning everything. I always kept complaining about what I was supposed to be doing, and over time I slowly grew adjusted to it. Looking back on it now, Spike really deserves a lot of credit for having put up with my whining despite him taking the entire journey before he believed me." I answered

" Sounds to me you two had a memorable time."

" Filled with twists along the way."

" Such as?"

" Like him!" I answered, pointing straight towards a familiar shadow who was very much real this time around as opposed to appearing in my dreams. Ganondorf's silhouette had appeared before me, and I was too afraid to draw my sword and shield. Was this fear? Was I scared to face him out of fear of being killed?

" So, you have awakened one of the protectors as I knew you would, child. You have once again proven yourself worthy of my expectations. Do not think for even a second that this means that you and your little friends are free of my power." Ganondorf said.

" What has brought on this encounter?"

" If you believe that I am here to do battle with you, then know that you can relax. Now is not the time for our contest. No, that shall come when the time is correct. The power I am sensing within you has increased since last we spoke, and yet it can become even greater were you to shed away the light and embrace your true self." Ganondorf answered. Already, I knew he desired for me to go back to who I used to be, but I've no desire to go back to that ever again.

He then smiled at me that I could see in the form of a white marking appearing on the bottom of his silhouetted face. That meant he knew what my answer was going to be. His ability to foresee the future--and apparently read minds--was truly immense as it meant there was nothing I could hide from him.

" You know what I'm going to say."

" The light continues growing inside of you... How amusing, and yet misguided at the same time." Ganondorf said, his eyes glowing bright yellow. He was using intimidation to frighten me, and it worked because I was shaking like a leaf. " Darkness is a power that you once embraced, child. You would consume it without hesitation and do anything necessary no matter the cost to claim it. You would even destroy the strongest emotions for it. Is it no wonder that the she-demon you became still exists? Or, perhaps that creature is merely a shell of what was once a powerful being?"

" I'm never going back there!"

" You cannot escape the taint."

" Taint?"

" When you first committed an act of darkness, the day you betrayed your teacher, your heart became corrupted, tainted with evil, and that taint still exists even now despite everything you have done to move on from the past. Nothing you do will ever remove this taint, so if you believe that you can, you are merely deluding yourself. And I have not forgotten the likes of you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. There is a taint of darkness within your heart as well." Ganondorf answered. His gaze sharply turned towards Her Highness, and she quickly darted behind my hat to shield herself from his sight.

" What does this taint do?"

" The more evil acts you perform, the darkness grows stronger until it has consumed your very being. How long it takes depends on the willpower of the one tainted. Should you possess a weak will, it would not take long for you to become corrupted. If the opposite is true, you would last much longer, and perhaps even control such darkness." Ganondorf answered. I was starting to understand where he was coming from with his choice of words. Even though I've changed my ways and become a much better person, the darkness within my heart still existed. An example would be whenever I lose my temper. That must be the darkness within me coming forth.

I guess no one can be considered purely good unless they never once committed an act of evil, but what did he mean about Twilight having a taint of evil inside of her heart as well? I've known her for a long time, and not once had she ever done anything that can be viewed as evil, yet maybe she did some things before we met or after she became a princess in Equestria. Come to think of it, I didn't believe I ever asked her if she ever did something that constituted as having been malicious.

" Okay, so I'm not perfect!"

" Try as you might, the darkness within cannot be snuffed out by heroics."

" Something just occurred to me, Ganondorf. Why did you mention the she-demon?"

" You already know the answer, child, so there is no need for me to explain." Ganondorf answered. My suspicion was right after all. The ones I sensed earlier who were in possession of Equestrian magic were indeed Sunset Demon, yet who was the other one? I quickly slapped my forehead when it became apparent as to the identity of the other demonic creature. It had to be Twilight's--the human and not the pony at my side--form she took on when she was consumed by magic, yet how could that form even exist considering I freed her from it when I extended my hand out in friendship? " Darkness is a force that can never be destroyed! It must exist alongside light, as both forces clash against one another for supremacy, yet those who fight on the side of light strive to blight out evil."

" Light and darkness... Existing together?"

" It seems the teachings of the one who guided you are false, but then that is not surprising. Already, your vision of a world where only light exists crumbles apart, yet it will be interesting to see how such convictions will stand when you see the truth. I am done with you for now, child, but do not get complacent. The next time we meet, we shall have our contest. Know that I shall not hold back, so you must fight as though your very life hangs in the balance." Ganondorf answered. He then began to laugh before his silhouette became consumed in flames, and all I could do was cover my eyes as everything went white before losing consciousness.

" Sunset?" Twilight asked.

" Ohhhh!"

" I see you're awake!"

" Twilight?"

" It's me, and you've been out for a couple of hours, at least." Twilight answered. I immediately got back onto my feet, and found myself in another room that was different from the one we were prior to Odolwa's mask taking us to see Principal Celestia. There was nothing of interest apart from branches hanging on the ceiling that served as support beams to keep the ceiling from collapsing. Upon looking around a little more, it turned out the branches were connected to an old tree that looked as though the temple had been built around it.

" Are we still in the temple?"

" I think so, but we should look at the map just to be sure." Twilight answered. I took it out from my pocket, unfurled it, and took a closer look at it. We were still in the temple, but in a room that was completely isolated. " The only way we can get out of here is by going that way, but I'm happy to announce that all fifteen Stray Fairies have been accounted for. We can pay a visit to the Fairy Fountain where I'm sure you'll receive some kind of reward."

" We can't leave just yet."

" Why not?"

" The Deku Princess is still missing, and we need to find her to save the monkey."

" Right! We've got to prove his innocence before the Deku Scrubs wrongfully punish him. Where do you suppose she could be?"

" I don't know, but we don't have much time." I answered. Both of us then began to think about a possible location this Deku Princess could be located, but we were drawing blanks as we combed every room aside from this one. She could be standing behind us, but what were the chances of that? That's when I heard a strange shuffling coming from behind me.

" Someone is behind us."

" It could be the Deku Princess."

" Or a powerful monster that has been placed here to kill us were you to overcome Odolwa." Twilight said.. While her suggestion did sound pretty ridiculous, I couldn't rule it out because I'd been in similar situations before. Drawing my sword and shield, I turned around to face whatever made the noise, and it turned out that the only thing behind me was the tree. It had what looked like foliage-like bars covering up an entrance to a small alcove within.

" Is that supposed to be a cage?"

" If so, then it's not the most practical one I've seen."

" Whatever made that sound is coming from within, so let's see who's in there." I said. Walking carefully until I was right next to the foliage, I cut it down with a single slice of my sword. Inside of the alcove was nothing apart from a young Deku child who looked at me with a confused expression in her eyes--I had a look of shock on my face. I was staring at someone Twilight and I knew very well, yet I guessed I shouldn't have been surprised that this was the role that she ended up portraying given who she portrayed in Hyrule.

Standing in front of me was Fluttershy, this time in the form of a Deku Scrub, who wore a beautiful dress that had her cutie mark on the front of it. I made a quiet nod to Twilight that she understood immediately. While this princess resembled our quiet friend, she had no recollection of the human world, so we needed to approach her in the proper manner.

She looked surprised that someone had managed to come all this way, so hopefully I could speak to her without any problems. What I should have done first was figure out how I was supposed to bring her back to Tree Hugger, as I doubted anyone among the Deku even knew where she was.

" Wha? Who are you?" Fluttershy asked.

" I'm Sunset Shimmer, and this is my friend, Twilight Sparkle."

" Those are strange names for both a human and a fairy, but pay me no mind. Did you say your name was Sunset Shimmer? Strange, but it feels as though I know you from somewhere, but maybe I've just been stuck in this horrible place for far too long." Fluttershy said. Her sudden outburst indicated that she may have retained some of her memories, yet were nothing more than a fleeting moment.

Twilight then bopped me on the head as a reminder that I could potentially bring out her memories were she to do something that revolved around her Element of Kindness. That meant bringing her back to the Deku Palace to save the monkey, but it seemed she had something else on her mind. " Um... Why did your friend just hit you on the head without a moment's hesitation?" Fluttershy asked.

" She wanted to remind me of something."

" I see."

" There's no need for you to worry about it, Fluttershy, as it's something I forgot about." I said, quickly covering my mouth because of saying her real name as opposed to Your Highness. This blunder prompted Twilight to slap her forehead.

" Fluttershy? That's quite a cute name, Sunset Shimmer, but it means nothing to me. I prefer to be called 'Her most Royal of Highnesses of the Deku Kingdom, Daughter of the mighty Deku Queen'. Oh! Where are my manners! You went and introduced yourself, and I haven't done the same in return to you. My mother would be ashamed if she were to have witnessed my behaviour. I am the Deku Princess! Pleased to meet you. Now, let me guess as to the reason you came all this way." Fluttershy said. It felt weird seeing her speak in such a manner given how she was shy, yet Twilight just stood there, jaw dropped because of seeing our friend acting like, well, acting like a princess.

" The reason I've come here--"

" No need for you to say why as I have already figured it out, but I do apologize if I stole some of your thunder." Fluttershy said. She was also apologetic, so that was a relief on my heart. " Were you, by chance, asked by that monkey to come save me?" Her question took me by surprise, for how did she know that I had met the monkey?

" How did you know?"

" Aha! Just as I suspected! You see, your body smells a little bit like monkey." Fluttershy answered. Did she seriously just say that!? I felt offended that she would say something so horrible, but then it compelled me to actually sniff my own body. I almost felt like throwing up because I smelt something foul, the odor that came from the monkey. Fluttershy was obviously not affected by such a smell because she been interacting with that particular monkey, but I still felt offended by her remark, and I sure that she knew this. " Oh my! You appear upset that I said that! I am so, so sorry for making such a horrible analogy. Please, can you ever forgive me for saying that?"

" Of course I forgive you."

" That is a huge relief."

" I did encounter the monkey who travelled here to this temple with you, and he taught me the song that would allow a Deku to gain access, yet I'd rather not go into complex details." I said.

" So the monkey made it back fine after all. That's good. I was worried that when I didn't come home, my people would think that monkey had kidnapped me! I know that my mother would never suspect anything of the sort, but her advisors would definitely make such a radical suggestion. They might even convince my mother to go so far as to punish the poor monkey." Fluttershy said. She then began to laugh thinking that the idea of the monkey being punished was nothing more than a joke, but I knew the truth. I needed to explain things so that she could understand.

" I don't know how I'm going to say this, but..."

" Um, do you have something I must know?"

" About the monkey being punished. You see, when I last saw him, he had been tied up, and the advisors were insisting--"

" Don't tell me... are you serious!?" Fluttershy asked. Judging from my lack of a response, she knew what I said was true. " Is mother actually doing that!? No, she would never condone such actions. No, this has to do with her advisors! They are always trying to convince her to be more aggressive, yet she always resists their efforts. They always were ambitious what with their desire to perhaps one day have an even greater sphere of influence over my mother. Oh yes! I've known about their desires for quite some time."

" They sound like they're trouble."

" Um, yes, they do make hasty decisions. W-Well, we haven't any time to lose. We must get to the Deku Palace before that innocent monkey is punished. Um, I have a small confession to make, Mrs. Sunset Shimmer. I'm not comfortable with travelling great distances, so you will need to carry me back to my mother. I'm really sorry for suddenly placing such a burden on you." Fluttershy said. Was she serious? I had to carry her around on my back while avoiding monsters? I wasn't liking where this was going, but it looked as though I didn't have much of a choice. Given her size, she wasn't that heavy, but it would slow me down. " Um, are you having second thoughts?" Fluttershy asked.

" I don't think I can carry you on my back as I do need to be able to fight."

" Yes, that would be a problem, so here is another option you might consider. Um, could you please find something to carry me in so you can take me to the Deku Palace? I don't mind tight places, so surely you have something you can put me in to carry me." Fluttershy said. Did she just suggest that I use a bottle, and put her inside of it?

I couldn't even imagine how wrong that sounded, but I didn't have many options available at that point. " If you have anything at all, then, by all means, take it out and use it right here! Um, I know it sounds strange, but it is the only alternative we can go with otherwise it would mean sending some Deku Scrubs to bring me back, and that would take too long. Also, I doubt the advisors would believe your story, and possibly throw you into the dungeon." Fluttershy said.

" I do have an empty bottle." I said, taking it out of my pocket.

" Then use it without hesitation."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes, so please scoop me up into your bottle, and deliver me to my mother as soon as possible." Fluttershy answered. I didn't feel comfortable about doing that to her. Not only did her request sound dangerous, it also sounded ridiculous. How could she even fit into a bottle anyway? It's not like she could magically shrink herself down to a small size and enter it of her own accord.

" I'm not sure about your idea personally. Your mother might not like it."

" It will be fine Mrs. Sunset Shimmer, so don't let such a thing trouble you."

" There is one thing--"

" Um, what's that?"

" Before I can deliver you to your mother, I need to take a slight detour by paying a visit to the Fairy Fountain. I have to restore the Great Fairy back to normal whose body was shattered into pieces by someone who possess terrifying power." I answered.

" That is acceptable." Fluttershy said. That went better than expected. I was certain she would complain about me wasting time because the life of that monkey was hanging in the balance, she was okay with it. She must have known that restoring the Great Fairy was important to her people. I took out the empty bottle and walked over to her, sweat dripping down from my forehead. I just couldn't accept what I was about to do, but it was the only way to transport her.

When I scooped her up, Fluttershy disappeared and was inside my bottle. I didn't understand how she managed to pull that off, but she had, and all I could do was accept it for what it was. Hopefully, she wouldn't get sick along the way as I was going to be doing a lot of running and jumping given the location of the Fairy Fountain. Why have it in such an inconvenient location?

I accepted the fact that only Deku were allowed in this part of Woodfall, but couldn't the Great Fairy have at least accommodated for a non-Deku? " Ungh! Mrs. Sunset Shimmer! There's nuh-no time to lose! Huh-Hurry! Take me to the palace as soon as you can!" Fluttershy said, her voice struggling with the small space. Knowing that speaking with the Great Fairy--Adagio--would most likely take up a lot of time, I had to get to her fountain quickly. That's when I noticed Twilight looking down at Fluttershy's current predicament. Was she truly concerned with the arrangement? Or, was she thinking of something else?

" What do you make of this?"

" This is just too weird." Twilight answered.

" I'm surprised Fluttershy was able to squeeze into my bottle without any trouble."

" Even I don't know how she did that, and I'm the one who relies heavily on logic to understand things. Judging from what she just said however, she won't be able to hold out for very long, so we need to speak with Adagio before making our way over to the palace before it's too late. I think taking shortcuts are in order, Sunset, so that means jumping down back in the Southern Swamp area to get to the palace sooner rather than later. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, so for now we should return those Stray Fairies." Twilight said.

" Flutt--Your Highness." I began, quickly fixing my blunder. " What do you know about the Great Fairy of the swamp?"

" Um, she has watched over our land for as long as anyone can re-remember. While the guardian protects us, the Great Fairy has taken on a more ac-active role in ensuring we Deku are kept safe. My fellow Deku often question why she chooses to protect all creatures that call the swamp their home, but I know they deserve the same treatment that we receive." Fluttershy answered.

" It sounds like you have a different way of thinking."

" Yes, and I hope that I will continue to bridge the gap between the Deku and the other creatures once I succeed my mother. I should also mah-mention about the four forces that make up our land. Termina possesses four forces that all beings strive for, yet some focus on certain ones based on their perspective." Fluttershy said. It sounded like she was talking about something similar to what I learned during my adventure in Hyrule. That world revolved around the three forces that made up the Triforce: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Was that also apparent here? But, what could the fourth force be?

" So the Great Fairy of Woodfall represents one of those forces?"

" Yes. A long time ago, we used to have a different Great Fairy, one who represented the force most believe in. Sh-she tried her best to guide the Deku on the right path, but they grew arrogant over wanting to fight the other tribes. She would leave us and travel to the cu-cold recesses of the north, yet we weren't without guidance fah-for very long. The Great Fairy who resided in the north chose to come here, believing that her knowledge could serve us better than offensive muscle." Fluttershy answered.

" I didn't think that was possible."

" My people can be truly stubborn."

" I'm sure they're not all bad."

" My father was one of the most tyrannical Deku you could imagine. His father was the same as was his father before him. Every Deku King for the past few hundred years has ruled with merciless intent, stemmed from their boisterous ego. My mother was able to soothe my father's tormented heart, and he changed his ways months before he wilted. She has since adopted a kind, benevolent stance that has been challenged by her advisors." Fluttershy said. I offered condolences to her unfortunate loss, yet she waved her hand and told me that it wasn't something I should allow to affect my own judgement. " The Deku have always been war-like out of the need for self-preservation of our species. Wah-Why do you think the other tribes look down on us so? We abused their kindness and now they treat us like parasites. I don't blame them for that."

" Do you think their opinions will change?"

" That is my wish when I assume the throne. No-Now we must hurry to the Great Fairy. Um, I believe I've wasted some of your precious time as well as my own. Again, do not worry about my current arrangement. Ple-Please hurry and visit her." Fluttershy answered.

I wasn't sure how I felt about having Fluttershy travel about in a bottle, yet I had no other choice. Sighing, I left Woodfall Temple in the only direction available to me, and was back outside where a lengthy walkway stood before me. It must have risen from the depths of the swamp, yet I wasn't going in that direction, at least, not yet. The fountain was in the opposite direction, so that meant having to go back the long way around, unless I were to warp which would save me some time.

Deciding that warping would save me some time, I took out the Ocarina of Time, and prepared to play the Song of Soaring. As I was doing this, I began to wonder what might be happening elsewhere in Termina. Despite only having visited one region, in addition to Clock Town, my curiosity proved too strong to simply ignore. I knew that whatever was going on, I was going to become a part of it.

" Whew! That was much harder than expected!"

" Who knew that lugging around that casket would prove to be a real hassle for us? Besides, whose bright idea was it to have the burial mound right up here on top of such a high plateau? The elder could have just said to bury her with the rest of our fallen brothers in the crematorium behind the village, yet he was insistent on having her buried here high above everything."

" The Great Darmani was a hero among us!"

" I know, but why go to all this trouble?"

" You do make a valid point, yet she was the greatest among us Gorons for a reason. Despite being rather stoic at times, and almost feeling like she were a ghost, she proved herself by fighting off against those wild monsters that stumbled into the village. I guess the quiet ones are capable of doing great things when necessary to protect those they care about."

" So why bury her up here?"

" The elder always said that those among us who did great things are buried in a place of honour upon their death, so that their spirits can continue watching over us from. Whether there is any truth to it remains to be seen because no one has ever died, and come back to life in order to share such an experience. The Great Darmani was to become the next chieftain of our tribe so that the elder could finally step down to focus on caring for his son, but fate had other plans."

" Do you think she would've accepted?"

" Without a doubt. Darmani always thought about being our leader, yet it never came up what with her constantly having to fight against the evil that threatened us."

" Such a tragic loss, Brother."

" The Goron pride has been shattered."

" Why did she have to die?"

" It's this accursed cold snap we're having!"

" Ever since that strange child wearing that mask came to our village several days ago, the weather around here has gotten even more unbearable, and we're already used to such cold conditions around this time of the year."

" Darmani said that something was going on at Snowhead Temple. That was where the child had gone, so she took it upon herself to investigate to find the source of the cold. Of course, everyone in the village knows what happened next, which is why we're up here burying her casket in this special graveyard dedicated to her. Morale around the village has been pretty abysmal ever since she passed away, and the cold weather continues to worsen, not to mention our food supplies have been running low. If this keeps getting worse, we're bound to starve to death or even freeze were that to happen instead."

" I thought Biggoron was supposed to be watching the temple?"

" He was, but no one has seen him lately."

" Do you suppose he witnessed the Great Darmani's last moments?"

" Maybe, but only he knows for certain."

" Whatever became of the elder?"

" He decided to check out the temple himself believing that someone had to do something, but he hasn't been seen in several days."

" I know that his age does slow him down tremendously, but not even the elder would be taking this long. Yet, because of his extended absence, everyone else has been trying to keep his son from getting worse, but so far their efforts have failed to raise up his spirits."

" Do you think this is the end?"

" For us, or for this world?"

" What's the difference?"

" If you were referring to us, I'd say we will be wiped out of existence within a matter of days should things continue on as they are, but if you were referring to the world coming to an end, we have about two more days before the moon crashes. I hear that the impact will be so severe, no corner of Termina will be safe, so all those who plan on fleeing are merely wasting their time. Nothing can be done to stop this impending disaster, and those who think they can make a difference are kidding themselves by believing that a miracle will occur."

" I guess so."

" On another note, the Mountain Smithy has had his business come to a halt because of the cold making it impossible for him to do his work."

" Can you blame him? Snowhead is freezing in places that haven't experienced such conditions in centuries!"

" We really could do with his kiln being active."

" It got frozen over when the cold came, so now all he does is sit around and mope all day."

" A shame no one found any hot spring water."

" Um, there was the one that the Great Darmani is buried under, but we had to cover that up with the grave marker."

" Our own blunder has doomed us."

" Have you figured out how we're supposed to get back down, Brother? After all, we Gorons don't like heights all that well, and for some reason I can't see the pathway we used to make our way up here."

" The path is gone?"

" Yep!"

" Then it appears our fate has been sealed, Brother. If we can't find our way back down, we'll freeze to death up here. Considering that the world will be coming to an end within the next two days, I suppose freezing would mean not seeing the end of everything."

" How long do we have?"

" Maybe several hours, provided we stay out here."

" Are you suggesting that we go instead the burial site of the Great Darmani? No one must desecrate her grave under any circumstances! We Gorons know that would be a violation of our most sacred laws, and would bring shame to her spirit who even now lingers in death. I have a feeling Darmani can't rest in peace as what is befalling us here was something she gave her life to see resolved, so she must be in a terrible predicament where all she can do is watch from the beyond."

After playing the Song of Soaring, I warped back to the small platform on the other side of that housed the Deku Marker. I had to essentially make my way over to the Fairy Fountain by taking an alternate route using the Deku Flowers. The monsters had since re-spawned, but I had enough magic to take care of them by using bubbles. When I put on my mask and assumed my Deku form, the reaction I received from Fluttershy was to be expected.

" Gasp! You can become one of us?" Fluttershy asked.

" It's rather complicated." I answered.

" I should say so considering you changed from a human into a Deku just so that you could make your way over to the fountain. Um, didn't that hurt? I mean, your body changing must have been very painful to go through." Fluttershy said. Hearing her say that brought several tears to my eyes. Someone else aside from me understood that changing forms was very taxing, and while Twilight had often asked me if I was okay upon changing, I pretended that I was okay. In truth, my body struggled for a few minutes every time I changed.

At first, I was afraid that Fluttershy would inform her people that I was not a real member of their tribe, and that I used a powerful magic to assume the guise of a Deku. She happened to notice my disappointed expression, prompting her to inquire about it. " Um, Yu-you seem upset about something, Mrs. Sunset Shimmer. Did I say something that has offended you? If so, then I apologize for making you unhappy."

" Was I that obvious?"

" You may be a powerful heroine who possesses strange magical powers, but even someone of your nature is easy to read based on the emotions that seep forth from your face. Um, you don't have to explain anything because it's not my place, but if you want to tell meh-me, I am willing to listen." Fluttershy answered. I then smiled and revealed certain points regarding my mission. I had to refrain from telling her about certain points not because she would believe them or not--I doubted she would even believe me--but rather because some things aren't meant to be known.

I couldn't tell Fluttershy that I had the power to go back in time. Manipulating time was something that no pony in Equestria ever did due to how dangerous it was. Her Highness had told me of such matters after she came through the portal several days after the Friendship Games concluded. Starlight Glimmer, the one who has caused this world to unravel, used time magic in her bid to change history. No pony had achieved what she had done, and she could have shattered the very fabric of Equestria's existence.

Luckily, Her Highness was able to get through to her before the damage had become permanent. Time magic was viewed as being too unwieldy. Even Star Swirl the Bearded, who created some of the most powerful time magic to have ever existed, never attempted to use such magic.

Once I finished with my explanation, Fluttershy went quiet for a moment, and I feared that she may have succumbed, but in truth she had been thinking about my words carefully, and attempted to express her deepest sympathies. " I-I am so sorry that you have to endure so much, Mrs. Sunset Shimmer all in a valiant attempt at saving this world."

" It's something that I must deal with as a result of destiny. I never wanted to have to do this, but fate dealt me this hand, so now I have to see it through to the end. Let me be clear with you for a moment, Your Highness. I have no intention of allowing anyone else to go through what I've seen." I said.

" Such an awful experience."

" And it will only get worse before it gets better."

" Um, if it's any consolation for you, Mrs. Sunset Shimmer, if I wasn't stuck in this bottle right now, I'd give you the biggest hug you've ever felt. I don't mean it out of common courtesy, nor would I take my status into consideration. You must feel alone constantly what with having to fight against unspeakable horrors on your own, but know that if you ever need some kindness, I can provide that comfort even when I don't understand the full consequences." Fluttershy said.

" That's really nice of you."

" Heh-Everyone deserves kindness to keep them going through such tough times, and you could definitely u-use some to help you through the tough times." Fluttershy said. It would soon become clear to me that Fluttershy had just showed me some kindness, a representation of her Element of Harmony, so it looked like my theory was correct. My friends' Elements had survived the transition between the human world and Termina to some capacity, yet their memories were a different matter altogether. They vaguely remember how things should be, but what they've become here had taken permanent hold over their minds.

If only there were a way for them to remember these experiences without being forced to forget them every time I reset things back to the beginning. I'd thought about it before, but that was because Pinkie caught me off guard with her laughter, yet I shrugged it off as a coincidence and nothing more. Now, after seeing Fluttershy's display of kindness, I didn't think it was coincidental, but rather the result of her Element wanting to come through in a place that's foreign to it.

But this was only two of the five Elements that our friends possessed. I didn't include Her Highness as she already knew what was going on, and I couldn't include myself due to not having my own Element.

For the next several minutes--it felt like forever due to how much got in my way--I used the Deku Flowers to fly from platform to platform all while taking care of any Mad Scrubs and Hiploops that attacked. Despite having grown a little stronger after my fight with Odalwa, these simple creatures continued to give me problems. Perhaps I needed some extra training at that Swordsman School or a better grasp at fighting as a Deku Scrub. Fluttershy didn't think that way at all. She was very impressed with how I conducted myself.

" I see that you can use magic as a Deku."

" It allowed me to overcome some hard challenges."

" You should feel honoured that you have been blessed as such. Most Deku never acquire magic and grow jealous of those who were fortunate enough to receive such a gift." Fluttershy said.

" Thank you for your kind words, Your Highness."

" Never allow jealousy to consume you."

When I finally reached the Great Fairy's Fountain, I decided to enter as a Deku Scrub instead of a human. I didn't know way, but something compelled me to stay in my current form. Inside of the fountain resembled the one from Clock Town, yet the assortment of fairies that hung out in the centre looked confused as I approached. They were the same green colour as the Stray Fairies I acquired throughout the temple, so I knew that I was in the right place.

The moment I got close enough, the Stray Fairies exited my body, and merged together with their fellow fairies before Adagio appeared in front of us. Unlike her previous self who had the orange coloured hair she was known for, this version had green coloured hair. She was even wearing a green gown as opposed to the plain white one from before.

" Welcome Tatl, and kind, young one! I am the Great Fairy of Wisdom! I thank you for returning my broken and shattered body to normal. It also seems that you have the princess of the Deku Tribe present, so welcome to you as well." Adagio said.

" Things should be back to normal now that the guardian of this region has been rescued."

" Yes. I sensed that the guardian had returned when a great power emerged from the temple. I also know that you were the one who freed it from its imprisonment. Are you surprised that I knew the guardian had been sealed inside of a dark mask? You need not be for there is nothing in this swamp that does not elude me. However, my own judgement was my downfall when the masked child came. I believed her to be a curious little imp, yet I did not realize that she possessed such terrifying power. Before I had a chance to stop her, she shattered my body to pieces and took half of the Stray Fairies to the temple." Adagio said.

" That explains how they got there."

" I was powerless without the rest of my pieces, but now you have fixed what had been broken."

" Why is Starlight Glimmer doing this?"

" An odd name to be sure, but I shall answer your question. It seems the masked child is lashing out against the guardians because she feels they have wronged her, and her great power makes her perform terrifying deeds that she does not fully comprehend. Why they have wronged her I do not know, but perhaps one of the remaining guardians may have an idea. What I do know is the masked child continues to grow in power. Were that power to reach its maximum potential, this world would succumb to a terrible fate." Adagio answered.

" Then I need to awaken the other Giants, and stop the moon from crashing."

" That alone will not save this world." Adagio said. Her words immediately crushed my spirit. I was expecting her to say something along the lines of "by calling the guardians from their respective places of rest, you can prevent disaster from coming", but it sounded like there was more that needed to be done. " Even if the guardians were to succeed in their anointed task, the masked child would still be on the loose, and can easily begin a new disaster."

" How am I supposed to combat something like Majora's Mask?"

" There is a way, but it involves collecting something legends say is filled with a similar darkness." Adagio answered. That didn't sound all that good as darkness heavily influenced me during my younger day, but it sounded like I had to embrace this particular darkness. " There exists a mask somewhere in this world that possesses a power far beyond mortal minds can comprehend. Even the guardians cannot begin to fathom the power contained within it. However, one simply cannot find this mask anywhere. The same legend states that when one has collected all known masks that exist in this world, the power shall become theirs."

" How many masks are there?"

" I would say about two dozen."

" Two dozen!?"

" It may sound like a steep task, young one, but this mask is one that not anyone is able to wear. The dark power can corrupt any who try to control it, so unless you become one with the darkness, any attempt to control such power would result in your death. You would also need to possess a willpower stronger than any mere mortal. If you desire to defeat the masked child, obtaining this dark mask may be your only chance at securing victory." Adagio said.

" Isn't there any other way?"

" You could overcome these forces through your own abilities, but your success would be slim at best."

" So where can I find additional masks?"

" There is a mask in the possession of one who commands fierce loyalty to her sovereign, and awaits in a place that can be accessed from the palace. I am certain that you know who this person is." Adagio answered. I didn't know why she wanted to be cryptic, but it wasn't difficult to figure out. She gave it away when she mentioned the word "loyalty". This mystery mask was in the possession of Mrs. Cheerilee,

While I wanted to inquire about other masks, I needed to return Fluttershy to Tree Hugger before doing anything else. Just as I was about to thank Adagio and take my leave, she suddenly began talking about an another mask." There is another that can be found in the swamp, but you do not possess the appropriate equipment to claim it."

" What do I need to get it?"

" You will require magical fire, but not from your own body. The fire you seek can soar through the sky." Adagio answered. Her words were again cryptic, but I didn't know what she was talking about. What I did understand was that I needed more items than what I currently possessed, so for now collecting that other mask wasn't possible. Adagio didn't mention a location for this other mask, but my mind came up with one idea. I recalled passing by the cave entrance that had the cobweb covering it.

If I had to go there to claim a mask, then it would have to wait until I could acquire what I need. Adagio then brought something else to my attention. " Kind young one! I shall now give you a reward for returning my shattered body to normal. It shall prove most beneficial to one who uses magic as often as you do. I will enhance your magic meter, so receive it now!" Adagio said, thrusting her hands out. She began to blow a powerful wind in my direction that enveloped me in a green haze, and it felt invigorating--like I could do anything. I definitely needed this gift because I had this feeling things were only going to get harder from here.

To Be Continued.

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