• Published 22nd Sep 2015
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The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask - Ganondorf8

Sunset Shimmer must save Termina, a parallel world to Hyrule on the verge of ruin. By her side is her friend and mentor, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Can Sunset overcome the odds stacked against her?

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Chapter 15: Jungle Warrior with the Mask

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding the Legend of Zelda, the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. These are the properties of Nintendo and Hasbro respectively.

We're at the end of Woodfall Temple, so that means it's boss time. Both versions of the boss are featured--if you've played Majora's Mask and Majora's Mask 3D, you'll get what I mean.

Cast appearing in this chapter.

Sunset Shimmer - Link/????
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Tatl the Fairy/????

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask
By Ganondorf8
November 11, 2015 (Written), June 13, 2016 (Published)
Chapter 15: Jungle Warrior with the Mask.

" What in the wide world of Equestria is that?" Twilight asked. I was in complete agreement with her, as what we were looking at was hideous to say the least. The creature standing before us looked like a frog, but not the kind that one that sits on a lily pad. No, this one was just as tall as me with its elongated mouth, sharp teeth, and crazy colour scheme. The moment its eyes made contact with me, instead of choosing to attack, it turned around and began to hop away which made me think it was lacking in courage.

" Well, this is certainly unexpected." I said.

" You never told me that some of the monsters would be this ugly."

" They were never this bad in Hyrule, but then this is Termina, so the rules are different. However, I'm currently interested in what is located beyond that door over there at the back." I said. There was a single large treasure chest located behind a door, and it was a blue and gold in colour. That meant that the Boss Key was inside, a familiarity to me from my previous adventure. To claim my prize, I had to defeat this bizarre-looking frog that was more interested in running away than wanting to fight. Then again, this felt a little too easy. Something didn't seem right about this. Why have a monster like this guard such an important item?

" Aren't you going to do something?"

" Yes, but first I need some information."

" Oh, right! This thing is apparently called a Mad Gecko. It doesn't really do all that much in battle other than hop around, and maybe attacking you every now and again to gain some slight advantage. One thing that is surprising is its ability to climb on walls and the ceiling, quite an impressive feat. Whenever it decides to do that, use your Hero's Bow in order to pick it off." Twilight said.

" So I guess being a Deku Scrub for this doesn't make sense."

" I'm not so sure about that, Sunset. There are several Deku Flowers scattered about this room, and while this Mad Gecko isn't likely to want to get anywhere near them, why have here to begin with?" Twilight asked. Like I said, this felt a little too easy, as though there were something else waiting to happen. The Mad Gecko had merely been hopping around acting without a care in the world while we were talking--I just couldn't take it seriously because of its appearance--but I would soon be reminded that appearances can be deceptive.

" Let's just get this over with, so that we can claim the Boss Key." I answered. As soon as I walked within range of the Mad Gecko, it suddenly turned around, and began hopping towards me. Since I could perform a spin attack in this form, it should be enough to inflict some damage. I used the spin attack, striking the Mad Gecko knocking it back a few feet. It then started to look around as though it were trying to find something. " What's it doing Twilight?"

" Your guess as is good as mine, but I wouldn't let this odd behaviour distract you." Twilight answered. It then began to hop around again, and I'll admit that this was starting to get annoying. Was it leading me into a trap? Nah! Why would something this hideous think of setting a trap when it clearly had no idea what it was doing. Moving forward again until I got its attention, it turned around and hopped towards me, and I responded in kind by using a spin attack, knocking the Mad Gecko into the wall. It then fell to the ground and struggled to get back up. In my mind, this was just pathetic.

When the Mad Gecko managed to get itself up from the ground, it turned to face me, raised its hands to its mouth, and began to cry out as though it were in serious pain. Or perhaps it was doing some kind of mating call? Suddenly, everything started shaking and something smashed out from the ground. I couldn't see what was happening at first due to rock pieces scattering all over the place, prompting me to take defensive action.

Once I was able to get a look at what just happened, standing in one corner of the room was a Giant Snapper that the Mad Gecko jumped over to, leaping onto its back, and charged towards me. I had no chance to avoid what was about to happen, and I was sent flying across the room upon being hit by the Giant Snapper.

" That wasn't a very good moment."

" This explains why everything was so easy."

" I guess I'm being taught a lesson about not letting my guard down." I moaned. As I managed to get back onto my feet, the Giant Snapper charged at me again, striking me in the back. I went flying into the wall face-first before sliding down to the ground in a heap. That's when it struck me for a third time, and I bounced off the wall, landing on top of a Deku Flower. That's when I noticed something that may or may not prove to be a factor. " I guess this Giant Snapper has problems stopping as it just slammed into the wall after knocking me over. So
we do have a few moments to come up with a strategy." I said.

" How are you feeling?"

" I could be better." I answered, getting back up and rubbing my back.

" Since we know now that the Mad Gecko is using this Giant Snapper as a mount, this fight has now changed. You now need to use those Deku Flowers, and attack it from below by launching yourself the moment it's right on top of you. Unlike the previous ones where you had to lure them over, this one is going to be constantly charging at you." Twilight said.

I dove into the Deku Flower just as the Giant Snapper charged on by before I could get a chance to launch myself, but then it came back the other way in an attempt to knock me over despite me being safe inside of the flower.

" I guess this Mad Gecko is desperate."

" I'm surprised the Giant Snapper doesn't just shake off the Mad Gecko." Twilight said. When the Giant Snapper came by this time, I launched myself out of the Deku Flower, knocking the wind out of the monster, and ducked into its shell. The Mad Gecko went flying across the room landing face-first into the ground. When it regained its composure, it began hopping over to the wall before beginning to climb up and crawling above me on the ceiling.

" Now what do I do?"

" That Giant Snapper is currently out of commission, so now you need to take the fight to the Mad Gecko. It isn't going to come back down as it realizes that fighting you in a fair fight isn't going to cut it. You'll need to change back to a human, and use your new Hero's Bow, yet you'll be switching between forms." Twilight answered.

" So I need to use this form to knock out the Giant Snapper, and my true form to fire arrows?"

" Pretty much, but I hope you had plenty of training when it comes to moving targets. That Mad Gecko is constantly moving about on the ceiling, and I think you'll need to be quick otherwise it will try to get back to its partner over there." Twilight answered. Knowing that there was no other choice, I grabbed my face, and pulled on it removing the Deku Mask, becoming human, taking out the Hero's Bow and aimed at the Mad Gecko. Twilight wasn't kidding when she said that she hoped that I had plenty of practice, as it was moving around on the ceiling at a pretty decent pace. I only had twenty-nine arrows to use, every shot I make needed to count.

Firing my first arrow, it almost hit the target, but was slightly off by a few inches. It had been some time since I last used a bow, and now that I think back on it, maybe I should have paired up with either Applejack or Fluttershy during the archery section of the Tri-Cross Relay event during the Friendship Games. My second arrow managed to connect, and the Mad Gecko dropped down landing on its back before getting back up and hopped over to the Giant Snapper. It then jumped onto its back, so now I had to switch back to a Deku Scrub to repeat the process.

" How many hits do you think this will take?"

" I have no idea, so the only option I can think of is to keep going until its finally had enough." Twilight answered. Before I could put on the Deku Mask, the Giant Snapper charged into me, sending flying across the room. When I landed, I placed my hand onto my right knee that was now starting to bleed. It couldn't have come at a worse time. Even though the hits I'd been receiving have been pretty minor, the fact that I am now gushing out blood made Twilight concerned that I was being reckless again.

" I'll be fine Twilight."

" That wound makes me think otherwise."

" Granted, I wasn't expecting that to happen given the previous blows I've taken, but I can't afford to argue about it right now. We're trapped in this room until this battle ends, and I've no intention of being defeated by that thing!" I said. When I tried getting up, I dropped down onto my left knee, and I knew that my strength was starting to run low. If I took a few more hits, I'd be killed, and without a fairy, it would be a permanent death.

" You need to do something about that knee!" Twilight shouted. I then began to look around for anything that could relieve me, and my answer came in the form of shrubs located around the edge of the room. Why didn't I take notice of these before? I began making my way over to the nearest shrub, but it proved to be difficult what with my knee giving me some problems. Being struck again by the Giant Snapper wasn't doing me any favours, apart from sending me right where I wanted. Cutting down the shrub using my sword produced a couple of recovery hearts, so I grabbed them where the blood stopped seeping out of the wound.

" That will have to do."

" Better change forms before you get hit again." Twilight said. Putting on my Deku Mask, the convulsions started once again, and this time I stumbled about slightly as the magic took effect. Upon screaming, I became a Deku, and just in time as the Giant Snapper, who had been frozen in time during the transformation, came flying at me. I dodged it by jumping to the left. When it crashed into the wall, I took the opportunity to dive into a nearby Deku Flower and waited for the Giant Snapper to regain its senses. I launched myself when it passed over the flower, knocking it out again, and the Mad Gecko rolled into the corner. Before I was able to make another move, the sound of a wolf howling began to echo throughout the room.

" What's that sound?"

" It means we've been in here for about twelve hours. Nightfall has occurred outside."

" I'm not surprised as I've experienced lengthy dungeon explorations before."

" Right. You often spent many hours wandering around such places."

" This temple is small in size, so the time spent here is going to be small compared with future dungeons." I said. My words made Twilight feel worried, but I reassured her that everything would be okay as each dungeon will be tackled at the start of a new seventy-two hour cycle. I took off the Deku Mask before switching over to the Hero's Bow, as I still had to deal with the Mad Gecko. Firing three arrows, the first two missed their mark by mere inches. It felt rather dejecting knowing that I came that close, yet the third shot proved successful, and it fell down before landing on its back.

" Here we go again." Twilight said, as the Mad Gecko made its way back to the Giant Snapper. I was surprised that it didn't decide to pick up speed as surely it must be even more angry than before, but I won't think long about it. Choosing to run for the wall instead of changing forms, I was hoping the Giant Snapper would follow me, and sure enough it did, but I did get hit in the back. " You really need to work on timing." Twilight said.

" It's one of the biggest things on my list." I moaned, getting up and putting on the Deku Mask. Once I finished my transformation, my body was feeling tired because of changing at such a rapid pace. " Twilight... This is really tiring me out."

" I know Sunset, but you need to get used to it."

" Hopefully, this doesn't become a re-occurring theme." I moaned before diving into a Deku Flower and waiting for the Giant Snapper to come by. It would charge over the flower several times, but after Twilight insisted that I get this over with as the fight had dragged on long enough, I launched myself and knocked the Giant Snapper out, the Mad Gecko landing in the middle of the room this time. I could have ended it there and then, but it hopped away too fast for me to catch up with it, so I pulled on my face removing the Deku Mask, and again I switched to my Hero's Bow and aimed upwards.

By relaxing and waiting for the right moment, all it took was one arrow which turned out to be the final hit I needed. The Mad Gecko dropped to the ground like a rock, and the Giant Snapper shrunk down before disappearing.

The Mad Gecko shrunk down before disappearing in a pile of leaves, and standing in its place was a frog. The iron bars on both doors rose up and while I was happy that the fight had concluded, seeing this frog made me wonder what had just happened. I mean, I had just saved an ordinary frog, yet why go to all so much trouble? Could this be one of Starlight Glimmer's pranks?

" What's wrong?"

" I guess I just feel cheated that all we did was save a frog."

" Fluttershy would be giving you an earful if she heard you say that, but I must admit that this doesn't make sense. There's something strange about this frog. Why change an innocent creature into a monster and command it to protect the Boss Key?" Twilight asked.

" Maybe this was Starlight's doing?"

" Or Ganondorf?"

" No, it wouldn't be him. While he does have a large assortment of servants to carry out his bidding, he wouldn't use something minor as that would reflect poorly on his ego. I'm leaning more towards Starlight, but I suppose we shouldn't dwell on it since we can now get the Boss Key, and make our way towards the room with the skull mark." I answered.

" Don't forget about those remaining Stray Fairies."

" How many do I have left?"

" You have six more to find including the one that was trapped inside of the bubble back in a previous room. I think you should head for that one first before proceeding to the next room." Twilight answered. I then told her that before I could do anything else, I was going to open up the treasure chest which was now accessible to me, and take the Boss Key. I began walking over towards the chest, but quickly came to a stop because of something else that was happening; a little something happening.

" Twilight... that frog is hopping along behind me."

" Maybe it just wants to thank you for freeing it from being an evil creature."

" I don't know about that."

" Why?"

" It's as though it wants to tell me something, but I don't understand. Do you happen to speak frog?"

" Don't be ridiculous!" Twilight answered. This was certainly an awkward moment, as this frog continued following along behind me by hopping on my shadow. I chose to ignore it in hopes that it would simply leave the room and carry on with its life. As I reached the door that lead into the tiny alcove where the chest was, the frog was still following me, and I was started to get freaked out.

" What does it want?"

" If only you could communicate with it."

" I don't have anything that will allow me to do that, and I doubt becoming a Deku Scrub will do any better. You know, if it could simply write down something that explains to me what it's saying, then I can probably try and help it, but just hopping and following along doesn't solve anything! Maybe... Maybe there is something I can get in the future that can solve this problem, but that would mean having to come back here, and go through this dungeon again." I moaned.

The notion of backtracking was something I didn't want to experience again, so this frog was going to have to find someone else who could understand what it wants. Opening the door, and entering the alcove, I opened the chest, hopped into it--my legs dangled out again--and took out the Boss Key which looked really stunning.

" So that's it?"

" Yep!"

" Will it allow us to open any locked door we encounter?"

" No, we'll need small keys in order to open those. This key will allow us to open the one door in the temple that has a golden padlock on it. Sure it feels weird having a key that is only used for one door, but the trials you have to go through to get it are worth every experience." I answered. Placing the Boss Key into my pocket, I went back through the door, and into the main area again where I felt something slimy running up my leg.

Upon looking down, the frog was clinging onto my leg as though it really wanted my attention now more than ever before. " I'm sorry little guy, but I don't understand what you're trying to tell me, and even if I did, I doubt that I can help you right now. Maybe in another cycle, but not this one." I then grabbed the frog where it felt really uncomfortable to hold because of how slimy it was, and gently placed it on the ground and walked away. When I turned around to look back, it just sat there with a sad expression on its face.

" You're doing the right thing."

" Am I really, though?"

" Until you have the means to communicate with that frog, you can't do anything for it." Twilight answered. That's the one thing I truly hated about reliving the same three days over and over again. Having to experience immense guilt over not being able to help out everyone right there and then proved truly emotional to my heart. I've already witnessed that myself through Applejack and Applebloom, the imprisoned monkey, the Old Lady from the Bomb Shop, and now this innocent little frog.

I just hoped that my emotions didn't spiral out of control otherwise I could have a relapse. Heaving a sigh, I left the room and while it was what I needed to do, the pain proved difficult to overcome.

" I'm really getting emotional about this."

" I know it's hard, but what other choice was there?"

" If only we had access to specific items now instead of later, but then that would be taking the easy way out." I answered. Right there and then, I decided to make a mental note to come back here at a different time, and speak to the frog when I know how, even though it meant having to go through Woodfall Temple again. Since I now had both the Hero's Bow, and the Boss Key, it meant going back to previous rooms, and do things that weren't possible before. " Aside from the one Stray Fairy, what else did we overlook?"

" What about that flower structure in the main chamber?"

" We never did figure that thing out."

" I do recall seeing a few torches scattered around it with one of them having been lit on fire, so maybe you can do something to make it work again?" Twilight asked, scratching her head in the process. Her idea was confusing, yet since I had nothing else to consider, I had to try it out. I had to become a Deku Scrub again to get back to the previous rooms, but I wasn't really in the mood to change forms. Instead, I took a leap of faith by jumping off of the platform, and landed on the ledge below where my knees buckled slightly. " What in the world were you thinking doing a crazy maneuver like that!?"

" I'm not in the mood to change."

" It's about that frog right?"

" I just don't like the idea of leaving it behind without at least trying to help it."

" Believe me, Sunset. I want to help that frog just as much as you do, but again there is nothing we can do unless we could somehow magically start talking to it. We can't use our Equestrian magic, so our only option is to keep going and come back upon having something that can enable you to communicate without the need of magic." Twilight said. While her words were bitter and made my heart cry out in pain, I knew she was telling the truth, a fact that I had to accept even though I didn't want to.

" We'll be back!"

" Agreed." Twilight smiled. With my heart still feeling conflicted, I ran towards the edge of the platform, and jumped over the poisonous water before landing in front of the door. Entering the main chamber, I immediately climbed up one of the two ladders which had materialized earlier, and soon I was staring at the flower structure again.

" Okay, there are the torches you mentioned, Twilight."

" Now that you have the Hero's Bow, you can shoot an arrow through the flames, and light the torch located in the center of the structure. I don't know what will happen, yet it could prove beneficial." Twilight said. Given the torch was fixated on that spot rather than moving around, this was an easy enough target to hit. I took out the Hero's Bow and aimed for the torch before letting loose an arrow. It sailed through the torch, catching fire in the process, and lit the unlit torch in the middle of the flower structure. At first nothing happened, and I was worried that I missed a vital step, but then something unusual happened. It appeared that the structure was more mysterious than ether of us thought.

" What's going on?"

" The petals are lifting themselves up." Twilight answered. The petals then folded outwards and the entire structure began rising up before coming to a stop. I would have paid attention to such a phenomenon, but my mind was focused on the water. It began to change colour from the purple poison to a clear, crystal blue. Had activating this structure removed the poison that had been plaguing Woodfall for so long? Perhaps, but that would be too much of a miracle to occur. No, I think it only the temple was affected by this change. That meant defeating the boss would fix everything else.

How could one structure do so much? I wasn't exactly sure why it was possible, but it did, so I guess you could call that a victory. Finally, those corrupted flowers changed colour as well, a sign of no longer being affected by what had been ailing them. That meant traversing this area got a lot simpler.

" At least the poison is gone in here."

" And outside?"

" We need to do more."

" Defeat this 'boss'?"

" There's no other choice."

" Well, at least we managed to stop it here in the temple, so that brings us one step closer to solving this problem. Also, I think I'm starting to figure another purpose that structure has." Twilight said. She then flew over to where we entered this area from via the second floor, and took a few minutes to comb over everything before coming back with what she had discovered. " Remember seeing a torch over there? I have a feeling you need to set it on fire, and that should unlock the door to continue forward."

" That would mean having to fire at a moving target."

" No, the target isn't moving, but rather where you'll be standing will be what's moving." Twilight said. I knew that my skills with the bow had improved, but having to do something like that was asking quite a lot from me. There was no other choice. Time wasn't on our side, and we needed to continue onward no matter what trials got in our way.

Jumping onto the structure which had been spinning around since activating the now lit torch, I looked around to see where I needed to shoot next. The unlit torch was quite far away and that meant I needed absolute precision to hit my target. I just knew I was going to be wasting arrows, so I hoped there were spare arrows lying around that I could find. Cutting down shrubs and smashing pots would surely aid in that little salvation.

Aiming at the torch proved difficult, as I needed to maintain a firm grip if I wanted to connect. I began firing several arrows that completely missed their target, and already I could feel the problems from before creeping up on me. Whoever came up with this puzzle must have had quite a sadistic mind to have created something that needed precision in order to complete it. I didn't like the idea of having to be accurate with my aiming. I wouldn't call myself an ace archer, but I wanted to be able to actually hit something. Again, this is where magic would have proven beneficial, but I don't have access to it. Then again, I doubt it would be of much help in a situation like this.

" This isn't working out all that well."

" It's the rotation of the platform which is throwing you off, so you need to adjust the bow accordingly, and aim at the exact moment where your line of sight." Twilight said.

" How do you figure that?"

" Shooting an arrow is just like firing a magic spell from your horn." Twilight answered. It had been a long time since I last used my magic via my horn, but she made a good point. Using this bow was the same as performing a simple spell. By making myself fret over the possibility of failure, all I was doing was damaging my self-confidence.

Focusing my efforts on the unlit torch, I carefully aimed making sure everything was lined up perfectly, and when my line of sight and the torch met each other, I fired an arrow. It sailed across the room, striking through the flame in front of me, and igniting the torch unlocking the door. " See? I told you that using an arrow is like using magic." Twilight said.

" Even though I haven't done that for a long time."

" By the way, there was a switch next to that torch you just lit."

" Now how am I supposed to activate it when it's in such an awkward position?"

" I don't know, but maybe you should try to see if you can. It may give you something." Twilight answered. I decided to wait for the structure to rotate around until my section was directly in front of the door I had just unlocked. I then jumped off, landed safely on the ledge, and walked left towards the switch. It was situated on an awkwardly shaped platform, and there was no means of reaching it through conventional means. That's when I noticed the Deku Flower ahead, prompting me to quickly figure out what needed to be done.

" Looks like I need to change forms."

" I don't see any other way you can reach that switch unless you were to perform a really weird jump, but I would suggest against it otherwise you'll be climbing back up here again." Twilight said. Putting the Hero's Bow away, I took out the Deku Mask before putting it onto my face. This time, I didn't feel any kind of side-effects like I had done the previous times I changed. Was I actually getting used to the transition? Maybe, but I couldn't be sure about it. There was much about this transformation magic that confused me, so trying to figure out an answer might not be in my best interests to know right now.

Upon finishing my transformation, I dove into the Deku Flower before launching myself, and that's when Twilight warned me about something that felt like a dagger to my heart. I had to avoid the torch as Deku can't handle fire--they would burn to a cinder--so I swerved around it before landing on the switch. Pressing it did absolutely nothing, so I turned towards Twilight, a confused look on my face.

" Okay, I'm confused here."

" Maybe you're too light?"

" Excuse me!?"

" I mean, Deku Scrubs are fairly light in weight so they have trouble pushing down on things. You'll need to change back to a human in order to activate the switch. By the way, since we're over here, the only way down is to jump into the water below. Since the poison has dissipated, you can jump without fear of damage." Twilight said. Grabbing on my face, I pulled the Deku Mask off, and my increased weight pushed the switch down, producing a small treasure chest located back where we first entered this room initially.

" Guess we have to backtrack."

" Don't forget about the room that had the Stray Fairy we skipped over. I have a feeling you can free it by bursting the bubble by using a well-aimed arrow." Twilight said.

" I think we'll take care of that one first otherwise I'm likely to forget about it." I said, jumping down from and splashing down into the water below. The water was definitely pure as I was suffering no poisonous effects, but I wasn't about to wait around here to see what could go wrong. I swam over to the former locked door, climbed out, and entered the next room where the water had been purified as well. " I guess every room in the temple that had been affected by poison have been cured, but then I'm not happy about it."

" Why?"

" When we reset time, all of this progress will be undone."

" Yes, I hadn't taken that to account."

" It makes you wonder why we're even doing this? Ultimately, our progress isn't going to matter in the end."

" Maybe, but perhaps there's more that we don't know about yet?"

" This resetting shtick is wearing rather thin."

" An unfortunate reality when you consider we've been re-living the same three days now quite a few times."

" No wonder Termina is such a miserable world to live in. There is so much that borders on being beyond hope, yet somehow we've managed to prevent things from completely spiraling out of control. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm doing the right thing."

" You just have to listen to your heart." Twilight said. True words had never been spoken, but I knew this was something I would need to figure out on my own. Not even my friend and mentor can show me the answer. The Stray Fairy trapped inside of the bubble underwater was much easier for me to spot given the water was clear as opposed to the poisonous water that made things murky.

Even if I were to free it from its prison, it would just float there and most likely drown. That's when I remembered that I could bring it towards me by using the Great Fairy's Mask. Pulling it out from my pouch, I was about to put it on when I realized that I should free the fairy first. I don't think I can aim while wearing a mask on my face.

Firing an arrow, I managed to pop the bubble with one shot, and I quickly put the mask on. The Stray Fairy immediately floated over to me before entering my body, so that meant only five more of them remained. I never really complained whenever one of those fairies did that. I could appreciate them thinking my body was a safe haven, but I didn't know if there would be any long-term side-effects. Once the fairy was safe, I took off the Great Fairy's Mask, and decided to take another look at it.

I loved the shimmering hair this mask had, as it reminded me of my own hair to an extent, but I eventually put it away as I needed to focus on getting through the rest of the temple. I guessed that the time outside was about 9:00pm, so while there was still plenty of time, I did need to pick up the pace in case there were other things I needed to do before resetting time. Upon going back into the previous room, I ran up the ramp to the chest that had materialized, and opened it up revealing another Stray Fairy.

" That was convenient."

" Good thing you activated the switch."

" Now only four fairies remain, and they must all be in the one room we haven't explored yet."

" You could jump across to the other side using the structure or you could use those ladders over there that materialized by activating the switch earlier. Either path will eventually take us to the same general location." Twilight said. Since I had no confidence when it came to rotating platforms given what I just experienced with firing arrows, I jumped into the water which had become purified, and swam over to the platform that housed the ladders.

As I swam across, I began to think about what I had been through so far on this journey. Much like it had been with Hyrule, I struggled to get myself going, but at least I was now confident--kind of--with using weapons. I still needed more practice to wield them without accidentally throwing them somewhere, but I was better off than I was last time.

Once I reached the platform, I got out, climbed up the ladder, and ran around until I reached the now unlocked door. You'd think this could have been simpler had I chosen to use the flower structure, thus saving maybe a few seconds at the most, but I went with the choice that made me the most comfortable. Shrugging my shoulders over going with the easier choice, I entered the next room that had a lot of different things that needed to be resolved.

" What kind of room is this?"

" It's certainly voluminous if that's what you're thinking." Twilight answered The Boss Door was right in front of us situated on a platform, so when I walked forward to see the rest of what this room had to offer, it certainly felt daunting. There were two pillars that had flames on top of them that probably needed to be extinguished, and there was a Stray Fairy trapped in a bubble floating above the one to my left. I was surprised it hadn't succumbed to the intense flames, but then fairies were capable of surviving in all kinds of conditions. Firing an arrow after taking out the Hero's Bow, I popped the bubble that released the fairy, but I immediately donned the Great Fairy's Mask, and it floated over to me before entering my body.

" Three more left, but where could they be?"

" You might want to look down."

" Why?"

" It will give you an idea of what you need to do in this room." Twilight answered. Walking to the edge of the ledge, I could see the entirety of the room that comprised of several platforms with Deku Flowers on them, and one had a Crystal Switch. I've not seen one of those for a long time, and I remembered how those worked When activated, they allow for further progress, but the effect doesn't last very long, so you need to hurry unless you want to get caught because of not being fast enough.

I jumped down without taking into consideration how deep the room was, and I landed on a small raised platform below, my legs buckling in the process. Twilight then scolded me for not using the nearby ladder that was by the wall. " I told you to look down, Sunset!"

" I know."

" At least you can now see where the remaining Stray Fairies are. That begs the question as to what you'll do once you've gotten all fifteen of them. Will you take them back to the fountain before facing the master of this temple, or will you overcome whatever lurks behind that door, and then proceed to the fountain afterwards?" Twilight asked. This was actually a very good question, and one that I hadn't thought about until she mentioned it.

Getting the gift from Adagio could be very helpful when dealing with the boss, but then that could prove problematic ,as I'd need to do a lot of backtracking. After spending a few minutes thinking about what to do next, I decided that I would wait until after the temple had been restored before paying Adagio a visit. " I had a feeling you were going to take that route, Sunset, and it probably had to do with the backtracking, right?" Twilight asked.

" Have you been reading my mind?"

" No, but it was obvious given you've complained about it."

" Believe me, backtracking can get really bad especially when you're in a race against time."

" I'll take your word for it. Once you've saved the remaining fairies, you should deal with those Dragonflies I saw flying around near those flaming pillars. You could have dealt with them before dropping down here, so now you'll need to take care of them to continue onward." Twilight said. Upon realizing that I did see two of them as we entered, I slapped my forehead, a reminder of how my impatience had gotten the best of me. " It looks like you'll need to become a Deku to get through most of the puzzles in this room." Twilight said.

" I figured as much when I saw the Deku Flower below my feet." I sighed, switching out the Hero's Bow for the Deku Mask. It's not that I don't enjoy changing forms, but it was starting to become a little taxing especially since my body undergoes a complete DNA change. I shrink down in size, and lose a lot of weight--not that losing weight was a bad thing mind you.

Once I had become a Deku Scrub, I turned around, and saw just what I had to do in order to rescue the remaining Stray Fairies. I wasn't looking forward to it seeing as they were situated in small alcoves that most likely couldn't be reached without using Deku Flowers, so I sighed, and dove into the one by my feet in what can be considered the start of a real annoying experience.

" Who would have guessed that something as large as this had been hidden below the surface?"

" This world certainly does have a lot of mystery surrounding it, but why did you want to come back here after we discovered her location? I didn't think you were that interested in some ancient building, but then you do possess a strong desire to acquire more knowledge even if you don't have any real use for it."

" Knowledge is what I strive for. The more of it I have, the more I can apply what I learn to all kinds of situations."

" My only interest is power!"

" Not surprising given your background, but that is a worthy goal, yet your methods can be best described as uncouth. I can understand doing whatever it takes to acquire power especially if you don't want anyone else to get it, but going to such extremes? I can't really appreciate such a commitment."

" Are you suggesting that I tone it down?"

" You've already experienced a number of setbacks because of your desire, so you tell me the answer."

" Maybe I have been going about it the wrong way, but I've always been this way ever since she was a young filly. She always strived to become the best unicorn because of being neglected by her family. They never appreciated her talents, so she wanted to prove herself worthy by becoming strong, and one day achieve her ultimate goal, to become an alicorn. You could say that I came into existence through her desire for wanting power. Without that determination to drive her forward, she would have remained a weak little child.

" That explains why you're the way you are."

" What does that mean?"

" You are essentially what she used to be, yet you continue to exist because death was something that you wouldn't allow yourself to succumb to. You're like a ghost. You exist resulting from a desire that keeps you going, and nothing will stand in the way of you wanting to achieve it. Until this goal has been fulfilled, you can never rest no matter what, and while it does sound like a morbid existence, it's something that you have no qualms about."

" No wonder I've grown to like you, as you've been explaining things in a way that makes me understand myself a lot better."

" We're both in a similar situation, yet our reasons for coming into existence are different, as is our goals which we strive for. You desire power and wanting to assume her life because you believe yourself to be the real her. I on the other hand, desire knowledge, as I want to understand everything, and I believe myself to be worthy of knowing every last possibility that exists out there."

" Am I the real Sunset Shimmer, though?"

" You are part of her--the dark half--but still part of her."

" So that makes me the real Sunset Shimmer?"

" In a certain way, it does."

" That makes no sense."

" Confusing, isn't it?"

" I'll say."

" You're both halves of the same hole, and you wish to become the complete form. That is why you were so adamant about killing her, yet you became blinded by this, and taken advantage of. Quite the sad thing really as you got reduced to the role of slave, but now that you've been given a better understanding of the world, everything is different than before. Take our reason for being here as a good example of this. We could go after my significant other at any time, but in truth those undead creatures will not yield, so there is no point in dealing with them. As such, focusing on other things in order to strengthen your resolve becomes beneficial."

" Like what?"

" Becoming stronger by absorbing the magic of others."

" Still can't believe I can do that."

" If she is capable of such a feat, then so are you."

" Now, tell me the reason why we're here?"

" Your significant other was the one who raised this temple from the depths, and I can faintly sense Equestrian magic coming from within, so it's safe to assume that she is inside right now. We're not going to attack her or anything like that. Instead, we'll just observe how the temple rose up in the first place, and perhaps learn something about the local magic."

" Those strange plant-like creatures possess magic?"

" It's not as powerful and potent as what we're capable of, but there is something special about it which could prove valuable."

By the time I finally acquired the remaining Stray Fairies, defeated the two Dragonflies, and spent what felt like several hours going up and down alcoves, I finally reached a point where I could safely say that this ordeal was almost done--if not for what was waiting for me behind the boss door. Its ever growing presence reminded me that a fierce battle was coming up, and it was something Twilight has never experienced before. I mean, she's faced all kinds of monsters back in Equestria, yet those were nothing compared to what exists in this strange land.

" I didn't expect you to struggle so much." Twilight said.

" Those Stray Fairies were located in such horrible places, you knew I was going to complain." I moaned.

" At least you rescued them all."

" So where do we go from here?"

" You'll need to activate that crystal switch on the far side of the room. If what you described about them to me earlier when I asked is correct, it will cause the flames on these pillars to disappear for a few moments. That should be enough time to make it across to where that Deku Flower is. I don't need to say what will happen should the effects of the switch wear off, right?" asked Twilight. I shook my head back and forth several times, an indication that I knew the risks. Forming a bubble in my mouth, and aiming carefully towards my target, I fired it at the switch, barely striking it. The flames disappeared before a ticking sound started to ring out. " What's with the ticking, Sunset?"

" You don't want to know, Twilight." I answered. I dove down into the Deku Flower beneath me, and launched myself over quickly as I didn't want to be caught should the flames return sooner than expected. When I reached the other side, the flames reappeared, and while Twilight insisted on knowing, all I said was the ticking places a lot of pressure on you.

As soon as I regained my composure now that the danger had passed, all that remained was reaching the boss door, yet there were two Skulltulas blocking either side of it. For a last line of defence, I would've expected something a bit more menacing. I needed to land in between them otherwise I'll be on a one-way ticket back down to the area below, and that meant having to make my way back here again.

I had to take the chance. There was no other choice otherwise I'd never get anywhere. I dove into the Deku Flower, launching myself and flying across making sure not to stray from my flight path, as those Skulltula must remain where they are. Luckily for me, my flying skills had gotten better, and I managed to squeeze through without drawing either one's attention. When I landed in front of the door, I pulled on my face, removing the Deku Mask, and changed back to normal. Twilight then felt something coming from the other side of the door, a great evil was waiting, and she was concerned that I wasn't ready to face it.

" I'm not sure if you're ready."

" What other choice is there?"

" You could practice a little before going in? Maybe, go through the temple again just to gain some extra experience?"

" I've faced situations like this plenty of times, Twilight, and this is no different other than the atmosphere. I know that I'm not ready either, as not having done this for a while does make me feel concerned, but we have to go through with it otherwise nothing will be resolved. We need to change things back to the way they were as it's not meant to look like this, and the only way to do this is unravel the mystery behind this game." I answered.

" Yes, you're right, Sunset."

" I do wish that I had a fairy who could revive me were I to die."

" What about me?"

" You don't have the ability to revive those who have fallen in battle. No, your ability is to guide me through this journey by providing all kinds of information that I don't know about. I know it may not seem like much and doesn't help our current situation, but I need that intellect you have, and you need my courage." I answered.

" Shall we go in?"

" Might as well." I answered. Taking out the Boss Key that I picked up a while back, I inserted it into the lock and it tumbled to the ground, unlocking the large door. I opened it and it lead us into a fairly large chamber that had a "unique" presence about it. There were murals on the walls, but I didn't know what they represented. Some of them looked creepy like they were staring directly at me. There were five Deku Flowers strewn about on the floor, but aside from this, there was nothing unusual apart from those murals. " Pretty quiet in here, don't you think, Twilight?" I asked.

" Too much if you want my opinion, Sunset, but I think becoming a Deku Scrub is going to be important otherwise those Deku Flowers serve no real purpose other than being bizarre décor. What I don't understand is where this supposed boss you kept on mentioning is? I'm not sensing anything in this room, so maybe we don't have to deal with anything." Twilight answered.

" No, something is here as it wouldn't be this easy."

" Where do you suppose our mystery boss even is?"

" The only direction I can think of is right above us." I answered, promptly looking up at the ceiling that further reinforced the fact that this room was fairly large. The ceiling was too far away to be able to see what could be waiting up there, but then something else came to mind. " Maybe I should walk forward until something happens."

" Might as well as we do need to get things going."

" I'll just take a single step forward then. If that does nothing, then I'm at a complete loss for words." I said. Following my own advice, I took a single step forward where a noise that sounded like jungle drums began beating all around me. The noise continued getting louder as though someone or something was about to make its presence known, yet where exactly was it coming from? " Twilight, I'm sure you can hear jungle drums, right?"

" Yes, and even though I'm not very familiar with their premise, I definitely hear them. It seems the noise is coming from above, so you might want to look up." Twilight said. I then looked up to see if anything was up there, and my entire body froze in an instant. Something large dropped, and was falling so fast that I couldn't see what it was. The shape resembled a rather tall man--not exactly what I was expecting from a "boss"--yet what happened next was something I wasn't expecting either.

When the man landed with a loud thud on the ground, he bent over and the back of his head suddenly opened up, revealing an eyeball that looked around before his head closed and he stood upright. Seeing such a horrid sight made me feel sick, yet he wasn't finished as he began swinging around a giant sword while thrusting his shield forward before simply standing there, and began chanting some kind of weird language which made no sense.

" Uh, Twilight?"

" Yeah?"

" Care to explain this?"

" This is Odolwa, the 'Masked Jungle Warrior', and how I know his name is something I haven't quite figured out yet. Anyway, he's known by that moniker because of his attire, and that he is wearing a mask on his face." Twilight answered, pointing towards the creature's face. I assumed that was merely his head, and looking at it made me feel uneasy as it certainly looked demonic in nature. " Much of the time, Odolwa will move about, and dance as a means of expressing himself, but don't underestimate him because of his mannerisms. That will only lead to death, and when he dances, all kinds of things will happen. Also, that sword of his is very real, and provides him with quite the reach, so use your shield wisely to block his attacks, but know that his own shield will protect him unless you can use something that can knock him off balance for a while."

" And the Bomb Flowers?"

" What?"

" There are several of these scattered around the room, which has me thinking that he doesn't like being blown up." I answered. Twilight had no idea as to what I was talking about, so I told her that Bomb Flowers were special plants that when picked, can be tossed like a bomb, and will explode after a short period of time. They blow up a lot slower than proper bombs, but they can be used as a substitute as picking one causes another to appear several seconds later. Back in Hyrule, I needed an item called the "Goron's Bracelet" that allowed me to pick them up, yet maybe I won't need it this time around.

" Bombs might do something, but my suggestion would be to attack that eye on the back of his head."

" And how am I supposed to reach that?"

" Knock him down somehow." Twilight answered. Not the kind of response I was hoping for, but I didn't have time to argue as Odolwa began running around in a ridiculous manner. I shouldn't have dropped my guard over his unusual movement, as the moment he came to a stop, he swung his sword, striking me in the chest, and I went sailing across the room. Getting back up, I ran towards him with my own blade, yet he responded by kicking me, and I was sent flying back again before landing with a thud. I got onto my feet before running at Odolwa again, but this time he jumped covering an incredible distance before landing on the other side of the room, and began dancing that felt like he was taunting me.

" Didn't think he could jump like that."

" It's like a defensive mechanism he employs whenever he feels threatened."

" Well, I'll just find my way around it." I said, rushing forward where he jumped over me again before charging forward. His sword struck me in the back with tremendous force, and I slumped to the ground before he jumped over and landed in front of me. I received another kick courtesy of his leg that felt insulting. Upon getting back up onto my feet, Odolwa began running around, and while this was really testing my patience, I realized I wasn't thinking straight. I needed to focus on finding a way to knock him down so that I could hit that eyeball of his, and that's when I had an idea. " What about using arrows to knock him off balance?"

" That might work, but you need to use arrows carefully as you don't have many." Twilight answered. Taking out the Hero's Bow, and putting both my sword and shield away--I didn't want to go through that whole putting a sword in my mouth routine like last time--I fired an arrow thatOdolwa deflected by raising his shield, and that's when he jumped to the other side of the room again before dashing forward, thrusting his sword in my direction, but I merely stepped a few paces backwards to avoid this.

I then fired two more arrows that he blocked just like before, but then he just ran around making me think he was just trying to get me to waste my ammunition. " Shoot an arrow when he drops his guard, but watch carefully as it can be tricky to notice." Twilight said.

The moment Odolwa stopped running, I noticed that he dropped his guard for just a split second, but I didn't think I was fast enough to respond. I ran forward where he kicked me away before jumping to the other side of the room, and swung at me with his sword that nicked me on both shoulders. Had I been a little closer, that would have cleaved off my arms and quite possibly my head. He then began running around, and I immediately got fed up with this action, so I responded by firing another arrow that struck him in the head, causing him to lose his balance.

" He's staggering!"

" Use your sword and attack his legs so that he will eventually fall over." Twilight said. Quickly running towards him before switching to my sword, I slashed at Odolwa's legs a few times, but then he jumped to the other side before dashing forward, his sword thrusting forward in a bid for my head. I just barely blocked this attack by using my shield, but I got pushed back because of how much force he used. Odolwa looked like he was about to run, but instead he just jumped up and down. It looked weird, but I ignored this by firing another arrow that knocked him off balance. I then attacked his legs again where after a few moments, his entire body collapsed to the ground, and the eyeball on his head became exposed. " Hit the eye! Hit the eye right now, Sunset!" Twilight shouted.

" Got it!" I shouted. I struck this eyeball, but for some reason it kept on expanding in size as though it were trying to pop, yet it just stopped short of doing so. Eventually, the eye closed that prompted Odolwa to get to his feet, and he jumped once again--it got annoying by that point--but when he landed, he began jumping up and down in a violent manner, and I wondered what he was planning.

" Watch out for falling rocks!"

" Huh?" I asked, looking up and seeing boulders falling down, and shattering into pieces upon hitting the ground. Some of them hit me, and while the damage was minimal, it was building up, so now I've got to be more careful unless I can recover some health. I noticed at this point that Odolwa constantly kept on chanting his strange language, and despite how annoying it was, there was something magical about it that made me feel impressed--I shouldn't have praised him as I was fighting for my life, and I needed to stop that rock shower. Firing another arrow caused him to lose his balance that, in turn, stopped the rocks, so I ran over and struck his legs, yet he would eventually jump to the over side where something different happened. " Twilight? What is he doing now?"

" It looks like he's calling something from above." Twilight answered. Odolwa danced in place, yet his body movements suggested that he was intentionally hoping for whatever was up on the ceiling to come down. Was he afraid that I was prevailing against him despite having been kicked around, or was there more to his plan than what could be seen?

I would soon get my answer several seconds later when a series of bugs dropped down from the ceiling before landing on the ground and proceeded to scuttle about. I'm personally not afraid of bugs no matter how many of them had been summoned, yet Twilight appeared to have some kind of fear. " Sunset, those bugs are huge! You must get rid of them, quickly!"

" I'm sure they're not that bad."

" Their aim is to get in your way as you'll be too distracted by focusing on Odolwa to even notice them. Don't think this is going to be a one-time thing. I have a hunch that he plans on calling more of them down here should he feel the need to. Be prepared, Sunset, as who knows what else he is going to do," Twilight said. Sure enough, the bugs immediately proved themselves to be distracting almost instantly, so I needed to get rid of them before I lost control of the fight.

Using my sword to strike each bug as I didn't want to waste any arrows, it didn't take long to clear them from my path. However, I lost my focus on Odolwa who struck me in my side with his dash attack, and that part of my body began bleeding. He then jumped over to the other side of the room before running about again.

" Okay, this is getting ridiculous."

" You're getting weaker."

" I need hearts."

" Why not cut down the bushes next to those Bomb Flowers?" Twilight asked. That wasn't a bad idea, but I should have paid more attention to those bugs as some of them dropped hearts, yet I was too busy focusing on Odolwa to have noticed. My opponent began jumping up and down--yet again--that caused more rocks to drop from above, so I weaved my way though before cutting down the closest bushes near me, producing one heart that I took.

" It's better than nothing."

" Maybe you should change into a Deku Scrub."

" The thought did cross my mind, and there are all those Deku Flowers around, but I'll stick with being a human." I said. Deep down, I kept that idea close at hand in case I did need to change forms. Odolwa finished bringing rocks down before jumping and landing right behind me, and swung his sword that missed due to me rolling away. I felt a little queasy after coming out of that--it had been a long time since I last did that technique--but I had no time to complain. I had to focus on winning this battle. Odalwa then stood upright with his arms and legs out, and started chanting like he were calling something else. " Now what is he trying to accomplish?"

" I'm not sure, but it's left him wide open for an attack." Twilight answered. That was true, so I ran over and attacked his legs, but after he jumped over to the other side, I felt something attacking me from all sides. Looking down, my body froze due to be surrounded by butterflies, like the ones that were enamoured by torches from earlier. Odolwa must have summoned them when he performed his chant, so now I had even more problems to worry about. My immediate concern were the butterflies that slowly began injuring me. " Remember those butterflies were attracted to fire? If you can produce some fire of your own, it should distract them and ignore you entirely until you can find a way to get rid of them." Twilight said.

" And where can I find some?"

" Why not those Bomb Flowers? Explosions are akin to fire." Twilight answered. I then slapped my forehead. That was the simplest solution to my problem, yet I was completely ignorant about it. I ran over to the nearest Bomb Flower, picked it up--I must have gotten stronger since my last journey, considering I didn't need the Goron's Bracelet-- and tossed it as far away from me as possible. The butterflies swarmed over to it and they were destroyed when it exploded.

That was one problem solved, but there was still my main issue dancing about before me. I tried going for his legs again, yet he jumped to the other side of the room before I could even unsheathe my sword, and when I attempted to fire an arrow, it appeared to sail right through him as though it no longer had any effect. " Sunset, I think it's gotten to the point where you need to become a Deku Scrub, as why else would all these Deku Flowers be in here?" Twilight asked.

" Guess I've no other choice." I answered. Odolwa was acting erratic, so would he even allow me to change forms? I had no choice but to find out, so I put away the Hero's Bow, took out the Deku Mask and immediately put it on my face. During this transition, I paid close attention to his movements to ensure that he wasn't planning on attacking me while I was unable to defend myself. Once the transformation had finished, Odalwa looked bigger than before, but that was due to shrinking slightly.

I had to remain as a Deku for the duration of the fight. It did pose a problem as I could no longer attack his legs, my spin attack would merely bounce off of his shield. I knew that I couldn't pick up Bomb Flowers, so if those butterflies showed up again, there was nothing I could do to stop the swarm unless I performed a quick-change. Odolwa, in the meantime, had just been running around, so for the moment he didn't attacked, but then an idea sprung into my mind.

That eyeball on his head was his obvious weak-point, and due to him being too tall, I couldn't reach it unless he got knocked over. That was why I attacked his legs, but since that wasn't an option, I needed another approach. That's when an idea came to mind. I checked my pockets and discovered that I still had some Deku Nuts left over. Cutting those shrubs should give me some more, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that. If I was to hit that eyeball, I had to attack from above instead of below.

" Are you thinking of flying?"

" I am."

" Do you have enough Deku Nuts?"

" I think so."

" You haven't used any since entering the temple as far as I'm aware, but I suggest cutting down other shrubs to pick some up before you attack." Twilight said. One good thing about being a Deku was that my spin attack made me faster--all that spinning did make me feel sick--so I could easily avoid Odalwa. Cutting down several shrubs as I spun around the perimeter of the room, I managed to pick up about four Deku Nuts, so I needed to make each one count.

Diving into the closest Deku Flower, I launched myself, flew over to Odolwa--he was just standing there as though he had no idea what was happening--and dropped a nut on top of his head. It made a blinding flash that reacted to his eyeball, and it was enough to cause him to topple over. The instant he crumpled onto the ground, I landed behind him and rushed around to the other side.

" Is his eyeball exposed?"

" It is, so you should be able to damage him by spinning rapidly." Twilight answered. I began spinning into the eyeball causing damage, but it wasn't enough as Odolwa jumped to the other side of the room before summoning more bugs from above. " Spin into those bugs as fast as possible otherwise they'll only serve as a distraction. Also, while you're spinning, make sure you don't run into Odalwa or he runs into you." Twilight said.

I took her advice and began attacking the bugs, but I should have paid more attention to Odolwa. He suddenly began spinning around via crouching, and was somehow able to move towards me, catching me off guard. His sword struck me several times in a row as he continued spinning, and I was sent flying upon his final hit, smacking into the wall.

" Ow..."

" Are you alright?"

" That came out of nowhere."

" Odolwa is struggling to keep upright, so maybe he's getting exhausted?"

" Guess we're both at the ends of our limits."

" Don't you usually 'pony-up' at around this point given how much damage you've taken? I remember what you told me when you transformed into your half-pony state in this kind of environment. It was difficult to control and it made you act irrationally, but you were able to use it to achieve victory." Twilight said.

" I got over that, but I don't think I can pony-up like this, and even if I could, it usually takes a heavy toll on me. My body needs to be barely conscious for that particular change to happen. No, I'm not going to rely on it. Using that means I've failed to rely on my own skills that don't require the use of Equestrian magic. Besides, I don't even know if it will work given how Termina already prevents my regular magic from working." I said.

" Good point." Twilight said. After picking myself up from the floor, I turned around to face Odolwa, who began dancing around. He brought down more boulders, yet not as many that indicated that he was getting tired, so the time to strike was at hand. Well, it would have been had he not decided to use his own spin attack. While I managed to put up my shield, it didn't prevent me from taking some serious damage, leaving me barely able to stand. Knowing that I had to dive into a Deku Flower, I took a gamble by running towards the one in the center of the room, yet this caused Odolwa to spin around yet again, but I managed to dive in just in time.

That's when he summoned more bugs from the ceiling, but he only managed to call down three of them. Either he had run out of them or he was so exhausted, he couldn't concentrate very well. I launched myself into the air, and flew straight towards him, dropping a Deku Nut on top of his head once again. Odolwa collapsed onto the ground, so I dropped down and quickly ran around to his eyeball. It had gotten much larger than before and was even pulsating. Did it mean that I was on the verge of victory? Or, did it mean there was going to be another phase that would allow him to regain his strength? I hoped the former was true, as I wasn't going to last much longer.

Before I could attack him, I had to get rid of the bugs before striking the eye with everything I had. They did everything in their power to get in my way, but precise spin attacks neutralized them. Upon striking the eyeball for the fourth time, Odolwa suddenly stood up, but then he slumped forward and landed flat on his face, remaining completely motionless.

" Now that was intense."

" You almost got killed during all of that."

" Granted, I should have brought along a potion, but in the end I was able to prevail. Still, it was challenging, as I wasn't prepared to handle so many different attacks, but you were right about me becoming a Deku Scrub." I said.

" So what happens now?" Twilight asked. Her answer came when darkness seeped forth from the eye on the back of Odolwa's head, followed by his body burning away to nothing leaving behind something I really needed. However, it was what appeared on top of the central Deku Flower that truly piqued my interest. " That looks like one of those Pieces of Heart you've been picking up." Twilight said.

" This is a Heart Container. It will make me stronger in addition to surviving longer."

" Then pick it up, Sunset, as you could do with that right now." Twilight said. I walked over to where Odolwa had fallen, and picked up the Heart Container, and felt the incredible warmth from before--oh how I missed that feeling. My wounds immediately healed like I had just taken a potion, but then I turned my attention towards what had appeared on top of the Deku Flower. Walking up to it, it gave me quite a surprise as I wasn't expecting to see anything like that.

To Be Continued.

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