• Published 22nd Sep 2015
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The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask - Ganondorf8

Sunset Shimmer must save Termina, a parallel world to Hyrule on the verge of ruin. By her side is her friend and mentor, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Can Sunset overcome the odds stacked against her?

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Chapter 30: The Explosive Might

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding the Legend of Zelda, the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. These are the properties of Nintendo and Hasbro respectively.

Sunset using a Powder Keg... She's not going to mess this up is she? Nah!

Cast appearing in this chapter.

Sunset Shimmer - Link
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Tatl the Fairy
Adagio Dazzle - Great Fairy of Power
Diamond Tiara - Goron Guard
Derpy Hooves - Unknown Commander?
Cranky Doodle Donkey - Goron Elder
Featherweight - Goron Elder's Son

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask
By Ganondorf8
October 17, 2016
Chapter 30: The Explosive Might.

" You seem to be disturbed, young one." Adagio said.

" Can you blame me?" I asked. She had just revealed to me that the mask that I could acquire by collecting the other ones that existed throughout Termina was as evil as the one that was being worn by Starlight Glimmer.

The thought of wearing anything that was evil brought back painful memories of what happened when I decided to seek out more power. I thought that wearing Her Highness' crown would give me the power I craved--and it did--yet what I didn't know was that it would transform me into a monster. I became a demon, a creature consumed by power, one who wanted to conquer Equestria. The thought of wanting to take over the land of my birth was never my intention, yet instead of rejecting the power and tossing the crown away, I... I relished in that power and became a lost soul.

I suppose I became exactly what Ganondorf and to an extent, Twilight Sparkle, had become, monsters who became corrupted by the power they acquired. I had selfish desires to become a princess, an alicorn, yet those desires were pushed out of my mind and replaced with the desire to conquer Equestria. I wanted to subjugate my fellow ponies and make them bow to my very whim. If it wasn't for Her Highness and my friends defeating me, I would still be that horrible monster. I would remained on a path that would lead me to my own destruction, and ultimately lead me to my own death.

Whenever I think back on becoming that she-demon, I get sick to my stomach and wish that I could kill myself for being so stupid. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I knew that I should've returned to Equestria and seek out Princess Celestia's guidance. Instead, I believed my way was the only one that mattered.

Since that day, I had atoned for my crimes by being condemned by my peers and forced to endure the very torment I inflicted on them. But, instead of wallowing away in self pity, I decided to do the right thing. Her Highness had given me another chance, a chance to become someone who could become appreciated, liked, and eventually loved by those who I had once hurt. I took that chance and became so much better for it. Now I have friends, family, a mentor, and so much more than that. Perhaps the most important thing was that I had my own identity, one no one could ever take away from me. I was Sunset Shimmer, a force for good.

How could I possibly wear a mask that was as evil as Majora's Mask? The answer was that I couldn't. I may have changed my ways, but the taint of evil that Ganondorf mentioned still remains deep within my heart. I didn't want to believe his words, and yet I knew they were true despite my reluctance. Unlike others who are vulnerable to dark forces, I wasn't as affected--I'd eventually feel it but not straight away--thanks to my taint, a painful reminder of who I was once.

If I put on that mask and become a monster like before, I'd be betraying everything I had worked so hard for since that day. No, there had to be another way to defeat Starlight without having to rely on a similar power. I made that mistake once, and Twilight Sparkle repeated my mistake much to my displeasure, so the idea of making it again was completely out of the question.

Adagio then noticed my conflicting thoughts and proceeded to speak. " I sense that you do not wish to use the dark power of the mask you seek. Is it because you are afraid that you will succumb to something that once affected you long ago?" How did she know what I was thinking? Could she sense what was happening inside of my heart? If so then she was more powerful that I originally assumed--and this was Adagio Dazzle no less. " The power locked within that dark mask is strong and most who wore it in ages long past became monsters who lost all sense of self."

I buried my head into my hands. " Then there's no chance I will use that mask if I get my hands on it. The thought of becoming a monster again is too much for me to bear."

" There was one exception." Adagio said. " Legend says that someone was able to control the power of the mask. They were able to channel its magic and used it to protect their people from the darkness that threatened their very existence. Unfortunately, it is merely a legend. No one knows whether it happened or not."

I sighed. " That's not very reassuring."

" What I do know is that sometimes, to overcome great evil, you must be like them." Adagio said. Was she saying that I needed to become evil in order to defeat Starlight? I knew she was trying to reassure me, but I had my doubts considering what she said might not necessarily be accurate. " Do not worry about the dark mask, young one. You still have time to make a decision. No one shall force you into using something that worries you. But, you must think of not just yourself but of others."

Hearing her say that felt strange. Was it because I still couldn't get used to the fact that Adagio was a Great Fairy--more like all of them--in this world? In the world that I now called home, she only cared about feeding the negative energy that existed within people along with her sisters. They didn't care about what their actions would do to others so long as they could regain their magic. Yet, Adagio did make a valid point.

It wasn't just my life that hung in the balance. No, it was the lives of everyone I held close to my heart. My friends, my family, my homes--both of them--and the light itself were in danger of being lost in addition to myself.

I had to restore the human world back to the way it was before, and it sounded like my only option was to use evil itself. To do that would mean accepting Ganondorf's wishes of embracing power and giving up on my friends and family. I would be abandoning my very identity.

Adagio then continued. " And now, I shall aid you in your quest, young one. I will give you a new ability that can make things easier for you during battle. You will not be able to use this ability in your current form, but perhaps it will be more useful as your true self?" She cupped her hands together before blowing a pink coloured wind in my direction. I immediately began to swirl about in this wind, and I felt relaxed as her magic began to take effect. I had been so stressed over having to wear an evil mask, yet those tensions drifted away once I started feeling a hidden strength emerge from my body.

" What kind of ability is this?"

" You have mastered the Spin Attack." Adagio answered. " The first Great Fairy you saved enabled you to use magic, yes?"

" And that has been helpful."

" But, you were also given the ability to charge energy into your sword and unleash it in a powerful arc."

I rubbed my chin in hopes of remembering something like that, but I shrugged my shoulders informing her that I didn't understand her words. " I'm sorry but I don't think I ever used anything like that mainly because I never thought to use it." I felt embarrassed knowing that I had shunned something Adagio had given me. " I've used the magic that the Great Fairy of Clock Town gave me otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation, yet I never used her gift through my sword."

Adagio smiled before chuckling to herself. " It tells me that you still have a bit to learn about using a sword. You need not be upset, small one. You have come to this realization now instead of much later where not knowing it would result in death. By charging up energy even further, the resulting spin will be even more powerful than it was before. It can be used to strike monsters from a distance, and may prove useful towards activating certain things beyond your reach."

" Does this power use magic?"

" Yes." Adagio answered. " Fortunately, a Spin Attack consumes very little in magic so you will hardly notice it."

That was a sigh of relief at the very least despite still feeling guilty over not using the weaker version. When it came to the consumption of magic, I was using up more than I originally hoped. Even with an extension of my magic meter, I feared what could happen were my magic to suddenly run out and I had no means of replenishing it. The thought of not having any magic made me feel cold to the bone.

It was something I never considered given that I always had magic even when it looked like I didn't. When I first started living in the world that I now called home, I couldn't use any magic much to my displeasure. It felt like a big portion of myself was lost to me, and I cursed Princess Celestia for forcing me to leave Equestria because of our falling out over me becoming a princess--I know now that I was at fault and not her. Sure, I eventually got used to not having it, but I could easily get it back by simply going through the portal, yet that meant having to return with my tail between my legs.

When Her Highness and my friends defeated me at the Fall Formal, my magic was permanently taken away from me. At least, that's what I originally believed. I had abused the very gift that had been granted to me on the day of my birth, so I don't regret not being able to use magic. When I learned that I could use it again and more freely than ever before, it was a blessing because part of me had been restored, yet it was a curse as the human world started getting exposed to Equestrian Magic. Sure, there have been great benefits but also great disasters thanks to my actions.

Had I remained in Equestria as a pony, I could've eventually gotten what I wanted, yet I was too stubborn to acknowledge my weaknesses. Everything that had happened since that terrible day wouldn't have happened, and many lives wouldn't have changed because of me.

Adagio noticed I was going through another personal moment, and floated down closer to me in hopes of giving me comfort. " I know that you have inner turmoil, young one, but you must not allow it to consume your thoughts. Succumbing to the fear of the past will only make you more vulnerable to the darkness." Easy for her to say. She didn't know that she herself had committed acts that would eventually weigh down on her given that she and her fellow Sirens lost everything. Then again, would the real Adagio even care? From what I got from her attitude, she had no guilt over anything in the past and was focused on the future.

Should I ask that question of her? I thought it over a few moments before going through with it. " Do you... Have any regrets of the past?"

" I feel that I have failed the Gorons of these mountains." Adagio answered. " Had I not allowed my body to be shattered by the masked imp, I could have prevented the death of their great heroine, and perhaps protected them from the cold winter that almost destroyed them."

Oh... I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you remember anything like that."

Adagio smiled. " It is something I must live with for the remainder of time, yet I will not allow it to weaken me."

" Maybe I should learn from your example."

" You will come to your own understanding in due course." Adagio said. " By the way, you seem to be yearning towards ponies."

My eyes opened wide and my jaw dropped. How did she know that I was thinking about my past as a pony? I had to address what she said without mentioning the fact that I was a pony from another world. I mean, she wasn't obviously going to believe it, but I didn't want to bring up something that could cause her memories of our world to come back. Despite how much she was being so kind to me, I still saw Adagio as the monstrous Siren that she really was. " Um... Yes, I was thinking about a particular pony. She was my faithful steed until that masked imp took her away."

" You seek out this companion?"

I nodded my head. " She means an awful lot to me." I had actually forgotten about Epona! I couldn't believe myself! How could I have forgotten about the one being who I could whinny to without making myself look awkward in front of other people. If I hadn't started thinking about my past as a pony, Epona would be nothing but a memory. " I found her at the ranch but the problem is that I'm not sure how to get reacquainted. The one who currently takes care of her isn't exactly in the best mental state."

I was referring to what I witnessed when I visited that place... Romani Ranch, I believe it was called. Apple Bloom had been taking care of Epona, yet something happened to her and now she couldn't muster a coherent sentence without suffering from a migraine. Not only that but Applejack wasn't of much either. In fact, she was beside herself with grief over what had befallen her little sister. Something must have occurred at the ranch during the first or second night to have caused what I eventually witnessed. The problem was that there was no way of gaining access to the ranch until the final day because of a boulder that was blocking the entrance.

Starlight Glimmer was responsible for putting that boulder there--I knew as Sweetie Belle's worker mentioned a masked imp--yet why would she go to so much trouble? The ranch was the one area of Termina had lacked a temple so all she did was prove how much of a jerk she really was.

" A strange occurrence happened at the ranch two nights ago." Adagio said. " Yet only the little one knew the truth."

" Apple Bloom..."

" If you are to be reunited with your companion, perhaps you will need to use something more powerful than normal to remove any obstacles that stand before you. Unless you could find a way into the ranch sooner than expected, there is nothing that can be done." Adagio said. She floated back towards her pool indicating she was about to return to the depths below as she had completed her task. " Why not pay the Gorons a visit? I am sure the Elder would love to talk to Darmani. Also, you might want to indulge in some curiosity."

I scratched my head. " Curiosity? What do you mean?"

Adagio smiled. " There is a cave in the village that is the home of a Goron who has created something unique. Perhaps that might give you some answers that are currently eluding your grasp. When battle has made you weary, young one, please come back to visit me again. I shall restore your life energy." Adagio then laughed before disappearing back into her pool leaving me confused with what to do next.

" Why does she keep on doing that?"

" Adagio doesn't mean to be cryptic with her words." Twilight answered.

" Then why even do it in the first place?" I asked. " I understand the need to not make it easy, but sometimes there's a fine line that shouldn't be crossed.

Her Highness then bopped me on the head. " Why don't we figure out what Adagio meant before you lose your temper." She floated back and forth in front of me for several seconds before suddenly coming to a stop. " That boulder we heard that had been blocking the entrance to the ranch must be pretty big, right?"

" Well, duh!" I said sarcastically.

" I'm going to ignore that." Twilight said. " If the boulder took that man two days to break it down, perhaps we can destroy it ourselves in less time. Since you can use bombs now to blow up anything, maybe an explosive will work? Or... maybe not as a boulder that big would need more than a regular bomb. Maybe we need something more powerful, something that has so much destructive power, only the right person can use it?"

" Adagio did mention a Goron living in the village." I answered. " Maybe we can find out more by going there?"

" Time isn't on our side, Sunset. We still need to get our hands on that bottle of gold dust."

" Do we even need that stuff now, Twilight?" I asked. " We both know that Fancy Pants and Tirek aren't willing to re-forge my sword on the day of the carnival. Besides, there won't be a tomorrow since the moon will destroy this world before sunrise."

" Not the gold dust but the bottle. You could do with some healing items for the future."

Truer words were never spoken until that point. Considering how I got beaten up badly during my fight against Goht, and actually losing my life against Ganondorf for several minutes, the idea of having fairies or potions to restore lost health had now become essential. I didn't know why I was hesitating towards picking that sort of stuff seeing as in my previous journey, I couldn't go several meters without needing something to recover from injuries.

Was I trying to prove to Her Highness that I could handle myself? After all, she was concerned about my safety. But... What if I was trying to prove to myself? Had I gotten so stubborn that the obvious was escaping my vision? Was the thought of bravado blinding me? If so then I was being incredibly stupid about it.

I should have known better than that. No wonder Her Highness sometimes questioned my judgement. I was getting so caught up in the experience--despite my reluctance towards having to do all of this again--because I had more insight than she did, I was in fact making things even worse for myself, and I was worrying her to no end. I... I didn't want to make her worry anymore. If my suspicions regarding what Ganondorf said about my other were true, Her Highness would soon experience her own sense of concern. If she thought that my life was in danger, she would soon know better.

" Twilight... I want to talk to Cranky Doodle Donkey first." I announced. It felt weird calling him by his full name. " Even though she has moved on in this world, Maud's spirit wants me to go back and inform everyone that her mission has finally been completed."

Her Highness nodded her head in approval. " I understand, Sunset. We should deal with that first before we do anything else. Besides, Cranky might know where we can get our hands on a powerful explosive."

" We should warp back to the Mountain Village."

" Agreed. I doubt you'd want to go back the way you came."

With my business at the fairy fountain finished, I turned and began to walk back outside, but a thought suddenly crossed my mind. So far, I had only encountered three of my friends whose lives had been changed when the human world was transformed into Termina: Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle--the human version and not Princess Twilight--had yet to be accounted for. I knew they were somewhere in this world, but where could be they be? A more important question was that would I have to fight against any of them?

Such a thought was dreadful even by my standards, yet it was something I had to take into consideration. In my previous journey, Rainbow was associated with an evil group in the form of the women who were from the same tribe as Ganondorf. I mean, she wasn't evil like they were and possessed a noble heart, yet the fact remained that she was initially an enemy who could've caused me or someone else trouble. Would that happen to her again? What about Rarity and Twilight Sparkle? Could either of them have become enemies here who I would have to defeat to progress?

I hoped that I was wrong in my assumptions.

Sometime in the past...

" Okay... How many of the eggs do we have?"

" All seven of them have been secured, ma'am."

" Good! I'm just so glad that nothing has gone wrong."

" Why did you have to go and jinx it?"

" Are you disrespecting our second-in-command?"

" What!? No! It's just that I wish she wouldn't say stuff like that! So far, the others have managed to keep the Zora distracted while we steal these eggs. Personally, I don't understand why we even need them in the first place. Aveil can easily have find other treasure that hasn't been found out there on the beach."

" Now you're disrespecting our leader?"

" Am I not allowed to be concerned?"

" Not at the expense of questioning our leader's motives! If it were up to me, I'd make sure you were thrown into the dungeon back at the fortress."

" That's enough! Both of you!"

" But... but... Derpy I..."

" What did I just say to you?" Derpy asked. " Look, I know how tense you all are since we'll get swarmed by every Zora in here were they to discover what we're doing. They may not be fighters like we are, but they do outnumber us and that spells trouble." She picked up a bag that contained what appeared to be eggs, yet there was something unusual about them although she didn't pay any notice towards that. " Aveil wants us to bring these back to the fortress and we must carry out that task."

" Why do we need to do that?"

" Um... I don't know." Derpy answered. " What did Aveil say the reason was again?"

" Are you kidding me!?"

Derpy then suddenly drew out a curved blade and had it mere inches away from the throat of the companion who spoke out. " I'd better watch your tongue if I were you. I'm of a superior rank to you, and that means you never question me on anything." She pulled her sword away and put it back into the scabbard on her side. " Oh! I remember why we need to get these eggs and bring them back to Aveil. We're just following what they masked person said when she paid us a visit last week."

" Can we trust that stranger, ma'am?"

" I'm not sure if we can."

" Do you think she is leading us into a trap?"

" I'm not going to question the authenticity of the masked stranger. That is up to Aveil alone to decide." Derpy answered. " If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to exchange these eggs in return for whatever hidden treasures the Zoras are hiding."

" What if Aveil has another idea instead?"

Derpy quickly answered. " We follow her lead, I think. She knows what to do anyway as she is the leader after all." She then motioned with her fingers to inform her companions that they needed to leave before any Zoras were to discover them sneaking about. " Everyone back through our secret tunnel, and make sure none of you leave behind your weapons! The last time someone did that, we had to cancel our surprise attack."

" Um... Weren't you the one who did that, ma'am?"

" I was?"

" Yes, you were. Aveil scolded you something fierce that day."

" I just don't what went wrong." Derpy said. " I know that I took my sword with me when I had to put it down for a brief moment to look over our battle plans." She scratched her head erratically in hopes of trying to recall what happened, but ultimately shrugged her shoulders and gazed down into the tunnel with her trademark expression. " I don't remember doing anything wrong but maybe I did. Oh well." Her words caused the outspoken companion to slap her forehead, but this was generally ignored by Derpy. " Everyone into the tunnel! Once we're back outside, rendezvous with the others and I will create a diversion."

" Can you handle it?"

Derpy nodded. " Of course I can. Why do you ask?"

" No reason."

" I'm going to ignore what you said." Derpy said, brandishing her sword again. " But, if you want to remain on Aveil's good side, you won't question my ability to handle being in charge of this little expedition." Her companion gulped before slinking away behind the other three women. " Aveil made me second-in-command because of how good I am in these kinds of situations. At least, I think that was why she gave me the position. Maybe it was because no else asked or was it because everyone else was afraid of her?" She shook her head before slapping her face. " Time to get serious! Into the tunnel! Let's go! We've got to get these eggs back to the fortress without fail!"

" The Gerudo Pirates strike again!"

" Not so loud." Derpy scolded. " And you think I'm an idiot..."

After warping back to the Mountain Village using the Song of Soaring, my first thought was to take in the wondrous beauty that surrounded me. I knew that I didn't have much time until I had to reset everything, but my heart wanted me to relax for once and take everything in stride. While there was still some remnants of winter scattered about in the form of patches of snow, much of it had melted revealing luscious grass, bushes, and even flowers.

Dawn of the Final Day - 24 Hours Remain.

The sound of a cucco indicated that the final day had begun. That meant I had to hustle my butt if I was going to get everything I needed to do done before having to reset time and undo all of my accomplishments in the mountains.

I went back to what I was thinking about. If Fluttershy were here right now instead of being trapped in a temple, she would absolutely love seeing what I was seeing with my eyes.

Even though what I just said about her sounded disappointing, in truth I wasn't as upset about it as I should be. After all, I had already freed her from Odolwa's clutches and it was written down in my notebook, so in my heart, I believed she wasn't really trapped. The Bomber's Notebook was something I forgot about given that I was preoccupied with other things to take notice of it, yet it still proved to be invaluable despite ignoring it. As I began to walk towards the twin islands--I had considered rolling my way back to Goron Village but I chose to go at a slow pace so as to take in the scenery--I took out the notebook and looked at all those I had helped so far.

Seeing their pictures brought back wonderful memories of me helping them out, although there were many whom I didn't know would end up in the book. This was a lesson that I needed to look at this thing more often than I did. There were some people that I had yet to help resolve their problem, and my heart felt bad knowing that I hadn't lived up to their expectations, yet Her Highness told me not everyone could be helped straight away. That would involve having the proper item sometimes and maybe fulfilling specific requirements that would trigger other events that lead up to the problem in question.

My eyes were mainly fixated on both Applejack and Apple Bloom. Since I apparently needed to gain access to the ranch sooner than the final day, I began to think about how I could help solve their problems. It was obvious that something happened at the ranch, but because I arrived too late, I wasn't able to help them. I recalled Applejack mentioning something about ghosts attacking the barn and stealing cattle. In my mind, that sounded farfetched yet Termina had proven itself an unusual world.

Apple Bloom was the real problem as whatever happened to her affected Applejack. Perhaps if I could help her--Apple Bloom--first, then maybe I could help her--Applejack--with the problem she had.

Princess Twilight finally took notice of the fact that I was looking through my notebook and decided to break the silence. " Look at how many people you've helped, Sunset."

" Yeah." I said. " I suddenly remembered I still had this thing so I thought to take a look through it."

" There are a lot of blanks next to people and I assume you haven't helped them yet."

I nodded. " I might be able to now that I have the right items."

" You seem to be fixated on Applejack and Apple Bloom right now." Twilight said. " You really want to help them don't you?"

Again, I nodded my head. " If it wasn't for Adagio mentioning Epona, I wouldn't be thinking about them."

" I still can't believe you actually rode a horse considering--"

" When you've lived as a human for as long as I have, you sorta get used to the whole thing and it doesn't freak you out. No one ever questioned me about how I would do certain things even when they found out that I was a pony at one time." I said.

Her Highness' face suddenly beamed and I knew what it meant. " What was it like riding a horse? I must know!" I knew she was going to ask me that question. I could read her like a book because she had specific facial cues that clued me in.

" It took a while to get used to it but it felt so natural. I forged a strong connection with Epona as though we were kindred spirits."

" She sounds like a good friend."

" Definitely!" I exclaimed. " She's also an excellent conversationalist. Whenever I felt the need to, I would talk to her by whinnying."

" You actually neighed?"

I blushed a little in response. " I just felt like talking to her that way, you know, what with me being a pony and all."

" Fascinating, yet I'll need to see you do this with my own eyes, but that can come a little later." Twilight said. " We should try to figure out what might have happened at the ranch that resulted in Applejack being a broken mess and Apple Bloom having lost all her senses."

" Other than what she told us, there isn't much to go on." I said. This was unfortunately true and Her Highness sighed knowing that I was right. We knew that ghosts showed up and stole the cattle earlier in the seventy-two hour cycle, yet we had no idea what happened exactly.

Applejack hadn't been forthcoming when it came to providing an explanation, and I attributed that to what she said about how she wished she could have believed Apple Bloom instead of ignoring what her little sister had known. If she had known then we could have already figured out some way of preventing whatever happened. Instead, guessing was our only option, and that meant we were drawing straws.

Putting the Bomber's Notebook away, I continued walking forward, entering the Twin Islands Area, and still thinking about the ranch's problem. Why did these ghosts choose to attack the ranch now of all times of the year? Was Starlight somehow involved in their presence? Why weren't the farmhands better equipped to deal with something that threatened their way of life? Could the ghosts have been repelled until a better solution came? These were only a few questions with many more waiting in the wings. Could I have made a difference had I been there to protect everyone?

And what of Epona? How was she tied into all of this? When I visited the ranch during a previous cycle of time, she was locked behind a fence and that meant she was stuck reliving the same experience of what happened over and over in an endless loop. Was saving her key to saving the ranch? That's what happened in my previous journey but it didn't necessarily mean it would be the same thing again. None of this actually mattered unless I could gain access sooner rather than later. Until I could get into the ranch and prevent the ghosts from doing whatever they did, I was powerless to help my friend.

The first thing I noticed with the Twin Islands Area was how the ice had melted and revealed a beautiful lake, yet there were strange fish swimming about below the surface. Upon a closer inspection, these fish had no flesh on their bodies.

I had no idea what they were but Princess Twilight did. " Those fish are called Skullfish, Sunset. They dart about in the water and zoom in on prey that happen to get too close to their territory. Any weak attack will destroy them but you'll need to find a way to fight underwater."

" There's a treasure chest down there." I said, pointing to a sunken chest to my right. " If only I had Iron Boots and a Zora Tunic."

" What would that accomplish?"

" I could walk underwater without worrying about drowning."

" Sounds like a useful ability to have, but I don't know if that will happen this time around."

Her Highness suggested that I ignore the chest as I didn't have the means to plunder it, but she did make a mental note of it in case I ever do find a way of being able to move about underwater like before. Floating ahead of me was Pinkie Pie, ever observant while drawing her maps, and my first thought was to see if she knew anything about the Patriarch Race since she had proven to be resourceful in the past. A bop on the head from Twilight and she told me that Pinkie most likely wouldn't have an answer. The only ones who would know were the Gorons since the race was apparently sacred to them.

Personally, I wanted to talk to her again, but I knew that time wasn't exactly on my side. The darkness of night began to fade away and the sun was slowly starting to rise up from the east indicating that the final day would soon begin. Deciding to go with Her Highness' suggestion, I walked under Pinkie--rolling wasn't a good idea since Gorons would drown if they fell into any deep water--and across the remaining bridges until I was in the village again.

It had definitely changed since my last visit and I attributed that to the snow having melted. The dirt on the ground coupled with the rocky outcroppings definitely reminded me of Goron City, yet this place was outside compared to the indoor confines of that place. I could tell that everyone here was relieved that their nightmare was over, but deep down I knew that they wouldn't remember any of this once time is reset back to the beginning. No matter how much I kept telling myself it was necessary to give me more time, I still felt guilty over having to undo my hard work in the name of a force beyond most.

I sighed heavily. " It's going to be difficult to accept this going back to that winter nightmare."

" Yes." Twilight said. " I understand that feeling, Sunset."

" I thought I could handle it seeing as Fluttershy would still be safe despite her current predicament." I said. I took a few steps forward and held out my hands before folding them close to my chest. " But now that we're witnessing Goron Village as it was meant to be, I just can't cope with the idea that we'll be condemning them again."

Princess Twilight nodded. " Nothing is ever easy no matter how much we try to deny it. All you can do is continue on and allow the pain to gradually subside."

" Isn't there anything we can do?"

" Well... I did have one theory I've been pondering over for a while."

My eyes lit up. " What is it?"

" When you defeated Odolwa and eventually reset time in order to come here to the mountains, I suspect that he was also revived back to the way he was before we ever set foot into Woodfall Temple. It makes sense since starting over means certain events get undone. He's probably waiting for you to come along and challenge him right now." Twilight said.

" Okay, then could I fight him again?"

Princess Twilight nodded. " I'm assuming you can but that would mean going through the temple again, unless there is a way to skip all of that."

" It sounds like it's something we should investigate at some point."

" Yes." Twilight nodded. " For now, we should focus on tying up loose ends here before we reset time again."

In my previous journey, whenever I defeated a "boss", they would stay defeated and acted as an accomplishment for myself. I had conquered a powerful enemy and moved one step closer towards changing things back to the way they were before. Yet now I was conflicted because of this whole resetting time and going through the same three days over and over again in a near endless loop. If the bosses kept on coming back due to never being defeated thanks to the time paradox I create, had I truly accomplished anything? I earned their remains that I carry on my person, but was it really enough?

They were never truly conquered for good. No, they were conquered for a short period of time. I didn't care about the glory behind defeating them but the fact that I did the right thing and saved innocent spirits who had been trapped against their will. Were Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna trapped inside of Odolwa and Goht respectively every time I went back to the beginning of the seventy-two hours? It was something I hadn't considered before until now. Did I have to free them again or were they already free? Also, how was it possible that I could bring certain items back through time with me while other items had to be left behind?

No doubt this whole time paradox was confusing, and I knew Her Highness felt the same way. She had experienced time magic first hand when she told me what Starlight attempted to do in order to prevent the pony versions of my friends from becoming exactly that. To think that Equestria went through seven different alterations of time, each one more terrifying than the last until Starlight finally realized that Her Highness along with her court were an essential key to the protection of Equestria. What we were doing was small compared to what she experienced. A part of me wished I could've been there to give her some moral support.

Before I could continue with my current thoughts, a familiar voice broke my concentration. " Darmani! Darmani! Over here!"

" Is that Diamond Tiara?" I asked as I came out of my daze.

" She seems to be very excited about something." Twilight answered. Sure enough, Diamond Tiara was a few meters away, hopping up and down on the spot, her armour clanking about and echoing across the clearing.

" You finally made it back!" Diamond Tiara shouted.

I walked up to her. " You seem to be in a chipper mood."

Diamond Tiara nodded in a rapid fashion. " How could I not be when you have done the greatest thing ever barring none! When the cold wind suddenly stopped blowing from the direction of the temple, I thought it meant that the worst was yet to come. But then all that snow started to melt and was gone within a matter of moments. The two Gorons who went to prepare your burial returned about twenty minutes later followed by that one Goron who loves wearing her frog hat."

" So things are back to normal around here?"

" The Elder returned just a short time ago and is waiting to talk to you about something."

" I was actually planning on going to see him."

" You shouldn't keep the Elder waiting." Diamond Tiara said. " Let me open up the entrance to the shrine for you, Darmani. You should find the Elder in the meeting place along with everyone else in the village. It looks like you could be moving up in the world."

" Huh? What do you mean?"

Diamond Tiara made a snickering gesture that made me worried. What was she hiding from me? " I'd tell you about it but I think you should hear it from the Elder. By the way, his son left to watch the Patriarch Race. It should be starting real soon provided that boulder is destroyed first."

" Boulder?"

" Some half-wit placed a boulder in front of the entrance to the Goron Racetrack, and now no one can gain access to it. Everyone has been looking forward to this race all year and now it might be cancelled because someone had to be stupid and block our path." Diamond Tiara answered.

" Why not just blow it up?"

" We tried blowing up that boulder with bombs from the Bomb Shop, but nothing seems to be working." Diamond Tiara answered. " We can't even lift the blasted thing up because leftover snow and ice are holding it in place." She began stomping her foot on the ground impatiently before pounding her fist into the ground leaving a small indentation. " I know you want to compete in the race, Darmani, as you usually win them every year."

An idea suddenly popped into my head. Diamond Tiara knew the village better than I did, so perhaps she knew something about where I could get my hands on a more powerful bomb as Adagio indicated. I thought about asking Cranky Doodle but perhaps she would be a better choice. " Why not use stronger bombs?"

Diamond Tiara looked at me with a puzzled expression. " Huh? Stronger bombs? Are you feeling alright, Darmani? You don't have rocks stuck inside of your ears from rolling around again, do you?"

" I'm just saying that maybe a powerful explosion will work."

" Now that you mention it, I do recall Medigoron saying that he finally finished making that new Powder Keg of his." Diamond Tiara said. She looked down at a cave entrance located on the far side of the village. " He said that it could do more than a regular bomb could. I've never actually seen him test any of them so you'll excuse me if I'm skeptical about it. If we can use one of his Powder Kegs, it might allow us access to the Goron Racetrack."

" Powder Keg?"

" You don't know about it?" Diamond Tiara asked. I shook my head. Was I supposed to have known about it? If so then I had just blown my disguise and that meant having to take some drastic actions. My first instinct was to run away but Diamond Tiara shrugged her shoulders. " I'm not surprised that you don't know of Powder Kegs, Darmani. Most of us have no idea what they're supposed to be about. Medigoron likes to keep his secrets but that usually backfires on him. A Powder Key, according to him, is a special type of bomb that can only be used by Gorons what with how heavy they are."

" They sound useful." I said. " Do they work on any boulders?"

" Why wouldn't they?"

" I was curious."

" If what Medigoron says is true, those Powder Kegs are going to change Goron society forever." Diamond Tiara said. She then noticed that I was starting to inch a little closer towards the direction the cave was in, and she clamped her hand down on my shoulder. " Don't bother going over and getting a Powder Keg, Darmani. Medigoron won't just let anyone use them unless they pass some kind of certification test."

Hearing her say that made me feel slightly disappointed, but I now knew what I needed to gain access to the ranch earlier than usual. The thought of having to take a test to use a powerful bomb wasn't a problem since I enjoyed taking tests of all kinds at Canterlot High, but what would this Medigoron expect from me so that I could prove myself responsible? I supposed the only way I would find out was to go and ask him.

Before I go and do that, I had to speak with Cranky Doodle first. Even though my original plan was to ask him about the Powder Keg, I wanted to see him because Maud's spirit from beyond the grave had insisted on it. She needed to truly rest in peace in this world and that meant reassuring her people that their lives were safe once again.

Looking at Diamond Tiara, who seemed confused by my sudden silent treatment, I decided that I needed to continue. " Thanks for telling me about what Medigoron has been up to lately in his cave. I plan on visiting him once I've paid a visit to the Elder."

" You actually want to use a Powder Keg, Darmani?"

I nodded my head. " It's something I really need."

" Well... I won't question why you want to get one, but I wish you luck in passing that certification test. Anyway, you probably want to see the Elder now don't you? I think I've kept you busy a little too long, so let me pound the ground and open up the shrine." Diamond Tiara said.

She curled up into a ball, leapt into the air, and came crashing down onto the ground forcing the entrance of the shrine to open. Once it clicked open, she unfurled herself and gave me a salute before assuming her duties as a guard. I didn't have much time so I dropped down below and walked inside just as the door closed.

The first thing I noticed was that there were no Gorons parading about by the series of statues at the lowest point of the shrine. As I recalled, they were shivering like leaves and struggling to not lose their sanity from having to listen to a baby crying for hours on end. If Diamond Tiara hadn't told me that they had all gathered at their usual location further ahead, I'd have suspected something was amiss. That's when I noticed it was much warmer than it was before. It made what was a drab place feel more welcoming, and I did need some place to warm up given it was still cold outside.

" I think every Goron must be waiting for you up there." Twilight said.

" They really must hold Maud in high esteem."

Her Highness agreed. " She was their greatest hero and they looked up to her as their shining beacon. I doubt that Maud ever allowed their praise to cloud her judgement but she probably played along because it made her people feel proud knowing she would save them."

" I guess you're right." I said. " Should we see what Cranky Doodle has to say?"

" You might as well even if we already know what to do now."

Gulping for a moment, I then walked slowly up the path towards the meeting place, and was immediately beset with almost a dozen pairs of eyes coming from the Gorons. None of them said anything which made me nervous, but my attention was focused on Cranky Doodle himself. He stood in the middle of the Goron gathering, his hump swaying back and forth--it still creeped me out seeing that--yet I could tell he was smiling. As I walked closer to him, the others began chattering to themselves, and I couldn't catch what they were saying, yet they were silenced when Cranky lifted his arms.

No wonder he was the Goron Elder. If one of the others had gone and done that, they would've been ignored, yet Cranky showed why he was in charge. Despite having left his son behind to cry, Cranky had proven himself a capable leader of his people. Sure, I didn't understand everything that went into being the patriarch of the tribe, but what I did know was that he made some sacrifices to ensure their future.

" Darmani... I've been waiting for you." Cranky Doodle said.

" I was told that you wished to see me?" I asked. " The guard outside said everyone was waiting."

Cranky Doodle slowly nodded his head. " I have been waiting for your arrival ever since I heard the news. When some of our brothers returned from the mountains, they told me that spring was slowly coming back. I did not believe them at first, but when I witnessed the snow melting with my own eyes, I knew their words were true. I knew that you, the one whom I once thought to be dead ,had sealed off the blizzard that was blowing in from Snowhead."

" Yes... The creature that was responsible has been destroyed."

" To think that all of this happened because of a masked human who wandered up the mountain trail."

" I have a personal matter with her." I said. " I've heard that she has been causing trouble all across Termina."

My words instantly shocked everyone in attendance, yet Cranky was able to quickly calm them down by waving his hands. " So we weren't the only ones affected by this stranger masked human. While I cannot say for certain how the other regions of this land fare, I feel in my heart that they are suffering immensely." He then paced about back and forth, his hump once again making me feel very uncomfortable, but then he stopped and looked straight at me with a piercing gaze. " Darmani... I do not know why you feel you must pursue the one who almost caused our demise, nor do I know why you have such a burden, but I will not stop you from doing what you believe to be right."

" Thank you."

" No... It is we who should be thanking you, Darmani. Thanks to you, spring has come to Goron Village. Everyone is pleased!" Cranky Doodle said. " It will take some time before we can resume our usual endeavours, but things will be better from now on."

That left me feeling reassured for the time being. Despite knowing that all of this was going to amount to nothing because of resetting time, I felt happy knowing that Maud's mission had finally been completed. Would it have made more sense had she been here before everyone instead of me? Of course as she was their true hero. Me? I was just acting as a substitute by taking on her form and acting out her life.

I wonder if Cranky Doodle or anyone else ever figured out that I wasn't Maud. I mean, I don't look like her given that my Goron body features my hairstyle, my hat, a piece of a green coloured skirt that represented my tunic, and the metallic bra that covered what were the Goron equivalent of breasts. How had none of them ever questioned the fact that I didn't really look like their heroine?

As I pondered over something that ultimately didn't make any sense--a trend from my previous journey that was rearing its ugly head again--I was suddenly interrupted when one of the Gorons decided to shout at the top of his lungs. " The greatest Goron hero of all? That's..."

" Darmani!" Everyone else shouted.

" The immortal Goron who is not dead, even if he has died?" Another Goron asked. " That's..."

" Darmani!" Everyone shouted again.

A third Goron then spoke up. " The star whom we wish upon? That's... Darmani, greatest of Gorons!"

" Greatest of Gorons!" It quickly became obvious that they were singing my praises or rather they were singing Maud's praises. To be honest, I didn't feel right getting all of this praise considering all I did was finish what she started. I mean, I did defeat Goht and saved everyone from freezing to death, yet their words were misplaced in my opinion.

I thought of saying something in response to their cheering, but Her Highness bopped me on the head as though to tell me to go through with it. The first Goron who began to sing my praises then added spoke up again. " Darmani is the greatest in the world!!!

" Greatest in the world!" Everyone else said.

" I think that is enough celebrating towards Darmani." Cranky Doodle said. " While I know she deserves it for saving our lives, remember that she is just like the rest of us. She is someone who doesn't do what she does for the admiration or for the glory of being a legend among us. No, Darmani does what she does because it's the right thing to do. She fights for what she believes is right."

The other Gorons began nodding while they talked amongst themselves. At least Cranky understood that praise meant nothing and that it was the character of an individual that was important than anything else. Still, if they had gone on praising me any longer than they already had, I would've said something despite Twilight suggesting otherwise through her usual manner of bopping me.

Cranky then lowered his head and for a moment I thought something was wrong. " My son got better immediately once the winter weather disappeared. I know that I should have been by his side, but I had to complete the mission you started, Darmani. Had I known you were still alive, I would have remained by his side."

" I'm sure he understands what you had to do." I said.

" If you're curious as to where he is, he went to see the Goron Races that celebrate spring." Cranky Doodle said. " Since the weather has finally changed for the better, we can finally begin the Patriarch Race. I know that you will compete, Darmani, since you are one of the fastest racers who have ever graced that track."

" But, a boulder blocks the entrance."

" What!?" Cranky Doodle exclaimed. " Are you certain?"

I nodded my head. " You don't need to worry about it, Elder. I already have something planned that will remove that boulder, and everyone will be able to compete. I just need to talk to Medigoron and he should set me up with what I need."

" Then this makes my decision all the more easier."

" What decision?"

" Darmani... the real reason that I asked you to meet me is because I have an announcement to make." Cranky Doodle said. " I have been thinking about this for some time, and what you just displayed right now proves my choice is not mis-guided." He paused to take a deep breath before continuing. " I, the protector of this tribe for so many years, choose to yield the seat of tribal patriarch to a younger one." Gasps could then be heard all around me from the other Gorons. They clearly weren't expecting Cranky to make this kind of announcement, and yet he had without any hesitation in his voice."

" Are you sure about this, Elder?" A Goron asked. " You have lead us for as long as any of us can remember."

" And that is why I feel the time has come for me to name my successor." Cranky Doodle answered. " There is only one among you who I feel deserves to take my place, one I am sure everyone would agree upon. The Goron who makes calm decisions, yet boasts courageous determination and can take care of all shall be the patriarch!" He then turned his attention towards me, a twinkling appeared in his eyes. Oh no... He wasn't thinking what I think he was thinking, was he? " The chosen one, Darmani... is you! There could be no other!"

My entire body went numb. Did Cranky just say that I was to become the next leader of the Gorons!? I don't think he understood the ramifications of what he just said. I knew that he wanted this because Maud was the ideal individual to succeed him, but how was she supposed to do that when she was no longer alive? I certainly couldn't lead them despite having had some experience back home. I lead my friends when it came to understanding magic, yet this was on an entirely different level.

I looked around and saw the other Gorons were nodding their heads and pounding the air with their fists. How could I tell them that I can't lead them since I wasn't the real Maud, or rather in this case, the real Darmani? I was only assuming her identity and nothing more.

As I continued looking at how happy they were, I realized that I couldn't tell them the truth. It would break their hearts if they were to know that Maud had died and that I was nothing but an imposter. Maud herself would suffer immensely in the beyond, and above all else, I didn't have the courage to tell them. I had only one course of action. I had to accept this offer from Cranky and leave it at that. Yet, that meant going against a number of moral codes not to mention flat-out lying. Who would've guessed that I would be caught in a situation that revolved around a succession.

In the midst of the Gorons celebrating, Cranky raised his arms and they quickly grew quiet. " What do you think, Darmani? If it's you, everyone would happily accept you as the patriarch given all that you have done."

" Um... About that..." I began.

" Is something wrong?"

" You... could say that." I answered. I was definitely feeling nervous at that point and I hoped no one suspected anything was amiss.

Cranky then smiled and patted me on the shoulder. " You need not answer so quickly. Go, enter the Goron Race once you have taken care of that little problem. I am sure that will take your mind off of being named my successor. Think it over slowly. I am awaiting a thoughtful response." He then started to walk towards his private chamber before turning around slightly and looking at me. " By the way, you will be very happy with the prize that is being offered this year, Darmani. It is something I chose personally. You will need to speak to my son provided you are victorious which is a foregone conclusion. He should be anxiously awaiting your arrival."

As he walked away, the Gorons dispersed from the area although each of them made sure to "congratulate me" for being given the title of patriarch. I tried my hardest not to give off the impression that I didn't accept Cranky's offer of succeeding him, but it wasn't easy since I knew there was no way I could become their leader.

Once Her Highness and I were alone, she floated next to my ear and began to whisper. " That wasn't exactly what I thought he would say."

" How can I be their patriarch when I'm only a Goron while wearing this mask on my face?"

" I saw that you were struggling to tell them the truth."

I sighed and folded my arms close to my chest again. " How could I crush their spirits like that, Twilight? I didn't want to tell them that Darmani was dead and that I'm just assuming her life because her ghost told me. If they found out I was deceiving them, pretending to be their great hero, they'd have labelled me a monster for desecrating her name. I-I can't go through that experience again."

" You may have to tell them once Termina has been saved."

" That's going to be painful." I said, burying my head into my hands. " If only I could explain things without having them lash out at me."

Her Highness then had an idea pop into her head. " There is one option you can try. You can tell them that you only came back to life in order to finish what you started, and now that peace has been returned to these mountains, you have to return to your grave because there is no longer any need to be alive."

I looked at her with a skeptical look. " You're kidding, right?"

" Do you see any other way?"

" No... I guess not." I answered, sighing. " With my Deku Scrub form, it was easy to just walk away since none of the Deku recognized me aside from Mrs. Cheerilee. With this form, the Gorons all know who Darmani is and that makes it so much more awkward."

" For now, Sunset, we should just focus on trying to save Termina from destruction." Twilight said. " We can worry about telling them the truth about Darmani later. Why don't we pay a visit to this Medigoron who has that Powder Keg. I'm sure you can use his test as a distraction so that you don't get bogged down with guilt."

While it sounded like Her Highness' words were harsh in their delivery, in truth she was doing her best to assess the situation. She was right in that I had to focus on rescuing the remaining giants and fixing whatever damage Starlight had caused. I had to get the idea of confessing to the Gorons about Darmani out of my head otherwise it would continue to linger about and I'd lose my concentration. To bottle up so much guilt because of not knowing how to deal with it. Was that how Her Highness felt sometimes? She felt guilty over something and it only caused her to suffer later on in the future? Perhaps she and I still had much in common despite growing distant what with obligations.

I walked back down the path until I reached the entrance of the shrine, knocked on the slab of rock, and heard the sound of Diamond Tiara pounding down from above to open up the way so that I could go back outside. From there, I turned right and made my way over to that large cave entrance she mentioned earlier. The entrance was slightly raised up from the ground--it made no sense at all--making it seem impossible for a Goron to climb up and go inside. I thought about it for a few moment and realized I needed to become a human just for a brief moment before assuming my Goron form again. Whoever made this didn't think very hard regarding the locals.

Pulling on my face, I took my mask off, flipped my head back along with my hair, and climbed up onto the ledge of the cave entrance. I felt stupid for having to change back just to climb up a simple ledge when it would have been easier had there been a ramp or something for a Goron to use. Mumbling something under my breath--I didn't want Twilight to hear my cursing in case she was sensitive, I put the Goron Mask back on, tumbled down several ramps inside of the cave during the transformation, and became Darmani just as I reached the lowest part of the cave.

Standing, or rather laying in front of me, was Medigoron. He didn't resemble anyone from Canterlot High or Equestria so already I knew this wasn't going to be one of those awkward moments where I trip up.

" Oh? Someone has paid me a visit?" Medigoron asked. " Has spring finally come back?"

I nodded my head. " Winter has finally moved on and everyone is feeling much better about it."

" No doubt you were the one who saved us, Darmani." Medigoron said. " Sorry that I didn't recognize you straight away. My cave really needs several candles so that I can see things more clearly, but I'll worry about that later. Have you come down here in order to use my new invention?"

" I have."

" Only one other Goron came by to use my Powder Kegs before the weather changed."

" Really? I thought you'd have had dozens of potential customers by now."

Medigoron sighed. " The one Goron who came was also the only one who completed my certification test. The others attempted to pass it only to wind up failing miserably and refusing to take it again. Maybe I was being too hasty with my invention. You see, Powder Kegs contain much more gunpowder than regular bombs do, so if someone who wasn't qualified tried using one, they could cause a disaster and I would be the one to get in trouble because of it."

" Which is why you have a test."

" Exactly, Darmani." Medigoron said. " Powder Kegs are also very volatile in that they will explode if enough force is applied. They eventually explode once the fuse reaches the barrel but anyone crafty enough could make them go off sooner." He looked down and noticed that I was standing there with my hands behind my back. At first he thought I was ignoring him and that made him annoyed, but he quickly realized that I was actually listening to every word. " You want to use a Powder Keg, Darmani?" I nodded my head. " Then you must first pass my certification test."

" I understand."

" I'm sorry to have to put you through this but you're not allowed to use one on your own unless I know you can handle it." Medigoron said. He slammed his hands into the ground, causing a slight tremor that almost knocked me over, and a barrel with a crude looking skull painted on one side landed right next to me. " Unlike other Powder Kegs, this one has a long fuse giving you enough time to complete your test. You must take it and blow up the boulder that is blocking the entrance to the Goron Racetrack. If you succeed in your task, come back to me and I shall certify you."

" What if it explodes along the way?"

" If that happens, come back and I shall give you another one."

I took a closer look at the Powder Keg and noticed that the fuse had already been lit. Was he trying to give me more pressure than I needed!? Not only did I have to make sure it didn't explode until I reached my destination, but now I had a short period of time before it would go off on its own. No wonder only one other Goron was able to acquire certification enabling them to use one of these. Most probably couldn't handle the stress from needing to secure the Powder Keg and deliver it on time. Perhaps Medigoron needed a more subtle approach that could draw in more to want to use these for themselves.

Picking up the Powder Keg--it was fairly light although I attribute that to my physical strength--I turned to face my first obstacle. I had to roll back up to the entrance as the slopes were too steep for me to walk up naturally. It also meant tossing the barrel onto the sections of the slope that were flat. Really? Was that even necessary?

Sighing, I tossed the Powder Keg onto the flat ground, curled up into a ball, rolled forward, unfurled myself, and picked it up again. Already I knew this was going to be tedious and I was right since this process had to be repeated at least three more times. " Why couldn't he have dropped this thing at the cave entrance? It would have saved me the trouble of doing this ridiculous motion." I moaned.

" No use complaining about it now, Sunset." Twilight said. " You need to get this to that boulder otherwise you've got to come back and get another one."

" And Medigoron wonders why no one else bothered to try this."

" I know you don't like this approach, but you need to pass his test in order to use Powder Kegs on your own."

I mumbled under my breath again. Her Highness was correct as usual. I had to do this if I wanted to enter the ranch on an earlier day. " Let's just get this over with so that I don't have to do it again."

After tossing the Powder Keg up the slope until both it and I had reached the top, I picked it up and began to make my way over to the entrance. The smell of smoke coming from the fuse made me nauseous but I couldn't stop otherwise I'd be coming back to get another one and wasting what little time remained. That's when I discovered an unfortunate side-effect of carrying around a large object in my hands. A Blue Tektite popped out of the ground--guess the Gorons must have missed it--and began bouncing towards me. I tried to defend myself by using the spikes on my back, but I couldn't so long as I was holding something.

It began ramming into my body and all I could do was grit my teeth and keep going until it lost interest. The Blue Tektite continued to follow, ramming into me from behind every few meters, and already I could feel the strength leaving my body. I really wanted to stop moving and destroy it, but I couldn't as I was in a race against the clock. There was a frightening moment where I almost dropped my cargo, but I managed to hold on through the use of my fingernails.

Eventually, the Blue Tektite got bored and decided to bounce back the other way towards its nest leaving me to shake off the bruises I received from its attacks. When I entered the Twin Islands Area, I noticed something new that wasn't there before. A wolf-like creature was running around the hole that lead down towards the underground spring, and it was right in my path which meant it was another obstacle to overcome.

I groaned. " You have got to be kidding me!"

" That's a Wolfos!" Twilight announced. " This must be the regular version that only appears when spring has returned to the mountains. Aside from the slight height difference and their appearance, it's essentially the same as a White Wolfos. You'll need to attack it from behind but you can't so long as you continue to hold that Powder Keg. You'll have to find some way of getting past without it causing you to drop that Powder Keg."

Again, I groaned. " And here I thought it would be easy."

" You just have to power on through."

I glared at Her Highness. " Not the best thing to say given the situation."

" Sorry." Twilight said. " I didn't mean using your physical strength, but maybe you can use your body to absorb a couple of blows until it gives up? I know you just did that against that Blue Tektite a few moments ago and this isn't something I would normally suggest, but that fuse is ticking away and we need to hustle."

Sighing, I walked forward and the Wolfos immediately ran towards me as soon as I was in its range. It swung its claws around, striking my back repeatedly, and while I winced in pain, I had to keep on going. Pinkie Pie suddenly started giggling and my initial reaction involved scolding her for laughing at my misery. I then found out that she was giggling over the fact that she would make more rupees with a revised map of Snowhead. While I thought it was cute that Pinkie was thinking about her future profits, it didn't help out my situation one bit as the Wolfos continue striking me.

But when I crossed the bridge, it suddenly stopped and moved back towards the center of the island. Did it not like the water? If so then this was a boon as it meant I could reach that boulder without any futher problems, and that's when a second Wolfos appeared by popping up from out of the ground.

" Oh come on!"

" Just keep going." Twilight said. " You're almost there."

Since I had no other choice, I continued forward and the claws of the second Wolfos began to dig into my back. While the damage being inflicted on me was minimal, I was still getting injured and that meant needing something to recover my health. Why didn't I pick up a fairy or something before doing this?

" Darmi! Darmi!"

" That was Featherweight." Twilight said. " He must be nearby."

" Cranky did say that he came out here to watch the Goron Races, so he's probably standing by the boulder." I said. I quickly began to look around in order to find out where his voice was coming from, and sure enough, I found him standing on a high mountain plateau that was to my right.

Featherweight then called out again. " Darmi! I was wondering when you were going to show up! Why are you carrying that thing above your head?"

" I'll tell you about it when I get there." I said as I struggled to stave off the Wolfos.

" You'll have to roll up the slope if you want to get to me."

My jaw suddenly dropped. " Did you just say a slope!?"

" Of course, Darmi! You know that better than me since you've been racing on the track long before I was born." Featherweight said. " I'll move away from the edge so that I don't accidentally plunge into the water below. I'll be waiting here so please do hurry. I need you to solve a small problem."

He was kidding, wasn't he? Blowing up that boulder with the Powder Keg wasn't what I would call a "small problem" and now I had to throw this thing up another slope in order to reach my destination. Could things get any worse? Yes, they could. Once I started to cross the other bridge--the Wolfos turned back just like the other one had, I looked at the fuse and saw it had almost reached the Powder Keg. I'd say that I had about a minute before it would explode. I don't think I'm going to make it in time.

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