• Published 22nd Oct 2015
  • 381 Views, 2 Comments

AAE Seasonal Holidays - Animatorsnake

Equestria's most interesting thing to Anim is the familiar holidays that the ponies celebrate, as Anim joins Twilight and friends in the holiday spirit through Nightmare Night and more.

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Who Needs Wings?

Author's Note:

This chapter focuses on the "Great Dragon Migration" and in memory of the MLP episode "Dragon Quest".

“Ah, this… is nice,” said Anim, relaxing in the shadow of a tree.

Today was like any other day, Anim relaxing under his favorite tree, watching the residents of Ponyville enjoy their day. Except today wasn't like other days, Twilight and her friends were busy digging a trench outside of Ponyville, while the rest of the residents either stayed in their homes, or quickly ran under some cover. Curious what's happening, Anim gets off from his nap, and sees what's all the commotion is about.

“Twilight, why are you making a trench?” asked Anim, staring curiously.

“Today's the annual great dragon migration. It's when dragons from all over Equestria migrate to the volcanic mountains far from any civilization,” Twilight explained.

“Cool… wait, did you say dragon migration?” said Anim.

“And it's going to be awesome!” said Rainbow, lifting a chunk of dirt.

Looking down, Anim sees everypony, (well almost everypony) digging the trench before the migration begins. Fluttershy isn't helping out for good reasons, curious Anim decides to join them. “Room for one more?” Anim asked.

“More the merrier,” said Applejack. “Going to need this.” Applejack, passes Anim a shovel and helmet to dig out some more space in the trench.

2 hours of digging later

“Done, now… we wait,” said Twilight.

Everypony readied themselves for the scores of dragons, that are going to fly over Ponyville. But before the event could happen, Spike interrupts the group. “I don't know why, we need to be this close to watch,” said Spike.

“You seem grumpy, who woke you up early?” said Anim.

“Spike's probably upset from the last dragon migration,” said Rarity.

“What happened last time?” asked Anim.

Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow looked at Anim and pulled him away from everypony else. Once away from the others, they began explaining what happened last time. “Well last time, Spike wanted to learn about what's it like to be a dragon? When he got there… let's say some differences happened,” said Rainbow.

“Three teenager dragons surrounded Spike when he tried to defend a phoenix egg. Good thing we were there to help him,” said Twilight.

“That's an interesting story to tell, but why would he be upset? Is he upset at the dragons, or something else,” said Anim.

The three gave Anim a confused look, when finished speaking with Anim they returned to the trench. The dragons would soon arrive and when that happened, the real action will begin. “This is going to be awesome!” said Rainbow, grabbing binoculars.

“The last time this happen, didn't Spike went off somewhere?” said Applejack.

“Maybe it's best we not dwell in the past,” said Rarity.

Once everypony was situated properly, Anim wondered where Spike wandered to. So he left the trench and decided to search for his reptilian friend. “I'll be back, need to finish something,” said Anim.

Heading into town, Anim realized that not everypony is happy with this event. Which begged a good question, why isn't nopony afraid of Spike? He may be small but, that doesn't mean he can't be threatening most times. Trotting through the streets, Anim finds a trail of gem bits, following the trail it leads him to Golden Oaks Library. Entering inside, Anim continues following the trail which led to Twilight's room, inside was Spike, eating a bucket of gems. “You okay pal?” Anim asked.

Spike turned around with a mouthful of gems, and went back to eating, only to swallow what was in his mouth. “Fine. Shouldn't you be with the others?” said Spike, tossing one gem in his mouth.

“It's not fun without all my friends,” said Anim.

“Look, I know your trying to lift my spirits but, I'm fine. Yes, somethings in this world I don't have, like dragon friends, being taller… having wings,” said Spike.

“What about that time I gave you wings on your birthday?” Anim said, remembering that day. “It was an awesome day.”

“Yeah I guess, but that was temporary, and I was a pony. When you fly as a dragon… it feels… different,” said Spike.

Anim realized that Spike was still upset about the wings part, but I think it was more complicating than that. Spike was upset because, he felt… incomplete, alone… he was the only dragon in ponyville and he hasn't met other dragons like him, dragons who also live side by side with ponies. “Look, you feel alone, isolated maybe. You have nopony else to talk to because they can't understand how your feeling. And for that I'm sorry,” said Anim.

“Well of course you'd understand a little, but your not a dragon,” said Spike.

“True… but I'm the only one of my kind in this world,” said Anim.

Spike gave Anim a confused look. Anim moved up to Spike and gave him one of his lectures… Anim style. “Ever since I came to this world, I've been… lonely. It's not like there's another realm guardian waltzing around here… is there,” said Anim.

Noticing what Anim means, Spike can see that there are worse things out there then not being understood… being alone is a far worse fate than others. “Just be grateful you have friends who'll be by your side,” said Anim, standing up. “Now come on, we got some dragons to watch,”

“Sure, let's go,” said Spike.

Heading back to the trench, Spike noticed that some of the dragons were flying up above, heading to their migration area. Nearing the trench, Spike can smell a familiar scent. “What's wrong Spike?” asked Anim.

Smelling the air, Spike can see smoke coming from the trench. “It's them, the teenager dragons,” said Spike, rushing towards the trench.

Arriving at the trench, Spike can see his friends surrounded by three dragons that were near the size of a door. The lead dragon was a tall muscular red dragon, that had a certain anger when met eye to eye with Twilight and her friends. “It's you!” said Garble, who had a smoke coming from his nostrils, “You remember these ponies, right boys?!”

The two lackey dragons, Fume and Clump nodded in agreement who also angrily stared down at Rarity, Twilight and Rainbow. “Yeah, I remember… you Clump?” said Fume.

Clump simply grunted in response. “Well, it's good to meet you ponies again. How's our friend Spike?” asked Garble.

“I'm not your friend!” said Spike, who stood behind Garble.

Garble turned around and looked down to meet eye and eye with Spike. “Hey Spike, seems you've haven't changed… at all. When you left with your pony friends, I thought you'd would of left them, and lived on your own,” said Garble. “But I guess I was wrong. Your still depending on ponies to care for you.”

Garble and the other teenager dragons laughed at Spike. Spike in return was mad from what they said, he would of immediately fought back but, Anim had other plans. Stopping Spike from whatever he was thinking, Anim stands in front of Garble, giving off a small smirk. “Some of us ponies aren't the type to stand around, you know,” said Anim.

“You tell Anim!” said Rainbow, encouragingly.

“Rainbow, not now!” said Applejack.

Garble crouches down to Anim's eye level, looking back with annoyed look. “Yeah, and what are you going to do, turn me into a bunny?” said Garble taunting Anim.

Garble and the other dragons laugh at Anim's attempt of a threat. But Anim's not the type to make threats, his the type to make warnings. “No that wasn't a threat, it was a warning. This is a threat,” said Anim.

Anim readied his spell, and suddenly Anim transformed into a massive dragon that nopony has seen before. Scared, Garble and the other dragons stood awe-shocked, and terrified by the sudden change. Anim slowly looks downward at Garble, and moves his claw towards him poking his stomach. “If you try anything on my friends, you'll get something far worse than this. You understand?” said Anim, with a deep voice.

Garble instantly nods, and signals his lackeys to follow behind, as they leave… hopefully to never come back. Watching them leave frantically, Anim's spell ends, turning him back to a pony. “Phew, now that was one strong illusion spell. I had to physically make that claw to touch him, or it wouldn't work,” said Anim. “You okay you guys.”

Everypony nods back at Anim, also shocked by what Anim did. Spike simply clapped his claws together, happy what Anim did. “Yeah, way to go Anim!” said Spike.

Twilight moves up to Spike and kneels down. “Spike… I know you've been acting… not yourself, but if anything is bothering you… you can tell me, you can tell all of us,” said Twilight.

“Sure Twi, I will,” said Spike.

“Good, and you've been pretty brave against those dragons, like that,” said Twilight.

“Indeed, for a second I thought you'd fight back,” said Rarity.

“Really… well, I might had,” said Spike, placing a claw on his head.

“That be an interesting story to tell if that did happen,” said Anim, chuckling.