• Published 22nd Oct 2015
  • 381 Views, 2 Comments

AAE Seasonal Holidays - Animatorsnake

Equestria's most interesting thing to Anim is the familiar holidays that the ponies celebrate, as Anim joins Twilight and friends in the holiday spirit through Nightmare Night and more.

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Social or Un-Social (Edited)

Author's Note:

This is celebrating the episode "Sisterhooves Social" and the event itself too.

Outskirts of Ponyville; 11:00am

“Ah, now that’s some fine hot coco,” said Anim, proceeding to take another sip.

“Say Anim, do you have any family from where you come from?” asked Rarity.

Anim recalls anyone related to him but other than any of his past or future regenerations’ relatives, Anim doesn’t recall having any blood-related family members at all.

“No I have no family, I was adopted by Jackal, he’s my father and then there’s my gramps, Yasha who’s also not related to me. I don’t know or heard of anyone who’s possibly related to me,” said Anim pausing mid-sip to speak.

“Really Anim, I would of thought you’d have somepony who was related to you back home,” said Applejack.

“Speaking of which, why did you two call me here again by the way?” asked Anim.

“Well, do you know what today is,” said Rarity.

“No not really why, is there a holiday today?” asked Anim, still confused about why he’s here.

“Well sugarcube, today’s ‘Sisterhooves Social’, we’d thought you had somepony that you could bring to this year’s ‘Sisterhooves Social’,” said Applejack.

“Oh, you mean that holiday is today but I thought you have to be a mare to enter the holiday,” said Anim.

“Well yes, but only one of you has to be a mare and there are a few loopholes by definition of sister,” said Rarity.

“Well still though, I don’t know anybody who’ll join me in this event, maybe I’ll watch instead,” said Anim, “speaking of which, who has a sister because I know you two have Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, what about the others?”

“Oh, well Twilight has her brother Shining Armor and her step-sister Cadence, Rainbow doesn’t have any siblings but I guess Scootaloo might count as one, Pinkie has her family at the rock farm, I think she said she has four sister counting herself too and as for Fluttershy I’m not too sure about,” said Rarity.

“That’s good to know; well, thank you for the picnic,” said Anim, leaving the picnic site.

As Anim returns to Ponyville, he starts thinking about what Rarity and Applejack said about any family he may have who’s related to him.

Hmm, I wonder how everyone back home is doing.

“Hey Anim!”

As Anim turned around, he saw the CMC running up to him in a hurry.

“Oh, hey girls,” said Anim, “what are the three of you doing today?”

“Oh well Sweetie Belle and I are just waiting for our sisters for this year’s ‘Sisterhooves Social’, sadly Scootaloo couldn’t come to this year’s event,” said Applebloom.

“Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash was busy today and couldn’t come, so I’ll cheer you girls out,” said Scootaloo.

“Well, this ‘Sisterhooves Social’ must be that big of an event than I thought, just what exactly do you do in this event?” asked Anim.

“Well, there are many events and near the end is a race where you and your sister race side by side while going through different parts of the race,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Speaking of which…” said Anim, “when exactly does this event begin?”

“In an hour or two I think, say Anim do you know where our sisters are?” asked Applebloom.

“Oh well I was with them for a picnic, just go the opposite way I was heading,” said Anim, as he pointed with his hoof at the direction he came from.

“Thanks Anim, see yeah soon,” said Applebloom as she’s followed by Scootaloo and Sweetie as they leave.

Anim continues his walk back to Ponyville, nothing special today is happening other than the ‘Sisterhooves Social’, Anim knows that everypony is going to see the event but is unsure if he should, it has little to do with him and he’s not exactly a… mare.

“What to do… what to do,” said Anim, talking to himself to keep himself distracted today.

Anim was still a little shaken by the events that occurred a week ago when he realized the news that his friend Kimila is or could be… gone, but he’s making one step at a time to recover from the news, unable to decide he thinks of visiting his friend’s grave.

Outskirts of Ponyville; 11:30am

“Hello… Kimila,” said Anim in a hushed voice.

Before Anim was a simple wooden cross, but the unique part about it was that written on it was a message; only two living beings knew its meaning and what it was – Anim and Kimila’s promise.

Strangers of a separate path, share the same ending.”

“Remember we made this promise, originally it was meant to be a joke but… no matter how far we are in the end, we both will see each other, someday,” said Anim, speaking to the tombstone.

“Who’re you talking to?”

Anim turned expecting to see one of the Mane 6, but instead meets eyes with Derpy, who seems to be in a mailmare outfit.

“Oh hello Derpy, what brings you here?” asked Anim.

“Oh well, I was making my rounds, delivering mail since the Doctor was busy with something else, I noticed you below and thought I could say hi,” said Derpy, “speaking of which, I have a letter for you.”

“Really, from who?” asked Anim curiously.

Derpy pulled out a letter with a lunar wax symbol imprinted on it, as Anim opens the letter it’s another letter from Luna, ever since Luna saw Anim become a nightmarish form similar to when she became Nightmare Moon, Luna worried Anim might end up like her a thousands of years ago. She decided to send letters to Anim to see if he’s okay and if any strange changes may have happened to him, for now nothing odd has happened, nowadays Luna is mostly worried of Anim’s mental condition more than him being a nightmare version of himself.

“Luna needs to calm down, but I’m happy she worries for me,” said Anim, reading the letter.

“Not to be rude or anything but, could you tell me, who’s grave this is?” asked Derpy trying her best to be polite.

“Grave, well it’s more of a reminder actually,” said Anim looking at the cross.

“A reminder, of what?” asked Derpy.

“Home, being with those who I care for, friends, family, that maybe one day I can go back but for now, I’ll wait even if it’ll take centuries even,” said Anim.

Anim looks far imagining home, Derpy decides to cheer him up about her daily life.

“Hey don’t be so gloomy, I have a pretty rough job and life and most times, I’m rarely home but that doesn’t mean you’re not alone,” said Derpy, “you got Twilight, Luna, the CMC and everypony else, you may not be home but that doesn’t mean you can’t make friends.”

Anim listened to Derpy a little more and sees her meaning, sitting around waiting won’t do anything, sometimes actions need to be done and help isn’t always an optional choice.

“You need that little push in life, if you stop then, you’ll never make any progress it’s the same for me to, I have to travel to the most dangerous locations to delivery important letters whether it’s from royalty or an average pony, every letter is important it can even save lives, so remember to never stop,” said Derpy.

“Thank you Derpy, for the talk,” said Anim, “you know what, maybe I can do something today, say are you busy now?”

“No not really, I don’t have any letters now and my break’s beginning soon so, yeah I can come with you,” said Derpy, “where are we going?”

“I was thinking of cheering somebody else,” said Anim.

As Derpy and Anim head to the ‘Sisterhooves Social’ obstacle track, the Mane 6 are watching from the sidelines to see AJ, Rarity and their sisters Applebloom and Sweetie begin the race, with Scootaloo watching from the stands.

“I feel sorry for Scoots, poor thing,” said Fluttershy.

“Well Rainbow had to head back to Cloudsdale, something about a massive storm happening there so they needed every able pegasus to help out,” said Twilight, “actually where’s Anim?”

“Oh there he is,” said Pinkie pointing her hoof.

Twilight and Fluttershy see Anim with Derpy as they take a seat beside Scoots.

“I wonder why Derpy is here,” said Twilight.

As Anim and Derpy sit on the bleachers, Scoots sits there and watches her friends do the ‘Sisterhooves Social’ obstacle course with their sisters.

“I wish me and Rainbow could be in this year’s Social,” said Scootaloo, “not only that but this got to be the worst spot to watch the event!”

As Scootaloo becomes more irritated somepony lifts her up, she looks down to see Anim lifting her up.

“Anim, I thought you weren’t coming to the event, why are you here?” asked Scootaloo.

“Let’s just say a friend helped me,” said Anim looking at Derpy. “And it seems you needed some help too.”

“Well, thanks for the lift, I just wish my big sis, Rainbow were here,” said Scootaloo looking a little glum.

“Wait, are you two actually related?” asked Anim.

“No not really, but me and her sure act like one, I wish she were here,” said Scootaloo.

“If Rainbow Dash is your big sister, then I guess that makes me your big brother,” said Anim.

“My… my big brother, but Anim your… well not awesome, well you’re cool and all but…” said Scootaloo shocked to hear what Anim said.

“Just because we are of separate race, doesn’t mean we can be there for each other and besides,” said Anim, “the last thing I want is somebody I care for to be upset, so put that frown upside down.”

Even though Anim can be odd sometimes today, Scootaloo was happy she wasn’t alone, the two smiled back to each other and continued to watch the obstacle course and they may be alone but they’re here for each other. After the race ended with AJ, Rarity, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle tied first, after they receive their badges, Rainbow arrives for the Social.

“Hey, sorry I’m late did I miss anything,” said Rainbow.

“Sorry Rainbow, you missed the whole thing,” said Applejack.

“Well I just hope Scootaloo isn’t upset,” said Rainbow.

“Oh don’t worry, she’s completely fine,” said Rarity, “she had a little support.”

Rainbow looked at where everypony is looking at and sees Scootaloo hanging out with Anim, seeing Anim look more like himself now.

“What changed his mind?” asked Rainbow.

“I think you need to ask Derpy that, whatever she told Anim convinced him to come here and it definitely helped with Scootaloo waiting for you to come, so everypony is happy,” said Twilight.

“RAINBOW!” shouted Scootaloo as she ran toward her.

“Hey squirt you missed me,” said Rainbow.

“Yeah, but Anim was with me, did you know Anim traveled to floating islands!” said Scootaloo.

“Really, now that be cool to see, let’s head to Sugarcube Corner and grab a bite,” said Rainbow as she carried Scootaloo.

“You did well Anim,” said Twilight.

“Well sometimes you need to give that push to move forward,” said Anim, “come on let’s catch with everyone, you want to come Derpy.”

“As long there’s some muffins,” said Derpy.

Everypony headed to Sugarcube Corner that day, today Anim learned that sometimes a little push is all you need and in return you move forward to live life to the fullest.