• Published 22nd Oct 2015
  • 383 Views, 2 Comments

AAE Seasonal Holidays - Animatorsnake

Equestria's most interesting thing to Anim is the familiar holidays that the ponies celebrate, as Anim joins Twilight and friends in the holiday spirit through Nightmare Night and more.

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Fooling the Trickster

Author's Note:

Happy April Foal's or Fool's Day... well it would be if it were April 1st but, it's still April... so that counts.

“TODAY'S THE BEST DAY EVER!” shouted Pinkie.

Hello my name is Pinkie, Pinkie Pie. I'm the best party planner in Equestria, and reside in Ponyville; I once lived in a rock farm my parents owned when I was a filly. I have many friends, but my biggest best friends ever are, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy… oh and there's this other pony my friends and I befriended a while back, his name is Animatorsnake, kind of mouthful but we call him Anim for short. Anim's a pony, who’s been living with Twilight in Ponyville ever since we met him, but Anim's isn't any “ordinary” pony; you could say Anim has a somewhat… unique personality. Anim's a big thinker like Twilight he also invents and experiments too, but his also honest like Applejack and can make a delicious potato-carrot soup. His also kind to anypony, but can be a bit of trouble-maker sometimes, an even though a unicorn Anim's more athletic than you think. There are many things to list about Anim… but there's one MAJOR aspect about him, you see Anim's… from another world… but you probably know that. He says that this world he comes from is a wonderful place (that's what I'm thinking of course), but a tragedy happened when he came to ours… I don't know much but it involves somepony Anim dearly cared for, but now he tries his best to make the worse of a situation into the best it can be. Ever since Anim arrived here, has been making Ponyville livelier than ever, and I thought I was the center of attention in an event… OH speaking of events, one particular event is today. Today's the best (or one of the best I like) event ever, today is (drum roll please)… April Foal's Day! On this day, we make the best prank or joke ever, everypony from foals to the elder ponies enjoy this day, and the best pranksters in Ponyville are Rainbow and yours truly, ME, but ever since Anim came to Ponyville… well let's say this year's event won't be the same again (oh don't worry nopony will get hurt… I think?), it all started on the morning I woke up, and I did what I usually always do… welcome the day with a smile!

“GOOD MORNING PONYVILLE!” shouted Pinkie, getting up from her bed.

I went around my room to clean myself up, I brushed my teeth, took a bath, clean my bed, ate breakfast, and fed my pet baby alligator, Gummy. Then finally I checked on my calendar for anything I'm doing today, but I found something interesting about today's events. “Let's see what I can do for today?” said Pinkie, looking through her calendar. “OH. MY. CUPCAKES! IT'S TODAY!”

Today was April Foal's Day and I completely forgot (I knew I should of written a note somewhere). I was so happy I began bouncing all over the place, but I bounced so much I flew right out a window outside, I came crashing into somepony… that somepony was Rainbow. She was talking to somepony else but before she could speak I came crashing into her. “So that's when I'm going to…” said Rainbow.

“AHHHHHHHH!” shouted Rainbow and Pinkie.

When I stood back on my hooves, I found Rainbow on the ground. She went up immediately and faced the pony responsible (it was me by the way). “WHO DID THAT!” said Rainbow looking around. “Pinkie, what was that for… don’t tell me that was your prank?”

“What no, that was an accident I just got too excited… BECAUSE TODAY'S APRIL FOAL'S DAY!” screamed Pinkie, excited of today.

“I know, you’re always like this whenever this holiday comes up and I can't blame you. So… who's your next victim this time?” asked Rainbow, curious.

“I would also like to know too?” asked the pony that was with Rainbow.

The pony that was trotting with Rainbow was Twilight; she came to see what the holiday was all about since she's not the type to make a prank. “Oh hey Twilight, and to answer your question my target this year is… I don't know,” said Pinkie, who sat down thinking.

“Wait, WHAT!? What you mean you don't know, you always plan to prank somepony on this holiday?!” said Rainbow.

“I do but...” said Pinkie, pulling out a long list. “I basically pranked everypony, you, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, the princesses, Discord… well sort of…” said Pinkie continuing through her list. (I had a lot of ponies on my list that I used a prank on… there should be an award for that).

When I was nearing the end of my list… there was one name that hadn't been crossed. This pony has been on this least ever since he came to this town… it was Anim. It seemed I had a new target for this year but… Anim's a tough cookie, his perceptive, can read ponies like an open book, and isn't the type to let his guard down. (This one time, I accidentally dropped a whole plate of pastries on Anim, but he caught every one with his magic and hooves… it was a lot of pastries.)

“It seems Anim is on my list this time. Time to give him a prank he'll never forget, Pinkie-style,” said Pinkie.

“Oh you’re looking for Anim, well his at the library. He said he needed to get something ready,” said Twilight.

“Oh well, his preparing something? It seems Anim himself is also preparing a counter-attack… well, time for me to act,” said Pinkie.

I rushed toward Golden Oaks Library; I climbed my way to Anim's window to peak into his room. Inside I spotted Anim packing a suitcase, and I noticed some odd things in the room, for starters there was an assortment of gems and rocks inside the suitcase. When he finished packing up, he left his room with the suitcase, that's when I began my prank. “Now what are you planning Anim?” Pinkie thought.

Entering inside, I pulled my “needed” supplies. Which were a rubber ducky, an umbrella, my party cannon, and a lot of cheese… now all I needed was the final item. “Anim's book as bait,” said Pinkie, giggling.

I left Anim's room to look for his book since it wasn't in his room. It seems Anim was in the kitchen doing something… is what I thought. On the table in the library was a stack of books, which were old or fresh from book bakery. Amongst these books had to be Anim's, so I went a little swimming. “Where is that book?” said Pinkie, swimming in a sea of books.

After some swimming here and there, I finally found it (it was hard work but I did it). When I got it, I could hear Anim leaving the kitchen, I hurried back to his room. I prepared my prank, I placed his book on the ground, and placed the “alarm” device that will activate my cannon, and of course the umbrella will be used to cover explosion of cheese, I call it “Cheesy Surprise”. “This is going to be perfect!” Pinkie thought, hiding behind the umbrella.

I heard the door creek open, I didn't check who it was and assumed it was Anim. I heard a few steps moving but… they sounded offbeat, then that's when I heard the sound of the rubber ducky making its loud squeak. The cannon unleashed it's fury of melted cheese onto the target; while I revealed myself to be the culprit… what I didn't expect was who the victim really was. “HA, I GOT YOU NOW ANIM! APRIL FOAL'S… day?” said Pinkie, confused of what she's seeing.

Before me wasn't Anim but… Spike!? (Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?) “Pinkie, what are you doing here!?” asked Spike, who was covered in cheese.

“Better yet, what are you doing here? That prank was for Anim, where is he?!” said Pinkie, helping Spike out of her cheese trap.

“Well, Anim just left,” said Spike.

“But he was in the kitchen, I heard him!” said Pinkie.

“Oh… well, that was me actually,” said Spike.

I gave Spike a very disappointed look, but knowing this was my fault, I asked if he knew where Anim is now? “Where did Anim go?” Pinkie asked.

Spike explained to me that Anim was heading off to the place where Rarity gathers and finds her gems (it's also where she was kidnapped too). I headed off to follow, only to encounter another distraction. “I've got to find Anim,” Pinkie thought.

“There she is!” shouted somepony.

I turned around a noticed a massive mob right behind me, for a second I thought they were after me… in reality, they were. “THERE SHE IS, AFTER HER!” shouted one of the ponies.

Why they chased me I had no idea (not ye of course). I've been good to everypony I met… but I had been known to be… over the top, as to why this was happening to me was only the tip of the iceberg. That's when I encounter a good friend of mine… who was also with the mob. “Not so fast Pinkie!” shouted Applejack.

“Not you too AJ!” said Pinkie, stopping to a halt. “What do you want with me!?”

“Since every year on this holiday, you always catch everypony off guard and since Anim is the last pony on your list, we decided to catch you with every prank in our arsenal. Today will be your last day of pranking!” said Applejack, pulling out a pie.

Now the explanation Applejack had said actually makes perfect sense… just the only issue was that everypony was doing… at the same time… what a way to start a day, am I right (Uh huh, you got that right). “Well, time for plan B! Unleash the party barrage!” shouted Pinkie, pulling out a button, and then proceeding to click it.

A sudden wave of rumbling appeared and then came my greatest creation ever, the “Supreme Party Cannon Ultra”. It fires a barrage of confetti blasts every five seconds, not to mention the cake missiles, and cupcake artillery shots. I made my way through town to reach my goal; nopony is going to stop me from pranking Anim! (YEAH, YOU’RE THE BOSS PINKIE… I mean me).

I finally arrived to where Anim would possibly be at (after going through the intense prank war back at Ponyville). “Now, if I were Anim where would I be?” Pinkie said, wondering the answer of her own question.

Then I noticed a bucket of blackish rocks, they looks similar to the meteorite shards back at Ponyville. Curious, I decided to take a better look at them until… another unexpected obstacle appeared. “Oh Pinkie, what are you doing here?” said Rarity.

“Same for you too, but I'm here to find Anim. Do you know where he could be?” asked Pinkie.

“Well he was here a while ago but, he said he needed to check something near the Everfree Forest, so he asked me to bring these odd looking stones back to Ponyville. You mind helping me with this,” said Rarity.

Helped out Rarity with the rocks… but I was still curious why she was all the way out here? I decided to ask her why she's all the way here… other than looking for gems of course. “So Rarity, why are you here when there's event back at Ponyville?” Pinkie asked.

“Well you see, my sister, Sweetie Belle always go overboard with the pranks, so now I stay here until… the heat lowers down. I’m just glad she didn’t get her friends to join with her pranking, do you know every time she does a prank it either ends with me being burnt or the boutique lit on fire!” said Rarity, shivering from the memory.

“Maybe you should try pranking her back,” said Pinkie.

“Pinkie, it’s not my style to do something like that, especially to my sister. And if I were to do it, I don’t know what sort of prank to do on her,” said Rarity.

Before I can respond, I realized we were already at the library. We placed the cart near the library, and we went our own ways, but before I left I decided to give Rarity something to help her. “Rarity, here’s something to help you with pranking,” said Pinkie, handing Rarity a book.

Rarity looked at the book, and gave a small smile. “Book on pranks for beginner’s, why thank you Pinkie, maybe this might come in handy, have a good day Pinkie,” said Rarity, leaving with the book.

“You too!” said Pinkie, waving goodbye.

I continued my search for Anim at the Everfree Forest. I wasn’t sure where to look… but I think I might know where. “Oh Anim, where are you!?” shouted Pinkie.

I searched the area where Anim was first found, the filled crater with those massive looking black rocks, which were shards of the meteor. I noticed some strange lights coming from the forest, when I approached I saw a small twinkling light (it was pretty). When I got a better look, it was Anim… but he had something with him.

“I wonder what you’re doing Anim,” Pinkie thought. “Wait, this could be my chance to spook Anim.”

I sneaked stealthily to Anim, when I got close enough to him; I pounced right out of the shrubbery and appeared in front of him. “SURPRISE, ANIM!” Pinkie shouted.

When I saw Anim’s face, I saw the most terrifying thing in the whole world. He had the head of a Timberwolf! (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!) When I saw him I nearly fainted, but Anim woke up again… still wearing the Timberwolf head. “DON’T HURT ME!” Pinkie screamed.

“Whoa Pinkie, it’s me!” said Anim, removing the Timberwolf head. “I was just carving a piece of a dead log, and made this. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“For a second I thought you’d turn into a Timberwolf,” said Pinkie, standing up. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“I have my reasons; I needed to check something here that… may give me a few answers,” said Anim. “But I noticed some strange racket going on back at town, what’s going on?”

“Wait… you don’t know what’s today?” said Pinkie.

“Uhm~… no?” said Anim, answering Pinkie’s question. “Why, what’s today?”

“Today’s April Foal’s Day, it’s when you prank somepony. I was planning to prank you but, it seemed you already did for me,” said Pinkie, laughing.

“…Uh Pinkie, that wasn’t a prank,” said Anim.

I gave Anim a confused look, didn’t Anim already know of today’s holiday? “But… that was a prank… was it?” Pinkie asked.

“No, that was an accident. I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn’t even know you were there,” said Anim.

“So I Pinkie, got pranked, and haven’t pranked anypony at all today…” said Pinkie, slumping in defeat.

It seemed I underestimated Anim abilities (and luckiness). Well maybe next time I can get Anim… at least I scared Rainbow Dash (one point for me, zero to Rainbow).