• Published 22nd Oct 2015
  • 381 Views, 2 Comments

AAE Seasonal Holidays - Animatorsnake

Equestria's most interesting thing to Anim is the familiar holidays that the ponies celebrate, as Anim joins Twilight and friends in the holiday spirit through Nightmare Night and more.

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Warming One's Heart (Edited)

Author's Note:

Celebrating the Heart's Warming Eve episode and holiday, hope you enjoy this chapter, have a good reading.

Dear Diary,

Today is going to be wonderful, I think but this year’s Heart’s Warming is going to be perfect; my name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my first journal writing inside the gift that Anim has given me, the last time I did Heart’s Warming was the pageant at Canterlot, my friends and I did a wonderful job there but this year we won’t be attending the pageant, instead some volunteers will do the pageant instead. My friends and I were getting ready to go to Canterlot to celebrate the holiday spirit, as we waited for the train to Canterlot everyone’s spirits were up, except for… Anim; I can’t blame him after the last time we visited Canterlot, even though he doesn’t remember, he sure does remember that Celestia did something that would of made him that enraged. I tried convincing him to come but he said he didn’t want to step a single hoof in that city, I was going to give up, until I mentioned Luna, it all started at noon when the train was coming to Ponyville’s station.

“Come on Anim, if you won’t come how are you going to see Luna,” said Twilight.

“Luna… well I… I could… hmmm,” said Anim, as he started to think of a good response.

I stood there staring at him, it seemed I got Anim’s attention when I mentioned Luna, now Anim and Luna aren’t that close like a couple but Luna is probably the only pony who’s gotten Anim to put down his barriers. I don’t if Luna did something or if it was Anim that convinced Luna to trust him, either way they became wonderful friends and sometimes Anim would get letters from Luna through Spike, but recently she stopped sending them.

“Well, will you come or not,” said Twilight, waiting for Anim’s answer.

Anim sighed, and looked toward me. “I guess I have no choice, I’ll come,” said Anim, “but if I see anything fishy or Celestia doing anything suspicious then I’m not going to stay.”

“I promise... and thank you for coming,” said Twilight.

When we were done talking, the train arrived and everyone went inside as the train headed to its next destination, Canterlot, even though Anim wasn’t excited going there, he wasn’t upset either too, he was more of… how you say, focused on something entirely different. On the train everyone was so happy, Applebloom and her friends wanted to come with us and we thought it wouldn’t be so bad for them to come along, we brought some gifts with us to give to ponies in Canterlot and the princesses, this year travelers from all over Canterlot and beyond are exchanging gifts and presents to everyone at Canterlot as a sign of peace and prosperity. When we all saw Canterlot at the distance, we noticed how the ice and snow around the walls and buildings glistened like gems, it was a truly beautiful sight to see.

“My look at Canterlot, it’s just marvelous,” said Rarity, awe shocked of the view.

“It sure is a pretty sight to see,” said Applejack.

“Well you can thank the weather team that handled Canterlot for that,” said Rainbow.

“Oh I can feel today is going to be so much fun!” said Pinkie, hoping on her seat.

“Twilight, can I ask you something,” said Fluttershy.

“Of course Fluttershy, what do you want to know?” asked Twilight.

“Well its just that... is Anim okay, he seems… distracted,” said Fluttershy as she looked at Anim.

“Anim is fine, he’s just wondering what we’re going to do at Canterlot,” said Twilight, “I hope.”

As the train neared Canterlot, Anim left his seat and went to the back of the train; I was worried and followed him as I went to the back to see him leaning against the metal bars that surround the train’s rear.

“Anim are you okay?” asked Twilight moving closer.

“Yes, I’m just a bit, on edge that’s all,” said Anim, looking into the distance. “You know, the more I see Canterlot, the more I wonder about this world of yours.”

“Hmm, what do you mean Anim?” asked Twilight, curious of Anim’s answer.

“You see, this world of yours is so peaceful, not a single danger or possible way of destruction, even the monsters and enemies you face are either friendly, cute or their goals aren’t what you say… threatening,” said Anim.

“Anim, the enemies I and my friends face are dangerous, Luna from before became Nightmare Moon and wanted nothing but the world in darkness; Queen Chrysalis impersonated Cadence and wanted to suck the love out of everypony in Equestria and the return of King Sombra wanted him to take control of the Crystal Empire once more and all of Equestria, how are their goals not threatening?” asked Twilight.

“Just think about it, Nightmare Moon wanted nothing more but darkness, however this happened because she wasn’t noticed or her role wasn’t considered to be more than simply the time for sleep; Queen Chrysalis and her changelings feed on love, that’s not a big issue considering love can be found anywhere, I’m surprised Equestria hasn’t made a pact with them yet, they would of made excellent friends and allies you know and then King Sombra...” said Anim, “I don’t know much about him, but what I know about ancient evils returning from the past, usually they end up becoming my friend or an ally than the other way around, what I’m saying is Twilight that everything I know from this world is, a loop.”

“A... loop?” said Twilight, confused.

How can I put this in a way that you can understand.“What I’m saying is, after each battle the same thing happens in this continent, peace doesn’t exist wherever I look, whether it’s in the history books or from seeing it, I see zero fights resolved,” said Anim.

“What you mean? Equestria is a land of peace and harmony how can you say it isn’t?” asked Twilight, feeling a little uneasy.

“Your way of peace is different from where I’m from, your peaceful to your neighbors or friends but when a threat arises you don’t seem to think of a second solution, for example with Discord, when he returned all of you were ready for anything but Fluttershy accepted him, not because it was to protect Equestria or the princess’s orders, but she did it because you can’t change someone like Discord,” said Anim.

I never seen Anim so dejected, even though what he was saying was depressing his words did make sense, Fluttershy the shyest of us all had no problem of accepting Discord as a possible friend at all.

“In my world, peace can mean something completely different,” said Anim, “imagine this, there those who have different points of view of peace, yes in the end they do become enemies either way but, when a force that dares to defy the very thing you want to protect appears, you must defend what’s important to them even with their own enemies, harmony in my land is to accept the difference within each other no matter the separate view of peace.”

“I… I never thought it that way,” said Twilight.

“I can’t blame you, this land is older than you or the princesses, there are some things in this world that can’t be held back and it’s better to support it than to deny it you know,” said Anim.

I was busy focused on Anim, I never realized that we were at the station already; everyone has left the train and were waiting for us at the station, actually they were looking at us, I think they were there the last few minutes of our conversation.

“You done talking or do we need to wait even more,” said Rainbow, crossing her hooves.

“H-How long were you all there?” asked Twilight, blushing lightly.

“Not long Twi, everyone else went ahead, we decided to stay and wait for you two to be done with whatever you were talking about,” said Applejack, answering my question.

“Oh well, I guess Anim was done telling me what he was saying, right A-”

When I turned around to face Anim, he was gone from where he stood from, I asked if they saw where he went but they too didn’t realize Anim left, so we headed to the station where everyone else was. When the three of us went inside everyone was there waiting for us, but I didn’t see any sign of Anim so I assumed he went ahead of us and checked Canterlot’s surroundings of the holiday season.

“Darling, what took you and Anim so long, we all thought something had happen,” said Rarity.

“I thought you said that you worried something happened to them,” said Pinkie.

“I don’t think there was a reason to worry, they were just talking or something,” said Rainbow as she flew down to the surface.

“Oh well still, there’s nothing wrong about worrying for a friend,” said Rarity as she started to pout.

“Say, has anyone seen Anim come through here?” asked Twilight.

“No, why is Anim not with you?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well it seems Anim sneaked by us and decided to look around,” said Applejack.

“WHAT!?” shouted Pinkie, surprising everyone. “Well come on, we can’t let Anim have all the fun!”

We followed Pinkie outside and see the streets bustling with ponies moving to one place to the next, Heart’s Warming is an important holiday since it celebrates the founding of Equestria and the three cities that comprise of the three tribes, Ponyville, Canterlot and Cloudsdale which are the earth ponies, unicorns and finally the pegasi. I know I’ve lived in Canterlot for most of my life but, for the first time I’ve never seen this much energy in this city, I’ve seen some ponies who could have came from Manehatten, there are even griffons from far lands here to celebrate the holiday.

“There is so much life, here Twilight,” said Spike, amazed.

“Yeah, I wonder how the princesses are dealing with so many travelers coming to Canterlot, I’m surprised the city isn’t overflowing yet,” said Twilight.

“Well let’s just hope all the candy canes and treats aren’t gone,” said Pinkie as she began to drool.

“Gross Pinkie,” said Rainbow stepping slightly away from her.

“Come on everypony, let’s head to the castle,” said Applejack.

“But sis, what about Anim?” asked Applebloom.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine, and besides I don’t think he’ll be very excited to come to the castle,” said Applejack.

“How come?” asked Applebloom.

“Well uhm, because he… he...” said Applejack, trying her best to give a good answer.

“The last time Anim came here, he never took the chance to explore Canterlot, that’s all,” said Twilight.

“Oh okay then,” said Applebloom, “come on CMC let’s look around!”

“Thanks Twi, if I told Applebloom what really happened, I wouldn’t forgive myself,” said Applejack.

“No problem, we can’t let anyone to know what happen that day… not even Anim,” I said, “well that’s enough depressing talk, we came here to be in the holiday spirit.”

When we caught up with everyone we went to different stands that had some treats and trinkets for the holiday, on the way to the castle we say some cool events happening like a parade and some holiday themed games. When we finally reached the castle, it seemed there was a crowd of ponies, it looked like a mob but we saw Celestia on a balcony addressing some news.

“Thank you all for coming to this year’s Hearts Warming, we are here to celebrate not just the founding of Equestria but of the bonds with all three of the tribes and now we are here to celebrate that very day to unite all the lands of Equestria from far and beyond!” said Celestia as she announced her news.

“It seems Celestia is really into today’s holiday this year, right Twi,” said Applejack.

“Indeed, but I just hope Celestia has nothing against Anim,” said Twilight.

“So you finally caught up huh.”

I turned around and saw Anim, he seemed okay but when he looked up, the look on his face changed, I couldn’t tell if he was angry or disgusted at the princess, but whatever the reason he started to leave the group.

“Wait Anim, oh not again,” said Twilight as I chased after Anim.

“Hold up Twilight,” said Applejack.

We followed Anim to who knows where, when we finally caught up we were practically out of breath by simply chasing him, Anim stood there with zero signs of expression to show.

“Anim, I know you’re upset at Celestia but, soon you have to forgive her,” I said.

“That isn’t the issue to why I left but, I feel uneasy when I’m near or even hear her name,” said Anim.

“It’s okay to be honest Anim, but disliking the princess might be a bad move,” said Applejack.

“This has nothing do with me being honest,” said Anim, “Celestia may be the ruler of this land but, she has no right to dwell in the lives of travelers who come to her land, it is by their own right their business to come in this land, it’s not like I intentionally came here or something.”

“Anim you don’t mean that,” said Twilight.

“It’s true that I never came to this land with a purpose, but to be honest… I’m happy being here, to see new things, to explore lands beyond my imagining, I don’t care if I have to live here forever, as long I have you guys then I’ll be just fine with that,” said Anim.

Oh Anim.

“Still, your leaders may be kind and wise in most situations, I can tell they’ve seen many things that may threaten you all, they have good instincts not to trust me but someday, they’ll regret making a choice that could threaten everything they protected from the beginning, so remember this,” said Anim, as he looked at Applejack and me. “Don’t depend on those who protect you, sometimes you must stand forward for what you think is right.”

Those words rang in my head for the last few hours, I couldn’t stop thinking of them, after that Anim changed to his cheery mood and decided to relax a little, he suggested to go somewhere with food considering he missed breakfast this morning.

Canterlot, Canterlot Food District; 2:00pm

“Canterlot’s food is delicious, especially the donuts,” said Anim, as he ate another donut.

“My Anim, you seem… ecstatic,” said Rarity.

“Sorry, just trying to get used to the mood that’s all,” said Anim, drinking some tea.

“Say Anim, where did you, Twilight and Applejack go anyway?” asked Rainbow.

“We just needed to ask Anim something,” said Twilight.

Everyone was enjoying their time but Anim was not himself, well he was himself but at the same time he was like he was somepony who I never met before, a complete stranger.

“Say Anim, they’re doing the Heart’s Warming event at the castle, I wondered if you’ll come or not,” said Applejack.

“Yeah Anim, are going to come, it be boring if you’re not there to party with us,” said Pinkie.

“Actually I changed my mind, I’ll come to the party after all,” said Anim.

“Really, before you didn’t seem in the mood,” said Twilight.

“Well I thought about it and I decided to just try out the festivities this once,” said Anim, “well come on, let’s head there right now.”

We made our way to the castle and when we reached there, travelers from everywhere partied and socialize with everypony, it was like one of the biggest birthdays to ever be celebrated, well if you think about it we’re celebrating the founding of Equestria. When we first arrived I thought Anim would turn around and leave but he seemed confident with whatever reason he wanted to come.

“Are you sure your fine coming here Anim,” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry Flutters, I’ll be fine, just enjoy today’s event,” said Anim, “I have somebody to speak to.”

“Well okay,” said Fluttershy as she smiled.

“Come on Fluttershy, let’s go and party,” said Rainbow as she tugged Fluttershy by the hoof.

We all partied, ate, drank, it was a fun celebration and we even did a few games related to the holiday, everyone was having a great time; when everyone was talking a voice from the stairs was heard and when we looked it was Celestia. When I first saw her I swore Anim would be mad or enraged by seeing her, but when I turned to where Anim was standing he was gone.

“Anim, where’d you go,” said Twilight looking around.

“Thank you for coming to the Heart’s Warming party celebration, I thank all our guests for enjoying their time here and to be in such a harmonized mood,” said Celestia, as she used her magic to bring a cup out. “To Heart’s Warming Eve!”

“TO HEART’S WARMING EVE!” shouted everyone, taking a drink of their cup.

“Hey Applejack, where’s Anim?” asked Twilight.

“That’s strange, he was right behind me right, I just hope he’s not doing anything regrettable,” said Applejack.

“Let’s go find him just in case,” said Twilight with a worried looked on her face.

“I would say to leave him be, but considering what he just said to us before, I’m afraid I have to agree with you, let’s go find him,” said Applejack, agreeing with Twilight.

We searched the castle to see if Anim was being Anim, we didn’t see him but surprisingly since travelers were visiting Canterlot they let everyone to go around the castle, but only the first and second floors while the third floor is guarded, but when we feared the worst we saw somepony who we thought was Anim.

“Anim wait!” said Twilight as she chased the figure.

“Hold on Twilight!” said Applejack as she followed behind.

When I turned the corner, I saw the figure enter a room and when I noticed who’s room it was, I knew exactly that it was Anim who entered the room, which was Luna’s room.

“Twilight, was it Anim,” said Applejack.

“I think so, but whoever it is just entered Luna’s room,” said Twilight, “come on follow me.”

“I’m not so sure Twi,” said Applejack.

“Come on Applejack, we need to check this out,” said Twilight.

When we reached Luna’s room, we heard some voices inside, one was Luna and the other was definitely Anim, I couldn’t hear what they were talking about so I had to take a better look and I saw Luna talking to Anim and she seemed both worried and happy but mostly worried.

“Anim, I’m so happy you’re okay!” said Luna.

“Well it’s good to see you too Luna, I have to ask why I haven’t received any letters from you?” asked Anim.

“Well I have my reasons why, I had to help my sister organize this event, that and after the last time you came here she sort of umm, banned me of making any sort of contact with you,” said Luna, as she blushed lightly.

“So your sister doesn’t trust me anymore huh, I guess that’s too be expected since I entered your room without any permission,” said Anim, “but I came here for another reason, Luna I need to ask you a favor.”

“A favor?” asked Luna, as she focused her gaze on Anim.

“Twilight, what are they saying?” asked Applejack, taking a look.

“Wait Applejack, don’t move or you’re going to—”

Before I could warn Applejack to not move, she trips and we both tumble into Luna’s room as both Luna and Anim stare at us, I tried to explain myself but before I could speak Applejack spoke first.

“Hold on Twilight,” said Applejack, “Anim don’t blame Twilight for spying on you, she saw you going somewhere and we followed you to Luna’s room, so we’re sorry if we intruded on anything.”

“It’s okay Applejack, I should have told you girls that I needed to ask Luna something,” said Anim.

“Ask her what?” asked Twilight.

“Well, a few days ago I had a dream, a very strange one,” said Anim.

“Anim, why are you asking Luna about a dream, doesn’t she already know your dream,” said Twilight.

“Actually Twilight, ever since Anim first came to Equestria, I can’t seem to see his dreams, I don’t know why but something is blocking me from seeing inside his head, not that I want to see what’s in his head,” said Luna, as she looked to the floor.

“Anyway in my dream, there was this weird voice and the voice said that I need to go somewhere that has apples and bison, to find some mare of some sort… by the way, what are bison?” asked Anim.

“Hmmm, whatever this dream was, it seems to be a vision or warning, but to where I don’t know,” said Luna, as she skeptically thought of what Anim said.

“I think I know what Anim is talking about,” said Applejack as she looked at me. “Twilight remember, we went to visit my cousin Braeburn at Appleloosa, I think that’s what the voice in Anim’s dream is talking about.”

“Appleloosa?” asked Anim.

“Appleloosa is a town that was formed a while ago that’s south from Ponyville, if what your dream says is true then maybe we could head there some time,” said Twilight.

“That is not a wise move, Sparkle,” said Luna, “these kind of dreams are tricky, it specifically said for Anim to head to Appleloosa and we are not sure if this mare he’s to find will be there, I believe we should let Anim decide at when to depart.”

“She’s right Twilight, I can’t simply walk into the town and start asking to find for a mare, this kind of things are delicate and I think that fate should find me before I find fate, trust me I tried it once… did not end well,” said Anim as he eyed Luna.

“What’s that look for?” asked Luna, a little curious.

“Oh nothing, just some fond memories and all,” said Anim as he grinned to himself. “We should probably head back to the party, come on everyone.”

We headed back to the party, but when I was about to leave the room, Anim was still there with Luna, I waited by the door and tried to hear what they were saying.

“There’s something else I didn’t mention Luna,” said Anim, turning around facing Luna.

“What do you want to tell me?” asked Luna in a hushed tone.

“I had another dream, it was around when I first came to Ponyville, I believe my second night,” said Anim, “I can’t say much but, in the dream there was the same voice from my other dream but it said, ‘THEY MUST NOT KNOW’, I don’t know what I have forgotten but whatever it is, I don’t think I can defend everyone from it.”

“Anim, where are you taking this conversation?” asked Luna, a little afraid.

“If things end of more than I can chew… I’ll try one last trump card… and this time… I won’t come back,” said Anim, giving a warm smile.

Luna slowly began to cry, she grabbed and hugged Anim not wanting him to be gone or even be away, Anim patted her on the back and whispered something, I don’t know what it was, but Luna nodded as Anim gave what looked like a piece of his journal. As he was about to leave, I ran back to the party and continue to socialize with everyone, they wondered where I was and I told them I needed to do something, after that the music changed as everyone began to dance.

“Come on Twilight, dance!” shouted Pinkie, as she danced wildly.

“I well… I,” said Twilight, a little shook from what I heard.

“How about I help you,” said Anim extending a hoof to me.

I took Anim’s hoof as we began to dance, he was a good dancer for somepony who wasn’t a pony, but never the less he danced well, for me… I probably needed some help, but Anim laughed and joined my odd way of dancing, I don’t know what to think about what Anim said, but no matter what we will always be friends… no matter what happens.

“Mistletoe!” shouted Rainbow, pointing up.

“Huh?” said Twilight, as I looked up to see the mistletoe above me and Anim.

“Well this is awkward,” said Anim.

“So… should we um you know kiss, we don’t need to do it if you’re not in the m—”

Before I could finish my sentence, Anim kissed me on the cheek and gave a cheeky smile after he finished, I think he was still smiling because I was blushing and started to whack him on the head, not too hard just some random taps for doing something that sudden.

“WHA… WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?” shouted Twilight, unable to process what happened.

“What, I’m just in the holiday spirit,” said Anim, as he laughed in a jolly way.

Everyone laughed at what Anim had done, even Celestia enjoyed the little incident as Luna joined the room to see everyone laughing and noticed me and Anim in the center of the room. I have no idea how Anim thinks, but he’s not that bad if you learn enough from him, but he’ll always be my friend; after that fiasco Anim continued partying with everyone, that night Anim showed so much life, I couldn’t tell if it was Anim that I was watching.

From Twilight Sparkle; Happy Heart’s Warming Eve