• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 18,212 Views, 1,897 Comments

Chronicles of an Evil Overlord - Melancholy

Evil rising up to take over Equestria? Normal. Evil succeeding in taking over Equestria? Unusual. How did he do it? By following some simple rules...

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Rule 12

Domination of Equestria - T+34 days.

“And this is the Solar Eruptor, my newest Evil Superweapon. I’m quite proud of it.”
It was a truly massive device, bigger than my old superweapon based in the Everfree by far. Pipework running across the walls and ceiling lead to and from the massive pulsing orb in its centre, a tiny screen on the side monitored various readings from inside. It was functional, but looked rather crude. In time this chamber would be renovated, hiding most of the components from view. Maybe he could get a window installed into the furnace at the same time?
Nah, tempting fate, however much fun the view would be.

“How does it work?”
“Well, this is the core of the unit here, the Solar Furnace. In here pure magic and Solar plasma are generated. The former is kept contained and the latter is piped all around the Castle to provide heat and hot water. The infrastructure is currently being built to extend that program out to the whole of Canterlot to provide free energy and heating to the whole capitol, there’s enough of it being created after all. It’ll be an important factor in my plans to remove poverty. I'm not using words too complex for you am I?”
“No, that makes sense. But you said it was an Evil Superweapon. What part of that is evil? Or a weapon? Are you going to scald ponies in the shower?”
“Hahah, no. See, that’s where the stored magic comes into play. Running into the Canter Mountain itself are hundreds of magic conducive circuits, and they connect to a focusing array at the very peak. On command the Plasma can be diverted from mundane tasks and piped up to the focusing array where it will converge into a lance of star energy. The array is powerful enough to throw and contain that lance of solar plasma half way around the world.”
“That’s impressive Mr.”

Well, I was quite proud of the idea. Use a ball of incredible energy to kick start the reaction, add the extra special renewable resource and pow, Solar Furnace, unlimited magic and star fuel generator-cum-eternal-torture-device. Who knew she could make so much mass? Heh, must have been several millennia of cake, fat flank.

“But I was wondering…”
“Humm, go ahead?”
“You said that the magic isn’t used unless it’s being used as a weapon, right?”
“That’s correct.”
“So...what happens if you don’t use it that way for awhile? Won’t it just...bottle up? I remember once when Mummy put too much spritz into the bottle once and she couldn’t get it off the spout in time so the glass cracked. Won’t it be the same here? I mean, you’re getting rid of all the super hot stuff all the time, but what about the magic?”

“Humm, let’s see, how to explain it. Inside the Solar Furnace is something which works as a massive magical storage device, like a battery as well as a generator. It’s capable of holding vast amounts of magic, it would take thousands of years before it died or broke because of that, and that's if it never gets used in that time. I expect I'll be using it quite frequently in the next year or two at least. From then, who knows.”

“Yea, but, maybe it wouldn’t break, but sometimes things stop working right before then, yaknow? Like how...when Mummy nearly over fills the bottle. Then the juice just tastes nasty. Or when the picture on the TV starts going wonky because just one iddy bit went bad. What if whatever’s in there goes nasty because it’s got too much magic and it doesn’t work properly?”

That...was actually a good point.
A really good point.
Nasty wouldn’t even begin to cover what would happen if she recovered too much magic. How had I missed something so obvious?

“Your command, my Master?”
“Gather the engineering team at once. Inform them they must begin implementation of a system to discharge the magic reserves of the Solar Furnace. Daily. This is Priority Zero, nothing else gets done till this is complete. Do you understand?”
“Your word is my command, my Master.”
“Go now. All speed.
Now, tell me again, why did you apply for this post as an advisor to the new government?”
“I need the money to help Mummy! She works extra hard to pay for my Piano lessons and stuff, so I want to help her out. And everyone says I’m the smartest and cutest filly in school.”
“That’s wonderful child, you truly are a good filly, and certainly cute as a button. Well, I think we can safely say you have the job.
Welcome aboard Miss Dinky Hooves.”

Overlord Rule No:12 One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.