• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 18,211 Views, 1,897 Comments

Chronicles of an Evil Overlord - Melancholy

Evil rising up to take over Equestria? Normal. Evil succeeding in taking over Equestria? Unusual. How did he do it? By following some simple rules...

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Rule 51

Domination of Equestria - T+228 days.

“So, what you in for?”
“I tried to sneak a music box into Dungeon Block K. You?”
“I let the Prisoner in Block G use my pocket mirror for three minutes.”

“Ouch. At least mine wasn’t specifically against regulations. Pass me that brush would you?”
“Heh, at the time. A new edict was passed within hours of your transfer. Nothing which replicates birdsong or other animal noises is allowed near any of the dungeons.

“Lame. I mean, I was hardly going to let her out. I mean, my sister got mauled by a manticore in the retaking of the Everfree Outpost. That’s kinda all her fault.”
"Well yea, I get you girl, I really do. But if that’s the case, why risk taking in creature comforts to the prisoner? I’m out of bleach, got a spare?”

“Yea, here. Well, honestly, it’s because she wouldn’t cry.”
Wouldn’t cry? Doesn’t that mean she’s doing alright then?”

“Hardly. You can see it in her eyes, it’s not that she can’t, or doesn’t want to. She’s just, not letting herself cry at all. I just thought it was sadder than if she just let herself grieve a bit, yaknow? It can’t be healthy bottling it all up.”
“Maybe. I hear the Prisoner in Block L’s like that too. Doesn’t do anything except excercise in her cell all day. Doesn't talk and hardly eats. I hear she’s ripped.”

“Ok, I’m done with this section. Can you rinse?”
“On it.”

“Yea, I had heard. Causing no end of problems for the rota.”

“Yea, they’re having problems finding ponies to look after her. She’s so toned that she’s proving to be attractive to both the Stallions and Mares.”
“Right. Yea, that would cause a problem. Ok. I think we’re done with this block. What’s next?”

“The public Toilets on the lower east side.”
“Eugh, joy.”

Overlord Rule No:51 If one of my dungeon guards begins expressing concern over the conditions in the beautiful princess' cell, I will immediately transfer him to a less people-oriented position.