• Published 4th Oct 2015
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Chronicles of an Evil Overlord - Melancholy

Evil rising up to take over Equestria? Normal. Evil succeeding in taking over Equestria? Unusual. How did he do it? By following some simple rules...

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Rule 52

Domination of Equestria - T+12 days.

“And over here, we have the central hallway which leads from the main gate to the throne room.”
“I see, and how many entrances and exits did you find?”

“Well, other than the obvious main gate at the front of the Castle, we found the following:
Twelve marked external entrances and exits to the castle.
Fourteen unmarked entrances and exits.
Nineteen actively hidden entrances and exits. Of those sixteen of them were magically concealed.
Seven hundred and fourteen internal doors off of this corridor, including the doors to the throne room.
Of those five hundred and forty nine lead to other corridors and passageways in the castle, the rest lead into rooms.
Of every passageway we surveyed we found this to be the most frequently traveled in the castle, with over sixty three percent of all traffic passing through here at some point in their journey.”
“Humm...so this would be the biggest security risk in the castle?”

“I believe so Master. The Chief at Arms already has a proposal for you. It involves replacing most of the hidden passageways with spike pits, electrifying all unmarked portals and the addition of over three hundred auto-tracking machine-plasma emplacements.”
“I like the way he thinks. How quickly can his proposition be implemented?”

“He estimates that all the renovations to this corridor can be completed inside of a week if you give him at least priority two.”
“Then he has it.”

“Excellent Master. I will ensure it begins immediately.
Now, next on the report is the Throne Room itself…”

Overlord Rule No:52 I will hire a team of board-certified architects and surveyors to examine my castle and inform me of any secret passages and abandoned tunnels that I might not know about.