• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 18,211 Views, 1,897 Comments

Chronicles of an Evil Overlord - Melancholy

Evil rising up to take over Equestria? Normal. Evil succeeding in taking over Equestria? Unusual. How did he do it? By following some simple rules...

  • ...

Rule 97

Domination of Equestria - T+193 days.

This was The worst possible thing!
Well, nearly. It featured pretty highly behind the fall of Equestria as we know it to a perverted and twisted despot.
And the scattering of my closest friends after the fall of Ponyville.
And the disappearance of Princess Celestia.
And the corruption of Princess Luna into the sex kitten plaything of the regime.
And that I have no idea where my sister is, or if she is safe.
And the fact that now every pony knows of my designs for the worst reason imaginable.

Yes, after all that, this definitely rated as the worst possible thing.
“Not even a small one? How am I to do my hair each morning?”
“No. Strict orders from the Overlord himself. There are to be no reflective surfaces of any kind in the dungeons.”
“But that’s simply unreasonable! You can’t expect me to languish in here like some disheveled creature.”
“You’re a prisoner, that’s exactly the expectation.”

Ohhhhh, that brute! He’s doing this deliberately. He’s trying to break me! Haha! Well it’ll never work!
“What are you smiling about, Prisoner?”
“Oh, nothing. Just that I’ll never break. He can do whatever he likes to me down here, but I’ll never plead and beg. It’s exactly what he wants.”
“Frankly, I couldn’t give a crap.”
“How vulgar!”

Well, if I couldn’t keep up appearances, then I can at least keep busy. It’s not like I have anyone to impress upon reflection. Or lack of reflection for that matter.
“Where are the rest of my things?”
“In the incinerator most likely.”
“The incinerator!? But my fabrics! My Designs!?”
“Yea, whatever. No cloth, rope, sheets or bandages in the Dungeon blocks.”
“This, is, The-”
“Oh shut up!”

Overlord Rule No:97 My dungeon cells will not be furnished with objects that contain reflective surfaces or anything that can be unravelled.

Comments ( 380 )

Pfft. :rainbowlaugh: Of course Rarity would be the one most inconvenienced by this.

Well, that's the most mental trauma one could make Rarity to go through :rainbowlaugh:

the "anything that can be unraveled" part I get, but what's bad about reflective surfaces?

6501470 Use it to send signals, break it into a weapon, use it to see if guards are coming...

Earlier chapter showed Rarity being commissioned to create uniforms. Now those designs are used by legions of monsters!! THAT would be mortifying.....

wlam #7 · Oct 7th, 2015 · · ·

Hey, the Nazis had uniforms designed by Hugo Boss and it's not like that has hurt his sales any. There's no reason why you shouldn't be evil and stylish.

Comment posted by nioniosbbbb deleted Oct 13th, 2015

6501558 You just stole that sentence from my mouth. Completely agree with that!

Oh my god you used it. *crying in joy*

I will throw a dank party in your name, Master.


It is done.

Yeah, but he was working FOR them. Rarity would never ally herself with this psycho if she knew what was going to transpire. Stallions wearing her creations marching through and killing her friends!

If she designs a uniform for him, she is technically working for him. Temp work, sure, but hey, who's counting?

6499814 What was the order being broken, a full retreat. What did the general do, he stayed and fought. What was the result, most of his men were killed. When someone does someone like that, they become a liability. Adjusting your supirior's orders and getting a positive result is acceptable and should be encouraged, disobeying said orders and getting most of your subordinates killed should be discouraged. Evil overlords tend to discourage that kind of behavior by exicuting those responsible and putting their remains on display.

Design your cells in such a way there is nothing that can be used to exploit a plot for escape.

Also you probably want to keep them undernourished so that they lack the energy and strength to scape as well.:fluttershyouch:


"I'm immune to Iocane powder."

On the other hand, all that sexual frustration probably would make for some very attentive and extra-vicious guards. It's a bit of a trade-off.

6501793 Okay, that's hardly fitting... The grand, benevolent Overlord would never stoop to something so low!

I can only assume this is after the first guard complaint about Rarity's treatment in the cell...

6501808 Nope it's before, Rule 97 is in day +193 this is when Rarity it's imprisoned, the guards were talking about a prisoner exercising all the time in Rule 51, day +228, over one month later.

I read the latter before the former so immediately the instance of having Rarity attaining herculean strength and physical fitness jumped out to be something undesirable for the evil overload which could be prevented by either restraining her movements for a prolonged amount of time to some extent, or simply restricting how much she is allowed to consume.

I get the feeling Rarity is planning to burst out the way Iroh did in Avatar the Last Air Bender, by waiting for the right time and then forcing her way out!

...Whether our evil lord will have a back up rule for that is rather likely tho.

:raritycry:(shhhhh, it's okay)


Edit: Spoiler It turns out the one exercising was actually Rainbow Dash. Well then I guess she will be the one trying to escape by means of brute force. XD

Yes. In fact, Hugo Boss remains in business to this very day. Coco Chanel hasn't done badly, either.

I'm aware (and own a few nice shirts from that brand, too.) Then again the guy has been dead for almost a century now.

That's why you destroy it from a distance, ensuring that you and yours aren't crushed. If you must fight near it, you fight in such a way that it doesn't risk falling down while you are there.

The only thing keeping this from being Rarity's personal hell is the fact she's not covered in mud and Blueblood isn't in the same room.

6501853 I just meant because her guard did not care at all...

Why do you say that Rarity is getting buff? I thought they were talking about AJ or RD since they already mentioned her and Fluttershy in their gifts.

EDIT: I only found the other chapter after.

6501894 That process of elimination does no good here. As far as we know the only ones held captured are Rarity and Fluttershy and by context we know Fluttershy is not the one exercising so who do you think that leaves?

And whether the wards care for the prisoners could lead to them to (unintentionally or not ) help the prisoners scape. That's why they must be removed way before that happens.


Edit: Alright I missed the letter codes in the blocks hinting at which element they were talking about. (provided they were there before ):trixieshiftleft:

Now we know that it was in fact Rainbow Dash exercising.

Have a henchman shoot at it while you (the evil overlord) are a long distance away (further away than 4x the tower's height). Don't go near until has completely fallen.

Don't forget about cell blocks A and B. There's another 150+ items in there.

Number 109 has extra potential.

Its Twilight Sparkle, I'm calling it.

He broke her horn, so now she just excercises all day. She's read plenty of books about healthy physical activity, after all. And if she can't defeat him with her magic...

She sure as shit is going to break a hoof off in his face.

6502267 They were talking about Rainbowdash in rule 51, they mention the prisoner in cell block L being ripped and in rule 85, the overlord says to put Rainbowdash into cell block L.

6502267 It's Rainbow...i think in the previous chapters they mentioned a prisoner in Cell Block L and she was taken there.

I think I would read this for its consept but the chapters are all very extremly short....

6501919 Dear Leonzilla,

During my reading of this story, I have found you commenting on some previous chapters, and have discovered that you possess a mindset remarkably suited for that of a great evil overlord.
Because of this, it is in the interest of all of humanity that I attempt to discourage you from dominating the world.
Please don't become a villain.
I hope that you take this advice into account or else the rest of us are totally screwed.
I hope you have a nice day.

Yours sincerely,

With all the little tidbits from the rules, I'd actually like to read the actual story behind everything. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

There are a lot of things that you shouldn't include in a dungeon.

6502566 Close, it was actually the Cheese, which Stands Alone.

I think you forgot Rule #72... XD

Great job on this! Very funny!

6502420 :rainbowlaugh:

Alright, I can see how I might have come off that way, but I assure you and all of humanity that I am infact no evildoer.

I have been putting off writing the comment in which I described my perspective on the concept of this story and that of a righteous villain or flawless villain.

I will give you the short version. (Yes, I could go much much longer about this; and perhaps I could write it more clearly too. Sorry about that I tried to make my reasoning be as clear as I could without writing a book XD):twilightsheepish:

Essentially questioning the actions of becoming an evil overload ultimatly leads to figuring out all the downsides and discover alternatives that would better address any given desire with minimal amount of effort or risk or collateral damage.

The concept of a perfect villain is flawed and none existent. But not because it's unrealistic or unattainable, it's because a truly infinitely competent person is capable of achieving anything without a downside. And while that ideal in on itself may seem unachievable in real life for many, in fiction that it's not an issue.

It's more like, when you get to the root of it all, bad actions are call that way because they are bad, they produce more ill than good when you look at the big picture. While a villain might not care at the time about the damage it is causing on the go, eventually if successful there will be a point where he will be the one in charge to clean the mess. Something as simple as rebuilding a city can be delegated, But restoring order an thrive in the lives of the population, bringing back extinct species, and having everything advancing forward in the best way possible are not so easy and can't effectively be delegated.

But it goes way beyond that,

To be clear about the following let's define what the world bad means, bad is defined as things or consepts that precent a negative feature. Now I could go about how in some perspective everything has a bright and dark side; but things in our language are redimed to be good or bad when either the negative or positive aspects outweigh the other in the perspective of the one speaking. Sometimes that line is very clear others it isn't as easy to see, but ultimately things are not inherently one or the other it all depends on the circumstances.

But right now don't focus on the line between good and bad, right now we are looking for ideal, not just good but perfect, and while victory could in theory be guaranteed for the evil overload there is bound to be so many downsides that an alternative approach would prove more productive.

What I have been doing uptill now is elaborating on how possessing traits that are best known to villains but aren't inherently bad would fair if perfectly executed. The catch is that if there is a downside then the execution is not perfect, so to better illustrate my point I will only mention downsides that would undoubtedly be considered so even in the perspective of the villain.

For example greed, greed isn't inherently evil, it can lead to very positive things, however it can also lead to talking actions that lead to bad things.

One way to look at it is a truly greedy person wants it all, it considers everything his or her things or bound to be his or her things and so to damage your own things even when they aren't legally yours it not the sign of a healthy mindset. I mean they are your things so harming them isn't too far off from harming yourself or a part of you at the very least. :trixieshiftright:

I will probably make an epic comment or even a review clearly illustrating how this concept is flawed and why no competent person should even consider trying to become an evil overload no matter what.

For now I will just keep analysing the validity of this rules under a villainous perspective like a good little devils advocate. I'm sure that will eventually lead to it's rooted flaws although I might need to expand a little on the main story to make that clear.

It all boils down to evil is not perfect and for that reason perfection can not be evil.


This fic is awesome. Keep up the great work!


6501682 First, the chapter does not make it clear if the commander heard the order or not. It is very easy to miss things like that in the heat of battle and more than one battle has been decided by communication failures so it is entirely possible it was a legitimate mistake which does not merit more than a verbal reprimand.

Second, you need to be willing to tolerate risks and mistakes. It is possible that the commander saw an opening to do something important like killing Twilight and tried to take advantage of it but failed. That kind of initiative needs to be praised even if it did end up being a failure in order to build an effective and innovative force which will far outperform minions blindly following orders.

Third, even if it was clearly deliberate and stupid rather than an accident or bad luck, execution is still wasteful because now you are down another soldier for no gain. You are better off demoting that commander to a grunt and throwing him (or her) into battle as a common soldier so s/he can contribute to overall mission success rather than being a complete loss.

Hah. This took me back. (Waaaaay back to the days when I was still in junior high.) Kinda fun to remember some of those rules.

Wait why no reflective surfaces:rainbowhuh:. I wouldn't waste resources to provide the surfaces, but why no reflective surfaces. Except unicorns. There will be no scrying.

6503240 I think I know what the problem is, you are unable to think like an evil overlord. Evil overlords kill people for less than what this guy did.


Dalek Supreme: EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN!




Dalek Supreme: EXPLAIN!





Translation: The Daleks like this story. And it must continue so that they can observe more, and let the Dalek Empire grow in power.

It will be interesting to see the illustration for a couple of the Rules.

34. I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.

35. I will not grow a goatee. In the old days they made you look diabolic. Now they just make you look like a disaffected member of Generation X.

LMAO, what a delightfully evil story!

I believe the saying is "Keep it simple, stupid!"

You kept it simple.
You made it hilarious.
Your not stupid, stupid.

Have a potato.


The Rule that Muffins and her fellow mailponies are glad for:
Rule 32: I will not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad news just to illustrate how evil I really am. Good messengers are hard to come by.

The Rule that you've already been following quite well:
Rule 36: I will not imprison members of the same party in the same cell block, let alone the same cell. If they are important prisoners, I will keep the only key to the cell door on my person instead of handing out copies to every bottom-rung guard in the prison.

A rule I hope we see your take on soon, as there are many to capture:
Rule 42: When I capture the hero, I will make sure I also get his dog, monkey, ferret, or whatever sickeningly cute little animal capable of untying ropes and filching keys happens to follow him around.

How horrifying.
...In a good way, of course.


6503353 No, I just follow the pragmatic list and don't do stupid things like that. That was demonstrated back in rule 1 when the overlord didn't kill a guard for screwing up because that is just stupid as shown in the quote below:

Oh, and find North Wind. If he’s alive then retire him. No, not permanently, with a pension. Jeeze, I’m not a monster, he’s got a family. He has rather proved unreliable though.

Incidentally, it is worth noting that most of the really "evil" things "bad guys" do to show that they are "evil" violate the list in one way or another. If you actually follow the list rigorously, you will actually be morally ambiguous at worst because you will be doing a good job as a responsible leader and keeping most of your darker side in check. Hell, odds are good that any "hero" that dethrones you will wind up getting kicked out by a popular uprising to put you back in power because you did a better job running the country following the list than they did being "good".

6502310 Because I am in the same dull metal room you stuck me into and told me to ponder many ponderings. I think you called it a brain jar or think tank or something like that.

6503767 Well who is his archnemesis, and which has he taken as his bride? The Mane Six can be infamously shitty games he's laid the smack down on. Rainbow Dash can be Air Control.

This fic makes me feel slightly ill. I fucking hate you Author, and I hope you fucking suffer.

-Adds story to faved-

Dammit >:U

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