• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 5,172 Views, 100 Comments

A Wish in Reality - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash's wish to have a family comes true. Sequel to Bad Luck.

  • ...

Labor Begins

It was the break of dawn. Celestia had barely raised the sun past the horizon. And it was Sunday. He could finally sleep in.

He rolled over, and his hoof hit something. His eyes peeked open to see what it was, and saw his hoof resting on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. This was nothing new, so he simply fell back asleep.

He had just fallen into a dream, a peaceful dream about a meadow, when suddenly, BEEP BEEP BEEP!

He jolted awake. His eyes were wide open, and bloodshot. “BUCK!” He cursed loudly. He forgot to turn his alarm system off.

He gave the alarm clock a big punch, and it flew off the table and hit the fluffy cloud floor, unharmed.

Thunder Flash never got to sleep. He always forgot to turn off that stupid clock. He sat down on his side of the bed, and stared off through time. Right then, Rainbow Dash woke up. She stretched her hooves and her wings, making her girth fully visible.

She had been pregnant for some time, and her foals were due any day now.

“Alarm clock again?” She guessed correctly.

Flash didn’t answer. He just got up and headed for the door. “I’ll go make breakfast…” he grumbled.

As he left, Rainbow just shrugged and lied back down.


While Flash worked in the kitchen making pancakes and eggs, he thought to himself. “Can’t Rainbow just have her foals already so the stress can stop keeping me up all night?”

Flash’s eyelids were heavy as he worked. The same stress had kept him up last night, and the alarm clock had prevented the make-up time. He was very sleepy. If only he could……stay awake………… … .. … .

He dozed off and collapsed on the floor, leaving the pan sizzling.


Rainbow Dash had almost fallen back asleep, when the smoke alarm went off. Hearing the noise, she jerked awake, and her head darted around, looking for the culprit. She jumped up and rushed out the bedroom door.

When she reached the kitchen, she saw a pan on fire on the stove, and her Thunder Flash out cold on the floor. She ran over to the pan and shook it off the burner until the fire went out, then knelt down in front of Flash. She picked him up and jerked him, and he snapped awake.

“Flash, this is the third time this happened. What’s wrong, and why can’t you sleep?”

Flash looked up at Rainbow Dash, then down at her belly, then back up at her again. “It’s a long story…”

“Well I have plenty of time.” She interrupted.

Flash just stared for a moment. He blinked a couple times, and then fell asleep again in Rainbow’s arms. She jerked him awake again.

“That’s it, you need sleep.” She said aloud, even though he couldn’t hear her. She hoisted him up onto her back, and tried to carry him to their room.

“Mother of Celestia…” she grunted.

She was carrying the weight of four ponies. Flash, herself and her two foals.

After what seemed like a long, treacherous trip to the bedroom, Rainbow finally managed to lay Flash down on the bed. She then walked back to the kitchen to prepare herself a small breakfast.


Thunder Flash yawned and slowly woke up. He squinted and looked at the clock. 2:28. 2:28?!?!?! How long was he asleep??

He darted out the bedroom door and into the living room. There he saw Rainbow Dash watching TV. “Hey Flash! Come join me.” Rainbow patted the spot next to her. Flash trudged over and sat down.

“What happened earlier? I was asleep for a long time!”

“You couldn’t sleep and didn’t tell me why. When I asked you, you fell asleep again.” Rainbow answered. She gave him a look that meant ‘Are you going to tell me already?’

She broke the face with words. “Do you want to tell me now?”

Flash squirmed uneasily. He just decided to say it right there. “I just…don’t really want to.”

“Aw come on, you can tell me!” Rainbow smiled and ruffled his mane.

Flash looked down and sighed. “Let’s just watch the show.”

Rainbow’s smile left. “Okay, if that’s what you want.” She said.

They resumed watching their show. They had no idea what it was, but they didn’t care. They liked it anyway.


Twilight walked down the stairs to talk to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, maybe we can try rebuilding your house like we did mine.” Twilight suggested.

“But why?” she asked in reply.

“Well, you can’t stay here forever.” Twilight answered.

“But I can’t go back to my house without my animal friends! It’s just too lonely…”

Twilight thought for a moment. “Yeah, I guess I can see that…” She thought for a little while longer. “Okay, you can stay here for now. But some time or another, you might have to find somewhere else. But whatever you do, do not stay at Rainbow’s house. I don’t want them disturbed.” Twilight finished.

“Thank you Twilight!”

“No problem. I should still try replacing your house though.” And with that, Twilight walked back up the stairs.


All they did the whole afternoon was watch TV. They watched a whole bunch of exotic shows they never heard of. When it began to get late, Rainbow turned off the TV.

“Hey Flash, how come I’ve never seen you leave for the Wonderbolts? And how come I’ve never seen your uniform?” she asked him.

“The uniform I keep in the kitchen closet until I need it. And I haven’t been with the Wonderbolts because they haven’t called me yet. They’re on break.” He answered.

Rainbow Dash nodded in understanding. Then she spoke.

“It’s really late, you should probably head to bed. I’ll join you later.”

“Why later?” he asked.

“Because I don’t feel like getting up right now.” She stated as she chuckled. Flash joined in.

“Okay. Goodnight!” Flash walked off to their bedroom to sleep.

Rainbow thought to herself. “You know what? I’m not coming in there tonight. I’ll just sleep on the couch.”

“Alright, suit yourself.” Flash answered from down the hall.


Flash heard a noise. He yawned and sat up in bed, looking at the clock. 2:28. That was funny, it was 2:28 again, except it was AM this time.

He heard the noise again, and made it out to be a scream.

“DASHIE?” he called.

"H...help! Help me!!!" Came the screaming reply.

He sprinted out of the bedroom and into the living room, and was shocked at what he saw.

There was water all over the couch and floor, and Rainbow Dash lied in the mess, panting and screaming. Suddenly, he knew what was going on. Rainbow Dash was having her foals.

In panic, he dashed toward the kitchen and grabbed the phone, calling 911. On the line, he called for an ambulance. Then he put the phone down, and ran back to the living room.

All he could do right now was sit and wait in suspense while Rainbow Dash went into labor.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

Here I am again! I'm just getting this story started, and I don't really have a dominant plot yet. Let me know what you think so far! For the record, the picture is from DeviantArt. It's a fan drawing.