• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 5,173 Views, 100 Comments

A Wish in Reality - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash's wish to have a family comes true. Sequel to Bad Luck.

  • ...

The Wedding

-3 months later-

Flash walked out of his office to see Rainbow Dash lounging on the couch with her foals.

“Well, this is it. Tomorrow’s the big day!” Flash announced. “The only thing that hasn’t been picked out is your dress.”

“I personally was just planning on wearing my gala dress. It’s the only thing I’m really used to.” Rainbow responded.

“You know, I’ve never seen you in your gala dress.” Flash said thoughtfully.

Rainbow put a hoof up to her chin. “Do you want to see me in it right now?” She asked.

“Would I!” He responded quickly.

Rainbow giggled. “Well, okay.”

She got up off the couch, and walked over to their room. She approached the closet, and dug out her dress. She then headed to the bathroom to change.

Meanwhile, Flash stood around, whistling and tapping his hoof. Suddenly, he heard a noise. He looked down toward the couch to see Blaze clicking his tongue.

“Wow, already? You were hungry not four hours ago!”

Then he remembered that it was Starlight clicking her tongue earlier, not Blaze.

“Well, fine. I’ll be back, so don’t you fly anywhere.” Flash trotted to the kitchen to fetch some formula. The foals have grown out of natural feeding a long while ago, much to the delight of Rainbow Dash.

A couple minutes later, he returned with a bottle ready to go. He sat down on the couch, and hoisted Blaze up onto his lap.

He had almost began to feed Blaze when he heard the bathroom door open, distracting him long enough for Blaze to snatch the bottle away and start feeding himself instead.

“Fine, you do that. It’s much easier on me.” He chuckled.

“Hey Flash!” He heard Rainbow call from behind him. He turned around and saw Rainbow Dash standing in the hallway in her gala dress, more magnificent than ever.

Flash was flabbergasted. He was just about to speak when Rainbow Dash stole the words, and they said it together.

“Best. Dress. Ever.” They said simultaneously.

“I know, right?” Rainbow added.

“I’ve never seen any piece of clothing fit you more! It’s…it’s uncanny!” He stuttered.

“Yeah, I know! My friend Rarity is an awesome designer!” Rainbow replied. She glanced over at Blaze.

“Wow, when did he learn to feed himself?” She asked curiously.

Flash followed her gaze, then replied, “Just now, apparently.”

Rainbow nodded, and they stood there for an awkward couple of seconds.

“Great, now I don’t want to take this off.” She scoffed.


“Because I just put it on, and there’s a lot of layers to it. It takes a while.”

“Oh, now I’m catching your drift. Try to sit down; I just have to see if you can pull it off.” He laughed.

“Well…okay.” She answered uncertainly. She walked over to the couch next to Starlight, and slowly sat down in a whole different fashion. She sat like a dog, with her legs curled up underneath her.

Her dress draped over her entire body, and covered everything except her forelegs, neck and head. She looked like a queen…or the queen’s cat, to be precise.

Flash burst out laughing with delight.

“Wow, you pulled that off like a pro!” He laughed, wiping a tear from his face.

“Now let’s see you try to sit the same way!” Rainbow said, determination in her tone.

“Alright, just hand me your dress and I’ll go put it on.” He replied.

“Eww, no! This is my dress, and you’re a male!” She answered with a sort of happy disgust.

Flash couldn’t control himself. Tears streamed down his face as he doubled over, laughing his flank off.

“Aww, I crack myself up.” He muttered, wiping one last tear from his face. Suddenly, he was hit upside the head with a bottle. He turned with surprise at Blaze, who gave him an angry look.

“Geez, okay! I’ll take your bottle!” He exclaimed.

Now it was Rainbow’s turn to crack up laughing.

“Looks like you got what was coming to you!” She giggled.

“Yeah, yeah. Listen, you should burp him before it gets to be a problem. I’ll go rinse out this bottle.” He ordered. He walked into the kitchen.

Rainbow picked up Blaze to burp him, then whispered in his ear.

“Nice job, Blaze! Mama’s so proud!” She cooed.

The next morning

It was morning. Celestia had barely raised the sun past the horizon. And it was Sunday. He could finally sleep in. (Sounding familiar?)

Wait…he couldn’t sleep in! The wedding’s at eleven! There’s stuff to do!

Flash sat up suddenly, and rubbed his head. He was in for a long (and pleasing) day.

He got up and walked to the bathroom to shower, as this was his first priority every morning.

Soon after, Rainbow Dash woke up. She trudged over to the couch in the living room to wake the foals up. She then walked to the kitchen, and poured herself a bowl of Cheerios.

Just as she was putting the box back in the pantry, Flash barreled out of the bathroom with his mane not combed. (Wait…what else is new?)

“Wutch tha big wush?” Rainbow asked through a mouthful of cereal.

Flash stopped in his tracks. “What did you say?”

Rainbow swallowed. “I said, what’s the big rush?” She asked, clearly this time.

He turned toward her and answered. “You do realize you have to be walking up the isle at the wedding at eleven o clock, right?” He asked with concern.

“Yeah, what of it?”

Instead of answering, he gave her a stern look, and pointed at the kitchen clock. Rainbow turned to look, and saw 10:27.

Rainbow did a huge spit-take, which littered the floor with chewed cereal.

“Holy crap!” She yelled.

“I know! Now do me a favor and get ready!” He ordered.

Rainbow didn’t stop for anything. She just left her bowl on the table and bolted into the bathroom.


All of Rainbow’s friends, along with some individuals from Rainbow’s and Flash’s family, stood around the castle ballroom conversing. The castle ballroom in Canterlot was where the wedding would take place. It would also function as the location for the reception.

Everything was prepared: the chairs, the altar, the guests, and the camera colt who would record the whole thing for their wedding video. Even the Wonderbolts were attending the event. And last but not least, Princess Celestia stood at the front, talking with Rainbow’s friends.

“I wonder where Rainbow Dash and Thunder Flash are; the wedding’s about to start!” Fluttershy quietly said.

“Maybe they just wanna show up fashionably late.” Applejack suggested.

“For their wedding? I don’t think so.” Rarity objected.

Celestia interrupted. “Now girls, I’m sure Rainbow Dash and her fiancée have a good reason to show up a little later than planned.” She reasoned.

They hoped she was right. It was 10:53.

Almost right on cue, the couple burst through the doors, panting and sweating, and wearing their saddlebags.

Twilight immediately gestured them along.

“Go, go! Get dressed!”

The two stared for a moment. “Oh right!” They said together.

They bolted off to the restrooms.


Everything was finally ready. Celestia and Flash were at the front, ready to begin. All they needed was the cue to start.

Tick…tick…tick…now. It was eleven o clock. Celestia gave a nod, and Rainbow Dash slowly proceeded up the center aisle, assisted by her father.

Wow, did he look interesting. Flash was confused on why he’d never saw Rainbow’s dad before.

Meanwhile, Rarity sat in the front row, watching the whole thing unfold. She had offered to watch Rainbow’s foals while the ceremony took place, and right now they were resting in her arms.

Once Celestia started the vows, Rarity heard a noise. She glanced over to her side to see Pinkie Pie snoring away against the back of the seat.

“I had no idea Pinkie Pie ever slept in her life.” Rarity whispered to Twilight, pointing to their pink friend. Twilight softly chuckled, and turned her attention back to the ceremony.

In fact, there wasn’t that much left to the ceremony. Rarity leaned over and whispered to Twilight again.

“Where do pegasi wear their wedding rings, anyway?” She asked.

“They wear them around the base of their right wing, against their body.” Twilight responded.

“What about unicorns?” Rarity asked.

Twilight stared at her for a moment, smiling. “Where do you think they go?”

Rarity thought for a moment. “Around our horns, I’m assuming?”

Twilight chuckled. “Exactly.”

Just then, Spitfire leaned forward between the two of them from the previous row.

“Could you two please quiet down? I kind of want to see this.” She politely asked.

Right around then, the ceremony was finishing up.

Celestia continued, “Thunder Flash, do you take Rainbow Dash for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?”

Thunder Flash turned and stared at Rainbow Dash. “I do.”

Celestia then turned to Rainbow Dash and repeated the same vow.

Rainbow stared at Flash the same way. “I do.”

“I now pronounce you, mare and colt.” Celestia finished with a smile. The two leapt forward and kissed each other deeply.

Meanwhile, Rarity's eyes were so misty, she couldn’t make out what was going on. Twilight handed her a tissue.


At the reception, Rainbow and Flash stood by the punch bowl while a mob of ponies came up and congratulated them. Over on the table near the altar, there was a mountain of gifts that were to be opened later.

Then, something happened that Rainbow Dash would never forget. Spitfire and Soarin approached them.

“Hey, you two! Congratulations!” Soarin exclaimed.

“Thanks!” They both replied simultaneously.

Spitfire turned to Rainbow Dash.

“So Rainbow, we’ve noticed a lot of amazing things you can do, and the potential you possess. And now you’re married to our new recruit!”

“Yeah, I’ve got it all!” Rainbow joked, and they all laughed.

Spitfire’s expression turned serious. “Rainbow Dash, would you like to join the Wonderbolts?” She asked.

Rainbow’s jaw went slack.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

It may not be for you, but for me that was a long space between updates, and for that I apologize. On the subject of space, I am in the process of revising the spacial errors in the previous story, 'Bad Luck'. Feel free to check that out!