• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 5,173 Views, 100 Comments

A Wish in Reality - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash's wish to have a family comes true. Sequel to Bad Luck.

  • ...

Slight Disruption

WARNING: This individual chapter is rated Teen.
WARNING II: This individual chapter is very short!

It was the morning of July 5th. Everypony was sleeping in, due to being up so late the previous night. Rainbow Dash's family was no exception.

Rainbow and Flash had taken the day off of weather duties, because of last night's festivities.

It was currently 9:30, and not surprisingly, Blaze was the first one awake.

He didn't want to disturb his parents, so he stayed in his room. He dug a magazine out from under his bed and began to read it.


Half an hour later, Rainbow and Flash groggily woke up. Despite sleeping in until ten, they were still worn out.

Rainbow Dash decided to enter the shower first. In the meantime, Flash trudged down the hall to check on the kids, starting with Starlight.

He peeked in her room. Wow, it turns out she's still sleeping.

Flash just KNEW Blaze was awake, so he headed to his room to announce breakfast time.

Blaze glanced up, saw Flash. and quickly shoved his magazine back under his bed.

Flash looked bewildered.

"Uh, Blaze? What were you read--"

"Nothing!" Blaze interrupted.

Flash frowned. "Now I'm really suspicious. Show me what you were reading!" He ordered.

"N...no!" Blaze stuttered.

Flash casually waltzed into Blaze's room, picked Blaze up with one hoof, and used the other hoof to search under his bed. Blaze squirmed the whole time.

"No, you can't look at that!" He begged.

"Watch me." Flash sternly replied. He searched around a little more, and pulled out a porn magazine. He stared at it in shock.

"Blaze...are you kidding me?!" Flash exclaimed.

Blaze looked down, embarrassed and defeated, as Flash flipped through the magazine.

"Why do you have this?"

Blaze looked up at his father. "It just looked interesting..." He whispered.

"Where did you even receive this type of reading material? Did a bunch of strange colts sell it to you?" Flash asked.

"No, I found it under mom's bed!" Blaze replied.

Flash's expression completely changed. His eyes went wide, as he gently put Blaze down, and apologized.

"Go find something to eat for breakfast. I have to have a talk with your mother..." Flash said devilishly.


Rainbow Dash had just left the shower, and was drying herself with a towel. She shook off the extra moisture, then looked up into the mirror. She adjusted her mane just the way she liked it, then went to open the door.

She jumped back a foot. Flash was waiting for her on their bed.

"Gee, Flash! You scared me!" Rainbow chuckled. "What's going on?"

"Oh nothing, except one thing. What's this?" He asked, holding up the explicit magazine.

Rainbow saw what he was holding, and a huge embarrassed blush crossed her face.

"W...where did you find that?" She stuttered quietly.

"Blaze was reading it, and told me he found it under your side of the bed." He answered.

Rainbow's face just kept getting redder. She buried her face in her hooves.

"Why do you own this reading material?" Flash asked.

Rainbow was stuttering, and couldn't find her words.

"Well?" Flash impatiently asked.

"W...well...it's been a really long time since we...you know...went at it. Sometimes I just get a little needy." Rainbow sheepishly responded.

Flash's expression went from stern to sympathetic. "Rainbow, all you had to do was ask, and I could have shown you a good time. It's no trouble at all. Sometimes it's what I need after a long day."

Rainbow looked up at him.

"In fact, I promise I'll 'go at it' with you on Saturday night. Deal?"

Rainbow smiled. "Deal."

Flash got up to go make breakfast. When he got out to the hall, he saw Blaze and Starlight standing there.

"Daddy?" Starlight asked.

"What is it?"

"What did mom mean by, 'going at it'?"

Flash sighed. "You'll find out when you're older, because believe me, you do NOT want to know now!" He answered.

-Friday afternoon-

Rainbow checked a day off the calendar. "Only one week left until our Wonderbolts show! I'm so excited!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Flash just got off the phone. He rushed over to Rainbow.

"Guess what? Princess Celestia reserved tickets for all your friends to see the show!" Flash announced.

"Awesome! Their jaws will be stuck to the floor when they see my spectacular performance!" Rainbow beamed, displaying her adorable ego once again. Flash stared at her, and sighed lovingly.

Rainbow glanced at him. "Hey, are you...admiring me? You're supposed to be applauding me!" Rainbow joked.

"Sorry, it's just that I think your ego is the cutest thing ever..." He sighed.

"Hey, you know I hate it when you say that!"

Rainbow slugged Flash playfully.

To be Continued...

Author Notes:

I am so, so, so, so, so sorry about how short this chapter is! I was going to sleep a couple nights ago, and this idea popped right into my head! I just couldn't sleep until I got this idea written down. Unfortunately, in the middle of writing the chapter, our computer got dismantled and replaced with a new one, so I lost my progress. After that I shortened the chapter. I hope it was good, because it was quite short, which I am so sorry about! I'm intending on the next chapter being the last one. And lastly, editing and revising on the previous story, Bad Luck, has been completed!