• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 5,172 Views, 100 Comments

A Wish in Reality - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash's wish to have a family comes true. Sequel to Bad Luck.

  • ...

A Miracle

Thunder Flash rode in the back of the ambulance with Rainbow Dash the entire trip. He wasn’t going anywhere else at a time like this, so he stayed right by her side the whole time.

She was still screaming and panting, just not as loud as before. Thunder Flash squeezed her hoof and tried to comfort her, with little efficiency. She seemed to be in a ton of pain right now.

Flash couldn’t stand to see her like this. He almost cried watching it. His throat was choked up as he tried to speak.

“Are you doing okay so far?”

“What……does it look like?!” Rainbow replied with a raised voice.

Flash understood why, because if he were going through something like this, it would be impossible for him to whisper. It would almost be like yelling in a library, you couldn’t no matter how much you wanted to.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. One of the medics came around back and opened the doors.

“Sir, please step aside.” He ordered.


“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I said no.” Flash stated. He was not changing his mind.

“Fine then, have it your way.” The medic gave up and came around back to lift Rainbow’s stretcher out of the ambulance. Another medic hoisted her into a wheel chair, and they entered the hospital with Thunder Flash close behind.


Twilight yawned, and woke up, scratching her head. She sat up and opened her eyes.

“GAH!!!” She screamed in surprise. Pinkie Pie stood right at the foot of her bed.

“Twilight, I have to tell you something!” Pinkie said, almost as if she were in a panic.

“How did you get in here?” Twilight asked, still affected by the shock.

“Your door was unlocked. Now you have to listen to me!” She answered.

“How did I forget to lock the door? That’s the first thing I do every night!”

“Twilight, listen to me! My Pinkie Sense told me something’s wrong with Rainbow Dash! It’s something to do with her…condition.”

Twilight sighed. “It most likely means it’s time.”

“What do mean by ‘time’?” Pinkie asked, confused.

“It means Rainbow Dash is having her foals! Gather up all of our friends and meet me at the hospital!”

Pinkie stared at her, her jaw on the floor.

“Don’t just stand there, go!”

Pinkie ran out the door, while Twilight quickly woke up Spike and Fluttershy. She told them what was going on, and to head for the hospital at once. They both had the same reaction as Pinkie did.


Flash stood in the hospital room next to Rainbow Dash, holding her hoof and encouraging her. He knew she was going to handle this like she handled everything else. Quickly and easily, like nothing had ever happened. That’s one of the things he loved about her.

The doctor was at the other end of the bed, assisting Rainbow Dash. Just then, a nurse walked in.

“Mister Thunder Flash? You have company.” The nurse stated. She took one look at Rainbow Dash, and fainted on the floor. Flash and the doctor broke into laughter. However, Rainbow Dash didn’t, because she hadn’t opened her eyes yet.

“No, don’t come in! It’s not pretty in here, to say the least.” Flash called to the others standing outside.

“Well now what?” Pinkie asked in disappointment. She was slightly cut off by another scream.

“Easy, we don’t go in. We wait for it to be over.” Rarity answered. “I’d probably end up like that nurse if I went in there.” She shuddered slightly. She couldn’t stand scenes like that.


After about twenty minutes, the doctor announced that the first foal had been born. He announced the time and date: 8:56 AM on January 24, 2012.

Now Rainbow Dash could rest a little before she had to begin with the second one. The doctor handed the filly to Thunder Flash, who took it carefully. He stared down at it, smiling. The filly smiled back and giggled. She had Rainbow Dash’s mane and tail, but the colors were a slightly darker shade. Her color was a deep indigo. She had his eyes, which were orange.

Thunder Flash thought the five friends outside deserved to have a look, so he carried the filly outside for them to see. You could easily hear the giggles and the noises of admiration from in the room.

A couple seconds later, Flash poked his head in the door.

“Dashie? I know you can handle this one, so I’m going to stay outside. These five won’t let me leave!” Flash laughed. He knew they didn’t want to take their eyes off his daughter.


Still holding the filly, Flash stayed outside and conversed with Rainbow’s friends.

“So are you gonna marry Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

“Pinkie, shush! You can’t ask him something like that.” Twilight scolded.

“No, it’s fine. I actually was going to.” Flash cut in.

All five of them looked at him in pure astonishment. He laughed and said what Rainbow Dash had said a couple weeks ago.

“What, did I step in something?” He joked.

“Wow, seriously? Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked him.

“Sure, why not? She already lives with me, and we’ve been dating for over two years now. Heck, I already have a son and daughter!” He answered.

The six of them could hear another loud scream come from Rainbow Dash.

“Did ya get rings ‘fer the two of ya?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, and they cost me a fortune. That’s a thousand bits each.” Flash replied.

Twilight was dumbfounded. “Where did you get that kind of money?” She asked curiously.

“I won a lottery a couple weeks back, and never told anypony. I was going to wait to tell Rainbow Dash.”

“What kind of rings are they?” Twilight asked.

“They’re diamond rings. They were twenty carats each.”

Now it was Rarity’s turn to be amazed. “Wow dear, that’s amazing! Such gems like that must be hard to come by!”

Just then, a couple nurses rushed by, carrying a stretcher with a stallion on it. He had a cracked skull, and there was blood everywhere. Rarity gagged, but the others simply ignored it.

“When are you planning on proposing to her?” Fluttershy asked.

“I will this weekend, after we’ve settled in with the foals. Do you know we still don’t have names for them yet?”

“I know how you feel. Did you know I didn’t have a name until I was six?” Rarity chimed in.

Flash gasped slightly. “Yeah, that is weird!”

Twilight jumped in. “How are you planning on proposing to her? Do you have anything planned?”

Flash didn’t answer. He reached in his coat pocket and pulled out four cruise line tickets. All of them stared in astonishment again. “That lottery gave me enough bits to pay for me, Rainbow, and our foals! It’s going to be awesome!”

“Great! I hope you guys have fun!” Twilight said, congratulating him.

Just then, they heard the doctor announce the birth of the colt. The time and date was 9:28 AM on January 24, 2012. Flash and the others entered, and the doctor handed Flash the colt.

The colt had his mane and tail, a darker shade of yellow. His color was an extremely bright shade of blue, close to white. Lastly, he had Rainbow Dash’s eyes, which were magenta. The colt also giggled when he saw Flash.

Thunder Flash handed both the filly and the colt to Rainbow Dash. The two twins yawned, cuddled up against Rainbow Dash, and fell asleep in her arms. Rainbow and Flash finally felt complete.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

I just wanted to point something out. If anyone has anything to say about spacing or grammar, could they be more specific? It'll really help with my story editing. Thanks!