• Published 31st Dec 2015
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Second Chances, Many Changes - ASGeek2012

I used to be a human girl named Rachel. Now some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos" (who surely has an ulterior motive) decided to "rescue" me from my fate and give me a second chance. Yeah, being a pastel pony in an insane world is SO much better.

  • ...

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Chapter 15 - Last Chances

My hooves dragged as I trotted back to the castle, and my head remained bowed, as if Fluttershy's silence weighed me down. The quiet finally became too oppressive to ignore, my stomach too twisted by the words which had fought to escape my lips since we had left the boutique. "I didn't mean to hurt her."

"I know."

I swallowed hard, and pain flared briefly from the dryness of my throat. Fluttershy had not hesitated in her response. Perfunctory or sincere? I couldn't tell. No matter what she had said, the sadness in her voice conveyed far more. "I don't hate her or anything like that."

"I know."

I clenched my teeth against the urge to rage at her. Could she not offer some other insight? Why was I even bothering, given what Chrysalis had said about her? Every action I took only reinforced the changeling queen's accusation: I was not one of them, and I did not belong. "I don't want to hurt anypony."

"I know that, too."

I stopped and demanded, "How do you know that?"

Fluttershy turned towards me. "I'm sorry?"

"You keep saying 'I know' to everything I've said! How do you know?"

"It's just something I sense in you. I know you'd never intentionally hurt anypony."

So maybe that was the answer: Fluttershy was indeed gullible.

Why did I think that? Did acceptance of Chrysalis' words have to come at the expense of hurting others? All I wanted to do was escape to a better place, even if I were no longer sure how to define that. Escape to where? Home? I had initially escaped from there. Would shedding a piece of jewelry really mean a better life back there?

Was it so bad to want to remove myself from a world that had never been intended for me, and to return something that really never belonged to me? Wouldn't that just fix things by putting them back the way they were? Once I was gone, these ponies would move on. I would move on.


God, that voice and its simple and innocent concern. She might as well have been Michelle in pony form. All my attempts to deny the resemblance had crumbled to dust. "I'm fine," I said, averting my eyes.

"No, you're not."

I trembled. "You ... you really have no idea, Fluttershy. Seriously, you don't."

"Then tell me."

I let out a ragged breath. "I'm not a monster."

Fluttershy uttered a tiny gasp. "Candy, I--"

"I'm not. I just feel like sometimes I-I'm acting like one because I have to fix something that's terribly broken, and I don't know any other way to do it. And you have no idea what that feels like."

"Yes, I do."

My gaze snapped back to hers, and my mouth opened to deliver a retort. The words died before reaching my lips when I looked into her earnest and glistening eyes.

"I really do," Fluttershy said with a small sigh. "I hurt ponies who were my friends. I didn't think I deserved them anymore after that. I even tried to lock myself away from them."

My heart thumped.

"But that wasn't the answer. Locking yourself away is never the answer. Despite how I hurt them, they still cared for me and helped me realize this."

"A-and they forgave you?" I said in a tiny voice.

"Yes. But more importantly, I forgave myself."

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Candy, we all make mistakes," said Fluttershy. "Maybe that sounds trite, but it's true. I felt so bad when I hurt my friends. I was supposed to be an Element-bearer. I was supposed to be above such things. But it doesn't work that way."

I had no reply. Conflicting emotions spun like whirlwinds in my head. Chrysalis' words, Fluttershy's words ... what was true anymore?

I felt her wrap a foreleg around me. "Candy, I won't force you to reveal what's behind your pain. Just ... please promise me you won't lock yourself away from everypony else."

That was a promise I could not make, but I made it anyway. I nodded and said in a barely audible, quavering voice, "I p-promise."

Fluttershy pulled me into a hug, and for once I let myself believe that maybe I deserved it.

I rushed off to my room upon returning to the castle long enough to shed a few of the tears I had repressed in Fluttershy's presence. Even then, my emotions still ran on a ragged edge, raw and hurting like a wound that refused to close. Yet I had no time or energy for such sentiment. I had to get through the rest of the day and somehow keep my head screwed on straight. The morning had forced upon me one clear thought, however: maybe Chrysalis had been wrong about a few things.

I sat on my haunches on the bed. Aching body and heart compelled me to lean forward and rest my head on my folded fore-legs. I closed my eyes not to nap but to recapture that moment of clarity by replaying the meeting with Chrysalis before my mind's eye.

She had called me a scared little not-pony. Had I been too emotionally overwrought to think logically? Had I let her words sway me too easily? Yet even viewed in light of the burning memory of Rarity's tears, they still enticed me. Maybe I needed to take a step back.

My eyes snapped open at the sound of a knock at the door.

"Miss Swirl?" said a male voice from the hall. "May I speak with you for a moment?"

I raised my head. The voice sounded like it could be one of my guards. I trotted to the door and opened it, revealing an armored pegasus. He smiled and said, "Good day, Miss Swirl. Do you recognize me?"

He did look familiar, but I was unsure enough that I shook my head.

"My name is Strong Wing. I am one of the guards who was assigned to Queen Chrysalis last night when you met her on the balcony."

"Oh, um, yes, I think I remember," I said. Vaguely, anyway. Neither of her guards had spoken during that incident. However, I did remember the name. Twilight had mentioned him at breakfast. Something about chasing down the changeling that had tried to get into the castle.

"I would like to speak with you for a few moments, if that's okay?" asked Strong Wing.

I glanced past him and saw my own guards standing vigil as they always did, taking no exception to this pegasus' presence. "Um, sure, I guess so."

"May I come in?"

I nodded and stood aside. He stepped into the room, and I closed the door behind him. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, Miss Swirl, I wanted to apologize."

"Er ... come again?"

"For last night. For allowing Queen Chrysalis to upset you."

"Oh, um ..."

"Even though neither myself nor my fellow guards could hear what was being said, it was clear you were upset. Perhaps we should have been more adamant in our objections to leaving you alone with her."

In retrospect, I was surprised they had acquiesced to my request. Maybe it would have been better had they not. Either way, it was hardly his fault. I didn't need yet another pony suffering in some way because of me. "It's fine. I'm okay."

"At the very least, Miss Swirl, I could have warned you about her nature."

I tilted my head. "Her nature?"

Strong Wing nodded, and I blinked as I ...


... have no breath with which to scream. The horn jutting from the head of this horrid monster erupts in sickly green light which strikes my eyes. My already tortured mind offers little resistance ...


... caught a flicker of ...

Reality slowed, blurred, and re-coalesced.

"Queen Chrysalis tends to be a bit abrasive," said Strong Wing. "Perhaps a bit pushy and overbearing, and maybe engages in some hyperbole, but she usually has a very good point buried in her rhetoric."

Whatever had momentarily distracted me was gone, perhaps a figment of my emotional exhaustion. My initial protest vanished from my head, but I narrowed my eyes slightly and demanded, "How do you know this?"

"It's my duty to understand those whom I protect," said Strong Wing. "Or in this case, from whom I need to protect others. That's what I uncovered in my research about her."

I paused a long moment, my thoughts struggling like a swimmer against the tide. "But ... wh-why tell me this?"

Strong Wing smiled. "Just common courtesy, Miss Swirl. I would not want you to be put off by Queen Chrysalis' tone when her message could very well be of significant import to you."

When my mind had finally lurched back into gear, his words made some sense. Had I not just been thinking I needed to take a step back? Perhaps I had simply let Chrysalis' bombast threaten to obscure the message. I needed a way out, and I needed to give up the pendant; nothing had changed that. Chrysalis could still give me what--

Pain again flared behind my temples, and I rubbed a hoof against the side of my head. My heart raced suddenly, and the memory ... no, figment ... of green light flitted across my mental landscape. Slowly, I nodded. "Thank you, I appreciate you thinking of me. I have to admit, she did intimidate me a bit."

Strong Wing chuckled. "Yes, she does tend to do that. Princess Celestia can seem a little intimidating sometimes as well, but she simply has a more easy-going conversational style than Queen Chrysalis."

I smiled slightly. "That is very true."

"There is one last thing. Queen Chrysalis asked me to convey a message to you. She would be pleased if you were to grace the summit this afternoon with your presence."

My heart lurched. "But I thought she said she would give me a whole--!" I clamped my mouth shut.

"What shall I tell her, Miss Swirl?"

The headache was slow to abate, and my heart still pounded. I hated making a decision in this state, but what choice did I have?

"Miss Swirl?" Strong Wing prompted.

I sighed and lowered my hoof. "Tell her ... t-tell her I'll be there."

Strong Wing smiled and nodded. "She will be happy to hear that. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me, Miss Swirl." He started for the door. "I am glad I was able to help."

I simply nodded.

"I'll let myself out. Take care."

The door opened and closed, and he was gone.

Strong Wing's timely visit could help me focus better if I took his words to heart. That same heart still ached from how I had hurt Rarity, and how I had troubled Fluttershy, but all I had to do to lessen the sting was accept the guard's words. And yet ... Chrysalis had forced a deadline upon me. Perhaps that was for the best. The sooner I could remove myself from Equestria, the sooner I could stop hurting others and--

The sickly green glow permeated my thoughts again. My surroundings shimmered, as if incorporeal. Images flickered into brief coherence, only to escape discernment when I turned my mind's eye towards them. Until reality had recrystallized a moment later, I saw Michelle's apartment like in my--

I shook my head violently. The distractions needed to stop. I had a path forward, and I needed to follow it.

I just wished my head would stop hurting.

Not long after did I have another visitor. The relief which swept over me upon seeing Spike dissipated when Twilight stepped into view as well.

"Heya, Candy!" Spike called out, smiling.

"Hello, Candy," Twilight said in a more subdued voice, though the tiny smile that graced her muzzle seemed sincere.

"Um, hi," I said. I looked down at Spike. "Is it time for the tour you promised me?"

"Not quite," he said. "It's getting close to lunch, so there's not quite enough time for that, but there is just enough time for Twilight to take another look at your pendant."


"Then we can have lunch, and then I can take you on the tour!"

I should have expected this. Spike was Twilight's assistant, so naturally he had to defer to her wishes.

"This will not take long at all," said Twilight. "You can stay in the lab just like you did before. Feel free to ask me whatever you want about the process. You won't distract me, I can multitask well."

My heart thumped. Twilight might finally take my pendant away. Sure, one problem solved, but then I was still stuck in Equestria with these ponies knowing that I was an alien thanks to Chrysalis' threats.

Threats. Yes, Chrysalis had threatened me. Why did I not think that was significant? Well ... like Strong Wing had said ... all part of her abrasiveness ... but she had tried to bully me into ... no, I had to stop getting distracted!

My head twinged briefly again.

"If you do this for Twilight, I'll give you extra daffodils again with lunch!" said Spike.

"Again, Spike?" Twilight said with a small smirk.

"Ack! Not a second bribe! First bribe I ever gave her, I swear!"

I wished I didn't like Spike so much. "All right, I'll do it."

Twilight's smile became more natural. "Then just follow me."

"See ya in the dining hall afterward," Spike called out, waving as he left.

We proceeded into her lab in silence. It appeared more or less as it had before, save for the missing cushion on the floor. As soon as she had magicked the door closed behind us, however, she levitated a cushion into place, this time closer to the pedestal.

"If you would be so kind as to place your pendant here, please, Candy," Twilight said, nodding her head towards the pedestal.

I took a deep breath and did as she requested before sitting on the cushion.

Twilight lighted her horn. "So what I am attempting to do is check for lingering thaumic resonances that may tell me where in Equestria this was created. The magic field which permeates this world varies in power and texture depending on location, and the structure of the ley lines ..."

I let it all slide over my head. The technical details no longer mattered. As I watched her weave her spells, my thoughts reiterated Chrysalis' words: the Princess of Magic? An alicorn? Unable to perform such a simple magical feat?

"Twilight?" I asked.

"Mmm?" Twilight murmured as she levitated a piece of paper and quill into view.

"Is this fairly complex magic you're doing?"

Twilight scratched a note onto the paper. "Yes, actually. Trying to tease details like these out of the more overwhelming magical aura of the object is always a challenge."

I nodded slowly. My tail twitched. "But do you think you can do it?"

Her eyes narrowed on the pendant, the glow of her horn brightening as she jotted down another note. "I do believe I can, yes."

"So ... what about ... what about the binding magic?"

Twilight paused and turned her head towards me. "Come again?"

"The binding magic," I said a bit more forcefully. "That's complex, too, right?"

"Well, yes, but--"

"So I thought maybe you should be able to do that, too."

Twilight put down the paper and quill. "Candy, is there something else you want to ask me?"

What was prompting me to do this? Was I trying to make Twilight suspect I knew the truth? Or at least the truth as Chrysalis had presented it? "Um ... no, not really."

"I think there is."

I tensed for a moment. "All right, fine. Why can't you break the binding magic yourself on the pendant?"

"I told you, it would take a great deal of research and--"

"Yet you can cast the spells you're doing now like it's nothing!"

"We're talking about two different things."

"But you're the Princess of Magic! Aren't you powerful enough to do it?"

Twilight sighed. "I am not all-powerful. There are limits on what I can do. Everypony has limits."

"Even Princess Celestia?"

"Even her, yes."

"But she can move the sun!" I cried. "She can't do this?!"

Twilight trotted over to me. "Candy, what prompted this?"

I swallowed. "N-nothing, I just ..."

"Did somepony tell you I should be able to do this? Or that Princess Celestia could?"

"No," I snapped.

"Are you su--?"

"Yes, I'm sure!"

Twilight paused before she said in a soft voice, "Is there something you want to talk to me about?"

God, I was so fucking tired of hearing that question, or any number of its sickening variants. My pent up frustration and pain would surely explode if I tried to answer her. I refused to hurt anypony else before I could remove myself as their problem.

Twilight sat down next to me. "Candy, you need to understand, we're all here to help you."

I trembled and looked away.

"We all want to be your friends."

My ears flattened against my head.

"Have you at least given Rarity and Fluttershy a chance?"

I sighed. "Is that what they were summoned to do?"

Twilight paused. "Summoned?"

"Y-you heard what I said," I said in a quavering voice. "Were they summoned to do this by some ... s-some magical device?"

Twilight sighed. "You saw the Cutie Map."

"You mean that thing in the council room?" I said softly, but with a slight acid edge to my voice. "Yes."

"You're completely misinterpreting the situation."

I turned my head towards her. "How? Are you saying they weren't chosen somehow?"

"Yes, they were, but that doesn't make their feelings any less genuine towards you."

I just stared at her.

"It could have chosen any of us, and we all would have done the same for you," said Twilight. "And we're still all willing to help, even those of us who have not been chosen. You're not just some task to be completed, or a problem to be solved, Candy. Even when the Map decides Rarity and Fluttershy need to do something else, they're not going to simply wash their hooves of you. The Map is a catalyst for friendship, not a match-maker of the moment. Which also means it can't do everything. You have to be willing."

It all came back to me again. I had to take the next step. I had to bridge the gap.

Chrysalis had said they were all lying to me. Strong Wing said Chrysalis could go overboard. What of Chrysalis' words was I supposed to believe? Just the part about giving up the pendant? Or of going home? Or of not fitting in?

Did Twilight just blow her chance to help me with the pendant? She had to have that much power, either her or Celestia! This was a stupid fairy-tale world where magic solved everything! Or maybe friendship solved everything. Or maybe next they'll tell me something even more insane, that friendship is magic here.

Or Chrysalis was wrong ...

I closed my eyes, hoping for clarity again, but all that came to me was Rarity in the boutique, emotionally wounded from my rejection of her, and the concerned face of Fluttershy uttering those words that still echoed in my head: locking yourself away is never the answer.

Memory flickered in harsh clarity: the weeks after my mother's death and railing at how unfair and cruel it had been; the long weeks after Michelle's death and my endless self-recrimination at how I should have seen it, and the barely healing wounds of my mother's death reopened; my arrival in a strange land in an even stranger body knowing nothing of what to say or do. None of it had ever sent me into such depths of emotional turmoil. My psyche felt like it had been split, and the two sides played against each other.

I felt Twilight's hoof on my shoulder. "Maybe we should do this another day," she said softly. "I'm sorry I was so insistent."

I opened my eyes and blinked away tears. I nodded, my throat too tight for words. I rose and took the pendant back, letting the clasp close itself. It had paused, as if even it were reluctant now, sensing I had rejected it.

"Do you need me to tell Spike you can't--"

"No," I rasped. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. "I ... I still want to have lunch with him and go on that tour. I could use the distraction."

Twilight nodded and stood. "The summit is not until three. If you need to talk to me, come find me. I'll be in the main hall preparing for the summit."

"Thank you," I said softly.

I thought I would need time alone to calm down, but the sight of Spike and his cheery disposition lightened my heart enough to keep the emotional tide at bay. I actually managed a small smile as he slid the tray before me, reminding me of the island of calm that lunch had been the day before amidst the ocean of turmoil and confusion.

The generous application of daffodils to my tray also helped.

He hopped into a chair opposite me, a tray of precious stones before him. "So how'd it go with Twilight? She find anything about the pendant?"

His tone and casual stance betrayed no indication he even suspected my near emotional breakdown. "It didn't go quite as well as it could have, no," I said in a soft voice.

"Aw, that's too bad. She was hoping to confirm that theory of hers."

I wondered if I might be able to wheedle out of him the bits of Twilight's theory that she wouldn't tell me, but I didn't need any more guilt. "She thought we could try again another time."

"She'll figure it out," said Spike with a smile as he popped a gem into his mouth. "She's a smart pony. Like you."

"Like ... um ... I'm not terribly smart, trust me."

"Aw, sure you are!"

"I really don't feel like it."

Spike waved a claw. "Eh, knowing lots of stuff is not the same."

I paused. "I beg your pardon?"

"Er ... what I mean is ... you can be smart, but not know a lot of facts. Ah, I don't mean you don't know a lot of facts, just that ... some ponies don't!"

I considered for a moment, chewing slowly on a piece of asparagus. "Well, I guess maybe I don't know as many things as most ponies. I was on my own for awhile, and I wasn't exactly going to school during that time."

"So, there, see?" said Spike. "Hardly your fault."

That was debatable. I did stay in school during my time following my mother's death, but my head was not there. A's and B's had fallen to D's and F's in the space of a single semester. After Michelle's death, education ceased to be a priority.

"Um, so," Spike said cautiously. "If I happen to mention anything you don't get, you can just ask me, okay?"

But why should I spoil it now? I needed to maintain the illusion for only a little longer. Then it simply wouldn't matter anymore.

If I went through with it.

I smiled faintly at Spike. "It's okay. Sometimes I just like to listen and not have to think all that much. That's all."

"Hey, no problem! Anyway, it would be a good idea to get lunch out of the way so we have time for that tour. You, um, still want to do that, right?"

"I do," I said. "I'm looking forward to it."

I wanted to go home. I didn't want to hurt anypony. I wanted to rid myself of the pendant.

No matter what I did, I couldn't have it all, even if I followed Chrysalis to the ends of Equestria. My thoughts ran in tumultuous circles, going nowhere useful, and I had no idea why. The summit hurtled at me from the rapidly closing window of time, robbing me of any further options.

Spike had hinted at breakfast that he wanted to take me somewhere. I had assumed it had to do with Chrysalis, but that theory was dead once Strong Wing conveyed the changeling queen's wishes to me. Maybe this would be what I needed to help clear my head and make the path obvious. It had to be.

It was my last chance.

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