• Published 31st Dec 2015
  • 23,247 Views, 2,461 Comments

Second Chances, Many Changes - ASGeek2012

I used to be a human girl named Rachel. Now some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos" (who surely has an ulterior motive) decided to "rescue" me from my fate and give me a second chance. Yeah, being a pastel pony in an insane world is SO much better.

  • ...

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Chapter 47 - Don't Talk Back

After giving the dress to the customer and accepting her bits in return, I showed her to the door and stood there as she headed away. My gaze darted about, lingering on any area that could be used to hide a little pony, narrowing my eyes whenever I believed I saw movement where there should be none. Satisfied that this round turned up empty, I withdrew into the boutique, only to see Mom standing in front of the counter, one eyebrow raised.

I turned away from the door. "What?"

"That's the third time you've done that this morning," Mom said.

I trotted back to the counter. "So I'm not allowed to apply a little personal touch?"

"That's not what I mean, and you know it."

I rolled my eyes. "How about you try being followed around by somepony for several days and see how paranoid it makes you."

Mom sighed. "And why are you so sure you're being followed?"

"Because I have sort of an instinct for it. Remember what my situation was like back on my world. If I didn't have that, I would've been dead long before I wound up in that alley."

Mom's expression softened. "I suppose I see your point, but I do hope you're not worried about somepony trying to hurt you."

"I'm more worried about Cherry."

Mom gave me a nonplussed look. "Cherry? Why?"

"Because I know her! She won't leave well enough alone. She's going to get herself mixed up in this whole thing with Spoiled Rich. I wouldn't be surprised if Diamond Tiara was the one following me."

Mom frowned. "Likely not, given how much her family likes to delegate tasks to others, especially if it involves getting their hooves dirty. Regardless, perhaps you're a little more worried than you ought to be. Twilight has pledged to keep Cherry's origins a secret for the time being. Even Applejack was willing to go along with that."

If that wasn't a tell-tale sign of how much Spoiled Rich had irritated other ponies outside her own little circle -- that the bearer of the Element of Honesty agreed to keep something secret from her -- I didn't know what was. "I really wish Matilda hadn't started all this."

"I would say, then, that this is her fight, not yours."

I wasn't fighting for any side. I had my own lingering resentments towards changelings; whether or not they were rational was beside the point. I didn't like the idea of a changeling taking up residence in Ponyville, but I didn't have an axe to grind about it. But other residents might, since Spoiled Rich had made sure everypony who would listen knew what was going on. Even if the decision ultimately rested with Mayor Mare or the Town Council, public sentiment could likely sway their decision.

I just didn't want to see that sentiment also sway against Cherry.

Mom turned towards a corner of the room where a vase of flowers sat upon a pedestal. "At the risk of subjecting you to being followed again, I do need you to head to the marketplace."

"No, that's fine," I said. "What do you need?"

Mom levitated the vase. "I need you to get me new flower arrangements for the boutique."

I eyed the bright yellow and white flowers in the vase as she brought it over. "They look okay to me."

"Yes, for summer. Fall is rapidly approaching, and these will look completely out of place against my fall fashions. And don't look at me like that."

I grinned. "I'm not," I said, even though I was.

"Bring me an arrangement of deep reds with some muted gold, but not so muted that they don't stand out. Unless you're forced to go with a paler red, then instead of the gold, you should opt for--"

I sighed as I snatched paper and quill from under the counter and levitated them before me. "I better write this down ..."

With saddlebags in tow and Mom's list of flower requirements in my magical grip, the lower edge of which trailed on the ground, I cast a wary gaze about me as I entered the marketplace. I really hoped I could just hand the list to the flower ponies and have them do the rest.

I found two of the three -- Lily and Daisy -- tending to the plants they had out on display. Before I could trot over and take advantage of the lack of any line, I spotted Fluttershy standing before the announcement board, her face a mask of worry. I trotted over to her. "Hey, Fluttershy."

She turned her head and smiled. "Hello, Candy, how are you?"

"I've been doing pretty good. Um, sorry I haven't been by much lately, it's just--"

She held up a hoof. "No need to apologize. I understand. Are you looking forward to starting high school?"

"Eh, yes and no."

Fluttershy chuckled. My teenage propensities never seemed to bother her. "I'm sure you'll do fine."

I glanced at the board. "So, something up?"

Fluttershy's smile faded slightly as she turned towards the board. Usually, all I saw there was the weather schedule, lost and found notifications, and announcements of upcoming festivals. This time, what drew my eye was a rather large poster with the words "TOWN HALL MEETING" in tall, bold letters.

"I don't like attending those," Fluttershy said. "Too many ponies shouting, and nopony ever hears what I have to say. I usually stay home, but ... um, well ..."

She gestured at it with a wing, but I was already reading it: Citizens of Ponyville! Make your voice heard! Tell the Council how you will NOT stand for dangerous creatures living in our midst! Remind them that the changelings are the ENEMY! Come and show your support for Concerned Citizen's Petition #2731 (On the opposition to a changeling moving into Ponyville)

I frowned. "Is this Spoiled Rich's doing?"

Fluttershy sighed. "Yes. I really wish she wouldn't act so unkind. I mean, I'm nervous about Kevin moving here, too, but, well, I'm willing to give it a try."

"Does Twilight know about this?"

"Yes, but she's had so many events and crises to deal with recently that she needs a break," said Fluttershy. "And, well, there's already some friction between her and Mayor Mare."

"Friction? What kind of friction?"

"It started back at the summit with Chrysalis," said Fluttershy. "Mayor Mare felt she wasn't consulted enough when the location switched to Ponyville. And, well, the bit with the yaks didn't help. So Twilight doesn't want to be seen as using her influence too much."

I sighed and ran a hoof through my mane.

"Candy, what do you think about this?"

I wished she hadn't asked me that. The memory of the emotional pain inflicted upon me by Sevfivtoo tried to push me into the opinion that I'd rather see him go elsewhere. Yet I could no more forget that Cherry was alive because of a changeling's selfless sacrifice than I could forget my own name, old or new.

Fluttershy looked away. "Maybe I shouldn't have asked that."

"No, it's fine," I said. "I ... I don't know. I kinda want to just take a step back and let others decide, you know? I'm underage, anyway, so I doubt I'd have much influence."

"Cherry is considered an adult, though," said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, don't remind me." I glanced at the meeting notice. "Well, I have to get flowers for Mom, I'll see you later."

Fluttershy smiled. "See you, Candy."

I cantered back to the flower shop, only to skid to a halt when I found that they already had a customer. I trotted over to stand in line. I slowed my approach as I noticed the hourglass cutie mark of the brown stallion who stood in front of me.

"Um, can you be a little more specific about what you want, Doctor?" Lily said.

Doctor Whooves' eyes darted towards the shop as if looking for something. "I'm not sure I can, my dear. I'm afraid I'm not very good at this."

"Picking out flower arrangements?" said Daisy.

"Yes. No! That is ... er ... it's a bit complicated, you see."

Lily smiled. "Perhaps if you tell us what occasion this is for?"

Doctor Whooves swallowed. "Ah, well ... not so much for an occasion as for a pony."

"Oo, this is for your marefriend?" Daisy cooed.

"No!" the Doctor cried. "I mean, I don't ... she's a friend, and, well, she's a mare, so, ah, I suppose she technically qualifies under the very broad definition of the word. Assuming a strict literal translation of the root word components, that is."

Lily and Daisy exchanged a confused look.

Doctor Whooves sighed. "I'm not making much sense, am I?"

"I have an idea," said Daisy. "Let me go fetch Roseluck."

The Doctor's pupils shrank. "Er ... well .... I-I don't want to bother the young lady, you see."

Daisy smiled. "Oh, it's no bother, she's just in the back taking inventory."

Lily nodded. "Yes, she's the best with arrangements for friends and romantic partners."

Doctor Whooves blushed. "Oh, but she's not--! I mean, this marefr ... friend who by pure circumstance happens to be a mare is not--!"

"Now, no worries, Doctor, we'll get this sorted out," said Daisy. "Lily, can you wait on Miss Swirl? Looks like she's got Rarity's seasonal arrangement rule list with her."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you," I said as I levitated the list over to Lily.

Lily smiled as she took the list in hoof. "No worries at all. I'll be back soon."

Both ponies left. Doctor Hooves turned to me with a nervous smile. "So, ah, Miss Swirl, we meet again."

"Um, yeah, we do," I said in a hesitant voice.

"Nice weather we're having, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess."

The Doctor glanced back towards the shop. "What a stroke of odd luck that it would be Roseluck who's the best at this sort of thing." He suddenly laughed. "Ah! Luck! Roseluck! A little unintentional pun, it would seem. Jolly good!"

I just nodded and stared.

I heard a clop of hooves in the distance as Roseluck came around the back of the shop alongside Daisy. Doctor Hooves suddenly looked like a deer caught in the headlights and yanked out a pocket-watch. "Great whickering stallions, look at the time! I'm late!"

I tilted my head. "For what?"

"For everything, Miss Swirl! All time is relative, remember that. Anyway, I'm off!"

Yeah, in more ways than one. I watched as he galloped away.

Daisy spoke in a low voice as she and Roseluck approached. "So I'm thinking maybe you can find out from him who the lucky ... um ..." Both ponies looked around. "Where did the Doctor go?"

"He, uh, had to leave suddenly," I said.

"Well, that's too bad," said Roseluck. "I was looking forward to seeing him again. He seemed nice enough when I met him at the wedding. Oh, well."

I glanced at the announcement board. "Hey, uh, did you happen to see my friend Cherry at all today?"

"Oh, yes, actually," said Roseluck with a smile.

"She stopped and talked to us for a bit," said Daisy.

"Did you see where she went?" I asked.

"Just the general direction," said Roseluck, lifting a hoof.

I frowned. Town Hall was that way.

"Something the matter?" asked Daisy.

Other than my friend trying to get in over her head? "No, nothing," I said with a sigh.

With my saddlebags stuffed with flowers, I should have headed straight back to the boutique, but I had to satisfy my curiosity. Unfortunately, that creepy sensation of being watched accompanied me as well. I soon spotted Cherry up ahead, trotting in my direction. She smiled and quickened her pace when she saw me. "Hello, Candy. Those flowers look nice. What's the occasion?"

I glanced past her. "Cherry, were you in Town Hall just now?"

Cherry hesitated. "What difference does that make?"

"It makes all the difference in the world!"

Cherry sighed. "You do not need to know everything I do every moment of the day."

"Look, you've been a pony for--" I caught myself and looked around. Too many opportunities presented themselves for a little pony kid to hide. I lowered my voice and leaned close to her. "You've been a pony for all of a few weeks, and you're trying to stir up the pot!"

"Why are you whispering?" Cherry said in a normal voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Please, just don't talk openly about yourself right now, okay?"

"Eventually, I want to stop hiding who I am," said Cherry. "Or what I am, or how I got here. Everypony in Ponyville knows your story."

"Yes, but mine didn't involve changelings!" I hissed through clenched teeth. I face-hoofed. "Let me rephrase that."

Cherry lay a hoof on my shoulder. "No, I get it. I'm not going to do anything foolish, you know that."

"Right, you've never done anything foolish before, like when you wanted to help the druggies in the worst neighborhood ever," I deadpanned.

Cherry dropped her hoof and frowned. "Don't go there, please."

"Then why are you going there?!"

"Do you even have any idea what I did just now at Town Hall?"

I jabbed a hoof at her. "Ha! I knew I was right! You did go there."

"For all of your gained maturity, Candy, you sometimes still act like a child."

I drew back a step. "That wasn't fair."

"Neither is your treatment of me," Cherry declared. "The reason I went to Town Hall is to formally register myself as a resident of Ponyville. You know, because of the little fact that I'm eighteen, so that makes me an adult in their eyes, and they like to know who the town's citizens are for legal reasons."

"Oh," I said in a small voice.

Cherry gave me a tiny smile. "Candy, I appreciate how much you care for me, but you cannot feel like you have to protect me."

I narrowed my eyes. "You know about the Town Hall Meeting, right?"

"Yes, I found out about it in the marketplace earlier today. I was there when the notice was put up." Cherry paused. "I know what you're thinking. I had every intention of coming to Town Hall to do exactly what I said."

"And, conveniently, registered citizens can attend Town Hall meetings."

Cherry said nothing and lowered her head slightly.

"You're going to that meeting, aren't you?" I demanded.


I sighed. "And you're going to speak against the petition."

"Of course I am," said Cherry. "Why wouldn't I?"

I shook my head. "Cherry, please ..."

"Kevin does not deserve to be treated this way," Cherry declared. "He had been nothing but helpful through the whole crisis. He warned Twilight of the real danger of Sevfivtoo. He doesn't even consider himself a follower of Chrysalis anymore. He hasn't harmed a single pony."

"Look, you're preaching to the choir here, okay?" I cried. "Honestly, at this point, he can be put up in a luxury suite in the Castle of Friendship for all I care. What I care about is you being caught in the fallout."

"I've already said, I'm not going to reveal about how I--"

I waved a hoof frantically. "Shhh!!"

"Candy, stop it," Cherry snapped. "Who is going to hear us? There's nopony around."

I heard a faint rattle, and my head jerked towards it. My gaze fell on a waste-bin. Faint hoof-beats faded into the distance behind it.

"Nopony around, huh?" I said as I levitated the saddlebags off my barrel and placed them carefully on the ground before breaking into a full gallop.

I had not seen where that little spy had gone, but straight ahead was the entrance to an alleyway. As I approached, I heard hoof-falls echoing from it. I turned the corner as tight as I could without falling off my hooves, but all I saw was a brief flicker of tail at the other end of the alleyway.

A two-toned silvery-gray tail. Delegation, indeed.

I cantered back to Cherry, who gave me a confused look. "What was that all about?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You're joking, right? Somepony was just listening in on us!"

"But they couldn't have been any older than a child."

I frowned. "Yeah, and I think I know which child it was. Question is, how to catch her?"

Cherry sighed. "You're making this into a bigger deal than I think you need to."

I levitated the saddlebag over my barrel. If I hadn't had to deal with these flowers, I would have caught her. "You know something? I hope you're right. But in case you're not, I want them to know for sure that I caught them at their game. But I'm going to need Twilight's help for that."

"Honestly, I think you should listen to your friend," said Mom as she plucked flowers from where my saddlebags sat on the floor of the boutique. "You're getting yourself worked up for no good reason."

Sweetie Belle stepped up to the flowers and gave them a sniff. "I don't know, Rarity. Spoiled Rich can make a lot of trouble for ponies when she wants to. You even told me that."

"Yes, but it's one thing to be the center of trouble and another to seek it out," said Mom.

"I'm not trying to seek it out!" I cried. "If anypony is, it would be Cherry. Look, if it were just that she's an alien-turned-pony like me, I wouldn't be worried. Nopony bats an eye at my origins anymore. It's the you-know-what part I'm worried will come out."

Sweetie Belle frowned. "I wish Spoiled Rich would stop being so mean."

Mom placed the flowers she was holding in the vase and tilted her head as she regarded them. "While I don't agree with Spoiled Rich's tactics by any means, I can see her point. I also can see Cherry's point."

"It's not about that," I declared. "I couldn't care less about how it turns out."

Mom turned to me. "Yes, I know, you're worried for your friend, but I believe she can take care of herself. She also has Applejack guiding her."

"All right, fine, but will you concede that I've proven somepony was following me and is trying to get information on Cherry?"

Mom paused as she levitated another batch of flowers. "Yes, you were being followed, though there's no way to tell what--"

"So I think I have a right to do something about it," I said. "And I can, if you let me talk to Twilight."

"Who do you think it was?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Diamond's yes-pony, Silver Spoon."

Mom clicked her tongue. "I get along reasonably well with her parents if I take them in small doses. It's too bad they let her daughter attach herself to bad role models."

"Maybe tell her parents?" Sweetie suggested.

"Yeah, maybe they can rein her in," I said.

"But how if you have no proof of what she's done?" Mom asked.

"Thank you for agreeing with my original point," I said with a grin.

Mom raised an eyebrow. "You mean I was maneuvered into it by two fillies who are sometimes too smart for their own good."

When she turned towards the vase, Sweetie Belle and I looked at each other, grinned, and exchanged a high-hoof.

"All right," said Mom. "Go to Twilight's castle and see if she'll help, but don't pester her if she tells you 'no'."

I smiled and gave her a hug. "Thanks, Mom!"

"And try not to take too long. I have something important I need to discuss with you."

"Um, sure." I started to turn away. "Can you give me a clue as to what it is?"

Her eyes shifted to Sweetie Belle. "This is rather ... sensitive, and not for everypony's ears."

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle said. "Why can't I know what it's about?"

"Never mind, Sweetie. Now, help me with the other vase while Candy is gone."

As I approached the castle that early afternoon, I caught movement on one of the balconies. Twilight stood upon it, a saddlebag over her barrel and Spike on her back. I stopped dead as I watched her extend her wings. "Oh, come on! She's leaving town again?!"

Twilight flapped her wings and rose into the air.

"Twilight!" I yelled. I dropped to my haunches and placed my fore-hooves on either side of my muzzle. "Twilight, wait!!"

Twilight hovered and turned. After a brief pause, she flew to the ground before me. "What is it, Candy? Is something wrong?"

"I need your help," I said. "Magical help."

"Um, can this wait a few days?"

I stared. "A few days??"

Twilight smiled. "I'm headed to Canterlot to try to reconnect with some old friends I left behind when I first came to Ponyville."

I rubbed a hoof through my mane. "I'm not sure it can. Please, let me explain ..."

I tried to convey as succintly as possible about being followed and my worries over what was overheard concerning Cherry that might get back to Spoiled Rich. "And please don't tell me not to worry about it! I just want to put a stop to this spying. For all I know, she's spying on Cherry, too, and who knows what she might hear."

Twilight glanced at Spike. Spike spread his claws. "I dunno, Twilight, it's your call," he said. "You were the one who was worried about what ponies would think of Cherry's origins until you had a chance to break it to them gently."

"Yes, and leave it to Spoiled Rich to use a sledgehammer when a light touch is needed," Twilight said sourly. "Candy, I have a spell in mind, but it's a bit advanced for a unicorn your age. There's a chance you might not master it in the brief time we have. I want to get to Canterlot by nightfall at the latest."

"I promise, Twilight, if it doesn't work, I won't raise a fuss," I said.

"All right, then, come inside with me," said Twilight.

I opened the door with a careful, slow push of magic and stepped into the wide hall, my hooves echoing into the silence. My eyes darted left and right, my ears swiveling as I sought to detect a clue as to where my quarry lay. Hiding spaces abounded for somepony not much bigger than a child in the thick pedestals that flanked either side of the hall.

I had only one more shot at this.

I heard a faint noise, and I came to a dead stop. I went over the runes in my head one more time before acting on them, and my horn glowed as the first half of the spell activated. Suddenly, I could hear the faint whistle of wind through the crystal spires above me, and the distant hum of appliances in the kitchen. I also heard ...

... a scrape of claw.

I spun around to my left and let loose the second half of the spell. A faint, semi-circular wall of energy tinted the same color as my coat spread out before me. When it contacted the third pillar on the left, a form sparkled behind it. In that instant, I could sense that object as if it were in full view. As unskilled as I still was at advanced magic, the effect would last only a second, but it was enough. I caught it in my levitation magic and yanked upward.

"Gahh!" Spike cried, his limbs flailing as he floated above the floor in my magic. "Okay! Okay! You did it! Now, put me down!"

I let out a long sigh of relief as I set him down gently on the floor.

Hoof-falls sounded behind me as Twilight stepped inside. "Very good, Candy! I think you finally got it."

I turned to her. "It's a little more taxing than I had expected," I said in a slightly breathy voice. "Glad I got it on that attempt. I don't think I could've done another."

"I got a good look at the flow of your magic while you practiced," Twilight said as Spike stepped over to us. "You seem to have a leftover effect from channeling the magic from Starswirl's avatar. It augmented your horn's maximum flow a bit, but your internal energy capacity needs to catch up. So you can use more powerful magic, but only in short bursts."

I smiled. "I really appreciate you doing this for me, Twilight, thank you."

"Just be careful," said Twilight. "If you do catch the little pony who's been following you, just give her a talking to. Let her parents handle discipline."

"I just want to get her to stop, that's all. I dont want to hurt her."

"We better get going, Twilight," said Spike. "The sun's going down."

My head whipped towards a window. "Oh, ponyfeathers, it's that late?! I better get home."

"Candy, just one more thing before you go," said Twilight. "I'll be back in time to attend the Town Hall meeting, but I can't use my influence any further in this matter. We just have to hope that cooler heads will prevail like they did with you."

I nodded. "Fluttershy explained it to me. Can I take that to mean you approve of Kevin staying in Ponyville?"

"Of course. What better way to show we want peace and friendship with the changelings?" Twilight turned to Spike. "Come on, let's get going."

"Good luck with your friends, Twilight," I said.

Twilight smiled. "Thanks." Her smile faded slightly. "Um, Spike? You made that checklist of their names, right?"

"Yep, already done," said Spike.

"Oh, good!" Twilight gushed. "Let's go."

Because I returned to the boutique so late, Mom had to delay her talk with me until after dinner. In the interim, I discovered that she had taken the liberty of buying me both a desk for my room, and school supplies like notebooks and quills.

"Thank you, Mom," I said as we trotted into my room. "I didn't even think about having to get all this stuff."

She gave me a wry grin. "That's why I did it, dear, because I knew you'd likely forget."

I smirked as I hopped on the bed. "You know me too well," I said as I turned around to face her and stretched out.

Mom nodded solemnly and nudged the door closed with her magic.

I swished my tail. "Um ... o-kay, what did I do wrong?"

Mom chuckled nervously. "Nothing at all, dear."

"Then what's with all this cloak-and-dagger secrecy? You wouldn't even let Sweetie Belle hear what this was all about."

Mom drew up a chair and sat in it. "Because of the, um, sensitive matter of this discussion."

I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, okay. Does this have to do with me starting school?"

"Something of that, yes," said Mom. "More like the catalyst."

"Because if you're worried about me keeping up with the course work after what I told you of my past, realize what I was going through at the time."

Mom shook her head. "I have no worries there. This is about an, um, entirely different matter, y-yes."

I gave her a wary look. "It is?"

"The environment you'll soon find yourself in made me realize I needed to have this talk with you."

My tail virtually froze in mid-swish. "Uh ..."

Mom took a deep breath. "You see ... you're going to be among a lot of colts your own age very soon."

My eyes widened.

"And ... oh, well, fillies as well, if it turns out your affections go that way ..."

Oh, holy shit.

It wasn't a talk.

It was the talk.

"But in either case, um, ah, there are some things you ought to know ..."

I lowered my head and covered it with my fore-hooves. "Gaaah! Nonono! Not this!"

Mom sighed. "Please, I've never done this before, it's difficult for me as well."

"I don't mean that!" I wailed. "I'm sixteen! I know all about stuff like this!"

"But not as a pony, Candy."

I face-hoofed. "Uh, Mom? Maybe you haven't noticed that we all go around naked most of the time. I kinda know what those bits look like on ponies already, and I'm pretty sure I know how they work. I doubt very much that the function is much different from my original form."

Mom was trying her best not to become exasperated, and I knew I wasn't making it any easier, but this was the last thing I wanted to think about. Maybe that was only because I hadn't spent any time around ponies my own age, but still, couldn't this have waited?

"But what may be different from what you're used to are customs, norms, and protocol," Mom said firmly. "And I know Spring is two seasons away, but the sooner you know how to deal with that time--"

My heart sank into my hooves. "Oh, dear Celestia, please don't tell me Equestrian ponies go into heat!"

Mom blushed. "W-well ... not as such. Er ... not strictly as such. Um, what was the term Twilight used once? Vestigial estrus cycle, I believe. The point is, mares are somewhat more ... (ahem) ... receptive in the Spring, and for younger fillies your age without much experience in dealing with it, it can be ... er ... uh ... rather trying."

I planted my face in the bedspread and groaned. "How bad?"

Mom waved a hoof in the air. "Ah, well, while I trust you to exercise, ah, a certain degree of self-restraint ... um ... let's just say there's a spell I want to teach you for your own protection against, ah, certain consequences. Just in case, mind you."

I yanked a pillow in my magic and covered my head with it. "Just kill me now."

Mom sighed. "This is going to be long night."

And it was.

And every moment was twice as awkward as the last.

Well, okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, and in a way, it was another sort of bonding. To my embarrassment, she did tell me things I had no idea about. In retrospect, seeing Mom try to break out of her prim and proper persona to talk about something like this was amusing. We wound up laughing at our mutual nervousness in the end.

More importantly, it helped remind me how much I loved her and how happy I was to have her.

Author's Note:

Sorry to have to leave out the more juicy details of "the talk" but I do kinda want to keep this teen-rated and not have to add a "sex" tag :duck: It just made sense to me that Rarity would do this at some point, and I thought it might be amusing.

Maybe that could be a separate story.

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