• Published 31st Dec 2015
  • 23,291 Views, 2,461 Comments

Second Chances, Many Changes - ASGeek2012

I used to be a human girl named Rachel. Now some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos" (who surely has an ulterior motive) decided to "rescue" me from my fate and give me a second chance. Yeah, being a pastel pony in an insane world is SO much better.

  • ...

Epilogue - Full Circle

Six months later ...

"Hey, Candy! Mail for you!"

I had just barely donned my saddlebags, a half-eaten bagel in my teeth, as I rushed out into the living room of our tiny apartment. I chomped off a large bite and rolled my eyes at the indigo unicorn mare who stood at the door. "Ugh, Middy, I barely have time to breathe this morning let alone read a letter."

My roommate Midnight Skies smirked as she dangled the envelope before me. "Not even for this one?"

I swallowed the bite of impromptu breakfast and gasped as I saw the Ponyville postmark. I snatched it from her magical grip into mine. "It's from Mom!"

Middy smiled as she stepped up to me. "Gonna make some time to read it then?"

"I wish," I said as I headed for the door. "I have to rush over to Coco's to put the finishing touches on a dress repair before heading off to school. I'll have to read it on the way."

"I was about to head out myself. Can I tag along? I'd like to know what's up with your family, too."

I smiled. "Sure, come on!"

When I had first heard the name of who my roommate would be, I was sure she would be a pegasus. Only once I saw her cutie mark -- a sweeping paintbrush leaving a starry sky in its wake -- and talked to her did I discover she was an artist whose talent was painting nightscapes. The only downside was finding watercolor paints everywhere in the apartment and having to use a sleep mask because she often stayed up late painting. Small price to pay, as her paintings were positively breathtaking.

I wolfed down the last of my bagel as we barreled out of the apartment. I tore the envelope open as my hooves hit the sidewalk, and I plucked the letter out as we turned and cantered down the street, weaving effortlessly about the other ponies. As Middy leaned over to look, I smiled as I recognized Mom's elegant writing the moment I laid eyes on it:

Dearest Candy,

I have very good news! It seems that my Canterlot Boutique is doing so well that I now have the funds to open a third store. And that third store will be in Manehattan!

"Oh, that's awesome!" said Middy.

I smiled. "She's been wanting to do that ever since she opened the one in Canterlot."

"Do you think this means I'll finally get a chance to meet her?"

"Well, let's see ..." I said as I returned my gaze to the letter.

This means I will be planning a trip to Manehattan in the next few weeks. Pinkie Pie has expressed an interest in coming along, especially if it falls on a particular day that apparently has some significance to her and her sister Maud (so you may get a chance to meet her as well). I am so looking forward to this, Candy, not just for the new location but a chance to spend some time with you in the city that you so love. And I promise not to try to steal you from Coco for my store (as tempted as I am to do so).

I laughed as the police-pony's whistle blew, and we raced across the street. "Sounds like a 'yes' to me."

Middy playfully poked me in the side. "And you can't tell me you're not the least bit tempted go work for your mother, from the way you go on about her."

I snickered. "Eh, maybe. But I get along so well with Coco, and she's been able to bring in a lot more business because of me."

Middy smirked. "If you do say so yourself."

I lifted my muzzle in the air like I had seen Mom do so many times. "I am merely stating the facts, darling."

We both giggled as we turned back to the letter.

I have other news as well. Twilight has informed us that Princess Cadance has given birth to a daughter! We are all invited to attend a special ceremony called a "Crystalling" to commemorate the event, and we will be leaving for the Crystal Empire in a few days. You are, of course, invited to attend if you wish, but that will likely mean you'll be out of school for almost a week.

"Oh, wow!" Middy said. "A Crystalling! I never thought I'd see the day. You gonna go?"

I rolled my eyes as we turned down a wide avenue. "Pass."

"Come on, really?"

"Yeah, really. Look, maybe I get along well with kids Sweetie Belle's age, but a little foal? And royalty on top of it?"

Middy stared at me.

"Don't give me that look! Listen, this is going to be filled with so much pomp and circumstance that I'd be bored to tears. It's really going to be just a big non-event."

"Party pooper," Middy said with a smirk.

I gave her a raspberry and turned back to the letter.

So if you wish not to attend, I'll understand. The only thing you'll really miss is meeting Twilight's new apprentice, Starlight Glimmer, as she'll be coming along with us. Apparently, her old friend has taken up residence in the Crystal Empire, and Twilight thought this would be a good chance for Starlight to reconcile with him.

Middy gave me an odd look. "Starlight Glimmer?"

I frowned. "That's what it says."

"Isn't she that nutball you told me about who went around removing cutie marks?"

"Well, yeah." I reread the name to make sure we got it right. "I think."

Middy rolled her eyes. "You did tell me Princess Twilight was a little ... odd sometimes, but this seems a bit strange to me."

I lowered the letter as we reached a busy intersection. "I'm sure there's some sort of story behind it." I smirked. "Either that, or we're in an alternate universe."

Middy narrowed her eyes. "Don't even joke about that after some of the things you told me happened in your life.

I grinned. "Now who's the party pooper?"

We turned down another more narrow street. The taller buildings shrouded us in shadow, and I lighted my horn to provide a little additional light as I raised the letter again.

Sweetie Belle and her friends are doing well. Mostly. They seem to be more antsy than ever these days. One would think acquiring their cutie marks would calm them down, but no such luck.

"Ha, I could've told you that!" said Middy.

I chuckled and smiled. "I'm just glad they got their cutie marks before I moved out of Ponyville."

Middy smiled. "Maybe all that Crusading had actually paid off."

"Yeah, just not in the way they expected."

"If anypony would know about life not turning out as expected, it would be you."

"Huh, yeah, tell me about it." I grinned. "At least it turned out for the better."

Also, you will be happy to know that Bright Flame has a new fillyfriend. I knew you were a little worried about that when you left Ponyville, since he seemed to have a bit of a crush on you. I had started to wonder myself if he was still pining for you, but he apparently has moved on.

"Oo, you didn't tell me about this!" said Middy in a teasing voice.

I blushed. "There's nothing really to tell."

Middy smirked. "Uh-huh. Riiiight."

I face-hoofed but chuckled. "I went on one date with him, that's it."

I had gone to the harvest festival with him after all, and I actually had a good time. I had never felt pressured into anything further.

"There has to be something else."

I sighed. "Well ... all right. When I told him I was leaving Ponyville, he did confess that he had developed some stronger feelings for me, but he was holding back so I didn't think he was getting pushy."

Middy smiled. "Sounds like a great guy. And you had to go break his heart, you tease."

"Oh, hush."

Middy giggled.

I had to admit, I was flattered by his attention at the time. Maybe that meant I was slowly coming around to the idea of having that sort of relationship. Surely there were at least a few colts at school in Manehattan who seemed interested in me.

I would approach that the same way I did when practicing my talent: one step at a time.

To conclude, as much as I am proud of your accomplishments, I do still miss you terribly, and I hope you will have a chance to visit soon. Please write back when you can, and please give my best regards to your good friend Midnight Skies. I would be honored if she would consent to doing a portrait for me that I might show in my new boutique.

I love you always,

"Aw, that's sweet," said Middy. "Of course I'd do a painting for--"

"Hey, what?!" I cried.

A sudden gust of wind snatched the letter out of my magical grip.

"I have to get that letter back!" I cried as I galloped after it. "I'll see you later, Middy!"

"Okay, I'll catch you tonight," she said, her voice fading into the distance behind me. "Remember, it's your turn to cook!"

I frowned when I found I could not grasp the letter no matter how much magic I poured into my horn. The wind pulled the letter down a side street, and I turned the corner sharply, panting from the exertion. Yet just as I started gaining on it, the letter slipped into a narrow alley.

"Great," I growled as I slowed my approach.

I ducked my head into the alley and raised an eyebrow. It seemed darker than could be accounted for by just the shadow of the buildings on either side. I could not see the other end, which likely meant it didn't go all the way through, and I had a chance to recover the letter.

I lighted my horn and stepped into the alley. I shivered as an inexplicable chill crawled over me. Only when I had ventured halfway into the uncanny darkness did I realize what so unnerved me about this place. It reminded me far too much of the alley back on Earth where ...

I took a deep breath. "Stop it. That was another time, another world, another--"

Suddenly, a bright light encircled me, everything outside fading to near complete darkness. I about jumped out of my fur when a voice suddenly boomed: "CANDY SWIRL, THIS IS INDEED THE MOMENT OF THY JUDGMENT. THOU HAST SINNED BEFORE US. WHAT DOST THOU HAVE TO SAY FOR THYSELF?!"

I face-hoofed, even as my heart still hammered. "Oh, very funny, Discord!"

"What?" came the draconequus' amused voice from the darkness. "You don't want to reminisce about old times? Some friend you are."

"You have a very weird -- and somewhat macabre -- sense of humor."

"It's called a sense of the absurd, my dear." I heard a snap of talons. The light disappeared, and the alley returned. Discord stood before me and smiled. "Do pay more attention."

I sighed. "You do realize I'm going to be late for school?"

"Oh, pish-posh, you Manehattanites are too worried about time." He reached behind him and produced a mammoth timepiece with over one hundred hands. "I've wasted more time than you'll ever have."

I raised an eyebrow. "That makes no sense."

Discord let go of the timepiece. Some of its hands flapped like wings, and it flew off with a quacking sound. "Wasn't meant to."

"So what do you want?"

"Want?" said Discord. "Who says I want anything?" He waved a paw, and suddenly he was dressed in a loud shirt and sunglasses, a camera slung around his neck. A hat with the words "I <heart> Manehattan" sat on his head. "Maybe I'm just a tourist wanting to see the sights."

"Uh-huh," I deadpanned. "Right."

"Oh, very well." Discord's outfit vanished. "I'm here to fulfill a trope."

"A what?"

He reached behind him and pulled out what looked like a tablet PC. His paw danced over it. "Now let's see if I can find it on TV tropes."

I tilted my head. "Wait, is that really connected back to--"

Discord grinned. "Amazing what a little chaos magic can do, isn't it? Ah, here we go. The trope is: Book Ends."


Discord tossed the computer over his shoulder, where it burst into a bunch of flower petals. "Let me tell you a little something about the metaverse, dear Candy. While a being like me can travel from one universe to the other, sometimes they overlap on their own."

I glanced around the alley. "And this alley ...?"

Discord smiled. "Is one of those places."

"Are you telling me this alley is somehow linked back to my old world?"

Discord snapped his talons, and canned applause sounded as confetti rained down on me. "We have a winner! It is indeed."

I brushed confetti out of my mane. "Um, okay. So?"

His smile turned sly. "So, I can teach you a spell that would open a portal between them."

I stared. "Why the hay would I want to do that?"

"Oh, to visit the old homestead, perhaps?"

I frowned. "Again, why would I do that?"

"I'm merely reminding you of what I told you back in that alley on your old world: there are always choices." He smirked. "I'll bet you're laboring under the misconception that you have somehow crossed a line, that there is no turning back." He flicked a talon to my flank. "Even getting a cutie mark doesn't set your life path in stone."

I glanced at my cutie mark for a moment, then back down the alleyway. I spied the letter and trotted over it. "Yeah, you're right, it doesn't." I levitated the letter before turning back to Discord. "But you're wrong about everything else."

Discord simply raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

I trotted up to him. "I'm not under any sort of 'misconception.' I'm where I am now because I chose to be here. Maybe at one point I talked about a 'point of no return,' and maybe I did think that it was all said and done. But I've since come to realize that's not true. No force or circumstance is keeping me here. I'm keeping me here, because I want to be here. I constantly choose every day to be here and to be who I am. So you can keep your spell to yourself. I don't need it."

Discord sighed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, very well. Really, things were much more interesting when your life was so chaotic."

I smiled. "Then you're really going to hate it when I thank you."

Discord blinked. "Er, what?"

"You helped me get where I am now when you gave me that second chance," I said. "Yeah, I know, you had your own motivations, and that second chance brought on so many changes it would make my past self's head spin if she had been told what would happen."

Discord suddenly brightened and smiled.

"And no, that was not an invitation to meet my past self."

Discord frowned and conjured a pull-chain. He yanked it with a click, dimming himself, and folded his arms. "Oh, you're no fun anymore."

I smirked. "You see, you're personally responsible for my life becoming sane and stable."

"Ugh, stop rubbing it in!"

"Yep, getting rid of all the chaos in my life was all your doing."

He yanked off his horns and stuffed them in his ears. "Can't hear you! LA LA LA LA LA ...!"

I laughed. Discord slowly smiled, his horns vanishing from his ears and reappearing atop his head. "Just don't let it get around, okay? I have a reputation to live down to."

I grinned. "Yeah, your secret is safe with me."

"And who knows, Candy Swirl," said Discord as he started towards the street. "Maybe some chaos will come your way in the future. After all, we can't have your life get boring, now can we?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just no more changelings, thank you."

Discord turned his head towards me, winked, and vanished.

I folded the letter and tucked it into my mane. I stepped out onto the street and smiled. The concept of a home being back on some other world seemed so far removed that it could very well have been a different life. Perhaps in a way it was. It no longer mattered.

I didn't need to go home.

I was home.

I headed away from the alley and moved forward with my life, never looking back.


Comments ( 140 )

good stuff. well done, sir :moustache:

What is your next project?

wlam #4 · Sep 7th, 2016 · · 1 ·

Well, that was a solid ending, I'd say. Honestly, though, I think it came both a bit out of nowhere and kind of too late at the same time. The resolution to the whole changeling situation seemed like it was the real, natural end of this story. I honestly thought it would be over at that point and haven't quite known ever since what to make of the way it has kept puttering on regardless. I was assuming there would be some kind of second arc to it at some point... but then there kind of never was, it just ended up introducing more and more situations that haven't ever quite been resolved.

I'm really not quite sure the story wouldn't have been better for it if you had simply cut it off at that point. The situation with Michelle, for example, has never been really concluded. She has disappeared from on-screen, but since we never got to see what actually became of that, it also doesn't really feel like that subplot was ever quite completed. In the end, those last few chapters all felt like an overextended epilogue to me, but I suppose it's something you can argue.

One way or the other, I'm looking forward to seeing what you write next.

You have pulled off an amazing story, and I have enjoyed it immensely. And for this, I salute you sir!

You write Discord really well. Can't wait for your next piece.

I sighed. "You do realize I'm going to be late for school?"

"Oh, pish-posh, you Manehattanites are too worried about time." He reached behind him and produced a mammoth timepiece with over one hundred hands. "I've wasted more time than you'll ever have."

I raised an eyebrow. "That makes no sense."

It does if you consider that he's possibly older than Celestia and Luna. :ajsmug:

It was a truly amazing story. Very engaging all the way through beginning to end, and you know you are invested when you start to heavily speculate what the next chapter it's going to be like. I can say that I'm a little sad the ended already, but it couldn't have been done better. I look foward to your next work, and wouldn't mind if it was a sequel to Candy's story.:raritywink:

Discord sighed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, very well. Really, things were much more interesting when your life was so chaotic."

I smiled. "Then you're really going to hate it when I thank you."

Discord blinked. "Er, what?"

"You helped me get where I am now when you gave me that second chance," I said. "Yeah, I know, you had your own motivations, and that second chance brought on so many changes it would make my past self's head spin if she had been told what would happen."

Ah! She said it! She said it! :pinkiehappy:

Now that the story is (presumably) done, I can give a critique of it! :raritywink:

this story was a fantastic frolic full of folly, fantasy, fascination and fashion! It had action, drama, a little mystery, LOTS of comedy, a pinch of tragedy here and there and a satisfying ending with hope for a new tomorrow! A recipe for a excellent story.

Withyour bonus points, i'm proud to award this a 14/10 on the :yay:itude meter! I wonder what adventures Candy will have in the future? :ajsmug:

*Sees that story is complete.*
*A lone tear slides down my cheek.*
Good story, my dear sir! Bravo!

7543926 Indeed. He's wasted dozens of lifetimes!

Candy only has one. :applecry:

Then she'll DIE! :raritycry:

Unless... the show goes crazy with alicornication next season. Then EVERYPONY gets to be immortal! Yay! :pinkiecrazy:

I rolled my eyes. "Just no more changelings, thank you."

Discord turned his head towards me, winked, and vanished

Then Thorax shows up to say hi one day...

7543827 Ditto here.

Really good ending, kinda previsible, but hey! At some point it was less about surprising us and more about showing your character's growth.
I just feel like there is much to tell, and at the same time, all of it was so different from the first part. I still think it should've been a separate story.

Still, I will look forward to whatever you choose to write next. There is a real talent here.

All in all, that was definitely in the top 10% of all fics I've read on this site.

No... wait... top 5%... I forgot how many I hate. :trollestia:

i don't think the changelings were ever supposed to be the main course, really; it was always about Candy and her life, her relationship with Cherry, and so forth.

If anything, I'd argue that the changeling plot may have gotten over blown by the author.

Alas, one more off the list. It was a nice ride. :pinkiesmile:

I love this story so much! I can't wait to see what you write next!

wlam #18 · Sep 7th, 2016 · · 1 ·

In the wider sense yes, but it has always been framed in terms of the conflict with Sevfivtoo, straight from the beginning. The end of that arc was, in just about every sense, the real climax of the story. Everything after has just been garnish.

7543999 And she immediately clobbers him with the nearest guard, who turns out to be Idol Hooves...

I raise a glass in toast to this great story! Bravo!!!

And yet this is so much more meaningful.

The story has been about Candy letting go of the past traumas in her life and moving on, everything else are just aspects that help bring her need to do so into focus.

I'm not disagreeing with that, but in terms of story pacing and rhythm, that's still the backdrop it was built on. I felt like the story was missing something ever since that was resolved and has never quite recovered from that.


Then Thorax shows up to say hi one day...

This needs to happen for the sake of humor!

I am saddened to see this story has ended... mostly because there were 2 things I wanted to see happen before it finished:

1. Candy meets her "grandparents".
2. Candy rips into Spoiled Rich.

But I must admit that these last 2 chapters were fantastic. I really hope you'll do a sequel or maybe come back and add some new material in between chapters that doesn't hurt the flow of the story.

It was a beautiful story I am sad to see it end.

It's sad to see it go, but so, so satisfying to see it through.

Thank you. Just... Thank you.




*Roaring Applause*

This was a fun ride. Glad I followed it to the end. Great job, and looking forward to see if you sprout anything new after this.

An EXCELLENT ending. It is both the end and a beginning. Well done.

Yay, what a great ending! Into Favorites you go!

Amazing story
Billy Dee Williams approves

I wish I could give this story another like and favorite. No joke, this was an excellent read :twilightsmile:

Good end to a story, and applebucking alicorns I just saw a story get finished here. Miraculous night!

Thanks for the ride, I'm going to miss reading this. :twilightsmile:

i loved reading this story even if i started reading a week ago. it was full of all kind of twists and turns like quite the roller-coaster.

if you decide to make sequel, I'd more than love to read it

Well... All good things sooner or later ends... Although after see a name of this chapter I'm on some level expected that Candy find another human in Manehettan.

And there we have it. The mighty conclusion. The grand finale.

Theese last few chapters have been a great ride of emotion! I am very happy to have seen that 'complete' tag finally arrive, but at the same time it saddens me because it notifies the end of a great story. I am now left hollow. I've got no amazing stories to look forward to now! Like, gee... Thanks. :ajsleepy:

Anywho, I had a great time reading through this gem. Good length on every chapter, interesting and unique characters, a really good style of writing and a hard to anticipate plotline.... 9/10! And that is extremely good. In fact, the highest rating I've given a story so far. I feel like something is missing for that full '10/10' score, but I'm not sure what. I believe it to be that certain chapters felt really drawn out?

Anyway.... Great story. You get a fave from me and I can't wait to see more from you as an author!

One question: How long of a break do you plan to take before resuming writing? Do you plan to make a new story at all, a sequel or was this your final work on this site?

Thank you for the amazing experience. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for all the candid feedback, it's really been a big help. I kept this as one story as I felt it better fit the tale I wanted to tell. I also realize that Michelle/Cherry's story is actually far from over, and that may well be the subject of a future endeavor if I get inspired for a larger story.

I will indeed be writing more stories, but I plan on taking a break first :raritywink:

(I think that's everyone that asked a similar question, apologies if I missed anyone).

So, yes, I do intend to keep writing stories for FiMFiction, but I am going to be taking a break. I'll likely make a blog post about it soon. As much as I thoroughly enjoyed writing this story, I have been at it for quite a while, and I need a break.

As for writing a sequel, I may do that someday, but I think I want to turn my attention to other story ideas first. :twilightsmile:

I try never to start a novel-length story unless I have a very clear idea of how I want it to end. The events of the last chapter had been conceived a very long time ago, at least in terms of the general theme. Details have changed as the story has evolved, but I had a clear goal to work towards.

Thank you for your kind words :raritystarry:

Honestly, I can see both sides of the debate here. I think there are some merits towards the idea of having separate stories, but I suppose part of it was that I had built up a momentum and wanted to keep going full steam ahead until I had told her complete story.

Thank you for all your candid feedback as the story has unfolded, it's been appreciated! :raritywink:


I believe it to be that certain chapters felt really drawn out?

Other readers have also pointed out a few issues in pacing here and there, so that's probably something that could stand a bit of improvement. I don't know if I'll ever go back and do any substantial rewrites of this story, but I certainly will try to carry those improvements forward into other stories that I write.


If anything, I'd argue that the changeling plot may have gotten over blown by the author.

Yeah, that's a possibility. Other readers have pointed out that there were parts of the story that seemed more about her pendant rather than her. It's more a matter of how the narrative emphasized things at certain points. I tried to write it such that Rachel/Candy's character growth was front and center, but the plot did become complicated enough that it had to take some of the limelight.

Thanks for this feedback, it's really helpful.

Thanks, I was hoping that would work. I was a little concerned as part three became a tad longer than expected.

What a fantastic story. Thank you for finishing it. I have come to love Candy's character so much after watching her grow.

So? When's the sequel? I want more! :trollestia:

please do a sequel! PLEASE!

I think I can see where they're coming from, but in general I think the way it's structured is fine. Perhaps the changeling plot and this ending could have been closer together, but I don't think you've done anything really wrong.

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