• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 1,832 Views, 63 Comments

DOCTOR - Deidorimu

Equestria has fallen into chaos by Discord, Celestia and Luna fight desperately to keep Equestria in peace. Simultaneously, criminals and villains take this time as an opportunity for greed and power. And in the mid-center of this chaos lies a doctor

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Doctor Who?: Part One (S1C3)

Author's Note:

I thought to myself "I want a theme song, I would really like to have a theme song". So you know what I did? I made myself a theme song :pinkiehappy:

This is my first time making a song on garage band, so sorry if it doesn't sound very good. I'm no professional.

Also, this chapter was edited in a rush so please tell me if I made any mistakes so I can fix it. Sorry.


The Doctor and his companion Dean Do in:

Doctor Who?

Chapter Three/Segment One


Dean opened the drawer and placed a black comb within after having combed his hair for the second time. He stood on his hind legs, placing his forelegs to the bathroom sink to have a better view of his reflection in the mirror. He smiled, fixed a single hair strand that stuck out of place, then dropped back to all fours. He then turned to exit the restroom.

Just before leaving, he spotted something blue in the corner of his eye. Looking to a rug, placed against the toilet on the floor, he saw the corner of what appeared to be a blue piece of paper.

Curiosity lead Dean's hoof to the odd parchment. He slip it out from beneath the rug and read what the paper had to offer.

Or at least, he tried to. He raised a brow and flipped the paper sideways and upside down. Trying and failing to comprehend the complexities of the parchments contents. Although he was unable to determine heads to tails from the parchment, he was able to assume that it was a blueprint for a device of some sort.

Everything was written in white, including a large picture of a stick like piece of metal with what seemed like a light bulb at the end.

Dean decided to ask the Doctor about it. So he rolled the blueprint up and opened the bathroom door.

Shutting the door behind him, Dean looked left and right down the pearly white hall, trying to remember which way lead back to the kitchen. Once he remembered, he turned right, walked to the end, made another right turn, passed three doors and entered the fourth on his left.

Inside was a very large kitchen. Circular and white just like the console room (Dean hadn't an idea what a console was, that's just what the Doctor called it). Except instead of monitors, consoles, and controls. There were ovens, stoves, various kitchen supplies, and a few other necessities that Dean had never heard of before.

There was a black and white rectangular box that the Doctor called a "toaster". Beside it was an "automated coffee maker", and beside that was a "microwave."

Dean had no idea what any of these were. To him it all seemed, as he described it, "future-y." Then again, everything about the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T seemed ahead of the current day and age of technology.

Dean decided not to question too much about the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T and the things within, he'll either ask later or figure it out along the way. For now, Dean had other questions that had higher interest to him.

Near the end of the kitchen was a dining area fit with a round table for four, a chandelier fit for royalty hanging above, and a black and white checkered table with a clothed adorned atop ('why is everything in black and white?' thought Dean).

Sitting at the back end of the table was the Doctor; eating a wheat and daffodil sandwich with mayo, mustard, ketchup, pickles, caramelized grilled onion, and various spices. All placed between toasted, sesame seed bread.

He was reading a news side article with a headline starting : Nefarious Criminal Oswald Dohnavin and His Gang Imprisoned.

Beneath it was a story stating that six days ago the royal guards had received a message from a carrier bird giving instructions on where to comprehend the criminals. The letter had also told of Oswald's crimes and the murder he had committed to Peter Fillips. In the paper, it was unknown as to who sent the letter or why a pack of animals were guarding the criminals as they waited for the guards arrival. As odd as it may seem, what struck the guards off the most was the gang leader himself, Oswald, having been attacked by the animals to near death but left alive. It is unclear why the animals did not kill Oswald, or how the entire gang was found unconscious on site or who was the one responsible for sending the letter. Further investigation will be put into the matter as soon as enough guards are available after the situation in Mane City is taken care of.

Dean figured it would only be a side article. Obviously the main story of the paper was the events occurring at Mane City. It practically took up the entire paper along with a picture of Mane City engulfed in chaos magic printed on the bulk of the front page.

Aside from the paper, Dean noticed that the Doctor's attire had changed. Not by style but by color. He still wore the same shirt, vest, tie, fedora, and the pocket watch chain hanging out the pocket. Except, instead of the black and gray contrast he had originally, today he had changed it to a M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T blue (Dean had never heard that color in his life until the Doctor said it). His shirt was white and his tie and the fedoras string lining was black. His pocket watch remained silver, as it had before.

It had been two days since they left Dodge Junction and Dean noticed that his current attire was the same everyday. The only thing that would change was its color. Dean was curious if this was his only set of clothes or if he just favored this fashion more then anything else; to the point where he would refuse to wear any alternative clothing.

The Doctor look up from his paper to take a bite, as he did so he noticed Dean and smiled. "Hello! Took you a while."

Dean returned a smile as he pulled a chair out from the table and took his seat. "Sorry, did a bit of combing to my hair after I was finished. That and I almost forgot how to get here."

Taking a bite, the Doctor said, "Still don't know the place? You've been here for two days and you can't find your way back from the toilet?"

"Two days isn't enough! This place is huge! Seriously, how does this machine function!"

"It's kind of complicated."

"Of course it is, speaking of which, we've been inside your machine for two days now. And as much as I love being in here, when are we going to find this friend of yours?"

The Doctor swallowed, wiped his mouth with a cloth, then replied. "Soon, very soon. There's been some difficulty trying to find my friend. She's located close to Mane City. Not close enough to be within the boundaries of Discord's chaos magic, but still close enough to see its effects clearly."

This caused Dean's eyes to widen with worry, the Doctor taking noticed added, "but that's precisely why the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T's taking its time. Its calibrating to find an exact point to land. One that can land close to Discord's magic but not too close for us to fall in danger. Its just difficult because of how, er, random his magic is. It can't seem to find a fixed point without his magic popping in and out of the area."

"I see, so we're stuck here until the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T can find a spot to land?"

The Doctor, finishing his lunch and walking with his plate to the kitchen sink said, "when you put it that way it sounds simple, but it's not."

"Well, as long as it doesn't take too long I suppose", said Dean, with a sigh.

The Doctor dropped his plate into the sink, returned to his seat at the table and said, "oh don't sound so bored! There's plenty to do!"

"Yeah, sure there are", Dean said sarcastically. A thought came to Dean as he held the rolled up blue print to the Doctor. "That reminds me, I found this while I was in the restroom."

"Oh? One of my blue prints? That's odd, I keep those locked up. Wonder why it's down here". The Doctor took and unrolled the blueprint. His eyes widened and a grin grew happily as he realized what the parchment was. "You found it! I've been looking for this!"

"What is it Doctor?"

"Its a tool I've been trying to invent. An artificial unicorn horn! It would allow any non-unicorn creature to use magic the exact same way unicorns can!"

Dean's eyes grew wide, "what!? Really!? That's incredible!"

"Yes it is! Or, at least, it would have been. This blueprint was found in the "scrapped" projects files within the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T's memory matrix. Apparently the scientist at Alburnia we're going to invent this beauty before they threw away the project all together. They were afraid of the negative feedback they would receive for creating an artificial unicorn horn. I mean when you think about it's understandable. Unicorn horns on a unicorn isn't a tool, it's physically part of their body. Building an artificial unicorn horn would be like you or me cloning biological body parts."

"Wouldn't that be a good thing? You know, for ponies who have lost their limbs or unicorns whose horns have broken?" asked Dean.

"Well if it's an artificial limb then yes. But actually cloning a body part with its meat, and blood, and veins, that would be looked at as dark magic. That and unicorns would never need an artificial unicorn horn. A unicorn would grow their horn back in due time if they were to break it. Also, a unicorn's horn is more of a sacred thing. Replicating something like that would be considered an insult to them. Artificial limbs is one thing but horns, that's another."

"So why do you have this blueprint then?"

"Because I don't give a flying feather if I insult unicorns! Let them be upset! I need this a lot more then some unicorns do with their own horns! In my past there have been situations where a little bit of magic would have come in handy. Although yes, I am quite capable in most situations without it. Having something like this would just give me a lot more reassurance, that's all. Plus, this thing is really, really cool!"

"However, this project was scrapped back in its early stages so I've had to try and figure out how to invent it myself from scratch. So far this blueprint is the farthest I've ever gotten. Its able to replicate some things to a unicorn horn but it is still flawed in nearly every aspect. Although it is unable to replicate the abilities of an actual horn. What I have been able to come up with so far is that I can manipulate molecular sound waves to achieve certain tasks. Very small tasks like opening doors or scanning something or someone. However, in due time I think I could get this bad boy to do so much more! It's taken me nearly twenty years to come this far. I reckon a few years more, like three or four, give or take, and I should have the tool completely finished and ready to use!

"So even though it's not entirely an artificial horn. It is still a very useful scientific instrument!"

"I see, so it's a tool that uses sonic waves. It's like some sort of, er, sonic wrench or something?" asked Dean.

"Well, yes, but I like to think of it as more of a screwdriver."

There was a brief silence as the Doctor rolled the blueprint up and tucked it away into his vest pocket, causing Dean to wonder just how deep his pockets were. A thought came to Dean as he watched the Doctor pocket his scroll. "Hey, why did I find that in the bathroom?"

"Hmm? You found this in the- oh! I remember now! I was probably writing last minute modifications on the blueprint while sitting on the loo."

Dean froze as he said slowly, "you . . . were writing on that while using the toilet?"

"Um, maybe . . . I think I was."

Slowly, Dean looked to his hooves in disgust as he wiped them on his torso. " . . . Ew . . ."

"Hey! The bathroom is a great place for focus! Its quiet, relaxing, and personally, using the toilet helps me think."

"That's still gross- ."

Deciding to change the subject, the Doctor cut Dean off. "You know I still haven't told you about the Phoenix Ponies. Or any of the other elementals! You rushed to the bathroom before I could."

Dean's ears perked up, "hey, your right! Okay, guess this could kill some time. But if we don't make it there by the time you're done explaining, I'm just going to get bored!"

The Doctor shrugged, "sorry, nothing I can do if that happens. Alright, where to begin? Hmmm . . . jeez this is a long topic, uh . . . I don't know. Guess I'll just explain it one elemental at a time. I'll try to make my explanation as simple as possible. Some things may sound confusing but it all makes sense in the end . . . sort of."

"Now, let's start with an elemental that most ponies are accustomed to. Breezies! The air elementals!-"

"Now hang on, why don't we start with your species first?" asked Dean.

"Now Dean, we gotta save the best for last."

Dean raised a brow and chuckled, "oh? Best for last? Mighty full of yourself aren't you?"

The Doctor chuckled, "well we do have one of the most important jobs, keeping the earth's core protected. It is as big as fifty five percent of the planet after all."

"But with that logic, wouldn't the water elementals have an even more important job? Since the planet is seventy one percent water?"

" . . . Well- ."

"And if you put it that way! Wouldn't that mean that earth and air elementals have the largest jobs of all since their species basically works all over the planet, giving them the full one hundred percent?"

" . . . Shut up", said the Doctor, jokingly. Causing Dean to laugh.

"Now, starting with the air elementals."

"Breezies are the air elementals. They are small, bug like ponies, whose magic is primarily based around wind. Breezies often travel by strong gusts of wind or by breezes, hence their name. Although their primary job is to control the flow of wind through Equiis, their secondary job is to keep the planets nature well pollinated."

"During migration time for the breezies, the breezies will take pollen and spread it accross the planet. Yes, pollen can travel alone by wind. But a breezies magic can not only protect the pollen they carry but also increase its effects. Making the pollen stronger, more fertile, and having an absolute one hundred percent success ratio of producing strong, healthy plants! If you come across a field of flowers, for example, that had just been crossed by migrating breezies, you'll notice the flowers being brighter and healthier. You can go a month of hot sun, dry whether, and no water and I guarantee the flowers would still be shining bright!"

"It is unknown as to where the breezies live, they are the only elementals without specific locations. Their homes are kept secret for protection, as they are fragile creatures after all."

"Breezies also have the shortest lifespan out of the four elementals, living only up to seventy to ninety years. Roughly around a normal ponies lifespan, perhaps a bit smaller. However, although they have the shortest lifespan, they have the largest number of population."

"You see, Breezies cannot function with only one or two or even twenty of their own kind. For breezies to use their magic to full strength, they have to be in swarms of at least one hundred of their own kind. The more there are, the stronger their magic becomes. Which is one of the reasons why finding their homes are virtually impossible! Their magic is so powerful because you have millions upon millions of breezies all bunched up in one spot! That kind of magic is strong enough to compete against an elder dragon! Or a changeling queen! Perhaps even an alicorn . . . but a few notches down. Like, two and a half, maybe?"

"So, they help with the weather, the nature, and are masters at using anything air related with their magic. For their own defense, and if their numbers are high enough, breezies could form nasty tornados. Manipulating it to destroy whatever they like. Of course they would never do that unless they were forced to."

"Breezies are calm, quiet, and just like the other elementals, prefer to be left alone. But that's okay, these species live entirely off of nature. The breezies and the golems don't need to trifle themselves with species like you and me. Getting involved on politics and money and other equine stuff like that. They and the golems prefer living off the fat of the land! They don't need help with traveling or when they're in danger or whatnot because they are, technically, never alone. Yes they like to be left alone by the other species, but they are always there for each other, never leaving a single one alone."

"Alright, I think that covers it with the air elementals. Next up is the Breezies opposites. Earth elementals, the Golems!"

"Golems live on the four corners of Equiis. They always live in the center most part of the continent, farthest away from water. Its not that they hate it, they'll just die if they go into it . . . okay, you know what. Maybe they do hate water, I don't know honestly, I've never met a Golem. I've just studied them."

"Anyway, Golems are the complete opposites of Breezies in both a figurative sense and a physical sense. Golems, unlike the breezies, have the longest life spans out of all four elementals. From eighteen hundred to two thousand years. However, with their long lifespan, they also have the shortest population out of the elementals."

"The reason their population is so small is because they don't populate the same way we do. Actually, Gollem's aren't born, they're grown. It takes nearly two thousand years for a golem to grow to the size of an infant. Which for a Golem would be about two meters. But growing a golem is strenuous work! You have to carve them at certain points and make sure they don't get wet and all kinds of other things while they are growing. Their not too fragile when they are growing but they are certainly more vulnerable to danger. If something were ever to happen while a Golem is growing, they will be born with defects."

"Defects? Like they'll be mental?"

"Well, they won't be crazy. But they'll be, um, mentally handicapped. And sometimes physically handicapped."

"Ah, I see. So what happens then? Do they keep them in a hospital or?-"

"Well Golems don't have hospitals actually. They don't need them. A Golem's anatomy is so solid and inorganic that it is nearly impossible for Golems to get sick, poisoned, or harmed. But, to answer your question. Its a bit sad what happens. You see, Golems don't tend to any defects they have because they are, well, put down."

"Put down? They kill them!?"

"Its for their own good Dean. Its awful for anypony to be incapacitated in any sort of way, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. If a common pony becomes incapacitated, and he's lucky to not die or be left alone, then he will have loved ones taking care of him twenty four seven. He might be suffering, but his family is always there, giving him so much love and attention that he doesn't even feel the pain. But Golems aren't so lucky."

"First, Golems don't have families, let alone parents. They have gardeners, who tend to them during the time they are being grown. And second, could you imagine having to live like that for two thousand years Dean? Simply being incapacitated for sixty or seventy years is hard, but at least we common ponies have friends and families who will be there for us. Golems don't have that, they will be incapacitated and alone for two thousand years, suffering. They can make friends with each other of course, but the population is so small that no Golem wants to tend to someone incapacitated for two thousand years! It sounds cruel, but that's just the way Golems work. Them killing a defect is basically their way of helping that poor unfortunate soul escape a living tartarus."

"Now, sad stuff aside. Golems are, quite literally, big hulking behemoths! They look like ponies but are made entirely out of rock. They can reach up to a height of about seven and a half meters! They are strong, powerful, and are very unfriendly to outsiders. Most of the time they will attack anyone who isn't a Golem. They give warnings first of course so if you're stupid enough to not take heed in the warning, then personally I think you deserve whatever the Golems do to you."

"Golems live as far from water as possible because, as I've already said, they could die if they enter it. And by enter I mean if a golem is to completely submerge themselves in water. Rain or flash floods will have no affect on them and they have their precautions in case of threatening floods. But, not only are they unable to go into water, they are also unable to step hoof off the ground."

"Golems, from the moment they are born after finishing their growing process, are permanently attached to the ground. When they walk they appear to be dragging their hooves but in actuality it is because they are physically connected to the planet's surface. Jumping, flying, skipping, all those things are things that they cannot do."

"Golems do tend to the planet's surface, shifting the continentals plates at the appropriate times and making sure nothing catastrophic happens. However, golems only do this after the first hundred years of their lives."

"You see, Golems take one hundred years to reach full maturity, they don't do much during that time. Mostly learn about the world, their species, or do whatever they feel like doing. However, that one hundred years is also for them to make a decision, one that will affect how the rest of their lives will go."

"You see, Golems, when they reach maturity, travel to what is called a "Golem Temple" to complete their aging process. Once there, they will have two decisions to make. Decision number one is if they wish to become full, complete Golems. If they choose this path, a Golem will link his mind, body, and magic to what is called the Master Golem. The Master Golem is a Golem the size of a skyscraper! It looks like a statue but is actually composed of hundreds and hundreds of Golems! They all link their minds and bodies together into one large cluster so that they can have full and absolute control of Equiis's surface. Golems are located in four spots, the four corners of Equiis. Therefore, there are only four Master Golems in total. If Golem's wish to link themselves to the master Golem and participate in taking care of the planet's surface, they will link their bodies to the Master Golem and, basically, synch their minds to the cluster and have full control over the surface. A Golem will then tend to the planet's surface for the rest of their lives, the next eighteen hundred to two thousand years! Once it is time for a Golem to pass on, he will die peacefully and painlessly, basically like drifting off to sleep, as his body slowly reduces itself to dust. The dust falls out of the cluster and will then be taken to Golem burial grounds. Delivered by Golems who have not yet reached maturity.

"That is the first decision they can make, the second is if a Golem does not wish to spend the rest of their lives protecting the surface. Although Golem's seem like simple minded creature, they do in fact have their own thoughts and emotions like we do. Some Golems take a liking to the planet and wish to see more of it. Or perhaps they develop their own dreams they wish to accomplish. Whatever the case may be, sometimes Golems do not want to be part of the cluster and wish to live on their own. With their own lives and their own freedom. If this is the case, the Golem will go to the Master Golem. However, instead of linking themselves to the cluster, the Master Golem will instead use its own magic to temporarily take control of the Golem's magic."

"While they have full manipulation of its magic, they will condense its magic smaller and denser, until its magic is equal to the body mass of an ordinary size equine, such as you and I. After that, the Master Golem will then absorb whatever earth magic they have, taking away their earth elemental abilities. Once this is done, the Golem will lose its earth magic, thus causing it to lose all of its rock like traits. Well, almost all of it. You see, the Golem will lose its outer, rock like, exterior and shrink to the size of a common equine; equivalent to their magical mass. After that, a brand new body will be forged from the rocks that had been their bodies previously. With the Master Golems magic, he will change the old body into a smaller, more mobile body, made entirely out of crystal. Once this process is complete, the Golem will no longer be a Golem anymore. He will be an ordinary equine. He or she will be as big as you and I and can leave the ground now. Their elemental magic turns into common equine magic, one of the three types. Its never known which one they'll get, it is always random."

"They, basically, become a common Equine. The only difference is that their skin is made entirely out of crystal. They can then live lives like you and I can."

"Hang on, this sounds an awful lot like Crystal Ponies." said Dean.

"That's because they are crystal ponies. Your confusion is understandable, crystal ponies who originated from Golems are rare. Most Golems choose the Master Golem over the Crystal Ponies. But at a time there were a few who chose to become Crystal Ponies. And after they become Crystal Ponies, they also gain something they had never had before: a gender. They will become male or female and will gain the ability to breed. Crystal ponies can then be born after that. Thus causing confusion on the matter because Golem converted Crystal Ponies are rare, Crystal Ponies born from another Crystal Pony are common. But, as rare as they may be this is actually how Crystal ponies originated. At one time, they used to be earth elementals but did not want to spend the rest of their lives in the cluster. So they choose to live their own lives, sacrificing their elemental magic and their abilities to connect with the land and other elementals. Their lifespan reduces as well, which reduces to common Equine lifespan."

"And although yes, Earth Ponies can connect to the land with their own magic. Earth Elementals can do it better, having not just a connection to it, but full manipulation as well. Crystal Ponies lose that ability but they don't mind. Most if not all are happy with their decisions."

"But whatever decision a Golem does make it had better be the one they absolutely want. Because after they make their decision, there is no going back. This is how they will live for the rest of their lives. But they have one hundred years to decide so it isn't, er, too difficult . . . ish."

"That doesn't sound like a good way to live if you ask me. That's way too big of a decision to make!" said Dean.

"Well be thankful that your a common Equine then."

"So, Crystal Ponies aren't considered Elementals anymore because they lose their earth magic, right?" asked Dean.

"Yup, they are as common as you and I."

"Hang on, there's something I've noticed. All this time you've been saying how common "you and I" are, like your a common Equine as well. But your a Phoenix Pony. Why are you making it sound like your a common Equine?"

"Well . . . I'm not . . . its complicated."


"Because, well . . . okay. Yes, I am a Phoenix Pony. I am a Fire Elemental. But I just don't feel like one, if that makes sense. Elementals have their own differences that make them unique, but there's one thing that they all have in common. Elementals stick to their own species. Breezies and Golems never associate with non-elementals at all. They stick to their own and survive just fine like that. Phoenix Ponies and Frostealius are the exceptions. Because they aren't adaptable to nature like Golems and Breezies are, the fire and water elementals do involve themselves with other species but only to an extent. Our species has contact with leaders all over the world, helping to maintain peace and order between the elementals and non-elementals. Sometimes we trade goods and sometimes something happens that forces us to discuss politics with other species. Asides from that, however, Phoenix Ponies and Frostealius stay in their own territory. They never leave, any discussions made with other nations are discussed via messaging animals. Such as a messenger dragon or a messenger phoenix- ."

"There are messenger dragons?" asked Dean.

"There's a breed of dragons call Teloscaleions that have a unique ability to teleport items with their fire breath. Its so much faster then delivering by bird, but I digress."

"Point is, I don't address myself like the other Elementals because, although I am an Elemental, I have done the one thing that all four species of Elementals are not supposed to do. I left my home, I left Alburnia, breaking the number one rule of the Elementals."

"Why is this rule so strict? How come Elementals can't leave their territories?"

"Its because of this planet, and how we're the ones to take care of it. Elementals have very important jobs taking care of this planet. If Elementals suddenly decided to stop their jobs and leave somewhere else, then the world would fall into chaos! Alburnia is where the Phoenix Ponies protect the planet's core with their fire. Well what if we suddenly decided to leave? Who would stay to protect the core? It can only be Phoenix Ponies because only phoenix fire can protect the core. Of course, some will want to stay and protect the core anyway, but will it be enough?"

"I see, so you all can't leave because of the danger it would cause to the planet as a whole?"

"Correct, that is why no Elemental is meant to leave their territories. Which is why I don't like to prefer myself as one." said the Doctor.

"But if Phoneix Pony jobs are that important, then why did you leave? I know you said it was because you were bored, but if that's the case then, do you not care what happens to the planet?"

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I do! I just figured that one measly Phoenix Pony leaving wouldn't cause any problems, and I was right. Nothing bad happened at all."

"They weren't mad at you leaving?"

"No they were furious! They sent tons of Phoenix Pony soldiers after me! They chased me for over ten years before they finally gave up."

"So you got away? Just like that? Scott free?"

"Er, no, no not quite. You see, I had tried so hard to escape that when they quit their chase they decided that if I didn't want to be in Alburnia so badly that I should just stay out, permanently. They had sentence me to life in exile."

"What!?! You're banned from going home just because you left!?!"

"Your astonishment is due to your little understanding on the subject, Dean. You are so accustomed to the cultures of common Equine that you forget Phoenix Ponies have their own cultures with their own rules. Yes it seems shocking, but that is just part of being an Elemental. And being an Elemental means you have to follow the laws of an Elemental. You break the law, you will be punished."

"But I'm not too disappointed, I mean sure Alburnia was my home and I absolutely loved the place! But I'd rather be traveling the world and seeing what it has to offer then be trapped in Alburnia for the rest of my life."

"But what about your home?" asked Dean.

"This is my home, you're in it- ."

"No I mean, like a country, don't you live somewhere?"

"No, and I don't need to. The entire world is my oyster Dean and I'd rather not limit myself to a single country."

"Alright, I think we've gone off topic long enough. Now, where was I?"

"You had just finished telling me about the Earth Elementals", said Dean.

"Oh! That's right! Let's see, I've covered their home, the way they live, lifespan, population, what they do, guess I have this Elemental covered!"

"Next elemental, Frostealius! The Water- ."

The Doctor was interrupted to the sound of a loud alarm. The white lights changed red, giving the kitchen a dark hazy contrast that mixed badly with the white and black design.

"What's that!?" asked Dean.

"Something bad, console room, quick!" said the Doctor, leaping to his hooves and dashing towards the kitchen door.

Dean followed behind, he and the Doctor exiting the kitchen and running down the pearly white hallway. Whose lights had also changed color and were now fading in and out between black darkness and red light.

It took ten seconds for the two to reach the console room.

Upon entering, the Doctor first rushed to the monitor on the hexagonal console and read its contents before groaning. "There's been a sudden imbalancement between the gravitational pull and magic frequencies! It's flip flopping all over the place!"

"What is?"

"The frequencies of course! WHOA!"

The Doctor and Dean fell over simultaneously as the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T gave a sudden jerk. The Doctor rushed back to his hooves first, shifting his balance as best as he could to not fall down again as the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T shook like an earthquake.

The Doctor looked back to the monitor before pressing a few gray buttons. He then rush to the other side of the console, flipped a lever, turned a knob, switched the side to his left, pressed more buttons, and flipped another lever.

The monitor gave off a small 'DING!', like a bell being tapped with small, metal, mallet. The Doctor rushed to it, read its contents, then slammed a hoof to the console. "This is Discord's doing! His magic is affecting the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T's coordinations! It doesn't know where to land! Its flying blind!"

"What does that mean!?!" shouted Dean.

"It means if I can't reroute the trajectory path then the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T's going to crash!"

"Crash!?! Crash where!?!"

"I don't know! Somewhere random!"

"Can you fix it!?!"

"Of course I can! Just watch!"

The Doctor made haste as he fiddled with his console. Pushing buttons, turning knobs, pulling levers and switches, running to and fro to each side of the console.

Suddenly, the machine jerked, more violent then the first.

Dean and the Doctor held on tight to the console to not fall, having expected the machine to act this way after the first jerk.

A few moments later, the Doctor looked to Dean with an expression of worry. "You may want to prepare yourself."


Just as he asked this the alarm became more apparent. The red light blinking faster as the alarm became louder and more frequent between intervals.

"What's happening!?!"

"Flying through Discord's magic is a lot more difficult then I expected!"

The Doctor and Dean lost balance for a moment as the machine jerked again.

Quickly recovering, the Doctor gave Dean a half reassuring, half worrisome smile. "This could work but just in case it doesn't, hang on tight!"

The Doctor rushed forward to a silver lever with a black ball connected at the top. He grabbed the lever hard and flipped it down.

As he did, the alarm and red light worsened as the machines shook more violently then before.

"DOCTOR!!!" Dean screamed. He tried to keep his balance with the machines violent shakes.

Yet little did the poor colt know that the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T, from the outside, was spinning out of control.

The Doctor growled, "come on girl! You can do it!!!"

Another jerk caused Dean to scream.