• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 1,832 Views, 63 Comments

DOCTOR - Deidorimu

Equestria has fallen into chaos by Discord, Celestia and Luna fight desperately to keep Equestria in peace. Simultaneously, criminals and villains take this time as an opportunity for greed and power. And in the mid-center of this chaos lies a doctor

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Lullabies: Part Five (S1C5)

Aster exited the office, and upon so found himself face to face with the stallion phantom, hovering at the foot of the stairs. Aster reeled back, squealing as he ran to the Doctor. The Doctor stood a few feet in front of the phantom, centered in the central room, giving the phantom an odd look as if he had been expecting him.

Hiding behind the Doctor as if he were a shield, Aster said through chattering teeth, pointing at the phantom, "D- D- D- Doctor! H- H- He's here!!!"

The Doctor gave the phantom a friendly grin, "oh I know. He's been here for while."

"W- What!?!"

"He came while we were reading Henry's diary."

Aster repeated, "w- w- what!?! W- W- When did- why didn't you tell me!?!"

"Because I was reading."

Aster frowned, "b- b- but, I- I didn't see him! How'd you know he was here?"

The Doctor looked to Aster, giving him a serious look as he said with utmost assertion, "psychic powers."

Aster gasped, "r- really!?!"

The Doctor chuckled, "just kidding, his hair was waving around the corner sometimes."

"Oh", said Aster, bearing an irritated expression.

Smiling, the Doctor addressed the ghost, "so its just you, huh? Dean still out there with your sister?"

The ghost stayed silent, floating in his place as he stared, unblinking.

The Doctor shook his head, "I didn't expect a school boy like him to take this kind of risk. A solid head, a good heart, and a brave soul, he's going to become quite the pony when he's older". He pointed to the ghost, "but what about you? What do you want to be when you grow up?"

He waited for a response. After a moment of silence the Doctor continued, "and how old are you by the way? Because that diary your father wrote, and I apologize for snooping, it didn't seem to mention yours and your sister's age. Or maybe it did and I just didn't find it, I was busy trying to find the important stuff. Again, sorry for snooping."

The Doctor hadn't expected it, and was surprised that Putty had something to ask. He was further surprised on what he had asked, "you are the Doctor?"

A fragment of a second the Doctor lost his composer, before he chuckled, "did Silly tell you about me?"

". . . . We know you . . ."

The Doctor cocked a brow at that, "sorry? What?"

" . . . . We know you . . . Doctor who. We know you . . ."

The Doctor became concerned, but he didn't show it, "really now? Your sister said the same thing when we first met her. Now that I think about it, this is the first time you and I are talking as well, isn't it?"

" . . . Phoenix Adventure . . . Ashen blood . . ."

"Yeah, your sister called me those too-"

"Defender of the Keep, Destroyer of Draconequus, The Almighty Shield, the Oncoming Storm, the Doctor of War"

" . . . Okay . . . those are new", the Doctor said, feeling a pit in his stomach. "You and your sister certainly know something I don't. You mind explaining?" There was a moment of silence, and the Doctor scoffed, "fine, be that way! You and your sister can keep your secrets!"

"You keep saying his sister", Aster piped in.

"Yeah, and?"

"Does that mean . . . is- is that Putty?" asked Aster.

The Doctor sighed and said to Putty, "alright, we'll move past that. But don't think I won't forget what you said."

He then explained to Aster, "Isn't it obvious? Of course that's Putty. For the clear fact that he's a stallion and the other ghosts a mare. That's the obvious, but! Its also your personality, Putty."

The Doctor took a step forward, abandoning his spot as Aster's shield as Aster stumbled to quickly keep close. The Doctor stepped close enough to touch Putty, making Aster shiver in discomfort. "Your father is a good stallion, Putty. He really cares for you, your sister and . . . your mother. And I'm sorry, about what happened that day. But your father, he cared for you so much that he wrote down so much information about you in his diary. His love and passion and care for you and your sister, he never stopped writing about you. Even in his last days, when the chaos was corrupting him, just like it did to you and your sister."

There was a pause, as if the Doctor expected Putty to reply. Of course he didn't, so the Doctor continued. "You probably don't understand how it works so I'll simplify it for you. A big, mean creature came and put a bad spell on you, your sister, and your father. It changes you to turn into what you are now, but your father felt the changes first. And he had fought it off for so long before he lost. You want to know how he was able to last so long?"

The Doctor bent close to sincerely explain, "it was the diary."

Suddenly, the Doctor turned around and walked to the second locked door to the left, with Aster, again, stumbling to keep close. He stopped in front of the door and turned to Putty, "you see, Discord places his magic into you and it changes you. When it happens it feels like your falling asleep. Your body goes numb, everything goes black, and then you feel nothing, but! Actually, that's just his magic consuming you. And once its done you don't even realize what its done to you. Your body transforms and you act different but from your perspective, it all feels like a dream. This very conversation feels like a dream, while you stand there looking and acting like the ghost of the Unnamed Forest. You act this way, you look this way but its alright, it doesn't bother you, because its all just a dream. That's how it feels when your corrupted.

Now your father; you, your sister, and your father all had chaos inside you after Mane City fell. Aster and I know what it feels like to have the chaos consume you, or, try to consume you in our cases. So we felt all the effects of "falling asleep" in an instant. We got it the easy way, having it forcefully pushed inside you. You, your sister, and your father, the magic was inside you, but it hadn't consumed you yet. You had it the hard way, slowly consuming your body day after day. It must of felt like torture to you and your sister, that is, until you had "fallen asleep". After that the final stages of the chaos changed you without you even feeling it. Day after day you grow more and more tired until eventually you just give up and sleep. So, how did your father manage to last so long? As I said, its his diary.

Because, Putty, you may feel this to be all a dream. You may feel like you are just asleep and you aren't bothered by what's happening but deep down you are still there! The chaos, its just like a box. An old, disgusting, wooden box, on top of an apple. From the outside you are scary. You look like a ghost and you want to foulnap ponies. But on the inside Putty is still there, and he is still helping his sister, the "Queen of the Forest", turn ponies into princesses. A game that Putty and Silly played together. He helps, but he is not the one to actually capture them. He saves that fun for his sister because, as Henry explained, Putty cares more for his sister's enjoyment than his own. That's why you haven't done anything to Aster and I and you won't either, you need to wait for the Queen to return."

"The Queen is the ruler of this land. All who enter will submit and become princesses of her order", Putty said, remaining fixed, floating.

"Yes because that's how your game works, Putty! You are still in there! You and your sister! You are still being a good brother and helping your sister have fun! The chaos changed you but it cannot remove you! It doesn't work that way, and had you kept a self connection to yourself you may have been able to last a little longer, like your father did.

The diary, as I said he cared deeply for you, and he never, ever stopped writing about you, your sister, and your mother, even in his last days. And that's what kept him going for so long. He worked so hard to find a cure for you and Silly, and he wrote each passing day in his diary. It helped to keep a mental connection to who he truly was and to what he was working for. Because he knew that if he lost himself, than he would lose you and your sister as well. But what kept him going so long isn't just writing in the diary, it was the diary itself. The only item he was able to bring with him outside of Mane City. A gift from his wife that he had loved so much.

You never gave up, you fought the chaos for so long to help your children. And in your last days you knew it was the end, but even so you still manage to do one last thing. One last attempt to save your children."

Aster looked to the Doctor, confused, "Doctor? What are you saying to Putty?"

"I'm not talking to Putty". The Doctor turned, facing the solid steel door. Resting his head to the cold steel, he closed his eyes and asked, "Aster, after everything we've learned, let's do a role count. Putty is here, Silly is chasing Dean, Mike is in a cage with two others. Now, who do you think is missing?"

Aster knew immediately, "Henry!"

"And where do you think he is?"

"I- I don't know, he's not in the house."

"Oh yes he is, he's been here the whole time", said the Doctor, smiling.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Why do you think the twins didn't go after Mike after they were corrupted? They probably tried to, wanted to, but they couldn't, not while their dad told them not to."

"Their- you mean Henry?" asked Aster.

"Deep down Putty and Silly are still there, so despite being corrupted they still cannot disobey their father. They couldn't do it then, and I'm sure they won't be able to now".

The Doctor opened his eyes as he spoke towards the door, "I know you can hear me. This steel door is strong but it isn't sound proof. And it wasn't made to keep ponies out, its here to keep you in. You had to lock yourself, roaming free would allow the chaos to go about as it pleases. And if it did that it would have a proper latch on you. Locking yourself in a small space with no one to capture and nothing to do, that's smart. You probably didn't even realize how smart it was at the time, you were probably just trying to prevent yourself from foulnapping other ponies. But being a father you couldn't find it in your heart to lock up your kids, that I can understand. But, spells like this, being locked in a small place with nothing to do would put it into stand by. Hibernating to maintain its power until your free, and can actually weaken the latch. Not enough to save you, but a little to, perhaps, bring you back. Even for a little bit, before it realizes its free and regains its hold on you.

And I'm not sure how long you've had to think in there, but I know your still there, and so are your memories. Your job, your home, your friends, your family. You remember Mara, your wife. You loved her so much, you always wrote about her. And your kids, from what I've read your kids are absolutely brilliant! You have a good daughter who loves to play, and a kind son who loves the smiles of others, especially his sister's. And you remember that pain, that pain you felt that day, in Mane City. The day he came and defeated the princesses, the day he made Mane City fall, the day that you lost your wife, the day you lost Mara."

There was a sudden muffled, hallow groan from the other side of the door. Loud, and in agony, like a ghost of sorrow in mourning. Echoing the basement and startling Aster as he shook. Even Putty looked to the door, simply turning his neck. Aster hadn't noticed Putty, but the Doctor did, and he was glad to hear this reply. "You feel it, that pain?"

There was a second grown, louder and evermore full of pain.

"I want you to know that I am sorry. I am so, so sorry for what had happened to your wife. There was nothing you could have done, nothing that anyone could have done to prevent that day. Your wife and thousands of others were lost in that city and I am sorry, I am so sorry. But your children, your beautiful children are here, the ones you worked so hard to save. You tried to cure them with potions and medicine, but that wasn't the right approach! Because they aren't sick, and neither are you! But that does not mean that you have failed! In fact, you've done it. They are still here and you have succeeded!"

The Doctor became louder, speaking almost excitedly. "You want to know how you succeeded!? Because of everything you wrote in your diary! Each day you fought off the chaos and wrote in your diary you gave me more and more information to work with. You probably didn't know it but each day you wrote in that dairy you made it easier to fight back against this chaos and save your children! But! Most of all, what you did to save your children, the last thing you did with what you had left! You . . . you asked for help."

The Doctor held the door's large padlock in his hoof and felt around. Finding a small switch on the back, he flipped it. The padlock "clicked", revealing a small compartment on the front center of the padlock. Inside was a small, white row of four swivel dials with red numbers, all lined in "zero". "Bingo", the Doctor whispered, finding the key to unlocking the combination lock.

"Help is here. And with everything that you have given me I can confirm that your children will be saved! Because I know how to save them! I know how to remove the chaos inside of you and Silly and Mike and everyone else here! I can save them! I can save them all!!!"

The Doctor's tone turned soft, and became concerned. "Henry, I can save you and your children. But I need your help, Putty and Silly will not let me save them because of the chaos magic. If you are still there, if you want your children to be saved than please, please Henry! Help me save your children!"

There was a pause as the Doctor waited for a response. After a moment, someone knocked the door hard four times, giving the Doctor the sign he was looking for.

He smiled, "brilliant, absolutely brilliant!" He looked over his shoulder to Aster, "Aster! We will only have a few minutes so follow me, keep close, and do not fall behind! Understand!?"

"W- W- Wait a minute! W- W- What's going on!?!" asked Aster, having been somewhat lost near the end of the conversation.

"You and I are going to make a run for it through the forest and we are going to save everypony here from the chaos including Larkspur!"

"You will not escape. You shall remain here until the Queen returns", said Putty, now looking back to the Doctor.

"Oh yeah? And who's going to keep us here? You?" said the Doctor, with a challenge granting tone as he pointed to Putty. "Well you can try, and we won't fight back, don't need to. Because there is one pony who can stop you!" Quickly, the Doctor set the dials on the lock to: zero, one, seven, and four. The lock "clicked", indicating that it was open. The Doctor then removed the lock, removed the metal bar, and gripped the handle.

Before opening the door, he looked to Putty and grinned slyly, "oh, and one more thing. Whoever said anything about escaping? This isn't an escape, its a rescue!" The Doctor pulled the door with all his might.

It had been closed for so long that the metal screeched along the ground loudly, scratching the cement as it opened. The door bumped with a hallow "bang" against the wall to the left, the border between this room and the office several feet to the left.

The lab inside was far too dark to see, and the red candles illuminating the primary room wasn't nearly strong enough to allow even a little view inside. The Doctor, Aster, and Putty, all three were looking into the darkness of the lab, as they heard a faint moan inside.

A sickly groan, like fleeting lungs clinging desperately for air. In and out slowly, struggling with each breath as he stepped through the door. His hooves clacking along the cement as he approached. From the dark he left his prison, standing in the doorway, in the light of the red candles where everyone could see.

Aster stepped back, afraid of the pony who was Henry. The Doctor gave him a smile as he too stepped back, only to give him more room to enter. Putty, however, appeared as emotionless as ever. He hovered in his same spot, staring to the pony who entered. However, despite nothing appearing different, the Doctor couldn't help but feel a slight drift appear in the atmosphere. Subtle, hidden, but it was there. Putty was put off by Henry's appearance, the Doctor could tell.

The pony who was Henry was somewhat shorter than the two had expected, though the Doctor could assume why. The chaos had affected his height, as it did to every other part of his body. Standing at the size of a teen pony, Henry was bright green with teal spots around his body, everywhere but his back. Which, was covered and shielded with a solid, thick, dark green shell. His hair was gone and instead was replaced by two straight, cream orange goat horns. His tail was slim with a spikey purple ball at the end, and his hooves were large and resembled turtle feet. His jaw had transformed to that of a turtles as well as his teeth, with his molars poking out, too large to fit in his mouth. His eyes were pink, void of sclera, and his cutie mark was no longer there. He reeked of algae and moth balls, and each breath he took blasted Aster and the Doctor with rancid sardines and tuna. In a sense, Henry resembled a pony sized turtle to the others.

Henry looked to the Doctor with lopsided eyes, as the Doctor greeted him like a friend, "glad your still with us."

Aster looked to the Doctor, then to Henry, as he listened cautiously.

Henry breathed heavily for a moment, concentrating, before answering slowly in a deep voice. "I . . . d- not . . . have . . . long."

"I understand, buy us some time?" the Doctor asked.

"You . . . will . . . save them?" Henry asked, shaking, his knees and neck popping.

The Doctor replied sincerely, "absolutely!"

Henry looked to the ground, then to the Doctor as he cringed, holding back the awakening chaos. True to the Doctor's word, the chaos had always been present to Henry. And after an extended time in the prison he had felt it weaken. His body had become weak, and the energy pounding in his body had suddenly disappeared. With the chaos on stand by, he no longer felt the motive to so much as move, as all life in him felt to have fleeted away.

Now that he was free, the chaos felt the relief of freedom, and was awakening inside Henry once again. It was almost immediate, the sudden pulsating energy, throbbing his head and attacking his heart. It hurt, and he held back, making him dizzy and weaker than he already was. But he held it off and took a breath before looking to Putty.

Stepping forth, Henry approached Putty, his knees popping with each step, like a skeleton with weathered bones. He stared equally dead eyed towards Putty as Putty did to Henry, the two staring into each other. A foot away, Henry spoke up to Putty, forcing his weak voice to withstand his authority. "Putty . . . is that really you?"

Physically, Putty remained emotionless, but it was clear that something inside him recognized Henry. Both the Doctor and Aster noticed something changed. It was small, almost unnoticeable, but they caught it. Not in his tone or the way he spoke, it was how he spoke. Putty replied to Henry, and he did it stuttering.

"Y- You are n- not in command. I only assist the queen-"

"Putty!" Henry suddenly yelled, silencing Putty as he fell into a coughing fit. It took a moment for him to catch his breath before he was able continue. "I . . . am your father! And you . . . will listen to me!"

Putty was silent for a moment, and for the first time, the Doctor and Aster actually saw Putty afraid. Not by his features, his face hadn't changed. Instead, when Henry shouted, Putty had backed away, as if out of defense or being startled. Afterwards, Putty tried to look Henry in the eye once more, but it was obvious he couldn't. The ghost that had tried to capture the three ponies all night was now avoiding looking into Henry's eyes, as he looked to the stairway wall to his right instead.

"I- I . . . I o- obey . . . t- the q- q- queen!!!" Putty had yelled, struggling to merely get the words out.

Putty was returning and the chaos didn't want that, it was fighting back, trying to keep Putty from complying with his father. The Doctor knew that, and from what Aster had learned tonight, he somewhat knew what was happening as well.

Henry, keeping his sights locked into Putty's, glaring as he yelled with authority, "Putty! I! Am! Your father! And you will listen to me, right! Now!"

"Grrrrrnnnnnaaaaaaaaagh!!!" Putty gripped his head, falling to the stairs as the chaos magic depleted. His ability to float gone, as the chaos reserved its energy into keeping its control on Putty. His father spoke to him, he needed to respect his father, but the chaos assaulted his mind. Forcing away any thoughts of his father, and blocking memories of his family, as well as his past life.

"Putty!" said Henry.

Putty groaned once more, looking from the stairs up to his father. Each time his father spoke, a flood of lost memories returned to him. His mind, his body, he could almost feel himself again. The numbness from chaos magic was weakening, and Putty could feel himself awakening. And with each returning memory, the chaos struck back, plunging Putty's memories back into the deepest reaches of his mind, where he couldn't see them.

But the chaos was losing. Each time it pushed the memories down Henry would shout, bringing the memories back up and making it more and more difficult to return them.

"Putty!" Henry shouted.

"GAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Putty screamed. The chaos, suddenly, lost its hold on him, allowing the colt to see with his own mind again. The basement, the Doctor, Aster, and his father. He no longer saw them as a dream, he saw them as Putty.

He went still for a moment, the fight with chaos making him weak. The three waited in anticipation as Putty caught his breath.

"D- D- Daddy?" Putty struggled, his voice an uncanny sound to that of a child demon.

"Putty!" Henry rushed forward to Putty, wrapping a hoof around his boy. "Putty! Its me! Its your father!"

"D- D- Daddy. I- I- aaaaaagh!" Putty writhed, his head pounding by the chaos's strength.

"He won't last long, its now or never!" said the Doctor.

Henry agreed as he held to his son tighter, gripping him in a strong hug, as if this would be the last chance he would ever be able to hold his son. He felt Putty struggle for a moment, before he went still, gasping and breathing hard, fighting mentally while his body rested in his father's legs.

Henry spoke softly to his son, "Putty, please, call your sister for me."

Putty stuttered, struggling to respond to his father, "I- I- I- c- can't."

"Putty . . . please . . . I want you to come back to me . . . please call her back."

Putty felt another wave of pain pass through his head, and he screamed. Simultaneously, Henry cringed, feeling a similar pain rush through him, with a strength ten fold to that of Putty's. Only holding his son kept him sane. And as the pain faded he knew he didn't have long.

"Putty . . . I . . . love you."

And that was it. With that the chaos felt Putty's heart throb, and his mind rushed with memories of his family. His love for his father emanating, pulsing, an energy too strong to withstand. The chaos retreated, waiting to build its strength to fight Putty's love for his father. In the mean time, however, Putty felt his senses return to him. And for the first time in what felt like forever, Putty had control of himself again. And he felt awake, returned to the real world.

Exhausted and breathing heavily, Putty looked into his father's eyes, smiling a ghostly beam, "Daddy!"

"Putty!" Henry said happily as he felt Putty hugging him back.

The Doctor smiled, and Aster stood slack jawed, amazed and dumbfounded at the spectacle before them. Despite being happy for them, the Doctor knew it wasn't time for celebration. They weren't finished yet. "Henry!" he called, "let's do it!"

Henry looked to the Doctor, nodded, then said to his son. "Putty, I need you to call your sister. Can you do that for me? Please?"

Putty nodded and Henry helped him to his hooves. Henry stood back, allowing his son the room he needed to focus. But, little did he know that it was unnecessary. For, Putty remembered the times he had spent as the phantom, and the times the chaos, controlling his body, called upon Silly. He had technically already done it many times and, at this point, it was shear muscle memory to repeat the call.

Stepping away from the staircase, Putty opened his jaw wide, outstretching twice the normal length of any pony. Then, he screamed a piercing shriek, bellowing like a deep voiced banshee up to the ceiling, screaming to the heavens.

The call rung painfully through the basement as the Doctor and Aster covered their ears in discomfort. Henry, however, seemed unfazed as he watched his son call his daughter.

Ten seconds later, Putty stopped. He jaw shut, very robotic like, as he smiled to his father. "Here she comes."

"Good . . . good". Henry looked to the Doctor, "now you can save them?"

The two released their ears as the Doctor responded, "absolutely!"

Henry looked to the ground as he said, "if . . . if you cannot save me . . . that is fine. Just . . . please . . . save them."

The Doctor frowned and approached Henry, placing a hoof to his shoulder. Henry lifted his head, and their eyes met. Henry, weary and tired, and the Doctor, a fire blazing in his eyes. He said with confidence and determination, "no, you will not be left behind! They need a father more than ever, and I will not allow you to go!"

Henry felt the Doctor's words pierce him. His kindness, his assertive demeanor that he can, in fact, save them all. It struck a soft spot he hadn't felt in so long. This stranger, doing so much to help, it was too much to bare. Had he been able to move his face he would have certainly cried. But in his state, the most Henry was able to muster was an emotionless nod, letting the Doctor know he understood.

The Doctor nodded to Henry before looking to Aster. "Let's go!" he turned suddenly, rushing up the stairs.

"W- Wait!" Aster shouted. He gave Henry and Putty one last glance before running to catch up with the Doctor.

Up the stairs, through the living room, out the front door. The two were once again running through the forest. The cold, dark morning air clinging to their skin as Aster caught up, trailing behind a few feet. "What about Dean!?!" Aster called.

"Don't worry! We'll find him!"

"How?" asked Aster.


"Sweet Celesti- AAAAAAAGH!!!" Dean screamed, his pitch reaching to that of a little filly's.

The phantom attacked with one of her tendril hairs at Dean, making a swipe towards his head. Dean managed to duck in time, as her tendril smacked a tree behind him. Wood chips spewed about as the phantom's attack cut through the tree, splitting it in half. The top half of the tree fell back, crashing against the ground, wafting up a cloud of dust and pollen as its fall echoed through the area.

Another tendril darted forth, and Dean leapt to dodge. He summersaulted clumsily, avoiding the attack while falling to his back, as he noticed a third tendril coming his way. He had to roll left to avoid it, as it hit the ground inches from him, blasting dirt about and leaving behind a melon sized hole.

Dean lifted to his hooves to run, but wasn't quick enough for the forth attack. Another tendril darted, striking Dean's back as he turned to run. He felt the air taken from him, as what felt like a minotaur pounding a brick to his back push him off his hooves. He flew several feet into the air and soared over a dozen yards, before crashing to the ground. He tumbled, rolled, and stopped, laying in a small cloud of dirt.

Coughing, Dean tried to move, but he too hurt. At this point the phantom had made many attacks, a few of which were actually successful. His left cheek was swollen from a powerful slap, his shoulder was bleeding from colliding into a tree, there were bruises on his right abdomen from her first attack, several cuts and scratches covered the majority of his body. Last of course was the attack on his back. He wasn't sure how bad the damage was, but it was painful enough that he couldn't move. If he could see it, he would have seen a black and blue bruise swelling in a thick line, horizontal on the center of his back, shaped like the phantom's tendril.

He made another attempt to stand as his legs shook to support him, only to fall, succumbing to the pain. He heard the phantom laugh behind him, and could only crank his neck to see her.

She walked slowly, menacingly towards Dean, as she laughed happily. "Aaaaawwww!!! Can the little princess not run anymore!?!"

Panicked, his heart beating like drums, Dean tried to stand. Yet, he fell again, and in desperation tried to crawl away with his forelegs, escaping at a rather fast turtles pace.

Seeing Dean's futile escape made her laugh. She came to Dean and stomped on his back, leaving a black bruised hoof print on his right shoulder blade. Dean screamed, but was cut off as he choked, the air vanishing from him suddenly. The phantom had kicked his left abdomen, doing so to turn him on his back. Once Dean was laid back, facing up towards her, the phantom stepped on his chest and pressed down hard. Struggling to breath, Dean felt the pressure of the phantom's hoof welling in his chest. While she looked down on Dean like he was her dinner, giggling psychotically, drooling and splattering him in chocolate milk.

She leaned down and spoke in a soft, threatening way. "Looks like your mine little princess! HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!"

"G- Ge- off!!!" Dean sputtered, grabbing meekly at the phantom's ankle.

She laughed and lowered her tendril hair slowly, encircling Dean's vision with black, hanging snakes. The tendrils extended to the ground and atop Dean, covering all around him and his body. A few of the tendrils slithered up his neck to reach his face.

"S- S- op!" Dean begged.

She laughed, "nighty night PRINCESS!!!"

The chaos flowed inside her, exerting the magicka from her core, through her head, and passing it through the tendrils. The tendrils, like tubes full of fluid, poured the magic out and forced it into Dean. It penetrated him, passing the flowing magicka into Dean's core and exposing him to chaos. Dean felt the chaos enter him, like boiling oil, flowing through and welling a painful heat into his chest. Simultaneously, the tendrils covering his face transferred chaos directly into his head, blurring his vision as a fire blasted through his mind. Swirling thoughts flashed, and a psychotic laugh rang in his ears, a laugh that belonged to neither he nor the phantom. From his head and chest, flowing downwards to the rest of his body, feeling like he was being dipped head first into boiling oil.

Suddenly, Dean felt the heat eradicate. It was like sucking water through a straw. The boiling chaos retreated and was suctioned through the phantom's tendrils, returning all of the chaos to her core. It exited his body so quickly that, to Dean, it felt like his insides were being ripped out from him. The chaos returned and the boiling hotness faded, and the phantom stepped off of Dean.

Choking, coughing as the cold air flushed back into him, Dean rolled to his side and gripped his legs around his body, hugging himself. It took a moment before his vision returned and the laughing faded. Once gone Dean began to hear a banshee like shriek echoing in the distance. Looking towards the sound, Dean found that it was coming from the house by the lake. He hadn't traveled far from when the phantom first attacked. In fact, her first attack was a mere dozen yards away, and he had traveled closer to the house, seeing it easier through the trees.

Dean didn't have time to register the sound before the phantom suddenly ran from him, galloping to the house. Confused, Dean assumed that sound, whatever it was, was calling her to return to the house. He didn't know why, but he guessed the Doctor might be involved.

Dean suddenly grew concerned. In his struggle he had forgotten about the Doctor and realized that he may still be inside the lake house.

Perhaps it was the second phantom calling her? He thought to earlier when the first phantom had screamed a similar screech, after he used the Doctor's trap on her. The second phantom probably screams the same way, and that was how he was calling her. If the second phantom was in there calling her, and she returns, that means the Doctor and Aster have to fight against them both.

"Shoot!!!" Dean spat, forcing himself to rise to his hooves. It took a moment, his shaky legs picking his injured body up. Every muscle was screaming at him to quit; sore, cut, and bruised from attack after attack. But he refused and picked himself up, steadying himself, before taking a deep breath and charging forth.

Ahead of him, the phantom plowed through a bush, ripping it from its roots as she galloped through it. Dean followed her path and trampled the soft dirt, brought up from the pulled bush.

Suddenly, Dean heard a high pitch scream, and was met by the Doctor and a terrified looking Aster, standing several feet away.

The Doctor and Aster watched as the phantom plowed through the bush and galloped pass them both. Ignoring them as she made her way back to the house. Dean followed behind and came to a dead stop, his injured leg nearly collapsing as he looked to the two, genuinely surprised to see them. Breathing heavily, Dean stuttered, "w- w- what! Doctor!?! Aster!?!"

Though Aster too was caught surprised by Dean's appearance, the Doctor had known he would show up. If Dean was captured by Silly she would have returned by now with Dean, most likely unconscious. The two never returned, so he knew Dean was never captured. With that in mind he figured that, with Silly returning to the house, Dean would most likely follow or return to the house as well. It was only a matter of keeping their eyes out for Silly galloping back to the house, then they would find Dean.

And true to his theory he had found Dean not too far behind Silly. And he stared to Dean as Aster did, both evidently shocked. Not because he hadn't expected Dean, but because he hadn't expected Dean to appear so heavily injured. He head nearly smiled to Dean before seeing him in his state. Looking concern, the Doctor said loudly, "Dean! What happened to you!?!"

Not questioning how the two managed to find him, or why Silly was retreating, Dean shook his head and asked what he felt to be more important, "never mind that! I thought you two were in the house! What happened to saving the foalnapped ponies!?! Where are they!?!"

Not that he didn't care about the foalnapped ponies, Dean's safety mattered just a bit more, and the Doctor pressed on,"later! What happened to your face!?!"

Aster was confused, with Dean appearing out of the blue looking like a mess, and the Doctor prior acting as if he was expecting this, but not expecting him to look like a mess? He looked to Dean, then to the Doctor, and back again. "Wait, but how did- where did he- why is-" he stuttered, puzzled.

"That's not important! Where are the ponies!?!" Dean pressed on as well, refusing to tell the Doctor his prior events until he found out the situation at hand.

Likewise to the Doctor, he was too concerned for Dean and wanted to know what had happened. "Dean! Your hurt! What happened!?!"

"Doctor! The foalnapped ponies!" Dean yelled.

The two went silent, only hearing Dean's heavy breathing, and distant birds chirping. Slowly, the two realized that they were equally concerned with each others situations. They wanted to know what happened with the other but felt they didn't have the time to explain their own side.

The Doctor, despite being concerned for his hurt friend, saw that Dean was still standing. Hurt, but at least he was on his own four hooves. And he remembered that, adventures like this, not everyone leaves unscathed. Anyone is bound for some injuries, and Dean was no exception, despite how much he cared about him. Remembering that, the Doctor calmed himself and sighed as he came to a compromise. "The ghost did it, didn't she?"

Dean, who also realized their equal concern, saw the Doctor's compromise. He nodded, "yeah. And your still saving them, aren't you?"

The Doctor smiled, "just about saved actually. Want to tell me how you got hurt later?"

Dean chuckled, "as long as you tell me what happened in that house."

"You got it, can you run?"

Dean nodded, "probably not as fast. But for the most part, yeah."

"Great, than let's go. Were going back to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T."

He didn't know how the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T would help, but at this point he chose not to questioned it. He felt the Doctor knew what he was doing anyway. "Got it!"

"Wait! But how did Dean- how did you know that-"

"Come on!" said the Doctor, as he and Dean were already galloping off.

"Ah! Wait! How did you know where to find Dean! What just happened!?!" Aster yelled, following behind.

The Unnamed Forest, 6:55 A.M

"So those ghosts are actually two children playing a game?" asked Dean.

"Yeah, I know it seems strange, believe me it is. But that's really all they are, two children playing a game", the Doctor explained.

The three had ran for awhile with neither Dean nor Aster recognizing the area they were in. They followed behind the Doctor closely, as he was the only one who knew how to return to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T.

The fog had thinned during Dean's fight with Silly, and they hadn't realized it until after making their return to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T. By now the fog was gone entirely, and the forest was much easier to see through now. No longer was the forest a black and blue tint covered in white. Now, the white was gone, and they noticed the black was gone as well, and the blue tint was brightening with orange. Curious, the Doctor looked to the sky and found a point at which the trees didn't block his view. Based off the lighting and the moon no longer poised in the sky, the Doctor figured it must have been around seven o clock. The point which neither the sun nor the moon showed. But with the sun making its way over the horizon it brought the first rays of light with it, brightening the environment, only slightly.

Early birds were chirping, pollen had begun to sparkle, and the humid air begun to smell like morning dew. The very forest around them felt to awaken, with the breeze ceased and the still branches, the oak and maple trees seemed to signal the end of that terrifying night. A calm, soothing, relaxing forest morning was to begin, as if to reward them for their efforts. If only their quest was complete. And of course the night in a forest has its beauty as well. But for that night, it went almost unnoticed.

The three were tired, plastered in dirt and sweat that chilled them. Each bearing their own sets of cuts, bruises, and injuries. Dean at the moment bearing the most of the three. It had been a long night, and with the light brightening did Aster and Dean realize that they had in fact stayed up through the entire night without rest. Fighting, running, planning; mentally and physically, they were weary. The Doctor, in his age, was just as physically tired, if not more so, than Dean. Mentally, he could keep going for days if he had too. But with the others in their current state, the Doctor knew he needed this to end quickly. For their sake and for the ones corrupted by Discord's chaos.

Thirty minutes had passed since they found Dean, and the three galloped to return to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T. Knowing this forest as the Doctor did, he knew the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T was only a few minutes away.

"And their dad has them at the house keeping them, what, occupied?" asked Dean.

"More or less."

"And you found out that this is all because of Discord?"

"In a manner of speaking. Its his fault but he didn't caused this intentionally."

"How is he involved but not involved?"

"He didn't do this himself, but he is the one who made the chaos corrupt ponies just by breathing the air around it. Its all in Henry's diary. How he and his kids were possessed by chaos."

"Diary? What diary?"

"I'll tell you that part later. The M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T's not too far from here. Once we get there I need you two to do exactly what I say! And we need to move quick!"

"What exactly are we going to do?" asked Dean, with Aster just about to ask the same thing.

"The M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T is science based tech like most Phoenix Pony technology. But like most of our tech it runs off of magical energy because its not only more abundant, but also because its the cleanest form of energy."

"Yeah, you've already told me that."

"Yes! But what I haven't told you is how the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T is charged with its energy!" Looking over his shoulder, the Doctor smiled to Dean, "the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T can't run forever, it runs out of energy eventually. And you wanna know how to charge a M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T?" He looked ahead and saw in the distance a large blue box. Through the trees, there sat the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T, sitting waiting for them, only an eye shot away.

The Doctor, seeing his beloved M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T, smiled happily as he explained. "To charge a M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T, all you need is some Phoenix Magic!"

Miles Away

"And then Mrs. Bubblegum said, "good night my princess". She kissed Little Gum's forehead goodnight and went to leave.

"Mommy", said Little Gum. "Do you think I'll be a real queen when I grow up?"

Mrs. Bubblegum smiled to her daughter and said gently, "you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up. Just believe in yourself, and never give up on your dreams. Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight mommy", said Little Gum.

Little Gum closed her eyes as her mom left her room, keeping her door cracked just in case. Little Gum was excited to play in the forest the next day and found that it was hard to fall asleep. But eventually, she did fall asleep. And when she did, she dreamed that she was a queen. She had a big castle in a beautiful forest, with a big swimming pool. And all of the ponies who visited her were enchanted with a magic spell that turned them into the most beautiful princesses. All of the ponies loved her, and all of her princesses loved her.

Little Bubblegum's dream made her so happy that she smiled in her sleep.

Little Bubblegum, or as she liked to be called, Queen of the Forest, slept soundly. Dreaming of her fun for the day to come." Henry, looking down upon his children, smiled as he caressed Silly and Putty's manes. "What did you think of that? Putty? Silly?" Henry asked. The two didn't answer, as they had become unresponsive.

Silly and Putty's eyes were vacant. They held to their father, hugging him close, the last thing they did while they still had control. They weren't as strong as their father, it was inebidabtle. Their father told them a story to help keep them occupied, and because he wanted to. But midway through the story Putty and Silly had stopped listening. The chaos crept and eventually took over, returning them to their ghost like, psychotic state. However, as long as their father continued talking and kept them close, they were able to feel their father's love through the chaos. It kept them at bay, his love strong enough to prevent the chaos from controlling their bodies physically. He knew the chaos had returned during the story, but chose to continue telling it anyway. He couldn't tell if they even heard him anymore, but that didn't matter. If this was the last thing he was going to do, than so be it.

It was odd, Henry felt himself crying, but his deformed body couldn't produce tears. It hurt him, his eyes welling despite being dry. Like smooth crystal balls in hot sand.

"I know I've told you . . . that story before . . . but it was always your favorite . . ." Neither responded, so Henry continued. "I hope that . . . you can hear me . . . that doctor . . . said he could help us."

His head drooped, and he had to force himself to look up. Actually having to exert energy to keep himself awake, as he felt himself growing dizzy and more tired by the moment. The chaos was returning, and it was just nearly finished consuming Henry. He had held on for as long as he could, surprised that he even managed to for this long. Perhaps it was because of his children, or that a stranger had appeared to help in his time of need. It could of been both, or neither, in fact, he couldn't remember anymore. He was losing himself, and was forgetting even the most recent events. Someone came to help, he knew that much, but he couldn't remember anything else.

Mike was probably his name, or was it Assistant? Assertive? Associate? Ast . . . something with an "A". But he was a doctor, he remembered that. But if they were reliable, he couldn't remember. They said they would help, but he had no idea if they were telling the truth or if they were actually capable of helping them. He hardly knew anything at all at this point, as he was spiraling down towards the darkest parts of his mind. The last of himself held by two single threads, that he held in his legs.

Putty and Silly, his children, his family, that which he could remember. He held them tight, determined to keep his final thoughts on them, as he felt everything grow black. His body went numb, and he felt himself falling asleep.

Henry whispered to his children, "I . . . love you both . . ."

For a moment, a single moment, Henry could feel his children's hold tightened. Startled, he calmly lifted his head slightly, enough to see his children properly.

He didn't know how, but the sun was shinning beautifully upon his beautiful children. An almost blinding light entering into the basement. Putty, a purple colt with dark blue hair and sky blue eyes, was smiling to his father. As was Silly, tilting her head. The filly's bubblegum pink hair and eyes sparkling in the light, and her creamy white fur glowing.

Henry blinked, feeling a lump in his throat as his eyes watered. A hoof grasped to his left and Henry turned his neck, as his reality seemed to crumble by the pony smiling to him. An impossible pony in an impossible place.

Her fur was purple like Putty's, and her eyes were pink like Silly's. She was tall, her flowing dark blue mane sparkling in the light, shinning like a starry night sky. She had a strong chiseled body, and a gentle heart. And she was crying through her smile, something Henry hadn't seen since the day they were married.

Tears fell as Henry said softly, ". . . Mara?"

Mara simply nodded in response, wrapping her legs around her family. She was tall enough to hug them all, from behind Henry to around Putty and Silly.

In his disbelief, Henry dropped his head, almost certain he couldn't feel the warmth of his family. But it felt too real, so it had to be, it must be. Looking down at his children, Henry noticed that his own body had returned to normal. He was much shorter than his wife, and only two thirds a foot taller than his children. His fur was creamy white, just like Silly's, as was his pink mane, only slightly darker than hers.

Held in Mara's legs, with Putty and Silly held in his, Henry smiled, feeling the happiest he ever had in his life. Resting his head close to his children, with Mara resting hers against Henry, Henry cried, knowing that his family would never leave him again.

That is what he saw, and that is how he felt. In his mind, the last feeling his body could manage: family love.

That wasn't the case of course. In reality, Henry was gone. His head dropped, and the life in his eyes faded. He released his children, allowing his legs to fall limp, as he appeared dead. For only a moment, before the chaos took control. Once it did, Henry looked about curiously, as if the dark basement held something he needed. He stood from the chair and walked to the exit, leaving Silly and Putty behind. The two fell to the ground limp, as the chaos felt their father's love fade. While the chaos went to retake control, Henry walked up the stairs, sniffing about like a dog. Henry shot his sights to the front door and walked out slowly. Slowly to a pony, but quite quick if he were a turtle. He wasn't, but the chaos sure made him that way.

Meanwhile, Silly blinked and rubbed her head, before gasping. She jumped to her hooves and shouted at Putty, "King!!! KING!!!!"

Putty lifted his head and rose. Rising up and floating a foot off the ground. He rose almost motionless, dead like, as if he truly were a corpse. He stared to Silly and spoke, the sound coming out without Putty needing to move his mouth. "My Queen", Putty said, his demonic voice having returned.


"My Queen, they have escaped the castle."

"WHAT!!!" Silly roared, absolutely fuming. Her mane writhing in the air like a swarm of furious snakes.

"My Queen, they have merely escaped the castle. The night has been long, they are tired and weak. We can catch them if we leave now."

"But how are we supposed to FIND THEM!?!"

"We will need help."

Silly gasped, smiling with uncanny malice, as she knew exactly what he meant. "You don't mean- I- I CAN PLAY WITH THEM!?!"

"Yes", said Putty.

Silly cheered, and was so happy that she grabbed the chair her father sat in with her mane and chucked it across the room, smashing it to pieces against the wall. She danced in place singing to herself, "I GET TO PLAY WITH MY PRINCESSES!!! I GET TO PLAY WITH MY PRINCESSES!!!"

Meanwhile, Putty floated away from Silly and entered the basement hallway. He hovered into the dungeon with the cages, observing Silly's princesses for a moment. They were just as he had left them: resting. Resting, conserving them for when he needed them. Silly always complained about Putty leaving them in the cages. She always wants to play with them. But he couldn't allow that, not until they had enough princesses. After all, the Queen of the Forest wouldn't be complete without her princesses. They had four and were about to lose the opportunity for three more. Seven princesses for his beloved queen, it was perfect. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and now was that time to awaken his Queen's princesses.

Floating close to the bars, Putty commanded, "rise princesses. Rise now and obey your new queen. Rise! Rise! RISE!!!"

Immediately, all but Larkspur sprung to life. The conserved chaos magic awoken with great power, commencing the chaos transformation before Putty.

The black pony's eyes sprung open and he hopped to his hooves. As he did, his legs stretched by ten feet, making him crouch to fit in his cage. His eyes turned bright blue, his teeth grew twice in size, his mane suddenly shot upwards into spikes, as if the pony had used a barrel of glue on his hair. He growled as brown, foaming chocolate milk spilled from his jowls, like he was a rabid dog.

The pink mare gasped as she awoke, before smiling, laughing manically. Her body floated upwards, allowing her to stand on her hind hooves without needing to move her body. As she stood, her hooves morphed, transforming like she was made of clay. Five stubs popped out of her hooves and grew, forming fingers. The rest of her hoof morphed into palms, and a second after she had hands. Her hind and forelegs grew, and the muscle mass of her upper half suddenly grew, enlarging to that of an adult minotaur's muscles. Simultaneously, the skin on the mares ears changed to bone and grew into sharp cone like horns. Her mane changed like a porcupine, becoming sharp, orange twines along her head and back,

Mike awoke with his jaw stretching wide. A trail of steam spewed from his mouth as a train whistle blew from his throat. His nose grew from its base but shrunk at the tip, making his muzzle appear like a pyramid with a flat top. His eyes lost all moisture and appeared like glass balls. His hind legs turned to wood and spiraled into carriage wheels, while his forelegs transformed into raven claws.

Putty watched the transformation, lasting only five seconds, before looking down to Larkspur. Larkspur was still unconscious and didn't change like the others. Leaning down to Larkspur, Putty commanded him, "you are new, but you must awaken. Awaken for your Queen. Take his body as your own and serve your Queen!"

Putty waited for moment, before he got what he wanted.

Larkspur twitched and opened his eyes slowly. Rising to his hooves, he laughed in a deep, psychotic voice, as he transformed into his own chaotic state.