• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 1,832 Views, 63 Comments

DOCTOR - Deidorimu

Equestria has fallen into chaos by Discord, Celestia and Luna fight desperately to keep Equestria in peace. Simultaneously, criminals and villains take this time as an opportunity for greed and power. And in the mid-center of this chaos lies a doctor

  • ...

Doctor Who?: Part Two (S1C3)

Another jerk caused Dean to scream.


The Doctor reached for one last button and pushed it hard.

As he did, the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T's shaking slowly ceased. The alarm stopped and the red light had returned to its original, bright, white light.

As the machine settled, the Doctor looked to the monitor and smiled. "We're stabilizing. See girl, knew you could do it."

As relaxed as the Doctor was, Dean was feeling quite the opposite. He still felt as if the machine was still shaking. His hooves continued to clamp tightly to the console as he held his mouth shut tight, trying not to vomit.

The Doctor looked to Dean and raised a brow in confusion. "Um, Dean . . . are you alright?"

Dean gulped and answered, "has . . . has it stopped?"


"Has the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T stopped shaking?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Then why do I still feel it?"

"Oh you're just not used to it yet. Just give it some time and your body will adjust to the motion."

"But that wasn't just motion that was . . . we could have crashed!"

"Yes but I fixed it, just as I said I would. The M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T has returned to a stable zone and is searching for a safe place to land once again."

"But why did we almost crash!?"

"Oh, well, the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T got a little too close to Discord's magic and it, sort of, clamped onto it. Which is odd, the area we're flying around now didn't have chaos magic just a few days ago. His magic is spreading faster- ."

"Wait, I thought this thing could teleport."

"It can but not with all this chaos magic around. Teleporting through chaos magic would be like jumping head first into a concealed box. You never know what you're going to land into. So we're playing it safe and flying around, looking for the safest place to land."

"How much longer? I don't think I could handle something like that again."

"I'm not sure how long it'll take to find a safe landing spot. But I can assure you that that won't happen again, I have it set flying further then the intended area. That way we're not as close to Discord's magic."

"Okay, well if we're safe now then I'm going back to the kitchen." Dean released his grip from the console, stumbled for a moment, then shakily made his way towards the white double door and into the hallway.

The Doctor made a few last checks to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T, making sure the remainder of their trip would be out of any danger. Once he was sure they were safe, he left the console room and returned to the kitchen.

Once there, the Doctor spotted Dean sitting at the dining table, resting his head onto his crossed forelegs.

Taking a seat next to Dean, the Doctor said, "you wouldn't happen to have motion sickness, would you?"

"No, but I'm allergic to death."

The Doctor chuckled, "well I'll be sure to keep you away from that then."

Dean lifted his head, leaned back into his chair, and sighed. "Sorry, that was just . . . a bit much for me. I wasn't expecting something like that to happen at all today."

"Well no one can expect when they'll fall into danger. It just sort of happens. That's the thing about traveling, you're never safe. But it's worth it, because you're never bored!"

Dean chuckled, "never a dull moment for you huh?"

Returning a laugh, the Doctor said, "nope. Everyday I get to see new places and meet new creatures. Yet not every place is good and not every creature is kind. But I don't care. I may not know what to do at first but I always find out in the end. And I will always leave in one piece, only to do the same thing again, except, somewhere new this time. Adventure, it's completely terrifying but so, so exciting!"

Dean smiled and thought for a moment. He thought about the Doctor and wondered about his age. He wondered just how long the Doctor has been traveling for. Dean noticed he was very cocky at times. Someone stupid may get cocky, feeling as if they can take anything no matter what the challenge may be. But not the Doctor, he certainly wasn't stupid. He was brilliant, and that cockiness may be because the Doctor truly does beleive he can take on anything. Perhaps he could, Dean couldn't even imagine how many years of experience he had. This made him wonder another thing. How did the Doctor first begin his travels. Of course, it was probably after he had left Alburnia. But the Doctor had mentioned that he was hunted by the Phoenix Ponies for a while. Dean didn't think anyone could adventure while they were being hunted. Perhaps the Doctor went into hiding and waited until the coast was clear before he began. Or perhaps he didn't care and adventures anyways. Based off the Doctor's personality, Dean had assumed the latter was the most likely choice.

But that brought another question to mind, why did he call himself the "Doctor?" It can't be his real name, Dean refused to beleive any parent would name their foal "Doctor". It had to be a name he had chosen for himself but why? Why of all things would he call himself "Doctor?" Doctor sounds impressive in a full name. Such as Doctor Dorris, or Doctor Smith, or Doctor Seuss. But just "Doctor" sounded silly to Dean.

'When did he first start calling himself that? And, Doctor Who, exactly?' Dean asked internally.

"Hey, do you still want me to explain to you about the four Elemental species?" asked the Doctor.

Dean snapped out of his thoughts and looked to the Doctor. "Yeah, sure. You were going to tell me about the Frostealius."

"Ah, right, Frostealius, the Water Elementals. You see, even though each of the four species have their own unique traits and qualities. And Water Elementals are supposed to be the Fire Elementals opposites. These two Elementals, as odd as it seems, are very similar to one another. Both have roughly the same life span and population. Which by the way, our species populations are larger then the Golems and our lifespans are larger then the Breezies. And vice versa with the Breezies population and the Golems lifespan. So this puts both our species in between the two."

"And asides from that, both of our species cultures are similar as well. Such as laws, technological advancements, and running scientific based countries. There's more to it, but I'll get back to this later."

"Now as far as culture, technology, lifespan, and population, those are the only similarities we have. Everything else about the Frostealius are, figuratively and physically speaking, different. Just like the Breezies and Golems."

"Frostealius are, well, to put it bluntly, frost like creatures. Hence the name. The outer layer of their bodies, such as hair and skin, appear to be made out of snow or frost or sometimes ice. However, the inside of their bodies are one hundred percent made out of water! Their organs, bones, everything! Whereas a normal Equine is usually made out of fifty seven to sixty percent water."

"How can they be entirely made out of water?" asked Dean.

"Its a combination of their anatomy, science, and of course, magic. Their skin only looks like it's made of frost or snow or ice. But, actually, their skin is as tough as dragon leather! They've evolved this in order to prevent any water from leaking out from inside them. Their like an extra strong water balloon."

"What would happen if they get hurt though?" asked Dean.

"Its actually about the same as a normal Equine healing from a bleeding wound. The moment a Frostealius's water makes contact with the air after leaking out, it will freeze and, essentially, make a scab. With a little bit of patience and making sure their wound is clean, the scab will heal and fall off and their skin will be as good as new."

"Weird, so they really are like some sort of magical healing balloon!" said Dean, smiling.

The Doctor chuckled, "yes, in a manner of speaking. Just don't call them that if you are to ever encounter one. They take offense to that."

"They take offense to being called a balloon?" asked Dean.

"Yup, being called a balloon to them would be like me calling you "swine manure."

"Oh! Its that offensive?"

"Yes, especially nowadays."

"What do you mean?"

"Well a lot of the Elementals are insulting them for the things they've done. It has to do with what I said earlier about the similarities between the Water and Fire Elementals. Here, I'll explain in a minute, let me finish the Frostealius first."

"Now, the Frostealius live down near the South Pole, in a country called "Frostbite"- hey, what are you chuckling about?"

Dean managed to stifle his chuckle as he said, "Frostbite"? Really? That's the name of their country?"

"Yes, what's wrong with that?"

"The Frostealius live in "Frostbite" and the Phoenix Ponies live in "Alburnia". By any chance were these countries named for the puns intentionally or was this some sort of accident?" Dean asked sarcastically.

The Doctor raised a brow and said, "Oh! Says the "Equine" who lives in "Equestria". And not to mention went to college in "Mane City."

Dean laughed, "fair point!"

The Doctor chuckled and continued, "anyway, as I was saying. Frostbite, as you can imagine, has a very cold climate. Which, of course, is obviouse. There country is covered in snow, very little vegetation grows there. What does grow there has adapted to the cold climate so vegetation that grows there wouldn't be able to grow anywhere else, as it would be too hot. And, that's about it! Frostbite is, well, basically what you'd expect to see in the South Pole. Cold and covered in snow. No offense to them, but they don't really have much to show for. I mean, this is where they can control the wave patterns and currents of the oceans water but asides from that they don't, well, have much."

"Really? That's all you have? You go through these great explanations on the Golems and Breezies and this is all you have on Frostealius?" asked Dean.

"Well their culture is similar to ours. And both of our cultures are similar to yours, except for the fact that Elementals don't associate with Non-Elementals. So there isn't really much to say. Well, except for the "hot water" they are in right now."

"Hot water?"

"Yeah, the Frostealius aren't in a good position at the moment. They've gotten themselves in a bit of trouble. Not only with the other Elementals but also between themselves."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, gee, where to start? I guess it began back during the "Science Wars."

"The Science what?" asked Dean.

"Its just a term, nothing meant to be taken seriously. It wasn't even an actual war, it was a joke! Here, let me explain."

"As I've told you, the Phoenix Ponies were the first species, not only as Elementals but on the planet, to try and create a non-magic based culture. Setting all of their technology to run strictly on science! Of course, the rest of the planet was skeptical, believing that magic is a fundamental necessity to literally everything in life. However, that was before the Phoenix Ponies first biggest breakthrough, Five hundred and thirteen years ago. When they created the first model of the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T."

"After seeing the potentials this machine had to offer, species became a little more open to the idea of a science based culture. Never to the point where they would do it themselves of course. They were only just a bit more comfortable. Still laughing behind our back of course. Just not as sceptical."

"However, after three hundred and fifty years worth of research and inventing, the planet had ceased its laughter and instead gazed in awe at the level of science we had reached! We had become the most scientifically advanced species on the planet! Creating things like vacuums that no longer need a unicorn to use or even transportation that doesn't require a pony to pull on a harness in order to move! Everyone had taken notice in our advancements. Especially the Frostealius."

"When we had first made the decision on a non-magic based culture, the Frostealius were just as sceptical about this as everyone else were. However, after seeing our achievements, they had become envious. At the time, the Frostealius were living just like the other two Elementals, living off the fat of the land. After seeing the levels of science we had achieved, they wanted to leave their lifestyle behind and join our culture."

"And we accepted them with open hooves! We would have never done this with anypony else. But to fellow Elementals we gladly gave them open access to our technology and taught them everything we knew. Well, almost everything. We never taught them any of the big things like the creation of the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T or anything like that. We liked to keep those inventions to ourselves. But everything else we gladly shared to them. And for a time everything worked out perfectly. That is, until the Frostealius's envy had turned to jealousy."

"The Frostealius tried so hard to make Frostbite into a culture that was just as advanced as ours. And beleive me, they had gotten pretty far, surpassing every other species on the planet. However, and I don't want to sound mean when I say this but, the Frostealius just weren't good enough. They would always compare their inventions to ours and their inventions always seem to fall short to ours. No matter how hard they tried, the Frostealius were stuck in a standstill as the second most scientifically advanced species on the planet. And they didn't like this. No, they didn't like this at all."

"They had become angry and wanted to prove that they could surpass us and that they could become the most scientifically advanced. So, the Frostealius challenged us to a series of contests that would put our scientific intellect to the test. These "challenges" consisted of our two species creating an invention of a particular category. Such as home living, medicine, cleaning, and a lot, lot more! Basically, whoever created the better invention, wins."

"This time period that the Frostealius challenged us to these contest was dubbed by the other Elementals as the "Science Wars". A time where the Phoenix Ponies and Frostralius fought over their levels of scientific knowledge. However, as I've said this name is not to be taken seriously for it is merely a joke. The reason for this is because the Elementals found this whole ordeal humorous. The Water Elementals were so fumed at not being number one that they acted as if they truly were at war! All they could think about was creating the better inventions during the Science War. I remember being told that some Frostealius would even eat and sleep less in order to have more time on their work."

"Everyone else, the Phoenix Ponies included, didn't take these challenges nearly as serious they did. We accepted every challange they gave us and still worked hard, of course. However, we didn't take these challenges as a way to prove who can be the superior species. Instead, the Phoenix Ponies used the Science War as an excuse to better themselves. We would create these great inventions that would surpass the Frostealius's inventions. And although it seemed we were participating to win. We were, actually, just creating these inventions to benefit us. The rate of our advancements had actually increased during the time of the Science War."

"In the end, we won every challenge, which came as no surprise to anyone. We had over hundreds of years worth of experience whereas these guys just started! The Science War ended after thirty years, when the Frostealius had ran out of ideas for challenges and essentially gave up. They, of course, were absolutely furious at their loss. They refused to associate with the other Elementals for a while and shut themselves away from the rest of the world while they recovered."

"Recovered?" asked Dean.

"From their loss."

"They needed time to recover from that?"

"As I said, they took this very seriously. Everyone else felt they were being over dramatic and were being immature. Locking down their country so they can sulk. But to the Frostealius, they genuinely felt as if they lost a war."

"They sound like a bunch of twats to me", said Dean.

"Oh don't say that! They were just being . . . er . . . okay, so they were. But there's no need to call all of them that. Its mostly their king who was a twat. These huge decisions were being ran by their current king at the time. Or, at least, they were during the first Science War."

"First? Hold on, there was another!?" asked Dean.

"Yup, after three years of silence they began associating with us again. And you want to know the first thing they did when they talked to us? They challenged us to another competition. Once again they wanted to prove that they were the more advanced species. We argued at first, stating that this whole ordeal was ridiculous. But the Frostealius persisted that we have these challenges. In the end we agreed to their competition. Thus, beginning the second Science War."

"It started off roughly the same as the first. The Frosteaius would decide what category of inventions we would create and who ever created the better invention would win. We won every challange they gave us and the whole cycle seemed to repeat itself. That is, until things took a turn for the worst, during the last challange."

"What happen?" asked Dean.

"The Frostealius, after having lost three years worth of challenges, decided to take a different approach. They declared that they wanted to do one last challange. If we win then they decided to end this dispute and accept that we were the most advanced species. And if they win, they would still accept our level of knowledge. However, they would at least have something to brag about. Which at this point was good enough for them. They chose a category that neither of us had done during the Science Wars because of the dangers it holds."

"What category was that?" asked Dean.

"Warfare, the Frostealius wanted to see who could create the better technology for warfare. The councils of the two Elements held a meeting on the matter and decided to give it a go. And to be honest, the only reason the Phoenix Ponies agreed to this challange was because this gave them the chance to end the dispute once and for all. I mean could you blame them? Fighting over something so pointless for over thirty years? Yeah, they were sick and tired of it."

"But they took precautions of course. They have never had a challange with warfare before and they wanted it to be as safe as possible. The plans and preparations were agreed upon and the two Elementals went to work."

"The Frostealius wanted to make sure this final challange would be their win. So they had the final challange take a year for inventing before the scientist would show their creations to the public."

"One year later and it was time for presentations. As usual, the public was impressed with what the Phoenix Ponies had to offer. Stronger armor, automatic ranged weapons that was charged with phoenix magic, levitation vessels- ."

"Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa! I thought you said Phoenix Ponies were a science based culture. How come they're using their magic for their weapons?"

"No, no, no, we don't use our magic for weapons, we use our magic to power our weapons. Our weapons are powered with phoenix crystals, which as you could imagine is only found on Alburnia. The phoenix crystals work like energy sources that can store phoenix magic. When our weapons energy run dry they become powerless. So we store some of our magic into the crystal so that we can use our weapons again."

"Why don't you just fight with your magic? Like you did with Oswald?" asked Dean.

"Because it's too difficult to fight that way. If we use our weapons then we could fight while spending as little magic as possible. If we fight with our magic alone, we would, eventually, get tired and no longer be capable of fighting. We would be vulnerable to enemy attacks while we are in this weakened state. After all, any species who uses magic would get tired from the excessive use, eventually. Weapons make it a whole lot easier to conserve this energy."

"Sounds to me like you guys cheated a little when you said you wanted a "science based" culture."

"Its not cheating! Its actually a very good way of using energy! Magical energy crystals, such as the phoenix crystals, are actually a lot better for the environment then those coal powered trains you Equines use so- MMMM!" said the Doctor, sticking his tongue out to Dean.

Dean chuckled, "alright, alright, whatever. Hey, you said the crystals were for the "automatic ranged weapons, right?"


"What's that? A bow that fires multiple arrows?"

"Mmm, not exactly. Its, um . . . well . . . drat. This would be a lot easier to explain if crossbows were invented."

"What's a crossbow?"

"Don't worry about it, just, um, okay. Imagine a unicorn firing a death spell, or a beam, if you will. Now, imagine a metallic rod that's easy to hold and easy to carry. Except this rod has a handle with a, sort of, lever type switch attached to it. If you press this "switch" then it fires a beam from the rod's tip. It works like a unicorn firing a death spell, except, any species can wield it. Also, it's accuracy is significantly better then a unicorn or even bows! Its automatic because it can fire one hundred beams in as little as fifteen seconds! Before it requires the wielder to reload. Either by a Phoenix Pony replacing the phoenix crystal or by recharging the crystal manually. Which, in a battle situation, would not only cost some of your energy but would also be slower then simply inserting a replacement crystal into the weapon."

"It sounds impressive. But how come nopony else has a weapon like this? Your weapons sound extremely advanced. Yet all we have in Equestria, heck, the rest of the world in that matter, are bows, swords, and spears."

"Do you honestly expect the Phoenix Ponies to share their excruciatingly advance technology with the rest of the world? Ha! As if! The day we want the planet to explode is the day we would share our tech."

"You don't trust us?" asked Dean.

"When it comes to this technology, no. No we most certainly do not! Heck, we don't even trust the other Elementals with this tech. Especially the Water Elemental. Not after what they did."

"What did they do?" asked Dean.

"Well I was getting to that but you distracted me by badgering me on our tech!"

"I wasn't badgering! You said you were a science based culture but you power your tech with magic!"

"Just the weapons and transportation! And it's environmentally safe for us to recharge magic crystals then use disposable batteries or gas!"

"You're still using magic."

"As batteries!" the Doctor shouted, veins bulging and eyes glaring as he did so.

Dean laughed, "alright, alright, simmer down. Wouldn't want you popping a vein or something."

"Wouldn't be the first time", said the Doctor. He took a deep breath and relaxed himself.

"Wait, what?" asked Dean.

"Anyway, if you wouldn't mind I'd like to finish."

"By all means", said Dean.

"Okay then. Now . . . where the heck was I? Second Science War, final challange, yaddy yaddy yadda- ah ha! Right! As I was saying."

"So the day had come for us to present our inventions. As I've said, everyone was impressed with the Phoenix Ponies weapons. Such as the armor, guns, levitation vessels- ."

"Whoa hang on, guns? The heck are those? You didn't mention those", said Dean.

"That is what those rods are called, the ones I was explaining about. Now can I please finish?"

"Right! Sorry."

"It's fine. Anyway, so we presented our tech. Now it was time for the Frostealius to present. Everyone was expecting something similar to us like the armor or some sort of weapon. However, what we weren't expecting was for them to announce a brand new "super soldier". At least, that's what they had called it. There's nothing super about the soldiers they made, if they can even be called soldiers."

"What was wrong with their soldiers?" asked Dean.

The Doctor chuckled, "what's wrong? Better question is "what isn't?" These "soldiers" they announced was supposed to be the breakthrough that the Water Elementals had been striving for. This was supposed to be their chance at their first win. However, what they got instead, was death."

"Death and destruction."

"What happened?" asked Dean.

The Doctor paused for a moment before continuing. "The soldiers were presented in front of a public crowd, as all the past inventions had been. Hundreds of these soldiers had been built during that year we spent inventing. At first everyone was confused, because they didn't look like soldiers at all. What they were introduced to appeared to be a large ice sculpture. It looked like an octopus with metal eyes and mouth. It doesn't sound threatening, based off those descriptions alone. But that's honestly the best way I can describe them to you. I only had the misfortune of seeing them once so their looks have faded from my mind a bit."

"You've seen them? They're still around today?" asked Dean.

"No, not anymore. But I did see them once. And after that day, the day the public had set eyes on them for the first time. That is the day that these monsters had begun their war on the world."

"Their was a speech, at the presentations, by the Frostealius King himself. He tried to show off their new creations and lied to everyone, saying that he was the genius who had thought of this invention. After the speech he activated the soldiers and commanded them to conduct tasks, to express the soldiers abilities to the public. But they didn't listen. Instead, the soldiers aimed their weapons towards the king and fired, killing him on the spot."

"Right then and there a new pony appeared, not an Elemental, a normal Earth Pony. He stood upon the dead king and laughed, announcing himself to the public and explaining who he was and what his creations were. As it turned out, he was the one responsible for the Second Science War."

"After the first Science War had ended, the king felt defeated and sulked in his castle. He did this for months until he was greeted to the Earth Pony. The Earth Pony had talked his way into the castle and managed to gain an audience with the king. He was a scientist and shared his knowledge with the king. And from what I've heard, this stallion was brilliant. However, despite his knowledge he was limited by the primitive technology this world had to offer. And he had heard of the advancements the Water and Fire Elementals had achieved and was intrigued to see such advancements for himself. And with the situation the Frostealius were in at the time, the Earth Pony used this as his advantage to gain access to the advance technology."

"So, he asked to be the king's partner and he promised the king that if he agreed to his plans, the Frostealius were guaranteed to win the next Science War. The king had fallen for his trap and agreed to the pony's partnership."

"Every other invention created during the Second Science War was overseen by the king. The last invention, the soldiers, this was planned and overseen by the Earth Pony."

"And they weren't soldiers at all, they weren't even monsters. They were so much worse."

"How worse?" asked Dean.

The Doctor gulped, cleared his throat, and continued. "This insane stallion had used his level of knowledge and the advance tech to create a mutation. The king was too preoccupied with the Science War to take notice of his own ponies disappearing. The Earth Pony, in secret, had been foalnapping Frostealius and experimented on them. He would mutate them and disfigure their bodies. And tamper with their minds, erasing all but one of their emotions; anger."

"It was later discovered by Phoenix Pony researchers that dark magic was involved with his experiments as well. Dark magic, torture magic, so many sadistic things were committed during these experiments."

"After a year, he had successfully created his soldier. The poor, tortured, mutilated and disfigured Frostealius would be stuffed into this contraption and, essentially, become the Earth Pony's ultimate soldier. A deadly and very powerful creation that could withstand a ton of damage whilst slaughtering anypony who stands in its way."

"And that's exactly what they did. He set his soldiers onto the public and they attacked."

"Luckily, the Science Wars turned out more useful then initially thought. Thanks to the advance warfare we had just created, we had a better chance of surviving and fending off against the creations. However, we were the only fortunate ones, despite our losses."

"Yes Phoenix Ponies died that day, but at least we were armed. The other Elementals, the Breezies and Golems, who had come to watch how the final challange would turn out, were massacred. They tried fighting back against these creations with their magic but it wasn't enough. These creations, their armor is so powerful! It was able to withstand a swarm of over a hundred thousand Breezies and the brutal attacks of Golems. And their weapons, their weapons were scary! Their beams could fire through the thickest of armor! Although our weapons were able to damage them, our armor was useless to their attacks. And as for the other two Elementals, heck, they died the moment they were hit. Even the Golems, who's thick exterior gives them the most defense out of all four Elementals, were shot to the ground with a single beam."

"The creations were accurate, their armor was strong, and their weapons never stopped firing. Some had decided to fight up close, which quickly turned out to be a mistake. There's a reason why they were designed to look like octopus. Their tentacles were deadly, they moved incredibly fast, knocking ponies about and throwing them all over the place. Then, there came the saw blades, that had extracted from within the tentacles. And that's when things got very gory."

"I'm glad I never saw the whole ordeal myself, as I wasn't born at the time. But just the thought alone gives me chills. Like I said I only encountered these creations once but they never used saw blades. At least, I never saw them use the saw blades. It was an awful experience for the ones there. Hundreds of Golems died, thousands of Breezies died. And Phoenix Ponies, although receiving the least amount of casualties, still suffered with the loss of hundreds. As for the Frostealius, they didn't die, they received a fate worse then death. They were foalnapped by the creations and taken back to Frostbite, where they were to be mutated and turned into the creations themselves. . . . Dean, are you alright?"

Dean had been staring wide eyed and mouth agaped during the entirety of the Doctor's tale. Dean merely shook his head, unable to respond vocally.

"Is it too much?" the Doctor asked.

Dean slowly closed his mouth and stared to the table. His forelegs crossed on his chest as he clung onto himself for comfort. Frowning, Dean said with disparity, "why did the creations do this? Why did they kill them? They were still Frostealius on the inside, weren't they?"

The Doctor frowned and furrowed his brows. He looked away and sighed as he responded. "No, they weren't. At least, not anymore. I told you, the sadistic Earth Pony had meddled with their minds, erasing all emotions from them except for anger. That's the only emotion they can feel. Anger, just anger."

"But that isn't enough to have them massacure those Elementals. Just being angry."

"Yes, that's true. But they did lose their sense of morality. So they felt no remorse for the ones they killed. But you're right, it isn't just the emotions. The machines they were stuffed into work like enchantment magic. It's technology corrupts their minds and forces them to do the Earth Ponies biddings. They had no choice but to follow his orders. All they can do is kill, kill and destroy. That's all that these creations can do, and they no longer have any choice on the matter."

"B-But why did he do this to the Frostealius? Why would he foalnap them at the presentations?"

"Because only Frostealius are compatible for the conversion. Only Frostealius can be mutated and changed into these creations. Its because of their liquid anatomy and their unique magic to water. Dean do you want me to stop? Is this too much for you?"

Dean's pale head shook in response. "I want you to finish. I-I want to know what happened. This mad pony, what was his name?"

"Are you sure you can- ."

"I'm fine Doctor! I just . . . I want to know if everything turned out alright. I won't feel satisfied until I know the ending. Did you stop the creations? Your species I mean, did they stop them and this pony?"

The Doctor sighed, "well, alright, if you think you can handle the rest. This pony's name was Davros, and the creations he had made were called the Xydras."

"We had managed to fend them off but only for a short time. Davros had an entire country full of Frostealius and was using them to make his army bigger and bigger. The Elementals, seeing how serious the situation had become, joined together to fight against Davros and his Xydras. However, the Breezies and Golems could only help in saving Frostealius refugees instead of actually fighting on the front lines. it was unknown at the time, but for some reason the only thing that seem to damage the Xydras were our advanced weapons. And since the Phoenix Ponies were the only ones trained to use these weapons, the other two Elementals were unfit for combat at the front lines. I mean, the Breezies could fight back but the Xydras attacks were strong enough to take out thirty Breezies at once so it was too risky for them. And the Golems were able to do some damage, but seeing as most of the fighting was done near water, the Golems were of no use. So they helped to save as many Frostealius as possible from being converted while the Phoenix Ponies fought at the front lines."

"How did the Golems see the presentations on the day of the attack if they can't go in water?" asked Dean.

"Well they didn't come to Alburnia, if that's what you're wondering. We brought the presentations to a place that made it convenient enough for all four Elementals to watch."

"Ah, I see."

"Anyway, the Phoenix Ponies had managed to bring the fight into Alburnia, giving us the better advantage. Elementals are stronger whenever they are in their home territory, so this proved beneficial to us. The fight between the Phoenix Ponies and the Xydras lasted for twenty two years. And the fight never extended outside of Alburnia and Frostbite. Because of this, the fight was hence named: The Burning Ice War."

"In the end, we managed to win. Davros had ran short on soldiers and retreated. He ran from the war and went into hiding, bringing whatever soldiers he had left with him."

"After the war, the four Elementals worked together in fixing the damage that had been done. But the Water Elementals, the damage they had committed couldn't be fixed. Thousands had perished during the war, Water Elementals having lost the most due to the conversions. Golems died, Breezies died, and Phoenix Ponies died. Luckily, no other species got involved so only the Elementals had received casualties. And when I say lucky, I mostly mean for the Frostealius. For if any other species had been killed, this would have become a global affair and the Water Elementals would have been in a much worse situation then they already are."

"They were punished severely and kept on a very short leash. Having allowed a complete stranger to conduct these experiments just for a simple quarrel, this was more then stupidity, the Frostealius weren't thinking at all! And they were put to shame for their actions. Although not every Frostealius is to blame, because it was their king and council that made most of these decisions, the Frostealius were still treated like dirt by the other Elementals."

"Fear had risen within the Elemental territories. Only they knew of the dangers of Davros and his Xydras. They had lied to the world, telling them that this war was between the Phoenix Ponies and the Frostealius, not the Phoenix Ponies and the Xydra. They did this because they were afraid that the common Equine would try to meddle in on the affair and control the Elementals way of life. They didn't want common Equine or any other species involved. So they worked on the matter between the Elementals alone."

"While the Frostealius were recovering in Frostbite and the Golems and Breezies were repairing the damage, Phoenix Ponies were working to prepare themselves in case Davros were to strike again and they sent soldiers to try and find him."

"And, eventually, we did find him. It was thirty nine years later when we found Davros. We discovered him on an artificial island that he had built himself. Only, it wasn't exactly an island. The outside looked like a perfect replica to a tropical island, could have fooled anypony. We were only lucky to have found this place by chance. But the entire inner workings of the island was all metal and machinery. The island was actually a factory that created Xydras."

"Davros couldn't get his hooves on anymore Frostealius because we had them on lockdown. So, he found an alternative solution. Instead of Frostealius conversions, he had discovered the means of cloning a Frostealius and converting his clones to Xydras."

"Why didn't he just clone the Xydras?" asked Dean.

"Because he still needed something biological within his machine to work the controls. Cloning a Xydra would only give him the metals parts and that wouldn't do. A full metal soldier is full of flaws. They could be tampered with, hacked, and used against him. He needed something living on the inside to counteract these flaws. It made the Xydras a near perfect soldier, inside and out."

"Near perfect?" asked Dean.

"Well they may be strong, but everything breaks when you hit it enough. They're not immortal, though they certainly acted like they are."

"After we had discovered the island we set soldiers there to spy on the activity that occurred there. Apparently, Davros had been building Xydras ever since he first retreated from the Burning Ice War. And he was nearly finished."

"Was he planning something?" asked Dean.

The Doctor nodded. "Asides from fighting against the Elementals again, Davros had plans to send soldiers all over the globe in attempts to gain full world domination. Our soldiers had discovered his plans during their time there and found out that he had been planning this since before he had even met the Frostealius king, all those years ago."

"It was a perfect plan and nearly ready to commence. Problem was, Davros didn't have enough soldiers. He just had to wait a few more days before he was ready, and the Phoenix Ponies weren't going to allow him that time."

"So the Phoenix Ponies sent as many troops as possible, ambushing Davros and taking him by surprise. It was a nasty battle but ended with Davros retreating once again. He slipped through our hoofs a second time and brought as many Xydras with him as possible. Once again, Davros had escaped and was hiding somewhere out there, planning for his next attack."

"But the Phoenix Ponies didn't care. They had defeated Davros's Xydras a second time, destroyed his island and prevented his plans on world domination. To them, this was the best victory they had ever had. And they celebrated on their win."

"Their celebration, however, didn't last long. It ended abruptly, and things went from good, fun, victory to absolute tartarus."

"What happened?" asked Dean.

"Davros happened of course. On the seventh night of our celebration, when everyone slept from exhaustion, they were attacked. Whole armadas of Xydras attacked them in the night, raining chaos all over Alburnia. They took us by surprise, badly. We hardly had any soldiers ready, most fought them with phoenix magic alone. But it was a massacre, thousands upon thousands of Phoenix Ponies died. We called for help to the other three Elementals, but they refused to send anyone. They were afraid that the Xydras would attack their territories next. They had seen the power the Xydras possessed and wanted as many of their soldiers available as possible if they were to attack them. So, we were on our own."

"After this night, the Phoenix Ponies were on high alert, constantly ready for battle when time came. Twenty four seven the Phoenix Ponies fought against the Xydras. After five years they managed to push them out of their country, but by then it was too late. The damage to Alburnia had been critical, and it came to the point where desperate times called for desperate measures."

"The Phoenix Ponies brought forth their most powerful of weapons, armor, and any other technology they had available. They sent all their soldiers and had citizens brought to fight in this battle. Soldiers, citizens, and even children all contributed to the fight."

"And we had located the source of the Xydras and found where Davros was hiding. Once again, he had hid on a factory disguised as an island. This new island, however, was twice as big as the original and was building twice the amount of Xydras at twice the speed."

"We had later discovered that this "new" island was actually the original island that Davros had used from the start. That island that the Phoenix Ponies had discovered and destroyed was actually a diversion. Davros knew it was only a matter of time before he was discovered, so he set the fake island to be discovered by us. He made us beleive that we had defeated him on that island and he knew we would celebrate on our victory. He had tricked us, to attack us during our celebration when we had a guards down."

"It angered us when we had made this discovery, and we planned to retaliate. The Phoenix Ponies had lost many but were prepared to fight the Xydras, even if it meant losing their lives. They were officially at war against Davros and his Xydra on the island."

"What was this place called?" asked Dean.

"The island was called Skaro. It was a war between the Phoenix Ponies of Alburnia and the Xydras of Skaro. The beginning of the second Burning Ice War."

"I don't want to press on with the war. It was devastating, of course you can assume that. It was the bloodiest war any of the Elementals had witnessed. And it was the bloodiest the Fire Elementals had the misfortune of fighting in. Many were dead, our home was destroyed, and we nearly lost."

"But we didn't. In the end we managed to win, barely. Thanks to a stallion named Cold Punk."

"Cold Punk?" asked Dean.

The Doctor nodded. "I have only heard stories of him. He was an eighteen year old pot maker when the first Burning Ice War began. A series of unfortunate events lead him to fight alongside the army against the Xydras. He was awarded for his heroic duties during the war and was granted permission to join the army if he so pleased. And he accepted."

"He rose high in ranks fast and was a corporal by the time the second Burning Ice War began. He was the one who lead a squad of soldiers to Skaro during the final days of the war. Surprising enough, all of his member survived. He was also the one to face Davros and fight him single hoofingly. He won and from the reports he had given to the council, he had killed Devros once and for all. Skaro was destroyed, along with Davros and his Xydra. Ending the second burning Ice War."

"The second Burning Ice War began before I was born and ended when I was six. The final week of the war was the only time I had seen a Xydra up close. It was so long ago, I can barely remember what it looked like. But there is one thing I can still remember about them, something I could never forget; their voice. That metallic, disfigured voice they spoke in. And that word . . . the word they always said before killing the innocent. That terrible, terrible word."



The Doctor awoke from his thoughts at hearing his named shouted. He looked to Dean, who looked back with worry.

"Are you alright?" asked Dean.

The Doctor shifted in his seat for a moment, searching for a comfortable way to sit. When he found it, the Doctor sighed and replied. "Yes . . . I'll be fine. I was just . . . those were dark days. Horrible days . . . Horrible days . . . Lucky I only had to experience those for a short time. It was that one and only time I ever had to see a Xydra. After that I never saw them again, and I never will. Davros is dead and the Xydra are extinct. We'll never have to worry about them ever, ever, again."

"But the wars still left scars. To the Elementals, but most of all, the Phoenix Ponies. The Xydra had only fought us during both wars. Because they knew that our weapons were the only things to cause them the most damage. And that thirty year in between from the first and second Burning Ice War had given the Phoenix Ponies plenty of time to prepare. Our armor was stronger, strong enough to repel a few shots from the Xydras. Our weapons were deadlier and our technology was at its peak in advancements. And by technology, I mean our warfare technology. All other forms of tech had been put aside, and the only thing we sought to advance was warfare during those thirty years. So once the war had ended, not only had we become the most scientifically advanced species, but we had also become the deadliest."

"The other Elementals saw this and tried negotiating to balance our strengths, because they were afraid of our power. But the Phoenix Ponies were pissed. They had been abandoned by the other Elementals and left to fight the second Burning Ice War alone. It had gotten so bad that we were afraid of going extinct!"

"So when they held a council meeting on the subject, the Phoenix Ponies agreed to never misuse their power and to only use it for defense and peace. However, they refused to "balance" their power with anyone, saying that the others were cowards and that they don't deserve to wield this power. They argued but in the end it was futile. The Phoenix Ponies wouldn't so much as let the other Elementals look at their tech let alone use it. So the Elementals gave up trying to gain access to our tech and left us in peace. The only repercussions we received were the negative opinions they had towards us afterwards."

"In the end things simmered down. The Air and Earth Elementals returned to their own lifestyles and try to associate with us as little as possible. The Water Elementals have tried returning to their own lifestyles but couldn't. The damage was too severe and it left them with a country that had no ruler. Now, Frostbite is split in two, fighting in a civil war to claim the throne. The Elementals only associate with the Water Elementals when they need to. But the Water Elementals are now looked down upon and shamed for everything that had happened."

"As for the Phoenix Ponies, they managed to put everything back to where it belonged in Alburnia. Their all genius inventors, of course it didn't take long to repair the damage. But it did leave nasty scars on my species. We're never on good terms with the Frostealius anymore and we keep them in constant check. Their king letting Davros into their labs and create the Xydra was one of the biggest mistakes they had ever made. And we will never let them forget that."

"Once again we convinced the world that it was a war between the Frostealius and the Phoenix Ponies. And that we won and put things straight again, making Frostealius look like the bad guys. They never got themselves involved in our problems and that was that. Over a hundred years of fighting and it was over. The world moved on, as it always does."

The Doctor sighed as he concluded. There was a brief silence between the two as the Doctor placed his thoughts to a different subject. "Six years later is when I ran away from Alburnia. I was twelve when I stole this beauty we're riding in. Used her to escape the place and have been traveling the world ever since."

"You stole this M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T? When you were that young?" asked Dean.

"I was a smart kid, I figured out how to use her, even at that age. Though, there were, and still are, many things I don't know. Those geniuses that build these inventions had hundreds and hundreds of years worth of knowledge and experiences, and I'm only ninety. In your years I'm ancient. In Phoenix Pony year's, I'm a child. Six more years and I'll be considered ten. Basically, I was considered a foal when I stole this M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T. I may be smart, but I'm no genius. I'm still learning all sorts of things even today. And I still teach myself as much as possible when I've got the time. I've got history down pretty well, though I'd have to say math is my weakest subject. Way too many formulas for me to deal with. I like literature, that's my favorite."

"Still, you know quite a lot. You're very good in a fight, and saving ponies." said Dean.

"I do my best, as everyone should. But don't glorify me just because of my skills. A compliment is fine but I've seen hero's turn to gods. And I hate that. Sorry it's a little off topic it's just . . . if you're going to travel with me you're going to see things. More importantly, you're going to see me do things. Things that may seem impossible but are actually very plausible. Plausible to those with faith, knowledge, and courage. Funny how many ponies have mistaken these traits for god like power. And even funnier is how many times I've been glorified for these traits."

The Doctor leaned forward in his seat, sternly gazing at Dean. "Dean I want you to know right now. I am not a god, I am not a hero, I am not immortal, I, am, not, impossible. I am the Doctor, and I am as ordinary as you are. I eat, I sleep, I laugh, and I cry. Understand?"

Dean nodded.

The Doctor leaned back in his seat and spoke with less sternety. "But is ordinary really a bad thing? Lots of ordinary things are beautiful. Bees are beautiful and they're all over the place. Flowers are beautiful, a cloudless sky is beautiful, a simple hug is beautiful."

The Doctor extracted his watch for a moment to check the time. After seeing it was two thirty four, the Doctor returned the watch to his pocket and smiled to Dean.

"You know, I was curious about something. Do you remember what I said about names? About how powerful they are?"

"Yes", said Dean.

"Well there's a second reason for their power, one that I did not mention. Have you ever noticed that the names of ponies seem to be related to them? Not by color or look. Well it could be by look or color. But I mostly mean by profession, or special talent, like a cutie mark but not as a symbol, as a name. Like Tumbleweed, whose cutie mark was a, well, a tumbleweed. And Mrs. Sugar, whose special talent is making desserts. Now why do you think that is Dean? How can a parent name their child with a name that corresponds to the type of pony they will become years and years into the future?"

"I'm not sure? But I know what your talking about. I've heard of this, it's called the Moment of Destiny. Or the Precognition Name Theory. When a parent names their child they just have this, sort of, odd feeling. Like, a name just pops in their head. And they don't know why but they feel as if this name, this one name, is the perfect one for their child. It is unknown why this happened, theorist beleive magic is involved. But the Precognitive Name Theory is when parents give their child the name that may give them insight on the kind of pony they will become in the future. Like someone with the name "Cake" will most likely become a baker or someone with the name "Rich" might become a wealthy pony. Or even someone with the name "Doctor" would become a physician, perhaps."

The Doctor chuckled, "you were spot on until that last part. Good guess but no, my name has nothing to do with this theory. This theory only works with a selective amount of ponies. It is unknown why but these ponies often become involved in larger matters. Larger then the ones who haven't been given a "destiny name". Yet sometimes it's the ones without the "destiny name" who have the larger roles to take. Its confusing honestly, this theory. Its makes sense in a linear point of view but from a, sort of, side view. Like a view not just from the ones with the "destiny name" but also from the ones without, this theory is all flipped flopped. Some with the name have larger roles then the ones without and vice versa. Yet sometimes they work together in an equally large role. It makes sense in a very confusing way. You just have to think outside the box. Then take it a step further and think outside the bubble. Hardly met anyone who can do that."

"Now, with this in mind. Why are you named "Dean Do?" Why is that?"

"I don't know, my parents just chose that name. I've never really asked them why", said Dean.

"I see, they just chose it. You don't know why, but two date farmers chose the name "Dean Do". Why Dean Do? That's nothing farm related. Nothing astronomy related either. If the name isn't profession related then perhaps its talent related. You got any talents Dean? Hobbies, favorite pass times, anything of the sorts?"

"No, not really. I mean, I like studying and astronomy. And I'm very good at cards."

"Cards? No, that's not "Dean Do" related either. Perhaps your parents never had the "Moment of Destiny". But by the off chance that they did, then why "Dean Do". Why that name? Dean Do . . . Dean Do . . . Dean . . . Do . . . Do . . . Do. Hmm, you know, their is something that most get confused about the theory."

"And what's that?" asked Dean.

"Its that most assume that this "destiny name" is always the primary name. Well, why can't it the last? Why can't the last name be this "special name?"

"Why does it matter? Its just a name either way. I don't have any intentions on making my name powerful if that's what your on about", said Dean.

"Yes . . . I suppose . . . but I always think outside the bubble. And doing so tells me to never looks at things as they are, because most of the time, they never are . . . it could be right in front of your eyes. And if you're not paying close attention, you may just miss it."

"Miss what?" asked Dean.

"The "it" that matters most", said the Doctor.

Before Dean could press on, the Doctor leapt from his seat and walked towards the kitchen door. "I'm gonna check on the console and make sure everything's in check. Be back in a jiff."

"Oh! A-Alright", said Dean.

"You hungry or thirsty? Want me to get you something while I'm up?" asked the Doctor.

"No, I'm fine, thank you", said Dean.

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything, kay?"

"I will, thank you", said Dean, smiling.

The Doctor nodded as he returned a smile. He turned and walked out the kitchen, leaving Dean in his confused thoughts.

'The "it" that matters most? The heck does that mean? And what is he on about names? One minute he was finished telling me about the wars his species have had and the next he's on about names and how he's not a god. Maybe he just wanted to take his mind off the subject. The Doctor didn't seem to like talking about that and I did kind of force him too. Then again, he does seem quite curious about my name. Maybe this is something he's been thinking about and he decided now was a good time to bring it up? And what did he mean when he said that about last names? Is he saying that my last name is important? But, what would be so special about "Do?" Why would that name mean so much?'

'I honestly don't know! Everything the Doctor said made little to no sense! Why doesn't the Doctor just give these details to me straight? Why does he have to be so confusing? Perhaps the Doctor has his reasons for being mysterious, I don't know. I've only know him for about a week, there's a lot I don't know about him. He's mysterious . . . but he's a good pony, nonetheless.'

'I just need to trust him. It may not make sense to me, but the Doctor seems to know everything he's talking about, perhaps even a bit more? Just have faith. The Doctor knows what he's doing.'

Dean's thoughts concluded as he waited for the Doctor to return.