• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 1,832 Views, 63 Comments

DOCTOR - Deidorimu

Equestria has fallen into chaos by Discord, Celestia and Luna fight desperately to keep Equestria in peace. Simultaneously, criminals and villains take this time as an opportunity for greed and power. And in the mid-center of this chaos lies a doctor

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Doctor Who?: Part Four (S1C3)

The Doctor looked between the five angry soldiers, pointing their spears a few feet infront of him. All of them were either white or gray and dress in shimmering, golden armor.

As the Doctor locked his M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T and slipped his key into his vest pocket; he extracted a small, black, pocket book and showed the soldiers a blank, white, piece of paper from within.

"I am the Doctor! Personal adviser to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I am of no threat!" said the Doctor.

A soldier squinted to the blank parchment and nodded to his comrades. "He's telling the truth, let's let him in!"

The soldiers rested their weapons against their shoulders as they lead the Doctor back to their camp, three yards away.

The Doctor looked to the area around him as he was lead to the soldiers camp. The ground was severely uneven and was painted in purple and blue checkerboard. The trees were flashing different colors as they spun in their spots. A flock of cows with butterfly wings were flying over head and a nearby rainbow was raining candy.

The Doctor looked to the staring soldiers as he entered the camp and was lead straight to the captain's tent. A large, dark, gray space. Lit with a single lantern.

There was a map of Equestria taped to the wall. A large highlighted area showing the parts covered with Discord's magic. Taking over more then half of the maps space. Beneath it was a care package full of M.R.E's. In the corner was a stack of weapons and arrows. The center of the tent had a wooden table. Placed atop was a second map of Equestria. This one had wooden figures placed in various spots, representing the guard posts spread across the land. On mane city was a small, wooden, figurine of Discord. Immediately, the Doctor knew this map was used for strategy.

Surrounding the table were five high ranking Equestrian soldiers. One being the captain himself, who stood on his hind legs. Using his forelegs as support on the table as he looked down upon the map.

A large, muscular stallion. Dark brown fur and a short black mane beneath his golden armor. He looked to the Doctor with dark purple eyes as he heard him enter. Dropping to all fours, the captain walked around the table and stood chest out to the Doctor. "I am Captain Stone Ball of Camp Mason, and you are?"

"He's the princess's personal advisor sir! He's shown us his papers!" said one of the soldiers that lead the Doctor here.

"Is that so? I never knew the princess's had a personal advisor."

"Well they do, I am their advisor", said the Doctor.

The captain turned away from the Doctor as he returned to his original spot at the table. He stood to his hind legs and once more used his forelegs as support on the table. "What's your name "advisor?"

"The Doctor."

"Doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor."

Captain Stone Ball glared at the Doctor for a moment before looking down to the strategy map. "What are you doing here "Doctor?" I'd have expected an "advisor" to stay miles away from this here chaos magic."

"Last time I heard the princess's were supposed to be here. If I was taken to you instead of them, I can assume that they're no longer here?"

"Your assumption is correct. The princess's are no longer at this camp."

"Where are they?"

"Your their advisor, shouldn't they have told you?"

"The princess's haven't responded to any of my letters. I haven't heard anything from them", the Doctor lied, knowing full well he never sent the princess's letters.

"Ah, they must have been stolen along the way. A lot of letters are being hijacked nowadays. Criminal scum, they're stealing from us while we're distracted by Discord! I can assure you though, as soon as Discord's been dealt with we'll be going after them next. So, why have you been trying to contact the princess's?"

"To stay up to speed with the current situation. As their advisor I need to know these things."

"Well you don't need a dang letter from the princess's to know our situation! Just go look outside and smell the chaos! My soldiers and I have been up to our necks trying to hold Discord's magic back as best as possible! And I'm losing soldiers everyday in doing so!"

"You've received casualties?" asked the Doctor.

"No, all of my lost soldiers got themselves corrupted by the chaos magic! They've either gone loopy or M.I.A."

"I see, and what are the princess's doing about this?"

The captain scoffed, "I haven't got a clue! They left the camp three days ago. Left me very little information when they did."

"Did they at least tell you where they are going?" asked the Doctor.

"No, they didn't. The only info I received is that they are in search of some sort of weapon. Something that is powerful enough to defeat Discord."

"And they went to search for this "weapon" alone? Why?"

"Our numbers are growing thin. The princess's need as many stallions and mares here at the front lines as possible. They couldn't afford sending any soldiers with them."

"I see, that's what they've told you". The Doctor smiled, 'those little liars.'

"Can you tell me more about this weapon? What exactly is it?"

The Captain seemed hesitant to answer. Reluctantly, he sighed and responded. "The princess's didn't tell me much. However, they did let slip about a "tree" they are searching for."

"A tree?" the Doctor asked.

"Ridiculous, I know. But that's what I heard. The princess's are searching for a tree that is supposed to have the "weapon" in defeating Discord. I have no idea how a "tree" will benefit us in our battle with the chaos spirit. But I have faith that our princess's know what their doing."

"I see, anything else?"


"You're completely sure that's everything?"

"Doctor I assure you if there were anything else relating to our fight with Discord I wouldn't be keeping it a secret from you. I have told you everything I know."

The Doctor stared at the captian for a moment before concluding he was telling the truth. "Alright, thank you for your time Captain. And good luck."

The Captain nodded and returned his gaze to the map.

The Doctor nearly left before he stopped. "Oh! One more thing. Do you happen to know which direction the princess's traveled in as they left the camp?"

"East", the captain said bluntly.

"Thank you", said the Doctor. He turned and exited the tent, making his return to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T.

A few moments later, the Doctor shut and locked the door behind him and walked to the console.

Whilst pressing a few buttons and pulling a lever, the Doctor thought aloud. "A tree, huh? Interesting . . . very interesting . . . heh, heh, heh, heh- ha, ha, ha, ha- HA, HA, HA, HA!!!" The Doctor laughed as he ran to the other side of the console. He pressed more buttons and turned a knob as he shouted, "I know exactly what their doing!"

As the Doctor pulled the final lever that activated the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T for departure, the Doctor froze as he felt a familiar, yet terrifying sensation.

He turned to his monitor, breathing heavily as he focused on where to take the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T. His attempt to distract himself failed as the sensation grew stronger. The Doctor's breathing grew heavier as he became more frightened.

Then, it stopped, as suddenly as it had started.

Sweating, the Doctor spoke through heavy breaths. "Its happening, whether I like it or not. This is the big one."

The Doctor stumbled for a moment as he walked to the console side to his left. He pressed two buttons then looked away from the console. Breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth to calm himself.

The Doctor was frightened.

Genuinely frightened.


The child whimpered, "Momma, I'm scared."

"I know sweetie, I know."

The rustling of leaves caught the mare's attention as she looked over her shoulder.

She could hear it, the beast. It was coming closer, the sound of leaves and twigs rustling about told her this. As the sound approached at an alarming speed.

The mare gulped, as she knew what she had to do.


"Can you tell me what your name is?"


"Okay Milly, do you remember the last time you saw your parents? I've already assumed they've been taken by the monster but where exactly were they taken?"

Milly frowned, "I don't know. I saw my mommy and daddy in the forest. The monster took them in there."


The Doctor knew it was now or never. Whether he was scared or not, it didn't matter.

This was about life and death, and he would rather feel the pain of his own magic then be caught dead by swamp vines!

Sweat dripping, body aching, hearts dying, the Doctor fought through his pains and took hold of the Phoenix fire coursing through his second hearts veins. He summoned the fire and surrounded it around his body. He then engulfed his body and condensed the fire, increasing its intensity.

"Okay . . . okay, okay, okay! Let's see just how well this old body can still work!" said the Doctor.


One of the vines approached Millie and touched her hind hoof. The smallest of touches as it was immediately kicked away by the screaming filly.

But that touch was just enough to tell the vines controller that their target was finally within their grasp.

Instantaneously, several vines shot towards Millie, coiling around her legs and torso.

"HELP!!!" Millie shrieked as she was dragged from her place towards the opening in the storage.


"You are about to enter yourself into a battle that you are surely to regret if you don't give me back that child RIGHT NOW! Do you have any idea who you are dealing with? You should! You're an Elemental! You sensed my magic the moment I entered this swamp! Just as I had sensed yours! Well listened close, and I mean very close! You are not dealing with any Fire Elemental my dear Water Elemental. Perhaps you've heard of me?"

"I am the one who abandoned the Elemental race! The one sentence to life in exile for breaking the laws of the Fire Elementals! I am the one who escaped the Elemental armies and single handedly defeated King Bex! Previous ruler of Minauria and the enslaver of thousands! I am the runner, the dreamer, the Phoenix Adventurer!"

"I am the Doctor! And if you don't hand Milly back this instant then I will have no choice but to send you to tartarus MYSELF!!!"


The one who had received the message spoke in a frail whisper as he knew who it was, "Doctor? Is that really you?"


"Dean, don't blink. Keep your eyes shut until we can get this stuff off of you."

A large amount of goop that covered Dean's eyes fell to his mouth. Spitting it out, he shouted, "Doctor! What is this stuff!?"

"Tree sap, but its been tampered with. Whoever's attacking us has mixed the sap with a chemical that causes temporary blindness. Its already blinded you but if you keep your eyes shut the effects will wear off sooner."


Dean felt the Doctor tense. If he could see he would have seen the Doctor's eyes widen in shock. "Doctor? Is everything alright?"

Licking his lips, the Doctor blurted, "you!?!"

"What? Do you know him?" asked Dean, looking around as if he could still see.

"What . . . what the hell are you doing here!?!" the Doctor asked, voice shaking.


Without thinking, Dean tried to wipe the liquid away before he caught a scent. A familiar scent of iron.

Dean raised his hoof and sniffed it.

He froze, as a chilling thought came to mind. "Doctor?"

No response.

Dean gulped, "D-Doctor . . . h-have you been shot?"


"Run", said the Doctor.

The boulder size chunk slid out of place, dropped a moment, stopped, then dropped once more, falling directly above the ponies.

The Doctor thought quickly. The position of the boulder, angle, gravity, weight approximation, calculation after calculation, zapping like lighting through the Doctor's mind.

It took a second, but the Doctor knew where the boulder would fall.

"RUN!!!" the Doctor shouted.