• Published 25th Jun 2012
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Ascension - cloudedguardian

Celestia is dying. Or at least it seems so. Afflicted with a curse that is destroying her very nature, she sets a plan in action. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will take the throne in her wake... Not that they know that yet...

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Part 3, Suscitatio

And to guide them, as best as you can in my place. That’s all I have to say. I don’t want to show Luna what a coward I truly am. Ahhh, I failed, I can tell by the look in her eyes that she caught it, my voice cracking at the thought of death. I am such a fool. How many ponies have I seen pass on with dignity and pride? More than I could ever count no doubt. And yet I- so unlike them, who have had such a short time here in this world… Cannot face the Grim reaper with my head held high knowing I defied the one who whished to hurt my little ponies… No, instead I wish to bow my head and beg to not be taken quite yet. I’m so sorry Lulu… You will watch after them, won’t you? Please, Luna…


Why is it now so hard to breathe? Is it cloudy out, I wonder? Everything seems so dim…


Lulu… You sound so scared… Oh, don’t cry, please. Please, be happy, Luna… I am so, so sorry…

What do you want, little one?

Mmmm..? Mother? What do I want? I don’t want to go… But I suppose-

What do you truly want? Don’t be scared.

I want to stay… I want to teach. Just for a little longer. And I want Luna to be free… I know she’s always felt so bound and tied by the responsibilities of the throne… not that I was ever any help when it became too much for her… I want to tell her I’m sorry. I want to tell Twilight I’m sorry too- I did what was right for Equestria, instead of for her… I hope she can forgive me for that…

Go on then.


Go on. Do it. Do what you’ve always wanted-

I don’t understand…

-And say what you wanted to say.

I’m sorry Lulu-

Go on. Wake up.


“I’m so sorry…” The softest of whispers, breathed out as if they were no more than a sigh.

As the runes faded from view, Luna trying to get her head to clear from the fog that the magic had caused, she caught those three small words.

“Sister..?” Luna blinked several times, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the light that was streaming in through Celestia’s bedroom window.

The spell had taken a good two hours to cast, but now it was done. Luna could no longer feel the strings of the ancient magic, but it wasn’t that that surprised her, it was the fact that she couldn’t feel any magic at all. She didn’t care about that at the moment though, for there was no doubt now, it was Celestia that had spoken. Even as Luna watched, Celestia slowly sat up, the blanket that had been wrapped around her slowly sliding down.

Her fur was back to its brilliant white, and although her mane was still pink, it was as bright and cheerful as it had been when they were little. Her wings were gone, however… but that made sense- They were no longer Alicorns after all, so the spell must have made Celestia a unicorn instead.

The simple realization triggered another, and Luna took a step back to look at herself in the mirror. There before her was the reason why she could no longer feel magic- The spell had made her a pegasus. She had retained her old coloration, her mane a sky blue, and her fur a soft purple… As her eyes traced her reflection in the mirror, they stopped at a confusing detail… Her cutie mark had changed. Where her cloudy night and moon had sat, a silver sword with a navy blue hilt decorated with a crescent moon, partially wrapped by a wing the same color as hers had been before she had cast the first spell.

“L-luna?” Her attention quickly snapped back to Celestia as she spoke.

Celestia’s cutie mark had changed too, the sun was smaller, and had a book below it, as if the sun was there simply to alight the words of the book.

“Tia! H-how are you feeling?”

Celestia looked over at her, her eyes filled with confusion. They widened as they looked her over quickly, and Luna’s heart clenched as horror dawned in her elder sister’s eyes.

“L-lulu, what did you do?!”

“Tia, come here.”

A moment of silence, almost too long to bare, hung in the air. Then, much to Luna’s relief, Celestia slid out of bed, and carefully made her way over to where she was standing. Luna noted that despite being a bit off balance, Tia seemed all better. As Celestia reached her side, Luna nodded at the mirror for her to take a look.

As Celestia’s eyes widened at her reflection, Luna finally answered her question.

“I went into the tome that our parents left us… There was a spell in it that would give one new life, but… If used on an Alicorn, however, it costs the casters immortality too. Do not look at me like that Tia, I had to… You would have done the same for me, I know it.”

All the arguments and protestations that Celestia had simply faded away at that. Luna was right, she would have thrown away more than her immortality to save a loved one.

“This is what we always wanted, right?” Luna asked softly, “You never wanted to rule, and now you do not have to… Perhaps it is not enough, but, I bought you some time to chase those dreams that you used to tell me about now… Right? You could even have a family now if you wante-“

“And you’re free.” Celestia whispered, catching Luna off guard.


Not knowing what else to do, Tia told her about the dream she had, and about hearing her mother’s voice. The two quickly came to the same conclusion… The spell had done exactly as it said, given the two a new life, and a new destiny; The path of the dreams and hopes they had always wanted, as their cutie marks showed. Gone was the Sun and Moon of royalty, and in their place was the Sword of Freedom and the textbook of a Professor.

Without another word, the two sisters smiled at each other, and Luna wrapped her wing around her dearest friend, and they walked out of the castle where everything had been as it must, and off to where everything was as it should be… To wherever their dreams could be found and nurtured.