• Published 25th Jun 2012
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Ascension - cloudedguardian

Celestia is dying. Or at least it seems so. Afflicted with a curse that is destroying her very nature, she sets a plan in action. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will take the throne in her wake... Not that they know that yet...

  • ...

Royal Ruckus (Part 5)

Part Five
Sanity and Silence

Outside the castle, thunder rolled, a dark and angry sound that rumbled eerily, leaving the clouds above to flicker in shades of silver as it faded away.

Inside the castle, however, was nothing but silence in the wake of Rainbow’s wrath. Almost everypony within, and almost every thing as well, had frozen completely, barely breathing and not making a single sound, as if a spell had been cast to turn them all into perfect statues. The only ones who dared to move were several of the staff who had followed Cheery in, as they carefully backed away as slowly and silently as they could out the door they had just come through moments ago.

The silence almost seemed loud in contrast to the ear-splitting havoc that had been occurring not five minutes ago. Rainbow Dash stood in the middle of the room panting, having suddenly found herself very out of breath, as if she had just completed the Running of the Leaves at top speed. Even her friends had fallen silent; it seemed that even they had lost anything they had wished to say, Rarity’s protest at Dash’s particular choice of words dying in her throat at the sheer spike of magic that had just crossed the castle.

And really, she’s not the only one. I have no idea what more to say. It is hard to think of narration for shocked silence, and you can only say so much before you go into full purple prose territory and I don’t think anyone wants to hear me ramble on like that. The best way to describe it all, if you really think about it, is for me to sit here for the next page completely quiet leaving it totally blank to show how very awkward, bewildering, and mildly disturbing this silence was. There is nothing like having an absolutely furious new-born goddess telling you to shut up. Absolutely no-one wants to be the first to test how long that order was meant to last. So of course, it was a child that broke it.

A tiny snort, a muffled gasp, a suppressed snicker- All quite audible in the dead quiet that had permeated the room. Everyone’s ears perked, even as some ponies froze in dread, to turn towards the first sound to have occurred in the past five minutes. Very slowly, everypony turned towards the small purple dragon that had just entered the room. They were moving with utmost care to not make a single sound with their movement, and such was the sight to see-


-That Spike finally lost it despite all his previous best efforts, and fell on the floor clutching his sides in hysterical laughter.

Several of the staff looked upon him in horror, just in time to spin around in spot as another sound started up. Sweetie Belle, with both hooves clasped over her mouth, had started to giggle. The two fillies beside her looked away, as their own mouths began to twitch. Then, a choked guffaw from Scootaloo, a small snort from Apple Bloom… The three’s eyes met, as each one tried to desperately suppress their giggle fit, before failing completely at the look on each other’s face.

Twilight’s lips began to twitch, and a tiny giggle came out from behind her hoof. Her shoulders started to shake and as she met Rainbow Dash’s gaze, they both started to grin. Rainbow finally took in the frozen appearance of everypony else, and suddenly burst out laughing. Pinkie’s sobs disappeared as the laughter caught up to her, genuine laughter brightening her coat and returning her mane to its normal cotton-candy craziness; and it wasn’t long before a tiny whisper of a snicker came from Fluttershy, and an abashed giggle from Rarity.

Apple Bloom fell laughing against her elder sister’s leg, and finally even the silent and shocked Applejack couldn’t resist giving into it all. She wasn’t even sure why she was laughing, just that she should be, and that it felt right- Like it was the thing they all needed most of it all.

Without drawing a drop of attention from the exhausted royals, the Royal Guards set to work. An older pegasus in soft silver armor quietly shepherded out the carpenters and painters with a sweeping wing and a knowing smile, while a unicorn guard in gold swept out the architects as he bundled up their scattered blueprints into their confused but appreciative arms and auras. Even a certain white rabbit was doing a bit of shepherding, chasing out birds, rodents, and fellow hares through a side door as a female guard held it open for him before closing it gently as his own attempts to do so failed. All done with a quiet discretion that new no equal outside of the castle. Each and every one of the current Royal Guards had held their title for years, and there was a reason. After seeing a goddess’ bad day, you either learned how to deal with everything, or you quit and ran for the hills. These had seen it all, and knew that at this point, enough was enough, and it was time for everypony to just leave and come back another day.

As the six queens began to regain their composure from their laughing fit, they came forward to meet Twilight in the middle of the room, just to get pulled into a group hug by a beaming Pinkie Pie. They shared a look, before bursting out laughing again in one last giggle fit.

After catching her breath, and wiping tears from her eyes, Rarity started to run a hoof nervously through her mane. “Oh dear. What a day… I bet I look positively awful! Oh and I feel so- Oof!” A warm damp towel gently collided with her head, before lighting up in cheerful orange magic as it began to clean Rarity’s poor mane.

The girls' gaze switched to collectively looking over the white alicorn’s shoulder, before quickly settling onto the two maids that a guard had just escorted in.

“Bright Shine, Sweet Tea!” Twilight beamed, turning to take a step towards her two friends. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you two!”

“Oh, I’m sure we can take a pretty good guess.” Bright teased, her magic expertly splitting itself to unfold several hot towels to drape over the alicorns’ shoulders, as well as setting out several very large and plush cushions. “Sit, sit, you’ve all been on your hooves far too much.”

The girls exchanged a sheepish look and giggle, before giving in to the maid’s fussing and flopping down onto the bright cushions. As Twilight relaxed into the soft violet velvet of her own pillow, she decided the maids were more than likely quite right. She hadn’t realized until now how tired she was, and sinking into the soft cloud cotton felt simply wonderful.

Sweet Tea carefully began to set up a table full of sweets and sandwiches, and Twilight could already smell her favourite mint tea steeping in a pot nearby. Twilight’s gaze went across the table, her grin growing a little bigger still as Rainbow Dash pulled Pinkie into a half-hug half-headlock as she messed her mane even further with bountiful laughter from both of them. Her gaze shifted right, where Apple Bloom was curling up under her sister’s wing as Applejack got a glomp from Fluttershy. With a quiet flop, Rarity landed beside Twilight on the pillow that had been placed just to the left of her. The two shared a grin, before Rarity took one of the brushes that Bright Shine had brought with her to Twilight’s frazzled mane.

Just as Sweet Tea picked up the first of the two teapots they had brought, a loud and undignified squawk came from the corner of the room. Rarity ignored it completely, but Rainbow Dash and Twilight exchanged a look before focusing their attention on the source of the noise. One of the guards had untied Gray Scales, and she, along with several others, were trying to escort him and Cheery out the door.

“I refuse!” Cheery spat in the face of a pale silver stallion who had remarkable patience. "I absolutely refuse to leave this spot, and you have no right what-so-ever to make me leave!”

“We’re above you little foals. Your orders have no sway over us!” Gray Scales sniffed loudly, earning an exasperated glare from two of the older guards.

“Maybe theirs don’t, but ours do.” Rainbow said loudly, and all eight pairs of eyes focused on her.

Twilight and her exchanged another look, before turning simultaneously towards the two nobles, and with a perfectly calm voice and sweet smile, said together;

“Get out.”

A look of pure fury went across Cheery’s face, but before she had so much as a chance to do anything other than open her mouth, she found herself getting quite literally thrown out the door, with Gray Scales following her just a second behind.

“Why you little-“

A huge crack of thunder split the sky, and a bolt of lightning struck a mere inch from the two ex-advisor’s muzzles, just barely managing to singe Cheery's bright green fur a dark black. A choked squeak came out of the mare’s throat before the two turned tail and fled, another roll of thunder cheering on their two-hundred yard sprint to the castle gates.

Twilight turned an incredulous look onto a very smug Rainbow Dash who was “innocently” taking a sip of raspberry tea. Two of the guards struggled to keep a straight face as they gently shut the front doors, clicking them shut with a note of quiet finality.

“That was awesome!” Scootaloo raved, her tiny wings lifting her a foot of the ground as she leaped over to where Rainbow Dash was lounging.

“It kinda was, wasn’t it?” The blue alicorn asked proudly, a smug smile spreading across her face as she beamed down at her number-one admirer.

“It totally was!” Scootaloo squeaked, her grin getting impossibly wider as Rainbow unfolded a wing to pull the small orange filly to her side.

Bright Shine and Sweet Tea looked at each other, a knowing and quiet smile passing between them, before picking up the trays and teapots once more to finish setting up the table of goodies they were creating for their friends and Queens.