• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 12,067 Views, 1,211 Comments

Ascension - cloudedguardian

Celestia is dying. Or at least it seems so. Afflicted with a curse that is destroying her very nature, she sets a plan in action. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will take the throne in her wake... Not that they know that yet...

  • ...



Applejack stirred under the soft golden sheets that she was blissfully snuggled under. Even as her dreams began to fade to make way for reality’s morn, Applejack was reluctant to let them go quite yet. If she just relaxed, and curled deeper into the cotton pillows and silk sheets, she could almost grasp the remaining threads of her dream, where her parents still stood smiling and waving. Ah don’t wanna go, she breathed out, and her father gave her one last tight hug before everything faded away to nothing, and her eyes opened unbidden.

With an irritated moan that asked the world why it had woken up her up, Applejack sat up to look around the still unfamiliar room through bleary eyes. The bed she was in still seemed far too large, and if Apple Bloom hadn’t chosen that moment to mumble in her sleep, Applejack would have forgotten that she had been sharing it with her younger sister. Applejack smiled maternally as she looked at Apple Bloom fast asleep in her own dreams. She doubted that Apple Bloom even remembered their parents, as they had passed away when she was so young. It wouldn’t do to think about that now, however. Giving her sister a “Sleep Tight” kiss, Applejack slid out of the bed with fastidious care to make sure she didn’t wake her younger sibling before walking over to her bedroom windows and pulling the curtains back.

Dim moonlight streamed in, lighting the darkened room with dawn’s unawakened light. Soft orange curtains on either side of her seemed to frame her new bedchambers from where she stood. The entire chamber seemed to have been decorated with the theme of autumn in mind, and as strange as it was for her, Applejack had to admit the place was indeed beautiful. I guess I’ll get used to it eventually. She decided with a small smile, as her hooves carried her over to her vanity, where her regalia had been laid.

She couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment as she looked at the brilliant bronze jewellery. As the amber gem set in the tiara glimmered at her in the moonlight, AJ remembered Twilight’s words just before their coronation ceremony. She had said then, that she felt as if she shouldn’t even be wearing the carefully-crafted regalia, and Applejack had simply hugged her and assured her everything would be alright. It had seemed then that that was the right thing to do, to comfort and reassure her worried friend, and stride onwards with assiduous pride, supporting, strong and determined to be someone dependable… Now she almost wished she hadn’t. Instead she wished she had spilled out her own worries and fears. A farmer made royalty- If the idea was absurd to anyone it was to herself. The bronze regalia seemed to hold a weight unfitting for its craft, and when wearing it, despite the love and care that had been poured into its forging, she felt as if she had been dolled up for the world to laugh at.

As she tried to shake the negative thoughts out of her mind again, her mother’s Stetson hat caught her eye from where she had carefully placed it on her bedpost. In a way that can’t be put in words, it gave her courage again, and she gave it a grateful smile before turning her attention to her reflection in the vanity’s mirror.

Her mane seemed to have grown longer still, and almost seemed to hold a magic to it itself, and Applejack couldn’t help but wonder for a second if it would at some point have the same divine glow and movement that the Princesses’ had. Well, even if it does, that ain’t yet, and I look awful silly with bed head. Applejack chuckled, as she scooped up her hairbrush in hoof to calm the blond strands. As tempting as it was to pull her hair back into its usual ponytails, she left it down loose, her mind still somewhat on what it would be like if and when it animated. It probably wouldn’t be “proper” for her to wear her mane and tail like that anymore anyways. Magic she was still unused to having came to her aid as she pulled on the copper-gold horseshoes, lifted the bright tiara to its place, and did her Element up tight and snug around her neck.

As Applejack took one last look in the mirror, her Element’s gleaming jewelled apple seemed to give her an encouraging shimmer from it’s place around her neck, bidding a small smile forth from the young alicorn. Taking one last deep breath for courage, Applejack looked up at the grandfather clock beside her to confirm the time. Fifteen minutes till sunrise. I better get movin’. She affirmed to herself, before heading out the door with a hint of determination in her stride.

Applejack knew she had to go to the top of the Solar Tower to raise the sun with her friends, and the very thought of it was more than a little daunting. At the same time though, she had seen Twilight set the sun all on her own just the night before. Applejack closed her eyes and set aside her fears. She would put her faith in her friend, and leave things to play out as they would. Fretting and fussing would make no change to the future, Ma would tell me that all the time. Won’t do no good to forget that know, would it? She asked herself, grinning a little at the playful memories that the phrase arose.

Applejack also knew she had to pass the bedroom doors of her friends on the way up to the top of the tower, unless she went along the external staircase… Yet, it was still much to her surprise when she found Twilight standing outside Fluttershy’s door with a look of worried perplexion on her face. To be honest, she had been expecting Twilight to still be asleep.

“Well howdy Twilight. Didn’t expect to see you up so bright and early.”

“Oh, hello Applejack… I’m glad to see I don’t have to get you up.” Twilight teased gently, her voice soft as it tried not to wake anypony up prematurely.

“Ah get up at the crack of dawn every day, this ain’t no different… Well except for the fact that Ah can’t help but feel something got me up…” Applejack admitted as she walked over to stand beside her friend.

Twilight chuckled. “Well, if you’re like me, the sun’s magic woke you up. It practically threw a fit when I ignored it and tried to go back asleep. I never believed Celestia when she said it was child-like, I always assumed she was being metaphorical in some way… I see now that she was being quite literal.”

“Ah never would have guessed,” AJ laughed, before turning her attention to the shut door in front of them. “And yet Fluttershy is still asleep, Ah suppose?”

“Eeyup,” Twilight grinned, “I’m assuming that after dealing with all of Angel’s little fits, the sun’s little tantrum is nothing… And yet I don’t really want to be the one to get her up…” She admitted, a little sheepishly.

Applejack laughed. ‘Well Twilight, as Ah’ve had the honor of getting this particular mare up at the crack of dawn before- Allow me.”


Exactly five minutes had passed since Applejack took up the challenge to safely awaken Fluttershy from her slumber; and now the two stood in their friend’s room, the butter yellow mare still fast asleep, with AJ about to show Twilight the secret to getting Fluttershy up without invoking any wrath from her or her animals.

With a flash of gold magic, Applejack carefully lifted a soft pink mug to wave under Fluttershy’s snout. As the steam and the rich scent of coffee reached the mare’s nose, it began to twitch… And a second later a pale hoof was reaching out from the blankets to grasp the cup’s handle to allow her to take a sip.

Twilight resisted the urge to laugh as Fluttershy sat up in bed, the cup of coffee firmly grasped between her hooves, while still looking quite asleep. The mug was completely drained a minute later, and Fluttershy gave a large yawn before blinking her eyes open and giving her friends an angelic smile.

“Oh. Good morning girls.” Fluttershy said sweetly, her wings unfolding to give a sleepy stretch.

“Morning Fluttershy,” Twilight chuckled. “Are you all set to get the sun up?”

“Oh dear! I completely forgot about that!” Fluttershy breath out in a hushed and yet still slightly panicked voice.

“It’s alright sugar-cube, ya still got time. We just better get goin’, that’s all.” Applejack assured her quickly, and Fluttershy visibly relaxed before nodding and climbing out of bed to get ready.

Twilight helped her brush her mane and get on the near-forgotten regalia, before the three half-rushed out the door to go up the last two flights of stairs that was in-between them and the balcony from where Celestia (And Luna upon occasion) usually rose the sun from on a normal day.

“I don’t know how I forgot about the sun… I mean, it’s the most important thing about being royalty and everything, and I just feel so silly.” Flutttershy breathed out quickly, and Twilight gave her an understanding, and slightly exasperated, smile as they continued their way up the stairs.

“Well Ah imagine it has a lot to do with us having never done it before.” Applejack offered, and Fluttershy looked over her shoulder to smile at her before turning back to watch where she was going.

Soon, and perhaps too soon, the three stood upon the balcony from where they were to call upon the ancient magic that would bring the day as had the Princesses before them. And they were terrified.

Fluttershy was alternating between shaking like a leaf and squeaking as she tried to swallow her nerves enough to unclench her wings from where they were tightly folded against her sides, and Applejack’s heart was pounding so loudly she could barely think straight. Even Twilight seemed to be off somewhere else and it was a long minute before the silence was rather violently broken.


Applejack and Fluttershy both jumped rather magnificently as Twilight’s shout broke the quiet that surrounded them. Applejack watched bemusedly as Twilight walked past her with a look of irritated determination on her face to stand at the edge of the balcony. A second passed as Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated on some spell unknown to AJ, before, with a gentle pop, a bright violet bubble dropped a white tome into Twilight’s waiting grasp.

Applejack’s look of confusion grew as Twilight walked by her with her nose in the book back to where she had been standing a minute ago.

“Alright then.” Twilight breathed, and the book clicked shut to land on an awaiting table.

The air began to hum as ancient magic woke up at the purple alicorn’s beckon. Despite her confusion, Applejack did not hesitate to join Twilight in what she was doing and the hum grew into an unheard song as the magic grew in strength. Fluttershy’s magic joined into the thrall, and fiery threads bid the dull clouds into brilliant colors as they came alive once more.

Golden power, rich and warm, filled each mind with a welcoming and happy embrace. It seemed to lift them up, encouraging and cheerful, and Applejack couldn’t help but take a step forward to its pull. One by one, wings unfolded, and heads uplifted, as the spell that was as old as time came to life in the form of a blissful and brilliant chain that felt as if it was almost a part of them, begging to be lifted high.

The three took to the brightening sky, the sun gleefully following them in their ascent. The magic seemed to fade into an ecstatic crescendo as the sun reached its point, and only then did Applejack truly realize what she had done... They had all actually done it. They really had just raised the sun.

AJ beamed at an amazed Fluttershy who glided nearby, who shakily returned her proud grin. It took her a minute to spot Twilight, for unlike her and Fluttershy, she had already landed back on the balcony. Applejack quickly followed suit, suddenly worried for her friend.

“Twilight! Hey, Twilight,” She called quickly, trotting over to her friend the second her hooves touched marble. “Are you alright?”

Twilight looked up at her with a hint of surprise, but it faded away quickly to an appreciative smile. “I’m fine, Applejack. Just a little over-whelmed… And anyway, we probably have a lot of work ahead of us… The staff will be up any time now, and I’m sure there will be a lot to do once they are… I’ll see you downstairs.”

“Okay then… Ah’ll be down in a minute…” Applejack replied swiftly, and Twilight gave her a small nod before disappearing downstairs.

AJ turned around to look up at sky, where the clouds were still cloaked in the soft pastel colors of their magic. A small nostalgic smile crossed her lips as Fluttershy landed on a particularly large gold cloud along with a small group of birds to enjoy the morning’s breeze. I just want to watch this sunrise for a moment… Just like I used to with my parents.

A/N: Once again we have a chapter song! I really love you guys for always posting these things. They are so inspiring! Random/Interesting FYI; "Ascension" was originally going to be the name of Applejack's first chapter (Which ended up getting split up into "A Spark of Truth...Will Set a Blaze" as you all know) So, since "Royal Ruckus Part 1" (despite being accurate) didn't seem to FIT this chapter quite right, I decided it was time to use this title... Sorry to all those who though this was going to be some super amazing important chapter.... It's not.