• Published 25th Jun 2012
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Ascension - cloudedguardian

Celestia is dying. Or at least it seems so. Afflicted with a curse that is destroying her very nature, she sets a plan in action. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will take the throne in her wake... Not that they know that yet...

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Royal Ruckus (Part 6, Final)

A/N: A giant pile of paper sits before you. As you watch, a small portion near the bottom shifts, allowing the buried author to take a gasp of air.
"Here. Chapter. yay..."
She collapses back into the paper, several of the sheets flying up into the air, landing a minute later to rebury the frazzled girl.

Part Six
A Fitting Finish

“…And then, you won’t believe this, but I swear it’s true- The sprinklers come on.” Rarity paused for dramatic effect, and her friends’ various winces and groans rewarded her for it. “I know! It was horrid. I had finally managed to actually calm those horrible animals down, no offense Fluttershy-“

“None taken.”

“-And then the blasted sprinklers come on and just completely soak all of us. I would like to know what they put in that water because it was like liquid chaos! They just went everywhere, with the screeching and the squawking…” The white alicorn trailed off with a shake of her head. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I can’t handle little Opalescence half the time… A royal garden? I’m an idiot.”

“It’s alright, Rarity. I think we all had a stupid day today.” Pinkie said, earning a small giggle from her friends.

“Last I heard, the only one pulling stupid during your task was that chef.” Rainbow Dash deadpanned, earning a sheepish grin from her ever-pink friend.

“I think he was having a bad day too, Dashie. And anyway, I really should have been paying better attention to what I was doing with my magic… Especially with not being all that used to it yet and all.”

Twilight reached over and patted Pinkie on the shoulder. “Don’t worry too much about it, every amateur makes mistakes like that. As for the binders, a simple repair spell will no doubt do the trick, and I can fix them up when I check on the Treasury.”

“You mean we can’t call the day a dud and try again tomorrow?” Rainbow asked, looking at the lilac alicorn with a mixture of trepidation and hope.

“Unfortunately not. There’s still so much that has to be done, and…” Twilight sighed. “I know. I just don’t know what else to do but, do our best and, hope, I guess. It probably won’t be so bad once we start working together…”


“Spike! Manners!” Rarity accosted gently, without looking up from where she was braiding Fluttershy’s mane. (Hairstyling always calmed Rarity down, and as Fluttershy’s mane and tail had grown even longer it was a good way to keep it out of harm’s way.)

“Uh, excuse me, I guess?’ Spike muttered back, and the amount of distraction in his voice caused Twilight to look over her shoulder at him in bemused curiosity.

Her eyes widened at the scroll he held in his claws, her breath catching slightly at the seal that held it shut. She knew that symbol, she knew it very well. Spike caught her stare, and held the scroll up to her, the pink wax still unbroken. She took it from him with the utmost care, rolling it over in her magic to stare at the seal.

“You alright there, Sugarcube?”

“Whatcha got there Twi?”

A simple horseshoe decorated with a single sunflower; Celestia’s seal. Her mind didn’t know how to handle it. A part of her was squealing in delight- It was a letter from her mentor! The rest of her wasn’t feeling so great however, and was tangled up in mixed emotions that left her feeling confused. There was only one word that she could form her feelings to, and she wasn’t even sure if it was a question or an exclamation.


There was only one way to find out, now, wasn’t there?

With fastidious care, Twilight lifted the seal, unrolling the thin parchment to reveal the words inside. A tiny part of her brain noted that the paper wasn’t the thick and luxurious kind that Celestia usually used, but instead a simple and fragrant sort that one could buy at any mare’s stationary store.

My Dearest, Most Faithful Student Twilight,

I find myself hoping that I can still call you that with a semblance of truth, even though I have made a fool of myself. I can’t blame you if you’re furious with me, as you well should be. I passed on my burdens to you and your friends, and even though it was not out of choice but desperation, it was still my decision and if you hate me for it, I understand. I did not even stay behind to aid you, to teach you in how to bear the weight of what I gave you, and now that my mind has settled enough to look back upon my decision, my stomach churns with regret.

After millennia upon millennia of always having to think a century ahead, of always having to weigh every move I make, my first taste of true freedom since I was a filly just went straight to my head… And although it’s no excuse, I don’t want you thinking my sudden departure was because I intentionally abandoned you. That was the last thing I ever meant to do.

So, if you’ll allow me, I’ll take on the role of your mentor once more, and try and remedy my mistake with the little push you might be needing right now. (Although for all I know, you could have easily surpassed me in all my bumbling when I began, and whipped the entire castle into shape with a wave of your magic, but I’ll assume the worst for future disasters if nothing else.)

I have no doubt that at this point you have already met my four lovely advisors. They’re brilliant together, but once they start going in four different directions, Faust help us all.

Cheery Chimes is manipulative, cruel, stuck-up, incessantly annoying, and should have been an actress rather than a politician for all her hot air. A sound blocking spell should always be on the ready whenever she enters the room; Consider it her mute button, and everypony will be grateful when you use it. The only reason I keep her around is because I have never met anypony who could twist the Feabitter diplomats around her hoof as easily as her, and sometimes the best way to deal with one headache is to set another one on them.

Earl Grey is a power-hungry fool, idiotic in his ambitions of power. If you can get his nose out of the air and his hooves on the ground, he’s the most helpful of the lot, as he is actually quite brilliant, and I have no doubt you and him will enjoy many a devious chess match. That said, feel free to tell him to go jump off a cliff if he gets too overbearing. He has a way with words to make however he is deeming in his way, or for that matter, a way to get what he wants, feel like a pile of worthless crap. I sincerely hope that he and Discord never meet. The smartest thing to do with him is to keep Autumn Winds nearby at all times. You’d think the two were brothers with the way Autumn can diffuse him and scatter all his meticulously woven plans with a wave of his hoof.

Gray Scales is a delusional old coot and anything he says should be treated as such. His purpose lies solely in his mind-numbing mathematical skills, and therefore the accounting room is the only place you should give any meaning to his words. He’ll no doubt be a great aid when it is time to start setting up new trade routes, but if he quit on you in a huff because of… I have no idea what goes on through that fool's head half the time, so if he quits on you, just hire his daughter. She’s not quite as good, but between the two of you, Twilight, I’m sure you’ll more than pick up the slack.

Autumn Winds is the youngest of the lot, and he is no doubt the kindest. He’s not as cunning as the others, but his personality makes up for it. He is the one that’ll make sure the other three aren’t accidentally blowing up the kingdom, and to be honest, that’s the whole reason he holds such a high position. He isn’t exceptional at anything, but give him a task and he’ll do his best at it, and he is at least a quick learner. He worked under Gray Scales for the first five years he worked here in the castle, so if you ever get too swamped with paper work, he’ll probably be able to dig you out.

The other staff in the castle are weak-minded and easily stressed, and if anything gets said in the heat of a moment, I suggest you disregard it, as they dislike change, and are most likely more freaked out than you are. This does not, of course, include the Royal Guard. As I am sure you have noted Twilight, there is a reason why two all-powerful alicorns have a full personal guard despite probably never needing it for protection purposes. And no, it’s not for eye candy. Well, not just for eye candy. They were my sanity. Each and every one of them honest, generous, kind and loyal. They’ve seen me through my worst days, and I have no doubt they will serve you six as wonderfully as they have me and Luna.

I know you may not have forgiven me for it yet, but I chose you and your friends for this for a reason. There is no-one better. I trust you, not with my life, but with something even greater; My kingdom. I love you Twilight, and I’m sorry. I know you can do this, that all of you can do this. As long as you stick together as you have through every other challenge and disaster, nothing will stand in your way.

Twilight found herself blinking back tears, and the paper held in her magic held the wrinkles and discoloured spots that said that she had not been the only one, as they marked the final paragraph of the letter.

P.S. If you can ever find it in yourself to forgive me, I’d love to see you all again. Perhaps we could even all have tea together, raising a toast and passing scones as we discuss the follies and fortunes of the past. I have a story about Soarin’s first day of working as a maid in the castle, long before he became vice-captain of the Wonderbolts that I’m sure Rainbow Dash would love to hear.

-Yours Truly, Ex-Princess Celestia, Professor Aurora Books.

Twilight dropped the scroll, brining a hoof up to cover her eyes as she struggled not to cry. She felt Applejack’s magic flare up to catch the scroll, and Rainbow Dash put a gentle hoof on her shoulder in silent concern and curiosity.

“I’m okay.” Twilight choked, hastily wiping away her tears as a feeling of tranquil courage spread through her. “I’m okay.”

Her friends looked up at her with a look of surprise as she stood up, her features settling into a look of determination. “Ready for round two?” She asked, a hint of mischief in her voice.

Rainbow Dash smirked, and rose up to stand eye to eye with Twilight. “Buck yeah. Let’s show them.”

“Rainbow, language please.” Rarity sighed, rising to her own hooves as well. “There are better ways to agree with passion. Such as, “But of course Twilight!””

“We’re with ya.” Applejack was standing proud once again, looking at her friends with a mixture of resolution and something Twilight couldn’t quite put a hoof on.

“All the way!” Pinkie Pie literally bounced to her hooves, leaving Fluttershy’s quiet but determined nod with a distinct lack of impact. Not that it mattered.

“Alright, let’s go then.”

The girls split off into pairs, each confident in the task they had picked for themselves this time.

Twilight and Fluttershy headed straight to the Treasury. Autumn Winds was still there, carefully sorting out the paper into neat stacks by binder and book, which made Twilight’s task of putting them all back together much easier. Fluttershy, being a small town vet, had made budgets stretch far past what they should, and had no problem working through the remaining paper work, especially once Twilight chased Autumn Winds out of the broken binders he was trying to put back together by hoof and over to her instead.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie headed straight for the Gala, and after chasing Earl Grey off to go help reorganize and clean the throne room instead, set off to work in perfect harmony. Between the budding fashionista and Equestria’s greatest party pony, the two planned and arranged what was no doubt going to be the Best Night Ever. It was about time the Grand Galloping Gala stopped being so stuffy, and started to be actually grand.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash worked together to clear up the gardens. Applejack had missed her work on the farm, and this was almost as good. As she cleaned up the gardens, and threw out the broken sprinklers, Rainbow Dash cleared the skies and brought the rain and sun to where-ever it was needed. Once the flora was covered, the two worked together to herd all the animals back to where they belonged, Rainbow Dash with the birds in the air, and Applejack with everything else on the ground. It wasn’t long before all the creatures were safe and sound and out of Rarity’s mane.

The girls came back together to stop for an amazing supper of comfort food that could have only been arranged by Spike. They enjoyed their quiet hour of fellowship and food before splitting off again to finish the tasks remaining.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash went to oversee the construction. Rainbow’s natural leadership skills easily pulled the distracted and lost workers together into top gear rather quickly, and soon the whole room was buzzing with the thrall of organized chaos. Pinkie Pie kept on eye out for impending disasters with her Pinkie Sense while keeping the Cutie Mark Crusaders thoroughly out of trouble.

Applejack and Fluttershy set to finally settling in Fluttershy’s many animals. There would be no more stampeding with Applejack ready and waiting for any trouble. Fluttershy carefully arranged their many homes and dens, and it wasn’t long before everyone was peaceful and asleep in their little homes.

High Tea was effortlessly done by no-pony else than Rarity and Twilight. The high-end dishes were picked with Rarity’s exquisite taste and Twilight’s knowledge of the various countries, and it wasn’t long before it all came together in beautiful harmony, each carefully prepared platter coming together in perfect harmony. They finished it all just in time for the dignitaries themselves to arrive, which Twilight handled without a hitch, having sat in on the previous High Tea with Celestia, and unsurprisingly, had made a ridiculous amount of notes, and therefore had everything completely memorized.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie came together just as the High Tea began to wind down, and worked together to pull the moon high into the sky. It had been a very long day, and the minute the dignitaries left with pleased smiles and satisfied sighs, the six alicorns slumped in exhaustion, proud of what they had accomplished but still very much looking forward to their awaiting beds.

The last minute jobs were finished, the last few details were finalized, and one by one the day staff left the castle, yawning and dragging their hooves slightly as they disappeared through the door. Finally, they were done. Their first was complete, and it hadn’t gone nearly as bad as they had thought it would earlier that morning. With the moon high in the sky and lighting the paths to their rooms, the girls made their way to bed, exhausted and brain-dead… And therefore unaware that one thing had been left uncrossed on their to-do list.

The statue garden had been left untended; And although the vines slowly creeping up Knowledge’s legs could be addressed whenever it was noticed, another statue begged for a more important sort of attention. Discord’s statue had cracked from top to bottom. As one of Fluttershy’s birds landed on his antler, the statue shuddered, and the crack spread across the antler, leaving the small bird to flee from the dark cackle of laughter that had split the garden.