• Published 1st Jun 2016
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Fear Within - VirtualCipher

Twilight and her friends must find Spike and overcome their greatest fears.

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Chapter 1 - The Meeting

The everlasting, lingering night was darker than ever with a canopy of illumine stars, caliginous than yesterday's night. Deep within a darkened forest, a maze of unlit passages was crucial to see at this point, the mist grew more noticeable with every second ticking away. Beyond the forest was a tomb; a vault of secrecy that had gone unnoticed for a long time. Vines had consumed the opening passage, enthralled with creeping plants still growing from their seed continuing to spread like a swarm of annoyance towards the structured tomb. Voices could be heard from within, arguing and bickering. The interior of the tomb contained a long-lasting stairway that led down beneath the land of Equestria, at the bottom was an immaculate and dark hallway that followed into a spacious assembly room with a table placed perfectly in the centre. Around that table consisted of the failed villains, failures within the past, a disgrace towards success.

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" Came a strident and irritating voice from one of the Diamond Dogs, Rover being backed up with his two partners Fido and Spot.

"Backup, dog breath!" Lightning Dust obnoxiously insulted. "I was only speaking the truth about how you bozos are terrible treasure hunters!" She exclaimed.

"Dog breath?" Flim questioned. "I thought that awful scent was coming from her." He smugly whispered to his brother, Flam, as they both began to snicker, satisfied with their immature insult.

"What was that!" She growled in anger which caused the twins to flinch.

"It was just a joke," Flam stated. "But..." he continued. "It was more of a fact!" He laughed along with his identical twin.

"It appears that your pathetic attempts of a master-plan would be the only joke I find rather humorous." Announced the queen of all Changelings; Chrysalis. "Trying to sell your cheap, mock-up products and gain money to destroy and build your own land is the most idiotic scheme I've ever heard."

Both Flim and Flam were hurt by this, as well as intimidated by the nightmarish looking queen. "Well... when you put it like that it does sound rather imbecilic," Flim replied with a nervous tone to his voice while shaking a little.

"All of you are as irritating as that small dragon." The red-scaled dragon Garble said, jumping into the conflict.

"You mean that small, wingless dragon that managed to outrun you and two other dragons of your age?!" Argued Spot with a devilish looking grin on his face, almost looking proud of himself. This caused the Diamond Dogs to laugh at Garble as he stood there with his eyes narrowing down at them in anger.

"Enough bickering!"

All heads quickly turned towards the sound of the dead, demonic and unsettling voice which had no emotion. There stood a figure, darkened by the shadows, he stood tall with his slender arms behind his back, his unswerving legs standing straight, however, one leg appeared to be a bit broken compared to the other one. He was wearing a black cloak with a hood attached which concealed his face, they could only see the bottom of his mouth, his jaw.

"And you are?" Fido asked suspiciously.

"I am the one that brought you all here, think of me as your host for the night." He began to approach them, walking closer. "You may call me Fright."

"It's about time our host showed up," Spot complained.

"Well Fright, why bring us here?" Lightning Dust interrogated.

"Because you all share something..." Fright continued.

Chrysalis gave out a hiss in disgust, "What could I possibly share with these weak idiots!" She scowled. Everyone around the table looked at the monstrous queen in anger.

Fright resumed, answering her question. "Fear." The sound of Fright's dead voice filled the room with confusion.

"Fear?" Chrysalis spoke with a disturbed tone to her voice.

Fright resumed, "Throughout your past, you have all been beaten, humiliated, overpowered by Twilight Sparkle and her five troublesome friends, which has led to you all being... afraid."

"Afraid?!" Garble shouted. "I'm afraid of nothing, I'm a dragon for crying out loud! What is there to be afraid of? And besides, I don't even know who this Twilight Sparkle is!" He exclaimed.

"Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Friendship as well as Princess Celestia's prized pet," Chrysalis informed while giving a grimaced expression just by mentioning both Celestia and Twilight's name.

Fright turned towards the teenage dragon and began to approach him with both hands interlaced with each other. "Afraid of nothing?" He quoted Garble as he leant close towards him. "No matter what, we are all afraid!" Fright began to lean upwards, revealing his face. His eyes were empty, grey like a void of sadness. His mouth was ripped, sewed back together in stitches, his face was the very definition of a mess. This caused everyone in the room to get a shiver through their spine. Fright began to lean even closer towards the disgusted dragon almost as if he was trying to intimidate him. "Whether it's spiders, heights or death, fear will always act as a threat, and that's how we're going to get revenge on the ones who defeated you, all of you!" Somehow, a grin could be seen through that disarrayed face of Fright. "We will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies as their mind slowly break into fragile pieces."

Each and everyone around the table was looking at each other, shrugging, not giving a single comment towards the insane maniac.

"Really?" Flim said breaking the silence. "Fear?"

"That has to be the most idiotic scheme I've ever heard!" Flam stated his opinion.

"Think of it what you will, Flam, but you do want to get back at the Apple family for ruining you and your brother's brilliant ideas."

Flim and Flam simply turned to each other, remembering the times their plan had been foiled by Applejack.

"How many failures will begin to affect your laudable reputation?"

Flim and Flam were beginning to think to deep about being failures, poor and good for nothing pieces of trash.

Fright resumed talking to everyone. "You have all been hurt by Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and even the shy one, Fluttershy. So wouldn't you want to see them hurt mentally and physically?"

"What exactly is your plan, Fright?" Lightning Dust questioned with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"I'm glad you asked. The plan is to create panic, we will set a diversion that will have ponies evacuating, hiding from the threats we shall demonstrate. As they run scared we rise and take over. Manehattan will be the location to start with, and then I will forge a fear spell which will result in Manehattan, Filydelphia, Canterlot and the whole of Equestria to be engulfed in a smog of hallucinogenic fears. Celestia will watch as the ponies who worship her tear their eyes out in horror!" He explained.

"Wait?!" Lightning Dust exclaimed. "We're going to harm others just for revenge?"

"Sacrifices must be made. After all, you do wish to seek out revenge on the pony who crushed your dreams, don't you?"

Lightning Dust looked down in sadness as she remembered Rainbow Dash taking her away her ticket to fame. She looked back up and nodded. "Yes."

"And everyone else?" Fright looked around the table to see who else would subject towards his plan.

The Diamond Dogs had never cared for ponies so they simply agreed. Same with Garble, but he always contained a hatred towards ponies due to the fact that he's a dragon. Lightning Dust was being bottled up with second thoughts, however, she did want to hurt Rainbow Dash. Flim and Flam wanted to see the Apple family hurt, shedding tears as they destroy their reputation and everything they stand for. Everyone was nodding except one.

"This is a pathetic idea!" Chrysalis spoke, causing all heads to turn towards her. "I don't need any of your help or your adulation, Fright!" Chrysalis said, standing up from her seat. "You're just a maniac that's obsessed with trying to scare others. As for everyone else, you're all failures! I'm the only one here that controls an army of new, obedient and vicious soldiers and unlike my previous infantry, they are more loyal to their queen than that traitorous Thorax! I have a better chance of vanquishing Celestia and the others. I can do this on my own." She hissed.

"But what if you failed like last time, Chrysalis?" Fright broached.

Chrysalis thoughts of supremacy just stopped like a broken clock ticking away as she stared at Fright with anger. "What?!" She said angrily.

"What if you were overcome by the power of love, by the power of friendship, weakened by harmony?" Fright argued as Chrysalis just stood there, showing a livid look, but quickly transforming to the face of discomposure.

"I know it's a rather daunting thought, isn't it? Being washed over with constant failures, ruined by Celestia's six little pets. Would your 'new, obedient and vicious soldiers' lose faith in you? Would Thorax along with the apprentice come along and steal everything from you again? All that you've worked for, taken!" Fright was beginning to get to Chrysalis as she began to slowly think about being defeated over and over again. "You see, I'm giving you an opportunity that will give you the sweet taste of victory, all of you will know the feeling of revenge once you achieve your objective, and then you will be free to do what you wish without any irritating objections."

Flim and Flam could only think about the wealthy fame, destroying the land of ponyville and starting an industrial business and watching the Apple family shed tears in horror while they laugh.

Lightning Dust's thoughts were being bombed with fame while crushing Rainbow Dash's spirit.

The Diamond Dogs were dreaming of being bathed in gems, diamonds, rubies as enslaved ponies helplessly work for them in the mines.

Garble was thinking about bullying, viciously attacking ponies, hoarding every item to increase his strength and size.

Chrysalis was in a deep state of concentration as she imagined the four princesses captured, begging for mercy with changelings everywhere, swarming and taking over the land of Equestria as she lets out a villainous laugh.

Fright interrupted the wondrous dreams of his guests. "If you follow my instructions perfectly... then I will grant all of your wild desires to become a reality."

Chrysalis just looked down and accepted his offer. "Fine! But I won't be taking orders from a disgusting and sick, demented psycho like yourself!" She hissed.

"How kind of you to accept my offer," Fright's face grew a menacing smile through his stitched skin.

"What about you?" Rover stood up from his chair, questioning Fright. "Why do you want revenge?"

Fright turned to face the gem-hunting mutt. "I wouldn't call it revenge, but somewhat... retribution. I want the land of Equestria to know that harmony is a lie and that the gracious Princess of the Sun is nothing but a weak, ailing mare along with the other three princesses. I want to see them all suffer as the psychological terrors begin to corrupt their minds as they slowly descend into madness."

Garble asked, "So when do we begin?"

"We will wait for the right moment, but of course, if all goes wrong we need a backup plan." Fright replied.

"A backup plan?" Garble probed, scratching his head.

"Throughout Twilight Sparkle's past, she has always misused something, neglect and abused." Fright developed a sinister looking grin. "We will take away the one thing that means the world to her."

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