• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 12,157 Views, 1,139 Comments

Fear Within - VirtualCipher

Twilight and her friends must find Spike and overcome their greatest fears.

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Chapter 36 - The Aftermath

Something was different...

Darkness was rushed to the alicorn's sight within an instant of opening her shattered and exhausted eyes. Forcing them wide open, taking in the dark surroundings, Twilight rose from the cold, jagged ground that made the unknown location look deconstructed. With her heart wanting to break free, thumping against her chest, she was faced with a feeling of unsettlement as her heard twisted left and right, trying desperately to decipher her location. This didn't feel like Canterlot's Royal Palace, nor did it feel like anywhere homely.

For a moment, hesitant, Twilight's tongue trembled, stammering a little until she forced her mouth open, "Hello?" She called out, slowly beginning to move her hooves against the dead ground, advancing into the unknown.

She was quick to regret her action as she received many responses to her call. All around, she heard whispers, some sounding familiar while others were demonic.

"You're insane..."

"You're sadistic..."

"You're unstable..."

"You're pathetic..."

"You're disgusting..."

"You're cruel..."

"You're broken..."

As if she was falling into a pit of insults; spiteful words that hovered around and bit her, Twilight could only feel herself being hit with painful memories of last night's events. As if they were tides constantly rising and falling down on her, the poor alicorn could only feel overwhelmed with thoughts of despair and terror.

Overwhelmed with the horrific voices, Twilight began to panic, her ears flopping down stress and angst wore over her face like a mask. Worried, panic flowing into her heart and wanting to break free from this dim prison, the princess tried desperately to look for a way out, any bit of light to guide her away from the voices, but nothing.

"No... Stop!" She wailed and cowered, readying her wings as shields to block their crazed voices.

Her pleading was quick to be denied as the whispers got louder and louder by the second, continuing to roar and demonize her into a monster. Cowering, Twilight stumbled away from her position, swiftly turning around only to be faced with light, shining down before her.

Like a spotlight, tearing through the darkness, the moment the distressed alicorn laid her eyes on the light, they looked down to see a damaged and traumatised baby dragon.

With the blaring, devilish voices coming to an abrupt halt, Twilight studied her hurt friend. In the centre of the light, on his knees with his arms hanging lifelessly by his side, Spike showed no sign of life, his head sinking downwards, refusing to look up. Around him were broken pieces of glass, shattered much the dragon himself.

Tormented, broken and scared, reduced to a fractured soul cowering in the dark, the visuals of Spike as he was infected with fear, torn up about being forgotten never failed to catch up with Twilight. She remembered how he talked, how he was crying, how his heart failed to repair itself when he found out that he was replaced and forgotten.

"Sp... Spike," Twilight spoke, tearing up at the sight of her damaged friend.

Sparked with a glimmer of life, Spike's gills shot upwards, hearing well of Twilight's voice. It took a few moments, but he finally looked up at her. He was unscathed, no cuts, no bruises, just exhausted eyes with tears flowing down his face.

"Spike..." Twilight spoke once more, showing no sign of holding back her tears.

For a moment, afraid and slightly tilting his head, he relieved a weak sigh, "Why..."

Suddenly, the light burst into nothingness, the glimmering passage that pierced the blackness and Spike vanished into the darkness that surrounded and stalked Twilight.

Skipping a beat, her heart chose to rapidly bash against her chest as she frantically looked around in the darkness, desperately trying to relocate her friend, calling out to him with dread gripping her voice.

"Spike! Spike!"

Once again, the light flickered back on much to Twilight's satisfaction, however, it was short lived. With her head lowered, her eyes hoping to see Spike once again, but what she was met with made her blood run cold, almost turning to stone.

In the light, Spike was no longer there. Only a pair of clawed feet with crooked legs is what she saw. Fear rushed to her system as her whole head darted upwards, looking up to the pale, white mask that was devoid of any emotion; any remorse. There was no need for more than a second to process the identity of who Twilight was facing.

Swiftly, before their eyes could even connect, The Hunter grabbed the princess by the throat before she could scream or even unlock a gasp. His sharpened fingers gripping her throat as he lifted her up from the ground, bringing her up to the level of this barren, black eyes.

Struggling, shaking her hooves around as she tried to break free from his grasp. Hopelessly, she tried to fly away, her wings flailing as she continued to forcefully break free, but The Hunter's claw remained fixed against her throat.

Shaking, the spikes around his mask rattled in hatred, his voice tearing through the uncomfortable silence around them, "You're mine now!"

With his other hand free, The Hunter enthralled Twilight's horn, preventing her from using any sort of magic.

All while Twilight helplessly struggled, continuing, but failing to break free from his hold, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread consuming her. Cold, the alicorn felt The Hunter's power encase her, clouds of darkness swarming her; drowning her until she felt scared, empty of hope.

From side to side, her eyes trembled, trying to breathe through The Hunter's power, but it was proven futile. All she saw was the white, sinister mask, his cold and life-lacking eyes swallowed her into an abyss of fear as her vision slowly faded to darkness.

'No one is safe...'

It was harsh the way Twilight woke up.

Jolting herself wide awake, forcing herself up from the comfortable bed she rested against, Twilight set free a gasp and began to forcefully push her breathing; panting as if she had just raced Rainbow Dash. Shaking and scared by her sickening nightmare, the stressed alicorn began to recollect the many memories of last night's events, that along with the nightmare she had just escaped from.

Finally, restoring her sight, rubbing her eyes and erasing the sleep, the young alicorn studied the room she was located within, stretching her wings as she took in her surroundings. It didn't take long for her to realise where she was. Secured behind walls coloured white, clean and gracious, she knew she remained in Canterlot's castle, resting in one of the many guest rooms.

Oddly enough, she thought sleeping would be impossible, especially after what she had endured last night.

Bashed with the images of Spike, Twilight wanted nothing more to see him again and her uncomfortable dreams only pushed her to the brink of sadness.

"Spike..." She whispered.

With the fear from her chest departing, her breathing calming, Twilight looked down at the blanket that kept her comfortable and secure, becoming haunted by her nightmare. She wanted to cry, she wanted to relieve all of this pain and let it out with sobbing, but she couldn't. It felt like she ran out of her own tears.

Lost, not knowing how to feel or what emotions to display, the alicorn remained seated in bed as she turned to the window and noticing the bright blue sky with a few clouds interfering. It was satisfying to see the day, it felt so long since she had seen such brightness.

The announcement, The Hunter, the fog, Chrysalis' encounter, the breakout and her own frantic outburst were all playing in her mind, looping and circling. All of this fear took place in one night and Twilight didn't want to know what awaited today, not if it meant more suffering.

Like a wall collapsing, the alicorn's strength finally crumbled, holding her head into her hooves as she sobbed, becoming a victim of fear and anxiety. Every tear that formed dripped from her face, holding herself together as if she was withering away.

Through her muffled sobbing, her painful cries of agony, she murmured, "Spike..."

Afraid, Twilight's mind replayed the events of what occurred last night, those horrible memories refusing to leave her brain. She just wanted to be safe... She wanted everything to go back to normal... She just wanted Spike back.

Within the lustrous castle of Canterlot, the royal palace felt like a new place with the many ponies roaming around. Many guards patrolled the halls, alert and focused. Ponyville's residents would often leave the sacred palace and wander throughout the beautiful and sophisticated city, but needless to say, they were scared, some chose to deny the fear that crawled around, some chose to ignore while others were blinded by it.

With Fright's message putting many creatures in fear, Equestria became a new place.

Once Celestia had risen her sun, erasing the night away and abolishing the terror that tainted it, Canterlot's residents were in an uproar. Crowded with panic flying over them. Distressed mares and frightened stallions all demanded Princess Celestia, Luna and Twilight. It didn't take long for the throne room to become flooded with scared faces, trembling ponies as they demanded to know what happened last night. Ascending from their thrones, Celestia and Luna's conversation had come to an abrupt halt, their focus now on the residents of Canterlot.

Finally, Celestia had been free from The Hunter's curse, her horn clean and clear of any markings.

Panicking, wailing and shouting, the ponies all threw their voices at the two alicorns, wanting to know how Tartarus' prisoners managed to break free from their confinement or what would become of Equestria or if they were truly safe within Canterlot. Standing together, tall and strong, both Celestia and Luna maintained peace and showed nothing but serenity to their subjects. But deep down, their worries and doubts were flowing, however, they were strong to fight them off.

Altogether, the ponies in the throne room clamoured:

"What happened last night?!"

"Are we safe? What happens if the barrier falls?!"

"What if Canterlot ends up like Manehatten?!"

"Where is Princess Twilight?!"

"Who set them free?!"

Stepping forward, Celestia spoke loud and clear, "You all have a right to be afraid." She settled. "Last night the changelings orchestrated a breakout in Tartarus. With cities and kingdoms on high alert, Equestria will be safe. The matter is being dealt with, I assure you, but for now, no pony is to leave Canterlot. Not with the monsters liberated."

"How do you propose to take care of the maniacs who started this?" A voice called out, backed up with many ponies agreeing.

This time, it was Luna's turn to step forth, her voice, much like Celestia's, loud and clear, however, it was filled more with determination, "Queen Chrysalis and the psychotic alchemist: Fright, will be hunted down for their crimes against Equestria, along with those who have assisted them!"

Despite their perseverance, more and more questions arose, which is what Luna and Celestia were expecting. Although they were tired, they continued...

Much like the bedroom Fluttershy was being held in, everything about the room Applejack was staying in was identical. For a while, she had been awake, her eyes refused to stay shut for so long, but to her, the mare felt fully rested. Sitting on the comfortable bed, as soft as a cloud, Applejack released a yawn and produced a stretch, erasing any bit of sleep and tiredness within her.

After the message, last night, the hate for Fright grew stronger, the way he talked about Twilight, demonizing and branding her as a failure to the world.

Right now, the earth pony was a puzzle, not knowing what emotions to piece and display. As she hopped from her bed, her hooves colliding with the clean, mirror-like floor, Applejack felt homesick. Away from home, unknown of what was happening in Ponyville had only put her in a spot of worries, especially with Tartarus' breakout.

Unexpectedly, her ears lifted to the sound of gentle tapping against her door.

"Come in," Applejack granted, reaching and placing her hat over her head.

Allowed entrance, slowly pushing the door open, Rarity ambled in, her horn free from The Hunter's curse; healed and able to use magic once again. But despite this, the unicorn looked unsettled, almost as if she had been crying.

"Hi, Rarity." She said softly, almost sympathetically too. "Are ya alright."

"I'm terribly sorry to bother you, Applejack," Rarity apologised, approaching the cowgirl. "But I was hoping that you've seen Sweetie Belle anywhere."

"Oh, don't worry about that, Rarity." The cowgirl eased. "She's out with her friends. Granny Smith and Big Mac are watchin' over them and they said they'd get them somethin' to eat." While she explained, Applejack unlocked a sigh and frowned a little. "Ah tell you, ah don't think I've seen my family so..."

"Upset?" Rarity added.

"Yeah, they're feelin' empty about leavin' the farm, our home," Applejack explained. "And in all honesty, so do I..."

"I will agree with you, although, it hasn't been that long since we left Ponyville, it just doesn't do me any good knowing that there are filthy brutes rampaging across Equestria, all because some fiend wanted to prove a point." The unicorn broached, turning away from Applejack and looking disgusted.

Quickly dropping her sickened look from out of sight, Rarity continued, "Tell me, Applejack, you said your family was out, so why didn't you go with them?"

Lowering her head a little, the cowgirl looked uncertain, evading her eyes from her friend, resting against the bed and slowly forming her sentence, "Ah guess... Ah just wanted time alone to think about what happened last night."

Noticing the confusion Applejack was showing, Rarity sat next to her.

Taking a deep breath, feeling unsure about her question, the unicorn turned to Applejack and asked, "What did you see?"

Raising a brow, Applejack turned to her and bestowed a muddled look, her voice coated in confusion, "Am sorry?"

Looking down at herself, Rarity could only show sadness, "In the fog... I became something else, something horrid, something disgusting. You were all there, looking at me and casting me out as if I was a foul beast, no better than the ones in Tartarus. It felt so real and so... Distressing." At this point, the unicorn had to stop herself, she was becoming sick of remembering the dreadful hallucinations that plagued her mind.

"Oh, Rarity," Applejack cooed. "It was just an illusion, it wasn't real."

"I know, darling." She replied. "But... No, it was foolish of me to bring it up, I apologise."

"No, you were just tryin' to clear the air." The cowgirl settled, this time it was her to take a deep breath in, diving into the memories of the fear fog, recollecting. "It wasn't pleasant, but ah was bein' chased by Timberwolves, reduced to a filly. Ah couldn't outrun them and then..." Applejack trailed off a little, becoming silent as she turned back to Rarity. "Well, after that... It wasn't pretty. Nothin' about last night was pretty."

"I'm dreadfully sorry you had to endure that, Applejack."

"You have nothin' to apologise for, Rarity. We all took a thrashin', especially Twilight." The earth pony stated.

"The poor darling went through so much last night, I know we were all there, but... This Hunter has such resentment against her, Chrysalis tormented her and Fright infected her with that horrid spell. Twilight's an inspirational friend, why would anyone hurt her like this? Why would anyone hurt us like this?" Rarity wailed.

"Ah don't know, Rarity," Applejack confessed, shaking her head. "Ah just don't know..."

For now, the air around them was still, silence slipping into the room and it was growing uncomfortable, heavy and thick. While Applejack pondered, there was another question burning in Rarity's mind, trembling to speak.

"Do... Do you'll think he'll ever forgive us?"

Applejack heard well of Rarity's question, but the only response she could give was a sigh that filled the room with dejection. Making her way off the bed, the cowgirl didn't know where to begin with that question. It was obvious that she was talking about Spike, but whatever response she tried to create would only tie her tongue.

"After all that's happened to him... Is there a chance that he'll forgive us?" Rarity repeated with a sniffle.

"We all took a part in mistreatin' Spike." The orange mare told. "He has every right to be mad at us, but... But ah have hope that we can make things right with him again. May take a while, but... But right now, ah want to focus on gettin' him back first. Ah want him safe, and you do too, right?"

Almost looking flabbergasted by her question, Rarity triumphed over halting her tears of dismay, "Of course I do, Applejack. This our little Spikey-Wikey we're talking about. He doesn't deserve any of this as much as Twilight. I just... I feel responsible that he's in this position."

Remaining silent, the earth pony could only present a look of perplexity, raising her eyes a little. "Ah think we all do."

"But I'm the one who used him!" She argued, her triumph over ceasing her tears was short-lived, slowly creeping over her eyelids. "I took advantage of his feelings just so I could get free work out of him. At the time, I thought he liked working for me, but... There was so much about him we didn't know."

"Rarity..." Applejack eased, placing a hoof against the unicorn's shoulder. "This is hard on all of us, this whole mess has been nothin' but a maze of trouble. Spike meant a lot to us and am sure that we still mean a lot to him. Which is why we have to find him and get him away from those good-for-nothing bandits."

"We'll find the tough, little guy." She assured her with a matching smile. "And we'll do whatever we can to help him, but right now, we need to focus on the situation here, like helping Fluttershy out this state she's in."

Flicking away the tears that loosened from Rarity's eyes, she replied, "She's still isn't out of it?" She questioned worryingly, bringing a hoof up to her chest.

"Afraid not. Princess Luna's been trying everything to wake her, but nothin's workin'."

"Isn't there anything we can do?"

"Right now, no," Applejack put it wistfully, shaking her head and then with a sigh, continued: "But Rainbow does have an idea on how to wake her, she came up with a plan last night... But you're not gonna like it."

At this point, Rarity leaned back a little, intrigued, but also concerned on what Applejack had to say about Rainbow's idea.

Cautiously, turning her head from left to right, circling around her, Applejack leaned towards Rarity, whispering.

Upon hearing her friend's whisper, the unicorn's eyes widened in disbelief, pulling back, "She wants to what?!" The unicorn blared.

"Sh," Applejack worryingly hushed.

"Don't hush me," Rarity distressed. "What is Rainbow Dash thinking?! That's a terrible idea, not only is it dangerous, but it's..." Struggling to locate her worlds, the unicorn remained bewildered by the information. "It's absurd!"

"Trust me, ah don't like it any more than you. But if Fluttershy remains like this, maybe Rainbow's idea might just be our only hope of waking her up."

"Who else knows of this?" The unicorn calmed her nerves, asking softly of her friend.

"So far, Pinkie and us." She informed.

"And do you think the princesses will approve?"

Applejack lowered her head and mumbled, "Only time will tell."

Like a blanket, wrapping and securing over them, the silence had returned, stretching thinner and thinner over them.

"I still think it's a ridiculous idea, but..." Rarity trembled a little. "But perhaps we should see if there's been a change in Fluttershy's condition first before we make any drastic and valiant trips."

"Yeah," Applejack agreed. "Ah suppose so."

"And before we go." The unicorn interjected. "I just want to say thanks, Applejack."

In response, turning her head to her friend, she lifted a smile, a pleasant and warm one as well.

"And I was thinking." She continued. "When this whole ordeal is finally over and Spike's finally back with us, I was hoping we could take him gem-hunting. All of us, as friends."

"Ah think he'd like that, Rarity," Applejack smiled.

Taking their leave, both ponies left the room, although fear still latched onto them like a parasite, they knew they were safe.

What felt like an eternity, Twilight didn't know how long she had been crying into her hooves, her wings barricading over her, trying to conceal herself away from this new, tormenting world.

In this moment of grieving, a knock on her bedroom door had interfered with her sobbing, wiping away the tears of pain as she turned to the door. Right now, she wanted to be alone, to cry away her worries, but it wasn't long before another knock was heard.

Again, wiping away the tears that refused to halt, Twilight's frail voice crumbled in grief, "Come in." She granted with a sniffle.

Granted access, the door slowly opened without a sound and looking rested and prepared, Shining Armour entered the room, gazing at his sister as she tried to hide her anguish, although, it wasn't accomplished.

"Twily." He spoke.

"Oh, Shining," Twilight spoke, her voice still a mess of unhappiness and heartache. "Sorry... I was just..." Trying to break free from the rubble that was her own sadness, the alicorn couldn't help but dwell in it.

It hurt him to see his sister in such pain. Without a word, Shining Armour showed empathy towards her, painting a face of understanding as he walked towards her bed.

Wrapping a foreleg around her, the unicorn brought the young alicorn close, hugging her closely.

Twilight's stomach began to flutter with peace, just to have someone comfort her. Although it didn't erase the fear, it did ease a little. Enveloped in warmth, secured in a soft world that pushed away the lingering nightmares swarming her mind, calming her nerves.

"It's okay, Twily," Shining Armour cooed. "I'm here... I'm here and we're safe..."

Their embrace broke, Shining Armour tearing away from his sister as he showed a stare of peace, ridding the air of grief as he spoke in a gentle tone, "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Guards reported that they found you unconscious in one of the halls of the castle. Did somepony hurt you?"

Regaining her composure, withdrawing a sharp breath as she wiped away the despair that latched onto her, she spoke, "No, no." She denied. "I guess... I just passed out from exhaustion after hearing..."

Her words faded into silence; trailing off into nothingness as she remembered Fright taunting her, with the whole world hearing well of his words. It was evident that Twilight looked hurt just by remembering last night.

"I heard it too," Shining Armour informed. "The whole of Equestria heard that menace's message. He certainly has a lot of courage to taunt us when he's hiding." Sparing a look of sympathy, the unicorn lightened his voice, throwing away the hate he held for his enemies. "I'm sorry about everything that happened last night, you went through a lot, you and your friends."

"His announcement put a lot of ponies in fear last night," Shining armour informed. "I don't know how he managed to interfere with Princess Luna's communication spell, but there's no doubt the changelings must have had some part in it."

Returning her gaze back to her brother, feeling crowded between anxiety and discomfort, Twilight spoke, layered with concern, "How is everypony?"

"Your friends are alright, Twily." He briefed. "However, I believe Fluttershy remains dormant and well..."

"Did something happen?" Twilight shot a worried expression towards her brother. "Is somepony hurt?"

"No one's injured, Twilight," Shining Armour allayed. "Like I said: Your friends are alright, but Fright's little announcement has caused an uproar in Canterlot. The throne room is crowded and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are in there dealing with the Canterlot folks, they're being questioned on Canterlot's security and the incident at Tartarus."

"They're scared." The Princess of Friendship concluded.

Although she hesitated, Twilight didn't want to get up, she wished to stay in bed and evade the panic that now filled the land. However, she did not allow cowardice to fill her system. Like a rabbit, she hopped from her bed and landed gracefully on the floor, steadily passing by her brother, turning back.

"I need to go see Fluttershy." She stated. "She needs help..."

Just as she was about to make her way to the exit of the bedroom, her legs became overwhelmed with numbness, as if her bones had turned to jelly. Slightly losing her balance, before Twilight could even stumble, Shining Armour quickly dashed towards her, catching her before she had slipped.

Steadying her balance, Twilight looked up at her brother and responded with a heartful smile, "Thanks." She said, however, even if though her smile was warm, her eyes could show anxiety from a mile.

"Listen, Twily," Shining Armour started, pulling away from his sister as she regained her posture. "You went through a lot last night, your friends included. You can't strain yourself like that, not again."

"I appreciate your concern, Shining." The young alicorn acknowledged. "But there's too much to do at a time like this. Equestria is plagued with monsters, Fluttershy's in some sort of unreachable state and Spike's still with Fright, Chrysalis and that... Hunter! I still need to find him."

"We will find him." The unicorn boldly told. "But right now, like you said: Equestria is plagued with monsters, leaving Canterlot and venturing out into the open isn't an option. Not yet anyway..."


"But nothing!" Shining Armour denied. "I want Spike back just as much as you, but I'm not going to lose you in the process."

Intruding their conversation, a gentle knock was heard against the door, lightly tapping for the attention of both Twilight and Shining Armour. With their ears perking up to the sound of the light knocking, the alicorn looked at her brother who refused to argue any further with the idea of leaving Canterlot.

Turning her attention back to the door, Twilight spoke, "Come in." She granted.

A few seconds melted away once the Princess of Friendship allowed access to the room, but slowly and gently, the door pushed opened and there entered Twilight's young assistant: Dinky, who looked rather concerned as her head peered into the room, the rest of her body hiding behind the door.

"H-Hello Twilight," Dinky greeted and then turning to the alicorn's brother. "Hello, Prince Shining."

Her voice sounded frail, not afraid, but cautious.

"Shining Armour is just fine, kiddo." The unicorn returned a gracious smile.

"Oh, hi Dinky," Twilight greeted with a weak smile, anxiety evident in her eyes. "Is everything okay?"

At first hesitant, Dinky chose to enter the room, speaking in a voice that could rival Fluttershy's tone, "Am I interrupting?"

"No." The Princess answered. "Not at all. Are you and your mother alright?"

Dinky painted a smile and relieved a chuckle, answering the princess, "We're fine. The royal palace is so pretty and big. It's just like your castle." She said, her eyes studying the room. "Oh!" She shouted. "I forgot, I made you this."

Quickly turning back to the door and using her magic, she levitated a purple teacup into the room, hovering over her head as she presented another wide smile, "I made you some tea."

"Oh, thank you."

Admiring her young assistant's thoughtfulness, Twilight held the teacup with her magic, levitating towards her and allowing Dinky to rest her magic.

"Easy, Twilight," Shining Armour allayed, worried that her magic had not been rested.

"I'm fine." She assured him.

After a much-needed rest, it would appear Twilight's magic had returned to its natural state. She was in complete control. Gently, the alicorn took a sip of the tea. Luxurious, the taste warmed her mouth as she rested the cup down on a nearby nightstand.

"Dinky, that was lovely," Twilight appreciated. "You know, you didn't have to."

"No, I wanted to," Dinky told. "And I wanted to say he was wrong."

Confused, taken back a bit, Twilight could only answer with a muddled expression, even Shining Armour didn't know who the young unicorn was referring to.

"I'm sorry, who?" Twilight questioned.

"That scary, mean monster who appeared everywhere last night," Dinky informed with a shiver. "He said you couldn't save your friends, but I don't believe that. You evacuated Ponyville and we're safe now, away from the monsters. You saved a lot of ponies last night and I believe you can still save a lot more."

With her worries and anxiety slightly draining, it was nice to hear her assistant's hopeful words. Pushed with assurance, Twilight moved towards the small unicorn and pulled her close.

"Thank you, Dinky. That's very kind of you to say."

"So, does that mean you're going to leave to find Spike?" Dinky questioned, looking up at her princess.

With a warm smile, Twilight arched a brow at her the young unicorn, "Were you eavesdropping?"

"No, I didn't mean to," Dinky broke free from Twilight's embrace as she tried to explain herself. "I was only waiting for you and Prince- I mean, Shining Armour to finish, but- I just wanted to know if you were going to leave Canterlot because I don't want you to get hurt."

"It's okay, Dinky," Twilight comforted. "I'm not going to leave... Not yet anyway, but I am going to find Spike... Maybe not today... Maybe not tomorrow... But I'm going to find him and I won't stop until I do."

"We're going to find him, Twilight," Shining Armour joined in. "And I'm going to make sure that Chrysalis, Fright and this Hunter will pay for what they've done!"

"And I wanna help!" Dinky chimed in. "Is there anything I can help you with today, Twilight?" She smiled brightly, nearly as wide as Pinkie's smile.

"Right now, I think I'll be fine, Dinky..." The alicorn told with a smile. "But why don't you go see Apple Bloom and the rest of your friends, I'm sure you could help them."

"Okay, Twilight!" She happily leapt, leaving the room in delight. "See you soon!"

Upon leaving the room, every bit of composure Twilight was balancing had slowly tipped over, feeling lost in a forest of disorientation and stress.

"Twilight?" Shining Armour spoke.

"I'm fine, Shining," Twilight turned to her brother. "It's just hard to grasp all of this at once. Spike's still missing and this breakout. I can't believe they actually won."

The unicorn brought up. "I won't sugar-coat it, things look rough, but right now we're safe. We'll get through this, together... As friends and as a family."

Twilight turned to her brother and presented a smile, raising herself a little, "Thank you. You know, it's slightly amazing on how Dinky can be so happy in a situation like this."

"It's because she has faith in you, Twily. We all do."

Once again, giving her sister a quick hug and quick to release, "I better get back to my post. Are you sure you're gonna be alright?"

"I'll manage," Twilight told, happiness was very weak in her voice, it sounded beaten by uncertainty. "I'll need to put my attention towards those who are hurt, especially Fluttershy..."

With a single nod, Shining Armour left the room, not before giving her sister another smile that gifted her with the feeling of safety, "See you soon, Twily."

As her brother left the room, Twilight's eyes froze at the door of the bedroom. All she had to do now, was work up the courage and see what fear awaited for the day.

Drained, sulking in confusion and sadness, Rainbow Dash found herself drooping over the edge of Fluttershy's bed. There she rested, looking peaceful, but trapped in her own world.

Reeling, the pegasus' mind became a playground of questions, one sticking out from the crowd. She lost track of time, she didn't know how long she had been frozen like this. Did she even get any sleep?

Slowly, a pink foreleg sailed towards her, perfectly placed on her hoof was a muffin.

Catching onto the delicious scent, Rainbow's eyes budged downwards to see the muffin and her eyes followed the pink foreleg that led directly to Pinkie Pie, greeting her with a friendly smile.

Snapping out of her crowded thoughts, shaking her head a little, Rainbow Dash connected her stare with Pinkie, "Thanks, but no thanks, Pinkie." She denied, turning away from the food that was presented to her.

Pinkie Pie tilted her head a little, pulling back her foreleg and bringing the muffin closer to her. Twitching and picking up the appetizing smell of the snack, she found it irresistible, a little stunned that Rainbow would turn it down.

"But you haven't eaten anything this morning." The pink mare declared. "You sure you don't wanna bite?"

"I'm just not hungry," Rainbow Dash replied blandly.

Letting the scent of the snack get to her, Pinkie Pie ate the muffin without hesitation, not wanting it to go to waste.

Enveloped in her own thoughts, Rainbow Dash finally tore herself away from the edge of the bed and groaned, "I don't get it! Why did she do it?" She asked, turning to Pinkie.

"Do what?"

"Fluttershy." The pegasus told. "Before me, Twilight, Applejack and Princess Celestia entered that fog, you and Rarity said you were gonna stay behind along with Fluttershy. So why did she enter at the last second?"

"I'm sorry, Dashie," Pinkie apologised, looking down at her hooves. "Fluttershy didn't say anything before charging in after you, not a single word."

"It just doesn't seem like her to do something so... I don't know..." Rainbow Dash's wings began to flail, throwing herself up into the air while producing a complicated groan. "Why did she do it?!"

"Do what, might I ask?"

Rainbow Dash, along with Pinkie Pie, turned their attention to the open door, watching both Rarity and Applejack enter.

Pinkie Pie presented a welcoming smile, not too wide and bright, but it was warming to see that even after what she went through last night, the pink mare was still strong to lift a happy expression.

"Hey Rarity, hey Applejack." She greeted. "Rainbow Dash was just wondering why Fluttershy entered the fog... The spooky, terrifying... Fog..." Pinkie Pie finished with a look of disruption, a creeping shiver travelling through her whole body, although, she was quick to shake it off.

Trading looks of confusion, Applejack and Rarity were puzzled by this as well.

Mainly focusing on the unicorn, Rainbow Dash zoomed towards her, "Rarity!" She exclaimed in delight. "You must have noticed something different about Fluttershy before she entered the fog, right?"

"Well, I..." Rarity trembled a little, uncomfortable about how close the pegasus was getting close to her. "She was rather quiet, but that's all I could tell. The poor dear didn't say a word."

With a frustrated growl escaping from Rainbow, she began to buzz back and forth between the unicorn and the pink mare. "Oh, come on you two! There has to have been something she said or... Even did before charging into the fog!"

"Forget it, Rainbow," Applejack interjected. "No pony knows why Fluttershy did what she did, all we can do is find out from her." She said, turning to the unconscious pegasus, wrapped and secured behind her blanket.

"But why?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in desperation. "Why did it have to be Fluttershy?!" Swiftly, her voice of desperation transformed into anger. "And who does that freak think he is anyway?! Showing up everywhere, belittling Twilight and scaring the whole of Equestria like that!"

"He certainly is repulsive," Rarity commented, showing disgust just by mentioning the alchemist.

"And mean..." Pinkie Pie wistfully added.

"We can't wait any longer," Rainbow Dash told, finally lowering herself back to the ground, throwing a hoof to the dormant pegasus. "Whatever she's going through, it could be getting worse, and Princess Luna isn't getting anywhere with contacting her subconscious."

"Listen, Rainbow," Rarity came forth. "We're all worried for Fluttershy and we'll do anything to wake her up from this state, but from what Applejack told me, this idea of yours... It's perilous, and what will Twilight and the rest of the princesses think of it?"

"Think of what?"

Snapping their heads to the open door, they watched Twilight enter the room.

Setting free a gasp with widened eyes, hopping into the air the moment the alicorn came into sight, Pinkie Pie launched at her.

Drawing back a little, feeling the force of her friend collide with her, Pinkie Pie wrapped both forelegs around Twilight, embracing her friend closely and tightly, her heart pumping with so much joy to see her.

"I'm so so glad to see you again!" Pinkie Pie chimed, smiling brightly. "Did those meanies hurt you, are you okay?!"

Overwhelmed by Pinkie's strength, but bringing a smile, Twilight managed to force out, "I'm... I'm fine..."

Hearing her friend struggle to speak, the pink pony was quick to back away, blushing a little. "Oops, sorry."

With a short smile still present on the alicorn's face, her focus remained on Pinkie, she too wrapped a foreleg around her, "Thank you, Pinkie... For bringing Fluttershy back here."

"How are ya feelin', sugarcube?" Applejack asked, breaking up the reunion.

Allowing the alicorn some space, Pinkie Pie pulled back, standing next to Applejack.

With a deep breath, the Princess of Friendship looked around the room, her friends all in sight. "I'm fine, but... But I can't deny it. I'm scared... I think we all are."

Her friends didn't argue, not even Rainbow Dash.

"Last night was..." With a sigh interrupting her words, the alicorn gave in, dropping her posture as she lowered herself down a little, anxiety weighing her down. "I don't even want to remember it."

"I don't think any of us want to," Rarity joined, averting her gaze from everypony.

Turning her attention to the dormant pegasus, still trapped in the cold space of sleep, Twilight looked at her friends worryingly, "How has she been?"

"Nothing's changed," Rainbow Dash informed, hopping from the floor and taking flight, hovering with her forelegs crossed. "She's been like this since the fog."

"There hasn't been a change since?" Twilight asked with dread. "You mean, Princess Luna's magic isn't helping?"

Simply, Rainbow Dash held her head, shaking it slowly.

"She's... She's going to wake up, right?" Pinkie Pie questioned. "She has to..."

"There has to be a way." The alicorn turned to her friends. "Whatever the fog's done to her, she needs to snap out of it now and we'll need to do everything we can to help her."

"Actually, Twilight," Rainbow Dash spoke. "I may have an idea."

Upon hearing the pegasus come forward, Rarity and Applejack presented a look of worriment to see how the alicorn would react.

All ears, Twilight spoke, "You do? Okay, Rainbow, let's hear it."

With a deep breath, Rainbow Dash looked directly into the alicorn's eyes, not hesitating for a moment, "We need to go to the Everfree Forest."

"What?!" Twilight gasped, drawing back from the cyan pegasus, shocked at the suggestion. "Rainbow, are you crazy? Why in Equestria would you want to go there at a time like this?!"

"Because we need Zecora." The pegasus told. "She's still there and she could be our only hope to helping Fluttershy."

"What are you talking about? Zecora's with..." At this moment, Twilight's face began to slowly drop, coming to the realisation that they didn't go into the Everfree.

Turning to Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack, she hoped that at least one of them would tell her that they were mistaken and Zecora was away from harm, but they only showed faces of remorse.

"Oh no..." Twilight uttered, looking dreadful. "Did we really leave Zecroa behind?"

"We were in a rush," Applejack joined. "No pony's to blame here."

"She lives in the Everfree Forest!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "We were too preoccupied with Ponyville!"

"But what do we do?" Rarity questioned, raising her hoof. "We can't just leave her there, not with Tartarus' beasts wandering Equestria."

"But we can't leave as well," Pinkie Pie rang. "I don't even think I can make those monsters smile."

"Well, we have to do something!" Rainbow Dash told.

"Even if we were to go, I don't think Princess Celestia and Luna allow us, not after the breakout," The white unicorn intruded.

"Well, we need to do something!" The pegasus alerted, throwing her hooves into the air. "For Fluttershy and Zecora."


"What?!" Rainbow Dash gasped, turning to Twilight who hung her head down.

"I'm sorry, Rainbow... But no..." She uttered. "We all saw what happened last night, all those... Monsters... No pony is leaving Canterlot. I refuse to let any more ponies suffer."

"But what about Fluttershy and Zecora?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I... I don't know..." Twilight confessed. "We'll think of something, but right now, I don't want anypony getting hurt. Not again."

"But we don't even know if Ponyville was attacked!" Rainbow Dash argued.

"I just... I just want us to be safe." The alicorn responded, sadness gripping her voice.

"Yeah, well Fluttershy isn't!" The pegasus told.

"That's enough, Rainbow," Applejack joined in, however, her voice failed to reach the cyan pony.

"We went to Tartarus for your brother, we went to the Diamond Dogs' camp for any leads to Spike, so why is this any different?!"

Pinkie Pie and Rarity exchanged worried looks as they began to back away a little, watching as their two friends argued and bickered.

"Because out there is dangerous!" Twilight countered, her voice rising.

"We went to Tartarus, didn't we?" Rainbow stomped.

"That was to prevent a breakout! We can help Fluttershy, there has to be a way without going to the Everfree. Out there is nothing but trouble, especially since the breakout!" The young princess informed. "I'll consult the princesses about Zecora, but there has to be something here within Canterlot to help Fluttershy."

"We need Zecora's potions and medicine, Twilight. If there was anything here, she would have woken up by now."

"Rainbow, after the breakout, anything could be out there," Twilight was beginning to shout, her voice riddled with frustration and anger. "If we want Fluttershy to wake up, she'll need us here, and we still need to find Spike, we're no good to him if we're dead."

"And you weren't good to him alive either!" Rainbow barked, being driven by frustration.

"Rainbow!" Applejack shouted.

Pinkie Pie was horrified at the pegasus while Rarity lifted a hoof over her mouth, shocked to hear such vile words.

Almost as if she had been struck in the heart, shattering into a million, tiny pieces, Twilight's eyes widened at the angered pegasus, slowly stepping back. Evident in her eyes, she was hurt by the statement, slowly tearing up.

Snapping out of her frustration, the anger was quick to fade as there was nothing but remorse filling her eyes. "No, hey, Twilight- I... I didn't mean that... I...," Rainbow began to stutter, completely bewildered that she had said such a disgusting thing towards her friend.

"I tried..." The alicorn responded, fighting back the heartbreak crawling around in her chest. "But you didn't see his face when I confessed his own fears to him, how devastated he looked!" Twilight burst. "I thought he was better off without me after seeing such pain I caused him, but you're right! I was never good... As a friend or a family... And now... He's stuck with a maniac who wants nothing more to make an example out of me because of how much of a scared failure I am!"

Drenched in sadness, Twilight turned to the door and exited, quickly fleeing from Rainbow's sight.

"No, wait!" The cyan pony protested. "I didn't mean-" But before she could say anything, Twilight was long gone.

Turning back to the three ponies that were left in the room, Rarity and Applejack showed nothing but disgust towards the pegasus. On the other hand, Pinkie Pie evaded any look towards Rainbow, staring at the floor as she could only show dismay taking over.

"I didn't mean to say that." She tried to explain, guilt infiltrating her system. "I was just worried about Fluttershy."

"We all are!" Applejack barked. "She's our friend too!" She growled, leaving the room in search of her grieving friend.

"None of us was good to Spike," Rarity commented, following Applejack. "But you had no right to say such a vile thing."

Slowly following, Pinkie Pie ambled just past the drooping pegasus, not looking mad, but sad.

"Pinkie, I really didn't-"

"I'm sorry, Dashie." The pink pony cut off. "But that was really mean. Sometimes, Twilight was better than all of us when it came to Spike..." She dolefully spoke, leaving the room.

As the beautiful bedroom became empty of her friends, Rainbow Dash turned back to the bed as a sigh escaped from her mouth, resting her head on the mattress, silently cursing herself for saying such a thing. The only pony that was left by her side was Fluttershy, who remained trapped in dormancy.

"I'm such an idiot," Rainbow growled to herself.

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