• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 12,157 Views, 1,139 Comments

Fear Within - VirtualCipher

Twilight and her friends must find Spike and overcome their greatest fears.

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Chapter 47 - Intrusion

They were here.

She feared this moment. She dread the thoughts about it and finally, her enemies waited at the doorstep of Canterlot.

What once looked like a serene night quickly became ruined by the changelings that lurked in their hovering hive, their floating temple blotting out the stars. Luna's calm night had been disrupted from silence to madness. In a state of panic and terror, the ponies of Canterlot began to wake with a surge of fright pushing through their system, either hearing screams or witnessing the unwanted airship that haunted the city. Some took to the streets, gathering loved ones and friends, demanding answers from the guards while some even demanded an explanation from the princesses. However, the terrified were to numb with fear to move as they stayed in their homes, cowering with friends and families.

Twilight's hooves pounded against the glossy floor, hurrying through the spacious and graceful halls of Canterlot's Castle, almost feeling like she had been running in an endless corridor. The moment her eyes met with the looming ship back at the gardens, she quickly took off back into the castle. As the alicorn bolted through the seemingly never-ending halls, drawing breath as she panicked, fear still latching onto her, the princess' eyes were wide with horror, picking up the sight of many guards yelling and preparing, hurrying to their stations while familiar residents of both Canterlot and Ponyville cowered with uncertain, frightened faces, hungering for answers as they huddled with friends and families.

Finally, nearly exhausted by running with anxiety boiling inside her like a cauldron, Twilight reached the throne room of the Royal Sisters, throwing the doors open. As her hooves echoed through the area, she showed no hesitation in stopping or even slowing down, the alicorn rushed to the other end of the room seeing how it was empty and vacant of any life. Steadily, she hopped up the steps and rushed behind the two thrones of the alicorn sisters, exiting the throne room and onto the balcony.

Stepping out into the night, Twilight observed all of her friends staring outside of Luna's barrier. What lied before them, they didn't want to believe. Staring back at them was the tremendous, dark flagship of the changelings, hovering just outside the dome-like shield of Canterlot. It's size nearly rivalled the whole of Canterlot's palace. Everypony refused to depart their gaze from the nightmarish vessel that floated below the stars, especially the Royal Sisters who stared on in worriment.

Much like Twilight, her friends carried a look of shock and disbelief, their eyes wide with dread, troubled. Although Rainbow Dash presented a glare, almost as if she was ready to fight. While Twilight did her best to calm herself, everypony else seemed lost for words, however, their minds were being attacked with question after question, hearing the distant shouting from guards and screaming from those who were scared.

At this point, the whole of Canterlot was waking up and witnessing the unexpected visitor that watched them trapped inside their own city.

Rarity was the first to speak, rising above the fear as if it was water, "What is that?!" She exclaimed, staring on with eyes as round as saucers, unable to look away from the vessel that belonged in nightmares.

"Is... Is that..." Having trouble speaking, Fluttershy quivered and failed to finish her sentence.

"Chrysalis' airship," Princess Celestia sternly answered.

"I guess finding Starlight won't be much of a problem now," Pinkie Pie commented with a weak chuckle.

Lost in her tension, worriment glazing over her eyes and shrouded in discomfort, Twilight could feel the beat of her heart quake through her body. The changelings were here. Like a web being formed by a spider, horrible thoughts connected, running wild on what could happen and who could get hurt. Although her friends shared her anxiety, the Princess of Friendship showed nothing but distress in her eyes.

Baffled and enraged by the situation, Princess Luna promptly turned to her sister, "How is it that our lookouts failed to alert us? We had the city's perimeter secured!"

"It just appeared out of nowhere. Maybe they were cloaked or..." Twilight informed, fear snapping her back to reality.

"Does it really matter how they got here?" Rainbow Dash asked while hiking a brow. "What matters now is that they're here and there's no doubt they're looking for a fight!" She clenched her teeth, snarling at the vessel. "So we'll need to fight back!"

Just as the cyan pegasus began to fuel herself with confidence and bravery, Fluttershy meekly spoke up, her voice shaking a little, "But we're safe, aren't we?" She asked looking to her friends and then Princess Luna. "As long as you keep your magic up, then we're protected. If they can't get in, then they can't hurt us."

"It would seem Chrysalis' impatience has blinded her if she thinks she can bring down the barrier," Luna scoffed.

"Chrysalis may be impatient, but she isn't stupid," Princess Celestia said, staring back at the daunting vessel. "She wouldn't have come here without a plan."

As the Royal Sisters along with Twilight and her friends continued to stare at the changelings' vessel that remained motionless, an unwelcoming, excruciating sound had once again filled their ears, sending a burning wave of aggravation to their heads. This agonizing sound erupted throughout the whole of Canterlot, further frightening the inhabitants of the city and haunting the streets as ponies cowered once again while others marched straight to the palace, in need of information on their safety.

However, back on the balcony, after the abrupt, harrowing sound came to an end, a bright flash came pushing through the two doors of the throne room, briefly lighting the area up like a flare. Curious, their heads turned away from the unwanted visitor outside and towards the balcony's two entrances.

With confusion lingering in her eyes, Rarity rose her head in suspicion, but also alarm, "What was that?" She questioned.

"Only one way to find out," Applejack prepared herself, taking the lead and entering the throne room.

Promptly, the girls followed the cowgirl's lead cautiously and soon, the Royal Sisters entered last, still wary of the enemy that watched them. Lingering. Waiting.

One by one, stepping hoof into Canterlot's throne room once again and hopping off the levels that shined Celestia and Luna's thrones, Twilight and her friends began to scatter from their formation a little when noticing the colourful and exuberant stained windows had fallen black, corrupted and erasing their past victories into a pool of ink while area grew dark.

Rarity began to investigate the stained windows sudden change along with Applejack while Rainbow Dash stayed on guard around Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Fluttershy, who were just as observant. However, the alicorn knew what was to come, in the end, they all did. Taunting. Mockery. Derision. It only brought back memories of the announcement. The suffering.

Everyone did their best to prepare themselves for what awaited, mentally and emotionally, but there was no denying the dismay and uneasiness crawling down their spine.

In a flash, invading the throne room's delicacy and tranquillity, the wretched, false face Twilight and her friends have come to fear and despise stared down upon them with his lifeless eyes, seeking refuge under his hood. Nothing about Fright's stitched face changed, even when he rarely showed happiness through his sadistic nature, his expressions only came across as haunting and barren. Surrounded by darkness, the alchemist appeared on all the throne room's stained glass, ridding accomplishments and bringing terror.

Gripped with discomfort and anger, Celestia and Luna both frowned with this intrusion, taking an extreme dislike to the alchemist's interference and whatever he had planned.

Fluttershy never got used to staring at his face and neither did Rarity, but they both received a mixed response. Trembling, but surprisingly holding herself together, the shy pegasus could feel the waves of trepidation wash over her but stood her ground. Feeling the need to cower behind her mane and avoid staring at him, she did her best to compose herself although it wasn't enough. Denying the anxiety only made it stronger. Although Rarity remained fearful, staring at the alchemist in disgust, her expression could only convey worriment while her jaw slightly loosened. Her stomach churning as dread crept in, failing to move.

Rage sparking in her eyes, Rainbow Dash glared hatefully at the projections of the alchemist, wanting to shatter every one of the stained windows to avoid looking at him, however, she kept herself still, frozen as she held back the anger. She was not the only one who shared this feeling of resentment as Applejack flickered it in her stare, standing tall while Rainbow Dash almost took the posture of a Timberwolf.

Fretting, the colour drained from Pinkie Pie's face as her ears flopped downwards. Unable to speak, tongue-tied and wide-eyed, the mare felt as if she lost her voice, too scared to comment on the situation.

When the projections of Fright appeared before her, Twilight winced, pulling herself back before becoming incapacitated with fear. The trepidation clung to her shuddering pupils through her innocent, child-like eyes, her mouth breaking open in dread. Desperately, her mind screamed at her to look away from the projections, but she felt crippled, immobilized and stunned to bring herself to move.

"Canterlot," Fright spoke, his devilish voice echoing through the halls of the palace and bursting through the city's street. "The heart of Equestria. A city built on lies and treachery. To all you trembling cowards: Your faith is misplaced if you think the princesses can shield you from the terror brewing. That barrier will fracture and break, as will the hope you've sustained upon your leaders."

"You cannot protect them, Celestia. You and your sister's authoritative grip has loosened. When fear dissects your mind to pieces, unravelling your true cowardice and breaks you, every bit of hope and faith in this world will become extinct. Fear will be the only thing left. Our moment draws near."

"And Twilight." A quiet, cold laugh broke free from his throat momentarily. "How does it feel, knowing your allies are now victims the moment they stand by your side, bringing nothing but torment as they follow you in your steps. Spike was so sure you'd find him as he cowered in the dark and now, I have your protégé. How many will suffer because of you? What will the Princess of Friendship be without her friends... Weak? Helpless? Scared? I look forward to finding out."

"This is the beginning of the end. No one is safe."

When his taunting had reached its end, silence now poisoning the throne room, the stained windows simultaneously burst the projection of the alchemist into nothingness, briefly flashing a bright light before they had each returned to their colourful representations of victories and achievements. With Fright out of sight and the throne room returning to normal, a few heads exchanged looks with one another.

Stricken with terror, shaking, staring down at the crystalline floor, Twilight could feel herself freezing over, lost for words as the alchemist's announcement came crashing down on her like shards of glass fashioned from painful memories and troubling thoughts. Fright had Starlight. He still had Spike and now, he was at the doorstep of Canterlot, waiting... Planning. Losing herself in her thoughts, her breathing silent to her friends, she didn't know where to begin.

Breaking the silence like a mirror being shattered, Rainbow Dash bared her teeth and released a growl of exasperation, turning to her friends, "Does he ever stop talking?!"

"He's talkin' big considerin' he hasn't even got through the barrier yet," Applejack said, still carrying a glare aimed towards the enemies that lurked outside.

"As long as we're behind the dome, then we're safe, right?" Fluttershy quietly brought up.

Pinkie Pie hummed for a moment and then turned her head to the princesses, joining in as she raised a hoof, "I'm starting to think the changelings bit off more than they could chew. Maybe they've lost their confidence."

"I don't think that fiend would give an announcement and then just leave us," Rarity dismissed.

With great speed, the throne room's doors were thrown up as Shining Armour came running in, pressing down his gaze as he stopped in the centre of the room before Twilight and her friends, but looking to the Royal Sisters.

His expression shifted a little upon blinking, composing himself as the anger that glazed over his eyes faded a little, "All guards are in position, but it isn't looking good out there. Ponies are in an uproar, demanding answers and that freak's announcement has only shaken them up. The Royal Guard is doing their best to keep them at ease, but I seriously doubt they're going to last long. It pains me to say it, but they're terrified."

"As long as I maintain control over this barrier, we're safe," Luna assured, her horn still glowing. "However, we need to focus on taking down that vessel if it means putting a stop to this chaos once and for all."

"But how in Equestria are we going to bring down that ghastly airship?" Rarity questioned, desperation soaring through her voice.

Jumping into the air, hovering and catching her friends' attention, Rainbow Dash took this as her cue to answer, "Just give me a minute to warm up my wings and I'll crash right through that hive."

"You'll do more damage to yourself than the airship, Rainbow," Applejack told, grabbing the pegasus' tail and dragging her back down to the floor who only responded with a scowl towards the cowgirl.

"Applejack's right," Fluttershy added quietly. "You'd only be getting yourself hurt and for all we know, Spike and Starlight could be in there."

Bouncing towards the shy mare, Pinkie Pie happily backed her up with a cheer, "Right!" and then lifting a hoof to her face, gently poking her face in concern. "But what can we do?" After mere seconds of pondering, she turned to the lavender mare, "Do you have any ideas, Twilight?"

The moment all eyes were on the Princess of Friendship, they immediately took notice of how detached she was from reality. Robbed of certainty, battling the many dreadful thoughts in her mind. The look she gave almost looked as if the weight of defeat had crashed down on her. With round eyes like saucers, looking lost and shivering, slowly looking around the room.

"Twily?" Shining Armour's voice rose smoothly.

"I... I don't know," Twilight stammered. "I don't know!" She shouted, her voice gripped by horror.

The ruler of Equestria observed the young alicorn crumbling in fear. Gently, she approached her and gathered around everypony in the throne room. Standing tall, the bravery and composure she held shined bright through her fear, "Twilight... Everypony. Listen to me very closely. I need all here and in the now."

"Tonight, I refuse to let Canterlot and my subjects succumb to whatever horror our enemies have planned," Celestia vowed. "We know Fright. That announcement, he wants us all scared, to panic so we can't think straight. But right now, I need you all focus and stay strong, can you all do that for me."

Although they couldn't deny their worriment for one another, everyone in the room exchanged looks, nodding and smiling, hiding their fears behind their smiles, their bravery shining through. However, Twilight felt conflicted, doubtful and at war with her paranoia until she looked up at Celestia.

"Remember in the gardens, Twilight?" Celestia asked. "I said I don't have the answers for when this chaos would end, but if we try, stand united, then tonight, this madness might just end. The changelings have foolishly revealed themselves to us, this is our best chance to end this. To stop Fright once and for all!"

"I agree with Princess Celestia, Twilight," Shining Armour lifted a smile, doing his best to ease his sister. "This dilemma has us scared, we can't deny that. But this might be our chance to return harmony to Equestria and with that alchemist captured, no longer will he be able to spread that horrible fear-poison."

Slightly, the worriment began to untangle from the alicorn's brain as the weight of the fear lifted from her shoulders. She felt light while hope glimmering in her eyes as she looked up to Equestria's ruler.

Collecting her composure, she gently breathed, "I'll do whatever I can to take part in Canterlot's protection, to save my friends and those I hold close... But not if it means endangering them."

"You could never endanger them, Twilight," Celestia eased, her voice softening the young alicorn's heart. "This is a time where you'll need your friends now more than ever. It is time we take our stand and prepare to protect everything we stand for. Together, we will prevail."

Slowly, the Princess of Friendship looked around her and examined her friends. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy, they were all smiling at her.

Regaining her composure, Twilight nodded and a small smile formed, breaking through her anxiety, "Together..." She looked back up to the graceful alicorn as determination broke her fear. "What can we do, Princess?"

Focused and determined to make this Fright's final night of mischief, Celestia's stare hardened as boldness rode her voice, although, she remained calm, "If Starlight and Spike are being held in that airship, we'll need to find a way to get in or make an entrance of our own."

"Now that's a plan I can follow!" Rainbow Dash supported with a cheer.

"Until then," Celestia continued, "We'll need to make sure everypony is indoors. Although Canterlot is protected by Luna's magic, there's no telling what Chrysalis has planned. Twilight, I need you and your friends to make sure everypony near the palace is sheltered while Shining Armour and I assemble the Royal Guard to help all citizens are indoors."

Twilight and her friends nodded in response as if their ruler's encouragement had spread to them.

"And what of me, sister?" Luna asked, hiking a brow.

"Luna, I need you to focus all of your energy into keeping the barrier up. We don't know what the changelings are up to, but if they have the power to break through, you'll need to stay focused and protect this city with every bit of magic you have flowing through you." The elder sister instructed.

Wanting to do more, a little eager to help, Princess Luna saw a clear understanding of her sister's instructions and acknowledged her command, "Very well."

"Come, Shining Armour." The Princess of the Day said, moving out of the throne room. "We will rendezvous back here in an hour."

"Right away," Shining Armour complied, moving by the alicorn's side, quickly turning back, "Stay safe, Twily!" He yelled from the throne room's doors, taking his leave with the princess.

With Princess Celestia and Shining Armour leaving to their duties, Twilight turned to her friends while Princess Luna returned to the balcony, further observing the changelings' airship.

"How should we do this, Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"We await your orders," Applejack told.

"Okay everypony," Twilight calmly began. "You all heard Princess Celestia. We need to spread out and search the palace's perimeter, make sure everypony's safe and indoors. Applejack, you go find the Cutie Mark Crusaders and your family."

"Got it!" The cowgirl acknowledged, raising her hoof towards her hat and adjusting it upwards a little.

"Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, you two search the gardens and bring back anypony you can find," Twilight instructed.

While the shy mare remained glued to the floor, responding with a simple nod, the cyan pegasus shot into the air like a firework, bringing a hoof to her head and giving her friend a salute, "Roger!"

"Pinkie Pie and Rarity." The young princess pushed herself around and faced them. "You two are with me, we'll search the palace's perimeter and gather everypony into a safe space."

"We're with you, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie beamed brightly with a single bounce.

The Princess of Friendship turned to her friends and aimed to the exit, "Alright everypony, let's go!"

One by one, Twilight and her friends left the throne room, splitting up from each other. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took off, hovering with every flap of their wings while everyone else rushed to fulfil their duties.

It was amazing how the throne room became an area of planning and in seconds, silence. Princess Luna watched as Twilight and her friends hurried out of the room, taking action to defend Canterlot. Quiet, she looked around the colourful, stained windows and whirled herself around.

Taking gentle steps, calm much like Celestia, Luna made her way past her and her sister's thrones and heading back out onto the balcony where the cool air rushed to her face. Although the feeling was pleasant, it was quickly ruined when her eyes met with the intruders lurking outside her home.

The Princess of the Night grimaced upon looking at Chrysalis' airship, it was something she could recognise out of a nightmare.

"What are you planning, Chrysalis," Luna whispered to herself.

Unknown to the alicorn, something other than Chrysalis' vessel lurked, but much closer. As planned, he had slipped through the alicorn's barrier and remained unseen to the city. Underneath the balcony where the princess' hooves rested, a darkling kept crouched, claws dug deep into the structure of the balcony, holding his position effortlessly. Hanging upside down like a bat, hiding in the shadows, The Hunter waited.

Panic sparked throughout the city of Canterlot. Ponies swarmed the streets, screaming and yelling, their hooves stomping the ground as they crowded each other while searching for reassurance. They had faith in Luna's barrier protecting them and the city, however, the realisation of Queen Chrysalis' airship hovering just outside from them was quick to sink that faith and as for Fright's announcement, his threats, they were enough to shatter their composure and light the fear in their minds.

If it weren't for the Royal Guards scattered around the lustrous and protected city, the streets would remain rampant. However, all citizens were told to stay indoors until further notice and they gladly obeyed the instructions of the princess' soldiers. The nightmarish vessel that lingered outside was enough to put them back into their homes, feeling the need to get away from its sight. However, the scared hungered for comfort. Right now, fear took hold of the citizens of Canterlot as they cowered indoors with their friends, families and loved ones.

As if the air had been infected with anguish, ponies within Canterlot Castle were either hiding in their rooms or crowding together in the spacious and lustrous atrium. No one kept track of time, but Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hovered and flew around the gardens, rounding up everyone indoors while Applejack got her family and the Cutie Mark Crusaders back together in their rooms. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were being comforted by Granny Smith, putting them at ease from all the scared shouting.

Most of Ponyville's residents were in the atrium, Lyra and Bon Bon, the Mayor, the Cakes and Dinky along with her mother. This all felt like last night when they arrived from Ponyville's evacuation. Terror replaying. With their composure cracking and fear shining through their shattered spirits, everyone began to beg and search for answers in hopes they had a plan on bringing down the changelings. Surprisingly, they kept quiet, however, it was the eerie, discomforting type of quiet. Whispers were heard, some easing their friends or loved ones and they all told the same thing to each other.

'Luna's barrier will hold. We have nothing to fear.'

'The Princesses are planning something, they're getting everyone to safety.'

These words of comfort did not last very long, for the memory of the alchemist's announcement kept lunging at their hearts. A whole city, scared... Just what Fright wanted.

At the palace gate, guards were running to their stations all around the castle, preparing and setting up defences. While Princess Celestia stared off into the distance, Shining Armour spoke with his second in command.

"How are we looking, Holly?" He asked.

"We can't deny it, Captain." She confessed. "The changelings' sudden visit has us on edge, but we're getting into position. Whatever they have planned, we'll be ready." A smile that painted confidence spread over the mare's face.

Holly's confidence spread to Shining Armour as he smiled back, nodding, "That's good to hear. Until we find a weakness on that airship, we're gonna need all the help we can get."


As Holly returned to her post, Shining Armour turned around to see Twilight and her friends approaching him.

"We've managed to get everypony around the castle indoors, what of the rest of Canterlot?" The young alicorn asked.

"Taken care of." He told. "We had to separate our forces around the city."

"So, what now?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Did you manage to find a way to sneak aboard that airship?"

Disappointed, Shining Armour shook his head, "Afraid not. Well, not yet anyway. We're still trying to look for any weak spots."

"Is that what Princess Celestia is doing?" Fluttershy questioned, pointing a hoof towards the alicorn.

As Shining Armour's eyes followed the shy mare's hoof, the Ruler of Equestria had not moved from her position in quite some time. Like a statue, she kept herself motionless, staring at the airship that hovered outside.

"She's been like that for a while." The unicorn said with a hint of worriment in his voice. "She's determined to end this whole chaos tonight."

"Ah share the feelin'," Applejack confessed, stepping forth. "We've been through nightmares to stop the changelings and Fright."

"We can do it!" Rainbow Dash encouraged. "It's all been leading to this! Now that the changelings are here, this is our chance to get Spike and Starlight back and stop those freaks from ruining Equestria!"

It was during the pegasus' words of confidence that no one had noticed Celestia break away from her spot. Without a sound, she approached the group calmly, although it was obvious that there a flicker of concern dwelling in her eyes. She did a good job hiding it.

"There's a lot to be concerned about, your Highness," Rarity's voice lightened as she lowered her head. "But I'm certain the changelings won't be able to get in, not with Princess Luna's magic shielding the whole of Canterlot."

With her eyes waving to the ground, presenting a muddled look that hungered for an explanation, Celestia spoke calmly, "Our hope stands strong, but something is gnawing away at me."

"What is it, Princess?" Twilight spoke up.

"It's just... None of this makes sense." The alicorn raised. "They knew we were protected and yet, they still came. They haven't attacked yet, it's almost as if they're waiting."

"What could they be waiting for?" Shining Armour questioned, raising a brow. "To let our... guard... down..." As his voice began to deconstruct, fading into silence, a cold look quickly washing over his face.

Unsettled in the eyes as his mouth drifted open a little, Shining Armor looked barren of any life as if something scared his soul right out of his body. Immediately, everyone caught onto the unicorn's shocked expression as he became motionless and empty of any emotion, worriment growing inside them.

Finally, despite having a battle of her own internally, Twilight looked to her brother, showing nothing but concern and ease as she softly reached out to him, "Shining..."

As if this feeling of apprehension caught Shining Armour with his own hands, dismantling his composure and losing all knowledge of speech. He even struggled to lift his gaze towards the princesses and everyone else in front of him as he searched for his voice. The abrupt thought that came crashing into his head haunted him.

"Of course..." He whispered to himself. "They won't be bringing down the barrier from the outside, they'll be attacking us from within!" The unicorn revealed, feeling a sudden urge of dread run through him.

His words were enough to send a wave of confusion and alarm to those around him, looking stunned, but puzzled as well.

Snapping away the bewilderment from her eyes with a blink, Celestia looked to the unicorn calmly and dismissed his warning, "Shining Armour, what you're saying is impossible."

Stepping forth, Twilight's voice peacefully reached out to Shining Armour, but the look of urgency began to grow on her expression rather quick, "What are you talking about, Shining?"

"It sounds like you're sayin' the changelings are already in here with us," Applejack said.

"That's absurd," Rarity uttered in disbelief. "How can the changelings enter Canterlot if they can't even get passed Luna's barrier?" She inquired.

"The changelings don't have to do a thing," Shining Armour told. "Neither does Chrysalis and the same goes for Fright. There's only one thing they need to get in and that's... The very same thing that beat me." He looked down in shame and gritting his teeth. "The Hunter is here."

Applejack and Pinkie Pie were quick to exchange looks, their startled expressions nearly identical as if they were staring into a mirror. No good came when hearing the monster's name that held such resentment, such hatred for them all.

Despite knowing nothing of his appearance, Fluttershy feared The Hunter through the stories her friends told, almost as if he was some sort of phantom or myth. Her eyes widened as she grew on edge, quivering as she quickly looked around as if a ghost was haunting her.

"What?!" Rarity winced at the appalling news, taking a step back in disbelief. "That... Brute is here?!"

"B-But how?" Fluttershy fearfully questioned, turning back to Shining Armour and Celestia.

Hearing his name may have put her on edge like her friends, but Rainbow Dash felt more annoyed than scared. Baring her teeth like a wolf, her blood began to boil while she furrowed her glare.

However, nothing could match the Princess of Friendship's reaction. Panic bubbling in her head, swarming in her stomach and infiltrating her legs, picking at her bones, the alicorn's eyes stretched in fear, her whole expression dropping as the creature who swore to break off her horn lingered in the city she deemed safe.

"I know Chrysalis wouldn't come here without a plan, but what makes you so sure that The Hunter is here?" Celestia asked, forging her way towards Shining Armour with ease.

"Think about it." He told, urgency now coating his voice. "He can cut and rip through this barricade just with his claws! He did it back at Tartarus and he did at the Crystal Empire! He can make his own entrance. You're right, Chrysalis wouldn't come here without a plan and that's why they're not attacking us! They're waiting for him to bring down the barrier because he's already slipped through and if that's the case..."

Before Shining Armour could finish his sentence, everyone around him suddenly looked up to the sky in dismay when they noticed a droning hum soar into their ears. He, Princess Celestia, Twilight and her friends along with the whole of Canterlot stared at the dark-blue bubble that surrounded the whole city with disbelief and terror corrupting their eyes.

The barrier began to shift and distort, capturing everyone's attention within seconds. Like a flickering light, the shield started to fade in and out of existence, rapidly blinking for mere seconds until it eroded from sight, vanishing.

Fright was right. The barrier had broke. Canterlot's protection had shattered along with the safety, the hope and faith everyone stored towards the princesses. It wasn't long before the frightened screams tore through the intense silence. From the streets, the buildings and their own homes, everyone began to run rampant, fearing for their safety.

Though terrified for their lives, Twilight and her friends were found hesitant to move from their positions. As their heads darted upwards, staring in disbelief and panicking on what happened to the bubble that fortified the whole of Canterlot, their minds ran into question after question, desperately trying to process the situation before them.

Eyes corrupted with revulsion, the control of her breathing wandering off, Rarity shuddered as her eyes failed to pull themselves away from the changeling's airship, fearing the worst without the barrier.

"What- What's happening?!" She cried in distress.

While Applejack looked around, unable to remove the shock from her face when their protection collapsed, she felt Pinkie Pie latch onto her. Her forelegs wrapped around the cowgirl's neck, her teeth chattering while fear began to seeth into her.

Although Rarity was trembling, Fluttershy was shaking. Intense fear rattled her bones, crouching as dismay took the air. Retreating a few steps back as half of her face sought refuge behind her long, pink mane.

It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to redirect her gaze from the city towards Chrysalis' vessel. Gracefully, she leapt into the air and dropped back down onto her hooves, digging them into the ground, almost looking as if she was ready to pounce. Despite the worriment that plagued her mind, she was quick to replace it with anger, looking ready for a fight.

Frantically bouncing her pupils from left to right, Twilight shared the fear with everyone else. Reality crashing down on her. She was in danger. Her friends were in danger. The alicorn felt pushed back by a wave of apprehension, wincing as the terror ached her sight.

"No, no, no..." She whimpered to herself, feeling the anguish break through her composure, the walls of her strength crumbling.

In the grip of horror, Celestia could feel her composure sinking away as her heart began to race. Her eyes were as wide as if someone had attacked her. Horror striking at the elder alicorn, she could feel a cage of dread trapping her, suffocating her as fear scrambled her mind. The barrier over Canterlot had been broken, which could only mean...

"Luna!" She gasped.

Her hooves were quick to pound the ground, bolting towards the castle's entrance without another thought.

Failing to react on time, Twilight threw a hoof towards the elder alicorn, "Princess Celestia, wait!" She yelled.

Unable to comprehend the speed of their ruler, dashing back into the castle, the Princess of Friendship watched in a panic. Trembling, fearful visions brewing in her brain once again, the worriment was setting in once again. The Hunter was here. The barrier had fallen. Everyone around her was in danger.

Drifting, not making any sudden movements, the changelings' vessel remained as it was. Hovering. However, despite its lack of motion, the lower deck of the nightmarish hive began to fire thick, mechanical tendrils. One by one, all six of them shot from the airship, extending to no end and crashing down towards the basilica of Canterlot. They were like claws, sharp as spears and breaking into the ground, ruining the beauty and landscape of the Royal Palace.

"What do we do?! What do we do?! Pinkie asked in a frenzy, whirling her head from friend to friend.

As Twilight turned to her friends, fearing for them greatly, she was quick to answer Pinkie Pie's desperation, "Luna needs help! We need to bring up that barrier quickly!"

Before any of her friends could get a word out, the young alicorn followed Celestia into the castle with her friends not far behind.

Watching the nightmarish airship from afar with no barrier to protect them, Shining Armour turned his head to see Holly approaching him, carrying the same panic everyone had been infected with.

Before she could speak a word, the unicorn through a hoof at her and ordered, "Holly, get everypony to the docks! We'll need to evacuate the city! Take them to the Crystal Empire!"

"I'm already on it, but what about you?" She asked.

"If he's here, I can't let my sister go up against him. Not after what he did back at Tartarus. Now go!" Shining Armour ordered with urgency coating his voice.

The second-in-command watched as the unicorn hurried into the palace of the Royal Sisters. His speed almost rivalled that of a Wonderbolt. Worryingly, Holly turned to the looming threat, quickly taking off into the opposite direction, gathering allies to spread out and evacuate the city. The streets were crowded, ponies flocking as screams drowned out the silence of the night.

The doors to the throne room were thrown wide open with a loud thud. Immediately after, Princess Celestia leapt into the room, followed behind Twilight and her friends, skidding as they brought themselves to a sudden stop with their ruler, their hooves sliding along the floor while Rainbow Dash kept hovering with the use of her wings. They wanted to be prepared for what lied beyond them, they wanted to show nothing but bravery and valiance, but their mouths dropped in dread, horror washing over their agitated eyes.

At the other end of the throne room, on the podium that elevated the Royal Sister's glorious thrones, their eyes came into contact with the pale mask of terror staring right back at them. Like a monument to their fears, The Hunter had infiltrated the Royal Palace, desecrating it with his filthy and daunting presence. There, standing tall, his elongated, keen tail hanging motionless over the ground, the darkling presented the Princess of the Night, keeping a secure grip around her neck, his dagger-like fingers pressing down, holding her up like a trophy, inspiring fear to his audience.

Being held into the air, weak, beaten and hurt, her neck sore, Princess Luna failed to break free a word as her eyelids tightened, her legs slowly flailing as were her wings, running out of energy as the intruder exhausted her options to break free. Around her horn, clumps of dark-looking crystals flocked, cutting off her use of magic, bringing down the barrier.

Once they had rushed into the room, The Hunter rapidly swung his head towards Twilight and the others, the spikes rattling around his mask, still keeping a firm grip on the weakened alicorn. The poor princess' world was spinning, her head painfully throbbing as she tried to release herself. The darkling's corruption over the alicorn's horn only added more fuel to the agonising pain.

Horror flashing in her eyes, lips twitching as she stared on, her expression stretching into a mask of dread, Celestia screamed at the sight, "Luna!"

Troubled, all signs of fortitude deteriorating, Twilight couldn't take her eyes off The Hunter. His presence, he was haunting her.

It wasn't long before the fear boiling inside Celestia turned to rage. Seeing her sister hurt, in the clutches of the darkling, the intense worriment began to bubble into hate. Although she stayed unnaturally still for a few seconds, gazing intently, the alicorn grinded her teeth as she leapt forward from the ponies behind her. Like a light flickering, her horn enveloped in a blanket of magic, Celestia fired upon the masked creature.

Patient, The Hunter watched as the enraged princess fired at him, observing the beam charging towards him. Effortlessly, yet promptly, he dug his digits into Princess Luna, holding her up in front of him, using her as a shield against Celestia's power.

A great deal of pain came Luna's way. She felt a rush of agony surge through her back, scorching her as she unleashed a terrifying scream that echoed through the halls, sending chills to those who were unfortunate to hear it.

"No!" Celestia cried, putting a stop to her firing when the sound of her sister's shrieks pierced her ears. Transfixed with a scared stare, uncertain whether to breathe or scream, she absorbed the image of Luna being held like a shield, suffering. It wasn't her intention to hurt her and the waves of devastation and regret washed over the alicorn. Although the hate for the darkling remained, fear's mask wore over her again.

"As expected," The Hunter finally spoke, his claw loosening around Luna's neck, carelessly dropping her like an unwanted toy. "Equestria's finest to the rescue." He degraded, taking a step closer from the thrones. "Did you all come here to beg for mercy or to try and fight a losing battle? Either way, you're all going to suffer no matter what!"

At a loss, Celestia couldn't bring herself to speak or even move. She just stared at her wounded sister.

Much like her mentor, Twilight became still like a statue, fearing to move a single muscle. She couldn't break her stare between The Hunter. She knew it was her he was aiming his glare at. It all came crashing back down on her, the worriment, the anxiety, the fear.

While Applejack's scowled towards the intruder, it wasn't enough to match Rainbow Dash's fury. The two took on defensive positions, waiting for the darkling to make a move. Although fear ran through them, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity stood by their alicorn friend.

"Uh, Twilight," Pinkie Pie whispered. "What do we do?"

Ensnared by the dark eyes of The Hunter's mask, her every breath being captured by his unsettling presence, Twilight's mind began to crumble away, unable to think properly with stress and anguish picking at her. Canterlot was being attacked! Princess Luna was hurt and the barrier everyone had faith in had shattered like glass.

"I..." The Princess of Friendship stammered, failing to function properly, breathing in a defeated tone, "I don't know."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading everyone! This chapter was meant to be much longer, but it would take me a rather long time to bring it out so I decided publish it into parts.

By now, a lot of people are familiar with EMositeCC, she's been incredible with cartoons, art and sketches in general, and she's even the one who provided this story's front cover. She has struck once again with some sketches of the 44th chapter, capturing Starlight's grief and worriment perfectly. Take a look:

Another helping hand with Fear Within is Phantom-Dragon who has managed to help me dive back into writing! He's also responsible for assisting me with chapter 44, 45 and 46. For Smaugust, he has selected The Hunter, doing a great job in making him look vicious and monstrous:

A big thanks! These were both great surprises! Check out their DeviantArt accounts:
Emosite CC

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