• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 12,157 Views, 1,139 Comments

Fear Within - VirtualCipher

Twilight and her friends must find Spike and overcome their greatest fears.

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Chapter 35 - Interference

With the night still present, it didn't take long for the ponies of Ponyville to become secured. While most of them were offered to take refuge in the Royal Palace, some had broken away to stay with relatives or friends that lived in Canterlot. While fear remained glued to their mind, the thoughts of dread would not shake away, even with their safety guaranteed.

Worried, exhausted and anxious, the bright and lustrous atrium of Catnerlot's castle was brimming with melancholy, the air becoming poisoned with angst. The Cakes, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy... They all showed the same faces. They were scared. It was as if fear was cracking through their serenity, shattering their composure. Huddled into groups, friends and families, they all kept close, trying to calm one another, hoping that Ponyville, their homes were left intact, safe from the monsters that were liberated from the pit.

There was no doubts that Dinky remained scared, however, she chose to stay hopeful and a glimpse of hope was seen in her eyes as she stayed by her mother's side.

Carefully and calmly, the Royal Guards escorted the lost ponies to the guest rooms to spend for the night. Some wanted to refuse and continue being swarmed and hurt by their own worries, but drowsiness was quick to creep up on them. Friends and families stayed with one another, parents clinging onto their younglings or keeping them in sight in fear of them vanishing.

Applejack was seen comforting her family, trying her best to restore Big Mac and Granny Smith's confidence that Sweet Apple Acres was going to be alright. The looks her sibling responded with, as well as her elder, did not raise their morale. They knew they were safe, however, they felt scared for the future, much did everyone else.

Before entering the castle, Twilight was hit with a wave of exhaustion, but her anxiety would not let her rest. Seeing so many frightened ponies put her on edge and as a leader; a princess, it was her duty to reassure their safety. As if her soul had left her body, the alicorn looked frozen.

By the alicorn's side, Rarity spoke up, "I believe that's everypony. I hope they'll be alright."

"This place is more packed than the gala," Rainbow Dash brought up. "Do you really think leaving Ponyville was such a good idea, Twi?"

Snapping back to reality, her soul being tethered back into her body as she gave her head a quick shake, taking in Rainbow Dash's question, Twilight began to mumble, "Huh? I... I don't know, Rainbow." Finally, a sigh broke loose from her words. "This is hard for all of us, but what could we have done? I wanted to protect Ponyville with everything, but what choice did we have? Right now, I'm not sure of anything."

Her response only put Rarity and Rainbow Dash on edge, they exchanged looks of concern knowing that their friend was going through a difficult time.

"Well, if I may," Rarity opened up, presenting the alicorn with a comforting smile. "I think it was the right call to evacuate Ponyville, and you most certainly did a good job assuring and comforting the town."

With a weak smile, Twilight responded, "Thanks, Rarity, that means a lot, but Rainbow Dash does have a point. We should have done more, no, we could have if I didn't freak out with my magic back at the pit." She sulked, almost cursing herself as her head dropped down once more.

"You can't blame yourself for what happened back at Tartarus, Twilight," Rarity spoke truthfully. "You were scared and-"

"I know I was scared," Twilight quickly cut off, causing Rarity to flinch a little. "They got the better of me, both Chrysalis and Fright, I was afraid before I even encountered them, especially what happened in the fog, the cells, the announcement, but now we've got more to fear with Tartarus' breakout and the... The..."

With her words dying down, Rarity and Rainbow Dash could only see their friend work herself up, nearly steaming with disappointment, flaming over the incident that happened in Tartarus, but the deeper she dug into her memories, a flow of fear splashed down on her. Sulking, letting the anger fade, the alicorn dropped her head once more, drowning in a pit of worries and confusion.

"The Hunter..." Rainbow Dash finished.

Looking up, nearly jumping just by mentioning his name, Twilight gazed at Rainbow Dash with a look that almost felt empty of emotion, soon, trepidation began to fill her eyes.

"When Shining Armour and Holly came to save us from our cells, I was afraid to leave because of him... This Hunter really hates me and he claims that he knows my every move. Chrysalis, Fright, The Hunter... They have my friend, they have Spike and the more I show fear, the more I'm failing to reach him! I'm scared, but everypony is looking to me for answers, how can I restore their faith if I'm feeling anxious?" Twilight told, her throat nearly crumbling. "How can I tell them that everything's going to be alright?"

"Twilight, please... Deep breaths," Rarity told.

Quick to obey, the alicorn slowly dropped her words, inhaling deeply and slowly letting out the remnants of her stress, "I'm... I'm sorry." She apologised. "I'm just..."

"We're all scared, darling." The unicorn explained. "But we're safe here, nothing can hurt us, not Fright, not Chrysalis and certainly not that savage hunter." Rarity brought up their enemies with disgust.

"Ah managed to find Granny Smith and Big Mac the room Apple Bloom and her friends were stayin' in," Applejack approached.

"How are those three?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Right now, they're sleepin' like bears in hibernation." She told. "And ah think we should be gettin' some sleep as well."

"As great as that sounds, Applejack," Twilight started. "I don't think I can, my mind hasn't been able to shut off since we left Tartarus and I need to see the princesses."

"But what about Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash mentioned. "I thought we were going to see them?"

"Princess Celestia instructed me to meet them in the throne room once everypony had been secured into the castle. Could you girls go on ahead and check on Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?" The young alicorn asked softly.

"Ah suppose so," Applejack agreed. "I just hope they're both doin' alright."

"You'll know where to find us, right Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Of course." The young alicorn gently brushed a small smile over her face, but the happy expression wasn't enough to rid the exhaustion around her eyes. "I won't be long."

Tired and still shaken from her experience in Tartarus' pit, Twilight felt pummeled by doubts and shaken by fear. Inhaling deeply, she began to proceed through the entrance of the Royal Palace, advancing through the atrium. Breaking away like a leaf from a branch, Twilight began to walk away from her friends, moving like a zombie, infected by misery. Her wings didn't properly fold to her side, they were seen hanging a little.

"The poor darling's been through so much," Rarity commented, her voice layered in empathy. "I can't imagine the stress she must be enduring, especially the way that vile Queen Chrysalis tormented her about Spike..." Gently, she raised her hoof up to her chest, losing herself in a pool of memories. "I'd do anything to see him again..."

"We all miss him, Rarity," Rainbow Dash told.

"Come on, girls," Applejack rallied. "Let's go find Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy."

Following behind Applejack, Rainbow Dash hovered while Rarity fell behind a little, they wandered through the halls that were now and then occupied with Royal Guards and a few familiar faces from Ponyville. Although they were safe, their concern for each other grew in this new world that brimmed with dismay.

By her side, feeling herself slipping away into the clutches of sleep, Pinkie Pie relieved a yawn as her eyes targetted Fluttershy, trapped in the realm of dormancy, unable to wake up. Even though it was the fear-inducing fog that put her in this state, she looked oddly peaceful, sleeping behind her warm blanket. With her eyelids drooping, Pinkie Pie could barely keep herself awake at this point.

Finding the strength to force her eyes open once more, looking at her unconscious friend, Pinkie Pie became perplexed for a moment, confusion crumbling down on her like an avalanche. Flooding into her mind, she remembered how Fluttershy just charged into the fog back in Tartarus.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Pinkie Pie broke down into a whisper. "I'm sure our friends will know how to wake you up... Perhaps I should just give my eyes a little rest as well... For now..."

With her eyes drooping shut, smiling, she mumbled, "Don't you... Go anywhere..."

Soon enough, just before the tired pony's eyes had completely locked shut, she caught a glimpse of the bedroom door opening. Without any noise, the door failed to screech, instead, it slowly drifted open. With her mind switching to sleep, she failed to process that someone was entering the room.

"Pinkie Pie?"

Upon hearing the familiar voice, her heart jumped with joy. Forcing herself awake, her eyes widening and she relieved a sharp gasp, she hopped from the other side of the bed towards Rainbow Dash, tackling her to the ground and hugging her tightly.

As Rainbow Dash was tackled to the ground, Applejack and Rarity watched as they slid across the room. Knocked to the ground, feeling the force of her friend's embrace put Rainbow Dash into a mixed state of alarm and comfort.

"I missed you all so... So much!" Pinkie Pie screamed with joy, nearly crying.

"P-P-Pinkie... Can't br-Breathe!" The cyan pony struggled.

"Darling, we missed you too, but perhaps it would be best to let Rainbow Dash breathe," Rarity advised with a warm smile, entering the room just after the cyan pegasus had been intercepted.

With a light chuckle, Applejack felt content to see Pinkie once again.

"Oh, I was so-so-so worried!" Pinkie Pie finally hopped, releasing Rainbow Dash from her grip.

Targeting Applejack, the pink pony quickly zipped towards her, repeating her loving embrace, but not so rough this time.

"We're fine, Pinkie," Applejack eased, responding to her friend's embrace. "You did good gettin' Fluttershy to safety. We missed ya both deeply."

Dashing towards Rarity, Pinkie Pie was clinging to everyone, missing them greatly.

Feeling the force of her hug, Rarity simply smiled and calmed Pinkie's nerves, returning her embrace.

Picking herself up from the ground, Rainbow Dash approached the bed that tucked away her unconscious friend. Pouring over her heart, she had faced a wall of heartache to see that her friend had not yet awakened from this state.

"How... How has she been?" The pegasus asked faintly.

Pulling away from Rarity's position, Pinkie Pie began felt sadness pierce her happiness once again, with an unsure look, she responded, "I... I don't know." She confessed, approaching Rainbow Dash. "Princess Luna has been trying everything to wake her up, but she said something was interfering with her dream magic."

"You mean Princess Luna can't connect to Fluttershy's dreams?" Rarity questioned.

Sadly, Pinkie Pie nodded to her question.

"So waiting is our only option?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Maybe not," Applejack interjected. "There has to be somethin' to wake her up, what about Zecora? Is she here? She might have some sort of brew that'll wake her up. Did she arrive with everypony else?"

Trying desperately to recover their memories, it was obvious that they did not enter the Everfree Forest.

Aghast, with guilt washing over the white unicorn's face, she gasped, "We... We didn't leave Zecora behind, did we?"

Trouble arose when Rainbow Dash tried to form her words, her eyes hovering around as she tried to explain, "We were in a rush, she lives in the Everfree Forest!" With an irritated sigh, the cyan pony threw her head up and let off a growl. "We have to go back for her, she could be in danger and she might be our only help to waking Fluttershy."

"We can't go back to Ponyville, Rainbow," Applejack denied. "Ah want Fluttershy to wake up just as much as you, but-"

"Wait!" From the top of her lungs, Pinkie Pie screamed.

With her voice detonating their conversation, the pink pony looked around at her three friends. Unsure where to begin, afraid to even question them, but she felt compelled to join.

"Why... Why can't we go back to Ponyville?" The pink pony tilted her head, layered in confusion and curiosity.

All at once, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity swapped faces of regret and heartache. With the uncomfortable silence only lasting a few seconds but feeling like an hour to Pinkie Pie, she waited for an answer, however, their silence filled her with discomfort and angst.

"Listen, sugarcube," Applejack broke her gaze away from Rarity and Rainbow Dash, turning towards Pinkie. "Ah hate to break this to ya, but... We couldn't stop Chrysalis and Fright."

"What?" Pinkie Pie asked, fear rattling in her voice.

"We couldn't stop the breakout," Rainbow Dash joined in, however, her eyes failed to connect with the pink pony's. Instead, she presented a look of disappointment, concealing the anger that was pushed back.

"You- You mean..." Pinkie Pie trembled. "They won..."

"This... Is a lot to take in for all of us, Pinkie," Rarity commented, her delicate voice tried to reach her.

"We had to evacuate Ponyville because we lacked the defences." The cyan pegasus told, looking displeased. "After what Twilight went through, there wasn't much she could do."

"What happened to Twilight?!" Pinkie Pie nearly screamed.

"Relax, darling," Rarity cooed, approaching Pinkie Pie and resting a hoof on her back. "Twilight is quite alright."

Sharpening like daggers, Rainbow Dash's eyes pointed to the unicorn as her voice bounced with frustration, "Can you really say that, Rarity? Twilight's down in the dumps, she's scared and I think she's anything, but 'alright.'"

"I'm aware of her troubles, Rainbow." The unicorn returned a glare back at the pegasus.

"Can somepony please tell me what happened to Twilight?!" Pinkie Pie screeched, dragging both hooves along her face, panic pumping into her heart.

"Look, Pinkie," Applejack came forth. "Twilight's fine, she really is, but she had a run in with Fright's fear magic."

"Like the fog?" Pinkie Pie quivered.

"Sort of, but she's safe, she's with the princesses, you'll see her soon."

"So everypony was evacuated from Ponyville then?" She brought up. "Mr and Mrs Cake? The Cake twins? Are they here?"

"Yes, Pinkie, everypony's here," Applejack assured.

"And Gummy?"

Words departing from her mouth, leaving Applejack dumbfounded to continue, Rarity helped her explain.

"Pinkie, I don't know how to explain this, but it would appear all of our pets accompanied with Fluttershy's animals have simply vanished."

With a sharp gasp, Pinkie Pie presented a look of dread, "Gummy isn't here?"

"Neither is Tank," Rainbow Dash commented.

"Or Winona," Applejack joined.

"Opal wasn't anywhere in Ponyville either, however, there was a peculiar note left as Fluttershy's door," Rarity informed.

"Well, what did it say?" The pink pony questioned, her eyes glazing with curiosity. "What did it say?"

"That's the thing, we don't know," Applejack apprised. "It appears to be a load of nonsense if you ask me. But that letter might be our only hope to findin' out what happened to our pets."

"Well, where is it?"

"I believe it was left with Twilight," Rarity recollected.

"Considering it was taped to Fluttershy's door, we'd assume that she'd know what to make of it, but she hasn't woke up yet." Rainbow Dash said, her head slowly swung to her unconscious friend with intense worriment growing. "Our only hopes of waking her up from this state would have to be Princess Luna and Zecora."

Sinking like a ship, Pinkie Pie rested on the floor, absorbing the information that her friends messaged her with. From sad to worried, the pink pony was a puzzle of heartbreak.

"What... What do we do now?" She asked.

"We'll think of somethin'," Applejack allayed, placing a hoof on Pinkie's back. "Don't worry sugarcube."

With Applejack comforting Pinkie Pie, anxiety and trepidation cramming down into her system, her thoughts were swollen with fear. Needless to say, everyone in the room would be lying if they said they weren't scared. With the breakout being a success, they had a future to fear. Oddly enough, the only one that looked peaceful was Fluttershy, enveloped in her own world.

It had only been a few minutes since Celestia and Luna made their way back into the throne room, wanting to alert the whole world of the crisis that was executed in Tartarus, they both knew staying in silence wasn't an option. Not wanting to unleash fear into the world, they had to bring this message to the public. Every living thing must be warned of Tartarus' breakout.

However, before entering the throne room, Luna had presented news of her own, information that troubled her elder sister. Within the centre of the burnished and decorative throne room, the two alicorns looked like statues in their garden. Lifeless, still as if time had stopped working, Celestia's eyes were as wide as an owl's. In disbelief, left with a frown that wiped away her relief of returning home, she fell deep into a hole of disturbance.

Luna simply stared at her older sister. With a hint of worriment filling her expression, the Princess of the Night took a step closer towards her sibling, "Sister?"

Snapping towards Luna's position, "Who else knows of this?" Celestia asked.

"Only us, but she has a right to know, they have a right to know," Luna tried to convince.

"No!" Celestia quickly shut down. "Twilight Sparkle has been through too much tonight, the announcement, the fog, Chrysalis' torment and now this breakout. I... I don't know how much more she can take."

"Sister, she needs to know at some point," Luna cooed. "And what of Shining Armour, he has a right to know, he must be alerted of what happened!"

"I know!" Celestia trembled. "Just... They need time to heal, they will know, but not right now, not after tonight..."

"Very well," The Princess of the Night nodded. "I hope this is what's best for them."

Shrouded in disbelief, Celestia knew that Luna was right, she would eventually have to tell both Shining Armour and Twilight of this problem. Hit with trepidation; struck with dread, the Princess of the Sun had other things to clear with the world, such as preparing her announcement for the liberation of Tartarus' prisoners.

Unknown to both princesses, Twilight remained just outside the throne room. Her ears failed to pick up their concerned whispers, instead, she drifted into a world of her own. What seemed like an hour of wandering, but only a few minutes, the alicorn finally reached the throne room's doors. Pressing her hoof against the entrance, she was faced with the haunting memories of Spike's torment staining the throne room. With disappointment and sadness weighing down on her like an anvil, she held her head down, crumbling into misery.

Complicated, combined with mixed emotions, Twilight didn't know how to feel. Sad, angry, disappointed... Truth be told, she felt empty, devoid of happiness as if the feeling of joy never existed. Scared to enter the room that once brought accomplishments and happy endings, the alicorn trembled as she remembered every second of the agonizing torment her friend endured.

With great strength and courage, Twilight pushed the doors of the throne room open, catching the attention of both Luna and Celestia who darted towards the Princess of Friendship. Ignoring the stained windows, even though they did not possess any horrific visuals, the alicorn approached the two princesses.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna," Twilight greeted. "Ponyville's residents have all been secured, although, they are lacking faith. They're still scared."

"Thank you, Twilight," Celestia approved with a comfortable voice, soft like a pillow. "Your position as the Princess of Friendship has said a lot tonight, your bravery and dedication towards your friends and subjects have been inspiring. Fear will run its course, but we are safe here. I'm sorry there wasn't much we could do for Ponyville, but know this: Your home will not be abandoned or forgotten, Ponyville will be reclaimed. I will make sure of it."

"That means a lot, Princess," Twilight pleasantly lifted her head, feeling assured of her ruler's words, however, the satisfaction and assurance she felt was quick to fade, feeling the need to apologise. "I'm... I'm sorry for what happened in the pit. I'm sorry-"

"No," Celestia spoke, her soft voice becoming louder, almost ordering Twilight to stop in her sentence. "You have nothing to apologise for, what Fright did to you was inexcusable. I understand the fear you went through, the horror he twisted through your eyes. I understand the anger and hate you have for him, for Chrysalis and those who stand with them. They have gone too far..."


"Twilight..." Celestia continued. "I'm just contented that you're alright. I'm sorry for what you went through." Lowering herself down, the alicorn brought Twilight closer into a hug.

The embrace of her friend, mentor and ruler felt like a whole new world to Twilight, it's almost as if fear didn't exist, as if the pain was extinct from Equestria. Feeling at ease with Celestia's comfort, the serene sensation did not last long as she eventually had to break away from the young alicorn.

"If I may," Luna began. "Are you sure there's enough room in the castle for a whole town?"

"Of course." The Princess of the Sun acknowledged, turning to her sister. "And if there's not, we can make room. Ponyville will not be abandoned, we just need to give them a roof to sleep under for a while. I will not allow a village to fall to such demonic creatures."

"Understood, sister," Luna responded, for a moment, feeling doubtful. "I believe the world is ready to know now..."

"Is something wrong, Luna?" Celestia questioned.

"What we're about to do, this may change Equestria forever..." The Princess of the Night confessed. "I'm not saying we shouldn't warn everypony, but this may put a lot of them in fear."

"It needs to be done, Luna," Celestia calmly confessed. "Everyone must be alerted of this crisis, remaining silent isn't an option."

Without any verbal response, Luna simply nodded, signalling Twilight to come to her side.

Quick to obey, the Princess of Friendship proceeded towards Luna, away from Celestia's position.

Closing her eyes, locking them shut, Celestia located a place of peace, steadying her breathing, looking graceful and peaceful.

With her magic forming, holding up the barrier around Canterlot, Luna directed a beam towards her sister, flowing like a ribbon. Her energy did not hurt the Princess, it halted right in front of her, projecting a screen that mirrored Celesita's reflection.

As Luna maintained her energy and strength, holding up the barrier and broadcasting a message to the whole world was difficult, her mind began to irk, a headache clouding over her.

Sparking and flickering, Twilight looked around the throne room and noticed the stained windows of their victories all presented a projection of Celestia. Twilight's eyes widened as their victory over Discord and Nightmare Moon along the other accomplishments vanished with a flash of light. Throughout Equestria, projections of Princess Celestia spread. The Crystal Empire, Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Canterlot and even Ponyville and Manehatten. Luna's magic began surged throughout Equestria, projecting Celestia to every single being.


In the metropolitan city, awakening from their slumber by a jingle that was loud, yet delicate to travel through ears. Stallions, mares and foals gathered onto the streets, staring at the many projections of their ruler who remained still, calm as her soul bathed in readiness. Conversations began to spark, chattering and babbling rising. Most of the ponies felt alerted and worried, but others looked contented to see their graceful leader.


On her throne, wired with concern and curiosity, Princess Ember stared at the projection of Celestia that hovered in the sky, placing a claw under her chin and arching a brow as she watched the alicorn open her eyes to the world. Of course, many of the dragons began to raise questions, some in curiosity while others were hostile towards the projection. Some simply did not care.


All around Equestria, everyone sparked wide awake upon hearing the broadcast and seeing Princess Celestia who remained serene and undisturbed. Finally, the princess opened her eyes wide and stared into the eyes of the many ponies, griffons, dragons and every living thing. It was impossible to avoid this projection, at this point, the whole world was seeing Celestia.

On the streets, ponies wandered out to see the projection of their ruler. With tired eyes, they were quick to widen and removing the sleep that idled in their vision. Whispers travelled through the night, concerned and troubled about why the Princess of the Sun had awoken them so late.

In the royal palace, every window and mirror glimmered, flashing brightly as the white alicorn came into view, being witnessed by the Royal Guards, The Cakes, Lyra, Bon Bon, Dinky and Derpy and the rest of Ponyville's residents.

At this point, the whole world stared into Celestia's eyes.

Extravagant and charming, the guest room that contained five ponies had been uncomfortably quiet. Pinkie Pie remained seated on the uncluttered floor, clean and bright. Still shocked and struggling to cope with Tartarus' breakout, she didn't bother lifting a smile. Again, she could feel the clutches of sleep crawl up on her. Rarity and Applejack were left alone with their thoughts while Rainbow Dash rested her head against the bed, staring at her unconscious friend, losing herself in a cloud of wonders, desperately thinking why she chose to enter the fog.

Like a flare, flashing bright, Pinkie Pie was the first to take notice of the dresser mirror, failing to see her reflection, but witnessing Princess Celestia, looking tranquil.

With a stutter, Pinkie Pie forced her words out, perplexed with the mirror's function, "I-I think the mirror broke."

Each snapping out of their thoughts, their attention on Pinkie, Rainbow Dash hovered beside her while Applejack and Rarity trotted to the projection of Celestia.

Raising a brow, Rainbow Dash asked, "What's going on?"

Before anypony could answer, Princess Celestia's voice rose from the silence, standing tall with her wings tucked by her side, presenting a stern look, sounding clear and strong to Equestria, "Citizens of Equestria! Ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks and to every creature!" For a moment, there was a pause, one that glimpsed worriment to all. "It is with great anguish that I must inform you all that there has been a breakout in Tartarus."

Equestria exploded with shock, ponies gasping in horror, griffons were alarmed and yaks were confused. Sickened with Celestia's information, fear infected them like a virus. Foals clung to their parents, ponies held each other close as their hearts began to furiously pound against their chests.

Despite the panic the many ponies felt, Celestia continued, "But rest assured, the matter is being dealt with. It is imperative that all kingdoms and cities are placed on high alert. Secure from the-"

In a flash, Celestia's warning had been interrupted. With every projection blinking and ridding the image of the princess. Visions of the delicate ruler along with the throne room had snapped to darkness, only presenting the stitched, ill-repaired face of Fright, now seizing control over Celestia's message.

Eyes desolate of colour, staring at the open world, his new playground of fear, Fright's mouth remained confined behind his withering stitches, "I see your fears have finally bested you. All of that anxiety and paranoia in your eyes. How gratifying to see the ruler of Equestria powerless and scared, warning the world of her mistakes."

Canterlot's Throne Room

Drawing back from the screen projected by Luna, the tranquillity Celestia bonded with was quick to break, panic and anxiety now taking hold of her feelings. Aghast, Celestia's horrified look was quick to transform into anger, her voice rising.

"No... No!" She shouted. "Do not let him interfere!"

"I'm trying!" Luna responded, infuriated with the interruption.

Shocked much like her mentor, Twilight took a few steps back, staring heavily at the projection of the demented alchemist who took over the system.

Overcome with stress and tiredness, Luna did everything in her power to fight back the interference. Concentrated, her power grew, however, her aura that surrounded the screen faded to green. Without warning, the Princess of the Night felt a surge of discomfort burn her mind, stinging her head.

Letting off a growl in annoyance, Luna's magic was shut down from her own communication spell, however, she remained adequate to hold up the barrier around Canterlot. Weakened and nearly overwhelmed by her own energy, the Princess of the Night had lost control over her own communications spell.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight jolted, helping her up.

"I'm fine," Luna reassured, quick to rise back up.

Spreading like an infection, one by one, the stained windows of the throne room all displayed the unpleasant, ragged face of Fright, returning his voice to the public, having it creep down their spines.

"To all, you frightened souls: Don't bother with the princesses lies, their words will not package your safety nor will they erase the fear consuming you. As proven by tonight, your princesses are no strangers to failure, the prisoners of Tartarus are liberated from their cells, uncaged, free to do as they wish... And that terrifies all of you, doesn't it?"

Hunted by anger, Twilight turned away from all over the projections of her enemy. His voice was quick to scratch her ears, filling her with exasperation. Swiftly, the alicorn hurried out of the throne room, trying to escape the sight and voice of Fright, leaving both Celestia and Luna infuriated with the interruption.

As Twilight exited the throne room, she was met with multiple projections covering the windows, failing to escape from his sight and voice, it continued to travel through the castle. Desperately, she just wanted everything to go back to normal. Tonight would not end when it came to fear, pain and mockery.

"Can you see them? Take a wander, pry yourselves from your homes and see what terror has to offer. All the monsters, the beasts and demons that you all thought thrived in nightmares. They are picking at this world's flesh and bone."

Hurrying through the halls of the Canterlot's castle, Twilight felt her heart banging against her chest as if it wished to be released. She didn't know where she was going, all she wanted was to escape his voice, but no matter how far she chose to run, his dead, emotionless voice continued to spoil the air.

"How can the world know fear when you are blinded by harmony and peace, how can you feel terror's grip when gaps are bridged by friendship, how can dread fill the land when it has the wings of the alicorns to shield you. You want to be protected, secured and looked after by the princesses, by your leaders, so you have nothing to fear, but what will you do when they're afraid?"

At this point, the whole of Canterlot was nearly injected with doubt, questioning their safety, their faith and hope.

"Fear is more than just a branch connected to a tree of life, it is something more than just a natural occurrence. Fear is what keeps our lives from hollowing, without it, we are empty. From this moment on, harmony is nothing. Fear is everything! You are ruled by fear, controlled by fear and fear is controlled by me... Isn't that right, Twilight?"

As if her movement was stripped away; her free will vanquishing, Twilight locked in place the moment her name was voiced by the sadistic alchemist. Stressed, continued to be attacked by anxiety, the young alicorn found herself alone in one of Canterlot's hallways, dark and eerie along with the visuals of Fright.

"What happened at the pit cannot be ignored, not what you did. Do you fear what happened? What you did, what nearly cost your brother's life?"

Once more, the painful recollections that happened earlier choke her memories. Hurt and angered, Twilight simply stared at the immaculate floor of the castle, trembling as she gripped her eyes shut, blocking all visuals, but hearing well of his voice.

"I may inflict terror upon the minds of many, they usually scream, cower and cry, but what you did was... Different. You were scared, true to your fears, but how your nightmares deteriorated your control, how you lost your mind to dread was astounding. You nearly screamed your sanity away. You were inches from losing yourself to madness. That is what I want the world to see, those who stand with you, broken, shattered and scared and soon, it will come."

Trampled by complete sorrow, the lavender alicorn could only shield herself from the world, just like she did in the fog and Tartarus. Even when she wasn't infected with Fright's fear poison, she continued to feel swarmed by trepidation. Refusing to handle Fright's mockery, the alicorn simply muffled her distressed cries.

"You can't save your friends... You can't save Spike... No one is safe."

Deserted in the empty hall, the visuals of Fright finally had flickered off, his quiet, infernal voice had died in the silence. He had delivered his message to the world, his new world of fear.

It was heavy, this feeling Twilight felt. No matter how hard she tried to escape all of the horrors, it just came back to hurt her. From the announcement to the fog to Chrysalis' torment to Tartarus' breakout to evacuating everypony from her home, she couldn't take it. The terror, the misery, the sadness, it was crashing down on her like a comet. No matter how hard she tried to escape it, Twilight realised this torment, this agony and fear was going to last longer than she realised.

Scared, silently crying all alone in an empty hallway, the Princess of Friendship finally felt gripped by sleep, her soft tears slipping down her face as she felt sleepy... And then... Darkness.

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